Managing Disasters (During The Post-Event Phases) : What Can Be Done?
Managing Disasters (During The Post-Event Phases) : What Can Be Done?
Managing Disasters (During The Post-Event Phases) : What Can Be Done?
Disaster Management Cycle: Predisaster, During, and Postdisaster Phases In the predisaster phase to identify risk, hazard, risk, and vulnerability assessments are performed. Hazard can be defined as an interaction between humans and an extreme natural event with respect to cultural perceptions and value systems.10 The term risk includes probability and could, therefore, be defined as the actual exposure of something of human value to a hazard and is often regarded as the combination of probability and frequency, magnitude, and location. Elements at risk are the population and assets exposed in a vulnerability assessment. Since risk is identified using vulnerability and probability of hazard, therefore: Risk = Hazard x Vulnerability
The result of the risk assessment provides a function of hazard probability and vulnerability. Hazard monitoring and forecasting use GIS, mapping, and scenario building. At the end of this phase, risk is identified and mitigated. Land-use planning and building codes related to the risk can be updated and enforced in the community. The public could be educated about risks and trained in prevention. In emergency preparedness, early warning systems, communication systems, networks of emergency responders, shelter facilities, and evacuation plan are key elements. During the disaster phase, existing early warning systems could be used. In emergency response, humanitarian assistance, cleanup, temporary repairs, restoration of services, and damage assessment are the basic steps. After this phase, rehabilitation and reconstruction activities take place. Damaged critical infrastructure is reconstructed; budget and macroeconomic management issues are addressed; revitalization of affected sectors begins; and tourism, exports, and agriculture are managed.
Remote sensing is the measurement or acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon by a recording device that is not in physical or intimate contact with the object. In practice, remote sensing is the remote utilization (as from aircraft, spacecraft, satellite or ship) of any device for gathering information about the environment. Thus, an aircraft taking photographs, earth observation and weather satellites, monitoring of a foetus in the womb via ultrasound, and space probes are all examples of remote sensing. In modern usage, the term generally refers to techniques involving the use of instruments aboard aircraft and spacecraft. As disaster management work usually involves a large number of different agencies working in different areas, the need for detailed geographical information in order to make critical decisions is high. By utilizing a GIS, agencies involved in the response can share information through databases on computer-generated maps in one location. Without this capability, disaster management workers have to access a number of department managers, their unique maps and their unique data. Most disasters do not allow time to gather these resources. GIS thus provides a mechanism to centralize and visually display critical information during an emergency. There is an obvious advantage to using a map with remote sensing or GIS inputs instead of a static geographical map. A static map is mostly analogous and is not interactive. On the other hand, a vulnerability map with GIS input provides dynamic information with cause and effect relationship. As shown in Figure 6, the visualization effect is much more effective in the latter case.
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) rushed to the area. Local NGOs, government agencies, universities, and the public and private sectors are all working side by side to provide disaster relief.In general, these activities can be distinguished into three areas: Social activities (relief work, food, shelter, etc.) Scientific activities that could support social activities Scientific activities that support research The technology applied in these activities differs in context. For example, a better tsunami animation of the event would not be beneficial to relief workers. On the other hand, a detailed map of the damage area would be more functional. The following table shows the technology summary gathered from an e-mail questionnaire that was sent out to ESRI contacts who worked in the field: Hardware Computers, Laptops, Mobile Phones, GPS, Tabular Forms
ArcView, ArcGIS 9 (Military Analyst and Maplex extensions), MapInfo, ERDAS Topography, Census, Roads, Utilities, Bathymetry, Elevation, Geology, Land Cover, Landmarks, Hydrology, Administrative Boundaries, Tidal Datum, Orthophoto, GCP, LandScan (population), SRTM, DTED Levels 1 and 2, QuickBird, IKONOS, SPOT Interactive Maps (ArcIMS, Manifold, DM Solutions), Static Maps, Information Sharing for Coordination, Eroom and Groove Technology
Data Used
Internet Usage
prepared for the next one, the steps that should be taken are Assessment of risk Mapping the extent of the disaster Helping communities prepare Allocating resources Deploying personnel Monitoring emergencies in real time Saving lives Protecting property Identifying the key issues that can be solved by GIS and applying its technology can assist in preventing catastrophic loss of life and property in the future. An example of advanced GIS technology deployment is applied by MapAction. Below is the main information flow diagram that it is putting into practice. While deploying staff to a disaster area, predisaster mapping data is gathered and analyzed . At the same time, remotesensing imagery is obtained from the Earth Observation Satellite and the information is shared through communications satellite with the Internet and telephones. The field team starts collecting information using the mobile GIS mapping and GPS and sends the information to the base (figure 6). This fills one of the most important information gaps, namely, the location of people affected and critical infrastructures such as hospitals.
The development of reliable tsunami systems in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans must focus on COMMUNICATIONS, to a greater extent than on additional seismic sensors.
A further step in advanced technology implementation uses the satellite communicationsobservation data. The mobile GIS mapping and GPS connected to the hardware servers and data enables the established command center to reach decision makers, the media, and other information users. The Australia-based company Maptel is developing commandmap, a new system incorporating the use of GIS technology in real time with wireless technology to provide dynamic data exchange from field team to command center and other emergency service providers.