2010 - Methode Semi-Inverse

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A thesis submitted to the Universite Pierre et Marie Curie and ` Universita del Salento for the degree of Doctor

r of Philosophy

The Semi-Inverse Method in solid mechanics: Theoretical underpinnings and novel applications
Defended by

Riccardo De Pascalis
Jury : Advisor : Michel Destrade Advisor : Giuseppe Saccomandi Examinator : Antonio Leaci Examinator : Joel Pouget Reviewer : Ray Ogden Reviewer : Domenico De Tommasi

December, 2010

Universite Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 & ` del Salento Universita

Tesi di dottorato
Specialit`: Meccanica a Scuola di Dottorato: Dottorato di Ricerca in Matematica


Il metodo semi-inverso in meccanica dei solidi: Basi teoriche e nuove applicazioni

Tesi diretta da Michel DESTRADE e Giuseppe SACCOMANDI Discussione prevista il 7 dicembre 2010 davanti la commissione composta da: Michel Destrade Giuseppe Saccomandi Antonio Leaci Joel Pouget Ray Ogden Domenico De Tommasi Paris 6 (Direttore) Perugia (Direttore) Salento (Presidente) Paris 6 (Esaminatore) Glasgow (Relatore) Bari (Relatore)

Universite Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 & ` del Salento Universita

` These de doctorat
Spcialit: Mcanique e e e Ecole Doctorale: Sciences Mcaniques, Acoustique et Electronique de Paris e

prsente par e e RICCARDO DE PASCALIS

La mthode semi-inverse e en mcanique des solides: e Fondements thoriques et applications nouvelles e

Th`se dirige par Michel DESTRADE et Giuseppe SACCOMANDI e e Soutenance prvue le 7 dcembre 2010 devant le jury compos de: e e e Michel Destrade Giuseppe Saccomandi Antonio Leaci Joel Pouget Ray Ogden Domenico De Tommasi Paris 6 Perugia Salento Paris 6 Glasgow Bari (Directeur) (Directeur) (Prsident) e (Examinateur) (Rapporteur) (Rapporteur)

In the framework of the theory of Continuum Mechanics, exact solutions play a fundamental role for several reasons. They allow to investigate in a direct way the physics of various constitutive models (for example, in suggesting specic experimental tests); to understand in depth the qualitative characteristics of the dierential equations under investigation (for example, giving explicit appreciation on the well-posedness of these equations); and they provide benchmark solutions of complex problems. The Mathematical method used to determine these solutions is usually called the semi-inverse method. This is essentially a heuristic method that consists in formulating a priori a special ansatz on the geometric and/or kinematical elds of interest, and then introducing this ansatz into the eld equations. Luck permitting, these eld equations reduce to a simple set of equations and then some special boundary value problems may be solved. Although the semi-inverse method has been used in a systematic way during the whole history of Continuum Mechanics (for example the celebrated Saint Venant solutions in linear elasticity have been found by this method), it is still not known how to generate meaningful ansatzes to determine exact solutions for sure. In this direction, the only step forward has been a partial conrmation of the conjecture by Ericksen [36] on the connection between group analysis and semi-inverse methods [96]. Another important aspect in the use of the semi-inverse method is associated in uid dynamics with the emergence of secondary ows and in solid mechanics with latent deformations. It is clear that Navier-Stokes uid and an isotropic incompressible hyperelastic material are intellectual constructions. No real uid is exactly a Navier-Stokes uid and no-real world elastomer can be characterized from a specic elastic potential, such as for example the neo-Hookean or MooneyRivlin models. The experimental data associated with the extension of a rubber band can be approximated by several dierent models, but we still do not know of a fully satisfying mathematical model. This observation is fundamental in order to understand that the results obtained by a semi-inverse method could be dangerous and misleading. We know that a Navier-Stokes uid can move by parallels ows in a cylindrical tube of arbitrary section. We obtain that solution by considering that the kinematic eld is a function of the section variables only. In this way, the Navier-Stokes equations are reduced to linear parabolic equations which we solve by considering the usual no-slip boundary conditions. This picture is peculiar to Navier-Stokes uids. In fact, if the relation between the stress and the stretching is not linear, a i



uid can ow in a tube by parallel ows if and only if the tube possesses cylindrical symmetry (see [40]). If the tube is not perfectly cylindrical, then what is going on? Clearly any real uid may ow in a tube, whether or not it is a Navier-Stokes uid. In the real world, what is dierent from what it is predicted by the NavierStokes theory is the presence of secondary ows, i.e. ows in the section of the cylinder. This means that a pure parallel ow in a tube is a strong idealization of reality. A classic example illustrating such an approach in solid mechanics is obtained by considering deformations of anti-plane shear type. Knowles [72] shows that a non-trivial (non-homogeneous) equilibrium state of anti-plane shear is not always (universally) admissible, not only for compressible solids (as expected from Ericksens result [34]) but also for incompressible solids. Only for a special class of incompressible materials (inclusive of the so-called generalized neo-Hookean materials) is an anti-plane shear deformation controllable. Let us consider, for example, the case of an elastic material lling the annular region between two coaxial cylinders, with the following boundary-value problem: hold xed the outer cylinder and pull the inner cylinder by applying a tension in the axial direction. It is known that the deformation eld of pure axial shear is a solution to this problem valid for every incompressible isotropic elastic solid. In the assumption of non-coaxial cylinders, thereby losing the axial symmetry, we cannot expect the material to deform as prescribed by a pure axial shear deformation. Knowless result [72] tells us that now the boundary-value problem can be solved with a general anti-plane deformation (not axially symmetric) only for a certain subclass of incompressible isotropic elastic materials. Of course, this restriction does not mean that, for a generic material, it is not possible to deform the annular material as prescribed by our boundary conditions, but rather that, in general, these lead to a deformation eld that is more complex than an anti-plane shear. Hence, we also expect secondary in-plane deformations. The true problem is therefore to understand when these secondary elds can be or cannot be neglected; it is not to determine the special theory for which secondary ows disappears in our mathematical world. These issues are relevant to many stability issues. The present Thesis originates from the desire to understand in greater detail the analogy between secondary ows and latent deformations (i.e. deformations that are awoken from particular boundary conditions) in solid mechanics. We would also like to question those boundary conditions that allow a semi-inverse simple solution for special materials, but pose very dicult problem for general materials. In some sense we are criticizing all studies that characterize the special strain energy functions for which particular classes of deformations turn out to be possible (or using a standard terminology, turn out to be controllable). We wish to point out that our criticism is not directed at the mathematical results obtained by these studies. Those results can and do lead to useful exact solutions if the correct subclass of materials is picked. However, with regard to the whole class of materials that are identied in the literature, one has to exercise a great deal of caution, because models that are obtained on the basis of purely mathematical arguments may exhibit highly questionable physical behavior. For example, some authors have determined which elastic compressible isotropic materials support simple isochoric torsion. In fact, it is not of any utility to understand which materials possess this property, because these materials do not exist. It is



far more important to understand which complex geometrical deformation accompanies the action of a moment twisting a cylinder. That is why universal solutions are so precious (see [113]). These results may also have important repercussions in biomechanics. In the study of the hemo-dynamics, the hypothesis that the arterial wall deforms according to simple geometric elds does not account for several fundamental factors. A specic example of a missing factor is the eect of torsion on microvenous anastomic patency and early thrombolytic phenomenon (see for example [116]). Nonetheless, we do acknowledge the value of simple exact solutions obtained by inverse or semi-inverse investigations for understanding directly the nonlinear behavior of solids. The plan of the Thesis is the following: in the rst two chapters, we develop an introduction to nonlinear elasticity, essential to the subsequent chapters. The third chapter is entirely devoted to the inverse procedures of Continuum Mechanics and we illustrate some of the most important results obtained by their use, including the universal solutions. While the inverse procedures have been truly important to obtain exact solutions, on the other hand some of them may misguide and miss real and interesting real phenomena. Here we also begin to expose our criticism of some uses of the semi-inverse method and we describe in detail the anti-plane shear problem. The core of these considerations is presented in the fourth chapter (see also [28]). Here we illustrate some possible dangers inherent to the use of special solutions to determine classes of constitutive equations. We consider some specic solutions obtained for isochoric deformations but for compressible nonlinear elastic materials: pure torsion deformation, pure axial shear deformation and the propagation of transverse waves. We use a perturbation tecnique to predict some risks that they may lead to when they are considered. Mathematical arguments are therefore important when they determine general constitutive arguments, not very special strain energies as the compressible potential that admits isochoric deformations. In the fth chapter (see also [27]), we give an elegant and analytic example of secondary (or latent) deformations in the framework of nonlinear elasticity. We consider a complex deformation eld for an isotropic incompressible nonlinear elastic cylinder and we show that this deformation eld provides an insight into the possible appearance of secondary deformation elds for special classes of materials. We also nd that these latent deformation elds are woken up by normal stress dierences. Then we present some more general and universal results in the sixth chapter, where we use incremental solutions of nonlinear elasticity and we provide an exact solution for buckling instability of a nonlinear elastic cylinder and an explicit derivation for the rst nonlinear correction of Eulers celebrated buckling formula (see also [26]).

This research was supported by the Universit` del Salento, by the Universit` a a Italo Francese/Universit Franco Italienne(UIF/ UFI) under the Mobility grant e of VINCI 2008 (Funding for joint PhD between Italy and France), by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientique and by the Gruppo Nazionale per la Fisica Matematica of Italian Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica. I would like to express my thanks to the people who have helped me during the time it took me to write this Thesis. First and foremost, my gratitude goes to Michel Destrade and to Giuseppe Saccomandi, who I really thank for having been my supervisors, and who complemented each other wonderfully well. I am also grateful to: Martine Ben Amar (Paris), Alain Goriely (TucsonOxford), Corrado Maurini (Paris), Giorgio Metafune (Lecce), Gaetano Napoli (Lecce), Ray W. Ogden (Glasgow), Diego Pallara (Lecce), Kumbakonam R. Rajagopal (College Station), Ivonne Sgura (Lecce), Raaele Vitolo (Lecce). Special Gratitude goes to the Institut Jean Le Rond dAlembert and all the people of the Laboratory for having welcomed me during my second year of PhD and my long visit to Paris. Finally, I do not forget all the support I received from my friends in Lecce and in Paris and from my family, many thanks.

Introduction Acknowledgements Contents Abstract Sunto Rsum e e 1 Introduction to Elasticity 1.1 Kinematics of nite deformations . . . . . . . 1.2 Balance laws, stress and equations of motion . 1.3 Isotropy and hyperelasticity: constitutive laws 1.4 Restrictions and empirical inequalities . . . . 1.5 Linear elasticity and other specializations . . . 1.6 Incremental elastic deformations . . . . . . . . Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i v vi 1 5 9 13 13 15 16 19 19 21 23 25 25 25 26 30 31 31 32 32 34 35 37 39 39 46 49

2 Strain energy functions 2.1 Strain energy functions for incompressible materials 2.1.1 Neo-Hookean model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 Mooney-Rivlin model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.3 Generalized neo-Hookean model . . . . . . . 2.1.4 Other models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Strain energy functions for compressible materials . 2.2.1 Hadamard model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.2 Blatz-Ko model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Weakly non-linear elasticity . . . . . . . . . . . . . Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Inverse methods 3.1 Inverse Method . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.1 Homogeneous deformations 3.1.2 Universal solutions . . . . . 3.2 Semi-inverse method . . . . . . . . vii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 Notes . .

Simple uniaxial extension . . Anti-plane shear deformation Radial deformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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50 51 55 58 59 60 60 64 66 69 70 72 74 77 78 80 82 86 89 91 94 95 96 98 100 101 104 104 106 109 110 110 111 111 113 113 115 116 116

4 Isochoric deformations of compressible materials 4.1 Pure torsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.1 Formulation of the torsion problem . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.2 Pure torsion: necessary and sucient condition . . . 4.1.3 Some examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Pure axial shear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.1 Formulation of the axial shear problem . . . . . . . . 4.2.2 Pure axial shear: necessary and sucient conditions . 4.2.3 Some examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Some other meaningful isochoric deformations . . . . . . . . 4.4 Nearly isochoric deformations for compressible materials . . 4.4.1 Nearly pure torsion of compressible cylinder . . . . . 4.4.2 Nearly pure axial shear of compressible tube . . . . . 4.4.3 Another example: transverse and longitudinal waves Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Secondary deformations in nonlinear elasticity 5.1 An analytic example of secondary deformations 5.1.1 Equilibrium equations . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.2 Boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.3 neo-Hookean materials . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.4 Generalized neo-Hookean materials . . . 5.1.5 MooneyRivlin materials . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Final remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 A nice conjecture in solid mechanics . . . . . . . Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Euler buckling for compressible cylinders 6.1 Finite compression and buckling . . . . . . 6.1.1 Large deformation . . . . . . . . . 6.1.2 Incremental equations . . . . . . . 6.1.3 Incremental solutions . . . . . . . . 6.2 Euler buckling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.1 Asymptotic expansions . . . . . . . 6.2.2 Onset of nonlinear Euler buckling . 6.2.3 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Appendix A 119 Articles in the press relating our work [27] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Appendix B 129



Recently, the biomechanics of soft tissues has become an important topic of research in several engineering, biomedical and mathematical elds. Soft tissues are biological materials that can undergo important deformations (both within physiological and pathological elds) and they clearly display a nonlinear mechanical behaviour. In this case the analysis of the deformations by computational methods (e.g. nite elements) can be complex. Indeed, it is not easy to know exactly the right constitutive equations to describe the behaviour of the material, and often the commercial software turns out to be unsuited for dealing with trust the solutions for the corresponding balance equations. The geometrical nonlinearity of the model under investigation makes it very dicult to grasp the true physics of the problem and often the intuition of the engineer can do very little if it is not guided by careful and exact mathematical analysis. To this end the possibility of obtaining easy exact solutions for the eld equations is an important and privileged tool, helping us to gain a better understanding of several biomechanics phenomena. The semi-inverse method is one of few known methods available to obtain exact solutions in the mathematical theory of Continuum Mechanics. The semi-inverse method has been used in a systematic way during the whole history of Continuum Mechanics (for example to derive the celebrated Saint Venant solutions [5, 6]), but unfortunately this use has always happened essentially in a heuristic way, completely disconnected from a general method. Essentially, the purpose of the semi-inverse method consists in formulating a priori a special ansatz for the unknown elds in a certain theory and in reducing the general balance equations to a simplied subset of equations. Here, by simplifying action, one often means that the balance equations are reduced to an easier system of dierential equations (for example passing from a system of partial dierential equations to an ordinary dierential system, see [90]). The following Thesis, developed in six chapters, studies several points of view of this method and other connected methodologies. The rst chapters are essentially introductory while the others collect the results of research obtained during my PhD ([26, 27, 28]). The First Chapter is devoted to the denitions, symbols and basic concepts of the theory of nonlinear elasticity. In that chapter we dene the kinematics of nite deformation, introducing the concept of material body and of deformation. We introduce the balance laws, the stress and the equations of motion. We also propose constitutive concepts, such as those of frame indierence, material isotropy and hyperelasticity. We analyse the restrictions imposed on the mathematical models, such as the empirical inequalities of Truesdell and Noll, to ensure a reasonable 1


mechanical behaviour. The Second Chapter exhibits some special constitutive laws for hyperelastic materials. One of the problems encountered in Continuum Mechanics concerns the choice of models for the strain energy function for a good description of the mechanical behaviour of real materials. Here we describe some models (both for compressible and incompressible materials) that are commonly used in the literature, including: the neo-Hookean model, the Mooney-Rivlin model, the generalized neo-Hookean model, the Hadamard model, the Blatz-Ko model, and nally an expansion of the strain energy function with respect to the Green Lagrange strain tensor, used to study small-but-nite deformations. The Third Chapter introduces a small overview of the use of the semi-inverse method in elasticity. We show some examples which may be considered the most representative and/or meaningful and highlight their strengths and weaknesses. We apply the inverse method by searching universal solutions both in the compressible (where the only admissible deformations are homogeneous [34]) and in the incompressible case (where in addition to homogeneous, ve other inhomogeneous families have been found in the literature [33, 119]). The Ericksen result [34] shows that there are no other nite deformations beyond those homogeneous that are controllable for all compressible materials. The impact of that result on the theory of nonlinear elasticity was quite important. For many years there has been the false impression that the only deformations possible in an elastic body are the universal deformations [25]. In the same time as the publication of Ericksens result, there was considerable activity in trying to nd solutions for nonlinear elastic materials using the semi-inverse method. And the search of the exact solutions for nonlinear isotropic elastic incompressible materials, thanks to the constraint of incompressibility, has been easier than for the compressible ones. In other words it has been possible to nd exact solutions which are not universal. In recent years, there has been a great interest in the possibility to determine classes of exact solutions for compressible materials as well. One of the strategies used is to take inspiration from the inhomogeneous solutions for nonlinear elastic incompressible materials and to seek similar solutions in compressible materials. The Fourth Chapter focusses on the results obtained for compressible materials using this line of research. The object is to determine which compressible materials can sustain isochoric deformations such as, for example, pure torsion, axial pure shear and azimuthal pure shear. We believe that these lines of research can be misleading. To illustrate our thesis we have considered small perturbations on some classes of compressible materials capable to sustain a certain isochoric deformation. As a result, although the perturbation is small, the corresponding volume variation is not negligible. We emphasize that it does not turn out to be of any utility to understand which materials can sustain a simple isochoric torsion, because these materials do not exist, but it is far more important to understand which complex geometrical deformation accompanies the action of a moment twisting for a cylinder. Only in this way, can the results obtained with the semi-inverse method be meaningful. Among the examples of application of the semi-inverse method, we report the search of solutions for the anti-plane shear and radial deformation. In the


incompressible case we know that, for a general elastic solid, the balance equations are consistent with the anti-plane shear assumption only in the cylindrical symmetry case. We can say nothing when the body geometry is more general, since in that case the equilibrium equations for a generic elastic solid reduce to an overdetermined system that is not always consistent. This means that for general bodies, the anti-plane shear deformation must be coupled with secondary deformations. A complex tensional state is automatically produced in the body. The Fifth Chapter presents a short overview of the results already obtained in literature on the latent deformations (see [39, 63, 83]). Then we give a new analytical example for the above issue (see also [27]). We consider a complex deformation eld for an isotropic incompressible nonlinear elastic cylinder, namely a combination of an axial shear, a torsion and an azimuthal shear. After xing some boundary conditions, one can show that for the neo-Hookean material, the azimuthal shear is not essential regardless of whether the torsion is present or not. When the material is idealized as a Mooney-Rivlin material, the azimuthal shear cannot vanish when a non-zero amount of twist is considered. Applying the stress eld, obtained from the neo-Hookean case, in order to extrude a cork from a bottle of wine, then we conjecture that is more advantageous to accompany the usual vertical axial force by a twisting moment. The Thesis ends with a Sixth Chapter giving a new application of the semiinverse method (see also [26]). The celebrated Euler buckling formula gives the critical load for the axial force for the buckling of a slender cylindrical column. Its derivation relies on the assumptions that linear elasticity applies to this problem, and that the slenderness of the cylinder is an innitesimal quantity. Considering the next order for the slenderness term, we nd a rst nonlinear correction to the Euler formula. To this end, we specialize the exact solution of non-linear elasticity for the homogeneous compression of a thick cylinder with lubricated ends to the theory of third-order elasticity. This example is especially important because it supposes a general method, even if it is approximated, and it may be applied to several contexts. These results show again the true complexity of nonlinear elasticity where it is dicult to choose the reasonable reductions. Moreover the results obtained have an important applications in biomechanic, a topic that will be the subject of future research.

La Biomeccanica dei tessuti molli ` recentemente diventata un importante are gomento di ricerca in molti ambiti ingegneristici, bio-medici e anche matematici. I tessuti molli sono materiali biologici che possono subire deformazioni importanti (sia in ambito siologico che patologico) ed esibiscono un comportamento meccanico chiaramente nonlineare. In questo frangente lo studio delle deformazioni con metodi computazionali, come gli elementi niti, pu` essere molto complesso. Ino fatti, risulta dicile conoscere con sicurezza le equazioni costitutive giuste per descrivere il comportamento del materiale e il software commerciale risulta spesso inadeguato per arontare con sicurezza la risoluzione delle equazioni di bilancio corrispondenti. La nonlinearit` geometrica dei modelli in questione complica di a molto la realt` sica del problema e spesso lintuito dellingegnere pu` ben poco se a o non viene accompagnato da dettagliate e rigorose analisi matematiche. In questo frangente la possibilit` di avere semplici soluzioni esatte delle equazioni di campo a ` uno strumento importante e privilegiato per aiutare la nostra comprensione dei e vari fenomeni biomeccanici. Il metodo semi-inverso ` uno dei pochi strumenti a nostra disposizione per e ottenere soluzioni esatte nellambito della teoria matematica della meccanica dei continui. Il metodo semi-inverso ` stato utilizzato in modo sistematico gi` dai e a fondatori della teoria dellelasticit` lineare (si pensi alle famose soluzioni di Saint a Venant [5, 6]), ma purtroppo questo uso ` sempre avvenuto in modo euristico e e completamente sganciato da una metodologia generale. Sostanzialmente lo scopo del metodo semi-inverso ` quello di ssare a priori una e serie di assunzioni sui campi incogniti in una data teoria e di ridurre le equazioni di bilancio generali a sottoinsiemi semplicati di equazioni. Qui per azione semplicativa solitamente si intende che le equazioni di bilancio vengano ridotte ad un sistema di equazioni dierenziali pi` semplici (per esempio da un sistema di u equazioni alle derivate parziali si pu` passare ad un sistema dierenziale ordinario, o vedi [90]). La presente Tesi, nei sei capitoli in cui si sviluppa, studia diversi aspetti di questo metodo ed altre metodologie ad esso, in un certo senso, correlate. I primi capitoli sono di carattere introduttivo mentre i rimanenti riportano i risultati ottenuti durante il mio dottorato ([26, 27, 28]). Il Primo Capitolo ` dedicato alle denizioni, ai simboli e ai concetti base della e teoria dellelasticit` nonlineare. In questo capitolo si denisce la cinematica delle a deformazioni nite, introducendo il concetto di corpo materiale deformabile e di deformazione. Si passa poi alle leggi di bilancio, alla denizione di sforzo (stress) e alla formulazione delle equazioni del moto. Vengono quindi arontati i concetti 5


costitutivi come il concetto frame indierence, di isotropia materiale ed il concetto di iperelasticit`. Si analizzano le restrizioni imposte ai modelli matematici per assia curare un comportamento meccanico ragionevole come le diseguaglianze empiriche di Truesdell e Noll. Il Secondo Capitolo espone alcune speciche leggi costitutive di materiali iperelastici. Uno dei problemi maggiormente incontrati nelle applicazioni in meccanica dei continui riguarda la scelta di modelli per la funzione energia potenziale per poter descrivere al meglio un comportamento meccanico dei materiali reali. Qui descriviamo alcuni modelli (sia per materiali comprimibili che incomprimibili) che sono maggiormente utilizzati in letteratura, tra cui: il modello neo-Hookeano, il modello di Mooney-Rivlin, il mdello neo-Hookeano generalizzato, il modello di Hadamard, il modello di Blatz-Ko ed inne una funzione energia potenziale ottenuta come espansione in termini del tensore di Lagrange, utile questultima per piccole ma nite deformazioni. Il Terzo Capitolo presenta una piccola overview delluso del metodo semi-inverso in elasticit`. Si riportano solo alcuni esempi che possono essere considerati tra i a pi` rappresentativi e/o signicativi, sottolineandone i punti di forza e di debolezza. u Applichiamo il metodo inverso nella ricerca di soluzioni universali sia nel caso comprimibile (dove le sole deformazioni possibili sono quelle omogenee, [34]) sia nel caso incomprimibile (dove oltre alle deformazioni omogenee nella versione isocorica in letteratura sono state trovate altre cinque famiglie non omogenee [33, 119]). Il risultato di Ericksen [34] dimostra che non ci sono altre deformazioni nite oltre quelle omogenee che sono controllabili per tutti i materiali comprimibili. Limpatto di tale risultato sulla teoria dellelasticit` nonlineare ` stato fondamena e tale. Per molti anni c` stata la falsa impressione che le uniche deformazioni e possibili per un corpo elastico sono quelle universali (vedi [25]). Nello stesso tempo della pubblicazione del risultato di Ericksen, una considerevole attivit` di a ricerca cercava di trovare soluzioni usando il metodo semi-inverso. Per i materiali elastici nonlineari isotropi ed incomprimibili il vincolo di incomprimibilit` ha faa cilitato la ricerca delle soluzioni esatte rispetto ai materiali comprimibili. Ovvero ` stato possibile trovare soluzioni esatte che non sono universali. e Negli anni pi` recenti ci si ` molto interessati della possibilit` di determinare u e a classi di soluzioni esatte anche per i mezzi comprimibili. Una delle strategie adottate per trovare soluzioni esatte anche in questultimo caso consiste nel prendere ispirazione dalle soluzioni non omogenee per materiali elastici nonlineari incomprimibili e cercare simili soluzioni per materiali comprimibili. Nel Quarto Capitolo ci si interessa proprio ai risultati ottenuti per materiali comprimibili in questo lone di ricerca. Si tratta di determinare quali materaili comprimibili possono sostenere deformazioni isocoriche quali ad esempio la torsione pura, lo shear puro assiale e lo shear rotazionale puro. Questi loni di ricerca a nostro avviso possono essere molto fuorvianti. Per illustrare i nostri argomenti abbiamo considerato delle piccole perturbazioni su alcune classi di materiali comprimibili capaci di sostenere una particolare deformazione isocorica. Ne risulta che seppur la perturbazione pu` o considerarsi piccola la variazione di volume che ne corrisponde pu` non essere o trascurabile. Sottolineiamo quindi come non sia importante capire quali materiali elastici ed isotropi comprimibili possono subire ad esempio una torsione semplice ed isocorica, in quanto questi materiali in ogni caso sono inesistenti, ma piuttosto


capire quale geometria accompagna lazione di un momento torcente in un cilindro che viene idealizzato come elastico ed isotropo. Solo in questo modo i risultati ottenuti con il metodo semi-inverso possono essere capiti in modo profondo. Tra gli esempi di applicazione del metodo semi-inverso riportiamo la ricerca di soluzioni per la deformazione di anti-plane shear e per la deformazione radiale. Nel caso incomprimibile sappiamo che le equazioni di bilancio per un qualunque solido elastico sono compatibili con lassunzione di antiplane shear solo nel caso di simmetria cilindrica. Non sappiamo dire nulla quando la geometria del corpo ` pi` generale, in quanto in questo caso le equazioni di equilibrio si riducono ad e u un sistema sovradeterminato che non sempre risulta compatibile. Questo signica che in corpi generali la deformazione di anti-plane shear deve essere accoppiata a deformazioni secondarie. Ovvero anche se le condizioni al contorno risultano compatibili con una deformazione di antiplane shear, questa per essere ammissibile non pu` essere pura. Automaticamente nel corpo si crea uno stato tensionale o complesso. Cercare modelli speciali per cui questo stato tensionale viene meno non permette di capire veramente cosa succede nella realt`. a Nel Quinto Capitolo dopo aver brevemente esposto i risultati gi` ottenuti in a letteratura sulle deformazioni latenti (vedi [39, 63, 83]), presentiamo un nuovo esempio analitico e non approssimato della questione (vedi anche [27]). Consideriamo infatti un campo di deformazioni complesso per un cilindro elastico isotropo nonlineare ed incomprimibile: una combinazione di uno shear assiale, di una torsione e di uno shear rotazionale. Sotto la scelta di alcune condizioni al bordo, si dimostra come nel caso neo-Hookeano lo shear rotazionale ` inessenziale indipene dentemente se la torsione ` presente. Se il materiale invece ` idealizzato essere e e un materiale di Mooney-Rivlin, lo shear rotazionale nel caso di torsione non nulla ` strettamente necessario. Applicando il campo di stress, trovato nel caso neoe Hookeano, allestrazione di un tappo di una bottiglia di vino, congetturiamo inne che ` richiesta pi` forza a tirare solamente che tirare e torcere. e u La tesi termina con un Sesto Capitolo nel quale una nuova applicazione del metodo semi-inverso ` discussa (vedi anche [26]). La celebre formula di Eulero e sullinstabilit` in buckling trova il valore critico della forza assiale per un cilina dro snello che diviene instabile. La sua derivazione poggia sullassunzione di elasticit` lineare e che la snellezza del cilindro sia innitesima. Considerando a un ordine in pi` per il paremetro che misura la snellezza del cilindro, troviamo u la prima correzione non lineare alla formula di Eulero. Per fare questo, specializziamo le soluzioni esatte dellelasticit` nonlineare per la compressione omogenea a di un cilindro spesso con estremi lubricati allinterno della teoria dellelasticit` a del terzo ordine. Questo esempio ` particolarmente interessante perch` prevede e e lutilizzo di una metodologia generale, anche se in un certo senso approssimata, che pu` essere applicata in diversi contesti. o Questi risultati dimostrano ancora una volta come la teoria dellelasticit` sia un a argomento complesso dove ` dicile scegliere le semplicazioni ragionevoli. I risule tati ottenuti hanno inoltre un loro signicato applicativo in ambito biomeccanico che sar` argomento delle nostre prossime ricerche. a

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La biomcanique des tissus mous est rcemment devenue un sujet de recherche e e important dans nombreux domaines de lingnierie, y compris en bio-mdicine et en e e mathmatique. Les tissus mous sont des matriaux biologiques qui peuvent subir e e des dformations importantes (dans les rgimes physiologiques et pathologiques) e e et qui prsentent clairement un comportement mcanique nonlinaire. Dans ce e e e contexte, ltude des dformations en sappuyant sur des mthodes de calcul e e e numrique, comme les lments nis, peut tre savrer complique. En eet, e ee e e e il est dicile de conna avec certitude les quations constitutives exactes catre e pables de dcrire le comportement du matriau et les logiciels commerciaux sont e e souvent insusants pour aborder avec certitude la rsolution des quations none e linaires correspondantes. La nonlinarit gomtrique de ces mod`les complique e e e e e e grandement la ralit physique du probl`me et lintuition de lingnieur est soue e e e vent peu utile si elle nest pas accompagne par lanalyse mathmatique dtaille e e e e et rigoureuse. Dans ce contexte, la possibilit davoir des solutions exactes simples e pour les quations du champ est un outil important et privilgi pour nous aider e e e ` comprendre plusieurs phnom`nes biomcaniques. a e e e La mthode semi-inverse est un des rares outils ` notre disposition pour obtenir e a des solutions exactes dans la thorie mathmatique de la mcanique des milieux e e e continus. La mthode semi-inverse a dj` t utilise de mani`re systmatique par e eaee e e e les fondateurs de la thorie de llasticit linaire (on pense aux cl`bres solutions e e e e ee de Saint Venant [5, 6]); malheureusement, cette utilisation a toujours t employe ee e dune mani`re heuristique et compl`tement dtache dune mthodologie gnrale. e e e e e e e Essentiellement, le but de la mthode semi-inverse est dtablir a priori un e e certain nombre dhypoth`ses concernant les champs inconnus dans une thorie e e donne et de rduire les quations gnerales de lquilibre ` des sous-ensembles e e e e e a simplis dquations. Ici, simplier signie gnralement que les quations de e e e e e lquilibre sont rduites ` un syst`me dquations direntielles plus faciles (par e e a e e e exemple en partant dun syst`me dquations direntielles aux drives partielles, e e e e e on peut obtenir un syst`me dquations direntielles ordinaires, voir [90]). e e e Cette th`se, qui se dveloppe en six chapitres, tudie divers aspects de cette e e e mthode et aussi dautres mthodes, dans un certain sens, connexes. Les pree e miers chapitres sont introductifs et gnraux, alors que les suivants prsentent les e e e rsultats nouveaux obtenus pendant mon doctorat ([26, 27, 28]). e Le Premier Chapitre est consacr aux dnitions, symboles et concepts de e e base de la thorie non-linaire de llasticit. Ce chapitre dnit la cinmatique e e e e e des dformations nies par lintroduction des notions de corps dformable et de e e dformation. Nous passons ensuite aux quations de bilan, ` la dnition des e e a e 9


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contraintes et ` la formulation des quations du mouvement. Puis nous abora e dons les concepts constitutifs comme la notion disotropie matrielle et le cone cept d hyperlasticit. Nous analysons les restrictions imposes sur des mod`les e e e e mathmatiques pour assurer un comportement mcanique raisonnable, comme les e e ingalits de Truesdell et Noll. e e Le Deuxi`me Chapitre expose certaines lois constitutives pour les matriaux e e hyperlastiques. Un des principaux probl`mes rencontrs dans les applications e e e en mcanique des milieux continus concerne le choix de mod`les pour la fonction e e dnergie potentielle, permettant de mieux dcrire un comportement mcanique e e e des materiaux rels. Nous dcrivons ici certains mod`les (pour materiaux come e e pressibles comme incompressibles) qui sont souvent utiliss dans la littrature, y e e compris: le mod`le no-Hooken, le mod`le Mooney-Rivlin, le mod`le no-Hooken e e e e e e e gnralis, le mod`le dHadamard, le mod`le de Blatz-ko, et nalement une fonction e e e e e denergie potentielle obtenue comme expansion en termes dinvariants du tenseur de Green-Lagrange, et utile pour des dformations nies mais modres. e ee Le Troisi`me Chapitre prsente un aperu de lutilisation de la mthode semie e c e inverse en lasticit. Nous exposons des exemples qui pourraient tre considrs e e e ee comme les plus reprsentatifs et/ou importants, et nous mettons en vidence leurs e e forces et leurs faiblesses. Nous appliquons la mthode inverse dans la recherche e de solutions universelles dans le cas compressible (o` les seules dformations posu e sibles sont homog`nees, [34]) comme dans le cas incompressible (o`, en plus des e u dformations homog`nes, existent cinq autres familles de solutions universelles). e e Le rsultat de Ericksen [34] montre quil ny a pas dautres dformations nies e e autres qu homog`nes qui soient contrlables pour tous les matriaux compressibles. e o e Limpact de ce rsultat sur la thorie de llasticit non-linaire a t fondamene e e e e ee tal. Pendant de nombreuses annes, on a eu la fausse impression que les seules e dformations possibles pour un corps lastique sont celles qui sont universelles e e ` (voir [25]). A la m`me poque que celle de la publication des rsultats de Ericksen, e e e une activit considrable de recherche tait en cours pour essayer de trouver des e e e solutions en utilisant la mthode semi-inverse. La contrainte dincompressibilit a e e facilit la recherche de solutions exactes par rapport aux matriaux compressibles, e e o` il a t possible de trouver des solutions exactes qui ne soient pas universelles. u ee Ces derni`res annes, sest dvelopp un grand intr`t pour la possibilit de e e e e ee e trouver des classes de solutions exactes pour les solides compressibles. Une des stratgies utilises pour trouver des solutions exactes dans ce dernier cas est de e e sinspirer des solutions non-homog`nes pour matriaux lastiques incompressibles e e e et de rechercher des solutions similaires pour les matriaux compressibles. Dans le e Chapitre Quatre nous nous intressons prcisment aux rsultats obtenus pour les e e e e matriaux compressibles dans cette ligne de recherche. Il sagit de dterminer les e e matriaux compressibles qui peuvent soutenir des dformations isochores comme la e e torsion pure, le cisaillement axial pur et le cisaillement de rotation pur. Nous pensons que ces lignes de recherche peuvent tre tr`s trompeuses. Pour illustrer e e nos arguments, nous avons considr des petites perturbations sur certaines classes ee de matriaux compressibles capables de supporter une certain deformation isochore e particuli`re. Il sensuit que mme si la perturbation peut tre considre comme e e e ee tant petite, le changement de volume ne peut cependant pas tre ngligeable. e e e Nous soulignons par consquent quil nest pas important de comprendre quels e

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materiaux isotropes lastiques et compressibles peuvent subir par exemple une e torsion pure et isochore, parce que dans de tels matriaux nexistent pas, mais e plutt de comprendre la gomtrie qui accompagne laction dun couple dans un o e e cylindre qui est idalis comme lastique et isotrope. Cest uniquement de cette e e e faon que les rsultats obtenus avec la mthode semi-inverse peuvent tre compris c e e e dune mani`re approfondie. e Parmi les exemples dapplication de la mthode semi-inverse nous rappore tons la recherche de solutions ` la dformation de cisaillement anti-plan et ` a e a la dformation radiale. Dans le cas incompressible nous savons que les quations e e de bilan, pour nimporte quel solide lastique, sont compatibles avec lhypoth`se e e de cisaillement anti-plan seulement dans le cas de symmtrie cylindrique. Nous e ne pouvons pas progresser lorsque la gomtrie du corps est plus gnrale, parce e e e e qualors, les quations dquilibre sont rduites ` un syst`me surdtermin qui e e e a e e e nest pas toujours compatible. Cela signie quen gnral, la dformation de cie e e saillement anti-plan doit tre couple avec une dformation secondaire. Donc mme e e e e si les conditions aux limites sont compatibles avec une deformation de cisaillement anti-plan, celle-ci ne peut pas tre pure pour tre admissible. Automatiquement e e dans le corps on a cr un tat de contrainte complexe. Rechercher des mod`les ee e e spciaux pour lesquels cet tat de contraintes est absent, ne peut pas vraiment e e nous aider comprendre ce qui se passe dans la ralit. e e Dans le Cinqui`me Chapitre, apr`s avoir bri`vement prsent les rsultats dj` e e e e e e ea obtenus dans la littrature sur les dformations latentes (voir [39, 63, 83]), nous e e prsentons un nouvel exemple analytique de la question (voir aussi [27]). En fait e nous considrons un champ de dformation complexe pour un cylindre elastique e e non-linaire isotrope et incompressible: une combinaison dune ination, dune e torsion, et dun cisaillement hlico e dal. Avec le choix de certaines conditions aux limites, nous montrons que dans le cas no-Hooken le cisaillement de rotation est e e inessentiel, peu importe si la torsion est prsente. Si le matriau est idealis comme e e e un mod`le de Mooney-Rivlin, alors il faut avoir ncessairement le cisaillement de e e rotation avec la torsion non nulle. Avec lapplication ` la mcanique de lextraction a e dun bouchon dune bouteille de vin, enn, nous conjecturons qu il faut ncessite e plus de force pour tirer seulement que tirer et tordre. La th`se se termine par un Sixi`me Chapitre dans lequel une nouvelle applie e cation de la mthode semi-inverse est discute (voir aussi [26]). La cl`bre fore e ee mule dEuler sur linstabilit en ambage trouve la valeur critique de la force e axiale dun cylindre svelte instable. Ce calcul est bas sur lhypoth`se dune e e lasticit linaire, o` la nesse du cylindre est innitsimale. Considrant un ordre e e e u e e suprieur pour la minceur, nous trouvons une premi`re correction non-linaire ` e e e a cette n, nous spcialisons les solutions exactes de llasticit la formule dEuler. A e e e non-linaire pour la compression homog`ne dun cylindre pais avec extrmits e e e e e lubries ` la thorie de llasticit de troisi`me ordre. Cet exemple est partie a e e e e culi`rement intressant car il implique lutilisation dune mthodologie gnrale, e e e e e bien que dans un certain sens approximative, qui peut tre applique dans dirents e e e contextes. Ces rsultats dmontrent une fois de plus que la thorie de llasticit est un e e e e e sujet complexe, o` est dicile choisir des simplications raisonnable. Les rsultats u e obtenus ont aussi une leur importance dans la biomcanique, qui sera lobjet de e

12 notre prochaine recherche.

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Chapter 1 Introduction to Elasticity

This introductory chapter presents some basic concepts of continuum mechanics, symbols and notations for future reference.


Kinematics of nite deformations

We call B a material body, dened to be a three-dimensional dierentiable manifold, the elements of which are called particles (or material points) P . This manifold is referred to a system of co-ordinates which establishes a one-to-one correspondence between particles and a region B (called a conguration of B) in three-dimensional Euclidean space by its position vector X(P ). As the body deforms, its conguration changes with time. Let t I R denote time, and associate a unique Bt , the conguration at time t of B; then the one-parameter family of all congurations {Bt : t I} is called a motion of B. It is convenient to identify a reference conguration, Br say, which is an arbitrarily chosen xed conguration at some prescribed time r. Then we label by X any particle P of B in Br and by x the position vector of P in the conguration Bt (called current conguration) at time t. Since Br and Bt are congurations of B, there exists a bijection mapping : Br Bt such that x = (X) and X = 1 (x). (1.1)

The mapping is called the deformation of the body from Br to Bt and since the latter depends on t, we write x = t (X) and X = 1 (x), t instead of (1.1), or equivalently, x = (X, t) and X = 1 (x, t), (1.3) (1.2)

for all t I. For each particle P (with label X), t describes the motion of P with t as parameter, and hence the motion of B. We assume that a sucient number of derivatives of t (with respect to position and time) exists and that they are continuous. 13


Chapter 1. Introduction to Elasticity

The velocity v and the acceleration a of a particle P are dened as vx= and (X, t) t (1.4)

2 (X, t), (1.5) t2 respectively, where the superposed dot indicates dierentiation with respect to t at xed X, i.e. the material time derivative. We assume that the body is a contiguous collection of particles; we call this body a continuum and we dene the deformation gradient tensor F as a secondorder tensor, x = Grad x Grad (X, t). (1.6) F = X Here and henceforth, we use the notation Grad, Div, Curl (respectively grad, div, curl) to denote the gradient, divergence and curl operators in the reference (respectively, current) conguration, i.e with respect to X (respectively, x). We introduce the quantity J = detF (1.7) avx= F 1 = grad X. (1.8)

and assume that J = 0, in order to have F invertible, with inverse

In general the deformation gradient F depends on X, i.e. varies from point to point and such deformation is said to be inhomogeneous. If, on the other hand, F is independent of X for the body in question then the deformation is said to be homogeneous. If the deformation is such that there is no change in volume, then the deformation is said to be isochoric, and J 1. (1.9)

Chapter 1. Introduction to Elasticity


A material for which (1.9) holds for all deformations is called an incompressible material. The polar decomposition theorem of linear algebra applied to the nonsingular tensor F gives two unique multiplicative decompositions: F = RU and F = V R, (1.10)

where R is the rotation tensor (and characterizes the local rigid body rotation of a material element), U is the right stretch tensor, and V is the left stretch tensor of the deformation (U and V describe the local deformation of the element). Using this decomposition for F , we dene two tensor measures of deformation called the left and right Cauchy-Green strain tensors, respectively, by B = F F T = V 2, C = F T F = U 2. (1.11)

The couples (U ,V ) and (B,C) are similar tensors, that is, they are such that V = RU RT , B = RCRT , (1.12)

and therefore U and V have the same principal values 1 , 2 , 3 , say, and B and C have the same principal values 2 , 2 , 2 . Their respective principal directions 1 2 3 and are related by the rotation R, = R. (1.13)

The s are the stretches of the three principal material lines; they are called principal stretches.


Balance laws, stress and equations of motion

Let Ar , in the reference conguration, be a set of points occupied by a subset A of a body B. We dene a function m called a mass function in the following way m(Ar ) =

r dV,


where r is the density of mass per unit volume V . In the current conguration, the mass of At is calculated as m(At ) =



where in this case is the density of mass per unit volume v. The local mass conservation law is expressed by = J 1 r , or equivalentely in the form + divv = 0. (1.17) (1.16)


Chapter 1. Introduction to Elasticity

This last form of mass conservation equation is also known as the continuity equation. The forces that act on any part At Bt of a continuum B are of two kinds: a distribution of contact forces, which we denote tn per unit area of the boundary At of At , and a distribution of body forces, denoted b per unit volume of At . Applying the Cauchy theorem, we know that there exists a second-order tensor called the Cauchy stress tensor, which we denote T , such that (i) for each unit vector n, tn = T n, where T is independent of n, (ii) TT = T, and (iii) T satises the equation of motion, divT + b = a. (1.20) (1.19) (1.18)

Often, the Cauchy stress tensor is inconvenient in solid mechanics because the deformed conguration generally is not known a priori. Conversely, it is convenient to use the material description. To this end, we introduce the engineering stress tensor TR, also known as the rst Piola-Kirchho stress tensor, in order to dene the contact force distribution tN TRN in the reference conguration TR = JT F T . (1.21) It is then possible to rewrite the balance laws corresponding to (1.18), (1.19) and (1.20), in the following form tN = TRN , (1.22) TRF T = F TRT , DivTR + r br = r x, (1.23) (1.24)

where br denotes the body force per unit volume in the reference conguration.


Isotropy and hyperelasticity: laws



We call nominal stress tensor the transpose of TR that we denote by (1.25)

and we call hyperelastic a solid whose elastic potential energy is given by the strain energy function W (F ) and such that S= W (F ), F (1.26)

Chapter 1. Introduction to Elasticity


holds, relating the nominal stress and the deformation, or equivalently, such that T = J 1 W T T F , F (1.27)

relating the Cauchy stress and the deformation. In component form (1.26) and (1.27) read, respectively, Sji = W Fij , Tij = J 1 W Fj . Fi (1.28)

A material having the property that at a point X of undistorted state, every direction is an axis of material symmetry, is called isotropic at X. A hyperelastic material which is isotropic at every material point in a global undistorted material is called an isotropic hyperelastic material ; in this case, the strain energy density function can be expressed uniquely as a symmetric function of the principal stretches or in terms of the principal invariants I1 , I2 , I3 of B (or equivalently, the principal invariants of C, because in the isotropic case they coincide for every deformation F ), or in terms of the principal invariants i1 , i2 , i3 of V . Thus, W = W (1 , 2 , 3 ) = W (I1 , I2 , I3 ) = W (i1 , i2 , i3 ), say, where I1 = trB, The principal invariants I1 , I2 , I3 of B are given in terms of the principal stretches by I1 = 2 + 2 + 2 , 1 2 3 I2 = 2 2 + 2 2 + 2 2 , 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 I3 = 1 2 3 . The principal invariants of V (and hence of U ), i1 , i2 , i3 , are given by: i1 = trV = 1 + 2 + 3 , i2 = 1 [i2 trV ] = 2 3 + 3 1 + 1 2 , 2 1 i3 = detV = 1 2 3 . (1.32) (1.31)
1 I2 = 2 [(trB)2 trB 2 ],

(1.29) (1.30)

I3 = det B.

The principal invariants of B, given in (1.31), are connected with the principal invariants of V given in (1.32) by the relations I1 = i2 2i2 , 1 I2 = i2 2i1 i3 , 2 I3 = i 2 . 3 (1.33)

It is usual to require (for convenience) that the strain-energy function W should vanish in the reference conguration, where F = I, I1 = I2 = 3, I3 = 1, 1 = 2 = 3 = 1. Thus, W (3, 3, 1) = 0, W (1, 1, 1) = 0. (1.34) After some algebraic manipulations, follow two useful forms for the general constitutive equation, which we write as T = 0 I + 1 B + 2 B 2 , (1.35)

18 or, using the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, as

Chapter 1. Introduction to Elasticity

T = 0 I + 1 B + 1 B 1 , where i = i (I1 , I2 , I3 ), j = j (I1 , I2 , I3 ),



i = 0, 1, 2; j = 0, 1, 1, are called the material or elastic response functions. In terms of the strain energy function they are given by W W 2 I2 , + I3 0 (I1 , I2 , I3 ) = 0 I2 2 = I2 I3 I3 2 W 1 (I1 , I2 , I3 ) = 1 + I1 2 = , I3 I1 W 1 (I1 , I2 , I3 ) = I3 2 = 2 I3 . I2


When the hyperelastic isotropic material is also incompressible, it is possible to rewrite (1.35) and (1.36) as T = pI + 1 B + 2 B 2 , and T = pI + 1 B + 1 B 1 , (1.40) respectively, where p is an undetermined scalar function of x and t (p is a Lagrange multiplier). The undetermined parameter p diers in (1.39) and (1.40) by a 2I2 (W/I2 ) term. Then the material response coecients i = i (I1 , I2 ) and j = j (I1 , I2 ) with i = 1, 2 and j = 1, 1 are dened respectively by 1 = 1 + I1 2 = 2 W , I1 1 = 2 = 2 W . I2 (1.41) (1.39)

We say that a body B is homogeneous if it is possible to choose a single reference conguration Br of the whole body so that the response functions are the same for all particle. The formulae (1.35), (1.36), (1.39) and (1.40), may be replaced by any other set of three independent symmetric invariants, for example by i1 , i2 , i3 , the principal invariants of V . When the strain energy function W depends by the principal stretches, the principal Cauchy stress components (that we denote by Ti , i = 1, 2, 3) are given by i W Ti = (1.42) J i for compressible materials, and by Ti = i for incompressible materials. W p, i (1.43)

Chapter 1. Introduction to Elasticity



Restrictions and empirical inequalities

The response functions j are not completely arbitrary but must meet some requirements. First of all, if we ask our compressible (incompressible) model to be stress free in the reference conguration, then they must satisfy 0 + 1 + 1 = 0, ( + 1 + 1 = 0), p (1.44)

where j = (3, 3, 1) (and p = p(3, 3, 1)) are the values of the material functions (1.37) in the reference conguration. In general (to have hydrostatic stress T 0 ) they must satisfy T 0 = (0 + 1 + 1 )I, (T 0 = (0 + 1 + 1 )I). p (1.45)

The question of what other restrictions should be imposed in general on the strain energy functions of hyperelasticity theory, in order to capture the actual physical behavior of isotropic materials in nite deformation is of no less importance, and forms the substance of Truesdells problem. To model real material behavior, we assume that the response functions j are compatible with fairly general empirical descriptions of mechanical response, derived from carefully controlled large deformation tests of isotropic materials. To this end we assume that the empirical inequalities imposed by Truesdell and Noll hold (see [127]). They are, in the compressible case, 0 0, and in the incompressible case, 1 > 0, 1 0. (1.47) 1 > 0, 1 0, (1.46)


Linear elasticity and other specializations

In the special case of linear (linearized) elasticity, some constitutive restrictions must be considered also in order to reect the real behavior of the material, and these restrictions lead to some important assumptions on the physical constants. Hence, let u = x X be the mechanical displacement. In the case of small strains, the linear theory of elasticity is based on the following equations T = C[], = 1 u + uT , 2 DivT + br = , u (1.48) (1.49) (1.50)

where denotes the innitesimal strain tensor and C the fourth-order tensor of elastic stiness. These three equations represent the stress-strain law, straindisplacement relation, and the equation of motion, respectively. When the body is homogeneus and isotropic, the constitutive equation (1.48) reduces to T = 2 + (tr)I, (1.51)


Chapter 1. Introduction to Elasticity

where and are the so-called Lam constants or, in the inverted form, e = where 1 [(1 + )T (trT )I] , E (1.52)

(2 + 3) , = . (1.53) + 2( + ) The second Lam constant determines the response of the body in shear, at e least within the linear theory, and for this reason is called the shear modulus. The constant E is known as Youngs modulus, the constant as Poissons ratio, and the quantity = (2/3) + as the modulus of compression or bulk modulus. A linearly elastic solid should increase its length when pulled, should decrease its volume when acted on by a pure pressure, and should respond to a positive shearing strain by a positive shearing stress. These restrictions are equivalent to either sets of inequalities E= > 0, > 0; E > 0, 1 < 1/2. In the incompressible case, the constitutive equation (1.51) is replaced by T = 2 pI, (1.56) (1.54) (1.55)

in which p is an arbitrary scalar function of x and t, independent of the strain . In the limit of incompressibility (tr 0) , , = E , 3 1 2 (1.57)

so that the strain-stress relation (1.52) becomes = 1 [3T (trT )I] . 2E (1.58)

The components of the strain tensor (1.49) must satisfy the compatibility conditions of Saint Venant, which can be written in terms of the strain components as ij,hk + hk,ij ik,jh + jh,ik = 0, (1.59)

where i, j, h, k = 1, 2, 3 and ij,hk = 2 ij /(xh xk ). Writing (1.59) in full, the 81 possible equations reduce to six essential equations, which are 212,12 = 11,22 + 22,11 , and a further two by cyclic exchanges of indices, and 11,23 = (12,3 + 31,2 23,1 )1 , (1.61) (1.60)

and a further two by cyclic exchanges of indices. Introducing the equations (1.52) and (1.50) into the compatibility conditions (1.59) in the isotropic and homogeneous case, we obtain Michells equations Tij,kk + 1 Tkk,ij = i,j bk,k (bi,j + bj,i ), 1+ 1 (1.62)

Chapter 1. Introduction to Elasticity or Beltramis simpler equations, in the case of no or constant body forces, Tij,kk + 1 Tkk,ij = 0. 1+



Let us consider the shear modulus > 0 and the bulk modulus > 0 and go back to the hyperelastic case. For consistency with the linearized isotropic elasticity theory, the strain-energy function must satisfy W1 + 2W2 + W3 = 0, W11 + 4W12 + 4W22 + 2W13 + 4W23 + W33 = + , 4 3 (1.64)

where Wi = W /Ii , Wij = 2 W /(Ii Ij ) (i, j = 1, 2, 3) and the derivatives are evaluated for I1 = I2 = 3, and I3 = 1. We can observe that (1.64)1 is equivalent to (1.44). The analogues of (1.64) for W (i1 , i2 , i3 ) are W1 + 2W2 + W3 = 0, 4 W11 + 4W12 + 4W22 + 2W13 + 4W23 + W33 = + , 3 where Wi = W /ii , Wij = 2 W /(ii ij ) (i, j = 1, 2, 3) and the derivatives are evaluated for i1 = i2 = 3, and i3 = 1. If instead of (1.64) and (1.65), the form W (1 , 2 , 3 ) of the strain energy function is considered, then it must satisfy Wi (1, 1, 1) = 0 2 Wij (1, 1, 1) = (i = j), 3 4 Wii = + , 3 (1.66) (1.65)

where, in the latter, no summation is implied by the repetition of the index i, the notation Wi = W /i , Wij = 2 W /(i j ) (i, j = 1, 2, 3) is adopted, and the derivatives are evaluated for 1 = 2 = 3 = 1.


Incremental elastic deformations

Let us consider the deformation of a body B relative to a given reference conguration x = (X) and then suppose that the deformation is changed to x = (X). The displacement of a material particle due to this change is x say, dened by x = x x = (X) (X) (X), and its gradient is Grad = Grad Grad F . (1.67) (1.68)

When x is expressed as a function of x we call it the incremental mechanical displacement, u = x(x). For a compressible hyperelastic material (1.26), the associated nominal stress dierence is W W S = S S = (F ) (F ), F F (1.69)

22 which has the linear approximation

Chapter 1. Introduction to Elasticity

S = AF , where A is the fourth-order tensor of elastic moduli, with components Aij = Aji = The component form of (1.70) is Si = Aij Fj , 2W . Fi Fj




which provides the convention for dening the product appearing in (1.70). The corresponding form of (1.70) for incompressible materials is S = AF pF 1 + pF 1 F F 1 , (1.73)

where p is the increment of p and A has the same form as in (1.71). Equation (1.73) is coupled with the incremental form of the incompressibility constraint (1.9), tr(F F 1 ) = 0. (1.74)

From the equilibrium equation (1.24) and its counterpart for , we obtain by subtraction the equations of static equilibrium in absence of body forces, DivS = 0,


which does not involve approximation. In its linear approximation, S is replaced by (1.70) or (1.73) with (1.74). When the displacement boundary conditions on Br are prescribed, the incremental version is written as x= on Br (1.76)

or in the case of tractions boundary conditions (1.22), as T S N = on Br , (1.77)

where and are the prescribed data for the incremental deformation . It is often convenient to use the deformed conguration Bt as the reference conguration instead of the initial conguration Br and one needs therefore to treat all incremental quantities as functions of x instead of X. Making use of the following denitions u(x) = (1 (x)), = F F 1 , = J 1 F S, (1.78)

and of the fourth-order (Eulerian) tensor A0 of instantaneous elastic moduli, whose components are given in terms of those of A by A0piqi = J 1 Fp Fq Aij , (1.79)

Chapter 1. Introduction to Elasticity it follows that = gradu and the equilibrium equations (1.75) become divT = 0, where for compressible materials = A0 , and for incompressible materials = A0 + p pI, tr divu = 0.





where now J = 1 in (1.79). The incompressibility constraint (1.74) takes the form (1.83)

When the strain energy function W is given as a symmetrical function of the principal strains W = W (1 , 2 , 3 ), the non-zero components, in a coordinate system aligned with the principal axes of strain, are given in general by [95] JA0iijj = i j Wij , i JA0ijij = (i Wi j Wj )2 /(2 2 ), i j JA0ijji = (j Wi i Wj )i j /(2 i JA0ijij = (A0iiii A0iijj + i Wi )/2, JA0ijji = A0jiij = A0ijij i Wi ,

i = j, i = j , i = j, i = j , i = j, i = j , i = j, i = j , (1.84)

2 ), j

(no sums), where Wij 2 W /(i j ).

In this chapter we have only introduced some basic concepts, denitions, symbols and basic relationships of continuum mechanics in the eld of elasticity. Although there is an extensive literature on the thermomechanics of elastomers, our setting here is purely isothermal and no reference is made to thermodynamics. For literature on this introductory part, we refer mainly to: Atkin and Fox [4], Beatty [9], Gurtin [50], Holzapfel [57], Landau and Lifshitz [76], Leipholz [77], Ogden [95], Spencer [121] and Truesdell and Noll [127]. These books are an excellent survey of some selected topics in elasticity with an updated list of references. In Truesdell and Noll [127] (see Section 43), a material is called elastic if it is simple 1 and if the stress at time t depends only on the local conguration at time t, and not on the entire past history of the motion. This means that the constitutive equation must be expressed as T = G(F ), (1.85)

where T is the Cauchy stress tensor, F is the deformation gradient at the present time, taken with respect to a xed but arbitrary, local reference conguration and

A material is simple if and only if its response to any deformation history is known as soon as its response to all homogeneous irrotational histories is specied (see Section 29 in [127]).


Chapter 1. Introduction to Elasticity

G is the response function of the elastic material. It is important to point out that in recent years, Rajagopal [103, 104] asserted that this interpretation is much too restrictive and he illustrated his thesis by introducing implicit constitutive theories that can describe the non-dissipative response of solids. Hence, Rajagopal gives the constitutive equation for the mathematical model of an elastic material in the form F(F , T ) = 0, (1.86) and in [104] gives some interesting conceptual and theoretical reasons to adopt implicit constitutive equations. In [103], Rajagopal and Srinivasa show that the class of solids that are incapable of dissipation is far richer than the class of bodies that is usually understood as being elastic. In the last section of this chapter, we introduced the linearized equations for incremental deformations. They constitute the rst-order terms associated with a formal perturbation expansion in the incremental deformation. The higher-order (nonlinear) terms are for example required for weakly nonlinear analysis of the stability of nitely deformed congurations, see Chapter 10 in [43]. For a discussion of the mathematical structure of the incremental equations, see [54]. Applications of the linearized incremental equations for interface waves in pre-stressed solids can be found in Chapter 3 of [30].

Chapter 2 Strain energy functions

The aims of constitutive theories are to develop mathematical models for representing the real behavior of matter, to determine the material response and in general, to distinguish one material from another. As described in the preceding chapter, constitutive equations for hyperelastic materials postulate the existence of a strain energy function W . There are several theoretical frameworks for the analysis and derivation of constitutive equations, for example the Rivlin-Signorini method where the governing idea is to expand the strain energy function in a power series of the invariants, or the Valanis-Landel approach expressing the strain energy directly in terms of the principal stretches [115]. In this chapter, we make no attempt at presenting these methods but instead, we present some classical explicit forms of strain-energy functions used in the literature for some isotropic hyperelastic materials. Many other models have been proposed (for example, a collection of constitutive models for rubber can be found in [32]).


Strain energy functions for incompressible materials

Neo-Hookean model

The neo-Hookean model is one of the simplest strain energy functions. It involves a single parameter and provides a mathematically simple and reliable constitutive model for the non-linear deformation behavior of isotropic rubber-like materials. Its strain energy function is W = (I1 3), 2 (2.1)

where > 0 is the shear modulus for innitesimal deformations. The neo-Hookean model comes out of the molecular theory, in which vulcanized rubber is regarded as a three-dimensional network of long-chain molecules that are connected at a few points. The elementary molecular theory of networks is based on the postulate that the elastic free energy of a network is equal to the sum of the elastic free energies of the individual chains. In order to derive (2.1), a Gaussian distribution for the 25


Chapter 2. Strain energy functions

probability of the end-to-end vector of the single chain is also assumed. While in a phenomenological theory the constitutive parameters are dictated only by the functional form considered, in a molecular theory the parameters are introduced on the basis of the modeled phenomena and consequently, are related ex ante to physical quantities. In this framework the constitutive parameter is determined by micromechanics parameters, as = nkT, (2.2)

where n is the chain density, k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the absolute temperature. Although it poorly captures the basic features of rubber behaviour, the neo-Hookean model is much used in nite elasticity theory because of its good mathematical properties (for example a huge number of exact solutions to boundary value problems may be found using this model).


Mooney-Rivlin model

To improve the tting to data, Rivlin introduced a dependence of the strain energy function on both the rst and second invariants. A slightly more general model than neo-Hookean is therefore a simple, or two-term, Mooney-Rivlin model, for which the strain energy function is assumed to be linear in the rst and second invariant of the Cauchy-Green strain tensor. This model is of purely phenomenological origin, and was originally derived by Mooney [84]. The strain energy may be written as W =
1 2 1 2

+ (I1 3) +

1 2

1 2

(I2 3),


where is a dimensionless constant in the range 1/2 1/2 and > 0 is the shear modulus for innitesimal deformations. When = 1/2, we recover the neo-Hookean model (2.1). Mooney [84] showed that the form (2.3) is the most general one which is valid for large deformations of an incompressible hyperelastic material, isotropic in its undeformed state, for the relation between the shearing force and amount of simple shear to be linear. Hence the constant is also the shear modulus for large shears. By considering the expansion of the strain energy function in power series of (I1 3) and (I2 3) terms, it can be shown that for small deformations, the quantities (I1 3) and (I2 3) are, in general, small quantities of the same order, so that (2.3) represents an approximation valid for suciently small ranges of deformations, extending slightly the range of deformations described by the neoHookean model. This is pointed out in the gures (2.1 - 2.4) where the classical experimental data of Treloar [126] for simple tension and of Jones and Treloar [69] for equibiaxial tension are plotted (their numerical values having been obtained from the original experimental tables), and compared with the predictions of neoHookean and Mooney-Rivlin models. In the rst case, simple tension, the principal stresses are t1 = t, t2 = t3 = 0, (2.4)

Chapter 2. Strain energy functions and requiring for the principal stretches 1 = , we obtain from the relation (1.40) t = 2 2 1 1 W1 + W2 . 2 = 3 = 1/2 ,




In Figure (2.1) we report the classical data of Treloar, by plotting the Biot stress f = t/ dened per unit reference cross-sectional area against the stretch . In Figure (2.2), we used the so-called Mooney plot (widely used in the experiment literature to compare the dierent models) because it is sensitive to relative errors. It represents the Biot stress f = t/ divided by the universal geometrical factor 2 ( 1/2 ), plotted against 1/: 1 f = W1 + W2 . 2 ( 1/2 ) (2.7)

The Mooney-Rivlin model, tting to data, improves the neo-Hookean model for small and moderate stretches. In fact, in the case of simple extension, the curves in (2.1) and (2.2) for the models under examination are obtained considering only the early part of the data. For large extensions, the Mooney-Rivlin curve gives a bad tting. This fact may be emphasized by the Mooney plot (2.2), where the Mooney-Rivlin curve is a straight line, and is seen to t only a reduced range of data. For the equibiaxial tension test we let t1 = t2 = t, and require the principal stretches to be 1 = 2 = , 3 = 2 , (2.9) t3 = 0, (2.8)

so that we obtain by (1.40) the following relation for the principal stress, t = 2 2 1 4 W1 + 2 W2 . (2.10)

In Figure (2.3), we report the classical data of Jones and Treloar [69] by plotting the Biot stress f = t/ against the stretch . In Figure (2.4) we represent the Mooney plot for the Biot stress divided by 2 ( 1/5 ), plotted against 2 : f = W1 + 2 W2 . 5) 2 ( 1/ (2.11)

The Mooney plot (2.4) reveals how the Mooney-Rivlin model extends slightly the range of data approximation compared to the neo-Hookean model, but cannot t all of them. The Mooney-Rivilin model has been studied extensively even though no rubberlike material seems to be described by it to within errors of experiment. It is used as the rst illustration for every general result for isotropic incompressible materials for which several analytical solutions have been found.


Chapter 2. Strain energy functions

Figure 2.1: Plot of the simple tension data (circles) of Treloar [126] against the stretch , compared with the predictions of the Mooney-Rivlin model (dashed curve) and the neo-Hookean model (continuous curve). (In the gure, both models were optimized to t the rst 16 points, i.e. data for which (1, 6.15)).
5 . 4

Figure 2.2: Plot of the simple tension data (circles) of Treloar [126] normalized by 2( 1/2 ) ( is the stretch), against 1/, compared with the predictions of the Mooney-Rivlin model (dashed curve) and the neo-Hookean model (continuous curve). (In the gure, the Mooney-Rivlin model has been optimized to t the nine points for which 1/ (0.33, 0.99) and the neo-Hookean model has been optimized to the ve points for which 1/ (0.28, 0.53)).

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 3 2 2

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 4

Chapter 2. Strain energy functions


Figure 2.3: Plot of the equibiaxial tension data (circles) of Jones and Treloar [69], against the stretch , compared with the predictions of the Mooney-Rivlin model (dashed curve) and the neo-Hookean model (continuous curve). (In the gure, both models have been optimized to t all seventeen points.)
5 . 3

Figure 2.4: Plot of the equibiaxial tension data (circles) of Jones and Treloar [69] normalized by 2( 1/5 ) ( is the stretch), against 2 , compared with the predictions of the Mooney-Rivlin model (dashed curve) and the neo-Hookean model (continuous curve). (In the gure, the Mooney-Rivlin model has been optimized to t the ve data for which 2 (11.76, 19.81) and the neo-Hookean model has been optimized to t the three points for which 2 (2.8, 6.2)).

0 5 0 5 0 5 0 1 3 2 2

3 2 2 1 1


Chapter 2. Strain energy functions


Generalized neo-Hookean model

Despite the idea of Rivlin to introduce the dependence of W of the second invariant I2 , there are several models of strain energy functions depending on the rst invariant I1 only. In the molecular theory, I1 is connected to the mean squared end-to-end distance of the chains, but in general the chains cannot assume a completly arbitrary form and length. To overcome this constraint, the second invariant I2 , which is connected instead with the surface extension of material, is needed. Often the introduction of this invariant renders the calculations cumbersome, and from there follows the wide use of strain energies functions depending in a nonlinear manner on the rst invariant only. A function of this form is called generalized neo-Hookean model, W = W (I1 ). (2.12) To account for the nite extensibility of the polymeric chains composing the elastomer network (since Gaussian statistics give rise to a probability density function without compact support), some models of the form (2.12) introduce a distribution function for the end-to-end distance of the polymeric chain which is not Gaussian. These models are usually called non-Gaussian models. From the phenomenological point of view these models can be divided into two classes: models with limiting chain extensibility, and power-law models. An example of the rst class is due to Gent [45], who proposed the following strain energy density W = ln [1 b( I1 3 )] , 2b (2.13)

where b > 0 is a limiting parameter value constant for I1 , accounting for limiting polymeric chain extensibility and > 0 is the shear modulus for innitesimal deformations. An example of the second class, widely used in biomechanics, was proposed by Fung [44] as follows W = exp [b (I1 3) 1], 2b (2.14)

where the dimensionless constant b > 0 is a stining parameter, and > 0 is the shear modulus for innitesimal deformations. Both classes behave as neo-Hookean solids in the small b/small-deformation limit, since they both obey W (I1 , b) = b (I1 3) + (I1 3)2 + O b2 (I1 3)3 2 4 (2.15)

as b (I1 3) 0. Another power-law constitutive model was proposed by Knowles [73]. It can be written as 2 [(1 + (I1 3)) 1] , if = 0 and = 0, log (1 + (I1 3)) , if = 0 and = 0, W = 2 (I 3) , if = 0, (), 1 2


Chapter 2. Strain energy functions


where and are constants; when = 1 the neo-Hookean model (2.1) is recovered. Knowles introduced this model to describe both strain-stiening and strain-softening eects in elastomeric materials and biological soft tissues. For a careful study of the analytical properties of the Knowles potential, see [15]. Even though some classical experimental data suggest that constitutive equations of the form (2.12) may have limited applicability, they nevertheless often lead to closed-form analytical solution for many interesting problems. Such solutions are useful for a better understanding of the mechanical properties of the matter and also as benchmarks for more complex numerical computations.


Other models

Rivlin and Saunders [112] showed that both neo-Hookean and Money-Rivlin models are not adequate to describe accurately the experimental properties of rubber. Their conclusion was that W/I1 is independent of both I1 and I2 , and that W/I2 is independent of I1 and decreases with increasing I2 . They thus deduced the strain energy function in the form W = C(I1 3) + f (I2 3), (2.17) where C is a constant and f is a function whose slope diminishes continuously with increasing I2 . In the more recent work of Obata [92], it is found that neither W/I1 nor W/I2 can be regarded as constant, and that each should depend on both I1 and I2 . Valanis and Landel [128] proposed that the strain energy function W may be expressible as the sum of three functions of the principal stretches, W = w(1 ) + w(2 ) + w(3 ), (2.18) in which the function w() is, by symmetry, the same for each of the extension ratios. Equivalent to (2.18) is the expansion due to Ogden [93],

W =

m (m + m + m 3)/m 1 2 3


in terms of powers of the principal stretches, where each m and m are material constants, not necessarily integers [93]. Jones and Treloar [69] and Ogden [115] show how the biaxial strain experiments are consistent with the Valanis-Landel model (2.18) and the Ogden expansion (2.19).


Strain energy functions for compressible materials

In the compressible case, as well as (1.34), a further assumption is required for W : it should approach innity as I3 tends to innity or zero+ . In other words, an innite amount of energy is required in order to expand the body to innite volume or to compress it to a point with vanishing volume, so that
I3 +

lim W = +,

I3 0+

lim W = +.



Chapter 2. Strain energy functions


Hadamard model

Hadamard [51] introduced a class of elastic materials characterised by the property that innitesimal longitudinal waves may propagate in every direction, when they are maintained in an arbitrary state of nite static homogeneous deformation. This constitutive model, called Hadamard model by John [68], describes also the only compressible isotropic homogeneous elastic material for which three linearlypolarized nite amplitude plane waves, one longitudinal and two transverse, may propagate in every direction when it is homogeneously deformed [24, 68]. The strain energy function is dened by W = c1 (I1 3) + c2 (I2 3) + H(I3 ), (2.21)

where c1 , c2 are material constants such that c1 > 0, c2 0, or c1 0, c2 > 0 and H(I3 ) is an arbitrary function to be specied on the basis of constitutive arguments. The connection with the Lam constants of the linear theory is made through the e relations (2.22) c1 = + H (1), c2 = H (1), 4H (1) = + 2. 2 An example for the function H(I3 ), accounting for the eects of compressibility, is given by Levinson and Burgess1 [79]. They propose the following explicit form for the material function H(I3 ), H(I3 ) = ( + ) (I3 1) ( + 2) ( I3 1). (2.23)


Blatz-Ko model

The Blatz-Ko model is one of much used models describing the behavior of rubber in the compressible case. Replacing the principal invariants Ik by another set of independent invariants of B, Jk dened by J1 I1 = trB, J2 I2 /I3 = trB 1 , J 3 I3

= det F ,


the strain energy function may be written as W (J1 , J2 , J3 ). Introducing (2.24) into (1.38), we nd that 0 = W , J3 1 = 2 W , J3 J1 1 = 2 W . J3 J2 (2.25)

Let us now consider a special class of materials whose response functions in (2.25) depend on J3 alone. This is possible if and only if 0 = W3 (J3 ), 1 = , J3 1 = , J3 (2.26)

where W3 W/J3 and and are constants. It can be shown that 1 (1) 1 (1) = + = ,


We observe that Levinson and Burgess give an explicit form of H(I3 ) that does not verify (2.20)2 .

Chapter 2. Strain energy functions and introducing another constant f such that = f, = (1 f ),



the equation for the Cauchy stress for this special class of material is derived from (1.40) in the form T = W3 (J3 ) + (1 f ) 1 f B B . J3 J3 (2.29)

Considering a simple tensile loading T1 = t, T2 = 0, T3 = 0, (2.30)

with principal stretches (, 2 , 3 ), Blatz and Ko [18] assumed (since in their experiment with f = 0 they found J3 = 1/2 ) the following general constitutive assumption of volume control J3 = n . (2.31) It follows from Batras theorem [7] that 2 = 3 , and from (2.31), that 2 () = (n1)/2 . (2.33) From (1.49) the innitesimal strains are of the form k = k 1. Following [12] we dene the Poisson function () as () = 3 1 2 () , = 1 1 (n 1) . 2 (2.34) (2.32)

from which the innitesimal Poisson ratio is deduced in the limit = lim () =


Therefore a Blatz-Ko material must verify 2 () = , and consequently = J3


(2.36) (2.37)

Blatz and Ko integrated the expression W3 by making use of condition (2.37) and the condition W (3, 3, 1) = 0 in the natural state. They thus obtained the following general expression for the strain energy W (J1 , J2 , J3 ) = 2 q f [(J1 3) (J3 1)] 2 q 2 q (1 f ) [(J2 3) (J3 1)], (2.38) + 2 q

34 where q=

Chapter 2. Strain energy functions 2 n1 = . n 1 2


Two special models of this expression (2.38), f = 0 and f = 1, are often used in applications. The former characterizes the class of foamed, polyurethane elastomers and the latter describes the class of solid, polyurethane rubbers studied in the Blatz-Ko experiments. We note that in the limit I3 1 it is possible to obtain the Mooney-Rivlin strain energy density for incompressible materials from (2.38). Thus (2.38) may be viewed as a generalization of the Mooney-Rivlin model to compressible materials. In the literature, a special compressible material of the rst case (f = 0) is often used at q = 1, for which the strain energy, rewritten in terms of invariants Ik , is given by W (I1 , I2 , I3 ) = 2 I2 1/2 + 2I3 5 . I3 (2.40)


Weakly non-linear elasticity

To study small-but-nite elastic eects, the weakly non-linear elasticity theory [76], considers an expansion for the strain energy function in the following form W = 1 1 Cijkl Eij Ekl + Cijklmn Eij Ekl Emn + . . . , 2! 3! (2.41)

where Cijk... are constant moduli and E = E T is the Lagrange, or Green, strain tensor, dened as E = (C I) /2. In the isotropic case, the strain energy (2.41) has the following expansion to the second order (second-order elasticity) as W = (trE)2 + tr(E 2 ), 2 (2.42)

where and are the Lam constants. At the third order (third-order elasticity), e the expansion is (see [101] for example) W = A C (trE)2 + tr(E 2 ) + tr(E 3 ) + B (trE) tr(E 2 ) + (trE)3 , 2 3 3 (2.43)

where A, B, and C are the Landau third-order elastic constants. For incompressible solids the second-order expansion involves only one material constant: , and the third-order expansion involves only two material constants: and A. They are written respectively as W = tr(E 2 ), and (2.44)

A tr(E 3 ). (2.45) 3 Rivlin and Saunders [112] showed that the Mooney-Rivlin strain-energy function (2.3) of exact non-linear incompressible elasticity coincides, at the same order of W = tr(E 2 ) +

Chapter 2. Strain energy functions


approximation, with the general weakly nonlinear third-order elasticity expansion (2.45). Introducing the following constants C1 = 1 2 1 + , 2 C2 = 1 2 1 , 2 (2.46)

in (2.3), the connections between the material constants are = 2(C1 + C2 ), A = 8(C1 + 2C2 ). (2.47)

This presentation of theoretical framework for the constitutive equations includes many but not all models proposed in literature. One of the main problems encountered in the applications of mechanics of continua is the complete and accurate determination of the constitutive relations necessary for the mathematical description of the behavior of real materials. Indeed people working with rubber know very well that the mechanical behavior of this material is very complex and outside of the forecast possibilities of nonlinear elasticity (see Saccomandi [115]). One of the omissions, in this chapter is the so-called Rivlin-Signorini method. First Murnaghan [85] and then Rivlin [110] and Signorini [118] approximated the material response functions by polynomials in the appropriate invariants. In this way, a particular material is then characterized by the constant coecients of the polynomial rather than by functions. Applications of the Rivlin-Signorini method can be found in [81, 120]. Although from a theoretical point of view, any complete set of invariants is equivalent to another, it has been observed by several authors that the approach used by Rivlin considering the principal invariants it is not very practical in tting experimental data, because of the possible propagation of experimental errors (see for example [128]). Therefore it may be interesting to consider the possibility of expressing the strain energy directly in terms of the principal stretches and to overcome some diculties related to the symmetry. That is why Valanis and Landel [128] postulated that the strain energy function be a sum of functions each depending on a single stretch (see (2.18)).

Chapter 3 Inverse methods

A general boundary value problem of elastostatics for a body B consists in nding a motion x = (X) that satises a(X, t) = 0 for all particles X of Br and for all times t. Recalling equation (1.24), this means that the motion must satisfy the equilibrium equation DivTR + r br = 0, (3.1) everywhere in Br , and the boundary conditions of surface tractions (1.22) and place,
1 tN = TRN , prescribed on Br , 2 X = X, prescribed on Br ,

(3.2) (3.3)

1 2 1 respectively, where Br and Br are disjoint parts of Br such that Br = Br 2 Br . The boundary value problem is expressed in terms of material description because, as we have just emphasized in the rst chapter, the geometry of the deformed body generally is unknown a priori (otherwise equations (1.18) - (1.20) may be used). From a theoretical point of view, a given rubberlike material can be characterized by an appropriate constitutive equation that will enable us to predict its response to specied loading and displacement boundary conditions. We assume, as a rst approximation, that a certain rubber material may be modeled as either a compressible or an incompressible, homogeneous isotropic hyperelastic material such that (1.36) or (1.40) applies. These represention formulae are useful to understand how the given material may be distinguished from another one on grounds of the response functions i only. But very little can be said a priori about these response functions unless some helpful experiment is made. Then, because measurements can be done only on the boundary of the test specimen, it would better to know a priori the kind of deformation that we want to reproduce experimentally in order to know what quantities can be eectively measured. To this end, Beatty [9] says

It is clear, in particular, that the experimenter must know a priori the class of deformations that actually may be produced in every compressible or incompressible, homogeneous and isotropic, hyperelastic material by the application of surface loading alone. Also, the surface loads 37


Chapter 3. Inverse methods needed to eect them must be known in order to select the kinds of loading devices that may be used.

Theoretical results which t this program are so-called universal results. A deformation, or a motion, which satises the balance equations with zero body force and which, in equilibrium, is supported by suitable surface tractions alone, is called a controllable solution. A controllable solution which is the same for all materials in a given class is a universal solution (when the solution is controllable for a specic subclass of material, it is called a relative universal solution). Besides universal solutions, other kind of universal results exist, which involve not only the strain but also the stress. For a given deformation or motion, a local universal relation is an equation relating the stress components and the position vector which holds at any point of the body and which is the same for any material in a given class. From the mathematical point of view, the analytical solution for the (3.1) - (3.3) problem may be very hard to attain, even in the simplest boundary value problem, because the set of equations forms a non-trivial system of nonlinear, partial dierential equations generating often nonunique solutions. To solve the resulting boundary-value problems, inverse techniques can be used to provide simple solutions and to suggest experimental programs for the determination of response functions. Two powerful methods for inverse investigations are the so-called inverse method and the semi-inverse method. They have been used in elasticity theory as well as in all elds of the mechanics of continua. For example, it is quoted in the book [77] that In the inverse method, a known solution of the displacement is assumed with the aid of which strain and stress states are determined. Finally, using the boundary conditions, the body itself and its load and reactions are determined. In the semi-inverse method, part of unknowns is given, and the missing quantities are determined in such a way that the dierential equations and boundary conditions are being satised. Similarly, Carlson [19] states In the inverse method, we start with a given deformation (i.e., guess an F ), calculate the corresponding stress from the constitutive equation, and check to see if the stress satises equilibrium (generally for zero body force). If equilibrium is not satised, then the deformation is discarderd. However, if equilibrium is met, then we attempt to interpret the deformation and stress in a physically meaningful setting. I. e., we consider various shapes for the (deformed) body, calculate the corresponding surface tractions, anh hope to get something of physical interest. The semi-inverse method is just the same, except that in the deformation one includes some arbitrary parameters of functions that can be adjusted so that equilibrium is met or the boundary data comes out to be more interesting.

Chapter 3. Inverse methods


Here is what Nemnyi [90] says about such methods in a general framework of e continuum mechanics: We shall call inverse an investigation of a partial dierential equation of physics if in it the boundary conditions (or certain other supplementary conditions) are not prescribed at the outset. Instead, the solution is dened by the dierential equation, and certain additional analytical, geometrical, kinematical, or physical properties of the eld. In the semi-inverse method some of the boundary conditions are prescribed at the outset, whereas others are left open and obtained indirectly through certain simplifying assumption concerning the properties of the elds. The true power of the inverse methods is that they can reduce in most cases a system of dierential equations in three independent variables to a system having only two, or even one, independent variable(s) which may, or may not, admit an exact solution in closed form. If this reduced system can be solved in closed form, then it is possible to obtain some exact solutions to boundary value problems, that hopefully are meaningful within the framework of the theory that is being employed1 . Of course, even if it cannot be solved exactly, the semi-inverse method leads to a simpler set of equations that can be resolved numerically. When the use of inverse methods does not lead to new solutions, it may nonetheless yield a negative result in certain cases; that is, the nonexistence of certain types of solutions may be established. Inverse and semi-inverse procedures have been implemented in all elds of the mechanics of continua, and the number of results obtained is very large indeed (see [90] to have an idea of their applications).


Inverse Method

In order to nd exact solutions to the problem (3.1) - (3.3) by the inverse method, the starting point is to assume a suitable form for the deformation, then nd the stress elds associated to this deformation by making use of the constitutive equations, and nally verify whether the equilibrium equations are satised. In the positive case, one may deduce the surface tractions necessary to maintain the deformation, some of which are of considerable importance experimentally. Let us consider some examples, starting with some homogeneous deformations, with zero body forces.


Homogeneous deformations
x = F X + c, (3.4)

The most general homogeneous deformation is described by the following form

where X and x are the the Cartesian coordinates in the reference and in the current congurations, respectively, F is a constant tensor and c is a constant vector.
This is not always the case, as it is well known in the framework of the Navier-Stokes theory where the exact solutions found by the semi-inverse method are often not compatible with the canonical no-slip boundary conditions.


Chapter 3. Inverse methods

From (1.35) we deduce that the Cauchy stress T is also constant throughout a compressible material. It follows that the equilibrium equations are satised only when the body force b is zero and these deformations therefore may be produced by surface tractions alone2 . For incompressible materials we deduce from (1.39) that if the hydrostatic pressure p is constant, then the above results also apply. Let us consider pure homogeneous deformations, described by x1 = 1 X1 , x2 = 2 X2 , x3 = 3 X3 , (3.5)

where (X1 , X2 , X3 ) and (x1 , x2 , x3 ) are the the Cartesian coordinates in the reference and in the current congurations, respectively, and 1 , 2 , 3 , are positive constants. The physical components of B and of his inverse B 1 are given by 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 , 2 0 0 2 3 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 , 2 0 0 2 3


respectively, and the rst three principal invariants are given by I1 = 2 + 2 + 2 , 1 2 3 I2 = 2 2 + 2 2 + 2 2 , 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 2 I3 = 1 2 3 . By formula (1.36) the stress components for a compressible material are T11 = 0 + 1 2 + 1 2 , 1 1 T33 = 0 + 1 2 + 1 2 , 3 3 T22 = 0 + 1 2 + 1 2 , 2 2 Tij = 0 (i = j). (3.8)


In the incompressible case the deformation (3.5) must satisfy the constraint I3 = 1, that is 1 2 3 = 1, (3.9) so that, in contrast to the compressible case, only two of the constants 1 , 2 , 3 are independent. By formula (1.40), and because we are considering zero body force, the equilibrium equations are satised only if p = p0 with p0 constant. The stress components for an incompressible material are T11 = p0 + 2W1 2 2W2 2 , 1 1 2 T33 = p0 + 2W1 3 2W2 2 , 3 T22 = p0 + 2W1 2 2W2 2 , 2 2 Tij = 0 (i = j). (3.10)

In both cases only normal stresses are present on surfaces parallel to the coordinate planes. The incompressible case (3.10) diers from (3.8) by an arbitrary constant p0 . The appearance of this term is one of the reasons why constrained materials are easier to deal with mathematically than unconstrained ones.
This result is important physically since it is relatively easy to apply forces to a boundary, see Beatty [9].

Chapter 3. Inverse methods Dilatation


In the special case where 1 = 2 = 3 = (with > 0 because J > 0), the deformation (3.5) is called uniform dilatation. The stress components (3.8) then become Tij = (0 + 1 2 + 1 2 )ij , (3.11)

where is the Kronecker symbol. The term (0 + 1 2 + 1 2 ) corresponds therefore to a hydrostatic pressure that we denote by P (2 ). When P > 0 the body is subjected to a hydrostatic pressure, while for P < 0 it is subjected to a hydrostatic tension. By (1.18) we obtain the stress vector t in the form tn = P (2 )n, (3.12)

where n is a unit vector normal to the surface. Hence, to maintain this deformation, the stress vector must be normal to the surface at each point of the boundary. In general one would expect that the volume of a compressible material held in equilibrium under the action of a uniform pressure should be less than its volume before deformation, that under the action of a uniform tension, the volume should be greater than its initial volume, and that when no traction is applied on the boundary, the volume remains unchanged. Since the variation of volume is J = 3 , an equivalent statement is that < 1 when P > 0, > 1 when P < 0, = 1 when P = 0.


Furthermore, P should be a monotonic decreasing function of in order to increase the volume when the applied pressure is increased and viceversa, so that dP < 0. d (3.14)

In linear elasticity this constraint is equivalent to require that the bulk modulus is positive (see (1.54)2 ). In view of the denition of P , the relation (3.14) places some restrictions on the response functions i . In the incompressible case, the constraint (3.9) requires that = 1 so that there is no deformation. Simple extension When 1 = and 2 = 3 = , the deformation (3.5) is called uniform extension (when > 1) or contraction (when < 1) in the X1 direction, together with equal extension or contraction in the lateral X2 and X3 directions. For compressible materials we deduce from (3.8) that the stress components are T11 = 0 + 1 2 + 1 2 , Tij = 0 (i = j). T22 = T33 = 0 + 1 2 + 1 2 , (3.15)


Chapter 3. Inverse methods

The simplest stress system arises when (if possible), T22 = T33 = 0 in order to have traction free lateral sides. This gives 0 + 1 2 + 1 2 = 0. (3.16)

Equation (3.16) depends on 2 and 2 and for a given , it is not obvious that it 2 should have a single positive root . If (3.16) has no root then uniform extension cannot be eected by applying a tension T11 alone, i.e. others surface tractions are necessary. If (3.16) has more than one root, then there are more than one tensile sress which produce a given extension with the remaining faces tractionfree. When it is possible to apply a tension in the X1 -direction with the other stresses being zero, the extension is called simple, and we expect the specimen to increase in length in this direction, whereas when we apply a pressure the length should decrease. Also, if no tension is applied on the boundary, then the length should remain unchanged. Finally when T11 is increased, the extension should increase and vice-versa. Hence T11 should verify dT11 > 0. d (3.17)

This inequality places a further restriction on the response functions i . For in compressible materials, the constraint (3.9) implies = 1/ . Here the stress components (3.10) become T11 = p0 + 2W1 2 2W2 2 , T22 = T33 = p0 + 2W1 1 2W2 . Tij = 0 (i = j), (3.18)

The principal dierence with the compressible case is that the boundary conditions T22 = T33 = 0 appropriate to the block subject to a tension T11 can always be satised on setting p0 = 2W1 1 2W2 . (3.19) The uniaxial tension necessary to maintain this deformation (see also (2.6)) is T11 = 2(2 1 )W1 + 2( 2 )W2 . Simple shear Let us consider the homogeneous deformation of simple shear, x1 = X1 + kX2 , x2 = X2 , x3 = X3 , (3.21) (3.20)

where k is a constant parameter representing the amount of shear. We consider the shearing by applied surface tractions alone of a block with faces initially parallel to the coordinates planes. This deformation is quite dicult to produce experimentally because of the complex surface tractions needed to maintain it (as we see below). However, it is probably the simplest example illustrating that large deformations are dierent from innitesimal deformations described by linear elasticity, not only in magnitude but also in the novel eects they produce.

Chapter 3. Inverse methods It easy to determine the physical components of the mation tensor B and of its inverse B 1 as 1 k 1 + k2 k 0 , k 1 + k 2 k 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

43 left Cauchy-Green defor 0 0 , 1


respectively, so that the rst three principal invariants of B are I1 = I2 = 3 + k 2 , I3 = 1. The stress components for this deformation for compressible materials (see (1.36)) are given by T11 = 0 + 1 (1 + k 2 ) + 1 , T22 = 0 + 1 + 1 (1 + k 2 ), T33 = 0 + 1 + 1 , T12 = k(1 1 ), T13 = 0, T23 = 0.


Thus we see that both normal and shear stresses are present on surfaces parallel to the coordinate planes and that, as in the previous deformation, the stress components are constants. To consider the relation between the shear stress and the amount of shear, we dene (k 2 ) = 1 (3 + k 2 , 3 + k 2 , 1) 1 (3 + k 2 , 3 + k 2 , 1), (3.24) so that T12 = (k 2 )k. (3.25) The quantity (k 2 ) is called the generalized shear modulus. Its value (0) in the natural state is the initial shear modulus. Physically we would expect the shear stress acting on a surface with normal in the 2direction to be in the direction in which the surface has been displaced, so that we expect (k 2 ) > 0. (3.26)

By (3.24) we can see how the empirical inequalities (1.46) are sucient to establish (3.26). Because the shear stress T12 is an odd function of the amount of shear, the shear stress is therefore in the direction of the amount of shear (since the normal stresses are even functions of the amount of shear, they do not depend on its direction). In linear elasticity (making use of (1.51)), simple shear can be maintained by applying only shear stresses on the faces of specimen. A similar situation does not arise with a nite deformation, unless a degenerate material is considered for which a simple shear can be produced in the absence of all stress. In fact, imposing T11 = T22 = T33 = 0 gives the conditions 0 + 1 (1 + k 2 ) + 1 = 0, 0 + 1 + 1 (1 + k 2 ) = 0, 0 + 1 + 1 = 0,


from which it follows that 0 = 1 = 1 = 0 and in this case, T12 is also zero. We therefore conclude that, for all materials exhibiting physically reasonable response,


Chapter 3. Inverse methods

the simple shear (3.21) cannot be produced by applying only shear stresses on surfaces parallel to the cordinate planes: normal stresses are also necessary3 . From (3.23) we obtain 1 k 2 = T11 T33 , 1 k 2 = T22 T33 , 0 k 2 = (2 + k 2 )T33 (T11 + T22 ). (3.28)

This is an example of how the inverse method can be applied to nd universal solutions and of how it is possible to use this kind of solutions to design an experimental test to determine the i s. However, we note that an experiment based on simple shear only is too restrictive to determine completely the response functions. In fact this deformation allows exploration of what happens only along the line I3 = 1, I1 = I2 in the space of invariants, made of I1 > 0, I2 > 0 and I3 > 0. From (3.23) it is also possible to derive the relations T13 = T23 = 0, kT12 = T11 T22 . (3.29)

These relations provide links between the stress components and the amount of shear k which do not depend on the particular elastic isotropic material. They are universal relations. They are important because for example if one nds experimentally that (3.29)2 is not satised then one may conclude that the material under investigation is not an isotropic elastic material. Also, except in the case of a degenerate material, T11 cannot be equal to4 T22 . By (3.29)2 we deduce also that the knowledge of the behavior of the shear stress in simple shear gives no information about the normal stresses. This intuition is present in linear elasticity, where simple shear alone cannot determine the normal stresses while by (3.29)2 the normal stresses characterize the simple shear. The unit normal n and the unit tangent on the inclined faces have the components n = (1, k, 0) / (1 + k 2 ), = (k, 1, 0) / (1 + k 2 ), (3.30)

so that we may calculate the normal stress N and the shear stress T which have to be applied to the inclined faces of the deformed specimen in order to maintain the simple shear deformation. By use of (1.18), they are N = tn n, T = tn . (3.31)

and we therefore obtain the following relationships (1 + k 2 )N = T11 + k 2 T22 2kT12 , (1 + k 2 )T = k(T11 T22 ) + (1 k 2 )T12 .


When normal stresses are not applied, the material tends to contract or expand. This result was apparently conjectured by Kelvin and is often called the Kelvin eect [123]. 4 In 1909 Poynting noticed a similar phenomenon and performed a series of torsion experiments to illustrate the lengthening of a metal wire when no normal force was applied. The existence of unequal normal stresses is often referred to as the Poynting eect [102].

Chapter 3. Inverse methods Using the universal relation (3.29)2 we deduce T12 = (1 + k 2 )T, kT12 = (1 + k 2 )(T22 N ), N = T22 kT.



We deduce some interesting consequences from these relationships. First, we can see that |T | < |T12 | and |N | < |T22 |. Hence if T22 is negative, so is N , i.e. if the normal traction on the shearing planes is a pressure, then so is the normal traction on the inclined faces. Since N is dierent from T22 (otherwise this would again imply that (k 2 ) = 0), the Poynting eect still holds when referred to the current faces of the sheared block. Finally by (3.33)2 it follows that there may be special elastic materials such that N = 0 for all shears k. Many of the results for compressible materials are still valid for incompressible bodies. In this case, by (1.40) the stress components are given as T11 T22 T33 T12 = p0 + 2(1 + k 2 )W1 2W2 , = p0 + 2W1 2(1 + k 2 )W2 , = p0 + 2W1 2W2 , = k(k 2 ), T13 = T23 = 0,


where p0 is a constant to be determined by the prescribed boundary conditions, and (k 2 ) = 2(W1 + W2 ) is obtained from (3.24) by replacing 1 with 2W1 and 1 with 2W2 . As in the compressible case, the remarks concerning the behaviour of normal stress and shear stresses when the direction of shear is reversed are still valid, as are the results (3.29), (3.32) and (3.33) from which we deduce that T11 and T22 cannot be equal, and that the Poynting eect is still present. In constrast with the compressible case, it is possible to make any one of the normal stresses vanish by an appropriate choice of p0 . For example we may choose p0 such that T33 = 0 and in this case we see that T11 > 0 and T22 < 0 if and only if the empirical inequalities hold. In this particular case (T33 = 0) we obtain p0 = 2(W1 W2 ), and T11 = 2k 2 W1 , T12 = k(k 2 ), T22 = 2k 2 W2 , T33 = T13 = T23 = 0, (3.36) (3.37) (3.35)

showing that the normal stress on the shearing planes is always a pressure since T22 < 0, from which we deduce (as in the compressible case) that T < 0. If these pressures are not applied in addition to the shear forces, then we would expect the material to stretch in the 1 and 2directions and hence to contract in the 3direction (because of the incompressibility constraint). In other words, one form of the Poynting eect is observed. Rivlin was one of the rst authors to use inverse procedures to construct some examples of exact solutions of physical interest to both analysts and experimenters.


Chapter 3. Inverse methods

His work is very interesting also because it marked the birth in 1948 of the modern theory of nite elasticity (see Rivlin [111] for the collected works). Later, Ericksen [33, 34] introduced a dierent and more general approach to the investigation of inverse solutions, and such results provide the kinds of tools requested by experimenters.


Universal solutions

We know from the previous section that homogeneous deformations, which play a fundamental role in the theory of nite elastic deformations, can be maintained in all homogeneous bodies under the action of surface forces alone, because the stress corresponding to (3.4) is a constant tensor, and the balance equations are then trivially satised in absence of body forces. They therefore represent a set of universal solutions for all homogeneous materials. Ericksen [34] proved in 1955 that they are the only controllable deformations possible in every compressible, homogeneous and isotropic hyperelastic material. This result is known as Ericksens theorem. For incompressible materials, the denite answer is still lacking in the search for all universal solutions. So far, ve families of universal solutions have been found in addition to homogeneous deformations. All solutions are such that appropriate physical components of stress are constants on each member of a family of parallel planes, coaxial cylinders, or concentric spheres. Let us start by looking at how some restrictions on the physical components of the stress can help to simplify the problem, in general by reducing a partial dierential system to an ordinary one with less unknowns. To this end we consider the case of cylindrical coordinate (r, , z) only. A similar discussion can be conducted for Cartesian and spherical coordinates. The equilibrium equations, in the absence of body force (1.20), read Trr 1 Tr Trz Trr T + + + = 0, r r z r Tr 1 T Tz 2 + + + Tr = 0, r r z r Trz 1 Tz Tzz 1 + + + Trz = 0. r r z r If we assume that T + pI depends on r only (such assumption is often made when the problem has cylindrical symmetry), the partial dierential system (3.38) simplies as Trr Trr T + = 0, r r 1 (r2 Tr ) 1 p = 0, r2 r r 1 (rTrz ) p = 0. r r z (3.39) (3.38)

Chapter 3. Inverse methods By the further assumptions that Tr = 0, Trz = 0,



it follows from (3.39) that p depends only on r and consequently that the Trr component depends on r only. Under these strong assumptions, the partial dierential system (3.38) is reduced to an ordinary dierential system that is easier to solve. The Trr and T components are given by Trr = Trr T dr, r T = d (rTrr ) . dr (3.41)

Let us consider the rst family of universal solutions (in the literature, these solutions are classied in families). It is given by the following deformation Family 1: r= 2AX, = BY, z= Z BCY, AB (3.42)

which describes bending, stretching and shearing of a rectangular block. Here (X, Y, Z) and (r, , z) are the cartesian and cylindrical coordinates in the reference and in the current conguration, respectively, and A, B, C are constants with AB = 0. If C = 0 the deformation describes pure bending and carries the parallepipedic block bounded by the planes X = X1 , X = X2 , Y = Y0 , Z = Z0 into the circular annular wedge bounded by the cylinders r = r1 = 2AX1 , r = r2 = 2AX2 , and the planes = 0 = BY0 , z = z0 = Z0 /(AB). When B is prescribed, then the arbitrary axial stretch 1/(AB) is allowed, and the radial stretch is so adjusted as to render the deformation isochoric5 . The physical components of B and of its inverse B 1 are given by 2 A 0 0 r2 2 2 2 (3.43) 0 , B r B Cr 1 0 B 2 Cr B 2 C 2 + 2 2 AB and 2 r 0 0 A2 2 2 2 2 2 1 AB C AB C (3.44) 0 , + B 2 r2 2 2 r2 r AB C A2 B 2 0 r respectively. The rst two principal strain invariants are I1 = A2 1 + B 2 r2 + B 2 C 2 + 2 2 , 2 r AB 2 r 1 1 I2 = 2 + 2 + A2 B 2 C 2 + A2 B 2 , 2 A r B (3.45)

In the general case, the deformation may be eected in two steps, the rst of which is the bending and axial stretch, while the second is a homogeneous strain which carries the body into the solid bounded by the cylindrical surfaces r = r1 and r = r2 , the planes = 0 , and the helicoidal surfaces z + C = z0 .


Chapter 3. Inverse methods

respectively, and I3 = 1 in agreement with incompressibility. From (1.40) we see that the physical components of T + pI are functions of r only and that (3.40) is satised. By (3.41)1 Trr = = 2 W I1 A2 W B2r 2 3 r I2 dr, r 1 3 2 A r 1 + A2 B 2 C 2 B2 dr (3.46)

W dI1 W dI2 I1 dr I2 dr

from which we obtain the other components of the stress. T = Trr + 2 B 2 r2 Tzz Tz A2 W 2 r2 I1 1 A2 = Trr + 2 B 2 C 2 + 2 2 2 AB r 2 2 A B C W W 2 . = 2B 2 Cr I1 r I2 r2 W 1 1 + A2 B 2 C 2 2 , r2 B 2 A I2 W r2 W 2 A2 B 2 2 , (3.47) I1 A I2

To obtain the unknown p we make use of (1.40), p = Trr + 2W1 (B)11 2W2 (B 1 )11 , and therefore by (3.43), (3.44) and (3.46), p= W dI1 W dI2 I1 dr I2 dr dr + 2 r2 A2 W1 2 W2 . r2 A (3.49) (3.48)

It is possible to choose the constants in (3.46) in order to have the cylinder r = r1 free of traction. To have the cylinder r = r2 also free of traction, it is then necessary that r2 W dI1 W dI2 dr = 0, (3.50) I1 dr I2 dr r1 and when this is veried, a particular relation among the constants A, B, C applies. Independently of whether or not (3.50) can be satised, the helicoidal faces z+C = z0 (with unit normal n = (0, C/r, 1)/ 1 + C 2 /r2 ) cannot be free of traction in order to maintain the deformation. The normal and tangential tractions N and T , respectively, are N= 1 C C2 Tzz + 2 Tz + 2 T , 1 + C 2 /r2 r r 2 C C 1 1 2 Tz + (T Tzz ) , T = 2 /r 2 1+C r r (3.51)

respectively. Only when pure bending is considered (i.e. C = 0) we can deduce from (3.47) and (3.51) that T = 0 and N = Tzz . In general, both normal and tangential tractions must be applied. The presence of these tractions gives rise to the Poynting eect for bending, similar to the Poynting eect discussed for the simple shear deformation. We thus underline how the Poynting eet is in general inevitable in nonlinear elasticity. A similar discussion can be made for the other four families, which are described by the following deformations.

Chapter 3. Inverse methods


Family 2: Straightening, stretching and shearing of a sector of a hollow cylinder, Z C 1 , z= + . (3.52) x = AB 2 R2 , y = 2 AB B AB Family 3: Ination, bending, torsion, extension and shearing of an annular wedge, r = AR2 + B, = C + DZ, z = E + F Z, (3.53) with A(CF DE) = 1. Family 4: Ination or eversion of a sector of a spherical shell, r = R3 + A

= ,

= .


Family 5: Ination, bending, extension, and azimuthal shearing, of an annular wedge, r = AR, = D ln(BR) + C, z = F Z, (3.55) with ACF = 1. Here A, B, C, D, E, F are constants. It seems that the class of static deformations that are possible in all homogeneous, isotropic, incompressible elastic bodies subject to surface tractions only is likely to be exhausted by these cases. Some progress toward determining other deformations may be made if we replace the purely inverse method by a semi-inverse one, considering a family of deformations involving one or more arbitrary functions which may be determined so as to render the deformation possible for a particular material.


Semi-inverse method

In elasticity the rst application of the semi-inverse method is due to SaintVenant [5, 6] in 1855. He was the rst to study the problem of linear elastostatics for a right long cylinder free from volume forces and loaded only at the bases by unspecied tractions. This problem was later on called the problem of Saint-Venant (Saint-Venantsche Problem) by Clebsch [23]. The starting point of the application of the semi-inverse method in order to solve the problem is that some components of the stress vanish. In particular, it is assumed that the normal tension on every section parallel to X3 , the axis of the cylinder, be zero: T11 = T12 = T22 = 0. (3.56)

When this assumption is made, it is possible to nd a closed-form solution of the problem by the use of the linear equilibrium equations (1.50), of the linear constitutive equations (1.48), of the compatibility Beltrami conditions (1.63), and of the prescribed boundary conditions. The displacement eld for the points of the cylinder turns out to depend linearly on four constants; these represent kinematic parameters to be specied at one base of the cylinder. Each of them characterizes a


Chapter 3. Inverse methods

simple mode of deformation of the cylinder: extension, bending, torsion, and exure, and it may be shown that the four kinematic parameters are linear functions of the resultant actions on the bases. The semi-inverse assumption on the eld of stress is of fundamental importance to nd the approximate analytical solution. Although this assumption is suggested by the geometrical and boundary surface tractions, it is justied afterwards by the existence of the solution found. The Kirchho principle shows then the uniquess of the solution. Kirchhoff, 1859 If either the surface displacement or the surface tractions are given, the solution of the problem of equilibrium of an elastic body is unique in the sense that the state of stress (and strain) is determinate without ambiguity, provided that the magnitude of the stress (and strain) is so small that the strain energy function exists and remains positive denite. Several applications of the semi-inverse method can be found in the literature on nonlinear elasticity. Of course it is not possible to list all such results because a survey aiming at completeness would require a whole book. Here we present some representative examples in order to underline some aspects of the semi-inverse method, and other useful examples for our discussion are given in the next chapters. First, we recall something just discussed on simple extension, but here we modify the problem a little bit. Then we discuss a problem of anti-plane shear (see [59, 61, 63, 113] for more details). Finally, some others remarks are discussed for the radial deformation problem.


Simple uniaxial extension

Let us consider the uniaxial extension of a rod by prescribing some boundary conditions at the outset: we ask that our model gives traction-free lateral surfaces. In this case, coming back to (3.5), we set 1 = to denote the uniaxial stretch, while 2 and 3 denote the lateral stretches. In the compressible case, making use of the (3.8) relations and the fact that the stress components are constants, we have to set 0 + 1 2 + 1 2 = 0, 2 2 0 + 1 2 + 1 2 = 0. 3 3 Forming the dierence, we obtain (2 2 ) 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 3 1 = 0. (3.58) (3.57)

Applying the empirical inequalities (1.46) to (3.58), we obtain a necessary condition: 2 = 3 to be satised. The same condition is also discussed in the previous chapter by using Batras Theorem [7]. But now we see how the arbitrary parameters 2 and 3 are adjusted a posteriori to meet the boundary conditions. In this case, by equations (3.57), we may solve uniquely as 3 = 2 = 2 (), (3.59)

Chapter 3. Inverse methods and obtain a simple extension under a tensile stress T11 () = (2 2 ) 1 2 1 1 . 2 2 2



In the incompressible case, equation (3.60) is remplaced by (3.20). The Poisson function () given by the expression (2.34) for an incompressible material reads here as 1 () = . (3.61) ( + 1) In the natural state of an incompressible material, the Poisson ratio has the value = (1) = 1/2, otherwise (3.61) is a monotone decreasing function of the amount of uniaxial stretch. In a simple tension experiment, we see that (3.61) can be used to evaluate whether the material is incompressible6 . Indeed equation (3.61) is universal for any isotropic uniform elastic material which is incompressible. In the case of compressibility, equation (2.34) is not universal since 2 () depends on the special material we are considering. For example, for a general Blatz-Ko material (2.38), we know from (2.36) that 2 () = (n1)/2 , (3.62)

where n is parameter characterizing a particular Blatz-Ko model. By formula (2.34) it is clear that the Poisson function, () = 1 (n1)/2 , 1 (3.63)

depends now on the Blatz-Ko model used.


Anti-plane shear deformation

x1 = X1 , x2 = X2 , x3 = X3 + w(X1 , X2 ), (3.64)

Let us consider the following deformation written in Cartesian coordinates

representing an anti-plane shear deformation, where X denote the reference coordinates and x the current coordinates of the body. The displacement is therefore described by a single smooth scalar function (the out-of-plane displacement) w w(X1 , X2 ). By the semi-inverse procedure, in the search of static solutions with zero body force, we must verify if the balance equations divT = 0 are satised for some specied w and/or for some specic class of materials. Let us consider the incompressible case. Before analysing the general case (3.64) we suppose that our body has axial symmetry (cylindrical body) and we assume that the anti-plane shear problem may be solved by considering an axisymmetric deformation of the form
2 2 w(X1 , X2 ) = w(X1 + X2 ).


Beatty and Stalnaker [12] show that although the Poisson function of every incompressible material has the universal constant, natural limit value 1/2, the converse is generally false.


Chapter 3. Inverse methods

In cylindrical coordinates, the deformation (3.64) can be rewritten as r = R, = , z = Z + w(R), (3.66)

where w(R) is the axial displacement. Such a deformation is also called telescopic shear. The physical components of B and its inverse B 1 are given by 1 + w2 0 w 1 0 w , 0 1 0 1 0 , 0 (3.67) 2 w 0 1 w 0 1+w respectively, where the prime denotes dierentation respect to R, and the rst three principal strain invariants are I1 = I2 = 3 + w (R)2 , (3.68)

and I3 = 1 in agreement with the incompressibility constraint. By formula (1.40) we obtain the physical components of the Cauchy stress tensor as Trr = p + 2W1 2(1 + w2 )W2 , T = p + 2W1 2W2 , Tzz = p + 2(1 + w2 )W1 2W2 , Tr = 0, Trz = 2(W1 + W2 )w , Tz = 0.


Finally, the equilibrium equations reduce to equations (3.39) but now Tr only is zero, showing that p = p(r, z). On using the expressions of Trr and T in (3.39)1 we obtain p(r, z) = 2W1 2W2 (1 + w2 ) 2 W2 w2 dr + g(z), r (3.70)

where g is an arbitrary function of z. By virtue of (3.70) and the expression of Trz , we can rewrite (3.39)3 as d (rTrz ) = r, (3.71) dr where = dg(z)/dz. This equation is a second-order nonlinear ordinary dierential equation for w(R), with an immediate rst integral in the form of a rst-order dierential equation for w(R), namely 2(W1 + W2 )w = R C1 + , 2 R (3.72)

where C1 is a constant of integration. The problem may be completely solved once the strain energy function W is specied. The important issue to emphasize here is that the system of partial dierential equations divT = 0 is a compatible system that may have an analytical solution when W is given. The telescopic shear is a special anti-plane shear problem and even though a solution to this problem may be found, in general we are not able to get any information on the general anti-plane problem (3.64). In fact, reconsidering (3.64), we show that the previous favourable situation is not veried now. This means that in the search for solutions of the balance equations by a semi-inverse

Chapter 3. Inverse methods


method we are not always lucky; in some cases, the semi-inverse method may be used in a negative sense, by showing the nonexistence of solutions. For example, as in the general antiplane shear (3.64), it may happen that the balance equations reduce to an overdetermined set of dierential equations which are not compatible, showing therefore that a pure antiplane shear is not always possible. The physical components of B and of its inverse B 1 for the general anti-plane shear deformation (3.64), are given by 2 1 + w1 w1 w2 w1 1 0 w1 2 0 1 w2 , w1 w2 1 + w2 w2 , (3.73) 2 w1 w2 1 w1 w2 1 + k respectively, and the rst three principal invariants are I1 = I2 = 3 + k 2 , I3 = 1, where k = |w| and wi (i = 1, 2) are the derivatives of w with respect to Xi , (i = 1, 2). Following (1.40), the Cauchy stress components are given by
2 T11 = p + 2 W1 (1 + w1 )W2 , 2 w2 )W2

T22 = p + 2 W1 (1 + , 2 T33 = p + 2W1 (1 + k ) 2W2 ,

T13 = 2(W1 + W2 )w1 , T23 = 2(W1 + W2 )w2 .

T12 = 2w1 w2 W2 ,


It is easy to check that now the balance equations form a system of three dierential equations in the two unknowns p(X1 , X2 , X3 ) and w(X1 , X2 ), i.e.
2 p,1 2[W1 (1 + w1 )W2 ],1 + 2[w1 w2 W2 ],2 = 0, 2 p,2 2[W1 (1 + w2 )W2 ],2 + 2[w1 w2 W2 ],1 = 0, p,3 2[(W1 + W2 )w1 ],1 2[(W1 + W2 )w2 ],2 = 0,


where the subscripts 1 and 2 stand for dierentiation with respect to X1 and X2 , respectively, and where W . (3.76) Wi = Ii I1 =I2 =3+k2 ,I3 =1 Since w1 and w2 are independent of X3 , so are I1 and I2 . From (3.75)3 , we deduce that p,3 has the same property. Thus p is linear in X3 : p(X1 , X2 , X3 ) = cX3 + p(X1 , X2 ), (3.77)

where c is a constant (called here the axial pressure gradient) and p = p(X1 , X2 ) is an undetermined function. A further reduction of the rst two equilibrium equations (3.75)1 and (3.75)2 may be obtained by eliminating p,12 by appropriate cross-dierentation. In the end, we obtain an overdetermined dierential system in which the unknown w must satisfy simultaneously the following two nonlinear ordinary dierential equations, = [w1 w2 W2 ],11 [w1 w2 W2 ],22 , c [(W1 + W2 )w1 ],1 + [(W1 + W2 )w2 ],2 = 0. 2
,12 2 2 w1 w2 W 2


It is possible to show that the overdetermined dierential system (3.78) is compatible only for particular choices of the strain energy function and only for special


Chapter 3. Inverse methods

classes of materials. Knowles [72] gives necessary and sucient condition in terms of the strain energy function for a homogeneous, isotropic, incompressible material to admit nontrivial states of anti-plane shear. For example, in the case of the following rectilinear shear deformation x1 = X1 , x2 = X2 , x3 = X3 + w(X1 ), (3.79)

the system (3.78) reduces to a single second-order dierential equation for w(X1 ): [(W1 + W2 )w1 ],1 c = 0, 2 (3.80)

where the subscript 1 stands for dierentation with respect the argument X1 . In this case a formal solution of the balance equations is possible. This situation is similar to the situation discussed earlier for a telescopic shear deformation. Another example where positive results may occur is that of the generalized neo-Hookean materials (2.12). Here the overdetermined system (3.78) reduces to a single quasilinear second-order partial dierential equation [(W1 )w1 ],1 + [(W1 )w2 ],2 c = 0, 2 (3.81)

and then a formal solution of the balance equations is also possible. From a mathematical point of view, the fact that a pure antiplane shear deformation cannot be sustained in an elastic material means that the overdetermined dierential system (3.78), corresponding to the strain energy function we are using to model real materials, do not have common solutions. Therefore Mathematics says that the geometry and load condition of the problem does not allow a pure antiplane shear deformation. On the other hand, it may be possible to have a pure antiplane shear deformation coupled to secondary deformations (see [63]). For example, by coupling an in-plane deformation to the antiplane one, as x1 = X1 + u(X1 , X2 ), x2 = X2 + v(X1 , X2 ), x3 = X3 + w(X1 , X2 ),


where u, v are the in-plane smooth displacement functions. For every incompressible elastic material, the balance equations divT = 0 now reduce to a determined system of partial dierential equations. This does not mean that, for a generic material, it is not possible to deform the body as prescribed by our geometry and load condition, but it emphasizes that by semi-inverse methods it is not easy to understand when the equations lead to a deformation eld that is more complex than an anti-plane shear. For generalized neo-Hookean materials, we have the following expressions for the Cauchy stress components T11 = p + 2W1 [(1 + u1 )2 + u2 ], 2
2 T22 = p + 2W1 [v1 + (1 + v2 )2 ], 2 2 T33 = p + 2W1 [w1 + w2 + 1],


Chapter 3. Inverse methods T12 = 2W1 [(1 + u1 )v1 + u2 (1 + v2 )], T13 = 2W1 [(1 + u1 )w1 + u2 w2 ], T23 = 2W1 [v1 w1 + (1 + v2 )w2 ].


It is clear that the stress components T13 and T23 involve a coupling of in-plane and out-of-plane deformations7 . The boundary condition of traction may therefore couple the in-plane displacements with the out-of-plane displacement. It is only for special cases (for example of pure displacement boundary conditions) that in-plane and out-of-plane displacements may be decoupled.


Radial deformation

The following example shows how the semi-inverse method may be used to search for exact and analytical solutions which are not universal but relative universal (see Horgan [60]). Let us consider spherical polar coordinates for the radial deformation written as r = r(R), = , = , (3.84)

where (R, , ) are the polar coordinates in the reference conguration and (r, , ) are the polar coordinates in the current conguration, respectively, and dr/dR > 0. The polar components of the deformation gradient tensor associated with (3.84) are given by F = diag(dr/dR, r/R, r/R) (3.85) and the principal stretches are thus 1 = dr/dR, 2 = 3 = r/R. Now, the equilibrium equations in the absence of body forces divT = 0 can be shown to reduce to the single equation d R2 W1 2RW2 = 0, dR (3.86)

which is a second-order nonlinear ordinary dierential equation for r(R). Six classes of compressible materials have received much attention in the literature; they are all examples of relative universal solutions for the solutions r(R). Class I. W = f (i1 ) + b1 (i2 3) + c1 (i3 1), f (i1 ) = 0, (3.87)

where f is an arbitrary function of i1 , b1 and c1 are arbitrary constants and i1 , i2 , i3 are the principal invariants of V . This class represents the harmonic materials introduced by John [67]. In this case, on using the hypothesis f (i1 ) = 0, one nds that r(R) = AR + B , R2 (3.88)

where A and B are constants of integration. Abeyaratne and Horgan [1] and Ogden [95] employed the deformation (3.88) to obtain closed-form solutions for pressurized
It is possible to show that the pressure depends on the out-of-plane deformation and therefore that the normal stresses in (3.83) contain all the deformation elds.


Chapter 3. Inverse methods

hollow spheres composed of harmonic materials. Aboudi and Arnold [2] applied (3.88) to micromechanical modeling of multiphase composites. Class II. W = a2 (i1 3) + g(i2 ) + c2 (i3 1), g (i2 ) = 0, (3.89)

where g is an arbitrary function of i2 and a2 and c2 are arbitrary constants. Here, one nds that r2 (R) = AR2 + B , R (3.90)

where A and B are constants of integration. Murphy [88] used the controllable deformation (3.90) to treat the problems of ination and eversion of hollow spheres of class II materials. Aboudi and Arnold [2] utilized (3.90) in their recent study of micromechanics of multiphase composites. Class III. W = a3 (i1 3) + b3 (i2 3) + h(i3 ), h (i3 ) = 0, (3.91)

where h is an arbitrary function of i3 and a3 and b3 are arbitrary constants. This class of materials are called generalized Varga materials [58]. Here, one nds that r3 (R) = AR3 + B, (3.92)

where A and B are constants of integration. Horgan [58] used the controllable deformation (3.92) to illustrate the phenomenon of cavitation for compressible materials in a particularly tractable setting. Aboudi and Arnold [2] utilized (3.92) in their micromechanics analysis of composites undergoing nite deformation. Murphy [87] introduced the next three material classes. Class IV. W = a4 i1 i2 + b4 i1 + c4 i2 + d4 i3 + e4 , a4 = 0, (3.93)

where a4 , b4 , c4 , d4 , e4 are arbitrary constants. Here, one nds that r3 (R) = (A + BR3 )2 , R3 (3.94)

where A and B are constants of integration. Class V. W = a5 i2 i3 + b5 i1 + c5 i2 + d5 i3 + e5 , a5 = 0, (3.95)

where a5 , b5 , c5 , d5 , e5 are arbitrary constants. Here, one nds that r5 (R) = (A + BR3 )2 , R (3.96)

where A and B are constants of integration. Class VI. W = a6 i1 i3 + b6 i1 + c6 i2 + d6 i3 + e6 , a6 = 0, (3.97)

where a6 , b6 , c6 , d6 , e6 are arbitrary constants. Here, one nds that r2 (R) = AR2 + B , R (3.98)

Chapter 3. Inverse methods


where A and B are constants of integration. This deformation eld is identical to that given for Class II (see (3.89)). This type of investigation was proposed by Currie and Hayes [25] where the search for exact solutions starts from a dierent point of view. They search for special solutions by choosing a deformation whose geometry is completely known a priori; in doing so they are solving Ericksens problems in miniature: they are searching all the corresponding relative universal solutions8 . Other typical applications of semi-inverse investigations are concerned for example in nding, for a given deformation (xed a priori), the general form of the strain energy for which such deformation is a controllable solution. This is a sort of inverse problem: nd the elastic materials (i.e. the functional form of the strain energy function) for which a given deformation eld is controllable (i.e. for which the deformation is a solution to the equilibrium equations in the absence of body force). Both problems are very dicult to solve and generally only partial results are available. The inuential papers by Knowles [75] and Currie and Hayes [25] have stimulated the developement of a large amount of research on closed-form solutions in nonlinear elasticity. Beatty, Boulanger, Carroll, Chadwick, Hill, Horgan, Murphy, Ogden, Polignone, Rajagopal, Saccomandi, Wineman, and many others have determined a long list of exact solutions for special classes of constitutive equations. We refer to the recent books edited by Fu and Ogden [43] and by Hayes and Saccomandi [55] for an overview of this activity. Although several authors have used such inverse procedures, and many solutions have been derived by using such methods, it is not easy to nd a denition describing the true power of these methods. Further, no general mathematical theory can be applied, at least at rst, sight, because they are a sort of heuristics methods. Only Lie group theory can provide a general, algorithmic, and ecient method for obtaining exaxt solutions of partial dierential equations by a reduction method. It shares many similarities with the semi-inverse method. For this reason many authors have tried to nd a relationship between Lies classical method of reduction and the semi-inverse method, but the standard Lie method of symmetry reduction is not always applicable; it has to be generalized to recover all the solutions obtainable via ad hoc reduction methods. Olver and Rosenau [96] introduced the concept of weak symmetry, based on the analytic properties of the overdetermined system, and made it clear that a group theory nature is indeed possible for every solution of a given partial dierential equation9 . But it is still not known how to obtain the relevant groups.

The expression in miniature is taken from a paper by Knowles [75] where the author tries to nd non-homogeneous universal solutions in the family of anti-plane shear deformations. 9 In [114] Saccomandi, considering the Navier-Stokes equations, shows how it is necessary to resort to the idea of weak symmetries to recover all the solutions found by the semi-inverse method.


Chapter 3. Inverse methods

A list of some suitable of inverse methods, useful to solve boundary value problems in elasticity, are given in this chapter. We have also underlined the important contributions of these methods to continuum mechanics in understanding the nonlinear behaviour of materials (or uids in the case of uid dynamics), overcoming the diculty in solving boundary value problem by direct methods. By inverse procedure, in addition to those homogeneous, ve families of universal solutions are been found (they are listed in Section 3.1.2) where we have not widely discussed families 2-5 to save space but we refer to Section 57 of [127] for more details. The rst investigation about universal solutions dates back to 1954, when Ericksen [33] was able to nd several families of universal inhomogeneous deformations. However the proof of Ericksen was not complete in two points: 1. when two principal stretches of the deformation are equal and at least one of the principal invariants is not constant; 2. when all the principal invariants of the deformation are constants. The rst point has been completely resolved by Marris and Shiau [80] who showed that if two principal stretches are equal then the universal deformations are homogeneous or enclosed in Family 2. As regards the second point the nal answer is still lacking but further developments on this problem are contained in the work on universal solutions for the elastic dielectric by Singh and Pipkin [119]. As a by-product of this research a new family of deformation with constant invariants has been discovered (Family 5). Although the search for solutions of boundary value problems by use of inverse methods has been important and fundamental, on the other hand we are nonetheless of the opinion that some solutions have been the source of possible confusion in the eld, and that some investigations are even incorrect in their use of the semi-inverse method (see [28]). In the next chapter we develop our point of view further, by analysing in detail some inhomogeneous solutions for compressible materials subjected to isochoric deformations.

Chapter 4 Isochoric deformations of compressible materials

Rubbers and elastomers are highly deformable solids, which have the remarkable property of preserving their volume through any deformation. This permanent isochoricity, incorporated mathematically into the equations of continuum mechanics through the concept of internal constraint of incompressibility (see (1.39) or (1.40)), has led to the discovery of several exact solutions in isotropic nite elasticity, most notably to the controllable or universal solutions of Rivlin and co-workers (e.g. Rivlin [106]). Subsequently, Ericksen [33] examined the problem of nding all such solutions. He found that there are no controllable nite deformations in isotropic compressible elasticity, except for homogeneous deformations [34]. The impact of that result on the theory of nonlinear elasticity was quite important, and for many years there has been the false impression that the only deformations possible in an elastic body are the universal deformations (see [25]). However, around the same time as the publication of Ericksens result, there was considerable activity in trying to nd solutions for nonlinear elastic materials using the semi-inverse method. A summary of these earlier results may be found in the monograph by Green and Adkins [49]. Even though for homogeneous isotropic incompressible nonlinearly elastic solids, the simplied kinematics arising from the constraint of no volume change has facilitated the analytic solution of a wide variety of boundary-value problems, the situation is quite dierent for compressible materials. Firstly, the absence of the isochoric constraint leads to more complicated kinematics. Secondly, since the only controllable deformations are the homogeneous deformations, the discussion of inhomogeneous deformations has to be conned to a particular strain energy function or class of strain energy functions. Nevertheless, some progress has been made in recent years in the development of analytic forms for the deformation and in the solution of boundary value problems. One strategy to nd some exact solutions for compressible elastic materials consists in taking inspiration from isochoric solutions for incompressible materials, and to seek similar solutions in compressible elastic materials. However, it is obvious that the isochoric deformations of an incompressible elastic body have dierents loads than the isochoric deformations of a compressible elastic body, because they will in general produce changes in 59


Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials

volume when applied in compressible materials. A review of isochoric problems can be found in [60].


Pure torsion

In the incompressible isotropic theory of nonlinear elasticity, the problem of nite torsion was rst considered by Rivlin [106, 107, 108], while relevant experimental issues were discussed in [105, 112]. Rivlin showed that nite torsion is a universal deformation (see Family 3 of universal solution in (3.53) when A = C = F = 1, B = E = 0). By virtue of the constraint of zero volume change, the deformation is that of pure torsion so that there is no extension in the radial direction and the cross-section of the cylinder remains circular. We know, by Ericksen result [34], that nite torsion is not sustainable, however, in all compressible isotropic elastic materials. In fact the deformation here is more complicated and in general, there will be some radial extension, see Polignone and Horgan [97] and Kirkinis and Ogden [70]. Those two articles present the torsional problem for the strain energy written either in terms of the principal invariants I1 , I2 , I3 , or in terms of the principal stretches 1 , 2 , 3 of the left Cauchy stress tensor B, or in terms of the principal invariants i1 , i2 , i3 of V . Polignone and Horgan [97] obtain a necessary condition for a pure torsion to be possible without imposing the zero traction on the lateral surface. Kirkinis and Ogden [70] nd new necessary and sucient conditions on the strain energy function for pure torsion with zero traction on the lateral surface of the cylinder. The torsion problem in the compressible case is discussed in other important works as well. For example it is discussed from both theoretical and experimental viewpoints in [48] or in [49], where a formula is derived for the couple required to maintain the deformation in respect of an arbitrary (isotropic) strain energy function. Slight compressibility eects are investigated in [38], using the general theory of small deformations superimposed on a large deformation for the Blatz-Ko material model and for the Levinson-Burgess material in [78]. Currie and Hayes [25] determined constitutive relations for which pure torsion is sustainable and proposed a general class of materials, which includes the Hadamard material. The Blatz-Ko material for foam polyurethane elastomers has been studied recently in respect of pure torsion by various authors (see, for example, [8, 9, 20]). Loss of ellipticity for this material model during a pure torsional deformation was examined by Horgan and Polignone [99].


Formulation of the torsion problem

Let us consider the torsional deformation of an elastic solid circular cylinder of radius A due to applied twisting moments at its ends, r = r(R), = + Z, z = Z, (4.1)

where (R, , Z) and (r, , z) are the cylindrical coordinates in the reference and in the current congurations, respectively, dr/dR > 0, and the constant > 0 is the twist per unit undeformed length. Let us consider the strain energy function

Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials


in terms of the rst three principal invariants of B, W = W (I1 , I2 , I3 ). The deformation gradient tensor F for (4.1) is given by r 0 0 0 r/R r , (4.2) 0 0 1 and the physical components of 2 r 0 0 r2 /R2 + 2 r2 0 r B and its inverse B 1 are given by 2 r 0 0 0 R2 /r2 R2 /r , r , 0 2 0 R /r 1 + 2 R2 1


respectively. The rst three principal strain invariants are r2 + 2 r2 , R2 r2 r2 r2 (4.4) I2 = 2 + r2 + 2 + 2 r2 r2 , R R r2 r2 I3 = . R2 Substituting (4.3) into (1.36), we obtain the physical components of the Cauchy stress I1 = 1 + r2 + Trr = 0 + 1 r2 + 1 r2 , R2 r2 + 2 r2 + 1 2 , T = 0 + 1 R2 r 2 2 Tzz = 0 + 1 + 1 (1 + R ), R2 1 , Tz = 1 ( r) r Tr = 0, Trz = 0.


In the present case, the equilibrium equations, in absence of body forces, divT = 0, reduce to the single equation Trr 1 + (Trr T ) = 0. (4.6) r r Since r = r(R), it is possible to consider the stress as a function of the reference co-ordinate R, i.e., T = T (R) instead of T = T (r). In this case the chain rule gives Trr r + (Trr T ) = 0. (4.7) R r By (4.5)1,2 , (1.38) and (4.4) we obtain a single ordinary nonlinear equation for r(R), d Rr rr (W1 + W2 ) + (W3 + W2 ) + 2 Rr rW2 + dR r R 1 Rr2 (W1 + W2 ) 2 RW1 = 0, (4.8) 2 r R


Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials

where the Wi (i = 1, 2, 3) are evaluated at (4.4). For a solid circular cylinder of initial radius A subjected to end torques only, the boundary conditions of tractionfree lateral surface are satised when Trr (A) = 0, (4.9)

since Tr = Trz 0 by (4.5)5 . In addition, to ensure that F is bounded, we impose the following regularity condition r(R) = O(R) as R 0. (4.10)

Thus the two-point boundary value problem consists in solving (4.8) for r(R) on 0 < R < A subject to the conditions (4.9) and (4.10). The same problem has been written by Kirkinis and Ogden [70] in terms of the principal stretches in Eulerian principal axes1 but in a more general form than here. These authors consider the case of torsional deformation superimposed on a uniform extension, r = r(R), = + z Z, z = z Z, (4.11)

where (R, , Z) and (r, , z) are the cylindrical coordinates in the reference and in the current congurations, respectively, dr/dR > 0, the constant > 0 is the twist per unit undeformed length, and z is the uniform axial stretch. Here we consider the strain energy function in terms of the principal stretches, W = W (1 , 2 , 3 ). The deformation gradient tensor F for (4.11) has components, r 0 0 0 r/R z r , (4.12) 0 0 z and the physical components of B and its inverse B 1 are given by 2 r 0 0 0 r2 /R2 + 2 2 r2 2 r , z z 0 2 r 2 z z 2 r 0 0 0 R2 /r2 R2 /r , 0 R2 /r 1/2 + 2 R2 z



respectively. Let i , i = 1, 2, 3, be the unit Eulerian principal axes associated with this deformation. We see that er is the Eulerian principal axis associated with the principal stretch 1 and hence 1 = r . (4.15) We may express the remaining two principal directions in terms of the cylinder polar axes e , ez . Thus, we write 2 = cos e + sin ez ,

3 = sin e + cos ez ,


Ogden [95], Section 5.2.5, writes the same problem using the Lagrangian principal axes.

Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials


where denes the orientation of the axes 2 , 3 relative to e , ez . By dening the following rotation matrix 1 0 0 (4.17) R = 0 cos sin , 0 sin cos considering the left stretch tensor V in (1.10)2 , and by comparing V 2 and B as in (1.11)1 , we obtain the connections 2 cos2 + 2 sin2 = 3 2 r2 + 2 2 r 2 , z R2 2 2 2 2 2 2 sin + 3 cos = z , (2 2 ) sin cos = 2 r, 2 3 z r2 + 2 2 r 2 + 2 , z z R2 (2 2 )(2 2 ) = 4 2 r2 , 2 z z 3 z z r . 2 3 = R 2 + 2 = 2 3 Further, we obtain the explicit expression for as cos 2 = 2 + 2 22 2 3 z . 2 2 2 3 (4.20)


from which we deduce that


Since the Cauchy stress tensor T is coaxial in the isotropic case with the left Cauchy-Green strain tensor B, we may express it in terms of its principal stresses T1 , T2 , T3 through Trr = T1 , T = T2 cos2 + T3 sin2 , Tz = (T2 T3 ) cos sin , Tzz = T2 sin2 + T3 cos2 . (4.21)

By (4.20) and (4.21) we obtain the following connection 2 r(T Tzz ) = z r2 + 2 2 r2 2 Tz . z z R2 (4.22)

where Wi = W /i , (i, = 1, 2, 3) are evaluated at the values given by (4.15) and (4.19). In this case the boundary condition to be satised is Trr (A) = T1 (A) = 0. (4.24)

The principal stresses are given by (1.42) and we use (4.21) to obtain from equation (4.7) d z 2 (2 2 )W2 3 (2 2 )W3 2 z 3 z (RW1 ) = , (4.23) dR 2 3 2 2 2 3


Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials


Pure torsion: necessary and sucient condition

On setting r = R in equation (4.8), Polignone and Horgan [97] obtain a neces sary condition on W for pure torsion to be possible. From (4.4), for pure torsional deformation (r = R), we obtain I1 = I2 = 3 + 2 R 2 , I3 = 1, (4.25)

and so the deformation is isochoric, and by (4.8), we obtain d W1 + W3 + (2 + 2 R2 )W2 2 RW1 = 0. dR On employing the chain rule, (4.26) may be written as 2(3 + 2 R2 )W21 + 2(2 + 2 R2 )W22 + 2(W31 + W32 + W11 ) + 2W2 W1 = 0, (4.27) where Wij = 2 W /(Ii Ij ) (i, j = 1, 2, 3) are evaluated at the values (4.25). The condition (4.27) is therefore a necessary condition on W for pure torsion to be possible (an equivalent condition was obtained by Currie and Hayes [25]). 1/2 Kirkinis and Ogden [70], on setting r = z R in order to have isochoric deformation for the torsion superimposed on uniform extension, obtain from (4.15) and (4.19)(1,3) 1 = 1/2 , z 2 3 = 1/2 , z 2 + 2 = 2 + 1 + z 2 R2 . 2 3 z z (4.28) (4.26)

In terms of the stretches, the equations (4.21) are given by Trr = 1/2 W1 , z T = Tzz Tz = (2 2 )(2 2 ) 2 3 z z 2 W2 3 W3 , 2 2 2 3 (4.29)

(2 2 )2 W2 (2 2 )3 W3 2 z 3 z , 2 2 2 3 (2 2 )2 W2 + (2 2 )3 W3 3 2 z . = z 2 2 2 3

On use of (4.28), the equilibrium equation (4.23) specializes to (2 + 2 2 1 ) 2 3 z z 2 W12 3 W13 + W1 = 2 2 2 3 1/2 z

(2 2 )2 W2 (2 2 )3 W3 2 z 3 z , (4.30) 2 2 2 3

in which the derivatives of W are evaluated for (4.28). Equation (4.30) provides a necessary condition for the strain energy to admit the deformation considered and generalizes (4.27) for z = 1 to the case z = 1. When z = 1, equation (4.28) reduces to (W12 1 W13 ) + ( + 1 )W1 = 2 W2 + 2 W3 , (4.31)

Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials where is dened by


setting 2 = , 3 = 1 . Equations (4.27) and (4.31) are clearly equivalent, but they do not guarantee that the zero-traction boundary condition on the lateral surface of the cylinder is satised and therefore, in general, appropriate radial tractions need to be supplied in order to maintain the deformation. By (4.29)1 , and since z is constant, Trr depends on the deformation only through the combination R. On setting Trr (R) = T ( R), on the lateral surface, we then have Trr (A) = T ( A). Thus, the lateral traction vanish if Trr (A) = T ( A) = 0, for all 0. From that condition follows (4.33)

= 1 = R,


d Trr (A) = T ( A)A = 0, d


for all > 0, and therefore, for any xed > 0, d Trr (R) = T ( R) = 0, dR (4.35)

for all 0 < R < A. Thus, Trr (R) is constant, and since it vanishes for R = A, Trr 0 and from (4.6), it follows that T 0 also. From (4.29)(1,2) we deduce that W1 0, 2 (2 2 )W2 3 (2 2 )W3 = 0, (4.36) 2 z 3 z where the derivatives of W are evaluated for the stretches given by (4.28). The conditions (4.36) are necessary and sucient for the strain energy function to admit the combined isochoric torsion and uniform extension with zero tractions on the lateral surface of the cylinder. To derive (4.36)2 , we used the inequality 2 = 3 (otherwise by (4.28) the trivial situation = 0, z = 1, 2 = 3 = 1 is veried). When z = 1, the conditions (4.36) reduce to W1 0, 2 W2 + 2 W3 = 0, (4.37)

evaluated for 2 = , 3 = 1 , 1 = R. Conditions (4.31) are obviously implied by (4.37). If the strain energy W is written in terms of the principal invariants i1 , i2 , i3 (see (1.32)), then the Cauchy stress components for pure torsional deformation become W1 + W2 , Trr = W1 + (i 1)W2 + W3 , Tz = i1 1 T = W1 ( 2 + 2) + (i 2)(i + 1)W2 + (i 1)W3 , (4.38) i1 1 2W1 + (i + 1)W2 + (i 1)W3 , Tzz = i1 where Wj (j = 1, 2, 3) are the derivatives of W with respect to i1 , i2 , i3 , respectively, and evaluated for i = i1 = i2 = + 1 + 1, = 1 , i3 = 1.



Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials

Here, the equilibrium equation (4.27) and (4.31) become (W11 + iW12 + (i 1)W22 + W31 + W32 )(i + 1) + i(W2 W1 ) = 0. (4.40)

When Trr = T = 0 we obtain, after some rearrangement, the necessary and sucient conditions as iW1 + W2 = 0, (i2 i 1)W1 W3 = 0, (4.41)

where, here, W depends on i1 , i2 , i3 and the derivatives are evaluated for (4.39). In the case of pure torsion, the resultant axial force N on any cross-section of the cylinder and the resultant moment M are related by N = M, (4.42)

independently of which strain energy function is used. Thus, (4.42) establishes another example of a universal relation 2 . To show the relation (4.42), we consider the denitions

N = 2

Tzz R dR,

M = 2

Tz R2 dR,


where the integrals (which are independent of Z) are taken over any cross-section of the cylinder. The relationship (4.22) at z = 1, T = 0, r = R reduces to Tzz = RTz , and from (4.43), the relation (4.42), therefore, holds. (4.44)


Some examples

It has been shown by Beatty [8] and by Carroll and Horgan [21] that pure torsion is possible for the following Blatz-Ko material (2.40) W (I1 , I2 , I3 ) = 2 I2 1/2 + 2I3 5 . I3 (4.45)

In fact, here the stress response equation takes the simple form T = I I3 and the equation (4.8) reduces to 3Rr3 r r3 r + R3 r4 = 0, (4.47)

B 1 ,


where the prime refers to the ordinary derivative with respect to R. The equation (4.47) is a second-order nonlinear ordinary dierential equation where the parameter does not appear. The components of the stress Trr and T do not contain
It may be compared to the universal relation (3.29)2 , because pure torsion is an example of locally simple shear of magnitude = R in the (e , ez ) plane.

Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials


and it is clear that r = R is a solution of (4.47) that verify (4.10). In this case, from (4.46), it is easy to see that Trr = 0, T = 0, Tzz = 2 R2 , Tr = 0, Trz = 0, Tz = R, (4.48)

and so the boundary free traction condition (4.9) is satised. For the general BlatzKo material (2.38), the necessary condition (4.26) holds if and only if f = 0. In this case, the traction free boundary condition is also satised. Consider the Hadamard material (2.21): to ensure the normalization conditions (1.34) and (1.64), the arbitrary function H in (2.21) must satisfy H(1) = 0, H (1) + c1 + 2c2 = 0. (4.49)

One can see that the necessary condition (4.27) is satised if and only if 2c2 = c1 . The stress components for the Hadamard material are given, by (1.36), as Trr = 2c2 2 R2 , T = 2(c1 + c2 ) 2 R2 , Tzz = 0, Tr = 0, Tz = 2(c1 + c2 ) R, Trz = 0. (4.50)


Thus, Hadamard materials cannot sustain pure torsion (2c2 = c1 ) with traction free lateral surface, except in the degenerate case where c2 = 0. The authors in [70] and in [97] try to nd a more general form of strain energy to sustain pure torsion3 with the dierence that Polignone and Horgan [97] do not impose free boundary condition. They try to obtain materials where pure torsion may be possible. For example they start by requiring that W21 + W22 = 0, (4.52)

where the derivatives are evaluated in (4.25). Condition (4.52) is a good device to eliminate the explicit dependence of the parameter in the equation (4.27). In fact the explicit term 2 R2 vanishes identically when (4.52) is assumed. Since functions of the form P (I1 I2 , I3 ) clearly satisfy (4.52), Polignone and Horgan consider the following general form of strain energy function, W = P (I1 I2 , I3 ) + Q(I1 , I3 ) + R(I2 )S(I3 ) 2 + H1 (I3 )(I1 3) + H2 (I3 )(I2 3) + H3 (I3 ) , (4.53)

where > 0 is the innitesimal shear modulus and P, Q, R, S, Hi (i = 1, 2, 3) are suciently smooth functions. The strain energy function (4.53) satises (4.52) if and only if R(I2 ) is a linear function. Thus, we assume that R(I2 ) = k1 I2 + k2 ,


This is an important task from the mathematical point of view, but afterward one must establish whether the material described by the model obtained describes reality or if it remains only an idealization.


Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials

where k1 and k2 are arbitrary constants. On redening S(I3 ) and H(I3 ) to include these constants, we rewrite (4.53) as W = P (I1 I2 , I3 ) + Q(I1 , I3 ) + I2 S(I3 ) 2 + H1 (I3 )(I1 3) + H2 (I3 )(I2 3) + H3 (I3 ) , (4.55)

in order to satisfy (4.52). The normalization conditions (1.34) and (1.64) require that P (0, 1) + Q(3, 1) + 3S(1) + H3 (1) = 0 (4.56) and P1 (0, 1) + P2 (0, 1) + Q Q (3, 1) + (3, 1) I1 I3 + 3S (1) + 2S(1) + H1 (1) + 2H2 (1) + H3 (1) = 0, (4.57)

where the subscripts 1 and 2 on P indicate the derivatives with respect to the rst and second arguments, respectively. From (4.27) and (4.52), we ask that 2(W21 + W31 + W32 + W11 ) + 2W2 W1 = 0. On substitution from (4.55) into (4.58), one nds that 3P1 (0, 1) + 2 2Q Q 2Q +2 2 I1 I1 I3 I1 (4.58)

+ 2 (S (1) + S(1)) + 2H1 (1)

I1 =3+ 2 R2 , I3 =1 H1 (1) + 2H2 (1)

+ 2H2 (1) = 0. (4.59)

Rather than describe the most general class of functions P, Q, S, Hi (i = 1, 2, 3) for which (4.58) holds, Polignone and Horgan [97] indicate some possibilities. One possibility is to search for Q such that 2 Q 2Q 2Q = 0, +2 2 I1 I1 I3 I1 (4.60)

holds. One solution of (4.60) is given in the following form Q(I1 , I3 ) = e(I3 1) e(1/2)(I1 3) , (4.61)

to within an arbitrary additive function of I3 , that we may include in H3 (I3 ). The parameters and (= 1/2) are constants. To nd a possible form for S(I3 ), one might seek S such that S (1) + S(1) = 0, (4.62) so that (4.59) is further simplied. Thus, it is possible to set S = ke(I3 1) , (4.63)

where k is a constant. By the previous choices for Q and S, the condition (4.59) reduces to
3P1 (0, 1) + 2H1 (1) H1 (1) + 2H2 (1) + 2H2 (1) = 0,


Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials and the normalization condition (4.56) and (4.57) read as P (0, 1) + + 3k + H3 (1) = 0, P1 (0, 1) + P2 (0, 1) + k + H1 (1) + 2H2 (1) + H3 (1) = 0. 2



Thus, a material described by a strain energy function W of the form (4.55), with Q and S chosen as in (4.61) and (4.63), respectively, can sustain pure torsional deformations provided (4.64) holds. This is one possible way to generate a benchmark of possible strain energy functions. On every setting for the unknown function P, Q, S, H one could check afterwards if the strain energy function found satises the boundary condition as well. An other investigation concerns the energy functions of the form W (i1 , i2 , i3 ) = f (i1 )h1 (i3 ) + g(i2 )h2 (i3 ) + h3 (i3 ), (4.66)

which is one generalization of the material described by classes I, II and III in (3.87), (3.89) and (3.91). Polignone and Horgan [97] show that the rst two classes cannot sustain pure torsion (in general). Instead the third class veries the condition (4.40) if and only if a3 = b3 but a uniformly distributed tensile loading would be required on the lateral surface of the cylinder.


Pure axial shear

The pure axial shear (also called telescopic shear) problem is a particular form of axisymmetric anti-plane shear. It has been introduced in Section (3.2.2) for the case of incompressible isotropic nonlinear elastic cylinder. Here, we are investigating when this isochoric deformation can be sustained for compressible homogeneous isotropic materials. In general, for an arbitrary compressible material, the cylinder will undergo both a radial r(R) deformation, and an axial deformation w(R). For an arbitrary incompressible, isotropic and homogeneous, hyperelastic material, Rivlin [107] has shown that the telescopic shear problem leads to a nonlinear ordinary dierential equation for the radial displacement w(R), whose solution may be obtained only upon specication of the strain energy function. Necessary and sucient conditions on the form of the strain energy function for the compressible and incompressible cases, for which nontrivial states of anti-plane shear may be admissible, have been derived by Knowles [72, 74], but the mathematical structure used to derive the conditions for compressible material excludes the axisymmetric case. Here, our main references are Jiang and Beatty [64] and Polignone and Horgan [98], but some examples for telescopic shear in the compressible case are also described by Agarwal [3] and by Mioducowski and Haddow [82]. In [98], necessary conditions on the strain energy function W for pure axial shear to be possible are established by seeking solutions of the governing equations for which r = R. Two conditions on W are obtained in the form of a second-order and rst-order nonlinear ordinary dierential equation for axial displacement w(R), whose solutions must be compatible. In [64], a single necessary and sucient condition is obtained in order that the material may support pure axial shear, instead.


Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials


Formulation of the axial shear problem

Let us consider the axisymmetric nite axial shear deformation of an isotropic compressible nonlinearly elastic hollow circular cylinder with inner surface R = A and outer surface R = B, r = r(R), = , z = Z + w(R), (4.67)

where (R, , Z) and (r, , z) are the cylindrical coordinates in the reference and in the current congurations, respectively, and dr/dR > 0. We set the inner surface R = A to be bonded to a rigid cylinder so that r(A) = A, w(A) = 0. (4.68)

The deformation (4.67) may be achieved either by prescribing r(R) and w(R) on the outer surface R = B, or by applying a uniformly distributed axial shear traction to the outer surface of the cylinder and assuming that the radial traction is zero there, Trr (B) = 0, Trz (B) = T0 , (4.69)

where T0 is a given constant. Let us assume that the cylinder is suciently long so that end eects are negligible and that the strain energy function is given in terms of the rst three principal invariants of B: W = W (I1 , I2 , I3 ). Corresponding to the deformation eld (4.67), we have 2 r 0 r w r 0 0 , 0 F = 0 r/R 0 , B = 0 r2 /R2 2 rw 0 1+w w 0 1 (w2 + 1)/r2 0 w /r , 0 R2 /r2 0 B 1 = w /r 0 1 (4.70)



where r = dr/dR and w dw/dR. The rst three principal invariants are given by I1 = 1 + r2 + r2 + w2 , R2 r2 I2 = r2 + 2 1 + r2 + w2 , R 2 r I3 = r2 2 . R


Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials


Substitution from (4.71)2 and (4.72) into (1.36) yields the physical components of the Cauchy stress T as Trr = 0 + 1 r2 + 1 T Tzz Trz Tr w2 + 1 , r2 R2 r2 = 0 + 1 2 + 1 2 , R r 2 = 0 + 1 (w + 1) + 1 , w = 1 r w 1 , r = 0, Tz = 0.


Because r = r(R), it is convenient to consider that T = T (R). The equilibrium equations in the absence of body force, divT = 0, for this deformation, reduce to the following two equations: Trr 1 + (Trr T ) = 0, r r Trz Trz + = 0. r r (4.75)

We observe that equation (4.75)2 can also be written in the form d (rTrz ) = 0, dr (4.76)

so that on integrating and using (4.74)4 , (4.73)3 and (1.38), we arrive at the following rst-order nonlinear ordinary dierential equation w RW1 + r2 W2 R = K, (4.77)

where K is a constant and W1 , W2 are the derivatives of W with respect to I1 and I2 , respectively, evaluated at the values (4.73). The constant K appearing in (4.77) can now be expressed in terms of T0 . In fact, by (4.74)4 , (4.77) and (4.69), we nd that r(B)T0 K= . (4.78) 2 Equation (4.75)1 , after using a chain rule to dierentiate with respect to R, may be written as the following second-order nonlinear ordinary dierential equation d dR Rr W1 + r Rr rr + r R + W1 W2 + rr W3 R Rr2 1 + W2 2 r R

Rr2 1 w2 r2 R R

= 0, (4.79)

where again the derivatives Wi (i = 1, 2, 3) are evaluated at the values (4.73). Equations (4.77) and (4.79) are a coupled pair of nonlinear ordinary dierential equations for the unknowns functions r(R) and w(R).


Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials


Pure axial shear: necessary and sucient conditions

Polignone and Horgan [98] obtain necessary conditions on the strain energy function for pure axial shear to be possible by setting r = R in the equations (4.77) and (4.79). When r = R, rst we know by (4.73) that I1 = I2 = 3 + w2 , I3 = 1, (4.80)

and so the deformation is isochoric. From (4.79), we obtain w2 d (W1 + 2W2 + W3 ) W2 = 0. dR R (4.81)

Employing the chain rule, and setting w = 0 to have a nontrivial solution, this last equation can be written as 2(W11 + 2W22 + 3W12 + W13 + W23 )w W2 From (4.77), we obtain the necessary condition (W1 + W2 )w = BT0 . 2R (4.83) w = 0. R (4.82)

In (4.82) and in (4.83) the derivatives are evaluated in (4.80). By dierentiating both sides of (4.83) with respect to R and using the chain rule, we obtain (W1 + W2 )w = BT0 2(W11 + 2W12 + W22 )w2 w , 2R2 (4.84)

where the derivatives are evaluated at values (4.80). When r = R, the corresponding stress components in (4.74) become Trr T Tzz Trz Tr = 0 + 1 + 1 (w2 + 1), = 0 + 1 + 1 , = 0 + 1 (w2 + 1) + 1 , = (1 1 )w , = 0, Tz = 0,


where the i (i = 1, 0, 1) are evaluated at values (4.80). Setting r = R, the boundary condition (4.68)1 is satised and so from (4.68)2 and (4.69)1 , the remaining boundary conditions are w(A) = 0, (W1 + 2W2 + W3 ) |I1 =I2 =3+w2 ,
I3 =1, R=B

= 0,


respectively. In [64], the problem is introduced in the reference conguration. From (1.21), the physical components of the rst Piola-Kirchho stress tensor are given by (TR )RR = (TR )ZZ = 2(W1 + 2W2 + W3 ), (TR )RZ = 2w (W2 + W3 ), (TR ) = 2(W1 + (2 + w2 )W2 + W3 ), (TR )ZR = 2w (W2 + W2 ), (TR )R = (TR )R = (TR )Z = (TR )Z = 0, (4.87)

Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials


where Wi W/Ii , (i = 1, 2, 3) are evaluated at (4.80). The equilibrium equations, in the absence of body forces, reduce to the following radial and axial equilibrium equations R d (W1 + 2W2 + W3 ) = w2 W2 , dR d (R(TR )ZR ) = 0. dR (4.88)

Similarly to the denition in (3.24), after setting w = k, we dene the shear stress response function as (k) (TR )ZR = k(k 2 ) (4.89) and the shear response function as (k 2 ) 2(W1 + W2 ). We may therefore rewrite (4.88) as R d (W1 + 2W2 + W3 ) = k 2 W2 , dR d (R (k)) = 0. dR (4.91) (4.90)

As in (3.26), by the empirical inequality (1.46), we know that (k 2 ) > 0, k. (4.92)

We observe that the shear strain k(R) vanishes identically if either the shear strain itself or its derivative dk/dR vanishes at a single location in [A, B]. In fact by (4.91)2 and (4.89), we obtain that Rk(k 2 ) = h, (4.93)

where h is an integration constant. If [A, B] contains the origin, the statement is trivial, because (4.92) holds. Thus, if there exist a point 0 = R0 [A, B] such that k(R0 ) = 0, by (4.92), it is necessary to have h = 0 and therefore k 0. If there exist a point 0 = R1 [A, B] such that dk(R1 )/dR = 0, by dierentiation of (4.93) with respect to R, we have R dk(R) d [ (k(R))] = (k(R)), dR dk (4.94)

which with the aid of (4.93), may be written as h dk(R) d [ (k(R))] = 2 , dR dk R (4.95)

and since dk(R1 )/dR = 0 we therefore obtain the constant h = 0, deducing as in the previous case that k 0. The necessary and sucient condition for a compressible, isotropic and homogeneous, hyperelastic material to be capable of sustaining nontrivial, pure axial


Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials

shear deformation whose strain energy function W satises (4.92) is the following condition
1 (W1 + W2 ) W11 + I1 W12 + (I1 1)W22 + W13 + W23 + 2 W2 =

(I1 3) W1 (W12 + W22 ) W2 (W11 + W21 ) , (4.96) for I1 = I2 3, I3 = 1. By using (4.80), and recalling that the strain energy function W depends on the shear strain k only through the invariants I1 and I2 , it follows that (4.96) admits the following representation (W1 + W2 ) d d (W1 + 2W2 + W3 ) = kW2 [k(W1 + W2 )] . dk dk (4.97)

Recalling the denition of the shear stress response function in (4.89) and since we may suppose that k and its derivative with respect to R never vanishes (otherwise by previous consderations the only solution w(R) would be a constant), we may rewrite (4.97) as (k) d d (k) (W1 + 2W2 + W3 ) = k 2 W2 . dk dk (4.98)

To prove suciency, we need to show that every solution of the equation (4.91)2 also satises the radial equilibrium equation (4.91)1 when the condition (4.92) and (4.98) are identically satised. Since the equilibrium equation (4.91)2 may be written in the form (4.94), after substitution from (4.94) into (4.98), we obtain the equilibrium equation (4.91)1 and suciency is hence shown. To prove the necessary condition, we consider a solution w of both equations (4.91)1 and (4.91)2 . Since the strain energy function depends on k trough the invariants I1 and I2 , we may rewrite Equation (4.91)1 as R dk d (W1 + 2W2 + W3 ) = k 2 W2 . dk dR (4.99)

Because equation (4.91)2 is equivalent to (4.94), we use (4.94) in (4.99) and we obtain (k) d d (k) (W1 + 2W2 + W3 ) = k 2 W2 . dk dk (4.100)

Thus (4.98) is obtained and the necessary condition is therefore proved. In order to attain this result, a division by was necessary, but we recall that this is always possible because (4.92) holds.


Some examples

Let us consider the Hadamard material (2.21). It follows from (4.90) that the shear response function for the Hadamard material (2.21), is (k 2 ) = 2(c1 + c2 ) > 0, (4.101)

Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials a constant, and that the shear stress response function (4.89) is (k) = 2k(c1 + c2 ),



a linear dependence of k. Here, in accordance with (4.96), it follows immediately that non-trivial, controllable, axial pure shear deformations are possible in every Hadamard material (2.21) for which 1 (W1 + W2 )W2 = (c1 + c2 )c2 = 0. 2 Since (c1 + c2 ) > 0, c2 = 0 (4.104) is a necessary and sucient condition for the pure axial shear to be controllable in an Hadamard material. When c2 = 0 and c1 > 0, from (4.91)2 or (4.83) the out-of-plane displacement w(R) is given by w(R) = BT0 ln 2c1 R A , (4.105) (4.103)

and from (4.85)3,4 , the nonzero stress components are Tzz =

2 B 2 T0 , 2c1 R2

Trz =

BT0 . R


It is readily seen that (4.96) fails for a Blatz-Ko material (2.40), which is capable of sustaining pure torsion (see Section 4.1.3). In searching for a more general class of material for which the pure axial shear is possible, Polignone and Horgan [98] require that the strain energy W satisfy the following condition W11 + 2W12 + W22 = 0, (4.107) where the derivatives are evaluated in (4.80). By (4.84), and since we are assuming that W1 + W2 > 0, we obtain w = 2R2 (W BT0 . 1 + W2 ) (4.108)

On employing (4.107), (4.108), (4.83) in (4.82), we nd that 2(W22 + W12 + W13 + W23 ) + W2 = 0. (4.109)

Thus, Polinone and Horgan [98] start by considering the following form of the strain energy W = [P (I1 I2 , I3 )(I1 3) + Q(I1 I2 , I3 )(I2 3) + R(I1 I2 , I3 )] 2 (4.110)

where > 0 is the innitesimal shear modulus, and P, Q, R are suciently smooth functions. This form of strain energy function certainly veries the conditions (4.107). The normalization conditions (1.34) and (1.64)1 are satised by (4.110) if R(0, 1) = 0, (4.111)

76 and

Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials

P (0, 1) + 2Q(0, 1) R1 (0, 1) + R2 (0, 1) = 0,


where the subscripts 1, 2 indicate the derivatives with respect to the rst and second arguments, respectively. The task now is to nd conditions on the functions P, Q, R such that condition (4.109) is satised. Hence, on substitution from (4.110) in (4.109), one nds that 2 [P2 (0, 1) + Q2 (0, 1) (P1 (0, 1) + Q1 (0, 1))] + Q(0, 1) R1 (0, 1) [P1 (0, 1) + Q1 (0, 1)] w2 = 0. (4.113) Since we are searching for w as a varying function (otherwise (4.82) and (4.83) are not compatible), the condition (4.113) implies that P1 (0, 1) + Q1 (0, 1) = 0 and 2P2 (0, 1) + 2Q2 (0, 1) + Q(0, 1) R1 (0, 1) = 0. In order that > 0, i.e. W1 + W2 > 0, it is necessary that P (0, 1) + Q(0, 1) > 0. (4.116) (4.115) (4.114)

Thus a cylindrical tube composed of a material described by a strain energy function W of the form (4.110), with P, Q chosen so that (4.114) is satised, can sustain pure axial shear provided (4.115) and (4.116) hold. From (4.83) and the boundary condition (4.68)2 , we obtain the solution w(R) = BT0 ln (P (0, 1) + Q(0, 1)) R A (4.117)

for any W of the form (4.110). To satisfy the boundary condition (4.69)1 , by (4.86), (4.112) and (4.114), one nds that P2 (0, 1) + Q2 (0, 1) = 0. Combining (4.118) and (4.115), we obtain Q(0, 1) R1 (0, 1) = 0. (4.119) (4.118)

Thus, in summary, provided that (4.114), (4.116), (4.118), and (4.119) hold, any compressible material described by (4.110) allows pure axial shear of the tube arising from a uniform shear traction applied to its outer surface, with the radial traction vanishing there. By application also of (4.112), from (4.85), we nd that the only nonzero stresses are then Tzz = Trz
2 B 2 T0 , (P (0, 1) + Q(0, 1)) R2 BT0 = . R


Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials


In the same way as for the pure torsion deformation, here, it is possible to give some explicit example of (4.110) when P, Q, R are chosen. Polignone and Horgan [98] give some examples. One of these is the following strain energy, W = e(I1 I2 ) e(I3 1) (I1 3) + e(I1 I2 ) e(I3 1) (I2 3) 2 + e(I1 I2 ) e2(I3 1) 1 ,

with = 0, = 0, > 0 arbitrary constants.


Some other meaningful isochoric deformations

A third isochoric deformation for compressible materials that has been investigated in a similar fashion is that of azimuthal shear (or circular shear) of a cylindrical tube, r = R, = + g(R), z = Z, (4.121) where (R, , Z) and (r, , z) are the cylindrical coordinates in the reference and in the current congurations, respectively, and the inner surface of the tube is bonded to a rigid cylinder. The deformation may be achieved either by applying a uniformly distributed azimuthal shear traction on the outer surface together with zero radial traction or by subjecting the outer surface to a prescribed angular displacement, with zero radial displacement. For compressible materials, we know by Ericksens result [34] that azimuthal shear is not a universal solution and that in general, it is accompained by a radial deformation. These axisymmetric elds are governed by a coupled pair of nonlinear ordinary dierential equations, one of which is second-order and the other rst-order. Azimuthal shear, therefore, cannot be sustained by all compressible materials, unless certain auxiliary conditions on the strain energy function are satised. That problem has been examined by Beatty and Jiang [10], Haughton [52], Jiang and Ogden [66] and Polignone and Horgan [100]. The generalized azimuthal shear is an isochoric deformation of the form r = R, = + g(R, Z), z = Z, (4.122) where (R, , Z) and (r, , z) are the cylindrical coordinates in the reference and in the current congurations, respectively. This deformation (or its Zindependent specialization) may also appear under the names of circular or rotational shear. For compressible materials, that problem has been investigated by Kirkinis and Tsai [71]. The isochoric deformation consisting of the composition of the shearing deformation (4.67) (with r(R) = R) and (4.121) is called helical shear and it is described by r = R, = + g(R), z = Z + w(R), (4.123) where (R, , Z) and (r, , z) are the cylindrical coordinates in the reference and in the current congurations, respectively. This last problem has been examined by Beatty and Jiang [11].


Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials


Nearly isochoric deformations for compressible materials

In the previous sections we have seen an example of how a strategy of applying the semi-inverse method, while dealing with complex models, generalizes forms of solutions already known within the framework of a simpler theory. Motivated by the results obtained in the incompressible case, we have tried to understand what happens in the compressible case. By doing so, many important exact solutions for special classes of compressible elastic materials have been obtained. In [28], we emphasized that great care has to be exercised in using semi-inverse method in continuum mechanics to delineate classes of constitutive equations that admit a particular class of deformations and motions. Sometimes, the admissibility of a given deformation eld is considered to delineate special classes of constitutive laws. We pointed out that the classes of constitutive equations thus identied from the standpoint that it may admit a type of deformation may lead to models that exhibit physically unacceptable mechanical behavior. To illustrate the dangers inherent to merely turning the mathematical crank to determine classes of constitutive equations where a certain class of deformations are possible, we now consider the torsion of a cylindrical shaft (4.4.1), the axisymmetric anti-plane shear of a cylindrical tube (4.4.2), and then the propagation of transverse waves (4.4.3) in a compressible nonlinear elastic material. We show that great care has to be exercised in appealing to the semi-inverse method. The rst and third examples are extracted from our recent work [28]. In the rst and second examples, we consider some static deformations with the help of which we can lay bare the confusion that has been created in seeking semi-inverse solutions. By considering torsional deformation and axial axisymmetric shear of a cylindrical shaft and tube, respectively, we discuss step by step the criticism concerning the mistakes that have been made as well as the possible errors that can be committed. Then in the third example, we consider the propagation of transverse bulk waves (primary motion), which, according to general nonlinear elasticity theory, must always be coupled to a longitudinal wave (secondary motion). Instead of considering what happens within the context of the linearized theory, a second-order theory and then the general nonlinear setting, we consider a top-to-bottom approach. We derive the general equations and, assuming that the amplitude of the displacements is of order , we show that at the rst order we recover the results of the linearized theory and that at a higher order of approximation, we may have some insight into the coupling between the various modes of deformation. Here, the interesting point is the occurence of the phenomena of resonance between the primary and secondary elds. Let us recall that it has been possible to determine the most general class of compressible materials for which pure torsion is a controllable deformation in the case of a circular solid cylinder. This means that for the constitutive equations that allow the deformation in question, the balance equations are satised for the pure torsion deformation. The next step is to ensure that the lateral surface of the circular cylinder is traction-free. Now, because simple torsion is an isochoric deformation, we have to ensure that the lateral boundary has to be traction-free

Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials


while the volume remains constant. There is no reason to expect that this situation is automatically complied with in a compressible material. It is more natural to expect that when the lateral boundary of the cylinder is traction-free, the volume change has to be non-zero. In some sense, the behavior of a class of compressible materials such that pure torsion is controllable is extraordinary. We now investigate quantitatively the meaning of this sort of unusual possibility. To make this claim quantitative, let us observe that any idealized material characterized by special mathematical properties cannot be clearly identied in the real world. That is, all mathematical models have to be viewed as approximations and one has to evaluate how well such models represent reality. We have to make some determination of what we will nd acceptable in terms of an approximate answer. Such a determination cannot be totally subjective and one has to have some sort of agreement amongst those developing and using such models. Whether the criticism concerning the inapplicability of certain models is appropriate or otherwise needs to be judged by the modeller. For example, let us suppose that we wish to consider the mathematical assumption that W = W (I2 , I3 ) only with regard to a specic body. This is exactly the constitutive assumption made by Blatz and Ko [8] in their celebrated model for foamed polyurethane elastomeric foams. It is imperative, when we make such an assumption, to check whether the experimental data backs the validity of the mathematical relationship W/I1 = 0. (4.124) Because, the rst derivatives of the strain energy function are the mechanical quantities directly related to the stress, the relation (4.124) is indeed the correct way to check the constitutive assumption W = W (I2 , I3 ), for example in a biaxial experiment. It is clear that in the real world, our measurement in itself introduces an uncertainty with regard to the measured quantity, and that the accuracy of measurement is such that any measurement of the mechanical quantity W/I1 to check the (4.124) will deliver a real number dierent from zero. It is not merely the prerogative of the modeller to say when is suciently small enough to be considered zero but, and as always, any theoretical assumption is an approximation and making such an approximation is an art. Roughly speaking, in a nonlinear theory, just because a certain quantity is small it does not follow that everything else connected with this quantity is or remains small. For this reason, we must be very careful in considering constitutive assumptions generated by purely mathematical arguments such as the ones arising from the semi-inverse method4 . On the other hand, it is clear that approximations must be consistent and for the specic problem under consideration the following problem arises. If a given problem depends on various parameters i , i = 1, ..., n and depends on a small parameter such that for = 0 the secondary deformation may be ignored, then the small -approximation is consistent if for << 1 the secondary eld is neglible for any admissible value of the parameters i .
We point out that this procedure is exactly the reverse of the constitutive assumption that comes out from a rigorous mathematical denition of some physical intuition. Notable examples of this last situation are the concept of frame indierence and material symmetry. In this case we start by the evidence provided by our observations in the real world and we then try to translate this into mathematics; in the former case we force mathematics to t into the real world.


Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials


Nearly pure torsion of compressible cylinder

Let us consider a compressible cylinder of radius A subjected to the torsional deformation (4.1). We refer to the pure torsion of the cylindrical shaft as the primary deformation, while by secondary deformation we mean the radial displacement r(R). This means max r(R) 1 O(), R (4.125)


or I3 1 for all R [0, A] and for any other parameters (i for previous reference). Now let us consider the classical Blatz-Ko material (2.40), with the strain energy function I2 3 + 2( I3 1) , W = (4.126) 2 I3 where is a constant, the initial shear modulus. This model is of the form W = W (I2 , I3 ) and it is well known (see Section 4.1.3) that for the class of materials described by the strain energy function given by (4.126), the isochoric simple torsion deformation is controllable. Let us consider a more general strain energy function than (4.126), i.e. W = k(I1 3) + 2 I2 3 + 2(1 2k/)( I3 I3 1) , (4.127)

where k and are constants. The strain energy function (4.127) diers from (4.126) by a term linear in I1 and a null-Lagrangian term I3 (see Haughton [53]) such that the usual restrictions imposed by the normalization conditions are satised. Clearly as k 0 we recover (4.126) from (4.127). The derivatives of the strain energy function (4.127) with respect to the invariants are W1 = k, W2 = , 2I3 W3 = 2 1 2k/ I2 2 I3 I3 . (4.128)

Now it is possible to evaluate via a suitable experiment the magnitude of the parameter k and to decide if the assumption W1 = 0 is reasonable on the basis of tting the experimental data. If k = 0, then the model (4.127) reduces to (4.126). Our point is that this model is so special that it is not possible to ensure that the predictions of the mechanical response are not in contradiction with the assumption k = 0. To make this point more quantitative, the next step is to introduce the dimensionless independent variable = R/A [0, 1], the dimensionless dependent variable F () = r/A (4.129) and the quantities = A, k = k/. (4.130)

Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials


The introduction of (4.128), evaluated for the specic deformation under consideration, in (4.8), leads to the equation k 1 F F + 2 F F + 3 1 3 F + = 0. 4 4 2 FF 2F 2F F 3 (4.131)

(Here F = dF/d). Moreover, from (4.5)1 , the dimensionless radial stress component associated with the deformation, for the model (4.127) is given by
2 F 2 F T () = 1 2k + 2k . I3 I3


Therefore, for a solid circular cylinder initially of radius A subjected to end torques only, the boundary value problem of interest here is given by equation (4.131), subject to the conditions T (1) = 0 (i.e. Trr (A) = 0) and F () 0 as 0. We point out that the isochoric solution F () = is controllable for the model (4.127) if and only if k = 0 and in this case, T (1) = 0. It seems unlikely that one can obtain an explicit exact solution for equation (4.131), and even a numerical solution for the boundary value problem under investigation is not easy to obtain because the boundary condition on = 1 is nonlinear and of mixed type. For this reason, we consider an approximate O(k) solution. A straighforward computation gives F () + k and the O(k) volume approximation is J 1 + V(2 , )k, where

2 2 2 5 , 24



(4 2 5)2 V( , ) = 12 The maximum of this variation is is the local variation of volume at order k. V(2 , 0) = 5 2 . 12 (4.135)

Because equations (4.133) and (4.135) depend not only on k but also on 2 , and because the two parameters are independent, it is clear that the approximation k = 0 may be not consistent. Now, imagine that you are able to evaluate via an experiment the parameter and that you discover that this parameter is small. It is clear that the experk imentally determined number may be never small enough to justify the model corresponding to k = 0 and only the modeller can choose to set k = 0, or do otherwise. Our computation shows that such an assumption might be dangerous under certain circumstances. Indeed, while the limiting model for k 0 predicts that during torsion the variation of volume is null, this is not always the case even for very small k. To show this we generated pictures in 4.1, where two dierent coaxial cylinders are considered to describe the situation evoked. The external cylinder


Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials

is represented in the picture by only its external surface through a circumference line of radius R = 1. It is the cylinder where no deformation occurs in the reference conguration. The dark circle stays in place for the cylinder in the current conguration, after a torsional deformation (4.1) is imposed. Now it can be appreciated, depending on the amount of torsion imposed, how the radius reduces with the law (4.133) and consequent change of volume occurs. In Figures 4.1 a-b) the approximation value k = 0.05 is considered, and the amounts of torsion are = 2 and = 2.5 respectively. When a small value for k is slightly increased to k = 0.1, the reduction of the radius for the deformed cylinder is more appreciated. See Figures 4.1 c-d) where the parameters of the torsion are = 2 and = 2.5, respectively. Clearly, the use of the model (4.126) is fraught with danger because it is too special. This situation is peculiar to all the constitutive models that are identied by enforcing special mechanical behaviors via purely mathematical properties, such as the controllability of isochoric deformations within the context of a theory to describe the response of compressible bodies.


Nearly pure axial shear of compressible tube

Let us consider a compressible tube of internal and external radii A and B, respectively, subjected to an axial axisymmetric shear deformation (4.67). Here, in order to search for pure axial shear deformation, we refer the out-displacement w(R) as primary deformation while we refer to the radial displacement r(R) as secondary eld. Similarly to the previous section, this means that


or I3 1 for all R [A, B] and for any other parameters. Now let us consider the classical Hadamard material (2.21), with strain energy function that we rewrite here as W = c1 (I1 3) + k(I2 3) + H(I3 ), (4.136) where c1 > 0 and k 0 are material constants. Clearly if k = 0, the model (4.136) satises the necessary and sucient condition (4.104) and the material will be therefore capable of sustaining pure axial shear, for every function H(I3 ) satisfying the normalization conditions on the strain energy (1.34) and (1.64). The derivatives of the strain energy function (4.136) with respect to the invariants are W1 = c1 , W2 = k, W3 = H (I3 ). (4.137)

r(R) 1 O(), R

Now it is possible to evaluate, via a suitable experiment, the magnitude of the parameter k with respect to the parameter and to decide if the assumption W2 = 0 is reasonable on the basis of tting the experimental data. Let us consider the model (2.23) proposed by Levinson and Burgess [79] as special case of strain energy function (4.136), W = k (I1 3) + k(I2 3) 2 1 + 2 (2k + + ) (I3 1) ( + 2)( I3 1), (4.138)

Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials

5 . 1 5 . 1


5 . 1

5 . 1



Figure 4.1: View of the transverse sections of two perturbed Blatz-Ko cylinder (4.127): the rst one is a cylinder in the reference conguration when no deformation is applied (in the gure represents only its lateral surface through the circumference line of radius R = 1), and the second one is a cylinder in the current conguration when an amount of torsion is applied (in the gure, it is represented by a meshed cylinder of radius (4.133)) for a) k = 0.05, = 2.0, b) = 0.05, = 2.5, c) k = 0.1, = 2.0, d) k = 0.1, = 2.5. k where and are the Lam constants of linear elasticity. At k = 0 the model e (4.138) reduces to W = 1 (I1 3) + ( + ) (I3 1) ( + 2)( I3 1) 2 2 (4.139)

which satises the necessary and sucient condition to sustain pure axial shear. In this last case (k = 0) it is easy to obtain the expression for the displacement

0 5 5 0 5
0 5 5

. . . . .
. . .

1 1 1

0 0 5 0 0 5

. . . . . .

1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 5 5 . . 0 0 0 0 . . 1 1 5 5 . . 1 1


Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials

w(R) and the stress eld (see Section 4.2.3). The next step is to introduce the dimensionless independent variable = R/B, the dimensionless dependent variables F () = r/B, and independent variables = A/B, k = k/, = /, K = K/(B), T = T /, T0 = T0 /, (4.141) w = w/B, (4.140)

so that 1. The derivatives of the strain energy (4.138) with respect to the invariants are W1 = k, 2 W2 = k,
1 W3 = 2 (2k + + )

+ 2 . 2 I3


The introduction of the dimensionless variables and of (4.142) evaluated for the specic deformation under consideration in (4.79), leads to the equation 2k w2 F + F (1 + ( + 1)F 2 ) ( + 1)F 2 (F F ) + 2 (F + F ) = 0, (4.143) and in (4.77) leads to the equation 2k w [F 2 2 ] + ( w 2K) = 0. (4.144)

For k = 0, we know that a solution for pure axial shear is F () = . Here, we consider an approximation O(k) solution, in the spirit of the previous section. Let us assume that F () = + kg(), (4.145) where g is an unknown dimensionless function of . The problem is to solve both the equilibrium equations (4.143) and (4.144) for the unknowns F and w such that the following boundary conditions, equivalent to (4.68) and (4.69)1 , g() = 0, w() = 0, Trr (1) = 0, (4.146)

are satised. Using (4.145) and (4.146)1 we obtain (at rst order) the boundary conditions that g must satisfy: g() = 0, ( + 2)g (1) + g(1) = 0. (4.147)

The approximation equilibrium equations (4.143) and (4.144) (at rst order) become (4.148) ( + 2)(g + g ) 2w2 ( + 2)g = 0, and
1 w 2

= K,


respectively. The solution of (4.149) satisfying also the boundary condition w() = 0 is given by . (4.150) w() = 2K ln

Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials


Using (4.150) in (4.148), the equilibrium equation in the unknown g is given by ( + 2)[(g + g ) g] 8K 2 = 0 from which we obtain g() = 2 1 1 + 2 1 + 2 ln , d1 + d2 2K 2 2 2 +2 (4.152) (4.151)

where d1 and d2 are integration constants obtained by the boundary conditions (4.147). From (4.78), making use of the solution (4.145), we obtain the value K as K= ( + 1 + 2 )T0 2 ( + 1 + 2 ) + ( + 1 + 2 )[( + 1 + 2 ) + 2k T0 ( 2 1 2 ln )] The O(k) volume change approximation is
2 2 2 2 2 log + ( + 2) 1 . J 1 + k T0 ( + 2)( + 1 + 2 ) 2 1/2



It is interesting to study the behaviour of J when , because it attains the maximum of this variation there,
2 2 2 2 log + ( + 1) 1 . J() 1 + k T0 ( + 2)( + 1 + 2 ) 2


Because < 1 is arbitrary, if we consider an approximation of J() for small = , we obtain that 2 T0 J() 1 k . (4.156) ( + 2) 2 2 Since (4.156) depends not only on k but also on the square of the traction T0 , and because the two parameters are independent, it is clear that here as in the previous example, the approximation k = 0 may not be consistent. For example, if we are able to evaluate via an experiment the parameter k and we discover that this parameter is small, say k = 0.01, then we may in our upcoming numerical simulations take A = B/10, so that = 0.1, and assume = 1 of the same magnitude of . After these assumptions, the formula (4.156) becomes 1 2 J() 1 T0 , 3 (4.157)

and cleary we can imagine that the isochoric assumption J = 1 might be very dangerous when the magnitude of the traction |T0 | moves away from zero (see Figure (4.2)), because the dependence is quadratic5 .
The formula (4.157) is a good approximation when small k, and T0 are considered, to avoid zero or negative volume variation.

0 . 1

Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials

Figure 4.2: Plot of J() when the assumption k = 0.01, = 0.1, = 1 (see 0 running from zero (J = 1) to 1.5 (J 0.25). formula (4.157)) against T


Another example: transverse and longitudinal waves

Another important example emphasizing that if we ignore the full scope of the deformation, we may be misguided and we may miss real and interesting phenomena, is given by the propagation of longitudinal and transverse waves. Introducing the Cartesian coordinates (X1 , X2 , X3 ) in the undeformed conguration and the Cartesian coordinates (x1 , x2 , x3 ) in the current conguration, we consider the motion given by x1 = u(X1 , t), x2 = X2 + v(X1 , t), x3 = X3 , (4.158)

where the longitudinal wave u and the transverse wave v must be determined from the balance equation. The principal invariants: I1 , I2 and I3 , are given by
2 I 1 = 2 + u 2 1 + v X1 , X 2 I2 = 1 + 2u2 1 + vX1 , X

I 3 = u2 1 . X

The equations of motion (1.24) in the absence of body forces, reduce to the two scalar equations r 2u = [2 (W1 + 2W2 + W3 ) uX1 ] , 2 t X1 2v [2 (W1 + W2 ) vX1 ] . r 2 = t X1 (4.160)

2 Here the strain energy W is a function of u2 1 and vX1 . X We remark that in the linearized limit, (4.160) reduces to the classical uncoupled systems of linear wave equations (Atkin and Fox [4]). If we consider the case u(X1 , t) X1 , equations (4.160) reduce, in the general case, to an overdetermined system of two dierential equations in the single unknown v. Therefore it seems, at least at rst sight, that it is not possible to ensure the existence of a transverse wave in the nonlinear theory for any material within

9 8 7 6 5 4

. . . . . .

0 0 0 0 0 0


Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials


the constitutive class (1.36). It is possible that for special classes of materials, this overdetermined system may have a solution. For example this is the case for Hadamard materials (2.21). In the case of Hadamard materials, because u X1 and I3 = 1, we nd that (4.160) reduces r 2v 2v = . 2 t2 X1 (4.161)

In this case, the system is compatible and the transverse wave solution may be computed by solving a linear dierential equation, as in the linearized theory of elasticity. Now let us consider for the Hadamard material the case where the longitudinal wave u(X1 , t) is of order , where || << 1. Then we consider the model (2.23), H(I3 ) = ( + ) (I3 1) ( + 2) I3 1 , (4.162)

proposed by Levinson and Burgess [79]. Now equations (4.160) become r 2u 2u = ( + 2) , 2 t2 X1 r 2v 2v = . 2 t2 X1 (4.163)

In this case we nd that the equations are the same as in the linearized theory: they are uncoupled. We take a further step and we consider a small coupling, i.e. we modify the constitutive equation (2.21) to be W = c1 (I1 3) + c2 (I2 3) + ( + ) (I3 1) ( + 2) where k is the coupling parameter and 1 c1 = ( + 2 4k), 2 In this case we compute r and r 2u 2u = ( + 2) + 2k v 2 uX , 2 2 t X1 X1 X1 1 2v 2v = ( 2k) + 2k u 2 1 v X1 . 2 2 t X1 X1 X (4.166) 1 c2 = (2k ). 2 (4.165) I3 1 + kI3 (I1 I3 2), (4.164)


Clearly the term (u2 1 vX1 )/X 1 in the right hand side of (4.167) may be (at X least at rst sight) ignored because the amplitude u is small. This means that we may consider the system of equations (4.166) and (4.167) as being decoupled. This is indeed a way to justify the Hadamard material (2.21), which is a model predicting an exact decoupling. As we have already remarked, any experimental determination of the coupling k may lead to k being small but never zero.


Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials

To make the idea rigorous, we must (at least) require that, given a set of boundary conditions (for example u = v = 0 at X1 = 0 and L), the initial condition is such that u(X1 , 0) O(n ) with suitable n 1 and that we have a suitable a priori bound on the solution such that for any time we ensure u(X1 , t) O(). Then, if this a priori bound exists, the initial conditions satisfy the requirements and when k is small it is possible to consider the transverse waves as being decoupled from the longitudinal waves. The point is that it is clear from the structure of the equations that this bound cannot exist for all the admissible range of parameters. Let k O(). When the longitudinal motion is small, a better approximation than the linear one is to neglect the term 2kX1 u2 1 vX1 in (4.167) (which is O(3 )), but to maintain the X coupling term in (4.166) (which is O(2 )). In this case (4.167) is a classical linear wave equation; introducing c2 = ( 2k)/r this equation admits solutions of the T usual form

v(X1 , t) =

T T An cos(kn t) + Bn sin(kn t) sin(nX1 /L),

T kn = ncT /L


is the transverse wave number of the nthmode and An , Bn are integration constants such that the initial condition u(X1 , 0) O(n ) is veried. If we introduce this solution for v(X1 , t) into (4.166) we obtain for u(X1 , t) a linear but non-autonomous equation for which is possible to search for solutions in the form

u(X1 , t) =

n (t) sin(nX1 /L),

where n (t) are unspecied functions of t. Using standard methods of nonlinear oscillations (Nayfeh and Mook [89]) we obtain a reduction of the equations to an innite system of coupled ordinary dierential equations in the unknowns n . These equations are non-autonomous and they display autoparametric resonance phenomena for some values of the various parameters. Therefore, an a priori bound is impossible. This means that it does not matter how small the longitudinal motions are, because after a certain time their amplitude cannot be neglected and a full coupling between transverse and longitudinal motions must be considered. Therefore, the Hadamard model is much too special to be considered as a reasonable idealization of real elastic bodies. Phenomena of this kind are quite common in classical mechanics. For example in the framework of the elementary and classical theory for holonomic systems, it is well known that unstable normal modes may not contribute to the approximate linear theory. This happens for modes that are latent at the initial time. Nevertheless, the higher orders neglected in the Lagrangian can awaken these latent unstable modes, and bring the system away from equilibrium6 .
A simple and clear example of a mechanical system displaying wake-up of latent modes is reported in page 133 of Biscari et al. [16].

Chapter 4. Isochoric deformations of compressible materials


Isochoric deformations play on important role in solid mechanics and here we have appealed to them to illustrate our thesis in the context of nonlinear elasticity. To simplify the exposition, we have only considered the theory of unconstrained nonlinear isotropic elasticity. But our remarks are completely general and apply (with some modications) in general to the use of semi-inverse methods in continuum mechanics. For example Jiang and Beatty [65] nd also necessary and sucient conditions on the strain energy function for homogeneous and compressible, anisotropic hyperelastic materials to sustain controllable, axisymmetric helical shear deformations. Thus we think that one needs to exercise a great deal of prudence in ensuring that the results obtained by using the semi-inverse method make sense.

Chapter 5 Secondary deformations in nonlinear elasticity

In Section 3.2.2, we have shown that in the incompressible case, the general antiplane shear (3.64) can not be always sustained unless the axisymetric case is considered. This means that when the geometry of the material deformed moves away from axial symmetry, we can describe the deformation only for special particular materials. For example, consider the case of an elastic material lling the annular region between two coaxial cylinders, with the following boundary-value problem: hold xed the outer cylinder and pull the inner cylinder by applying a tension in the axial direction. A solution to this problem, valid for every incompressible isotropic elastic solid, is obtained by assuming a priori that the deformation eld is a pure axial shear. However if consider the corresponding problem for non-coaxial cylinders, thereby losing the axial symmetry, then it is clear that we cannot expect the material to deform as prescribed by a pure axial shear deformation. Knowles result [72] tells us that now the boundary-value problem can be solved with a general anti-plane deformation (not axially symmetric) only for a subclass of incompressible isotropic elastic materials. Moreover, in Sections 4.1 and 4.2, we have underlined how it is not always possible for a compressible material to sustain pure torsion and pure axial shear, respectively, unless some particular forms of strain energy functions are considered, because in general they might be accompanied by the radial deformation. In Section 4.4, some explanations about the dangers in forcing the compressible material to have some special behaviours were given. Of course, these restrictions do not mean that, for a generic material, it is not possible to deform the solid as prescribed by our boundary conditions, but rather that, in general, these lead to a deformation eld that is more complex for example than a pure torsion or than an anti-plane shear. Hence, we also expect secondary deformations: a clear dicult task to understand in solving boundaryvalue problem by appealing only to a semi-inverse procedure. The theory of non-Newtonian uid dynamics has generated a substantial literature about secondary ows, see for example Fosdick and Serrin [40]. In 1956, Ericksen [35] conjectured that purely rectilinear ows would be possible only in pipes of circular cross sections or cross sections made of straight lines and circles, secondary ows being necessarily present in pipes of arbitrary cross sections. In 91


Chapter 5. Secondary deformations in nonlinear elasticity

1973, Fosdick and Serrin [40] proved a more precise version of the Ericksens conjecture: requiring certain technical assumptions on regularity concerning the material properties, they showed that unless the material functions characterizing the uid satised certain special relationships, the cross section ought to be a circle or the annular region between two concentric circles. In solid mechanics, Fosdick and Kao [39] were the rst to explore the counterpart to Ericksens conjecture in uids within the context of nonlinear elasticity. Denoting by (i1 , i2 , i3 ) an orthonormal basis in rectangular Cartesian coordinates, they consider a cylindrical domain, whose generators are parallel to the axis i3 , with bounded and connected cross section A having boundary

A =



consisting of n + 1 suciently smooth non intersecting closed curves, where A0 is the external boundary of A which encloses all other inner boundaries Ai (i = 1, . . . , n). Fosdick and Kao [39] assume the displacement u to be decomposed into an axial component w = w(X1 , X2 ) and a cross sectional component v = v(X1 , X2 ) and consider the following boundary condition w= 0 on A0 wi on Ai (i = 1, . . . , n) (5.2)

and v = 0 on A. First, they show that in general, rectilinear shear (v = 0) of cylinders is not always possible, unless the cross-section is a circle or the annular region between two concentric circles. Then, they analyse the problem which includes not only an axial shear deformation but also the possibility of cross-sectional distortion. They use the specic driving force (applied shear) a, as small parameter and consider the following perturbation problem for uniformly innitesimal boundary data, a = , a

wi = wi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n)



w i i ,


v i i ,

where 1 is a real non-negative number, a and wi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n) are constant numbers independent of which carry, respectively, the dimensions of force per unit volume and displacement, and wi , v i (i = 1, 2, . . . , n) are functions depending of the same arguments of w and v, respectively. It follows immediately from the assumed form for the displacement eld that when = 0, there is no displacement and this has to be expected as there is no driving force. Using (5.3), the balance equations and the constraint of incompressibility, Fosdick and Kao [39] nd v i = 0 for i = 1, 2, 3 and show that v 4 is necessary dierent from zero. Thus secondary deformations appear at only fourth order. Another possibility of perturbation approach in order to investigate for secondary deformations is given by departure from circular symmetry. Mollica and Rajagopal [83] showed that in this last case the secondary deformations appear

Chapter 5. Secondary deformations in nonlinear elasticity


at rst order when the driving force is a xed value placed without restrictions, the perturbation parameter being the departure from circularity. The deformation that they consider takes place between two innite cylinders eccentrically placed and it can be driven by an axial pressure gradient or by the axial motion of one of the boundaries. They use the eccentricity which is the distance between the centers of cylinders as the perturbation parameter. In a Cartesian coordinates system (X, Y, Z), the equations for two cylinders, whose radii are R1 and R2 , with R1 < R2 , are
2 X 2 + Y 2 = R2 , 2 (X |O1 O2 |)2 + Y 2 = R1 ,


where |O1 O2 | is the eccentricity and they let

|O1 O2 | , = R1


be a dimensionless small parameter. Let (R, , Z) and (r, , z) be cylindrical coordinates in reference and current conguration, respectively. Then they consider a deformation of the form r = R + v(R, ) + o(), = + w(R, ) + o(), z = Z + f (R) + g(R, ) + o().


At order zero ( = 0), (5.6) is not the undeformed state (here it is therefore dierent from previous case (5.3)), but it is an axially symmetric deformation. For the problem under investigation, they assume that the outer cylinder is xed while the inner cylinder translates in the axial direction by a xed amount fw . Thus, denoting by C1 and C2 the inner and outer cylinders, respectively, from (5.6), they set v(R, )|C1 = w(R, )|C1 = 0, v(R, )|C2 = w(R, )|C2 = 0, f (R) + g(R, )|C1 = fw , f (R) + g(R, )|C2 = 0.


After that, they suppose that the incompressible material is described by the following strain energy function 1 W (I1 , I2 ) = 2b b 1 + (I1 3) n

2 {I2 3} , 2


where 1 , 2 , b, n are material parameters. When n = 1, the model (5.8) reduces to the classical Mooney-Rivlin model (2.3), while if 2 = 0, it reduces to the power-law model (2.16). As well, they set 1 > 0, 2 < 0, 1 1>n> , 2 n > 1, b > 0, (5.9)


Chapter 5. Secondary deformations in nonlinear elasticity

Figure 5.1: Shrink t of an elastic tube, followed by the combination of simple torsion and helical shear. (The gure does not respect scales among the various deformations). such that from the analysis of Fosdick and Kao [39], the material cannot exhibit a purely axial displacement when subjected to axial shear, and secondary displacements are therefore necessary. Using (5.6), the boundary conditions (5.7), the balance equations and the constraint of incompressibility, Mollica and Rajagopal [83] establish that secondary deformations at rst order in are possible when the driving force is not small and the annular region deviates slightly from axial symmetry. In the next section we consider a complex deformation eld in isotropic incompressible elasticity, to point out by an explicit example (extracted from our work [27]) the situations just evoked, and to elaborate on their possible impact on solid mechanics. The deformation eld takes advantage of the radial symmetry; therefore we nd it convenient to visualize it by considering an elastic cylinder.


An analytic example of secondary deformations

For a better understanding of the real situation we evoke, let us imagine that a corkscrew has been driven through a cork (the cylinder) in a bottle. The inside of the bottleneck is the outer rigid cylinder and the idealization of the gallery carved out by the corkscrew constitutes the inner coaxial rigid cylinder. Our rst deformation is purely radial, originated from the introduction of the cork into the bottleneck and then completed when the corkscrew penetrates the cork (a so-called shrink t problem, which is a source of elastic residual stresses here). We call A, B the respective inner and outer radii of the cork in the reference conguration and r1 > A, r2 < B their current counterparts. Then we follow with a simple torsion combined to a helical shear, in order to model pulling the cork out of the bottleneck in the presence of a contact force. Figure 5.1 sketches this deformation. Of course, we are aware of the shortcomings of our modelling with respect to the

Chapter 5. Secondary deformations in nonlinear elasticity


description of a real cork-pulling problem, because no cork is an innitely long cylinder, nor is a corkscrew perfectly straight. In addition, traditional corks made from bark are anisotropic (honeycomb-shaped mesoscopic structure) and possess the remarkable (and little-known) property of having an innitesimal Poisson ratio equal to zero, see the review article by Gibson et al. [46]. However we note that polymer corks have appeared on the world wine market; they are made of elastomers, for which incompressible, isotropic elasticity seems like a reasonable framework (indeed the documentation of these synthetic wine stoppers indicates that they lengthen during the sealing process)1 .


Equilibrium equations

Consider a long hollow cylindrical tube composed of an isotropic incompressible nonlinearly elastic material. At rest, the tube is in the region A R B, 0 2, Z , (5.10) where (R, , Z) are the cylindrical coordinates associated with the undeformed conguration, and A and B are the inner and outer radii of the tube, respectively. Consider the general deformation obtained by the combination of radial dilatation, helical shear and torsion as r = r(R), = + g(R) + Z, z = Z + w(R), (5.11) where (r, , z) are the cylindrical coordinates in the deformed conguration; is the amount of torsion; and is the stretch ratio in the Z-direction. Here, g and w are yet unknown functions of R only. (The classical case of torsion deformation (4.1) corresponds to w = g = 0, = 1.) Hidden inside (5.11) is the shrink t deformation r = r(R), = , z = Z, (5.12) which is (5.11) without any torsion or helical shear ( = g = w 0). The physical components of the deformation gradient F and of its inverse F 1 are then r/R 0 0 r 0 0 rg r/R r and rw rg r rr , (5.13) rw /R 0 rr /R w 0

respectively. Note that we used the incompressibility constraint in order to compute F 1 ; it states that det F = 1, so that R r = . (5.14) r In our rst deformation, the cylindrical tube is pressed into a cylindrical cavity with inner radius r1 > A and outer radius r2 < B. It follows by integration of the equation (5.14) that R2 + , (5.15) r(R) =
We hope that this study provides a rst step toward a nonlinear alternative to the linear elasticity testing protocols presented in the international standard ISO 9727. We also note that low-cost shock absorbers often consist of a moving metal cylinder, glued to the inner face of an elastomeric tube, whose outer face is glued to a xed metal cylinder [56].

96 where now

Chapter 5. Secondary deformations in nonlinear elasticity

2 2 B 2 A2 B 2 r1 A2 r2 , = 2 . (5.16) 2 B 2 A2 r2 r1 We compute the physical components of the left Cauchy-Green strain tensor B = F F T from (5.13) and nd its rst three principal invariants as

I1 = (r )2 + (rg )2 + (r/R)2 + (r )2 + 2 + (w )2 , (5.17) 2 2 2 2 2 2 I2 = (r/R) + (rw rg ) + (rw /R) + (R/r) + (1/) + (R /) , and of course, I3 = 1. For a general incompressible hyperelastic solid, the Cauchy stress tensor T is given by (1.40). Having computed B 1 = (F T )1 F 1 from (5.13), we nd that the components of T are Trr = p + 2W1 (r )2 2W2 (r/R)2 + (rw rg )2 + (rw /R)2 , T = p + 2W1 (rg )2 + (r/R)2 + (r )2 2W2 (R/r)2 , Tzz = p + 2W1 [2 + (w )2 ] 2W2 (1/)2 + (R /)2 , (5.18)

Trz = 2W1 (r w ) 2W2 rRg rRw 2 / rw /(R) , Tz = 2W1 (rw g + r ) + 2W2 (r R ). Finally the equilibrium equations, in the absence of body forces, are: div T = 0; for elds depending only on the radial coordinate as shown here, they reduce to dTrr Trr T + = 0, dr r dTr 2 + Tr = 0, dr r dTrz 1 + Trz = 0. dr r

Tr = 2W1 (rr g ) 2W2 (w g )R,



Boundary conditions

Now consider the inner face of the tube: we assume that it is subject to a vertical pull, A Trz (A) = T0 , Tr (A) = 0, (5.20) say. Then by integrating the second and third equations of equilibrium (5.19)2,3 , we nd that r1 A Trz (r) = T0 , Tr (r) = 0. (5.21) r The outer face of the tube (in contact with the glass in the cork/bottle problem) remains xed, so that w(B) = 0, g(B) = 0, Trr (B) = T0 , (5.22)

say. In addition to the axial traction applied on its inner face, the tube is subject to a resultant axial force N (say) and a resultant moment M (say),
2 r2 2 r2

0 r1

Tzz rdrd,

0 r1

Tz r2 drd.


Chapter 5. Secondary deformations in nonlinear elasticity


Note that the traction T0 of (5.22) is not arbitrary but is instead determined by A the shrink t pre-deformation (5.12), by requiring that N = 0 when T0 = = g = w 0 (this process is detailed in the Section 5.1.3 for the neo-Hookean material). Therefore, T0 is connected with the stress eld experienced by the cork when it is introduced in the bottleneck. In the rest of this explanation we aim at presenting results in dimensionless form. To this end, we normalize the strain energy function W and the Cauchy stress tensor T with respect to , the innitesimal shear modulus; hence we introduce W and T dened by W = W , T = T . (5.24)

Similarly we introduce the following non-dimensional variables, = A , B R= R , B ri = ri , B w= w , B = , B2 = B, (5.25)

so that R 1. Also, we nd from (5.16) that = r2 2 r2 1 2 , 1 2 = 1 2 . r2 r2 2 1 (5.26)

Turning to our cork or shock absorber problems, we imagine that the inner metal cylinder is introduced into a pre-existing cylindrical cavity (this precaution ensures a one-to-one correspondence of the material points between the reference and the current congurations). In our upcoming numerical simulations, we take A = B/10 so that = 0.1; we consider that the outer radius is shrunk by 10%, r2 = 0.9B, and that the inner radius is doubled, r1 = 2A; nally, we apply a A traction, the magnitude of which is half the innitesimal shear modulus: |T0 | = /2. This gives 3.22 102 , 1.286, T 0 = 0.5.


At this point it is possible to state clearly our main observation. A rst glance at the boundary conditions, in particular at the requirements that g be zero on the outer face of the tube, gives the expectation that g 0 everywhere is a solution to our boundary-value problem, at least for some simple forms of the constitutive equations. In what follows, we nd that, for the neo-Hookean solids, g 0 is indeed a solution, whether there is a torsion or not. However if the solid is not neo-Hookean, then it is necessary that g = 0 when = 0, and the picture becomes more complex. For this reason, we classify as purely academic the question: Which is the most general strain-energy density for which it is possible to solve the above boundary value problem with g 0? Indeed, there is no real world material, the behaviour of which is ever going to be described exactly by that strain-energy density (supposing it exists). Instead a more pertinent issue to raise for real word applications is whether we are able to evaluate the importance of latent (secondary) stress elds, because they are bound to be woken up (triggered) by the deformation.


Chapter 5. Secondary deformations in nonlinear elasticity


neo-Hookean materials

First, we consider the special strain energy function which generates the class of neo-Hookean materials (2.1). Note that here and hereafter, we use the nondimensional quantities introduced previously, from which we drop the overbar for convenience. Hence, the components of the (non-dimensional) stress eld in a neo-Hookean material reduce to Trr = p + (r )2 , Tzz = p + 2 + (w )2 , Trz = r w , Substituting into (5.21) we nd that
A w = r1 T0 /R,

T = p + (rg )2 + (r/R)2 + (r )2 , Tr = rr g , (5.28) Tz = rg w + r.

g = 0,


and by integration, using (5.22), that

A w = r1 T0 ln R,

g = 0.


In Figure 5.2a, we present a rectangle in the tube at rest, which is delimited by 0.1 R 1.0 and 0.0 Z 1.0. Then it is subject to the deformation corresponding to the numerical values of (5.27). To generate Figure 5.2b, we computed the resulting shape for a neo-Hookean tube, using (5.11), (5.15), and (5.30). Now that we know the full deformation eld, (see (5.11) and (5.30)), we can compute Trr T from (5.28) and deduce Trr by integration of (5.19)1 , with initial condition (5.22)3 . Then the other eld quantities follow from the rest of (5.28). Finally, we nd in turn that Trr = 1 2 ln
2 r2 R2 + (R2 1) 2 2 + 2 2 + R r2 (R + )

+ T0 , (5.31)

T = Trr +

R2 +

1 + 2 R2

R2 , (R2 + )

Tzz = Trr + 2 1 +

2 A r1 (T0 )2 R2

R2 (R2 + )

2 (where we used the identity 1 + = r2 , see (5.15) with R = 1), and that

Tr = 0,

Trz =

r1 R2 +

A T0 ,

Tz =

R2 + .


The constant T0 is xed by the shrink t pre-deformation (5.12), imposing that A N = 0 when = g = w = T0 0, or (T0 +2 )(1 2 )+ 1


2 (R2 1) 2R2 r2 R2 + 2 2 2 RdR = 0. (5.33) R2 + r2 (R + ) R +

Chapter 5. Secondary deformations in nonlinear elasticity









0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6








0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6


Figure 5.2: (a, b) Pulling on the inside face of a neo-Hookean tube. Here the vertical axis is the symmetry axis of the tube.


Chapter 5. Secondary deformations in nonlinear elasticity

and for the axial force,

Using (5.33) and (5.23), (5.31), (5.32), we nd the following expressions for the resultant moment, 4 4 M = (r2 r1 ) /2, (5.34)
2 A N = 2r1 | ln | T0 2

2 2 (r r1 )2 2 . 4 2


We now have a clear picture of the response of a neo-Hookean solid to the deformation (5.11), with the boundary conditions of Section 5.1.2. First, we saw that here the contribution g(R) is not required for the azimuthal displacement, whether there is a torsion or not. Also, if a moment M = 0 is applied, then the tube suers an amount of torsion = 0 proportional to M . On the other hand, if the tube is pulled by the application of an axial force only (N = 0) and no moment (M = 0), then = 0 and no azimuthal shear occurs at all.


Generalized neo-Hookean materials

As a rst broadening of the neo-Hookean strain-energy density (2.1), we consider generalized neo-Hookean materials (2.12). To gain access to the Cauchy stress components in this context, it suces to take W2 = 0 and W1 = W , where the prime stands for the derivatives of W with respect to the rst invariant, in equations (5.18). In particular, Tr = 2rr g W , (5.36)

and the integrated equation of equilibrium (5.21)2 gives g = 0. By integrating, with (5.22)2 as an initial value, we nd that g 0. (5.37)

Hence, just as in the neo-Hookean case, azimuthal shear can be avoided altogether, whether there is a torsion or not. We are left with an equation for the axial shear, namely (5.21)1 , which can be written as 2W (I1 )w (R) = r1 A T . R 0 (5.38)

Obviously the same steps as those taken for neo-Hookean solids may be followed here for any given strain energy density (2.12), but now by resorting to a numerical treatment. Horgan and Saccomandi [62] show, through some specic examples of hardening generalized neo-Hookean solids, how rapidly involved the analysis becomes, even when there is only helical shear and no shrink t. Instead, we simply point out some striking dierences between our present situation and the neo-Hookean case. We remark that I1 is of the form (5.17)1 at g 0, i.e. I1 = 2 + R2 + (R2 + ) R2 + 1 + 2 R2 + [w (R)]2 . (5.39)

It follows that (5.38) is a nonlinear dierential equation for w , in contrast to the neo-Hookean case. Another contrast is that the axial shear w is now intimately

Chapter 5. Secondary deformations in nonlinear elasticity


coupled to the torsion parameter , and that this dependence is a second-order eect ( appears above as 2 ). A similar problem where the azimuthal shear has not been ignored, but the axial shear has been considered null, i.e. w 0 has been recently considered by Wineman [130].


MooneyRivlin materials

In this section, we specialize the general equations of section 5.1.1 to the MooneyRivlin form of the strain energy function (2.3), which in its nondimensional form reads I1 3 + m(I2 3) W = , (5.40) 2(1 + m) 1 m , 2W2 = , (5.41) 1+m 1+m where m > 0 is a material parameter, distinguishing the MooneyRivlin material from the neo-Hookean material (2.1), and also allowing a dependence on the second principal strain invariant I2 , in contrast to the generalized neo-Hookean solids of the previous section. Then the integrated equations of equilibrium (5.21) read 2W1 =
A R + m 2 r2 R + mr2 /R w (m r2 R)g = (1 + m)r1 T0 , (m )w (1 + m2 )g = 0.

so that


First we ask ourselves if it is possible to avoid torsion during the pulling of the inner face. Taking = 0 above gives
A (R + mr2 /R)w = (1 + m)r1 T0 ,

g = 0.


It follows that here it is indeed possible to solve our boundary value problem. We nd m + ( + m)R2 A (1 + m) ln , g = 0. (5.44) w = r1 T0 2( + m) m + ( + m) However if = 0, then it is necessary that g = 0, otherwise (5.42)2 gives w = 0 while (5.42)1 gives w = 0, a contradiction. This constitutes the rst departure from the neo-Hookean and generalized neo-Hookean behaviours: torsion ( = 0) is necessarily accompanied by azimuthal shear (g = 0). In the case = 0, we introduce the function = (R) dened as (R) = (R + mr2 /R)(1 + m2 ) + m 2 r2 R, (5.45)

(recall that r = r(R) is given explicitly in (5.15)). We then solve the system (5.42) for w and g as w = (1 + m)(1 + m2 )
A T0 r1 , (R)

g = m(1 + m)2

A T0 r1 , (R)


making clear the link between g and . Thus for the MooneyRivlin material, the azimuthal shear g is a latent mode of deformation; it is woken up by any


Chapter 5. Secondary deformations in nonlinear elasticity

amount of torsion . Recall that, at rst sight, the azimuthal shear component of the deformation (5.11) seemed inessential to satisfy the boundary conditions, especially in view of the boundary condition g(1) = 0. However, a non-zero W2 term in the constitutive equation clearly couples the eects of a torsion and an azimuthal shear, as displayed explicitly by the presence of in the expression for g above. It is perfectly possible to integrate equations (5.46) in the general case, but to save space we do not reproduce the resulting long expressions. With them, we generated the deformation eld picture of Figure 5.3(a,b) and Figure 5.4(a,b). A There we took the numerical values of (5.27) for , , T0 ; we took a Mooney Rivlin solid with m = 5.0; we imposed a torsion of amount = 0.5; and we looked at the deformation eld in the plane Z = 1 (reference conguration) and z = (current conguration). Although the secondary elds appear to be slight in the picture, they are nonetheless truly present and cannot be neglected. To show this, we consider a perturbation method to obtain simpler solutions and to understand the eect of the coupling, by taking m small. Then integrating (5.46), we nd at rst order that w 1 (1 + m) ln R m 2 R2 + 2(1 + 2 ) ln R /R2 2 + , A 2 r1 T0 g 2 m ln R. (5.47) A r1 T0 Hence, the secondary eld g exists even for a nearly neo-Hookean solid (if m is small, then g is of order m.) Interestingly, we also note that the azimuthal shear g in (5.47) varies in a homogeneous and linear manner with respect to the torsion parameter and in a quadratic manner with respect to the axial stretch , showing that the presence of this secondary deformation eld cannot be neglected when the eects of both the prestress and the torsion are taken into account. To complete the picture, we use the rst-order approximations 2W1 1 m, to obtain the stress eld as Trr p + (1 m) (r )2 m (r/R)2 + (r )2 + (r/R)2 T p + (1 m) (r/R)2 + (r )2 m(R/r)2 ,
A Tzz p + T0 r1 2 A r1 T0 2

2W2 m,


/R2 ,

A Tr rr g mr1 T0 ,

1 2 2 r2 r2 2 1 + 3+ 2 R R R R R 2R 2 2 2 + (1 m) m (1/) + (R /) , 1 + 2m2

m (5.49)

A Tz (1 m) r + rr1 T0 g /R + m(r R ).

A Trz (1 m) (r w ) + mr1 T0 rR 2 / + r/(R) /R,

Chapter 5. Secondary deformations in nonlinear elasticity












Figure 5.3: (a, b) Pulling on the inside face of a MooneyRivlin tube, with a clockwise torsion. We have setted m = 5.0, A = B/10, r1 = 2A, r2 = 0.9B, = A 0.5, |T0 | = /2.
1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.5 1.0



Figure 5.4: (a, b) Pulling on the inside face of a MooneyRivlin tube, with a clockwise torsion. We have setted m = 5.0, A = B/2, r1 = 0.6B, r2 = 0.9B, = A 0.5, |T0 | = /2.


Chapter 5. Secondary deformations in nonlinear elasticity


Final remarks

In non-Newtonian uid mechanics and in turbulence theory, the existence of shear-induced normal stresses on planes transverse to the direction of shear is at the root of some important phenomena occurring in the ow of uid down pipes of non-circular cross section (see [40]). In other words, pure parallel ows in tubes without axial symmetry are possible only when we consider the classical theory of Navier-Stokes equations or the linear theory of turbulence or tubes of circular cross section. In nonlinear elasticity theory, similar phenomena are reported. Hence Fosdick and Kao [39] and Mollica and Rajagopal [83] show that, for general isotropic incompressible materials, an anti-plane shear deformation of a cylinder with non axial-symmetric cross section causes a secondary in-plane deformation eld, because of normal stress dierences. In compressible nonlinear elasticity pure torsion is possible only in a special class of materials, but we know that torsion plus a radial displacement is possible in all compressible isotropic elastic materials. Now a further example is given in the literature from our recent work [27], where axial symmetry holds and the boundary conditions suggest that an axial shear deformation eld is sucient to solve the boundary value problem, but nevertheless, the normal stress dierence wakes up a latent azimuthal shear deformation. In conclusion, from these notes, it comes out that it is not really as crucial to determine the class of materials for which a given deformation eld is possible, as it may be crucial to classify all the latent deformations associated with a given deformation eld in such a way that this eld is controllable for the entire class of materials. Indeed, no real material, even when we accept that its mechanical behaviour is purely elastic, is ever going to be described exactly by a special choice of strain-energy. Looking for special classes of materials for which special deformations elds are admissible may mislead us in our understanding of the nonlinear mechanical behaviour of materials.


A nice conjecture in solid mechanics

where fS is the coecient of static friction. Using (5.21), we nd that the elements of the left handside of equality (5.50) are
A Trz (1) = (r1 /r2 )T0 ,

In the example discussed for secondary deformation, we have used a strong analogy with a cork-pulling problem, by modelling a cork as an incompressible rubber-like material. When we try to apply the previous results to the extraction of a cork from the neck of a bottle, the following remarks seem to be relevant. From the elementary theory of Coulomb friction, it is known that the pulled cork starts to move when, in modulus, the friction force exerted on the neck surface is equal to the normal force times the coecient of static friction. In our case this means that |Trz (1)|2 + |Tr (1)|2 = fS |Trr (1)| = fS |T0 | , (5.50)

Tr (1) = 0.


Chapter 5. Secondary deformations in nonlinear elasticity


Figure 5.5: There are two main types of corkscrews: one that relies on pulling only (left) and one that adds a twist to the cork-pulling action (right). The analysis developed, indicates that the second type is more ecient. Now, our main concern is to understand if it is better to apply a moment M = 0 when uncorking a bottle, than to pull only. First we suppose the cork is described by a neo-Hookean model (2.1). Then, to address this question, we note that the A left-hand side of inequality (5.50) increases when |T0 | increases; on the other hand, combining (5.34) and (5.35), we have
A (T0 )2

N+ =

1 M2 2 2 2 (r1 +r2 )2

2 (2r1 | ln |)


A It is now clear, that for a xed value of T0 , in the case M = 0, it is necessary to apply an axial force, the intensity of which is less than the one in the case A 2 M = 0. Moreover, Equation (5.52) shows that T0 grows linearly with N but 2 quadratically with M . With respect to ecient cork-pulling, the conclusion is that adding a twisting moment to a given pure axial force is more advantageous than solely increasing the vertical pull. Moreover, we observe that a moment is applied by using a lever and this is always more convenient from an energetic point of view. Recall that we made several simplifying assumptions to reach these results: not only innite axial length, incompressibility, and isotropy, but also the choice of a truly special strain energy function. In the end, we evoke a classic wine party dilemma:

Which kind of corkscrew system requires the least eort to uncork a bottle? Figure 5.5 sketches the two working principles commonly found in commercial corkscrews. The most common type (on the left) relies on pulling only (directly or
Using the stress eld (5.49) it is straightforward, but long and cumbersome, to derive the analogue for a MooneyRivlin solid with a small m of relation (5.52) (which was established for neo-Hookean solids). However, nothing truly new is gained from these complex formulae with respect to the simple neo-Hookean case, and we do not pursue this aspect any further.


Chapter 5. Secondary deformations in nonlinear elasticity

through levers) and the other type (on the right) relies on a combination of pulling and twisting. Notwithstanding the shortcomings of this model with respect to an actual uncorking, we are condent that we have provided a scientic argument to those wine amateurs who favour the second type of corkscrews over the rst.

In this chapter we have emphasized another important aspect in the use of the semi-inverse method: the emergence of secondary ows in uid dynamics and of latent deformations (secondary elds) in solid mechanics. Navier-Stokes uids or isotropic incompressible hyperelastic materials are clearly constructions of the mind. No real-world uid is exactly a Navier-Stokes uid and no real-world elastomer can be precisely characterized from a given elastic strain energy (in fact, the experimental data associated with the extension of a rubber band can be approximated by several, widely dierent, strain energy functions). It is fundamental to keep this observation in mind in order to understand that the results obtained by a semi-inverse method can be misleading at times. For example, we know that a Navier-Stokes uid can move by parallels ows in a cylindrical tube of arbitrary section. To derive this result, we use the semi-inverse method by considering that the velocity possesses a non-zero component only along the generatrix of the cylinder and that this eld is a function of the section variables only; then the Navier-Stokes equations are reduced to a linear parabolic equation which we solve by taking noslip boundary conditions. This picture is specic to Navier-Stokes uids. In fact, if the relation between the stress and the stretching is not linear, then a uid can ow in a tube by parallel ows if and only if the tube possesses cylindrical symmetry (see Fosdick and Serrin [40]). If the tube is not cylindrically symmetric, then what is going on? Clearly any real uid may ow in a tube, irrespective of whether it is a Navier-Stokes uid or not. In reality we observe the birth of secondary ows, i.e. ows in the section of the cylinder. The true, meaningful problem is to understand when these secondary ows can be or cannot be neglected; it is not to determine for which special theory secondary ows disappear. Here, an analogous phenomenon in non-linear elasticity is derived where the counterpart to secondary ows is the notion of latent deformations, i.e. deformations that are woken up from particular boundary conditions. Boundary conditions allow semi-inverse simple solutions for special materials, but for general materials they pose very dicult tasks. Many studies (see Chapter 4) sought to characterize the special strain energy functions for which particular classes of deformations turn out to be possible (or, using a standard terminology, turn out to be controllable). For example: which elastic compressible isotropic materials support simple isochoric torsion? In fact, it is of no utility to understand which materials possess this property, because these materials do not exist. It is far more important to understand which complex geometrical deformation accompanies the action of a moment twisting a cylinder. The range of results to be derived possesses meaningful applications, most importantly in biomechanics. In hemo-dynamics, it is often assumed that the arterial wall deforms according to simple geometric elds, but this hypothesis does not take into account several fundamental factors. A specic

Chapter 5. Secondary deformations in nonlinear elasticity


example is the eect of torsion on microvenous anastomotic patency and early thrombolytic phenomenon (see Selvaggi et al. [116]). While there exists a remarkable literature on secondary ows in uid dynamics, most notably by Rivlin, Ericksen, and Green (see for example the classic paper [109]), very little is known in solid mechanics about latent deformations. The main references in that area are: Fosdick and Kao [39], Mollica and Rajagopal [83], Horgan and Saccomandi [63]. Of course, our work [27] is another result to add to the previous ones, enriching therefore the literature of latent deformations in solid mechanics. The article [27] has been noticed in Science magazine [31/08/07, 317, no 5842, 1151, DOI: 10.1126/science.317.5842.1151a] where the paper has been qualied A very nice application of the theory of nonlinear elasticity, and noticed also by the Daily Telegraph [22/08/07] and La Recherche [11/07].

Chapter 6 Euler buckling for compressible cylinders

One of the rst, and most important, problems to be tackled by the theory of linear elasticity is that of the buckling of a column under an axial load. Using Bernoullis beam equations, Euler found the critical load of compression Ncr leading to the buckling of a slender cylindrical column of radius B and length L. As recalled by Timoshenko and Gere [124], Euler looked at the case of an ideal column with (built in)-(free) end conditions. What is now called Euler buckling, or the fundamental case of buckling of a prismatic bar [124] corresponds to the case of a bar with hinged-hinged end conditions. The corresponding critical load is given by 2 Ncr E B , (6.1) = 3B 2 4 L where E is the Young modulus. The extension of this formula to the case of a thick column is a non-trivial, even sophisticated, problem of non-linear threedimensional elasticity. In general, progress can be only made by using reductive (rod, shells, etc.) theories. However, there is another choice of boundary conditions for which the criterion (6.1) is valid: namely, the case where both ends are guided or sliding (the dierence between the two cases lies in the shape of the deected bar, which is according to the half-period of a sine in one case and of a cosine in the other case). In exact non-linear elasticity, there exists a remarkable three-dimensional analytical solution to this problem (due to Wilkes [129]) which describes a small-amplitude (incremental) deection superimposed upon the large homogeneous deformation of a cylinder compressed between two lubricated platens. In this case, the Euler formula can be extended to the case of a column with nite dimensions, for arbitrary constitutive law. The exact incremental solution allows for an explicit derivation of Eulers formula at the onset of non-linearity, which combines third-order elastic constants with a term in (B/L)4 . Goriely et al. [47], showed that for an incompressible cylinder, 2 4 Nc E B B 2 20 = E + 9A , (6.2) 3B 2 4 L 96 3 L where A is Landaus third-order elasticity constant. This formula clearly shows 109


Chapter 6. Euler buckling for compressible cylinders

that geometrical non-linearities (term in (B/L)4 ) are intrinsically coupled to physical non-linearities (term in A) for this problem. (For the connection between Eulers theory of buckling and incremental incompressible nonlinear elasticity, see the early works of Wilkes [129], Biot [13], Fosdick and Shield [41], and the references collected in [47].) Now, in third-order incompressible elasticity, there are two elastic constants: the shear modulus (= E/3) and A (see (2.45)). In third-order compressible elasticity, there are ve elastic constants: and , the (second-order) Lam constants e (or equivalently, E and , Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio), and A, B, and C, the (third-order) Landau constants (see (2.43)). Eulers formula at order (B/L)2 , equation (6.1), involves only one elastic constant, E. It is thus natural to ask whether Poissons ratio, , plays a role in the non-linear correction to Euler formula of (B/L)4 , the next-order term. The nal answer is found in our recent work [26] as formula (6.32) below, which shows that the non-linear correction involves all ve elastic constants.


Finite compression and buckling

In this section, we recall the equations governing the homogeneous compression of a cylinder in the theory of exact (nite) elasticity and we also use the form of some incremental solutions that is, of some small-amplitude static deformations which may be superimposed upon the large compression and which indicate the onset of instability for the cylinder. The mathematical method used to determine the solutions for incremental solution is another example for the semi-inverse method. In fact our ansatz for the components of the mechanical displacement will be in looking for incremental static solutions that are periodic along the circumferential and axial directions, and have yet unknown radial variations (see formula (6.10)).


Large deformation

We take a cylinder made of a hyperelastic, compressible, isotropic solid with strain energy function W = W (1 , 2 , 3 ) say, with radius B and length L in its undeformed conguration. We denote by (R, , Z) the coordinates of a particle in the cylinder at rest, in a cylindrical system. Then we consider that the cylinder is subject to the following deformation, r = 1 R, = , z = 3 Z, (6.3)

where (r, , z) are the current coordinates of the particle initially at (R, , Z), 1 is the radial stretch ratio and 3 is the axial stretch ratio. Explicitly, 1 = b/B and 3 = l/L, where b and l are the radius and length of the deformed cylinder, respectively. The physical components of F , the corresponding deformation gradient, are: F = Diag (1 , 1 , 3 ) , (6.4) showing that the deformation is equi-biaxial and homogeneous (and thus, universal).

Chapter 6. Euler buckling for compressible cylinders


The (constant) Cauchy stresses required to maintain the large homogeneous compression are given by formula (1.42), Ti = J 1 i Wi , i = 1, 2, 3 (no sum), (6.5)

where Wi W/i . In our case, T1 = T2 because the deformation is equi-biaxial, and T1 = T2 = 0 because the outer face of the cylinder is free of traction. Hence T1 = T2 = 1 1 W1 = 0, 1 3 T3 = 2 W3 . 1 (6.6)

Note that we may use the rst equality to express one principal stretch in terms of the other (provided, of course, that inverses can be performed).


Incremental equations

Now we recall the equations governing the equilibrium of incremental solutions, in the neighborhood of the nite compression. They read in general as (1.80) div T = 0, (6.7)

where is the incremental nominal stress tensor. It is related to u, the incremental mechanical displacement, through the incremental constitutive law (1.81), that in component form can be written as ji = A0jilk uk,l , (6.8)

where the comma denotes partial dierentiation with respect to the current coordinates and A0 is the fourth-order tensor of incremental elastic moduli. Its non-zero components, in a coordinate system aligned with the principal axes of strain, are given by (1.84). Note that here, some of these components are not independent one from another because 1 = 2 and T1 = T2 = 0. In particular, we nd that A01212 = A02121 = A01221 , A02323 = A01313 = A01331 = A02332 , A02222 = A01111 , A02233 = A01133 , A03232 = A03131 , A01122 = A01111 2A01212 . (6.9)


Incremental solutions

We look for incremental static solutions that are periodic along the circumferential and axial directions, and have yet unknown radial variations. Thus our ansatz for the components of the mechanical displacement is the same as Wilkess [129]: ur = Ur (r) cos n cos kz, u = U (r) sin n cos kz, uz = Uz (r) cos n sin kz, (6.10)

where n = 0, 1, 2, . . . is the circumferential mode number ; k is the axial wavenumber ; the subscripts (r, , z) refer to components within the cylindrical coordinates (r, , z); and all upper-case functions are functions of r alone.


Chapter 6. Euler buckling for compressible cylinders

Dorfmann and Haughton [31] show that the following displacements U (1) , U (2) , and U (3) are solutions to the incremental equations (6.7),
U (1) (r), U (2) (r) = In (qkr),

n (A01111 q 2 A03131 ) In (qkr), In (qkr) qkr q(A01313 + A01133 )


, (6.11) (6.12)

and U

q3 k 1 I (q3 kr), 0 (r) = In (q3 kr), r n n

where q = q1 , q2 in turn and In is the modied Bessel function of order n. Here q1 , 2 2 q2 , and q3 are the square roots of the roots q1 , q2 of the following quadratic in q 2 : A01313 A01111 q 4 + [(A01133 + A01313 )2 A01313 A03131 A03333 A01111 ]q 2 + A03333 A03131 = 0, (6.13) and of the root of the following linear equation in q 2 A01212 q 2 A03131 = 0, (6.14)

respectively. From (6.8) we nd that the incremental traction on planes normal to the axial direction has components of the same form as that of the displacements, namely rr = Srr (r) cos n cos kz, r = Sr (r) sin n cos kz, rz = Srz (r) cos n sin kz,


say, where again the functions Srr , Sr , Srz are functions of r alone. Then we nd that the traction solutions corresponding to the solutions (6.11) and (6.12) are given by
rS (1) (r), rS (2) (r) = 2A01212 In (qkr)

n2 krA01133 (A01111 q 2 A03131 ) 2A01212 + qkrA01111 qkr q (A01313 + A01133 ) 2nA01212 In (qkr) In (qkr) , krA01313 qkr

In (qkr),

A01111 q 2 A03131 + 1 In (qkr) , A01313 + A01133 (6.16)

and rS (3) (r) = 2A01212 A01212 In (q3 kr) q3 kIn (q3 kr) , r
2 2n q3 k 2 r + r n T

2q3 k I (q3 kr) n n

In (q3 kr) , kA01313 In (q3 kr)

. (6.17)

Chapter 6. Euler buckling for compressible cylinders


The general solution to the incremental equations of equilibrium is thus of the form (6.18) rS(r) = rS (1) (r) rS (2) (r) rS (3) (r) c, where S [Srr , Sr , Srz ]T , and c is a constant three-component vector. Note that we use the quantity rS for the traction (instead of S), because it is the Hamiltonian conjugate to the displacement in cylindrical coordinates [117]. Now when the cylinder is compressed (by platens say), its end faces should stay in full contact with the platens so that the rst incremental boundary condition is uz = 0, which leads to [31, 47] k = m/l, (6.20) on z = 0, l, (6.19)

for some integer m, the axial mode number. From (6.15), we now see that on the thrust faces, we have rz = 0, on z = 0, l, (6.21) which means that the end faces of the column are in sliding contact with the thrusting platens. In other words, in the limit of a slender column, we recover the Euler strut with sliding-sliding, or guided-guided end conditions. In Figure 6.1, we show the rst two axi-symmetric and two asymmetric modes of incremental buckling. The other boundary condition is that the cylindrical face is free of incremental traction: S(b) = 0. This gives det bS (1) (b) bS (2) (b) bS (3) (b) = 0. (6.22)


Euler buckling
Asymptotic expansions

We now specialize the analysis to the asymmetric buckling mode n = 1, m = 1, corresponding to the Euler buckling with guided-guided end conditions, in the limit where the axial compressive stretch 3 is close to 1 (the other modes are not reached for slender enough cylinders). To this end, we only need to consider the third-order elasticity expansion of the strain energy density (2.43). (Note that there are other, equivalent, expansions based on other invariants, such as the ones proposed by Murnaghan [86], Toupin and Bernstein [125], Bland [17], or Eringen and Suhubi [37], see Norris [91] for the connections.) To measure how close 3 is to 1, we introduce , a small parameter proportional to the slenderness of the deformed cylinder, = kb = b/l. (6.23)


Chapter 6. Euler buckling for compressible cylinders

n=0 m=1

n=1 m=1

n=0 m=2

n=1 m=2

Figure 6.1: First two axi-symmetric and two asymmetric modes of buckling for a compressed strut with guided-guided end conditions: n is the circumferential mode number and m the axial mode number. For slender enough cylinders, the n = 1, m = 1 mode is the rst mode of buckling. Then we expand the radial stretch 1 and the critical buckling stretch 3 in terms of up to order M ,

1 = 1 () = 1 +

p + O(

M +1


3 = 3 () = 1 +

p p + O(M +1 ),

(6.24) say, where the s and s are to be determined shortly. Similarly, we expand in powers of ,


dp p + O(Md +1 ),

and solve each order dp = 0 for the coecients p and p , making use of the condition T1 = 0. We nd that p and p vanish identically for all odd values of p, and that 1 and 3 , up to the fourth-order in , are given by 1 = 1 + 2 2 + 4 4 + O(6 ), 3 = 1 + 2 2 + 4 4 + O(6 ), (6.25)

Chapter 6. Euler buckling for compressible cylinders with 2 and 4 given by 2 = and 4 = , 4



(1 + ) 32 (1 + )(1 2) 2 A + (1 2 + 6 2 )B + (1 2)2 C 4 , (6.27) 16E

wherein 1 2 = , 4 and 4 = 29 + 39 + 8 2 + 96(1 + ) 1 (1 2 3 )A + 3(1 2)(1 + 2 2 )B + (1 2)3 C . 16E Note that we switched from Lam constants to Poissons ratio and Youngs modulus e for these expressions, using the connections (1.53). (6.28)


Onset of nonlinear Euler buckling

The analytical results presented above are formulated in terms of the current geometrical parameter , dened in (6.23). In order to relate these results to the classical form of Euler buckling, we introduce the initial geometric slenderness B/L. Recalling that = b/l, 3 = l/L, and b = 1 B, we nd that 3 = 1 (B/L). We expand in powers of B/L, and solve (6.29) to obtain = (B/L) + (2 2 ) 3 (B/L)3 + O (B/L)4 = (B/L) + (1 + )( 3 /4)(B/L)3 + O (B/L)4 . (6.29)


Second, we wish to relate the axial compression to the current axial load N . To do so, we integrate the axial stress over the faces of the cylinder,

N = 2

rT3 dr = b2 T3 = 2 B 2 T3 , 1


because T3 is constant, given by (6.6)2 . Finally, in order to write the nonlinear buckling formula, we expand 1 and 3 in (6.31), using (6.25), and then expand in powers of the slenderness (B/L),


Chapter 6. Euler buckling for compressible cylinders

using (6.30). It gives the desired expression for the rst non-linear correction to Euler formula, 2 4 2 E B Nc B NL , (6.32) = 3B 2 4 L 96 L where NL = 2 13 + 12 2 2 E+ (1 + ) 12 (1 2 3 )A + 3(1 2)(1 + 2 2 )B + (1 2)3 C . (6.33)

We now check this equation against its incompressible counterpart (6.2). Theoretical considerations and experimental measurements [22, 29, 94, 131], show that in the incompressible limit, E and A remain nite, 1/2, (1 2)B E/3, (1 2)3 C 0. (6.34)

It is then a simple exercise to verify that (6.32) is indeed consistent with (6.2) in those limits.



Table 6.1: Lam constants and Landau third-order elastic moduli for ve solids (109 N e
m2 )

material Polystyrene Steel Hecla 37 Aluminium 2S Pyrex glass SiO2 melted

1.71 111 57 13.5 15.9

0.95 82.1 27.6 27.5 31.3

10 8.3 10.6 358 282 177 228 197 102 420 118 132 44 93 36

To evaluate the importance of the non-linear correction, we computed the critical axial stretch ratio of column buckling for two solids. In Table 6.1, we list the second- and third-order elastic constants of ve compressible solids, as collected by Porubov [101] (in the Table we converted the Murnaghan constants given by Porubov to Landau constants A, B, C). Figure 6.2 shows the variations of 3 with the squared slenderness (B/L)2 , for pyrex and silica (two last lines of Table 1).

The present analysis can be considered an extension of the article [47] from incompressible solids to compressible solids. It provides an asymptotic formula for the critical value of the load for the Euler buckling problem, with guidedguided (sliding-sliding) end conditions. This formula was checked both in the incompressible limit and on particular cases against the exact value of the buckling

Chapter 6. Euler buckling for compressible cylinders





Euler4 Exact


(B/L) 2
(a) (b)

(B/L) 2

Figure 6.2: Comparison of the dierent Euler formulas obtained by expanding the exact solution to order 2 (classical Euler buckling formula, plot labeled Euler2 ) and to order 4 (plot labeled Euler4 ), for pyrex (a) and for silica (b). obtained from the exact solutions. Not surprisingly it reinforces the universal and generic nature of the Euler buckling formula, as the correction is small for most systems even when nonlinear elastic eects and nonlinear geometric eects are taken into account. It would be of great interest to see if these eects could be observed experimentally. We note that Goriely et al. [47] write the equations for the linearized problem of instability using the Stroh formalism [122]. They adapt the work of Shuvalov [117] on waves in anisotropic cylinders to develop a Stroh-like formulation of the problem. From a computational perspective, the Stroh formalism is particularly well suited and well behaved (Biryukov [14]; Fu [42]) and if numerical integration was required it would provide an ideal representation of the governing equation. Here we could have also presented the linearized problem of instability for the compressible cylinder within the Stroh formalism. We have omitted this formalism because it was not essential for our discussion.

Appendix A
Articles in the press relating our work [27]
Our article [27] has been noticed by the international press and web sites. On August 21, 2007 the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A published our article [27] online and the following day it was just noticed by The Daily Telegraph [August 22, 2007]. A few days later [August 31, 2007] Science magazine [Vol. 317, no 5842, 1151, DOI: 10.1126/science.317.5842.1151a] reported its results too. Our research has also been noticed in La recherche magazine [November, 2007, no. 413]. Some websites which liked our results are: UK Wine Show [August 25, 2007, http://www.thirtyfty.co.uk], The Math Gateway of the Mathematical Association of America [October 9, 2007, http://mathdl.maa.org/mathDL] and the website Cyberpresse.ca [October 31, 2007, http://www.cyberpresse.ca]. Professor Sir Michael Berry, Editor of the Proceedings of the Royal Society A, later included our article in a list of outliers, [Editorial Proceedings of The Royal Society A, January 8, 2010 466:1-2; published online before print November 11, 2009, doi:10.1098/rspa.2009.0535]. In the following pages, reproduce these press clippings.


0 1

o 1






s '

s '

t '

m '

a '

t '

W '


g n i n e d r a G



s e r u t a e F




y l i m a F




r C

o C




c S

r G

o C




b b

e e


e e

t t

i i

s s

r r

u u


o o






Appendix A

Appendix A



Health Research Funding: No Relief in Sight

Some policy wonks have suggested that foundations and other private sources will compensate for the flat National Institutes of Health (NIH) budget (Science, 11 May, p. 817). Thats wishful thinking, says Research!America, a nonprofit group in Alexandria, Virginia, that tracks U.S. health research funding. Its latest analysis (below) shows that nonindustry private funding represented 2% of the $116 billion spent on U.S. health research in 2006 and has been completely flat since 2001, says Research!America policy analyst Stacie Propst.
80 70 Millions of dollars 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2001 2002 2004* 2005 2006 Industry Federal gov. Universities State and local gov. Other private * No report compiled for 2003.

up lengthwise or cross-sectional slices, many of which include labels that pinpoint nascent organs and other features. Additional image sets highlight the developing nervous system and the skeleton. >> www.FishNet.org.au

Crisp, With a Hint of Calculus

Its official: A cork will come out of a wine bottle more easily if you twist it as you pull. Thats what physicist Michel Destrade of the French national research agency, CNRS, in Paris and engineer Giuseppe Saccomandi and mathematician Riccardo De Pascalis of the University of Lecce in Italy reported last week online in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A. The team analyzed the problem to underscore that solids can deform in


Filet of Zebrafish
Long a favorite of developmental biologists, the zebrafish is now catching on with researchers studying cancer, drug addiction, and numerous other conditions. A new anatomical atlas for this scientific school is FishNet from the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute in Sydney, Australia. The reference, which features 36,000 images captured using optical projection tomography, is the first to detail the fishs structure from embryo to adult. For each stage, visitors can call




VOL 317

31 AUGUST 2007


Published by AAAS

Spending by industry has risen slightly since NIHs budget stalled at about $29 billion after 2004, but Propst predicts a dip because industry research funding typically follows federal patterns with a lag of a few years. The proportion of each U.S. health care dollar that now goes to research is 5.5 cents and falling, Propst adds; meanwhile, countries such as the United Kingdom and Singapore, although still behind the United States, are expanding their investments. The trends are not good, says Research!America President Mary Woolley.

Researchers working in central China have photographed one of the worlds most poorly studied mammals, the Chinese mountain cat. First described by scientists in 1892, the cat (Felis bieti) is known only from a few skins in museums and six live animals in Chinese zoos, says Jim Sanderson, a mammalogist and founder of the Small Cat Conservation Alliance. In May 2003, Sanderson and colleagues Yin Yufeng and Drubgyal (his single Tibetan name) set out to find it in the wild. The effort paid off this summer, when their camera traps on the Tibetan Plateau in northwestern Sichuan Province caught eight photos of the cats hunting at night. Sanderson hopes the images will encourage conservation of the cat.

No Mean Cat Feat


9 0 0 2 1 2

counterintuitive ways. For example, they show that a cork can twist internally even if it is pulled straight up. Such secondary deformations should not be overlooked, Destrade says. As a sidelight, the team also showed that pulling and twisting extracts the cork with less force than pulling alone. That result wont surprise enophiles, says Rajendra Kanodia, proprietor of the Web site Corkscrew.com. He notes that the first patented corkscrew, invented in 1795 by Englishman Samuel Henshall, included a disk just above the screw, or worm, that butts up against the cork, allowing the user to twist and pull it simultaneously. Cornelius Horgan, an applied mechanician at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, calls the analysis a very nice application of the theory of nonlinear elasticity, which is currently undergoing a renaissance with its applications to biological materials.


Appendix A



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Appendix A















Appendix A








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Appendix A

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Appendix A

Proc. R. Soc. A (2010) 466, 12 doi:10.1098/rspa.2009.0535 Published online 11 November 2009

In my last editorial, I explained that in order to cope with the large number of papers that were being submitted to Proc. R. Soc. A, every paper we received would be pre-assessed by a member of the Editorial Board, and referees for papers that passed this hurdle were asked to apply stringent quality standards. These procedures, initiated by my predecessor Trevor Stuart, have now proved successful in several ways. Referees no longer waste time reporting on papers that have no chance of being acceptedsometimes because they are poor, but more often because although they contain good science their content is deemed suitable for a more specialist journal. Publication has been greatly accelerated: the current receipt to acceptance time is 90 days. Moreover, the rejection rate has been brought down from an unrealistic height of more than 80 per cent to a more reasonable 72 per cent (getting the right rate is delicate: with 100 per cent, nobody would submit papers; with 0 per cent, we would be publishing trash). These improvements would not have occurred without the efforts of Joanna Harries and Louise Gardner in the journal ofce, the Societys publications production staff and, of course, indispensable advice from the Editorial Board. Proc. R. Soc. A aims to publish papers across the whole of the physical sciences. I am interpreting this very widely. Recently, we have published serious scientic studies of a painting by Monet (interpreting the position of the sun to determine where and when it was painted; Baker & Thornes 2006), Viking navigation (to determine whether they could have used the polarization of skylight; Hedegus et al. 2007), erasing toner on ofce paper (to enable it to be re-used; Counsell & Allwood 2009), stability of the Millennium bridge (MacDonald 2009), dynamics of golf swings (Sharp 2009), efciency of gaits (Srinivasan & Ruina 2007), stresses (in the cork) during the opening of wine bottles (De Pascalis et al. 2007), etc. These outliers supplement our core papers, reporting substantial, occasionally seminal, advances in quantum physics, engineering, information science, materials science, pure and applied mathematics, and chemistry (for which we are at last starting to attract papers in numbers commensurate with the scientic importance of that subject). A curse of researchers, publishers and editors is the fashionable emphasis on bibliometric indicators. Chief among these evils is the impact factor. Ours is increasing but still rather low (currently 1.7). But the impact factor is a measure only of short-term success (citations over the preceding 2 years); for Proc. R. Soc. A, a better indicator is the citation half-life. Ours is off-scale: greater than ten years, reecting our aim of publishing slow-burning, long-lasting, papers. In this anniversary year, celebrating 350 years since the foundation of the Royal Society, we plan to publish a series of invited articles, contributed by world-leading authorities across the range of subjects that we cover. The rst
This journal is 2009 The Royal Society

Appendix A


Downloaded from rspa.royalsocietypublishing.org on December 10, 2009

M. Berry

of these, Nanostructured Bainite, by H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia (Bhadeshia 2010), appears in this issue. These articles will reinforce our position as one of the best, as well as the oldest, journals of physical science. Michael Berry

Baker, J. & Thornes, J. E. 2006 Solar position within Monets Houses of Parliament. Proc. R. Soc. A 462, 37753788. (doi:10.1098/rspa.2006.1754) Bhadeshia, H. K. H. D. 2010 Nanostructured Bainite. Proc. R. Soc. A 466, 2113. (doi:10.1098/ rspa.2009.0407) Counsell, T. A. M. & Allwood, J. M. 2009 Using solvents to remove a toner print so that ofce paper might be reused. Proc. R. Soc. A 465, 38393858. (doi:10.1098/rspa.2009.0144) De Pascalis, R., Destrade, M. & Saccomandi, G. 2007 The stress eld in a pulled cork and some subtle points in the semi-inverse method of nonlinear elasticity. Proc. R. Soc. A 463, 29452959. (doi:10.1098/rspa.2007.0010) Hegeds, R., kesson, S., Wehner, R. & Horvth, G. 2007 Could Vikings have navigated under foggy and cloudy conditions by skylight polarization? On the atmospheric optical prerequisites of polarimetric Viking navigation under foggy and cloudy skies. Proc. R. Soc. A 463, 10811095. (doi:10.1098/rspa.2007.1811) Macdonald, J. H. G. 2009 Lateral excitation of bridges by balancing pedestrians. Proc. R. Soc. A 465, 10551073. (doi:10.1098/rspa.2009.0367) Sharp, R. S. 2009 On the mechanics of the golf swing. Proc. R. Soc. A 465, 551570. (doi:10.1098/ rspa.2008.0304) Srinivasan, M. & Ruina, A. 2007 Idealized walking and running gaits minimize work. Proc. R. Soc. A 463, 24292446. (doi:10.1098/rspa.2007.0006)

Proc. R. Soc. A (2010)

Appendix B
To generate Pictures 2.1-2.2, we used for the stretch and the Biot stress f = t/ (with t the principal stress) the following data f f f 1 0 3.02 8.8 6.6 34.8 1.02 0.26 3.57 10.7 6.85 38.5 1.12 1.37 4.03 12.5 7.05 42.1 1.24 2.3 4.76 16.2 7.15 45.8 1.39 1.58 3.23 4.16 5.36 5.75 19.9 23.6 7.25 7.4 49.6 53.3 1.9 2.18 2.42 5.1 6 6.9 6.15 6.4 27.4 31 7.5 7.6 57 64.4

To generate Pictures 2.3-2.4, we used for the stretch and for the Biot stress divided for , f /, the following data 1 0 f / 1.94 f / 4.01 1.027 1.065 0.92 1.50 2.49 3.03 3.93 4.17 1.115 1.14 1.20 1.31 1.42 1.68 2.17 2.30 2.77 3.38 3.65 3.93 3.43 3.75 4.07 4.26 4.45 4.28 4.64 4.94 5.27 5.54

I thank Professor Ogden for having given me the above data.


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