Report of Office Management
Report of Office Management
Report of Office Management
Objective and Scope of the Project This project is aimed to reduce the overhead involved in maintaining the Office Management System. The Administrator can know the student & staff details. So, the administrator can use this software ,which is unique by its nature. Provides user-friendly interface. Time and man power is saved. We can store information of all the students & staff. Reduces the paper work. Project Function: Office Management System as the name indicates , it functions as a interface between the administrator & student. It gives the flexibility to the administrator to Search ,Edit, Update & Modify the student details .The unique & special feature of this project is it act like student information center & provides computerized billings. We begin with the frontend i.e. HTML & retrieve data from database i.e. Mysql Today most of the existing system are operating manually resulting into several problems and hence causing Ambiguity and Business failure due to poor data base a customized, traditional, operational methodologies. To solve all these problems our developed system aims at computerized operation methods and data recording.
DVDMTS Smt Kumudbeen BBA & BCA College Bijapur
PROPOSED SYSTEM The proposed system aims to get rid of the maintaining files and books. Here the same information is to be stored in a computer data base. And as the data stored in a computer data base can be manipulated to suit our needs we can get whatever information we want more easily. Here the user has to enter the information into the computer as if it were a book. The proposed system will incorporate all the functional requirements. The requirements are as follows:
1. Requirement Specification The s/w is designed to make mediator between the job seeker & job recruiter, as needed by most large company and unemployed candidates. The s/w will have the ability to respond to a wide range of queries of adding a particular machine for a particular customer. The customers visited, the selected machines, the time spent by customer, the customer amount received of specific machine. The databases will store and easily retrieve large quantities of data easily and elegantly.
2. Need for computerization The increasing complexity of services and hence the large quantities of information necessary to be maintained by modern day cyber company has made the computerization of the front office system a necessity, and this system is specifically designed for the owner in mind as the end user. Easy to use. Provides more functionality. Provides more information about cases. Quick access to information. More versatile.
This is concerned with specifying equipment and software that will successfully satisfy the user requirement. It involves determining whether or not a system can actually be constructed or upgraded to solve the problem at hand. The technical needs of a system may vary considerably, but might include the following:
The necessary technology of both hardware and software existed and also could be acquired for the new system. As the improvement in storage technology has developed over the recent years, data storage is becoming easier and safer. The new system with powerful database technology has the capacity to hold the proposed data. Technically, the system is designed in such a way that it provides accuracy, reliability, easy access, data security and integrity.
Economic feasibility involves estimating benefits and costs. These benefits and costs may be tangible or intangible. It is seen whether the expenditure incurred for developing the new system will be cost effective or not. Because of the confusion between the types of costs, it is sometimes very difficult to decide if the benefits outweigh the costs. This basically involves top-level management of the company who are the decision makers. Some Key findings from the study are listed below. There was no extra cost burden to conduct a full systems investigation. Basic Hardware and Software would ensure the smooth run of the application, as the necessary tools were easily available. The benefits are in the form of reduced costs with merely any errors, thus reducing the manual work. If the system were used without any major changes to it, no extra costs would be incurred.
DVDMTS Smt Kumudbeen BBA & BCA College Bijapur
2.3 Operational Feasibility Operational feasibility deals with the human aspect of the organization. Proposed projects are beneficial only if they can be turned into information systems that will meet the organizations operating requirements. This feasibility test asks whether the system will work when developed and installed. The users need to be convinced about the advantages of the new system.
Unless this is done effectively, the system would not be implemented even after its development and the old system would continue to be used. Some Key findings from the study are as follows. It has been found to be well supportive by both the Management and the Users. If changes are needed, it has been notified and comprehensive solution has been designed. 2.4 Problem Specification: For the present system premises there is no solution as such to provide the convenience of supporting multiple platforms and technologies as there are no three tier based solution. The present solution is using Web Base technology for the user. Any changes in the business logic requires lot of system studies in terms coding and in terms of new hardware and software specifications and the possibilities of integrating the web services is zero. For any small changes requires the understanding of the business logic of the entire organization. There are no job classifications such as:
DVDMTS Smt Kumudbeen BBA & BCA College Bijapur
System analyst and Business Logic Developer Hardcore Programmer Application Assembler Application Deployer
In the present scenario of the solutions most of the responsibilities like coding and integration of Business Logic is done by the software engineers. There is no segregation of tasks. So it is very difficult to manage the enhancements of the solution.
DRAWBACKS The redundancy of stored data. Inconsistencies in the stored data. Human error. Slower updating of data and slower retrieval. Clumsy and error prone. Time consuming as every day entries have to be made in many books. Limited information can be entered about the case. So for more information the administrator has to look elsewhere.
Hard Disk Drive : 40GB Key Board Monitor : Standard 101/102 or Digi Sync Family : Display Panel (1024 X 764)
Display Adapter : Trident Super VGA Network Adapter : SMC Ethernet Card Elite 16 Ultra Mouse : Logitech Serial Mouse
SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: The softwares on which the project is proposed to be developed has the following configuration: Operating System : Windows XP Front- End Back- End : C#. NET with ASP. NET : MS SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS
An incorrect or incomplete set of requirements can result in a software product that satisfies but does not satisfy customer needs. SRS should be functional in nature; i.e., they should describe what is required without implying how the system will need its requirements.
The purpose of this document is to prescribe the software requirements for Office Management System to be developed. In this software we analyze the essence of maintaining, modifying, and removing the account and its data.
Data Base
DATABASE implementation: The data required for the operation shall be placed in a database such as SQL SEVER
Feasibility Study
Figure: System Development Life Cycle DVDMTS Smt Kumudbeen BBA & BCA College Bijapur
Data Flow Analysis: The data flow analysis is a study of how and what the data flows through the system. It is done with the help of Data Flow Diagram (DFD), which depicts the entities involved in the system, data input by the entities, processes the input data undergoes and data store where the data is stored. Context Level Data Flow Diagram: The context level DFD shows the interaction of the system with the external environment. It only depicts the inputs to the system and output from the system but it does not show how they are transformed. The functional aspects of the system are not covered under context level DFD. DATA FLOW DIAGRAM(DFD) :
The analysis stage translates broad requirements into detail requirements. The analyst does this by going back to the users to determine exactly what they do. Most organizations do not have document of the function performed by users in enough detail to be of use to the analyst. Usually the analyst starts documenting the process using data flow diagram. A data flow diagram views the process from the point of view of the data progress through the system, they are transformed by processes.
The analysis stage is actually a learning process in which analyst tries to gain an understanding of what the user does. The data flow diagram is an intermediate product that allows the analyst and the user to communicate unambiguously. It summaries the information that the analyst needs during the design stage in a clear graphic way that the user can understand. The user needs to understand it, because the user may have to point out errors in the analysts understanding of the system. The final result of this stage is to understanding of the system documented by data flow diagrams. Data flow diagrams have a notation for each of the components of a system. They also have a notation for representing different levels in a hierarchy of detail used to describe the system. This notation makes it possible to represent an overall view of a large complex system and a detailed view of a part of system using the same notation. Parts of a system can be isolated into independent subsystems. These work together as a unit to perform a set of process that must be done together at one time. There is a standard process that can analyst can follow to make sure that all components of a system are identified. Data Flow Diagrams are constructed from four basic building blocks:
Data Flows
Transaction on Add, Delete & Modify
Student Database
Logs In
Logs In
Desg Id
Sem Date
The modules Undertaken by me in the Office Management System are Administrator and Helper. Use cases for Administrator & Helper are mentioned below Use Case Diagrams
Use Case Diagram for Administrator:
Admission System
Searching System
Fee Management
Database schema
Admin Table Field
Admin_id Admin_name Pass_word Email Address Mobile Phone City Zip_code Country_id State_id admin type_id Is_active Added_admin_id Added_date Int Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Int Int Int Int Int Varchar
Data type
Data type
varchar(50) Int varchar(50) Int varchar(50) varchar(200) varchar(150) varchar(150) nchar(10) varchar(50) varchar(200) varchar(50) Int varchar(50) varchar(80) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(30) varchar(800) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(800) Int varchar(50) varchar(300) varchar(32) varchar(32) varchar(50) decimal(12, 2) varchar(800) varchar(50) Tinyint Tinyint Tinyint Tinyint varchar(50) Int Int varchar(50)
Clerk Table
clerk_id clerk_name pass_word Email Address Mobile Phone City zip_code country_id state_id clerk_type_id is_active added_clerk_id added_date
Data type
Int varchar(200) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(600) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(15) Int Int Int int int varchar(50)
Data type
int int int int int varchar(50) varchar(150) decimal(8, 2) decimal(8, 2) decimal(8, 2) decimal(8, 2) decimal(8, 2) decimal(8, 2) decimal(8, 2) decimal(8, 2) decimal(8, 2) decimal(8, 2) decimal(8, 2) decimal(8, 2) decimal(8, 2) decimal(8, 2) decimal(8, 2) decimal(8, 2) decimal(8, 2) decimal(8, 2) decimal(8, 2) decimal(8, 2) int varchar(50) int
Implementation is the stage where the theoretical design is turned into a working system. Once the design is complete, most of the major decisions about the system have been made. The goal of coding phase is to translate the design of the system into code in a given programming language. For a given design, the aim in this phase is to implement the design in the best possible manner.
The coding phase affects both testing and maintenance profoundly. Since the testing and maintenance costs of software are much higher than the coding cost, the goal of the coding should be to reduce the testing and maintenance effort. Hence, during coding the focus should be on developing the programs that are easy to read and understand, and not simply on developing programs that are easy to write. The implementation stage consists of Making the necessary changes of the system as desired by the user. Training the user personal prior to the implementation of two steps shown below as to be carried out Testing the developed programs with the sample data. Detection and correction of errors.
OVERVIEW OF THE .NET FRAMEWORK The Operating System is actually wrapped by the .NET Framework, insulating Software developed with .NET from Operating System specifies such as file handling and memory allocations.
The .NET Framework consist of Common Language Runtime (CLR) .NET Framework Class Libraries, known as Base Class Libraries (BCL). The CLR is a virtual machine in which all .NET applications and Languages run. NET Framework Class Libraries include support for everything from file I/O and database I/O to XML and SOAP. The CLR is at the base is considered as the heart of the .NET Framework. It is the engine that drives key functionalities, which include Cross Languages inheritance, allocation & management of memory, Reference tracking for object and handle garbage collection. The next generations of standard system service such as ADO.NET & XML are included in the middle layer. These services are brought under control of the framework, making them universally available and making their usage consistence across languages. The Major Components of the Microsoft .NET Framework is shown in the following diagram.
ASP.NET Web Service Web Forms Windows Forms Controls Drawing
.NET Framework Base ADO.NET NET XML Security Threading Classes Diagnostics IO ETC
Common Language Runtime Memory management Common Type System Life Cycle Monitoring
At the base is the Common Language Runtime, often abbreviated to CLR. This is the heart of the .NET Framework, the engine that drives key functionality. It includes, for example, a common system of data types. These common types, plus a standard interface convention, make cross-language inheritance possible. In addition to allocation and management of memory, the CLR also does reference counting for objects, and handles garbage collection. The middle layer includes the next generation of standard system services such as ADO.NET and XML. These services are brought under the control of the framework making them universally available and standardizing their usage across languages. The top layer includes user programs and interfaces. Windows forms (often informally referred, as Win Forms are a new way to create standard Win 32 applications, based on Windows Foundation Classes (WFC). Web Forms provide powerful form base UI for Internet applications. The Web Services, which are perhaps the most revolutionary mechanism for the programs to communicate over the Internet.
. NET Frame Work Class Library The .NET Framework class library is a collection of reusable classes, or types that tightly integrates the CLR. Class library builds on the Object-Oriented nature of the runtime, providing types from which your own managed code can derive functionality. This not only makes the .NET framework types easy to use, but also reduces the learning curve associated with using a new piece of code. In addition Third party component can integrate seamlessly with classes in the .NET framework.
DVDMTS Smt Kumudbeen BBA & BCA College Bijapur
C#.NET The C# is a modern language derived from the C and C++. It simplifies and modernizes C++ in the areas of Classes, Namespaces, Method overloading and exception handling. Much of the complexity of C++ is removed from C# to make it easier to use and less error prone. C# eliminates certain features of C++ like macros, templates and multiple inheritances. New features added to C# are Strict Type casting, Versioning, Garbage collection, and many more. C# is an integral part of the entire .NET framework. .NET represents not only a revolution in facilities available for general-purpose Windows programming, but it will also be the immediate environment seen in .NET code (known as managed code) when it runs. C# is a genuine object-oriented programming language. C# (or more correctly .NET also provided these features) gives you the best of both feature of C++ and VB. It fully supports inheritance, but also of the .NET framework insures that enough information is included in the compiled library files (the assemblies) that your classes can be inherited from and used by other .NET-aware code without requiring access to your source files. To this extent .NET arguably should provide real crosslanguage code reuse using true object-oriented principles for the first time in the history of programming.
Features of C# Simple Modern Object Oriented Type Safe Version able Compatible Flexible What is new about ASP.NET? ASP.NET Active Server Pages is a new technology from Microsoft than enables web server to process application logic & then deliver standard HTML to the client browser. The biggest benefits of ASP.NET over ASP is that it has a language independent way of creating components and dynamic web applications that can produce out put any platform or devise. Everybody will be able to access object, properties and methods no matter what programming language we use. ASP.NET is largely syntax compatible with ASP, it also provides a new programming model and infrastructure for more secure, scalable, and stable
applications.ASP.NET is a compiled, NET-based environment; you can author applications in any .NET compatible language, including Visual Basic .NET, C#, and Scripts .NET. Additionally, the entire .NET Framework is available to any ASP.NET application. Developers can easily access the benefits of these technologies, which include the managed common language runtime environment, type safety,
ASP.NET provides a simple model that enables Web developers to write logic that runs at the application level. Developers can write this code in the global. Sax text files or in a compiled class deployed as an assembly. This logic can include application-level events, but developers can easily extend this model to suit the needs of their Web application. ASP.NET also has following advantages: ASP.NET reduces the amount of code that is required to write an Application Compiled code is converted in to classes Strong typing is followed Use of the Components made easy.
Visual Basic.NET Visual Basic.NET is the next version of Visual Basic. Rather than simply adding some new features to Visual Basic 6.0, Microsoft has reengineered the product to make it easier than ever before to write distributed applications such as Web and enterprise n-tier systems. Visual Basic.NET has two new forms packages (Windows Forms and Web Forms); a new version of ADO for accessing disconnected data sources; and streamlined language, removing legacy keywords, improving type safety, and exposing low-level constructs that advanced developers require. With Web Forms and ADO.NET, you can Now rapidly develop scalable Web sites; with inheritance, the language now truly supports object-oriented programming; Visual Basic.NET is now fully integrated with the other Microsoft Visual Studio.NET languages.
DVDMTS Smt Kumudbeen BBA & BCA College Bijapur
The key design goals of the .NET Framework: Simpler and faster development. Automatic handling of memory management. Good tool support. Scalability. Huge base class hierarchy, which is common to all languages.
Why SQL Server 2005? Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is a robust database system that supports distributed database applications both on server and client side. It has a GUI interface and makes it easy to create and manage databases. As it is a Microsoft product it readily compatible and highly recommended for the applications developed using the .NET technology.
10.1 SOFTWARE TESTING As the coding is completed according to the requirement we have to test the quality of the software. Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate review of specification, design and coding. Although testing is to uncover the errors in the software but is also demonstrates that software functions appear to be working as per the specification, those performance requirements appear top have been met. In addition, data collected as testing is conducted provide a good indication of software reliability and some indications of software quality as a whole. To assure the software
quality we conduct both White Box Testing and Black Box Testing. White Box Testing: White Box Testing is a test case design method that uses the control structure of the procedural designs to derive test cases. As we are using a non procedural language, there is very small scope for the white Box Testing. Whenever it is necessary, there the control structures are tested and successfully passed all the control structures with a very minimum error.
Black Box Testing: Black Box Testing focuses on the functional requirement of the software. It enables to derive sets of input conditions that will fully exercise all functional requirements for a program. The Black Box Testing finds almost all errors. If finds some interface errors and errors in accessing the database and some performance errors. In Black Box Testing we use mainly two techniques: Equivalence Partitioning the Boundary Volume Analysis Techniqu
Equivalence Partitioning: In this method we divide input domain of program into classes of data from which test cases are derived. An Equivalence class represents a set of valid or invalid or a set of related values or a Boolean condition. The equivalence for these is: Input condition requires specific, value-specific or non-specific two classes. Input condition requires a range- in the range or out of range two classes. Input condition specifies a member of a set- belongs to a set or not belongs to the set two classes. Input condition is Boolean- valid or invalid Boolean condition two classes. By these types of equivalent classes, we can test for many cases.
Boundary Values Analysis: Number of errors usually occurs at the boundaries of the input domain generally. In this technique a selection of test cases is exercised using boundary values i.e. around boundaries. By the above two techniques, we eliminated almost all errors from the software and checked for numerous test values for each and every input value. The results were satisfactory.
10.2 SYSTEM TESTING System testing is designated to uncover weakness that was not detected in the earlier tests. The total system is tested for recovery and fallback after various major failures to ensure that no data are lost. An acceptance test is done to validity and reliability of the system. The philosophy behind the testing is to find error in project. There are many test cases designed with this in mind. The flow of testing is an follows: Code Testing: Specification testing is done to check if the program does with it should do and how it should behave under various condition or combinations and submitted for processing in the system and it s checked if any overlaps occur during the processing. This strategy examines the logic of the program. Here only syntax of the code is tested. In code testing syntax error are corrected, to ensure that the code is perfect.
Unit Testing: The first level of testing is called unit testing. Here different modules are tested against the specifications produced during the design of the modules. Unit testing is done to test the working of individual modules with test oracles.
Unit testing comprises a set of tests preformed by an individual programmer prior to integration of the units into a large system. A program unit is usually small enough that the programmer who developed it can test it in a great detail. Unit testing focuses first ib the modules to locate errors. These errors are verified and corrected so that the unit perfectly fits to the project. System Testing: The next level of testing is system testing and acceptance testing. This testing is done to check if the system has met its requirements and to find the external behavior of the system. System testing involves two kinds of activities: Integration testing Acceptance testing.
Integration Testing: The next level of testing is called the Integration Testing. In this many tested modules are combined into subsystems, which were then tested. Test case data is prepared to check the control flow of all the modules and to exhaust all possible inputs to the program. Situations like treating the modules when there is no data entered in the test box is also tested. This testing strategy dictates the order in which modules must be available, and exerts strong influence on the order in which the modules must be written. Debugged and unit tested. In integration testing, all the modules/units on which unit testing is performed are integrated together and tested.
Acceptance Testing: This testing is performed finally by user to demonstrate that the implemented system satisfies its requirements. The user gives various inputs to get required outputs.
Specification Testing: Specification testing is done to check if the program does what it should do and how it should behave under various conditions or combination and submitted for processing in the system and it is checked if any overlaps occur during the processing.
Performance Time Testing: Performance time testing is done to determine how long it takes to accept and respond i.e., the total time for processing when it has to handle quite a large number of records. It is essential to check the exception speed of the system, which runs well with only a handful of test transactions. Such systems might be slow when fully loaded. So testing is done by providing large number of data for processing. A system testing is designed to uncover weaknesses that were not detected in the earlier tests. The total system is tested for recovery and fallback after various major failures to ensure that no data are lost during an emergency. acceptance test is done to ensure the user about the validity and reliability of the system.
Chapter : 12 CONCLUSION
The system is designed in such an extendable fashion to incorporate the future changes into the system easily. Any particular can be added easily and get connected to the menu. The various user-friendly features are introduced in this project. There are several future ideas to develop this application, still in mind. All the links to other forms are generated and are tested with the actual system.
The database connectivity is tested with the user requirements and verified for the validity. The software requirements have been met. Needed documents are generated and adequate documentation has been provided for maintenance and further enhancements. The operation required by the user to operate the system is basic computer knowledge only.
Since no system is ever complete, Office Management System can further developed to include more operations and analysis, as changes are required by end users of the system. The System can also be used to send E-mails regarding the performance. The System can also be developed for online Admission.
Graphical Reports can be designed with graphs such as pie chart and Bar charts. This will provide clear picture of a ratio of the stored data can be retained for future enhancement.
Web References
Reference Books
Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 by Chris Hart, John Kauffman, David Sussman, Chris Ullman.Wiley publishing, 2006. Software Engineering by Roger.S.Pressman, 7th Edition,
McGraw-Hill, 2007. 7. Pro C# with .NET 3.0 by Andrew Trolsen, Special Edition, Dream Tech Press, India, 2007. 8. Software Testing and Analysis Process, Principles and Techniques by Mauro Pezze, Michal Young.