Language Testing - Oral Test
Language Testing - Oral Test
Language Testing - Oral Test
- Can be used for testing the production of significant phonemes constrasts. Pictures of a scene or an incident Can be used for examining the total oral skills.
This section will concentrate on the use of pictures for description and narration. Separate scores for general fluency, grammar, vocabulary, phonology, and accuracy of description/narration are far better. Advertisements, posters and strip cartoons may be used in this way for class tests, provided that there enough available to prevent the students from preparing one or two set pieces. Here are some techniques of examination using pictures which most effective for assessing the studentsoral productions : a. Describing pictures 1. The student and the teacher have five pictures in front of them, each picture differing in only one respect from the other four pictures. 2. Students is given a card bearing a letter (A,B,C,D or E). The teacher (the examiner) cannot see the letter. 3. The teacher ask the students to describe the appropriate picture(according to the letter). 4. The teacher selects a picture according to description. 5. Assessing the students correctness,fluency, and length of time taken before the students description results in the identification of the appropriate picture. 6. The teacher then checks the card. b. Discussing two pictures 1. Teacher gives pairs/groups of students a simple task to perform. 2. ....... patners description of a similar( but not identical) picture.The two students cannot see each others picture. 3. They can discuss in which ways the two pictures are the same and which ways they differ. 4. The pictures used for such discussion may range from almost idential ones to quite different one. c. Rearranging a squence of pictures 1. Teacher gives the students a squence of pictures to rearrange. 2. Students should begin by describing their own pictures without showing it to the other members of the group. 3. After each picture has been described and discussed in relation to the other pictures, the group decides on an appropriate squence. 4. Each member of the group then puts down his or her picture in the other decided upon. 5. Comments ........ and the other changed if the group considers it desirable. 6. Scoring their performance.
In all these cases or problems,however the teacher should be concerned more with the sudentss use the target languages to achieved to accomplish the task given. Thus, a students inability to answer several questions in a quiz should not weigh too heavily provided that he or she is able to give some answer ( right or wrong ) and conduct a reasonable conversation ect. With the student giving the quiz. In short each student should be assessed not only on such features of spoken language as grammatical acceptability and pronounciation but also appropriacy of language and effectivness of communication and where appropriate the time taken to accomplish the task given.
is severely limited, but communication on everyday topics is possible. Large number of errors of phonology, grammar and lexis.