Purkiss Et Al. (2006)

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Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 101 (2006) 152167 www.elsevier.


Implicit sources of bias in employment interview judgments and decisions

Sharon L. Segrest Purkiss a, Pamela L. Perrew b,, Treena L. Gillespie a, Bronston T. Mayes a, Gerald R. Ferris b

Department of Management, College of Business and Economics, California State University, Fullerton, Fullerton, CA 92834-6850, USA b Department of Management, College of Business, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-1110, USA Received 17 March 2003 Available online 7 September 2006

Abstract This study empirically examined implicit sources of bias in employment interview judgments and decisions. We examined two ethnic cues, accent and name, as sources of bias that may trigger prejudicial attitudes and decisions. As predicted, there was an interaction between the applicant name and accent that aVected participants favorable judgments of applicant characteristics. The applicant with the ethnic name, speaking with an accent, was viewed less positively by interviewers than the ethnic named applicant without an accent and non-ethnic named applicants with and without an accent. Furthermore, modern ethnicity bias had a negative association with the favorable judgments of the applicants, which, in turn, aVected hiring decisions. Implications of the results, limitations of the study, and directions for future research are discussed. 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Employment interview; Modern ethnicity bias; Implicit sources of bias; Decision to hire

Introduction The employment interview is an important source for information and remains, by far, the most frequently used employment selection and decision-making device in organizations (e.g., Eder & Harris, 1999; Posthuma, Morgeson, & Campion, 2002). Unfortunately, this reality stands in stark contrast to the continued questions about interview validity and the persistence of biases in the interview process, suggesting that more research in this area is needed (Pingitore, Dugoni, Tindale, & Spring, 1994; Roehling, Campion, & Arvey, 1999). In particular, the eVects of vari-

David Harrison provided unusual and outstanding guidance and support throughout the review and revision process. The authors feel that his insight made an important contribution to the quality of this paper and we would like to express our gratitude to him. * Corresponding author. Fax: +1 850 644 7843. E-mail address: [email protected] (P.L. Perrew). 0749-5978/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.obhdp.2006.06.005

ous interviewer and applicant characteristics on the interview process and outcomes deserve additional exploration (Dipboye, 1992). Although some research has addressed these issues, most of the studies of interviewer biases and stereotypes have focused on non-subtle, demographic eVects on interviewers judgments and decisions. In a review of the interview literature, Posthuma et al. (2002) suggested that researchers redirect attention from examining simple demographic eVects and consider these as potential cues for other causal factors, particularly attitudes and values. The present study addresses this appeal, and it extends previous work on applicant characteristics by focusing on the eVects of implicit or subtle cues on interview outcomes within the framework of modern racism or modern ethnicity bias. SpeciWcally, the purpose of the present study is to investigate the extent to which ethnic name and accent serve as cues that trigger biased interviewer judgments and decisions in the employment interview process.

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Employment interview As a traditional component of most organizations human resource management selection systems, research has been conducted on the employment interview for nearly a century (e.g., Eder & Harris, 1999). Interview scholars have been interested in a broad range of topics over the years, including psychometric properties of the interview as a measurement device, interview format and type (e.g., structured, unstructured and situational), notions of Wt (e.g., personjob and personorganization), and interviewer cognition and decision-making processes. However, we need more employment interview research examining the eVects of applicant demographic characteristics as cues aVecting interviewer judgments and decisions. Research needs to probe beyond simple demographic category eVects to investigate potential underlying reasons for what are observed as judgment and decision biases. With increased interest in personorganization Wt in the interview, there has come a realization that the homogenization eVects from such assessments, which drive employment decisions, potentially could account for discrimination eVects (e.g., Judge & Ferris, 1992). However, we still need to know much more about the perceptual cues associated with applicants of diVerent races and ethnicities that might be driving these assessments, judgments, and employment decisions. The psychological processes of prejudice and stereotyping Prejudicial attitudes, as well as other interviewer characteristics, such as race and personality, aVect interviewer perceptions of applicants (Dipboye, 1992). Prejudice and ethnicity stereotypes tend to be positively related to each other in both the historical and current views (Dovidio, Brigham, Johnson, & Gaertner, 1996), and some researchers have agreed that the positive relationship is due to stereotypes being the cognitive component of racial attitudes or prejudice (Jones, 1986). Stereotypes are particular types of knowledge structures or cognitive schema that link group membership to certain traits (Ford & Stangor, 1992; Nesdale & Rooney, 1990), and which have been found to inXuence the interpretation of others behavior (Duncan, 1976), the memory of others (Stangor & McMillan, 1992), and behavior toward others (Snyder, Tanke, & Berscheid, 1977). Research has suggested that prejudice tends to evoke negative stereotypes. Participants with high levels of prejudice are more likely to use cultural stereotypes, and high levels of prejudice correspond with more negative stereotypes (Kawakami, Dion, & Dovidio, 1998). These stereotypes could have been elicited through the use of a cue, and in the Kawakami et al. (1998) study, the category label, Black, was purported to activate the stereotype. This type of cue likely activates judgments of a

speciWc group without the awareness of the perceiver, consistent with an implicit form of racism, called modern racism (McConahay, 1986). We would expect that prejudice against a speciWc ethnic group (e.g., Hispanics) would aVect judgments about that group, but would not necessarily inXuence judgments about a diVerent group (e.g., non-Hispanics). It is important to note that prejudicial attitudes and stereotypes about race and ethnicity may be generated by multiple cues. We argue that examining multiple cues, such as ethnic accent and name, is key to understanding how prejudicial attitudes and stereotypes are triggered. Work in these areas is examined next. Ethnic speech accent and name Subtle cues may play a role in triggering implicit discriminatory responses. One possible cue may be applicant accent. Whereas other Welds, such as linguistics and communication, have recognized the important role of accent in the perception of individual characteristics, organizational research has neglected this area. Accent can initiate perceptions regarding intelligence and kindness, as well as status, solidarity, economic class, national origin, or ethnicity (Lippi-Green, 1994; Nesdale & Rooney, 1990). For example, in the U.S., French accents often are associated with sophistication, Asian accents tend to be linked with high economic and educational attainments (Cargile, 2000; Lippi-Green, 1997), and in England, the Liverpool accent is considered less cultured than accents associated with Oxford and Cambridge (Lippi-Green, 1997). Due to the verbal nature of the employment interview process, and the potential for triggering biased judgments, accent may prove to be a particularly important factor aVecting interview decisions. Although it may be subtle, accent has been demonstrated to be easily perceptible. Research has demonstrated that even linguistically nave individuals can make basic distinctions among diVering accents (Cargile, 2000; Giles, Williams, Mackie, & Rosselli, 1995; Podberesky, Deluty, & Feldstein, 1990). However, this recognition of accent distinctiveness seems to apply only to a certain degree. SpeciWcally, when presented with four varieties of Spanish-accented English (i.e., Cuban, Costa Rican, Argentinean, and Puerto Rican), and four varieties of Asian-accented English, most American listeners could not distinguish between the diVerent varieties of Spanish- and Asian-accented English speech (Podberesky et al., 1990). It appears that a general Spanish accent is recognized by most listeners, and often evokes similar reactions, regardless of the speciWc variety of Spanish spoken. Accents associated with countries of lower socio-economic status and darker skin colors frequently are denigrated (Lippi-Green, 1997). However, some regional


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accents are looked upon less favorably, even when skin color is not an issue. For example, in the U.S., Appalachian English is downgraded (Atkins, 1993). In general, the accent of the dominant or majority group in a society is evaluated most positively (Nesdale & Rooney, 1990). Interestingly, the dominant accent often is judged more positively not only by the dominant group, which is Anglo Americans in the U.S., but also by minority groups, such as African Americans and Hispanics (Brennan & Brennan, 1981; DeShields, Kara, & Kaynak, 1996). Therefore, one would expect that interviewers would evaluate applicants more positively if their accent matched that of the majority group, regardless of whether the interviewers were minority group members. Another problem occurs when the limited selection research examining minorities fails to distinguish between race and ethnicity. Although African Americans and Hispanics both share the distinction of being minorities in the United States, one diVerence needs to be clariWed. The terms race and ethnicity often elicit confusion. Race has been deWned as a social grouping based on visible physical characteristics, such as skin color, and on supposed common ancestral origins, whereas ethnicity has been deWned as a groups cultural and social heritage that has been transferred through generations of group members (BolaY, Braham, Gindro, Tentori, & Bracalenti, 2003; Singer & Eder, 1989; Slavin, Rainer, McCreary, & Gowda, 1991). For example, one study selected research participants on the basis of their appearance, speech, and name being indicative of Hispanic descent (Kenney & Wissoker, 1994). The study, designed to diVerentiate between the success of an Anglo and a Hispanic job candidate, revealed that an Anglo candidate was more likely to be successful than the Hispanic counterpart at Wling an application, obtaining an interview, and receiving a job oVer. However, these results may have been confounded by the failure to control for race and/or accent, exemplifying the diYculties of research in this area. Similarly, a Weld study found signiWcant same-race bias between the interviewer and applicants for custodial jobs. It was acknowledged that, whereas their Black/ White and Black/Hispanic comparisons examined racial diVerences, the White/Hispanic comparisons examined diVerences in ethnic background (Lin, Dobbins, & Farh, 1992). Even though it was stated that race similarity eVects were examined, it appeared that no data were gathered regarding the actual race of the Hispanic applicants, or other potentially confounding factors, such as the degree of accent. Singer and Eder (1989) separated the eVects of ethnicity and accent cues in the selection process, and found negligible eVects for accent, but signiWcant eVects for ethnicity. In contrast to the statistical results, participants in the role of interviewer perceived and rated applicant accent as moderate in importance and applicant ethnic-

ity as low in importance in their selection decision (Singer & Eder, 1989). This suggests that interviewers may rely on applicant accent as a more concrete, legitimate justiWcation for ethnicity discrimination. Considering applicant accent also could reXect some implicit theory on the part of the interviewer that an applicant should not have an accent, because having an accent might aVect job performance negatively. Of course, it also might be that accent is, in fact, job-related, and reXects an important requirement in job applicants. An ethnic cue (e.g., accent) that is paired with another minority ethnic group cue (e.g., name) may evoke a consistent stereotype, resulting in a negative evaluation of an applicant. Consistent with the premise of modern racism, these negative judgments are likely made automatically, not consciously. However, when accent alone or ethnicity alone is perceived, a single cue may not be enough to trigger modern racism. Because research inconsistently has demonstrated lower evaluations of minority applicants (Lewis & Sherman, 2003; Mullins, 1982; Vrij & Winkel, 1994), it may be a combination of cues that elicit modern racism. In other words, when two minority ethnic cues are paired together, the ethnicity of the target person is clearer, evoking automatic negative stereotypes. However, if only one cue is present, the ethnicity is less clear, which may trigger a more conscious process of evaluation. Modern racism and the complex eVects of ethnic cues Racial and ethnic demographic classiWcations may solicit categorical reactions and decisions that really mask underlying subtle cue eVects related to individuals who are members of those categories. Modern racism could be a potential explanation for such eVects. Racial prejudice is deWned as an unfair negative attitude toward a social group or a person perceived to be a member of that group (Dovidio, 2001, p. 329). Prior to the Civil Rights era, prejudice was viewed as a psychopathology, with those perpetuating prejudice as individuals in need of reform (Dovidio, 2001). Racial prejudice was deWned as blatant and overt. However, this old fashioned racism soon melted into a more implicit form of racism, or modern racism (McConahay, 1986). This more subtle racial prejudice was recognized as a normal process that emerged from, and was perpetuated by, socialization and social norms (Dovidio, 2001). As unintentional and subtle, individuals who are high in modern racism may denounce racism, but still act in ways that discriminate against others without consciously doing so (Dovidio, 2001). Modern racists espouse egalitarianism, so they do not openly discriminate. However, their underlying feelings may lead them to engage in unintentional discrimination when another factor exists to sway their decision (Dovidio, 2001). For example, Dovidio and Gaertner (2000) discovered that

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when applicants had marginally acceptable qualiWcations, Black candidates were less often selected than White candidates, although their qualiWcations were identical. However, when qualiWcations were low (i.e., a clear need to reject the candidate) or qualiWcations were high (i.e., a clear decision to select the candidate), bias was not evident. Modern racism, hereafter, referred to as modern ethnicity bias, oVers researchers the context for less detectable discrimination in the workplace. Whereas blatant or old-fashioned racism is unacceptable and illegal as a means for making selection decisions, subtle cues may be triggering unconscious or implicit forms of ethnicity bias in judgments and decisions. A combination of ethnic minority cues (i.e., as opposed to a single cue) may be more likely to trigger an unconscious and automatic negative reaction because of the salience of the cues and the ease in which one is more conWdent about placing someone in a class or category; essentially, stereotyping. Further, when ones attention is diVerentially directed to one portion of the environment rather than to others, the information contained in that portion will receive disproportionate weighting in subsequent judgments (Taylor & Thompson, 1982, p. 175). Thus, observing a combination of two or more ethnic cues might lead to an unconscious, automatic, negative labeling of an individual. However, a single ethnic cue is less likely to trigger an automatic stereotype. In this case, a single cue might trigger a more conscious process of labeling an individual. When an individual is conscious of placing another into a class or category, stereotyping due to modern racism is less likely to occur. Hypotheses

nic minorities. In accordance with the previous discussion of ethnicity bias, it would be expected that ethnic applicants also would be judged less favorably in an interview context by both minority and non-minority interviewers. In light of the relationship between prejudicial attitudes, stereotypes, and perceptions of ethnic group members, the following relationship is hypothesized: Hypothesis 2. The ethnicity of the applicant will interact with modern ethnicity bias such that the negative relationship between the ethnicity of the applicant and judgments and decisions to hire the applicant will be exacerbated when modern ethnicity bias is high.

Method Participants Two hundred and twelve students enrolled in basic management courses at a large southeastern university voluntarily participated in this study in exchange for extra course credit. The mean age of the participants was 22 with a range from 18 to 47 years. The average total work experience was 2.7 years. The ethnicity composition of the sample was as follows: 66% Caucasian (not of Hispanic origin); 18% African American; 11% Hispanic; 4% Asian/PaciWc Islander; and 1% Other. For data analysis purposes, the following three classiWcations were used for participants ethnicity: 0 D Caucasian/White (not of Hispanic origin); 1 D Other Minorities; 2 D Hispanic. Fiftysix percent of the participants were male. Procedure

Based on the previous discussion, we argue that the interaction of ethnic cues (i.e., ethnic name and accent) is more likely to elicit ethnic stereotypes and negative appraisals than a single cue. Thus, the following hypothesis is proposed: Hypothesis 1. Ethnic name and ethnic accent will interact to predict unfavorable judgments about the applicant and a reduced likelihood of deciding to hire the applicant. The synergistic combination of two ethnic cues (i.e., when both ethnic name and ethnic accent are present), will lead to the most negative judgments of applicants. Within the context of modern ethnicity bias, individuals may unconsciously attend to the ethnicity without recognizing its impact on their decisions. We expect that those who have an ethnicity bias will react more negatively to ethnic cues and will be more likely to hold unfavorable judgments about ethnic minorities than those who do not have an ethnicity bias. Further, these judgments will likely aVect interviewers decisions to hire eth-

Although previous employment interview research has examined ethnicity cues on interviewer decisions, the study of Hispanic ethnicity has been neglected relative to other minority applicants (Lin et al., 1992). This dearth in research persists even though the Hispanic segment of the population is growing rapidly in the United States (Grow, 2004; Mosisa, 2002; Sanchez & Brock, 1996), and despite evidence that biases against Hispanic employees exist (Kenney & Wissoker, 1994; Sanchez & Brock, 1996). Thus, we chose to examine sources of bias toward Hispanics. In order to reduce the potential of experimenter bias due to diVerences in sex or ethnicity, White (non-Hispanic), male doctoral students were selected and trained to administer the surveys. The administrators were personally trained by one of the researchers, and given speciWc written instructions to follow. Two large entry-level management classes (N D 115, N D 150) were selected for the study. One week prior to data collection, the instructor informed these students of


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an extra credit opportunity that would take place the following week during the scheduled class time. The participants reported to their regular classroom where they were randomly assigned to one of four separate, prearranged rooms. All participants were told they would serve as employment interviewers, and they were asked to watch a video of a job applicant participating in an interview. However, the video in each of the rooms diVered on the basis of applicant name and applicant accent. Participants were exposed to one of four conditions: a Hispanic accent with a Hispanic name, a Hispanic accent with a non-Hispanic name, a standard American-English accent with a Hispanic name, or a standard American-English accent with a non-Hispanic name. After the participants reported to their assigned room, they were seated so that they could clearly view and hear the videotaped interview. They signed an informed consent form. The participants were instructed to imagine that they were hiring for the Human Resources Manager position. The general procedure was then explained. The participants were given the job description and the resume with the appropriate name manipulation (Michael Fredrickson/Miguel Fernandez) to review. The job description for the Human Resource Manager was adapted from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (U.S. Department of Labor, 1991). The resume informed the participants that the applicant had the following qualiWcations: an MBA with a concentration in Human Resource Management from a large state university (3.7 Grade Point Average GPA); a B.S. in Business Administration from a large state university (3.5 GPA); and internship experience with two major corporations, performing duties such as designing training programs, updating job position descriptions, and working with salary surveys. Finally, the participants watched the 10-min videotaped job interview that included the accent manipulation and name manipulation (i.e., ethnicity cue), and then answered a two-part anonymous survey related to the interview. When participants Wnished with the Wrst part of the survey, they turned it in to the administrator and received the second matched part of the survey. The Wrst part of the survey contained questions related to the following: the applicants perceived characteristics, the interviewers attitude toward hiring the applicant, decision to hire, hire decision, participant demographics, and perceptions of the videotaped job applicants demographics. Precautions were taken to conceal the true nature of the study. Items tapping individuals perceptions of accent and ethnicity were embedded among many other demographic-type items. The second part of the survey included the ethnicity bias scale questions. This section of the survey was given separately in order to prevent the

participants answers on the Wrst part of the survey from being primed by the modern ethnicity bias scale questions. Experimental manipulations Early linguistics researchers often used a matchedguise technique in an experimental situation in order to control for extraneous factors. The present study utilized this approach to examine the inXuence of ethnicity cue (i.e., name) and accent in the interview process by having the same actor perform identical interview scripts while the accent and ethnicity cues of the actor were manipulated. With this technique, factors such as appearance and voice tone were held constant in order to focus on the variables of interest (i.e., accent and ethnicity cue). When creating the matched-guise videotapes for the accent and ethnicity cue manipulations, details were thoroughly considered to insure quality manipulations. An experienced videographer donated her time and equipment to the project, including a professional video camera, lights, and microphones. An interview script, adapted from research by Howard and Ferris (1996), was used to ensure the same information was communicated in all conditions. The interview script combined with the applicants resume showed that the applicant was articulate, enthusiastic and motivated, as well as highly qualiWed for the position with the relevant university degrees and work experience. Accent Auditions were held in order to Wnd an actor for the applicant role who had the ability to speak with a standard American-English accent and a Hispanic accent. The chosen actor was a White male who had experience with theater and with national commercials in both Spanish and English. Three linguistic experts independently veriWed the realism and the understandability of the Hispanic accent. The actor was instructed to keep body movements, facial expression, and posture as similar as possible in both the accented and non-accented conditions. Because the applicant was the same person in both videos, factors such as applicant attractiveness, tone of voice, and other mannerisms were virtually identical. Finally, the actor wore the same conservative business suit and tie in both conditions. The second actor, a male with a standard AmericanEnglish accent, assumed the role of the interviewer and was not shown in the video to prevent interference with the manipulations. Both actors had microphones, with the applicants microphone hidden under his clothing to prevent interference with realism. Participants were either exposed to the Hispanic-accented applicant (coded 1) or to the standard American-English accent (coded 0).

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Name For the name manipulation, two identical resumes were constructed, with the only diVerence being the name. Miguel Fernandez was used for the Hispanic ethnic cue, and Michael Fredrickson was used for the nonHispanic ethnic cue. Thus, participants encountered one of the following four conditions: Miguel with a standard American-English accent; Miguel with a Hispanic accent; Michael with a standard American-English accent; or Michael with a Hispanic accent. Additionally, the videotapes were professionally edited to reinforce the name manipulation by inserting the title Human Resource Manager Applicant: Michael Fredrickson (Miguel Fernandez) into the introduction. At the beginning of the videotaped interviews, the applicant name was displayed for approximately 7 s. Editing also was used to insert the beginning segment of dialogue in which both the interviewer and the applicant use the appropriate applicant name for added emphasis. The participants were asked to write the applicant name on the survey to check that they were aware of the name manipulation. All of the participants correctly recorded the applicants name. The main actor (Miguel/Michael) was a White male. Care was taken to choose an individual with physical characteristics such as white skin, brown eyes, and brown hair that could typically be considered either Anglo American or Hispanic American. This race/gender mix was chosen in an eVort to control for the potentially negative eVect of other races and sex, because white males are still predominant in high-status positions in U.S. organizations (Ely, 1995). Controlling the race of the individual was imperative; as previously mentioned, past studies examining biases against Hispanics have failed to control for this potentially important factor. The participants were exposed to either Michael (non-Hispanic, coded 0) or to Miguel (Hispanic, coded 1). Model variables Interviewer perceptions of applicant accent Perceptions of accent were measured with an item used in previous linguistics research (Ryan, Carranza, & MoYe, 1977). This item was embedded with other items that measured the applicants perceived characteristics in an eVort to conceal the fact that accent was a main variable of interest in the study. Participants rated the applicant on a seven-point scale ranging from ethnic accented speech to Standard American accented speech (e.g., television/radio accent). Higher scores indicate perceptions of ethnic accented speech. Interviewer perceptions of applicant ethnicity The participants indicated which of the following categories they believed applied to the video applicant:

Caucasian (0); African American (1); Hispanic (2); Native American (3); Asian/PaciWc Islander (4); and Other (5). These categories for race/ethnicity were based on EEOC guidelines. Perceived ethnicity was coded 0 for Caucasian, 1 for Other Minority, and 2 for Hispanic. Modern ethnicity bias Currently, no published modern ethnicity bias scale exists in the research literature that focuses speciWcally on Hispanics. Therefore, a scale was derived from McConahays (1986) Modern Racism Scale in order to speciWcally assess the degree of the participants biases against Hispanics. The Modern Racism Scale was originally designed to inconspicuously measure prejudice against African Americans (McConahay, 1986). In our scale, all occurrences of the word African American/s were changed to Hispanic/s. In addition to the word adaptations, Wve items were added to the scale based on research examining controversial issues related to Hispanics, such as Spanish language usage in the United States, border crossing issues, aYrmative action, and treatment of migrant farm workers. One item that related to segregation issues appeared to be irrelevant to Hispanics, so it was adapted to reXect issues related to Hispanics and school language issues. All of the items were signiWcantly correlated, and the Cronbach reliability estimate was .79 in this study, and .85 in an earlier pilot study. Evidence of the construct validity (Nunnally, 1978) of our measure is demonstrated in the present study by virtue of its signiWcant negative correlation with perceptions of Hispanics (r D .42, p < .001). Participants who have higher scores on the modern ethnicity bias scale tend to describe Hispanics in more negative terms than those with lower scores on the scale. Please see the Appendix A for all of the items included in the modern ethnicity bias scale. Participants responded to a 7-point scale (7 D strongly agree and 1 D strongly disagree) with higher numbers indicating greater levels of prejudice. This scale was designed to be less vulnerable to social desirability eVects due to the type of questions used. The items used for this scale dealt with issues that are political in nature (e.g., Discrimination against Hispanics is no longer a problem in the United States), instead of directly asking the respondent about their prejudice (e.g., Do you believe that Hispanics are less industrious than non-Hispanics). Therefore, it assessed prejudice in a less conspicuous manner than previous scales. Interviewer favorable judgments of applicant characteristics Participants judgments of the applicants characteristics were assessed by asking the participants to rate the applicant on 26 bipolar pairs of adjectives using a


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seven-point scale, with 7 as the anchor for favorable traits and 1 as the anchor for unfavorable traits ( D .87). The adjective pairs were adapted from previous research focusing on characteristics of the ideal employee, eVective top managers, and motivated workers (Larkin & Pines, 1979), and from research concentrating on Hispanics and accent discrimination by employment recruiters (Brennan & Brennan, 1981). The following are examples of the adjective pairs used: unsuccessfulsuccessful, lazyindustrious, unstablestable, and tardy prompt. Interviewer decision to hire Three statements, coded 17 (1 D strongly disagree, 7 D strongly agree; D .94), measured interviewers decision to hire the applicant. The scale items were: I will probably NOT hire the applicant for the Human Resource Manager position (reverse-coded); It is likely that I WILL hire the applicant for the Human Resource Manager position; and I plan to hire the applicant for the Human Resource Manager position. Higher scores indicate a stronger decision to hire the applicant. Control variables Social desirability Because past research has indicated that social desirability among raters may aVect the results of ethnicityoriented studies (Mullins, 1982), an abbreviated 10-item form of the social desirability scale was used (Strahan &

Gerbasi, 1972) (coded 17, with 1 D strongly disagree, 7 D strongly agree; D .70) as a control variable. Higher scores indicate a tendency to give socially desirable responses. Accent understandability Due to concerns that negative evaluations might be due to the applicant not being understandable, and not due to the ethnic cues of accent and name, we controlled for the understandability of the applicant. We asked participants to indicate their ability to understand the applicants speech on a one-item, seven-point scale that ranged from not understandable accent to understandable accent. Higher scores indicate a higher degree of understandability. Participants demographic features Self-reported demographic information on participants race/ethnicity, gender, GPA, and work experience were collected and used as control variables, based on previous research suggesting these variables may bias the results (Kenney & Wissoker, 1994; Vrij & Winkel, 1994).

Results Table 1 presents the means, standard deviations, and the zero-order correlations among study variables. After list-wise deletion of cases with missing data, 200 participants were included in the analyses. Diagonal entries indicate the internal consistency reliability estimates (i.e.,

Table 1 Means, standard deviations, and correlations among study variables (diagonal values are reliabilities) (N D 200) M 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Applicant Namea Applicant Accentb Perceived Accent Perceived Accent Understandability Perceived Applicant Ethnicityc Modern Ethnicity Bias Interviewer Favorable Judgment of Applicant Interviewer Decision to Hire Social Desirability Work Experience (Months) Grade Point Average Participant Ethnicityd Participant gendere 0.52 0.46 3.70 5.95 SD 1 0.50 0.50 .118* 1.97 .122* 1.47 .114 .312*** 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

.792*** .198** .155* .380*** .017 .094 .002 .036 .123* .034 .096 .093

1.53 0.80

.376*** .014 .060 .146* .039 .020 .032 .039 .156* .014

3.18 0.95 .064 5.09 0.54 .032 5.10 1.60 .035

.086 .065 .84 .292*** .172** .223*** .172** .071 .019 .001 .005 .089 .116* .286*** .053 .075 .025 .037 .040

.87 .447*** .94 .160* .071 .70 .160*

4.36 0.87 .028 5.05 3.65 .061 3.00 0.43 .013 0.47 0.70 .027 0.46 0.50 .078

.151* .192** .145* .076 .009 .148* .294*** .035 .105 .118*

.058 .042 .052 .083 .001 .053 .131* .061 .028 .140* .186** .082

One-tail signiWcance: *p 6 .05; **p 6 .01; ***p 6 .001. a 0 D Anglo name cue; 1 D Hispanic name cue. b 0 D North American English accent; 1 D Hispanic accent. c 0 D Caucasian; 1 D Other Minority; 2 D Hispanic. d 0 D Caucasian; 1 D Other Minority; 2 D Hispanic. e 0 D Male; 1 D Female.

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CoeYcients ). As indicated in the table, understandability and social desirability among participants had a greater number of signiWcant correlations with the study variables than the other control variables (i.e., work experience, gender, GPA, and participant ethnicity). Following are more details regarding the manipulation checks, as well as the analytical results relating to the hypotheses. Manipulation checks For the manipulation checks, there were two primary considerations: the name and the accent manipulations. Among the four experimental conditions, the strongest ethnicity manipulation was when accent and Hispanic name were combined. In this case, 100% of the participants identiWed the applicant as Hispanic or Other Minority. When Miguel had no accent, 85% of the participants identiWed the applicant as Minority, and when Michael had an accent, 96% of the participants identiWed him as Minority. In the condition where there were no Hispanic ethnicity cues, 32% of the participants identiWed the applicant as Hispanic. We conclude that the combination of Hispanic name and accent is a strong cue to the ethnicity of the applicant. However, it is also clear that only one ethnic cue is needed to trigger the identiWcation of the applicant as Hispanic or Other Minority. Interestingly, 32% of the participants identiWed the applicant with no Hispanic

ethnicity cues as Hispanic or Other Minority. Because all of the participants were from management classes, perhaps topics such as diversity in organizations were salient to them, which may have aVected their perception. Unfortunately, because the surveys were anonymous, no follow-up interviews were possible. The correlation between perceived accent and the manipulated applicant accent was .79 (p 6 .001), which demonstrates that the accent manipulation was eVective. We also asked the participants to indicate their ability to understand the applicants speech. A mean score of 5.95 (SD D 1.47), on a seven-point scale, was obtained for this measure, which indicates that the applicant was generally well understood. The mean score for understandability in the Ethnic Accent condition was 5.64, and for the Standard Accent condition the mean score was 6.19 (t D 2.63, df D 188; p 6 .01). These results suggest that somewhat lower understandability ratings were provided when a Hispanic accent was present, but in both conditions understandability was close to 6 on a 7-point scale. Tests of hypotheses We tested Hypotheses 1 and 2 using hierarchical regression, and Tables 2 and 3 provide the results of the data analyses for both hypotheses. To test Hypothesis 1, we entered the control variables, social desirability, modern ethnicity bias, work experience, GPA, participant

Table 2 Hierarchical regression of interviewer favorable judgment of applicant on name cue, accent cue, and their interaction (N D 200) Independent variables Step 1 B Control variables Accent understandability Social desirability Work experience GPA Participant ethnicitya Participant genderb Modern ethnicity bias Predictor IVs Name cue manipulationc Accent cue manipulationd Name-accent product Intercept Regression statistics R F (df) Regression Adj. R2 R2 F (df) of R2 .104 .068 .018 .234 .052 .161 .112 .283 .109 .120 .185 .067 .149 .197 t 4.331*** 1.632 1.790 2.768** 0.971 2.204* 2.790** Step 2 B .099 .114 .019 .231 .047 .165 .112 .005 .071 5.275 .441 6.639 (7,192)*** .166 .195 6.639 (7,192)*** 13.349*** 5.314 .446 5.242 (9,190)*** .161 .004 .478 (2,190) .270 .071 .128 .183 .061 .152 .197 .005 .065 t 4.017*** 1.694 1.889 2.726** 0.878 2.240* 2.776** 0.074 0.965 13.262*** Step 3 B .089 .071 .018 .225 .036 .161 .109 .157 .088 .325 5.254 .242 .115 .120 .179 .047 .149 .192 .145 .081 .243 t 3.584*** 1.723 1.787 2.682** 0.683 2.213* 2.739** 1.613 0.872 2.271* 13.223***

.469 5.337 (10,189)*** .179 .021 5.157 (1,189)*

Two-tail signiWcance: *p 6 .05; **p 6 .01; ***p 6 .001. a 0 D Caucasian; 1 D Other Minority; 2 D Hispanic. b 0 D Male; 1 D Female. c 0 D Anglo name cue; 1 D Hispanic name cue. d 0 D North American English accent; 1 D Hispanic accent.


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Table 3 Hierarchical Regression of Interviewer Favorable Judgment of Applicant on Modern Ethnicity Bias, Perceived Applicant Ethnicity, and Their Interaction (N D 200) Independent variables Step 1 B Control variables Accent understandability Social desirability Work experience GPA Participant Ethnicitya Participant genderb Predictor IVs Perceived ethnicityc Modern ethnicity bias Product Intercept Regression statistics R F (df) Regression Adj. R2 R2 F (df) of R2 .110 .088 .013 .228 .007 .185 .299 .142 .091 .180 .009 .170 t 4.508*** 2.119* 1.345 2.652** 0.130 2.496* Step 2 B .105 .073 .016 .238 .053 .159 .110 .104 4.724 .403 6.229 (6,193)*** .136 .162 6.229 (6,193)*** 13.561*** 5.057 .470 6.780(8,191)*** .189 .059 7.226 (2,191)*** .286 .118 .108 .188 .069 .147 .163 .183 t 4.428*** 1.787 1.627 2.851** 1.010 2.200* 2.539* 2.627** 12.674*** Step 3 B .105 .073 .016 .237 .052 .159 .083 .117 .008 5.099 .285 .117 .108 .187 .067 .147 .123 .206 .046 t 4.390 1.774 1.625 2.826 0.978 2.199 0.506 1.378 0.17 10.879

.470 5.999 (9,190)*** .184 .000 .029 (1,190)

Two-tail SigniWcance: *p 6 .05; **p 6 .01; ***p 6 .001. a 0 D Caucasian; 1 D Other Minority; 2 D Hispanic. b 0 D Male; 1 D Female. c 0 D Caucasian; 1 D Other Minority; 2 D Hispanic.

ethnicity, perceived accent understandability, and participant gender in the Wrst step of the regression analysis predicting the favorability of judgments of the applicant. At step two, we entered the name cue manipulation and accent cue manipulation variables, and in step three, we entered the interaction of the name cue and accent cue manipulations. Step three produced a signiWcant interaction eVect ( R2 D .021, F1,189 D 5.157, p < .05) for the prediction of interviewers judgments of the applicant. These results are presented in Table 2, indicating that Hypothesis 1 was partially supported. Namely, applicant name and accent interacted to predict interviewers favorable judgments of the applicant. The name and accent interaction was not signiWcantly related to decision to hire. Procedures outlined by Cohen and Cohen (1983) were used to compute regression equations showing the relationship between accent and favorable judgments of the applicant for the Hispanic and non-Hispanic name conditions. A graphic representation of these equations is shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 1 demonstrates that perceptions of the Hispanic named applicant became more negative when the Hispanic named applicant also had an accent. However, this eVect did not occur for the applicant with an Anglo name, which corresponds to research that suggests accents associated with countries of lower socio-economic status or darker skinned people are often viewed negatively (Ryan & Carranza, 1975; Callan, Gallois, & Forbes, 1983). Factors such as the applicant qualiWca-

5.45 5.4 5.35 5.3 5.25 5.2 5.15 5.1 5.05 No Accent Accent
Anglo Name Cue Hispanic Name Cue

Fig. 1. Graphic representation of name cue accent cue interaction on interviewer judgment of applicant. For Hispanic Name: Interviewer Judgment of Applicant D .237 Accent + 5.411. For Anglo Name: Interviewer Judgment of Applicant D .088 Accent + 5.254.

tions, clothing, physical attractiveness, and age were held constant by utilizing the same person and identical resume content. Only accent and name varied, yet perceptions of the applicant changed. Moreover, in this study, the accented applicant was Xuent in English, used correct grammar, and had an understandable accent. Therefore, any accent discrimination against this individual could not be justiWed as a legitimate communication issue. As previously mentioned, it appears that only one ethnic cue is needed to trigger interviewers to identify applicants as Hispanic. However, as expected, one ethnic cue did not result in as negative of a judgment as the syn-

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ergistic eVect of two cues. Interestingly, the most favorable judgment was triggered by applicants with a Hispanic name and with no accent. Hypothesis 2 stated that participants modern ethnicity bias will interact with the ethnicity of the applicant such that the negative relationship between ethnicity and judgments and decisions to hire will be stronger when modern ethnicity bias is high. Hierarchical regression was used to test this hypothesis, with modern ethnicity bias, perceived applicant ethnicity, and their interaction as predictors of favorable judgments of applicant characteristics and decision to hire. The results of this analysis for favorable judgments are presented in Table 3. The interaction term introduced at step 3 was not signiWcant, which indicates that participant modern ethnicity bias was not selectively associated with judgments about only the Hispanic applicant. However, step 2 was signiWcant ( R2 D .059; F2,191 D 7.226, p < .001). The standardized beta weight for perceived accent understandability ( D .286, t D 4.428, p 6 .001) shows that the applicant was judged more favorably when his accent was perceived higher in understandability. The weight for participant GPA ( D .188, t D 2.851, p 6 .01) and gender ( D .147, t D 2.200, p 6 .05) were also signiWcant indicating that male participants and those with higher GPAs tended to judge the applicant less favorably than female participants and those with lower GPAs. The for modern ethnicity bias ( D .183, t D 2.627, p 6 .01) shows that this variable was negatively related to favorable judgments of applicant characteristics. In regard to decision to hire, the interaction term introduced at step 3 was not signiWcant, which indicates
-.16** Modern Ethnicity Bias -.07 -.24***

that participant modern ethnicity bias was not selectively associated with the decision to (or not to) hire the Hispanic applicant. However, modern ethnicity bias was also negatively related to decision to hire ( D .261, t D 3.564, p 6 .01). Path analysis results Although the hypothesized name and accent cue interaction was related to favorable judgments of the applicant, but not signiWcantly related to the decision to hire, modern ethnicity bias was signiWcantly related to these variables. To further understand the nature of the relationship among ethnic cues, modern ethnicity bias, judgments of the applicant, and decision to hire, we performed a path analysis using these variables. Fig. 2 shows the results of the path analysis. Fig. 2 demonstrates that these causal paths explain signiWcant amounts of variance in decision to hire (R2 D .23; F(5,206) D 12.456; p 6 .001). As one would expect, a signiWcant positive path was demonstrated between favorable judgments of the applicant and decision to hire ( D .42; t D 6.562; p 6 .001). A signiWcant negative path to decision to hire was also obtained for modern ethnicity bias ( D .16; t D 2.582; p 6 .01). SigniWcant negative paths to favorable judgments of the applicant were obtained for modern ethnicity bias ( D .24; t D 3.703; p 6 .001), and the name/accent cue interaction ( D .31; t D 2.934; p 6 .01). Table 4 shows the decomposition of causal eVects through the path model (Alwin & Hauser, 1975). The path analysis demonstrates that modern ethnicity bias


Name Cue


-.13* -.04 .10 .50*** Accent Cue -.31** .54*** .08 Name x Accent Interaction

Favorable Judgment of Applicant R2 =.10***


Decision to Hire R2=.23***

Numbers on paths are rs (i.e., double arrows) and bs (i.e., single arrows). * p < .05 ** p < .01 *** p < .001

Fig. 2. Path analysis of the eVects of modern ethnicity bias, name cue and accent cue on interviewer judgment of applicant and interviewer decision to hire.


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Table 4 Decomposition of direct and indirect eVects for modern ethnicity bias and name/accent cue interaction on decision to hire coeYcients ( ) Independent variables Dependent variables Favorable judgment of applicant Modern ethnicity bias Name cue Accent cue Name accent Favorable judgment of applicant Dependent variables Favorable judgment of applicant .244 .144 .101 .314**

Decision to hire step 1 .267 .018 .039 .028 Total eVect .244 .144 .101 .314 .265 .061 .042 .051 .421

Decision to hire step 2 .163* .043 .004 .105 .423***

Independent variables Modern ethnicity bias Name cue Accent cue Name accent Modern ethnicity bias Name cue Accent cue Name accent Favorable judgment of applicant

Indirect eVect via favorable judgment of applicant

Direct eVect .244 .144 .101 .314 .162 .000 .000 .081 .421

Decision to hire

.103 .061 .042 .132

indirectly aVects the decision to hire through the intervening variable, favorable judgments of the applicant, but it also exerts a signiWcant negative direct eVect as well. The ethnicity cue interaction seems to aVect decision to hire through its negative indirect eVect on favorable judgments about the applicant, but its direct eVect is not signiWcant.

Discussion Inappropriate, inaccurate, and even illegal decisions can occur regardless of the type of human resource management selection device utilized. However, the employment interview should be a prime target for research in this area, because it is the most frequently used tool for making employment decisions, and because more than other selection devices, the interview presents considerable opportunity for the inXuence of subtle cues and perceptual and judgmental biases to aVect decisions. The present study examined the eVects of ethnic cues on interviewers favorable judgments and their decision to hire applicants. We hypothesized that the synergistic eVect of ethnic cues (i.e., ethnic name and ethnic accent), were more likely to trigger negative interviewer reactions toward an applicant than one ethnic cue or no ethnic cues. Even after controlling for participant modern ethnicity bias, support was found for the eVect of an accent ethnicity cue interaction on the favorable judgments of applicants characteristics. As hypothesized, the most unfavorable judgments of the applicant were triggered by the combination of ethnic name and accent. Interestingly, the most favorable judgments were triggered when the applicant did not have an accent, but had an ethnic name. These

Wndings can be partially explained by the expectancyviolation theory (Jussim, Coleman, & Lerch, 1987), which suggests that there often are lower expectations for minorities, and when these expectations are violated in a positive direction (i.e., no accent), evaluations will be in the direction of the violation. In other words, the Hispanic named applicant might have been viewed positively because he spoke without an accent. This theory is similar to the accommodation hypothesis reported in the linguistics Weld by Giles and Bourhis (1976), which states that eVorts by ethnic minorities to increase similarities between themselves and the majority group are associated with more favorable evaluations. To the extent that speech style contains prejudicial triggers, it can be altered to a style that is deemed more socially acceptable. Accommodating their speech allows minority members to potentially reduce social costs and increases the likelihood of social approval. Consistent with the accommodation hypothesis, participants may have perceived the candidates to be more similar to the majority group, thus rating them more positively. Modern ethnicity bias toward Hispanics was predicted to relate negatively to favorable judgments of the Hispanic applicant, and not relate to judgments of the non-Hispanic applicant. We examined modern ethnicity bias, perceived applicant ethnicity, and their interaction as predictors of favorable judgments of applicant characteristics, and found that the interaction was not signiWcant. This indicates that modern ethnicity bias was not selectively associated with judgments about only the Hispanic applicant. Based on this Wnding, we then examined the main eVects of modern ethnicity bias on judgments of the applicant, attitudes about hiring, and decision to hire the applicant.

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Modern ethnicity bias demonstrated a negative relationship with favorable judgments of the applicant, and these judgments of the applicant showed a positive association with the decision to hire. Further, modern ethnicity bias had a direct negative relationship with the decision to hire. Together, these results indicate that modern ethnicity bias seems to have a negative association with the favorable judgments of, and decisions to hire all applicants, not just Hispanic applicants. Perhaps interviewer ethnic biases trigger a skeptical and guarded view of others, which is translated into more negative perceptions of applicants in general. Additional research on the eVects of modern ethnicity biases is needed. Finally, having favorable judgments of applicants is associated with the decision to hire the applicant. Limitations of the study Some researchers may consider generalizability a problem when using students as interviewers. However, when examining ethnicity issues, the deviations between students and actual employees or managers may be minimal (Barr & Hitt, 1986). This may be due to the fact that students, like managers, have been exposed to similar ethnic stereotypes through the media and society in general. If stereotypes are less prevalent among students, due to more progressive ideas among the youth of society, then the evidence of ethnicity bias among students found in this study may be a conservative estimate of the ethnicity bias of practicing managers. Alternatively, it may be that practicing managers are more experienced with, and aware of, discrimination issues, and therefore would be less likely to respond in a biased manner. In order to investigate these potential diVerences, examining practicing professionals should help to extend this research. A related concern is the potential lack of realism in the situation. As with most laboratory experimental situations, some realism is lost, but control is gained, by allowing for more precise manipulation of the variables of interest. Posthuma et al. (2002), in a review of the research pertaining to interviews, suggested that having participants view an interview without actively participating could lead to lack of involvement for participants, thus alleviating the responsibility that organizational members may feel in a real interview situation. Presumably, this lack of accountability could lessen participants attention to the task at hand. In the present study, the procedure was designed in order to increase participant involvement. Interviewers were instructed to examine the applicants resume, to watch the interview carefully and imagine that they were actually interviewing the applicant, to rate the applicant on various aspects, and to make a hiring decision. Additionally, the use of a matched-guise video provided an opportunity to control verbal and nonverbal cues (Post-

huma et al., 2002), which allowed accent to be teased apart and isolated from other cues in the environment. In this study, the job description used for the applicant was for the Human Resource Manager position. The choice of this particular job description may have aVected the results if participants perceived that this job was associated with a certain degree of status. Previous research by Kalin and Rayko (1978) documented varying eVects due to diVering degrees of job status. SpeciWcally, they found that foreign accented applicants were given lower evaluations for high status jobs and higher evaluations for low status jobs. Therefore, diVerent job descriptions of varying degrees of status should be examined in future research. Further, the qualiWcations of the applicant for the Human Resource Manager position in this study were high, indicating the applicant was clearly qualiWed for the position. Dovidio and Gaertner (2000) found that ethnic bias was most likely to occur when applicants had only reasonable qualiWcations and least likely to occur when applicants had qualiWcations that were either low (i.e., clear decision not to hire) or high (i.e., clear decision to hire). This study found ethnic biasing eVects even when the applicant was clearly qualiWed. In the workplace, it is likely that applicants will have some good qualities as well as some less attractive qualities and that interviewers are normally dealing with individuals who do not have such high qualiWcations that the decision to hire is clear. Thus, the results of this study may actually underestimate the degree to which ethnic biases aVect the judgments and decisions of interviewers. The results of this research also may vary depending on where the study is conducted, and on the composition of the sample. In other parts of the country, Hispanic ethnicity cues may be perceived more or less readily, and Hispanics may face more or less discrimination. For example, in the Miami, Florida, area where there is a large Cuban-American population, is there more or less accent and general ethnicity discrimination against Hispanics than in an area of the country where there is very little exposure to Hispanics? Research has found some support for the contention that ethnic minorities, like members of the majority ethnic group, tend to have negative perceptions of ethnic accents and positive perceptions of standard accents (Ryan & Carranza, 1975; Callan et al., 1983). Other research has suggested that individuals are more likely to gravitate toward others who are similar. For example, in a study of workgroup preferences, individuals demonstrated a clear desire for working with others who were racially similar (e.g., Hinds, Carley, Krackhardt, & Wholey, 2000). More research is needed to validate these results, and to examine various populations of Hispanics (e.g., Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Cuban Americans) to observe whether there are any subculture diVerences in responses.


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Implications and future research directions A key contribution of the present study is that it allowed a closer look at the potential underlying triggers of bias in the employment interview process by examining cues associated with ethnicity. Building on this study, there are some important directions for future research. One area that needs attention is to investigate the inXuence of interview structure on ethnic/racial cue eVects on interviewer decisions. The present study used a standard stimulus (i.e., videotaped interview) in presentation of applicant cues to an interviewer. This most closely resembles a structured interview format, where it would be argued that biases might be less observable because attention and focus is maintained on job-related content issues. Indeed, the unstructured interview tends to be where job-irrelevant information tends to emerge to inXuence interviewer decisions (e.g., Dipboye, 1994). It would be interesting to compare structured to unstructured interviews to see if the observed eVects from this study regarding ethnic cues diVer by interview format. There has been growing research interest in recent years in the use of applicant impression management tactics, and their eVects on interviewer ratings (e.g., Gilmore, Stevens, Harrell-Cook, & Ferris, 1999). Indeed, Gilmore et al. proposed an adaptation of the Ferris and Judge (1991) framework, which shows applicant impression management tactics aVect interviewer decisions and actions through the potential mediating variables of liking, perceived similarity, or perceived competence. It would be interesting to investigate whether applicants impression management tactics overshadowed, and thus neutralized, their race or ethnicity in aVecting interviewers judgments and decisions. It might be the case that minority job applicant self-promotion tactics are successful in elevating their competence in the eyes of the interviewer to a level that eliminates any eVects of ethnicity bias. This would be a new area of research because virtually no work has been done relating ethnicity to social inXuence (Ferris et al., 2002). Besides interview format and impression management, future research should examine other factors that might constrain or magnify the eVects of applicant ethnic/racial cues on interviewer judgments and decisions. It would be interesting to investigate the ethnicity of both applicant and interviewer in employment interviews to see if there are rating eVects for ethnicity similarity. EVects of ethnicity or racial similarity on interview ratings have been reported for both African Americans (McFarland, Sacco, Ryan, & Kriska, 2000; Prewett-Livingston, Feild, Veres, & Lewis, 1996), and for Hispanics (Lin et al., 1992). However, all three of these studies used panel interviews as opposed to the more conventional one-on-one interviews. Because one-on-one interviews would seem even more likely to produce ethnic/racial similarity eVects (Sacco, Scheu,

Ryan, & Schmitt, 2003), interview scholars should proceed in this direction. Additionally, we would suggest that future research investigate the area of personorganization Wt as it relates to interviewer decision making regarding ethnic/ racial cues. Some recent work has proposed social-cognitive theoretical underpinnings for an integrative theory of multidimensional Wt that focuses on a prototypematching approach (Wheeler, Buckley, Halbesleben, Brouer, & Ferris, 2005). Most Wt research in the employment interview has investigated supplementary Wt, which considers how applicants seek to match particular characteristics they possess to the employing organizations environment. The investigation of ethnic/racial cues in the area of personorganization Wt would be applicable to the concept of complimentary Wt, whereby applicants personal attributes and characteristics are viewed as adding something new that is not presently found in the organizational environment. Future research is needed to determine if the results found in this study replicate to other scenarios or samples. One area for further exploration is investigate whether name and accent cues trigger interviewer perceptions based on country of origin as well as race. For instance, is a Caucasian applicant with a Russian accent and Russian name perceived more negatively or positively than when the applicant has a Russian name and no accent, or a Russian accent and non-Russian name? Furthermore, future research may address the extent to which these eVects occur in decision-making processes with internal applicants (e.g., promotions, opportunities for training). Perhaps these eVorts will help delineate the relative strength of name and accent cues in diVerent samples, as well as identify situations in which the eVects generalize. The results of the present study suggest the need for continued eVorts to increase the eVectiveness of interviewer judgment and decision making. As demonstrated in this study, interviewers are vulnerable to making biased judgments about applicants. Potential solutions to reducing interviewer biases include training interviewers, structuring the rating procedures, using multiple interviewers, using videotaped interviews, and selecting eVective interviewers. In particular, future research focused on interviewer training is needed. Although there is evidence that trained interviewers may be able to make more objective hiring decisions, most interviewers still do not receive much training, if any at all, before being allowed to conduct employment interviews (Howard & Ferris, 1996; Kennedy, 1994). More research is needed that explores the eVectiveness of interviewer-training methods in reducing biases. Interviewer characteristics, besides a bias toward ethnic minorities, also should be examined in future research. For example, international experience may be correlated with more positive perceptions of applicants with diverse

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characteristics, such as non-standard accents. Personality diVerences among interviewers also may be important in this research. Perhaps interviewers that rate high on the openness to experience dimension of the Five-Factor Model of personality are less likely to be prejudiced toward ethnic minorities, or less likely to apply these prejudices toward particular job applicants. Openness to experience or extraversion of the trainees also may be important individual diVerence variables related to the eVectiveness of interviewer training.

Conclusion This study oVers several notable contributions to the research literature. First, because it allows for excellent control in experimental conditions, the matched-guise

technique was employed in the present study. Although this technique has not been widely used in management research to date, perhaps the present study will encourage researchers to consider using this type of methodological approach in studying organizational phenomena. Second, this research separates the eVects of accent from the eVects of ethnicity cues. Previous ethnicity research generally has failed to separate the confounding factors of accent and ethnicity, factors that appear to have interactive eVects. The results of the present study indicate that, to a degree, interviewers are still allowing illegal and often irrelevant factors, such as the combined eVects of ethnicity and accent, to aVect judgments and decisions about job applicants, instead of focusing only on job-related qualiWcations. In essence, we are still judging the book by the cover rather than solely by the contents.

Appendix A Please indicate the degree to which you disagree or agree with each of the following statements by circling the appropriate number 1. Over the past few years, the government and news media have shown more respect to Hispanics than they deserve. Strongly Disagree 2. It is easy to understand the frustration of Hispanics in America. Strongly Disagree 3. Discrimination against Hispanics is no longer a problem in the United States. Strongly Disagree 4. Over the past few years, Hispanics have gotten more economically than they deserve. Strongly Disagree 5. Hispanics have more inXuence upon school language issues than they ought to have. Strongly Disagree 6. Hispanics are getting too demanding in their push for the usage of the Spanish language. Strongly Disagree 7. Hispanics should not push themselves where they are not wanted. Strongly Disagree 8. Hispanics are taking advantage of their minority status. Strongly Disagree 9. Hispanics are taking too many jobs from non-minorities. Strongly Disagree 10. Migrant farm-workers have been treated poorly in many instances. Strongly Disagree 11. Hispanics often intentionally exclude non-Spanish speakers in their conversations. Strongly Disagree 12. Mexicans crossing the US border are often dealt with too harshly. Strongly Disagree

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

Modern Ethnicity Bias Scale (Adapted from McConahays Modern Racism Scale, 1986). Items 17 are adapted from the original scale and items 612 are additions. Questions 2, 10, and 12 are reverse-coded.


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