chap 1 dbms
chap 1 dbms
chap 1 dbms
DataBase (DB): It’s a collection of related data. Data means known fact that can have implicit
meaning and can be recorded. Eg: MSaccess, Excel, Mysql, Oracle
DataBase Management System (DBMS): A DBMS is a collection of programs that enables
users to create, and maintain the database.
A DBMS is a general purpose software that facilitates for defining, constructing ,manipulating
and sharing database among various users.
Defining of data base involves specifying datatypes, data structure and a constraints of data to be
stored in database.
Constructing the data base is the process of storing the data itself on some storage medium that
is controlled by DBMS.
Manipulating the data base includes querying the database, updating a database and generating
the reports from database.
Sharing the database allows multiple users and program to access the database simultaneously
The database definition is stored in the database in the form of database catalog as dictionary
it is called metadata.
An application program access the database by sending the Queries/Request for DBMS.
a)The isolation property ensures that each transaction appears to execute in isolation
from other.
b)The atomicity property ensures that either all database operation in the transaction are
executed or none.
End users:
They are the people whose job require access to database for querying
updating and generating report. They are several categories of end users
1. Casual End Users
2. Navie /Parametric End Users
3. Sophisticated End Users
4. Standalone End Users
1. Casual end users:
Occasionally access database but they need different information each time
• Physical (low-level) data models: Provide concepts that describe details of how data is
stored in the computer. Data of this level is meant for specialists.
Database Schema: The description of a database is called database schema. It includes
descriptions of the database structure and the constraints.
• Schema Diagram: A diagrammatic display of (some aspects of) a database schema.
Name Student_number Class Major
Database Instance: The actual data stored in a database at a particular moment in time.
Also called database state (or occurrence).
Three-Schema Architecture
• Defines DBMS schemas at three levels:
• Internal level has an internal schema, which describes the physical storage
structures of the database. It uses a physical data model & describe the complete
details of data storage and access paths.
• External schemas has an external level, which includes a number user views. It
describe the part of the database that a particular user group is interested & it
hides the rest of the database from users.
Mappings: The process of transforming requests and response between the levels
Data independence:
Data independence which can be defined as the capacity to change the schema at one level
without having to change the schema at the next higher level.
Two types of data independence are :
• Logical data independence :
It is the capacity to change the internal schema without having to change the
conceptual schema. Hence, the external schemas need not be changer as well. Change to
internal schema may be needed because some physical files were reorganized. To
improve the performance of retrieval or update.
Database languages and interfaces:
The types of languages provided by a DBMS are :
• Data definition language(DDL)
It used by the DBA and by database designer to define both schemas. The DBMS will have a
DDL compiler whose function is to process DDl statements in order to identify description of the
schema constructs and to store the schema description in the DBMS catalog.
• The storage definition language(SDL): It is used to specify the internal schema. The
internal schema is specified by a combination of parameters and specifications related to
storage—the DBA staff typically controls indexing and mapping of data to storage.
• The view definition language(VDL): to specify user views and their mapping to the
conceptual schema, SQL is used in the role of VDL to define user or application views as
result of predefined quires.
DBMS interfaces:
User-friendly interfaces provided by a DBMS may include the following:
1. Menu-based interfaces for web clients or browsing.
These interfaces present the user with lists of options (called menus) that lead the user
through the formulation of a request. Pull-down menus are very popular technique in web-based
user interfaces.
2. Forms-based interfaces.
A form-based interface displays a form to each user. User can fill out all the form entries
to insert new data , or they canfill out only certain entries retrieve matching data.
3. Graphical user interfaces.
A GUI typically displays a schema to the user in diagrammatic form. GUIs utilize both
menus and forms. GUIs use a pointing device
4. Natural language interfaces.
These interfaces accept requests written in English or some other language and attempts
to understand them. A natural language interface usually has its own schema, search engines that
accept strings of natural language (like English or Spanish) words and match them with
document at specific site.
5. Speech input and output.
Limited use of speech as an input query and speech as an answer to a question or result of
a request is becoming commonplace.
6. Interfaces for parametric users.
Parametric users, such as bank tellers, often have a small set of operations that they must
perform .
7. Interface for the DBA.
Most database system contain privileged commands that can be used only by the DBA’s staff.
The database and DBMS catalog are stored on disc and controlled by operating system.
Stored data manager model control access to DBMS information stored on the disc.
Let us consider the top half of the diagram:
1.DBA staff : Works on defining the database and changes to the definition is performed by
using DDL and previlized commands. The DDL compiler , process the definition and store
descriptions in the catalog.
2.Casual users or occasional users need different type of information each time. The interactive
query are parsed compile analyzed by query compiler and subjected to query optimizer to
rearrange and reorder the operations.
4. Parametric end users:who uses the parameters to the canned transaction, so they can run
repeatedly as separate transaction.
1.Previlized commands
2.Executable query
3.canned transaction with run time parameters
DBMS Server:
• Provides database query and transaction services to the clients
• Sometimes called query and transaction servers
1. Based on data model: DBMS can be categorized as relational, object, network, hierarchical
data model.
4. Based on cost : Classification is based on cost and the majority of DBMS packages between
ten thousand dollars to one lakh dollars or none.