SY Biotech Sem2 Autonomy Converted 1
SY Biotech Sem2 Autonomy Converted 1
SY Biotech Sem2 Autonomy Converted 1
Semester IV
Course Code Course Course Title Theory/ Mark Credits Lectures
Type Practical s /Week
BOS Biotechnology
Class S. Y. B. Sc
Semester IV
Subject Name Biochemistry
Subject Code PUSBT401
Level of Subject Basic
To gain an insight into the Metabolic Processes associated with
1. Catabolism of Carbohydrates
2. Catabolism of Amino Acids
3. Catabolism of Lipids and Nucleotides.
Lipid and 3.2 Beta, Alpha and Omega Oxidation of
Nucleotide Saturated Fatty Acids; Oxidation of
Metabolism Unsaturated Fatty Acids; Oxidation of Odd
Chain Fatty Acids. Energy Yield, Ketone
Body Breakdown to Yield Energy.(Sequence
of Reactions, Regulation, Energy Yield and
Metabolic Disorders of the above Pathways)
3.3 Nucleotide Metabolism :
Degradation of Purines and Pyrimidines.
Associated Metabolic disorders : Primary
gout and Secondary Gout
Expected outcomes: By the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Understand various metabolic pathways operating in the body and its regulation
2. Understand the electron transport chain
3. Learn the disorders associated with metabolic pathway
Reference Books:
1. Biochemistry:3rd Edition, Satyanarayan and Chakrapani
2. Lehninger principles of biochemistry, 4th Edition, David Nelson and Michael Cox
3. Fundamentals of Biochemistry. 3rd Edition (2008), Donald Voet& Judith Voet , John
Wiley and Sons, I. USA
4. Biochemistry: 7th Edition, (2012), Jeremy Berg, LubertStryer, W.H.Freeman and
company, NY
5. Outlines of Biochemistry: 5th Edition, (2009), Erice Conn & Paul Stumpf ; John Wiley
and Sons, USA
6. Principles of Biochemistry, 4th Edition (1997), JefforyZubey, McGraw-Hill College,USA
BOS Biotechnology
Class S. Y. B. Sc
Semester IV
Subject Name Applied Chemistry II
Subject Code PUSBT402
Level of Subject Moderate
1. To build knowledge of natural products, polymers and techniques of separation.
Nanofilms and Nanotubes Synthesis and
Characterization of Nanomaterials. Applications
of Nanomaterials.
Expected outcomes: By the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Develop an understanding of the different aspects of Analytical Chemistry.
2. Gain knowledge of Natural Product Chemistry, its classification and techniques of
3. Gain an understanding of basic concepts in Polymer Chemistry and Nanomaterials. Also
the medicinal applications of polymer chemistry.
Reference Books:
1. Chemistry of natural products- S.V.Bhat.
2. Principles of polymer chemistry- Paul J.Flory
3. Selection of the HPLC Method in Chemical Analysis- Serban C. Moldoveanu, Victor
4. Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry- 2nd Edition by S.M.Khopkar.
BOS Biotechnology
Class S. Y. B. Sc
Semester III
Subject Name Medical Microbiology
Subject Code PUSBT403
Level of Subject Moderate
1. To gain insight into Disease Factors and Processes and Diseases Caused by
2. To provide knowledge on the students handling, isolating and identifying various
Expected outcomes: By the end of the course the student will be able to:
Reference Books:
1. Pelczar M.J., Chan E.C.S., Krieg Pelczar M.J., Chan E.C.S., Krieg N.R.,
Microbiology(6th Edition) ,The McGraw Hill Companies Inc.NY
2. Presscott‘s Microbiology, (8th edition ), Joanne M Willey, Joanne Willey,Linda
Sherwood, Linda M Sherwood, Christopher J Woolverton, Chris Woolverton,
McGrawHil Science Enginering,USA
3. Jawetz, Melnick and Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology, 26th Edition, Lange
4. Ananthanarayan and P anicker’s, Textbook of Microbiology, 8th edition
5. Tortora, Funke, Case- Microbiology- An introduction (9th edition), Pearson
BOS Biotechnology
Class S. Y. B. Sc
Semester IV
Subject Name Environmental Biotechnology
Subject Code PUSBT404
Level of Subject Moderate
1. The objective of this course is to gain awareness about different Types of Environmental
Pollution and Related Issues.
2. to understand how to detoxify the harmful chemicals released in the environment by the
use of microorganisms.
Expected outcomes: By the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Gain an understanding of the causes, types and control methods for Environmental
2. Application of different life forms in Environmental Remediation.
Reference Books:
1. Industrial Microbiology- A. H. Patel
2. Environmental biotechnology – Indu shekhar thakur
3. Microbiology- Frobisher
4. Microbiology - 5th Edition- Pelczar
5. Fundamental of Bacteriology - 11th Edition- A. J. Salle
BOS Biotechnology
Class S. Y. B. Sc
Semester IV
Subject Name Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
Subject Code PUSBT405
Level of Subject Moderate
1. learning and understanding basic concepts of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
Simultaneous Methods; Progressive
Methods; Databases of Multiple
Alignment; MSA and Phylogenetic Trees.
III Biostatistics 3.1 Theory and Problems based on 15
Coefficient of Correlation and
Regression Analysis
3.2 Steps in Testing Statistical
Hypothesis; Parametric Tests:- Z
Test – Single Mean and Two
Means, tTest – Single Mean,
Paired and Unpaired; ChiSquare
Expected outcomes: By the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Gain an understanding of the basic concepts of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics.
2. Understand the tools used in Bioinformatics.
3. Apply the various Statistical Tools for Analysis of Biological Data.
Reference Books:
1. Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics by Pevsner, J. A. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
2. Bioinformatics: Methods and Applications. S. C. Rastogi, Namita Mendiratta, Parag
Rastogi. PHI Learning Pvt Ltd.
3. Ideker et al. A new approach to decoding life: Systems Biology. Annual Review on
Genomics and Human Genetics 2001, 2: 343-372.
4. Kitano, Systems Biology: A Brief Overview. Science, 2002, 295: 1662-1664.
5. Biostatistics. P. N. Arora and P. K. Malhan. Himalaya Pub. House (2010)
6. Introduction to Bio-Statistics. P. K. Banerjee. S Chand & Company
BOS Biotechnology
Class S. Y. B. Sc
Semester IV
Subject Name Molecular Diagnostics
Subject Code PUSBT406
Level of Subject Basic
1. Learning and understanding Molecular Techniques and utilizing these techniques in Diagnosis.
Case Studies- Diagnostic Testing for Cystic
Fibrosis; Fragile X Diagnostic and Carrier
Genetic Counselling
Ethical, Social and Legal Issues in Genetic
Expected outcomes: By the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Gain an understanding of the basic Principles used in Molecular Diagnosis.
2. Gain critical thinking and analytical skills to understand new Diagnostic Methods.
3. Apply the knowledge and skills gained in the course should be useful in developing new
Diagnostic Kits.
Reference Books:
1. Molecular diagnostics- Fundamentals, methods and clinical applications –Buckingham and
Flaws F.A. Davis Company Philadelphia.
2. iGenetics- Peter Russell -Pearson Education
3. Molecular diagnostics for the clinical laboratorian by coleman and Tsongalis, Humana
4. Genetics in medicin-by Thompson and Thompson
5. Emery’s Elements of Medical Genetics-by Peter D Turnpenny & Sian Ellard
BOS Biotechnology
Class S. Y. B. Sc
Semester IV
Subject Name Entrepreneurship Development
Subject Code PUSBT407
Level of Subject Basic
1. To develop and systematically apply an Entrepreneurial way of thinking that will allow
identification and creation of Business Opportunities.
Unit Name of Unit Topic Name of Topic Number
No. No. of
I Introduction to 1.1 Concept of Entrepreneur; Entrepreneurship; 15
Entrepreneurship Need and Importance;
Development 1.2 Factors Influencing
Entrepreneurship; Essentials of a Successful
1.3 Examples of Biotech Entrepreneurs
II Setting-up of an 2.1 Location of Enterprise; Real Estate and 15
Enterprise and Human Resource Planning, Financial
Planning Planning; Role of Government and Financial
Institutions in Entrepreneurship
Development; Raising Money from Venture
Capitalists, Government Grants
2.2 Product
Selection and Ideas; Project Planning and
Formulation; Project Feasibility
2.3 Regulatory Affairs, Corporate Laws,
Innovation, IPR generation and Protection,
Preparation of a Business Plan,
Characteristics and Importance of
III Marketing, Sales, 3.1 Marketing Plan for an Entrepreneur; 15
Advertising and Strategic
International Alliances, Advertising and Sales Promotion;
Market research 3.2 Market Assessment, Need for International
Market Research, Domestic vs. International
Market Research, Cost and Methodology of
Market Research, Desk and Field Research
IV Internal 4.1 Submission and Presentation of Business
Evaluation Proposal for any Biotechnological Product/
Expected outcomes: By the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Develop an understanding of the systematic process and to select and screen a Business
2. Design strategies for successful implementation of ideas.
3. Write a Business Plan.
Reference Books:
1. Entrepreneurship – Kurup
2. Handbook of Entrepreneurship development- Basotia and Sharma
Course code Title Credits
UBTP401 1. Determination of Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) Activity in 2
Blood Serum.
based on 2. Determination of Total, LDL and HDL Cholesterol in Serum.
UBT401and 3. Organ Function Tests: Liver (SGPT, SGOT); Kidney (Urea from
UBT402) Serum).
4. Estimation of Uric Acid and Creatinine in Urine.
5. Qualitative Detection of Ketone Body in Urine.
6. Isolation of Mitochondria and Demonstration of ETC using a
Marker Enzyme.
7. Separation of Binary (Solid-Solid) Mixture (Min 4 Compounds).
Course code Title Credits
UBTP403 1. Familiarization with NCBI, EMBL, DDBJ, PIR, KEGG 2
(PRACTICALS Databases. 2. Use of NCBI BLAST Tool.
2. Pairwise and Multiple Sequence Alignment and Phylogeny.
based on
3. Classification of Proteins using CATH/SCOP.
UBT406) 4. Visualization PDB Molecules using Rasmol/Raswin.
5. Handling and Calibration of Micropipette.
6. Isolation, Quantitative Analysis and AGE of Genomic DNA
from Bacteria and Yeast.
7. Isolation and Detection of RNA from Bacteria and Yeast.
8. Restriction Enzyme Digestion.
9. RFLP- Kit Based.
10. Primer Designing through Open Online Source NCBI- BLAST.
11. DNA Amplification – PCR.