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Name:________________________________ Date:___________________
Directions Read the text and then answer
the questions.

Luis needed a new suit. His aunt was getting married 1._
the next day. Luis and his mother went to the mall. They
were shopping for new clothes. Luis was miserable. He
was distracted. All he could think about was playing 2._
ball with his friends. He hated being inside on such a
beautiful day.

1. When does the text 3. What is the compound
take place? word in the text?
A on Luis’s birthday A inside
B on a snowy day B married
C on the day before C mother ____ / 4
a wedding Total
D needed
D on the day of Luis’s
baseball practice
4. What is the meaning of
the word miserable?
2. What is the main idea?
A lonely
A Luis has to shop when
B very unhappy
he would rather be
outside playing ball. C skinny
B Luis has an aunt who is D confused
getting married.
C Luis likes to play ball.
D It is a beautiful day.

© Shell Education #50923—180 Days of Reading for Second Grade 111


2 Name:________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions Read the text and then answer

the questions.

1._ Brady really wanted to learn how to ride his bike. All
of his friends were able to ride bikes, and he felt excluded.
Brady had been trying all summer. He was not having
2._ much luck. His dad suggested they go to the park. He
thought the wide, open space would be helpful. He was
right, and Brady rode right away!

1. What solution does 3. What other word
Brady’s dad suggest? has the same suffix
4._ as helpful?
A to practice on his
bike more A helping

____ / 4
B to go to the park and B wishful
practice in the wide,
open space
C full

C to join his friends

D helper

D to take a break
4. What is an example
of a person being
2. Which title best fits excluded?
the text?
A a family having dinner
A Keeping Up with together
B a classmate not being
B Don’t Give Up picked for a game
C Summer Fun C two puppies playing
D Bad Luck
D a friend giving out
party invitations

112 #50923—180 Days of Reading for Second Grade © Shell Education


Name:________________________________ Date:___________________
Directions Read the text and then answer
the questions.

Hannah read the newspaper. She was curious. Hannah 1._

learned about her town. She read about events on her
street. She found out about a new stop sign. It was being
placed on the corner. The newspaper taught Hannah 2._
about her community.

1. What does Hannah read 3. Which word has 3._

about in a newspaper? the same root word
as placed?
A her town 4._
B a school
A play

C a corner
B replace

D a letter
C lace ____ / 4
D lacy
2. What is the most
important idea about 4. Which is not found in
newspapers? a newspaper?

A They write about A stories

stop signs.
B photographs
B They are good for
C advertisements
children to read.
C They tell people more
D menus
about their community.
D They are interesting for
curious people.

© Shell Education #50923—180 Days of Reading for Second Grade 113


4–5 Name:________________________________ Date:___________________

Save Our Park!

November 2, 2012
Dear Editor,
I have lived in Jackson my entire life. I go to Lake School.
I am in second grade. I am writing this letter because I
do not agree with your article. You wrote about the new
shopping mall that will be built on First Street. I think it is
exciting to have new things to do here. I just wish our city
did not decide to get rid of Hardy Park. Why should we lose
a park to get a mall?
Parks are important to everyone who lives here. Kids like
to play in them. Adults can relax with their families. They
are great places to walk dogs and get exercise. Grown‑ups
are always telling kids to get more exercise. Are we
supposed to get our exercise at the mall now?
Shopping is fun. Exercise
is important. I think it is a
big mistake to get rid of our
park. Some people say that
our town has many other
parks. This is true. But
each park is important. Let
us keep the park and find
another spot for the mall.
Jamie Smith

114 #50923—180 Days of Reading for Second Grade © Shell Education


Name:________________________________ Date:___________________
Directions Read “Save Our Park!” and then answer
the questions.

1. Who might make a 3. What is one reason to 1._

connection to the text? keep Hardy Park?

A a student who does A Shopping is fun.

not like the principal at B Parks are pretty.
Lake School
B C People exercise at
a radio announcer the park.
in Jackson 3._

C D There are other parks.

people who appreciate
nature in their town
or city 4. Jamie’s letter
D a girl who enjoys A impresses her teacher.
shopping at the mall
B shares her opinions 5._
about parks.
2. Jamie doesn’t want
C stops the mall from
the city to get ____ of ____ / 5
a park. being built.
A D gives her exercise.
B rig 5. What is Jamie’s main
C rod point in her letter?

D rad A Jamie has lived in

Jackson her entire life.
B Hardy Park is old.
C A park is more
important to the town
than a mall.
D A mall keeps people
from exercising.
© Shell Education #50923—180 Days of Reading for Second Grade 115

5 Name:________________________________ Date:___________________

Reread the text “Save Our Park!”

___ / 4 Think about how Jamie decided to do something
about her problem and how she wrote a letter to the
newspaper to share her opinion.

Write about a problem you would like solved in your

community. How would you describe the issue in a
letter to the newspaper?

116 #50923—180 Days of Reading for Second Grade © Shell Education

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