3 - Quizzer On Gross Income (With Answers)
3 - Quizzer On Gross Income (With Answers)
3 - Quizzer On Gross Income (With Answers)
1. Which of the following is taxable with income tax at its gross amount when earned within
the Philippines?
a. Professional fee c. Business income
b. Compensation income d. Royalty income
2. Which of the following income is/ are earned through employee-employer relationship?
I. Professional fee
II. Wages
III. Pension pay
IV. Capital gain
a. I and III only c. II and III only
b. I and II only d. II only
3. Statement 1: Remuneration for casual labor not in the course of an employer's trade or
business is not considered as taxable compensation income.
Statement 2: Additional benefits received by the employee for the convenience of the
employer are not taxable income of the employee.
a. Only statement 1 is correct. c. Both statements are correct
b. Only statement 2 is correct. d. Both statements are not correct.
6. Statement 1: All vacation leave and sick leave with pay are taxable compensation
Statement 2: All unused vacation leave converted into cash are taxable.
a. Only statement 1.is correct. c. Both statements are correct.
b. Only statement 2 is correct. d. Both statements are incorrect.
14. Which of the following will result to earning of income by the debtor?
a. Cancellation of existing payables without any financial consideration
b. Cancellation of existing payables for services rendered to creditor
c. Cancellation of existing payable to offset the equivalent amount of collectible
d. Cancellation of existing payable due to bankruptcy of the debtor
17. Statement 1; Remuneration for casual labor not in the normal course of business is not
considered compensation.
Statement 2: Remuneration for casual labor performed for a corporation is
considered compensation.
a. Only statement 1 is correct. c. Both statements are correct.
b. Only statement 2 is correct. d. Both statements are incorrect.
Which of the above items are elements of cost of sales for tax purposes?
a. I, II,III, IV and V c. I, II, and IV only
b. I, II, IV and V only d. I, II, and V only
21. Which of the following tax refunds, which were incurred in the conduct of business is
taxable income of recipient?
a. Donor's tax c. VAT
b. Philippine income tax d. Documentary stamp tax
22. Statement 1: Income that is not realized is not taxable, but illegal income is taxable.
Statement 2: Income received under a mistake of fact or law is to be included as part
of the gross taxable income.
a. Only statement 1 is correct. c. Both statements are correct.
b. Only statement 2 is correct. d. Both statements are incorrect.
24. What is the final tax rate applicable to interest income earned from a regular savings
a. 5% c. 20%
b. 10% d. 25%
25. Mrs. Gemmarie Parong is a mining operator. Her mineral lands are not covered by any
lease contract. The tax Mrs. Parong has to pay based on the actual market value of the
gross output or mineral products extracted is
a. excise tax. c. rental.
b. royalties. d. ad-valorem tax.
27. Insurance premium paid by employer in favor of the insured employee and designate the
business of the employer as the beneficiary. Which of the following statements is/are
Statement 1: The payment of insurance premium is taxable income of the employee.
Statement 2: The payment of insurance premium is deductible expense of the employer.
a. Only statement 1 is correct. c. Both statements are correct.
b. Only statement 2 is correct. d. Both statements are incorrect.
28. Statement 1: Property dividends received by individual from domestic corporation are
subject to final withholding tax.
Statement 2: Cash dividend received by a resident corporation from another foreign
corporation not doing business in the Philippines is subject to final withholding tax of
30%, if without reciprocity.
a. Interest income from savings account
b. Royalty income from franchise
c. Royalty income from patent
d. Royalty income from literary works
What is the amount of gross taxable compensation income subject to normal tax?
a. P420.000 c. P620,000
b. P425,000 d. P625,000
Compensation Income
iii. The following items of income are reported by Cute, a CPA:
Salary as an accountant P150,000
Overtime pay 30,000
13th month pay and other bonuses 15,000
Audit retainer's fee 60,000
Capital gains from sale of car 25,000
The prevailing effective rate of non-interest bearing notes of the same kind is 10% per
What is the reportable amount of taxable income before personal exemption for annual
ITR purposes?
a. P244.330 c. P241.270
b. P242,330 d. P190,270
Retirement Pay
vi. Sue reported the following retirement:
First employment for 30 years received at at the age of 50 P500,000
Second employment for 10 years received at the age of 60 400,000
Third employment for 10 years received at the age of 70 300,000
Separation Pay
vii. Gorgeous reported the following separation pay:
First employment for 20 years at the age of 40 - resigned P300.000
Second employment for 10 years at the age of 50
- retrenchment 200,000
Third employment for 10 years at the age of 60 - retirement 100,000
Stock Compensation
viii. Which of the following is the gross compensation income for 1,000 stock certificates
Cancellation of Debt
xi. Bingcol works as the CEO of B Co. His compensation income is P50,000 per month. In
January 31, 202B, he borrowed P300,000 from B Co. As a result, his monthly
compensation income is reduced by P25,000 starting February, as payment to his
borrowing. If on December 31, 202B, after payment of P25,000 salary net of loan
amortization, B Co. cancelled Bingcol's indebtedness, how much is the latter's
compensation income in December 200B?
a. P25,000 c. P 75,000
b. P50,000 d. P100,000
What is the amount of the gross taxable compensation income of Mr. Guardia during
the taxable year?
a. P376,000 c. P378,000
b. P376,500 d. P386.000
xiv. Remuneration for Casual Labor
Ana, a single proprietor, employs the following persons for a short period of time and
pays their related remuneration
Cost of Sales
xvi. The following information is available to determine the cost of sale of X:
Purchases P1,200,000
Purchase discounts 10,000
Purchase returns 40,000
Transportation in 5,000
Freight out 4,000
Inventory, end 50,000
Inventory, beginning 20,000
Cost of Sales
xvii. The following pertain to the 2-year operations of a trading business:
Year 1 Year 2
Inventory, end P 50,000 P 30,000
Purchases 850,000 900,000
Freight in 10,000 15,000
Purchase discount 20,000 25,000
acceptance of the job contract. When the required service from X was completed, X
received P8,000 cash service fee after deducting the P2,000 advance payment, plus an
office machine with cash price value of P3.000 and P2,500 cost to the seller.
The gross service income of X is
a. P15,000. c. P11,000.
b. P13,000. d. P10,500.
How much is the gross income of BPI subject for regular tax purposes?
a. P65,000,000 c. P48,000,000
b. P55,000,000 d. P45,000,000
How much is the gross income of Metrobank, Inc. for purposes of MCIT?
a. P17,000,000 c. P12,500,000
b. P12,700,000 d. P11,000,000
Telegraph and Cable Service Income
xxiii. How much of the following receipts of a foreign corporation would be reported as gross `
Rental Income
On March 1, 202A, Claudette leases a portion of its commercial building to Mark with
the following terms:
Advanced deposit P 40,000
Monthly rental 20,000
Annual insurance premium to be paid by the lessee 6,000
Portion (10 mos.) of real estate tax to be paid by lessee 3,000/yr
The lease contract also stipulates that a 5% of Mark's net revenue will be credited to
Claudette as commission. Mark's net revenue during the year is P2,000,000.
xxvi. Assume that the advanced deposit is restricted, the Claudette's gross reportable taxable
income would be
a. P347,500. c. P207,500.
b. P307,500. d. P169,000.
of the lessee, and the ownership will belong to the lessor at the end of 5-year lease
contract. The construction of improvements which was completed at the end of the 3rd
month of the contract amounted to P240,500. The improvement has an economic life of 8
years and estimated scrap value of P560. The rent income on improvements for year 1
under each method is
Outright Spread - Out
a. P240,500 P19,672
b. P147.620 P22,143
c. P239.940 P14.754
d. P240.500 P15,479 '
Income from Leasehold Improvement
xxviii. The following information are available related to a 10-year lease contract which
Cost of improvement put up by the lessee P 300,000
Estimated Useful of the improvement 6 years
Date completed March 31, 202B
The income from leasehold improvement was reported by the lessor using the spread-
out method. Assuming that the lease contract was pre-terminated on December 31,
202D, how much would be the additional income in 200D from the pre-termination of
a. P137,500 c. P120,000
b. P135,455 d. P42,500
Interest Income
xxx. The following are the income of a resident citizen for the period:
Interest Income
xxxi. X is a beneficiary of P100,000 payable in 3 equal payments at 12% interest per year. The
Royalty Income
xxxii. The following are the gross royalty income of a resident citizen for the period:
book copyrights and P5,000 for exclusive patent. These transactions are correctly
summarized as
Copyright Patent
a. Gross income of P17.500 P50.000
b. Income after tax of P31,500 P45,000
c. Gross income of P35,000 P20,000
d. Income after tax of P31,500 P20,000
Royalty Income
Pacman is a resident Filipino citizen, an inventor, a song writer and international
singer. He receives royalties within and outside the in Philippines as follows:
Dividend Income
xxxvi. A domestic corporation received P500,000 cash dividend from a foreign corporation the
earnings of which are 70% earned in the Philippines. The taxable dividend income of the
domestic corporation is
a. P500,000. c. P150,000.
b. P350,000. d. P100,000.
Property Dividend
xxxvii. A, a domestic corporation, invested P1,000,000 in 10,000 common shares of stock of B,
another domestic corporation. The investment represents 20% of the outstanding shares
of B. During the year, B declared property dividends of 20,000 common shares of
investment in common stock of C Corporation. The par value of C's share is P10 per
share. At time of declaration, the fair market value of the share was PI5 per share but
when A received the property dividend, the fair market value was P16.
Accounts Receivable
January 1, Year 1 P100,000
Year 2 sales Year 1 write off P 800
on account 100,800
For year 1, Net operating income of P500 was reported. In year 2, P600 of year 1 bad
debts written off was collected. The income from bad debt recovery to be reported would
Year 1 Year 2
a. P800 P600
b. P600 P600
c. None P500
d. None P600
Tax Refund
xlii. In year 1, A Company's net operating income reported was P20,000. The amount is
net of P100,000 operating expenses. Part of the operating expenses is P25,000 local
Tax Refund
During the year, the following tax refunds were received by the taxpayer:
Real property tax deducted as expense in the previous year P10,000
Income tax paid in the previous year 5,000
Percentage on shares sold last year 2,000
Local taxes paid for the previous year 500
xliii. The income from tax refund to be reported should be
a. P17,500. c. P10,500
b. P12,500. d. P10,000.
Damage Recovery
Abner received the following amount in relation to damage recoveries:
Loss of property P5Q0,000
Unfair competition 400,000
Physical injuries 300,000
Loss earnings 100,000
Moral damages for breach of contract 150,000
Exemplary damages for breach of contract 50,000
Hospital expenses 50,000
Interest on damages 10,000
xliv. The gross income subject to tax from damage recoveries would be
a. P760,000. c. P660,000.
b. P710,000. d. P510,000.
xlv. Mr. Normal received P20,000 as annuity of life insurance from Malayan Life. The annuity
xlvi. X received an annuity of P5,880, inclusive of 12% interest as part of the insurance plan
teller of PNB, however, issued $10,000 to Mr. X in which the latter took the entire
money and spent the $9,000 immediately. Assuming that the exchange rate is P50 per
$1, how much is the reportable income received by error of Mr. X?
a. P50,000 c. P500,000
b. P450,000 d. P0
from his salary, he also obtain some money from the changes of bus clients which he
intentionally neglect to return with a monthly average of P4,000 per month. If the BIR
assessed Golang using the hetworth method, and net increase in net asset is
determined at P150,000, how much of the illegally obtained income would be taxable?
a. P108,000 c. P48,000
b. P60,000 d. P42,000
Unused 10-day vacation leave is nontaxable if it is converted into cash (Rev. Regs. No. 10-2008; BIR
Ruling No. 93-34). In the above problem, the 10-day vacation leave was actually availed; hence,
Salary P150,000
Overtime pay 30,000
13th month pay and other bonuses 15,000
Total compensation income P195,000
Salary P120,000
Tips 360,000
Cost and living allowance 5,000
Total taxable compensation income P485,000
Note: New BIR interpretation provides that the 13th month pay and other benefits amounting to
P30,000 and below is not taxable. Since the 13th month pay is only P10,000, the P20,000
achievement awards being part of de-minimis can be used as other benefits, to complete the P30,000
nontaxable threshold.
In general, interest income is subject to final tax; hence not to be reported in the ITR. Non-interest
bearing note is to be reported at its discounted value when received. (Sec. 2.78.1, Rev. Reg. No. 2-98)
Aside from the requirement that the plan should be reasonable, the Tax Code requires that the retiring
employee should have been in the service of the same employer for at least ten years and is not less
than fifty years of age at the time of his retirement. The taxpayer should not also have previously
availed of the privilege under a retirement benefit plan for the same or another employer.)
Correction: The option was exercised and sold in year 202C when the market price was P30.
Inventory, beginning P 20,000
Purchases 1,200,000
Purchase discounts ( 10,000)
Purchase returns ( 40,000)
Transportation in 5,000
Inventory end ( 50,000)
Cost of sale P1,125,000
Year 1 Year 2
Inventory, beginning P 50,000
Inventory, ending (P50,000) ( 30,000)
Purchases 850,000 900,000
Freight – in 10,000 15,000
Purchase discount ( 20,000) ( 25,000)
Cost of sales P790,000 P910,000
Sales P1,275,000
Sales returns ( 25,000)
Net sales P1,250,000
Less: Cost of goods manufactured and sold
Purchases – raw materials P 540,000
Freight-in 20,000
Raw materials, ending inventory ( 10,000)
Raw materials used P 550,000
Direct labor 400,000
Factory overhead 200,000
Total manufacturing cost P1,150,000
Work-in-process, ending inventory ( 100,000)
Finished goods, ending inventory ( 50,000) 1,000,000
Gross business income P250,000
Service charges:
Originating from the Philippines P 150,000
Collection abroad of collect messages originating in the Philippines 60,000
Gross income for Philippine Income Tax computation P 210,000
As a general rule, pre-collection of rental is taxable in full to the lessor when received regardless of
accounting method used.
Outright Spread-out
Year 1 Outright method
Year 1 Spread-out method
Value of investment P240,500.00
Less: Accum. depreciation [(P240,500 - P560)/8 yrs] x 4.75 yrs 142,464.37
Book value, end of lease P 98,035.63
Divided by remaining years of contract 4.75
Annual income from improvement P 20,639
Multiplied by months in a year 9/12
Year 1 spread-out – rent income on improvement P 15,479
Outright Spread-out
Outright P180,000
Spread-out P - 0 -
For spread out method, there is no reportable income from leasehold improvement for year 200B
because the said improvement was completed at the end of the year.
Note: Technically speaking, the interest from 5-year time deposit in Philippine bank is taxable because
the period involved is not more than 5 years and the deposit is not BSP prescribed form.
xxxiii .
Copyright Patent
Gross royalties: P 35,000
Copyright (P31,500/90%)
Patent (P20,000/80%) P 25,000
Income tax – final
Copyright (P35,000 x 10%) ( 3,500)
Patent (P25,000 x 20%) . ( 5,000)
Income after tax P 31,500 P 20,000
In general, royalties derived from sources within the Philippines are subject to a final tax of 20%,
except royalties on books, other literary works and musical compositions which shall be subject to a
final tax of 10%. Royalties received by resident citizens from sources outside the Philippines shall be
subject to normal tax under Section 24 (A) of the NIRC and by the domestic corporation under Section
27 (A) of the NIRC.
.P500,000 - Dividends earned by a domestic corporation from a foreign corporation are taxable.
The dividend received by a domestic corporation from another domestic corporation is nontaxable.
In general, prizes (reward for a contest) are subject to final tax of 20% except if the amount of the prize
is P10,000 or less which will be subject to normal tax. Winnings (reward that depends on chance) are
subject to 20% final tax regardless of amount. [Sec. 24 (B)(1), NIRC]
Note: The tax benefit allowed in year 2 for the bad debts written off is only P5,000; hence, the
reportable bad debts recovery in year 3 should also be P5,000.
Actual damages are considered taxable income to the extent that such damages constitute a loss of
anticipated profits, and are non-taxable to the extent they represent a return of capital or investment.
However, moral and exemplary damages awarded as a result of a breach of contract are subject to
income tax, and, consequently, withholding tax. (BIR Ruling No. DA-489-2005 dated December 6,
Annuity received P 20,000
Present value (P20,000 x 0.9091) 18,182
Interest income - Taxable annuity P 1,818
Note: The present value factor of P1 for an effective interest rate of 10% is 0.9091.