Executions in Spain From 1812 - 1975

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Executions in Spain from 1812 - 1975

Executions in Spain from 1812 - 1975

With special thanks to my friend Christian Schrepper for his many hours of work researching Spanish executions
and making this data available.
Garrotting became the normal method of execution in Spain from 1812/13, however, hanging continued to be used
for a few years. Shooting was also used up to abolition in 1975. These are denoted by hanged or shot below

At least 736 people, including 21 women, were executed between 1800 and 1899. In the 18th century, it is thought
that at least 289 men and seven women were put to death. It is not clear how complete earlier records are and even
modern ones are somewhat patchy.
At least 96 people, including five women, were garrotted between 1900 and 1935.
At least 126 people were garrotted in the post Civil War period, including three women. Executions also took place
by shooting during this period and Spain’s last executions were by firing squad. Shooting was more commonly
handed down by military tribunals, however, it is unclear why people were shot for civilian murders. Most 20th
century executions were for murder or terrorist related crimes, although banditry remained a capital crime, certainly
into the 1950’s.

Name Date Place Crime

Miguel Coronado 1812 Madrid
Antonio Ruiz
Juan Sánchez Delgado
Isidro Esteban
Pablo Marchán
Eusebio Navarro
Manuel González
Miguel de los Santos Avila
Antonio Sánchez
Luciano Manguillo
Victoriano Oliva
Antonio Román
Julián Sánchez
Tomás Sánchez
Eusebio García León o Juliàn Plaza
Francisco Figueroa
Carlos Rivera
León Velilla
José Fraga
Juan Rebollo
Antonio García
Ramón Fabro
Fernando Zabal
Benito Canto
Jerónimo Gómez
Esteban García
Gregorio Rodríguez (a) "Cenacatres"
Ignacio González (a) "Cigarro"
Mateo González
Vicente Anguita
José Martín Ruiz
Carlos González
Eustaquio Guadalupe
Hilario Varea
Manuel Sánchez
Francisco Navarro Sandoval
plus 3 unnamed people
Francisco Moreno 1813 Madrid
José Fernández plus 8 unnamed people
Antonio Martínez Farelo (24) 12 Jan 1814 Madrid Murder
José o Mateo Sánchez Baquerizo (45) 3 Jan 1814 Madrid Murder
Antonio Rodríguez Maraver (24) 19 July 1814 Madrid Robbery
Juan Crisóstomo de San Vítores 4 Aug 1815 Madrid Murder
Francisco de la Haza 16 Oct 1815 Madrid Banditry
? Marquitos 20 Oct 1815 Madrid Banditry
8 unnamed people 1815 Madrid
Francisco Iglesias 3 Jan 1816 Madrid Robbery and rape
Lino Orgaz
Francisco Torrejón

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Vicente Ramón Richart y Pérez 6 May 1816 Madrid

Francisco Domingo Lucas 3 April 1816 Madrid
Alfonso Domínguez 22 April 1816 Madrid
José Escribano
Joaquín Dombon o Dongon 17 July 1816 Madrid
Pedro Dombon o Gongon
Mariano Cajigal
8 unnamed people 1816 Madrid
Juan Ramón Luis Fernández de Cires 4 June 1817 Madrid
Juan Sánchez
Basilio Sánchez 20 June 1817 Madrid
Pascual García Tapetado
Manuel Millán 22 Nov 1817 Madrid
Antonio Sánchez
4 unnamed people 1817 Madrid
Ramón Guijarro 2 Nov 1818 Madrid
3 unnamed people 1818 Madrid
José Muñoz "el Bolero" 1819 Madrid
José Moreno "el Chulo"
Manuel Royo
+ 6 unnamed people
Melchor González 5 Jan 1820 Madrid Murder and robbery (hanged)
José Rodrigo (32) 19 Aug 1820 Madrid Murder
2 other persons 1820 Madrid
Juan Pérez 22 Jan 1821 Madrid
Francisco González "Capitán" 16 March 1821 Madrid
Juan Bautista Biol
Pascual Medina Martínez 3 June 1821 Madrid
Esteban Saciago 18 July 1821 Madrid
Juan Francisco Nieves
Santos Fuentes
Alfonso Martínez 13 Oct 1821 Madrid
Esteban López "Caín" 25 June 1822 Madrid
Francisco Martínez "Cartujo" 4 July 1822 Madrid
Salvador Gabarra 9 Aug 1822 Madrid Murder of Landáburu
Agustín Ruiz Pérez
Teófilo Goiffin 17 Aug 1822 Madrid Murder of Landáburu
Valeriano Ochoa Sept? 1822 Madrid Banditry
Joaquín Mariano Zárate 7 Oct 1822 Madrid
Manuel Amador "el Moro" 23 Nov 1822 Madrid
Manuel Castillo 5 Dec 1822 Madrid Murder
Rafael de Riego 7 Nov 1823 Madrid Treason ?
Many unnamed people 1823 Madrid
Mariano Jiménez 17 Aug 1824 Madrid
Juana Rivero (f) 3 Nov 1824 Madrid Robbery
Francisco Ramos Llamos 1824 Madrid Treason
José Suárez Robbery
Ramona Crucelegui Navarrete (f) Robbery
Javier o Francisco Arias Robbery
Félix María Ballarna Robbery
Pascual Sánchez Robbery
Ramón Casanova Murder
Manuel Estévez Robbery
Tomás Franco
+ 28 unnamed people
Felipe Calderón 11 Jan 1825 Madrid Blasphemy
Angel Giménez "Cachupeno" 12 Jan 1825 Madrid Armed robbery
Pedro Martínez "Calamón"
Ventura Rodríguez "Pindongo"
Francisco Martínez "Medio pie"
Tomás Ruiz "Jurado"
Vicente Oroz 12 Jan 1825 Madrid Treason
Francisco Sanz "Cantina" 26 March 1825 Madrid Robbery
Juan Federico Menague Attempted poisoning
José González "Miguel Ruiz" Robbery
Manuel Hinojosa

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Justo Rufino Torres

Ginés Sánchez
José Toledo
Dionisio Muñoz
Juan Caballero de Gracia
Manuel Quesada
Pedro Vilgos
Tomás Díaz
Francisco Trapero "Camisones" 5 Sept 1825 Madrid Murder
14 unnamed people 1825 Madrid
Blas Díaz "Bolín" 8 May 1826 Madrid Robbery
Andrés López 3 June 1826 Madrid Robbery
Antonio Erao 11 Aug 1826 Madrid Murder
Antonio Juan 23 Aug 1826 Madrid Robbery
Antonio López Alia 23 Aug 1826 Madrid Murder and robbery
Dolores García (f)
Manuel de Avila 11 Sept 1826 Madrid Murder
Vicente Muñoz 20 Sept 1826 Madrid Murder and robbery
Cayetano Terol
Cayetano Hernando 30 Sept 1826 Madrid Murder and robbery
Manuel o Tomás de la Cruz
Jacinto García
Ramón Antonio Barrutia 30 Sept 1826 Madrid Murder of his wife
Dionisio Rodríguez 6 Oct 1826 Madrid Murder
Francisco Valentín Magdaleno 18 Jan 1827 Madrid Robbery
Bernardo Torresano
Juan Velasco 9 May 1827 Madrid Robbery in a church
José González o Félix Rodríguez 14 May 1827 Madrid Robbery
Hilario Urbina 18 May 1827 Madrid Robbery
Pascual Quílez 19 May 1827 Madrid Robbery (H + G)
Cesáreo Alcalde
Nemesio o Antonio de la Cruz
Gregorio Repulles 30 July 1827 Madrid Murder
Ignacio Díaz 31 Oct 1827 Madrid Burglary
14 unnamed people, 1828 Madrid 8 for robbery, 6 for murder
Severiano Chivarrón 15 June 1829 Madrid Murder and robbery
Agustín Pérez
Félix Pantoja
Antonio Talavera
Pedro Regalado Carrión
José Cayuela
Fernando Tomás
Cristóbal Vidal
6 unnamed people 1829 Madrid Murder and robbery
José López (20) 1830 Madrid Robbery in Moreno
Manuel Canoura
Francisco Peón
Ramón González
Vicente Muñoz 1830 Madrid Murder of his wife
Juan Izabal 24 Jan 1831 Madrid Robbery
Juan Pedro Rallan 14 March 1831 Madrid Murder of his wife
Juan de la Torre 30 March 1831 Madrid Treason
Antonio Miyar 11 April 1831 Madrid Treason
Bernardo de la Rubia 25 April 1831 Madrid Murder and robbery
Mariana Pineda (27) (f) 26 May 1831 Granada Treason
Apolinar del Nuevo 2 July 1831 Toledo Assault
Tomás de la Chica 29 July 1831 Madrid Treason
Several unnamed people 3 Aug 1831 Madrid Robbery
Pablo Guimiel 11 Aug 1831 Madrid Robbery
Ramón Rodríguez
José María Arias
Juan Fernández 22 Sept 1831 Madrid Robbery
José Rodríguez López 6 Dec 1831 Madrid Robbery
Francisco Herráiz 1832 Madrid Robbery
Frutos Campaña Tobalina
Manuel de la Cruz Vez González
Gabriel Estrada
Carlos Aguilar

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Ceferino Izquierdo
Pedro Asenjo
Isidoro Díaz
Luis Rodríguez
Antonio Lafuente 6 Jan 1833 Madrid Murder
Pedro Juan Ginés 22 Jan 1833 Madrid Robbery
José Amat
Pedro García Gómez "el Rana" 31 July 1833 Madrid Murder and robbery
Timoteo Moya
Pedro Pérez
José Vallej 2 Aug 1833 Madrid Murder and robbery
Matías Villela
Domingo Cao Alfeirán
Juan Pérez
Hilario Gallego 3 Aug 1833 Madrid Robbery
Miguel Díaz
José Pereiro 29 Aug 1833 Madrid Double murder
Pedro Celestino Rabadán 31 Aug 1833 Madrid Robbery
Lucas Ochando
Francisco Cascales 11 Sept 1833 Madrid
Juan Pallares
Diego García "Catalín" 24 Sept 1833 Madrid
Julián Solo
Manuel Fernández 7 Dec 1833 Madrid
Pedro del Valle
Juan de Friera
Vicente Caballero
Julián García "el Maturrango" 9 Jan 1834 Madrid Robbery
Juan López Solórzano "el Pajarero" 11 Jan 1834 Madrid Treason
Francismo Camaño 11 March 1834 Madrid Murder
Manuel Tapia "Marroro" 8 April 1834 Madrid
Julián Ramos "Coche"
Martín Fornes 19 Aug 1834 Madrid Murder and robbery
Rufino García 19 Oct 1834 Madrid
Julián Sánchez
Vicente Sánchez
Manuel Sáez de Velasco 20 Nov 1834 Madrid Treason
Pedro Pablo Rodríguez 21 Nov 1834 Madrid Treason (shot)
Gregorio Romero
Andrés Oliva
Joaquín Aro 5 Dec 1834 Madrid Murder and robbery
Antonio Novillo "Matalla" 1835 Madrid
Nicolás Alcalde
Pascual Puente
Francisco Cano
Casimiro Mingo
Antonio de Bande
Angel Risco de Neira
Ignacio Argumañes 1836 Madrid
Cándido Domínguez
Alejandro Domínguez
Francisco Aznar
Juan Pérez "el Zurdo"
Ignacio de las Heras "Mariquilla"
Felipe Barajas
Bernardo Barrero
Domingo Cano
Dionisio Alonso
Antonio Puebla
Martín Iglesias
Tomás Guerrero
Pedro Hilario Meco Early 1837 Madrid Murder and robbery
José Quesada
Bruno Reguera
Cándido Villagroy
Francisco Fernández Méndez 29 May 1837 Madrid Murder and robbery
Manuel Gómez Late June 1837 Madrid Robbery
Manuel Valero Gastanvide
José María Manzanares

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José Jesús Mota

Blas Vallejo 20 July 1837 Madrid Murder and robbery
Joaquín Aroca
Juan Martín Majaliza 21 July 1837 Madrid Treason
Miguel Cano
Zacarías Gutiérrez 6 Nov 1837 Madrid Murder
Manuel Lucas Blanco
Juan Alvarez García 25 May 1838 Madrid Murder and subversion
Cayetano Sieteiglesias
María de la Trinidad "la Tía Colilla" (f)
Francisco Carnero Summer 1838 Madrid Murder
Francisco Martín Camacho "Tajadillas" Murder and robbery
José María de Fuenmayor Treason
Juan Alvarez Méndez Treason
Beltrán Labrador 27 Oct 1838 Madrid
José Pérez
Juan Martínez 15 Dec 1838 Madrid Murder
Luis Candelas 1839 Madrid
Santos Viana
Matías García
Victoriano Arroyo
Julián Crespo "Marina"
Manuel Jesús Ortiz
Francisco González y Novales
Sergio Mayor 21 Jan 1840 Madrid Murder
Gumersindo García 19 Dec 1840 Madrid Murder
Victoriano Ayala 1841 Madrid
Víctor Soria
Francisco Ruiz 1842 Madrid Murder and robbery (shot)
José Carrizo
Félix Romero
Serapio Bueno 8 Aug 1842 Madrid Murder
Vicente Rodríguez "le Cano" 7 Sept 1842 Madrid Murder and robbery
José Martín "Cerones" 9 Jan 1843 Madrid Murder
Tomás Cruces 1843 Madrid Murder (shot)
Fernando Lefter Treason (shot)
José María López Brea 26 Jan 1844 Madrid Parricide
Manuel García 17 Jan 1844 Madrid Murder of his wife
Saturnino Martínez 14 Aug 1844 Madrid Murder
6 persons 1845 Madrid
2 persons, including Manuel Gil 1845 Madrid Shot
Ramón Crevillent 23 March 1846 Madrid Murder
Gregorio Gómez Rodríguez 23 Nov 1848 Madrid Murder
14 men 1848 Madrid (Shot)
Tomás Díaz León 1849 Madrid Murder
Clara Marina (f) 31 Oct 1849 Madrid Murder and robbery
Antonio Marina
Martín Merino y Gomez 7 Jan 1852 Madrid Attempted regicide
Juan Todon y Donó (24) 1854 Madrid Murder
José Barceló 6 June 1855 Barcelona Robbery
Juan Poyo 23 April 1855 Barcelona Robbery
Matías Valldeperes
José Durán
Francisco Arquer
Antonio Agulló
Jaime Torres
Antonio Geis
Esteban Pariente Duro (32) 1855 Madrid Murder
José Buendía Venegas 25 April 1856 Madrid Murder
Cándido Hernando Sardal (21) 19 May 1856 Madrid Murder
Miguel Fuentebuena y Gudé (31) 11 June 1859 Madrid Murder
Manuela Dolores Bernaola Díaz (25) (f) 17 June 1859 Madrid Murder
Ignacio Cabezudo y Sarriá (36)
Francisco Villaró 1860 Madrid Murder
Unnamed man 25 Jan 1862 Barcelona Murder
José Subirats y Gener 1 March 1862 Calatayud / Murder

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Andrés Agudo y Serra (32) 28 Jan 1862 Torrente / Murder of husband

María Juliana Sánchez (34) (f) Valencia
Luis Manresa y Berna 17 March 1862 Dolores / Murder of his wife
Manuel Cárdenas 24 March 1862 Sevilla Murder
Collado 1 April 1862 Madrid Murder
Jacinto Serrano Pascual "el Corbonerín" 12 April 1862 Madrid Murder
José Martínez Cánovas "Martineja"
Doroteo Salaverrí 12 May 1862 Tafalla / Murder
Eugenio López Montero 1863 Madrid Murder
Fermín Sierra 1863 La Coruña Murder
Vicenta Sobrino (30) (f) 31 Jan 1867 Madrid Murder of her employer
Felipe Moro González (49) 1 Feb 1867 Madrid Murder and robbery
Sebastián Fernández Gómez (41)
Florentino Gómez Vega (40)
N. Cañameras 9 Feb 1867 Sabadell Murder (Mil. Trib., garrote)
Antonio Riera 16 Feb 1867 Manresa Murder
Álvaro Santiago Cortés c. 26 Feb 1867 Sos (Zaragoza) Murder
José Torrá y Vendrell (22) 27 Feb 1867 Lérida Murder (Mil. Trib., garrote)
Joaquín Devis 12 March 1867 Valencia Murder (Mil. Trib., garrote)
Antonia Paniagua y Paniagua (f) 19 May 1867 Málaga Murder
Francisco García Benítez (38) 22 May 1867 Alhaurin de la Murder
Torre (Málaga)
José Dusto y Tord (48) 5 June 1867 Berga Murder
Luciano Iniesta y García (a) Rogillo 9 July 1867 Madrid Murder
unidentified soldier 2 Aug 1867 Barcelona Murder (Mil. Trib., garrote)
José Rodríguez López (a) Sisí 31 Aug 1867 Sevilla Murder (Mil. Trib., garrote)
Florentino Tirado y Parra 12 Oct 1867 Huecas (Toledo) Murder
Santiago Moreno Andrés (20) 26 Oct 1867 Madrid Murder and robbery
Gabriel Pérez Aguado (21)
Domingo Fort 7 Dec 1867 Gandesa Murder
José Guillen (Tarragona)
Angel Conde Hernández 3 Feb 1868 Fuentesaúco Murder
Ramón Guinar y Galter 29 Feb 1868 Gerona Murder
Manuel Mejía Molinero 3 March 1868 Granada ? (Mil. Trib., shot)
5 unidentified men 14 March 1868 Loja (Granada) Robbery (Mil. Trib., shot?)
Adrián Fauro Roure 22 May 1868 Melilla Murder (Mil. Trib., garrote)
4 unidentified men 25 May 1868 Campo de Murder of a priest
Criptana (Ciudad
José Bos 3 June 1868 Badajoz Robbery (Mil. Trib., shot)
Francisco Fernández
Felipe Pardo 30 June 1868 Velez-Málaga Murder
Agustín Martínez y Serrano 11 July 1868 Chelva Murder and robbery
Antonio Guerra Maestre 13 July 1868 Cáceres Murder
Manuel Carmona Castro (a) Martillo 15 July 1868 Sevilla Murder of three women
Francisco Peralta Calderon 12 April 1869 Palma de Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Manuel Lopez (young soldier) 12 July 1869 Burgos Murder and robbery (Mil. Trib.,
Francisco Morilla Vargas 27 Sept 1869 Sevilla Murder
Manuel Alfonsio 18 Oct 1869 Sevilla Derailing a train (Mil. Trib., shot)
Pedro Pérez Ortiz
Vicente Pérez Piqueras
Francisco Recio Junio
Gregorio García y García (19) 25 Oct 1869 Torrelavega Murder
Francisco Sugrañes 30 Oct 1869 Reus Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Antonio Batet 3 Dec 1869 Valls (Tarragona) Murder, arson, robbery (Mil. Trib.,
José Morató garrote)

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Jáime Monné y Pons 14 Dec 1869 Valls (Tarragona) Murder, arson, robbery (Mil. Trib.,
Pascual Alonso 30 Dec 1869 Astorga, Murder and robbery
José Cano Martínez Valladolid
Miguel Alonso
1 man 1870 Audiencia de
3 men 1870 Audiencia de
Jerónimo del Campo Domínguez 5 Feb 1870 Medina de Murder and robbery
Baltasar Díez San Juan Rioseco
Cecilio Segura 26 Feb 1870 Ponferrada Murder
Juan Pardos y Serra 13 April 1870 Barcelona Murder and robbery
Juan Bielsa y Junca (Mil. Trib., garrote)
Antonio Martínez y García
Ramón Navan y Miret
Ramón Ferrer y Ferran
unidentified young man 6 June 1870 Alcañiz (Teruel) Murder (parricidio)
Antonio Cuadrado 2 July 1870 Carrion de los Murder
Ramón Queralt Pérez 26 Aug 1870 Seo de Urgel Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
José Domingo 3 Sept 1870 Linares (Jaén) Murder (Mil. Trib., garrote)
Francisco Angel Martín
Juan del Aguila Quesada (28) 17 Dec 1870 Loja (Granada) Murder and robbery
Simeón Peralta 11 March 1871 Zaragoza Murder and robbery
José Piquer
Bernardino de Gracia
Vicente Emperador
Mariano Encuentra 5 May 1871 Benabarre Murder and robbery
Antonio Mateo (Huesca)
Domingo José Ferré
Gregorio Pérez de Diego 3 Oct 1871 La Almunia Murder
Jáime Sabaté y Bargalló 10 Oct 1871 Falset Murder of parents & sister
Andrés Pérez Álvarez 27 Oct 1871 Santiago (La Murder of his brother
Severiano Rodriguez Gallo 17 Nov 1871 Villacarrillo Murder and robbery
Francisco Morales Gutierrez (Jaén)
Simon Ruiz Pazuelo
Joaquín Arias Vadillo
Ignacio Osor Iparraguirre 1872 Vergara ? Murder of his father
Tomás Márcos Cano 27 June 1872 Hellín (Albacete) Murder
Juan Benito Carrancio 2 Oct 1872 Palencia Murder and robbery
Juan Guzon Moro
Miguel Monton Ramo ca Jan 1873 Teruel Murder
Diego Soler Guirao 15 Jan 1873 Madrid Murder
José León ca 29 Jan 1873 Tudela (Navarra) Murder and rape
Miguel Pérez Arráoz 3 Oct 1873 Tarragona Desertion (Mil. Trib., shot)
Joaquin Dominguez Cachon 7 March 1874 Benavente Murder
Quirico Martínez Morala (Zamora)
Manuel Mira Robles
Miguel González Palmero (a) el Net 18 March 1874 Valencia Murder
Ramón Cifré Marqués (a) Violant
Baltasar Torris Oliva (a) Canelletes
Rafael Irujo y Veas 24 March 1874 Toledo Murder
2 unidentified soldiers 23 May 1874 Cementerio Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Antonio Soler Berbegal 27 May 1874 Alicante Murder (parricidio)
Pascual Sánchez Buendía 9 June 1874 Yeste (Albacete) Murder of his daughter
Antonio Cayetano Recío 6 Aug 1874 Almadén Murder (Mil. Trib., garrote)
Antonio Casiano Flores (Ciudad Real)
Epifanio Fuentes Pizarroso

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Natalio Acenia
Segundo Alduz 14 Nov 1874 Cuéllar Murder of 2 members of the
five unidentified men and one woman (Segovia) guardia civil (Mil. Trib.; Alduz
garrote, other 6 shot)
Tomás Serra 14 Nov 1874 Tortosa Murder (parricidio)
probably Salvador Poredano Morales 1874 Granada Murder (parricidio)
1 man 1874 Las Palmas
Alejo Saez y Ochoa 1875 Logroño Murder and robbery
Miguel Sánchez Bernal (22) 22 Jan 1875 Burriana or Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
2 unidentified soldiers 28 Jan 1875 Peralta (Navarra) Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Timoteo Rubio 18 Feb 1875 Calamocha Murder and robbery
Manuel Moreno (a) Manticos (Teruel)
Ildefonso Sancho (a) Potreja
Matías Peribañez
Jáime Soler y Palau 3 June 1875 Reus Murder and robbery
Gregoria Foix y Rambla (f) (43) 9 June 1875 Barcelona Murder
Victoriano Ubierna Guilarte (33)
Simón Diego Martín Sánchez (a) Giro 10 June 1875 Llerena Murder
Federico Castillo García 13 July 1875 Quintnar de la Murder
Eugenio Pérez de Gonzalo (a) Tiplin Orden (Toledo)
Ventura Larrea 24 July 1875 Cañete (Cuenca) Murder
José Garrote
Francisco Cubells 15 Dec 1875 Lérida Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Manuel Pabon 22 Dec 1875 Lérida Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Pedro Aguilera Cebolla 18 Jan 1876 Cogolludo Murder and robbery
Pedro Izquierdo de Villanueva (Guadalajara)
Roque Izquierdo de Villanueva
Javiera Fernández Mendez (f) 1 Feb 1876 Madrid Murder and robbery
Mariana García Fernández (f)
Ramón Vizcarro Géllida (24) 5 Feb 1876 Valencia Murder and robbery
Juan Carmona Palomo 8 Feb 1876 Málaga Murder
Gregorio Maldonado Muñoz
Vicente Martínez Guillen
Juan Luna García 15 Feb 1876 Córdoba Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Josefa Ortiz Ponce (f) (24) 15 Feb 1876 Campillos Murder
unidentified man 29 Feb 1876 Estella (Navarra) Murder and robbery (Mil. Trib.,
Miguel Sánchez Díos 3 March 1876 Valencia Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Juan Martín Cantalejo (31) 9 March 1876 Cuéllar Murder
Ángel Hijosa Fulguera (29) (Segovia)
Cayetano Andrés Barroso (31)
Cristóbal Ramón Vilás y Marin 31 March 1876 Valderrobres Murder
José Antonio Cremades Pérez 19 April 1876 Jijona (Alicante) Murder
Juan Muñoz Arellano (32) 5 May 1876 Córdoba Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Miguel Xuriguera Tarragona (26) 16 May 1876 Manresa Murder
Pedro Alconchel Castro 20 June 1876 Pina de Ebro Murder
Juan López Giménez 27 June 1876 Baeza (Jaén) Murder
Victor Prado Cuesta Aug 1876 Torrosa or Murder
Simón Prado Pardo Villadiego
Manuel Rodríguez Palomares 13 Sept 1876 Estella (Navarra) Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Lorenzo Lavia Rapun (27) 3 Nov 1876 Zaragoza Murder
Blas Rubio García 17 Nov 1876 Burgos Murder
Fernando Delgado Lagos (a) Gigante 12 Dec 1876 Vélez-Málaga Murder (parricidio)
Juan Ceballos Rueda 12 Dec 1876 Cáceres Murder (parricidio)
Facundo Vergara Aparicio 20 Dec 1876 Jarandilla Murder
Ezequiel Llorente Aguirre (a) Gergon 22 Dec 1876 Igúzquiza Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)

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Santos Gonzáles Maté 28 April 1877 Riaza (Segovia) Murder and robbery
Manuel Encinas Viejo
Luis Egea Arcas May 1877 Siles (Jaén) Murder
María García Fernández (f) ca 11 July 1877
Antonio Martínez Jiménez 2 May 1877 Almuñécar Murder
Prudencia Saiz Vera (a) Animilla (f) 8 May 1877 Sacedon Murder
Juan Aibar Fernández 23 June 1877 Guadix Murder
Gabriel Pajuelo Carmona (37) 6 July 1877 Castuera Murder
Francisco Barredo Cañedo (51) 11 Sept 1877 Amurrio (Álava) Murder and robbery
Domingo Barredo y Campos (22)
Pedro Ortega y Viña (24)
Domingo Macías Santos 14 Sept 1877 La Bañeza Murder
Sergio Pérez Sánchez 18 Sept 1877 Logroño Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Mauricio Sainz Parreño 19 Sept 1877 La Roda Murder
Cesário or Pedro Sainz Parreño (Albacete)
José de Luna López 21 Sept 1877 Algeciras (Cádiz) Murder and robbery
Ramón López Muriel
Anselmo Plaza Zarza 22 Sept 1877 Sacedon Murder
José Venancio Escribano 22 Sept 1877 Belmonte Murder and robbery
Antonio Rios Guerrero (a) Hoyitos 25 Sept 1877 Estepona Murder
Ruperto Vegara Mena 28 Sept 1877 Palencia Murder (parricidio)
Vicenta Martínez Soriano (f) 2 Oct 1877 Albarracin Murder
Andrés García Corrales 3 Nov 1877 Trujillo (Cáceres) Murder
Pedro Rubio Morgado
Victoriano Texidó y Mayoral (31) 26 Nov 1877 Mequinenza Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Alejo Pruneda y Miguel (39) (Zaragoza)
Mateo San Juan Blanc (36)
Manuel Rincon Benitez 13 Dec 1877 Córdoba Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Ambrosio Ruiz Fornieles 15 Dec 1877 Guadix Murder
Manuel Marrero y Marrero (a) Miguelo 24 Dec 1877 Las Palmas Murder (parricidio)
Pelayo Enrique Molló Arenas 29 Dec 1877 Madrid Murder and robbery
Antonio Aguilar Jiménez
Fernando Estébanez de la Fuente 2 March 1878 Logroño Murder
Juan Montero Fraile 4 June 1878 Salamanca Murder
Cárlos de los Rios Santos 10 June 1878 Cervera del Rio Murder and robbery
Angel Ursúa y Ursúa (42) 8 Aug 1878 Madrid Murder and robbery
Manuel Amós Roncal é Iriarte (27) 13 Aug 1878 Pamplona Murder
Pedro Playá y Serra (39) 17 Aug 1878 Manresa Murder
Pascuala Fernández Alonso (f) 20 Aug 1878 Villafranca del Murder
María Alonso y Alonso (f) Bierzo (León)
José Suarez Rodríguez
José Guerrero Cobos (a) Napoleon 30 Aug 1878 Moguer (Huelva) Murder
Domingo Luzárraga Araquístain (22) 25 Oct 1878 Almería Murder (Mil. Trib., garrote)
Manuel Otéro Vigo (21)
Teodoro Pidal Oliver (20)
Juan Angulo Pérez 10 Dec 1878 Almazan (Soria) Murder and robbery
Rufino Isla González
Pedro Moure y Esteve 24 Dec 1878 La Cañiza Murder
Juan Oliva Moncosi (23) 4 Jan 1879 Madrid Attempted regicide
Sebastián Rodríguez Paniagua 15 Jan 1879 Béjar Murder
Aniceto Martínez Hoyos (Salamanca)
Antonio Martín Sanchez

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Salvador Carrasco Saborido (40+) 18 Jan 1879 Zahara (Cádiz) Kidnapping (Mil. Trib., shot)
Juan Merino Montalero 19 July 1879 Navalcarnero Murder (parricidio)
Juan Almirall y Ráfegas 12 Aug 1879 Igualada Murder (parricidio)
Luis Juan Onofre Zorrilla y Coll (58) 3 Sept 1879 Valencia Murder
Vicente García Rochina (a) Garras (27) 10 Sept 1879 Villar del Murder
José Vives y Cánaves (19) 16 Sept 1879 Inca (Baleares) Murder of his father
Cesáreo Gil Laborda 30 Dec 1879 Ateca Murder and robbery
Miguel Gil Laborda (Zaragoza)
Macario Ciscar Dominguez (20) 13 April 1880 Sueca (Valencia) Triple Murder
Francisco Otero González (20) 14 April 1880 Madrid Attempted regicide
Juan Utrilla Jimeno 15 April 1880 Aguaron Murder (parricidio)
Venancio Saez de Araga (74) 19 May 1880 Vitoria (Álava) Murder and rape
Adrian Laureano Escribano 22 May 1880 Tobarra Murder
Luciano Saborit y Macia (a) Vermell 16 June 1880 Vich (Barcelona) Murder and robbery
Domingo Pérez Alvarez 18 June 1880 Toro (Zamora) Murder and robbery
Francisco González Martínez
José Antonio Alvarez Oliva (27) 11 Aug 1880 Madrid Murder and robbery
Leocadio Lizano Meco (35) 13 Aug 1880 Ciudad-Real Derailment of the train of
Juan Romero Tajuelo (38) Andalucía (Mil. Trib., shot)
Antonio Sanchez Navarro (28)
Francisco Domínguez Cano (senior) 17 Aug 1880 Berzocana, Murder of the family of Fulgencio
Primo Antolin Domínguez Serrano juzgado de Díaz in Berzocana
Antonio Sánchez Monterroso Logrosán
Sinforiano Cerezo Serradilla (Cáceres)
Guillermo Lorenzo Martínez 19 Aug 1880 Riaza (Segovia) Murder
Francisco López Conejero 20 Aug 1880 Marchena Murder
Antonio Giralde Parrado (a) "El Taco" 3 Nov 1880 Córdoba Banditry (Mil. Trib., shot)
Laureano Riofrío y Andrés 22 Dec 1880 Cogolludo Murder of his wife
Francisco Batista Miralles (a) Gitanet 22 Dec 1880 Tarragona Murder
Salvador Sanz Fortuny (a) Germanet
Pedro Iniesta Villaescusa 23 Dec 1880 Alpera Murder and robbery
Simón Lopez Tortosa (Albacete)
Gregorio Hurtado Manchon 30 March 1881 Badajoz Murder and robbery
Juan Roman Tiensa
Díaz de Garayo, Juan (a) el 11 May 1881 Vitoria (Álava) Murder
Pedro Armas Lopez (47) 2 July 1881 Puerto de la Murder
Manuel Brito Rodríguez (40) Cruz (Canarias)
Faustino Cañete y Segura (a) 2 July 1881 Loja (Granada) Murder and robbery
Cristóbal Heredia Torreblanca (21) 5 July 1881 Gibralfaro Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Hernando Hidalgo (29 (Málaga)
José Primo Calatayud (29) 28 July 1881 Carlet (Valencia) Murder (parricidio)
Sebastián Civico Ruiz 2 Aug 1881 Vélez Málaga Murder
Rafael Martín Civico (Málaga)
Joaquín Blanch y Folch (47) 8 Feb 1882 Tortosa Murder
José Antonio Guirigoy Canalda (51) (Tarragona)
Joaquín Musté y Font (46)
Jaime Vernet y Amorós (40)
Juan García Lopez 13 March 1882 Toledo Murder
Ambrosio Navarro y Clemente
Casimiro Navarro y Clemente
Joaquín Izquierdo Gutierrez 22 March 1882 Mérida (Badajoz) Murder
Buonaventura Guso y Frigola 28 June 1882 Gerona Murder
José Saballs y Bofill
Francisco Serra Sans
Vicente Blanquer Pérez (a) Paterna 12 July 1882 Alcira (Valencia) Murder and robbery
Santiago López y Pérez 27 July 1882 Vitoria (Álava) Murder
Venancio López y Pérez
Juan Mateu y Serra

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Juan Pérez Regulez

Pedro Delgado Alonso 1 Aug 1882 Briviesca Murder
Ignacio Buezo Rojas (Burgos)
Romualdo Elias Gonzalez 4 Aug 1882 Los Palacios y Murder
Cristino Herreros Gascón 31 Oct 1882 Cañete (Cuenca) Murder
Gabino Varca Escribano
Manuel Tórmez Sebastián 27 Jan 1883 Zaragoza Murder
Santos Mochales y Mochales 7 Feb 1883 Huete (Cuenca) Murder
Joaquín Fermín Gómez Gegunde 10 April 1883 Ferrol (La Murder and robbery
Ruperto Terceño Díez 14 April 1883 Burgos Murder
Guardia, Joaquín (a) Avellaneda 19 April 1883 Gerona Kidnapping and murder (Mil. Trib.,
Juan Pujol y Fontanet (a) Pancha- 16 June 1883 Tarragona Resistance and murder (Mil. Trib.,
Ampla shot)
Manuel María Muñíz 23 June 1883 Carballo (La Murder
Pedro Juan Carbó Benedicto 26 June 1883 Teruel Murder and robbery
Joaquín Gálvez Pérez
Francisco Correas 14 Aug 1883 Ceuta Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Juan Sebastián de la Cruz 29 Aug 1883 Algeciras (Cádiz) Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Gregorio San Millan (22) 13 Nov 1883 Palencia Murder and robbery
Jorge San Millan (23)
Manuel Busto González 24 Nov 1883 Carballino Murder of his brother
Simón Marauri Hernández y Oyón 21 Jan 1884 Laguardia Murder
Juan Orue Eguiluz 1 March 1884 Amurrio (Álava) Murder
Ramón Castañer y Castañer 1 March 1884 Palma Murder of his wife
Simón Lahuerta y Pérez 27 March 1884 Tarazona Murder
Leandro Andía y Pérez (Zaragoza)
Juan Galán y Rodríguez 19 April 1884 Jerez de la Murder
Frontera (Cádiz)
José Miranda Roche 21 May 1884 Salar (Granada) Murder
Miguel Miranda Roche
Moreno Lopez, António María (a)
Calixto Ipiña y Arteche 4 June 1884 Vitoria (Álava) Murder
Francisco Corbacho Lagos 14 June 1884 Jerez de la Murder
Pedro Corbacho Lagos Frontera (Cádiz)
Cristóbal Fernández Torrejón
Bartolomé Gago Santos
Manuel Gago Santos
Juan Ruiz y Ruiz
Gregorio Sánchez Novoa
Ramón Bellés Casanovas (capitán) 28 June 1884 Gerona Insurrection (Mil. Trib., shot)
Ramón Fernández (comandante)
Juan Calvés y Compañó (21) 30 July 1884 Manresa Murder and robbery
Vicente Domínguez Moltó 5 Aug 1884 Cocentaina Murder
Ignacio Aristu Ozcáriz 4 Nov 1884 Aoiz (Navarra) Murder
José Armengol Gassó 15 Nov 1884 Enguera Murder
José Valero Calabuig (Valencia)
Fermín Peña Arce 3 Dec 1884 San Clemente Murder
Juan Gómez Lupión 28 Feb 1885 Albuñol Murder
Francisco Manzano Peinado (Granada)
Francisco Berdeguer Puchades 18 March 1885 Valencia Murder
Eugenio Olalla Pérez 20 March 1885 El Burgo de Murder
Osma (Soria)
Felipe Santidrian Martínez 28 March 1885 Sedano (Burgos) Murder and rape
José Lopez Quintana 27 June 1885 Pontevedra Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Toribio Eguía y Esparza 15 Oct 1885 Pamplona Murder

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Fructuoso Galiano Gallego 16 Oct 1885 Montiel (Ciudad Murder

Cristóbal Palma Villalobos (23) 5 Nov 1885 Valladolid Att. Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Emilio Carmona González (a) Cebadilla 13 Nov 1885 Puebla de Murder
Miguel Alegre Mergelí 21 Nov 1885 Alcañiz (Teruel) Murder and rape
Pío Viera García 25 Nov 1885 Alcalá de Murder
Manuel Bartual y Pando 3 March 1886 Cartagena Murder (Mil. Trib., garrote)
Francisco Martín Alcántara 28 Sept 1886 Málaga Murder
Saturnino Aquirizábal Granda 24 Nov 1886 Haro (Logroño) Murder
Valeriano Palacios Lorenzo 26 Jan 1887 Medina del Murder
Martín Diaz Silva (25) 8 Feb 1887 Villanueva del Murder (Mil. Trib., garrote)
Manuel Expósito (31) Rio (Sevilla)
Marcelino Fernandez (30)
Melitón Navarro Lérida (or Horedia)
Melchor de la Fuente Fernández 29 March 1887 Torrelaguna Murder
Gregorio Jerez López 11 June 1887 La Almunia Murder
José Sanahuja Peris 18 June 1887 Castellón de la Murder
José Angel Collado Pérez 23 June 1887 Lorca (Murcia) Murder
Bernardo Ruiz Cagua 28 July 1887 Ceuta Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Crisóstomo Alarcón Juárez 12 Nov 1887 Pedro Muñoz Murder
Manuel Aranda Angulo (Ciudad Real)
Ebelio Díaz Escobedo
Sixto Díaz Escobedo
Antonio Blas de la Cuesta 12 Nov 1887 Valladolid Murder
Leopoldo Seivane Expósito 22 Nov 1887 La Bañeza Murder
Bernardo Vega y Vega 26 Nov 1887 Ponferrada Murder
Toribio Pedro de la Fuente Moreno about Dec 1887 Colmenar Viejo Murder
Vicente Camarasa Cirera 11 April 1888 Madrid Murder of Francisca's husband
Pedro Cantalejo González
Francisca Pozuelo Gómez (f)
Román López Fernández 5 May 1888 Tarancón Murder
José Planells y Torre 27 Nov 1888 Ibiza (Baleares) Murder
Sixto Marcilla Blanco 30 Nov 1888 Palencia Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Eladio Ortiz Villajos 27 Dec 1888 Valdepeñas Murder
(Ciudad Real)
Joaquín San Jaime Expósito 23 Feb 1889 Cox (Alicante) Murder
Francisco Labrador Formoso 5 April 1889 Orense Murder
Manuel Ramírez Sánchez 30 April 1889 Zaragoza Murder
Manuel Parra Manso 7 May 1889 Brihuega Murder and robbery
Luis Guijarro Martín 2 July 1889 Sepúlveda Murder
Eusebio Florentino Gómez Hernán 11 July 1889 Rascafría Murder
Joaquina Melitona Mesa Berrocal (f) (Madrid)
Ventura Medina Rodriguez (m) 1 Oct 1889 Osuna (Sevilla) Murder
Pelegrina Montuis Saura (f) 10 Dec 1889 Lucena Murder of her husband
Agustín Martín Gómez 18 Feb 1890 Peñaranda de Murder and robbery
Francisco Martín Siages Bracamonte
Ricardo Sánchez Almagro (Salamanca)
Francisco Megías Sánchez 27 March 1890 Enguera Murder and robbery

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Manuel Logilde Castrillón 29 March 1890 Mondoñedo Murder

Diego García Sánchez 3 June 1890 Granada Murder
Higinia Balaguer Ostalé (f) 19 July 1890 Madrid Murder
Isaac Casamayor Chicano 22 Aug 1890 Cuenca Murder
Domingo Ortega Breceño 18 Oct 1890 Pamplona Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Pedro Bastarrica 28 Oct 1890 Santa Cruz de Murder of his mother-in-law (Mil
Tenerife Trib., shot)
Miguel Medina Sánchez "Carretero" 2 Dec 1890 Granada Murder
Andrés Monreal Cabús 31 Dec 1890 Gandes Murder
Eugenio Gil López 14 March 1891 Avila Murder
Antonio Monja Cabrero – 17 March 1891 Padilla de Duero Murder
Inocencio Ruiz Melero (a) Picoba (Valladolid)
Manuel Rey 7 April 1891 Alicante Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Bonifacio Cambero Espinosa 21 April 1891 Figueras Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
José Castellanos Sánchez 29 April 1891 Escalona Murder
Daniel San Juan Moreno 9 May 1891 Veredas (Ciudad Murder
José Cintabelde Pujazón (26) 6 June 1891 Córdoba Murder of five persons
Calixto Sarte Carranque (16) 18 July 1891 Vicálvaro Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Cesáreo Blanco Expósito 5 Dec 1891 Palencia Murder
Victoriana Pérez Jiménez (f) 11 Dec 1891 Olmedo Murder
Gumersindo del Pozo Presa (Valladolid)
Ernesto Andrade Silva 12 Dec 1891 Olivenza Murder
Isidro Mompart y Prat (22) 16 Jan 1892 Barcelona Murder
Manuel Fernández Reinosa 10 Feb 1892 Jerez de la Murder of the "Black Hand"
Manuel Silva Leal Frontera
Antonio Zarzuela Granja
José Fernández Lamela
Basilio Viejobueno Martínez 22 Feb 1892 Priego (Cuenca) Murder
Domingo Bezares Martínez 5 May 1892 Miranda de Ebro Murder
Tomasa Blázquez (f) (21) 6 May 1892 Piedrahíta (Avila) Murder
Eustasio Sánchez Garrido 28 May 1892 Tarancón Murder
Aniceto Peinador (19) 12 July 1892 Barcelona Murder
Jorge Martinez Gaspar 7 Dec 1892 Almodóvar del Murder
Eugenio Martinez Olivares Campo (Ciudad
Pedro Juan Besalduch (70) 20 Dec 1892 San Mateo Murder
Juan Chinchurreta Algarate 20 Jan 1893 Zaragoza Murder (Mil. Trib., garrote)
Manuel Rivas Díaz 21 Feb 1893 Mondoñedo Murder
Manuela Vidal Alonso (f) (Lugo)
Nicolás Garrote Alfonso 7 March 1893 Bermillo de Murder
Braulio de la Iglesia Sayago
Francisco Ferré Sabaté 11 May 1893 Falset Murder
José Ferré Sas (Tarragona)
María Rosa Masip Prunera (f)
Mariano Grau el Boluda 29 July 1893 Alcira (Valencia) Murder
Santos Rodriguez Gómez 4 Aug 1893 Getafe (Madrid) Murder
Paulino Pallás Oct 1893 Montjuic Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Aquilino Velásquez, 9 Jan 1894 Segovia Murder
Emerito Salinas
Ramón Benito Ortiz 10 Jan 1894 Alcañiz (Teruel) Murder
Manuel Archs 21 May 1894 Barcelona Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
José Bernat

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Mariano Cerezuelo
José Codina
José Sabat
Jaime Sogas
Santiago Salvador Franch 21 Nov 1894 Barcelona Murder
José Vázquez el Zapatero 7 Dec 1894 Monforte (Lugo) Murder
Juana Petra García (f) 10 Jan 1895 Hervás Murder of her father / father-in-law
Demetrio José García (Cáceres)
Fabián Luengo 22 Feb 1895 Ledesma Murder
Juan Galcerán Viusa 1 March 1895 Gerona Murder
Mariano Castro (a) el Castrillo 27 March 1895 Priego (Cuenca) Murder
Justo Racionero Viejobueno
Joaquín Figueras Regalés 20 June 1895 Castelldefels Murder
Inocenta Moragón Moreno (f) 19 Dec 1895 San Clemente Murder
Pedro María Sáiz Lezcano (Albacete)
José Demetrio Fernández 21 Jan 1896 Plasencia Murder
Salvador Batlle y Vidal 21 Jan 1896 Vilafranca del Murder
José Esteve y Miró Penedès
Teresa Penas Senserrich (Barcelona)
José Puig y Olivé
José Roig 11 Feb 1896 Campanar Murder
Angel Herance Lastra 29 April 1896 Almadén Murder
(Ciudad Real)
Mariano Royo Cases (32) 4 July 1896 Vendrell Murder of Teresa Abrogues
Rosa Boix Freginals 23 July 1896 Mataró Murder
Ramón Martín 26 Aug 1896 Valladolid Murder (Trib. Mil., shot)
Antonio Casillas 9 Oct 1896 Alcalá de Murder of Vicálvaro
Matías Juste Henares
Josefa Gómez Pardo (f) 29 Oct 1896 Murcia Murder of two persons
Agustín Carballo Gómez 12 Dec 1896 Puebla de Trives Murder
Baldomero Ibánez 30 Dec 1896 Bilbao (Vizcaya) Murder of his wife
Luis Medrano Solabre (a) el Chorchi 13 Jan 1897 Tafalla (Navarra) Murder
Ceferino Rodríguez 11 Feb 1897 Hervás Murder
Gregorio Tomás Justo (26) 19 Feb 1897 Egea (Zaragoza) Murder
Angel Martínez Lagrán 27 Feb 1897 Vitoria (Álava) Murder
Juan Travería Planas 9 March 1897 Vich (Barcelona) Murder
Francisco Méndez 9 April 1897 La Bañeza Murder
Gaspar Ramos (León)
Manuel Serrano Arévalo (24) 29 April 1897 Jaén Murder
Raimundo Guzmán 30 April 1897 Navahermosa Murder
Tomás Guzmán (Toledo)
Tomás Ascheri 4 May 1897 Barcelona Atentado
Antonio Nogués
José Mulas
Luis Más
Silvestre Lluis 15 June 1897 Barcelona Murder (first non public)
Buonaventura Castillo Gil 15 June 1897 La Guardia Murder and rape of Josefa
Tiburcio Castillo Gil (brothers) (Logroño) Martínez
Miguel Sastre 7 Aug 1897 Martos (Jaén) Murder
Michael Angiolillo 20 Aug 1897 Vergara Murder
Isidro Márquez García 29 Nov 1897 Cáceres Murder
Blas Vicente Gomez (a) Riscas (33) 10 Dec 1897 Alba de Tormes Murder
Antonio Polo Vicente (a) Capolo (23) (Salamanca)
Francisco Pérez Gallego 1 June 1898 Cádiz Murder of a German banker
Dionisio Guidú García 27 Aug 1898 Guadix Murder
José Vilchez Justicia (Granada)

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Agustín Molero Pardo

Juan Rodríguez (a) Chinto 1 Oct 1898 Guadarrama Murder of Eulogio Brasas and
Esteban Barrios (a) Dientes (Madrid) Agustina del Pozo
Luis Barrero (a) Cachorro
Baldomero Jiménez Barrios 26 Oct 1898 Agreda (Soria) Murder
Domingo Amorós Anguera 16 Dec 1898 Reus Murder of his mother
Tomás Barbalás Restoy 30 Jan 1899 La Carolina Murder (Mil. Trib., garrote)
Mariano Ara 9 Feb 1899 Zaragoza Murder of Elías Martínez
Lorenzo Ara (brothers)
José González Correa 28 Feb 1899 Alhama Murder and robbery
Pedro Manso 11 March 1899 Vitigudino Murder and robbery
Rafael González Gancedo 27 June 1899 Tineo (Orense) Murder (parricidio)
José López 27 July 1899 Monforte (Lugo) murder of mother and sister
Francisco Pérez González 12 Aug 1899 Pozoblanco Murder of two and robbery
Cristóbal San José Expósito 5 Sept 1899 Jerez de la Murder and robbery
Frontera (Cádiz)
Francisco Miranda Aguilera (28) 5 Sept 1899 Iznájar Murder of his neighbour
Gregorio Viejo 5 Sept 1899 Brihuega Murder
Miguel Oliván Primicia 7 Sept. 1899 Sos (Zaragoza) Murder (parricidio)
Pedro García 24 Nov 1899 Villabánez Murder of his son
Lucio Alvarez "el Tracas" 18 Dec. 1899 Cervera del Río Murder
Catalina Muñoz (f) Alhama
Francisco Tejería 16 Jan 1900 Azpeitia Murder
Diego Sacristán García 31 Jan 1900 Torrenueva Murder
(Ciudad Real)
Avelino Rodríguez 3 March 1900 Valencia de Don Murder
Juan (León)
Miguel Broch Sancho 9 April 1900 Villareal de Murder
Dionisio García 16 June 1900 La Bañeza Murder and robbery
Juan Martínez Botas (León)
Julián Villamarzo
Dictino Alonso Alvarez 28 Aug 1900 Villafrance del Murder
Bierzo (León)
José Cárcel Fernández 31 Aug 1900 Alcalá de Murder
Pedro Fuertes 4 Sept 1900 Teruel Murder
Pascual Loriente Traver 14 Sept 1900 Alcosebre Murder
Vicenta Bayerri Pitarch (f) (Castellón)
Germán Aparicio Vega 15 Sept 1900 Palencia Murder and robbery
Andrés Pesquera Aparicio
Pedro Gómez 21 Sept 1900 Illescas (Toledo) Murder
Juliana Martín González (f) 26 Sept 1900 Salamanca Murder
Joaquín Espallargas 26 Sept 1900 Teruel Murder
Salvador Gómez Abascal 17 Nov 1900 Ramales Murder
Julián Anguita García (priest) 8 July 1901 Granada Murder of his father
Cándido García Castillo
Liborio Pérez 8 Nov 1902 Lugo Murder
Ramón Fernández Pérez 18 Nov 1902 Almería Murder
Julián Martín y Martín (25) 17 Jan 1903 Segovia Murder
Ramón Pérez Torrijos 13 June 1903 Cuenca Murder
Demetrio Fernández 16 Jan 1904 Burgos Murder of a priest and his maid-
(Audiencia de servant
Luis Castellón López 3 Nov 1904 Vitoria (Álava) Murder

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Carlos García de Paredes y 5 April 1905 Badajoz Murder of Catalina Barragán and
Campuzano (30) her daughter Inés Calderón
Ramón Martín Castejón y Cidoncha
Vicente Cayetano Cirujeda Martín 4 May 1905 Bilbao (Vizcaya) Murder and robbery
Pablo Aznar Espés
Juan Manuel Aldije Monmejá (50) 31 Oct 1906 Sevilla Murder of five men
José Muñoz Lopera
José Díaz Rivero 10 Nov 1906 Ceuta Murder of Crescencia Mula (Trib.
Mil., shot)
Juan Sanz Escuder (24) 22 Jan 1907 Ceuta Murder (Trib. Mil., shot)
Modesto Jiménez (22) 18 July 1908 Cuenca Murder of his father
Juan Rull Queraltó 8 Aug 1908 Barcelona Bomb attacks
Juliana Velasco Díez (f) 27 Aug 1908 Valladolid Murder of husband's daughter (7)
Miguel Velasco Pastor
Agapito Zorrilla Saez 9 Nov 1908 Portugalete Murder of his superior (Mil. Trib.,
(Vizcaya) shot)
Antonio Zafra Muñoz 19 Dec 1908 Córdoba Murder of two policemen
José Zafra Muñoz (brothers) Three gypsies, sentenced by
José Cortés Jiménez Military tribunal; garrote
Juan Martínez Barragán (a) el Cojo de 22 Dec 1908 Sevilla Murder of two guardias civiles on
Bailén (26) a train on 24 Oct 1908 (Mil. Trib.,
Laureano Conejero Baco (27) garrote)
Antonio Gómez Rivera (a) el Herrero 3 Feb 1909 Sevilla Murder of two guardias civiles on
(23) a train on 24 Oct 1908 (Mil. Trib.,
Manuel Ramírez Cano (carabinero) 16 March 1909 Figueras Murder of his fellow carabinero
(Gerona) Miguel Luengo Cabeza and his
(Mil. Trib., shot) wife on 31 Dec 1907 at
Juan Alonso Orrite 5 May 1909 Guadalajara Murder and robbery
Bonifacio García Martínez 12 June 1909 Pamplona Murder and robbery of an aged
(Navarra) couple at Oteiza
José Miguel Baró 17 Aug 1909 Barcelona, Rebellion (Mil. Trib., shot)
José Cano Vicente 26 Aug 1909 Ceuta Murder (Mil. Trib.), shot while
trying to escape when on his way
to the place of execution
Antonio Malet Pujol 28 Aug 1909 Barcelona, Rebellion (Mil. Trib., shot)
Eugenio del Hoyo Manjón 13 Sept 1909 Barcelona, Rebellion (Mil. Trib., shot)
Ramón Clemente García 4 Oct 1909 Barcelona, Rebellion (Mil. Trib., shot)
Francisco Ferrer Guardia 13 Oct 1909 Barcelona, Rebellion (Mil. Trib., shot)
Juan Pedro Ciberio Sepúlveda 12 Nov 1909 Cádiz Murder
Francisco Cerdá Algarra 1 May 1911 Valencia Murder (Mil. Trib., shot)
Antonio Sánchez Moya (36) 9 Aug 1911 Cádiz Rebellion (Mil. Trib., shot)
León Esteban Laguna 19 March 1912 Vitoria (Alava) Insubordination, wounded a
superior (Mil. Trib., shot)
Juan Bautista Cerdá Diego 9 July 1913 Melilla, Desertion (Mil. Trib., shot)
Antonio Aguado Vidal 22 July 1913 Melilla, Desertion (Mil. Trib., shot)
Jacinto Bruguera Pinana 9 Sept 1913 Gerona Murder and rape
Agustina Rodríguez González (f) 9 Sept 1913 Almería Murder and kidnapping
Francisco Ortega Rodríguez (a) Moruno
capitán Manuel Sánchez López (43) 3 Nov 1913 Madrid, Murder and robbery of D. Rodrigo
Carabanchel García Jalón on 24 April 1913
(Mil. Trib., shot)
Nicolás Miguel Galindo (a) Borguetas 22 April 1914 Ciudad Real Triple murder and robbery in 1911
Florencio Peinado (a) Cañamón at Manzanares
José Ortiz Puerto (a) el Brasileño (28) 30 April 1914 Córdoba Triple murder of his former
fiancée, her mother and her
Francisco Simarro 13 Feb 1915 Ciudad Real Murder (parricidio)
Raimundo Pérez Gul 23 Feb 1915 Guadalajara Murder

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Juan Gastón Pérez 8 June 1915 Pamplona Double murder and robbery at
(Navarra) Sare, Dép. Pyrénées-Atlantiques
on 3 Dec 1912
Felipe Pasamar Gregorio (30) 21 Sept 1915 Zaragoza Triple murder
Antonio Ramírez Muñoz 30 Sept 1915 Jaén Murder
Jacinto Sarriá García (guardia civil) 21 July 1917 Sevilla (Trib. Mil., murder of sargento Francisco
shot) Pérez Herrera on 18 July 1917 at
San Juan
Valeriano Aznar – 23 – artillero 10 Jan 1920 Zaragoza Sedition, murder of two guardias
Paulino Embezo Bao – 24 – artillero civiles (Mil. Trib., shot)
Pascual Galvé Lascasas – 20 – artillero
Nicolás Godoy Beltrán – 24 – cabo
Francisco Oliva Cerrada – 22 – artillero
José Pelegrín Minguijón – 20 – artillero
Peña Antonio Expósito – 23 – cabo
Vicente Sánchez Delcort (a) Barberet – 31 May 1920 Barcelona, Murder of two guardias civiles
Rafael Climent Montero – Montjuich (Mil. Trib., shot)
José Alcaraz Araul (a) Chato –
Francisco Biol y Biol (a) Móvil
Julio Salvador Díaz 3 July 1920 León Murder of his stepdaughter
Daniel Ayala Pascual 20 Oct 1920 Burgos murder of his wife Paulina Soto
Bartolomé on 20 May 1917 at
José María Cortés Fernández 15 March 1921 Granada Murder of a guardia civil (Mil.
Juan Utrera Cortés Trib., garrote)
Marcos Utrera Cortés
Antonio Camacho Borrego (soldado) 16 March 1921 Valencia Insubordination, wounded a
superior (Trib. Mil., shot)
José Ortíz García 28 May 1921 Ciudad Real Murder and robbery
José Moreno Moreno (a) Pelo lobo 23 Feb 1922 Alicante Murder of a cabo of the guardia
civil (Mil. Trib., garrote)
Martín Martí Colomer (a) el Cadirols(24) 9 May 1922 Barcelona Murder for hire of D. Teodoro
Victorio Sabater Martínez (a) el Bitaxo Jenny (82)
Alfonso Altimira Olivenza (37) 9 May 1922 Barcelona Murder of his mother
Ángeles Ballester (f) 16 May 1922 Lérida Murder of her mother / his mother-
Antonio Farré in-law
Manuel Arias Rey (legionario) 16 Nov 1922 Ceuta Murder of his superior (Mil. Trib.,
Juan Herrera López (36) carabinero 20 Sept 1923 Gijón (Oviedo) Murder of sargento Pedro Durán
Parro on 11 Sept. 1923 (Mil. Trib.,
José Saleta Pla (a) el Nano (23) 23 Sept 1923 (a Tarrasa Murder and robbery
Jesús Pascual Aguirre (25) Sunday indeed!) (Barcelona)
Antonio Martínez Hernández (a) 7 Feb 1924 Sevilla Murder of Catalina Cortés and her
Rabazo two daughters
Juan de Dios Jurado Ortega (a) Mena 12 Feb 1924 Jaén Murder of Juana Godoy Vilches
and her three children
Jose Morenete Sánchez (44) 30 April 1924 Tarragona Double murder
Francisco de Dios Piqueras (34) 9 May 1924 Madrid Murder of two guards and robbery
Honorio Sánchez Molina (43) of "Expreso de Andalucia" on 11
José María Sánchez Navarrete (33) April 1924 (Mil. Trib., garrote)
José Llàcer Beltrán (26) 10 Nov 1924 Barcelona Murder of security officer Bruno
Juan Montejo Arranz (19) López Ruiz (Mil. Trib., garrote)
Enrique Gil Galar 6 Dec 1924 Pamplona Murder of two guardias civiles at
Julián Santillán Rodríguez Vera del Bidasoa (Mil. Trib.,
Bernardo Goñi Lazcano 2 Feb 1925 Pamplona Murder and robbery (Mil. Trib.,
José Goñi Lazcano garrote)
Juan Martín Goñi Lazcano
Juan Baustista Langa Canet (44, 10 May 1925 Barcelona Murder of a superior (Mil. Trib.,
guardia de seguridad) shot)
Cándido Castellá Genís (35) 3 Oct 1925 Valencia Murder and robbery of don Juan
Salvador Pascual Mascarós Bautista Vidal Climent (Mil. Trib.,
Juan Martínez Aguilar (37, carabinero) 21 Dec 1925 Castellón Murder and rape of 12-year-old
Mercedes Coll (Mil. Trib., shot)
Manuel Lidón y Jacobo (34) 30 Jan 1926 Barcelona Murder and rape of María

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Atanasio Molí Diego 28 Nov 1927 Zaragoza Murder of 4-year-old Valentín

Anselmo Bernal Valero Losilla in the course of a robbery
Miguel Eladio Nuez Romance
Guillermo Roldán González 31 March 1928 León Murder of a Guardia civil (Mil.
Trib., garrote)
Fermín Galán Rodríguez (32, capitán) 14 Dec 1930 Jaca (Huesca) Military rebellion (Mil. Trib., shot)
Angel García Hernandez (30, capitán)
Andrés Aranda (25) 21 Dec 1934 Barcelona
Manuel Vasco Vargas 22 Oct 1935 Granada

Post civil war executions.

Name (age where known) (f) = Date Place Crime details where known

? Campanal Spring 1940 Gijón Unknown

Ignacio Unzurrunzaga 31 August 1940 Bilbao Murder and robbery of Francisco

Teodoro Andrés Cudillo Herrero Galán
Esteban Gutierres Urculo
Juan Cuarto August 1941 Tarragona Murder
Joaquín Escoda
Ramón Lázaro
Francisco Ruiz Campanario "Mata ?/?/1941 Seville Murder and robbery of their friend
Hari" Lorenzo Martín García
José Cornelio Espina "la Burra"
Unnamed young man
Two unnamed men April 1942 Ciudad Real Murder and robbery of a pastor

Joaquim Pallarès Tomàs, Bernabé

Arguelles De Paz, Francisco Álvarez
Rodríguez, Ferran Ruíz Fernández,
29 March 1943 Barcelona Convicted of acts of terrorism
Francisco Atares Agustí, Josep Serra
López, Benet Saute Martí, Juan Aguilà
Mompart and Pere Tresols Meix
José Garcia Navarro Chato, Vicenç
Martínez Fuster Llorenç and Joan 31 March 1943 Barcelona Convicted of acts of terrorism
Pelford Tomasa Pera
Two unnamed men May 1943 Valladolid Convicted of the murder and
robbery of an elderly woman

Luis Bardol Casian 5 June 1943 Barcelona Convicted of murder and robbery
Hilario Martínez Alarcon (shot)

Crescencio Delgado Cañas 20 June 1943 Cuenca Unknown

Anton Martínez Martínez 16 Dec 1944 Murcia Convicted of murder and robbery

Two unnamed men summer 1945 Pontevedra Convicted of murder and robbery
of a member of the police

Júlian Boix Corachán 16 Feb 1946 Prensa Unknown

Cristino García 1945/46 Madrid Unknown

José Vitini Flores

Luis Blanco 1945/46 Pontevedra Unknown

Diego Valero

Manuel Alvarez 1945/46 Lugo Unknown

Julio Nieto
Ramón Vivero
Three unnamed men 16 April 1947 Valencia Convicted of acts of terrorism

Segundo Vilavoy Jan 1948 El Ferrol Unknown

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Abel Sáez Alonso (21) 17 Feb 1948 Burgos Convicted of the murder of Simón
Angel José Llera Tielve (42) Morquecho Olive

Martín Gisbert Martínez 25 Feb 1948 Barcelona Convicted of the murder of six
José Soler Fernández persons who they shot and
robbed. 3 at the station of Sarriá
on 15 May 1947, and 3 in the
quarter of Sans on 29 October
Esteban Guardiola 4 March 1948 Tarragona Convicted of the murder and
Juan Guardiola robbery of Pedro Andrés Riesgo,
his wife María de la Encarnación
Fernández Suárez and their
daughters María Encarnación,
María Soledad and Victoria on 3
February 1946
José Gómez Gayoso 6 Dec 1948 Coruna (probably shot)
Antonio Seoane

José Cadaviz Pazos Dec 1948 Orense Convicted of the murder of his
aunt Luisa Pazos Rodríguez

Angel Carrero Sancho 17 Feb 1949 Barcelona Convicted of several acts of

Joaquín Puig Vigmunt terrorism (bombings) in late 1946
Pedro Valverde Fuentes and early 1947
Numen Mestres Ferrando
María Domínguez Martínez (23) (f) 23 May 1949 Huelva Convicted of poisoning her

Antonio Riera Tur 25 June 1949 Ibiza Convicted of the murder and
robbery of his friend and
Domingo Belmonte López July 1949 Málaga Convicted of the murder and
robbery of Don Manuel Amigueti
Pizar on 5 May 1946
Juan Puntí Bigas Dec 1949 Barcelona Convicted of the murder and
robbery of Domingo Azpitarte
Luis Paciano Orive Alava 5 Dec 1949 - Convicted of parricide, murder,
and abortion

Manuel Sabater Llopart 24 Feb 1950 Barcelona Convicted of the murder of a

British couple, Mr. and Mrs. Peck

Gitano Rodríguez 24 July 1950 Badajoz Convicted of triple murder

Antonio Boix Vizcaíno (Vizcarro) 23 Dec 1950 Castellón Convicted of the murder of José
Mundo Pitarch on 8 March 1948

Nicanor Fernández Alvarez (28) 11 Dec 1950 Convicted of several murders and
Luis González Melendi (29) armed robbery

Benigno García Andrade 1951 Corunna unknown

Pedro Tudurí Vidal (40) 1951 Majorca Convicted of the murder of

Bernardo Ramis Bisellasch, of
Marcial Jiménez Muñoz and of
Valentina Armijo Castillo
Félix Pérez Vázquez 7 June 1951 Valencia Convicted of the murder and
robbery of Don José Navarro
Baró and Don Alberto Gil Blanco
in the village of Chirivella on 28
July 1945
Manuel Rodríguez González 6 Sept1951 Orense Convicted of armed robbery,
arson and attacks.

Luis Barnet Francés 1952/53 Barcelona Convicted of the murder and

robbery of an old woman in

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Arenys de Mar
Pedro Aldover Font 15 Feb 1952 Barcelona Convicted of banditry
José Pérez Pedrero
Santiago Amir Ugrañas
Ginés Urrea Pena
Jorge Pons Artiles
Ramón Oliva Marquez (22) 17 March 1952 Madrid Convicted of the murder and
robbery of Doña Juana Arribas
García in her home in Madrid on
11 January 1950.
Vicente Ortega Miguel (26) 14 June 1952 Madrid Convicted of the murder and
Marcial Martínez Barron (23) robbery of Doña Amalia Esteban
Cebrial in her home in Madrid, on
21 Dec 1949.
Florentino Lluva Macho 18 June 1952 Guadalajara Convicted of the murder of his
brother Antonio and his sisters
Inocencia and Emiliana for
reasons of inheritance
Unnamed man 1953 Oviedo

José Muñoz Lozano 26 Jan 1953 Granada Convicted of banditry and armed

Hilario José Martínez Aranda 31 Jan 1953 Seville Convicted of murder, armed
Dionisio Habas Rodríguez robbery and banditry
Miguel García Vázquez
Félix Ricardo García Arellano 23 March 1953 Seville Convicted of murder, armed
Manuel Doroteo Durán Gordillo robbery and banditry

Fortunato Gras Tejedor (40) 9 April 1953 Barcelona Convicted of the murder and
robbery of Doña Mercedes Julve
Albanell in her home in
Barcelona, on 2 Dec 1947
Blas Fúster Carreté 10 April 1953 Barcelona Convicted of the murder and
His two accomplices had their death robbery of Don Antonio Laporte
sentences commuted Verdeguer in his home on 28 Dec
Juan José Trespalacios 13 June 1953 Vitoria Convicted of the murder of
Marcelino Menoyo Ugarte, Fe
Clotilde Menoyo Ugarte and
Lázaro Menoyo Ugarte
Esteban Serra Majó 2 Dec 1953 Barcelona Convicted of the murder and
robbery of his neighbour Juan
Planell Mola
Benito Pascual Lecha 23 Dec 1953 Lérida Convicted of the murder of
Francisco Berenguer Marco

Unnamed man (32) 1954 Alicante Convicted of murder and robbery

Tomás Vigara Navarrete 6 Feb 1954 Madrid Convicted of the murder and
Joaquín Rodríguez Martínez (Shot) robbery of a woman

Teresa Gómez Rubio (f) 16 Feb 1954 Valencia Convicted of the three murders
committed with poison of Isabel
Leonarte, of Pilar Chacón and of
Teresa Domenech Hurtado in
Enrique Sánchez Roldán (28) 30 March 1954 Barcelona Convicted of the murder of a
member of the Civil Guard and a
Joaquín Alvarez Rodríguez (40) 4 Feb 1955 Soria Convicted of the murder of Daniel
Vivas Montoliú on 27 January
1953 to be able to exploit a
waterfall on his premises.
Carlos Soto Gutiérrez (23) 19 Jan 1955 Castellón de la Convicted of the murder and rape
Plana of thirteen-year-old Purificación
Tejero Jimeno in the village of
Rivarroya in March 1953.

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José Antonio Vilató López (26) 10 Feb 1955 Barcelona Convicted of the murder and
robbery of Leoncia Sauquell
Ramírez and Guillermo Villanueva
Pastor in Masnou on 6 March
Pedro Morejón Fernández (24) 14 Feb 1955 Valladolid Convicted of the murder and
robbery of his neighbour on 5 Dec
Esteban Guillén González 23 March 1955 Valencia Convicted of the murder of
Encarnción Baldovi Muntañana
(65) in 1951.
Antonio Hernández Jiménez June 1955 Granada Convicted of the murder of three
of his relatives for reasons of
Jesús Silva Partido 18 June 1955 Badajoz Convicted of the murder and
robbery of Carmelilla "The
Boozer" along with two
accomplices who were sentenced
to imprisonment.
Unnamed man 1956 Orense Convicted of banditry.

José Ramón de las Casas Redondo 10 Feb 1956 Santander Convicted of the murder and
(Shot) robbery of a watchman on 30
January 1956 in Santander
José Oms Huguet 28 Feb 1956 Lérida Convicted of the murder of his
father-in-law for reasons of
Juan Vázquez Pérez 4 April 1956 Seville Convicted of the murder and
Antonio Pérez Gómez robbery of Doña Encarnación and
Lorenzo Castro Moreno Doña Matilde Silva Montero, two
sisters owning a tobacconist's in
Seville, on 11 July 1953
Valentín Bravo Belinchón (31) 31 July 1956 (Shot) Convicted of the murder and
robbery of Don Jeremías Nuño
Provencio on 23 Dec 1954
José María Celaya Pardo 23 July 1957 Pamplona Convicted of the murder of their
Cirilo Javier Celaya Pardo parents and a brother in Miranda
de Arga.
Julio López Guixot 22 July 1958 Alicante Convicted of the murder of “the
His accomplice had his death Quinielas” in Vistahermosa de la
sentence commuted. Cruz.
Antonio Campos Tejón 27 Dec 1958 Madrid Convicted of the murder of Don
His wife and accomplice, had her Antonio García Otero.
death sentence commuted.
Manuel Delgado Muñoz (25) 3 Jan 1959 Barcelona Convicted of the murder and
robbery of Manuel Pérez Martinez
in his home in the village of
Villdecaballs on 14 July 1954
Pilar Prada Expósito (Santamaría) 19 May 1959 Valencia Convicted of the poison murder of
(28) (last female execution) her employer, Doña Adela
Pascual Camps on 18 May 1955
José María Manuel Pablo de la 4 July 1959 Madrid Convicted of four murders and
Cruz Jarabo y Pérez Morris (36) robbery of: Félix López Robledo
and of Emilio Fernández Díez, his
wife María de los Desamparados
Alonso Bravo and servant Paulina
Ramos Serrano
Joaquín Ambrosio Martínez Puerto 14 July 1959 Barcelona Convicted of the murder of señor
(25) Rosell Carol in January 1955

Juan García Suárez 19 Oct 1959 Las Palmas Convicted of the murder of a
butcher in Telde several years
Francisco Abril Spínola 31 Oct 1959 Seville Unknown

Santiago Viñuelas Mañero (40) mid-Dec 1959 Palencia Convicted of murder and rape

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Rafael Romero Peña (33) 20 Feb 1960 Seville Convicted of the murder of a
Rafael Pino Cordón (30) member of the Guardia Civil on 3
November 1959
Antonio Abad Donoso (24) 8 March 1960 Madrid Convicted of acts of Terrorism,
committed in Madrid on 17 and 18
February 1959
Julian Grimau 20 April 1963 Madrid Convicted of war crimes
Tried by military (shot)
Francisco Granados Gata 17 Aug1963 Tried Madrid Convicted of two bomb attacks on
Joaquím Delgado Martínez by military tribunal 29 July 1963, causing injuries to
some 20 people
Antonio Rafael Gil Guirado (30) 28 May 1966 Valencia Convicted of murder and robbery

Jesús García Romero (23) 3 Dec 1966 Tried Madrid Convicted of the murder of a
by military tribunal member of the Civil Guard; his
accomplices, his two brothers,
had their death sentences
Pedro Martínez Expósito (24) 8 Jan 1972 Valencia Convicted of two murders and
(shot) robbery

Heinz Chez (33) 2 March 1974 Tarragona Convicted of the murder of Civil
Guard member, Antonio Torralbo
Moral, in Tarragona on 20 Dec
Salvador Puig Antich (25) 2 March 1974 Tried Barcelona Convicted of the murder of Police
Last garrotting by military tribunal Corporal Don Francisco Anguas
Barragán on 25 Sept1973
José Humberto Francisco Baena 27 Sept1975 Tried Madrid Baena was convicted of the
Alonso (24) by military tribunal (shot) murder of policeman Lucio
Ramón García Sanz (27) Rodríguez on 15 July 1975
José Luis Sánchez-Bravo Sollas García and Sánchez were
(21) convicted of the murder of
policeman Antonio Posé
Rodríguez on 16 Aug1975
Juan Paredes Manotas (21) 27 Sept1975 Tried Barcelona Convicted of the murder of
by military tribunal (shot) policeman Don Ovidio Díaz López
in an act of terrorism (bank-
robbery) on 6 June 1975
Angel Otaegui Echevarría (33) 27 Sept1975 Tried Burgos Convicted of the murder of Civil
by military tribunal (shot) Guard member Don José
Posadas Zurrón in Azpeitia on 3
April 1974

In the post civil war period, at least 126 people were executed. It is thought that approximately 14 of these
executions were carried out by a military firing squad and the remaining 112 by garrotting, including those of three

Spain’s last executioners were Antonio López Guerra, Bernardo Sánchez Bascuñana and José Monero Renomo.

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