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Knowledge Assessment



Employee ID


Test Duration 30 Minutes

a) Technical questions (68 Marks)

Section 1: Technical

S. No Question Answers Marks

How to create Temp Table Snowflake? Write Syntax
1 2
Is Snowflake concerned with indexing? Explain
2 2

3 What are Snowflake Data Shares? (Snowflake) 2

4 In Snowflake, describe time travel. (Snowflake) 2

5 Explain Snowflake's architecture? (Snowflake) 5

How do you decide when to use a star schema versus a

6 snowflake schema in your data warehouse design? 3
(Snowflake) In star schema the fact table directly connected to the
dim tabale so the star schema more accurate

In snowflake the dim table indirectly connected to the fact


7 What are filters in Power BI? Explain all (Power BI) 2

They are 3 types of filters 1 visual level filter,2.report level

filter,3.page level filter

8 What is Power Query? Explain 2

Power query used for transformations and it generate the

m lang code

Write a DAX formula to create a new measure that

calculates the year-over-year growth percentage of sales.
9 5
Assume you have a Sales table with columns Sales
Amount and Date.
Explain the different roles available in Power BI
workspaces and the permissions associated with each
10 5
role. Provide examples of what each role can and cannot

What is DAX in Power BI? Explain in detail with 3 different

11 examples. 5

What is AUTO_INCREMENT? Explain with SQL syntax

12 5

How to find the number of duplicates in a table? Explain

13 5
with SQL syntax (SQL)
Write a SQL Query using Join to find out unique empID
from table 1, those name are not exist in table 2? (SQL)

1. Table Name1: emp.DummyData1; Column
14 2
Name: EmpID, LName, FName, SAL, DOJ

2. Table Name2: emp.DummyData2; Column

Name: EmpID, LName, FName, SAL, DOJ

What will be the output of following Query? (SQL)

15 Query : 3
select case when null=null then ‘Raman’ Else ‘Raghav’
from dual;

Write a SQL query to create New empty table using an

16 3
existing table. (SQL)

17 Describe the purpose of window functions in SQL. 3

18 Why is a temp table a good or bad idea? 2

19 Explain Left and Right Join 3

20 What data sources can you connect to the Tableau? 2

What are the different types of joins available in Tableau?

21 3
How Can You Display the Top Five and Bottom Five Values
22 2
in the Same View in Tableau?

23 How Do You Handle Null Values in Tableau? 2

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