HOPE 3 1st Quarter Reviewer

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Health Optimizing Physical Education (HOPE 3) endurance assessment of the region.

1st Quarter Reviewer fingertips should touch together behind the back
by reaching over the shoulder and under the
Module 1: Self-Assess Health-Related Fitness elbow.

Why Dance is Good for Fitness? Module 2: Self-Assess Health-Related Fitness

Getting fit does not have to be the chore it’s often Status
perceived to be. Instead, as people all around the
globe are finding out each day, dancing is one of A spin class, there's usually an upper-body
the best fitness workouts there are. segment incorporated. You rotate between
various exercises-biceps curls, overhead presses,
Dancing offers upbeat and inventive exercise that and triceps extensions-without rest for what often
promotes a healthy and more active lifestyle. feels like forever.

Health-Related Fitness (HRF) 1. Muscular Endurance:

- Is the power to use muscle or muscle groups
1. Cardiorespiratory Endurance repetitively against resistance for an extended
- is the flexibility to interact in physical activities period of your time without easily experiencing
for an exceedingly long period of your time. fatigue.

Exercises/Tests: Exercises/Tests:
The Three-Minute Step test is one of the quickest Push-Up: This is additionally referred to as known
ways of testing this component of fitness. To finish as the press-up test. It measures the upper body
it, you want a 12-inch step/bench, stopwatch, and strength through the number of times the body is
a metronome. pushed off the ground properly.
Planks: is an isometric strength training core
2. Body Composition exercise in an exceedingly prone lying position.
- Is the ratio of the muscles to fats in the body. Planks will improve the endurance of your glutes,
back, shoulders, hamstrings, and abs.
Exercises/Tests: Sit-ups: is an example of compound strength-
Skinfold measurement may be a technique to training exercises that focus on the ab groups, hip
estimate what quantity of fat is on the body. muscle, and other stabilizing muscles within the
Body Mass Index (BMI) may be a person's weight chest, neck, lower back, and legs. Squats: maybe
in kilograms divided by the sq. of height in meters. a full strength-training body exercise that’s
BMI is an accustomed screen for weight classes performed in an exceedingly crouching or sitting
that will cause health issues. position, arms forward for balance, knees bent,
and heels near to or touching the buttocks or the
3. Flexibility rear of the thigh.
- is the power to maneuver the joints or series of
joints through a large range of motions. Why do I need muscular endurance?
Your body needs muscular endurance. When you
Exercises/Tests: have a lot of it, fatigue will not set in as fast and
Sit and Reach test: is the commonest of all you will be able to withstand more while using less
flexibility tests. It measures the edibleness of the energy.
clients’ lower back and hamstrings.
Zipper Test: to test the upper arm and shoulder What is muscular strength?
girdle flexibility intended to parallel the strength/
While endurance is all about how long a muscle at the same time. Time management should be
can perform, muscular strength is how hard it can prioritized.
perform 2. Social Influence
2. Muscular Strength It is the change in behavior that one person
- is the power of the muscle or muscle groups to causes in another, intentionally or unintentionally,
exert an excellent amount of force with one as a result of the way the changed person
maximal effort. perceives themselves in relationship to the
influencer, other people, and society in general.
Exercises/Tests: 3. Lack of Energy
Dips: maybe a test of upper body strength and Late nights can take a toll on your energy level.
strength endurance. The triceps dip is one of the Diet and stress can lead to a dancer feeling less
most effective exercises for activating the triceps energy during rehearsal or competitions.
muscles in your upper arm. 4. Lack of MotivationIn every aspect of life,
Pull-ups: (also called the chin-up test) is widely staying motivated is hard. Very few of us can
used as a measure of upper body strength. remain on a high every hour of every day of the
Participants must grasp an overhead bar and pull year.
up the body so that the chin raises above the bar, 5. Fear of Injury
then return to arms in a fully extended position. No pain, no gain is an exercise motto that
promises greater value rewards for the price of
Why do I need muscular strength? hard and even painful work. Under this
Research shows it can counter bone loss and fight conception, competitive professionals, such as
osteoporosis, prevent injury, and maybe even athletes and artists, are required to endure pain
decrease your risk of cancer. and stress to achieve professional excellence.
6. Lack of Skill
Ability to do something correctly or well. As new in
Module 3: Barriers to Physical Activity the activity, there is also a basic skill to learn.
Assessment 7. Lack of resource
The lack of resources may cause an increased
Many technological advances and conveniences interest in dance performance. A certain
have made our lives easier and less active. Many weariness and fatigue from the constant stress of
personal variables, including physiological, resources will weaken the performance of even
behavioral, and psychological factors, may affect the most dedicated staff and artists.
our plans to become more physically active. 8. Weather Condition
Understanding common barriers to physical Consider the safety of dancers especially if the
activity and creating strategies to overcome them weather condition is present.
may help make physical activity part of daily life. 9. Family Involvement
A great dance performance and source of
Personal barriers: With technological advances bonding if the parents support and join their
and conveniences, people’s lives have in many children in a dance activity.
ways become increasingly easier, as well as less
active. In addition, people have many personal The top three barriers to engaging in physical
reasons or explanations for being inactive. (Sallis activity across the adult lifespan are time, energy,
and Hovell; Sallis, Hovell, and Hofstetter) and motivation.
Environmental barriers: The environment in
1. Lack of Time which we live has a great influence on our level of
This is sometimes the problem of dancers physical activity. Many factors in our environment
especially when his or her study and training are affect us. Obvious factors include the accessibility
of walking paths, cycling trails, and recreation
facilities. Factors such as traffic, availability of
public transportation, crime, and pollution may Without adequate protein levels to fuel muscles, a
also have an effect. Other environmental factors dancer's body wouldn't have the strength to
include our social environment, such as support perform at such great levels that are required for
from family and friends, and community spirit. achievement the maximum amount of 12% to
fifteen of a dancer's overall diet should comprise
Module 4: One’s Diet of a Dancer lean proteins found in meat and poultry, beans,
tofu, legumes, and certain sorts of fish.
As a dancer, it is important to keep up a healthy
lifestyle. One of the foremost important aspects of Vitamins and Minerals
health for a dancer is diet. Proper fuel for the body Vitamins and minerals also aid in repairing
is extremely important to keep up proper energy overworked muscles helping to recover from
levels, avoid injury, and stay well during performances or workouts. In addition, certain
competition season so that personal vitamins support bone health and formation
performance won't suffer. Intake nutritious snacks which is essential for dancers. According to Ashley
and also maintain a diet consisting of adequate Lucas (2015) Dance revolves around significant
fluids, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and lots of technical, physical & aesthetic components.
vitamins and minerals. Dancers need to consume diets adequate in
calories to support the demands placed on the
Fluids body.
Proper hydration is essential for everyone, but
dancers are especially prone to problems should Breakfast
adequate fluid intake be compromised. Dancers Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
work out on a routine, sometimes with extremely This meal will determine your energy level for the
strenuous routines. Dancers must remember to rest of the day. Consuming a larger breakfast that
hydrate throughout the day by consuming small is high in complex carbohydrates, moderate in
amounts of water continuously, not just at the protein, and low in fat will keep you feeling fuller
point of thirst. longer and energized until your next meal.

Carbohydrates Mid-Morning Snack

Carbohydrates, also known as carbs or starches, If you are dancing throughout the day and eat a
should comprise a majority of a dancer's food very early breakfast and late lunch, you should
intake, about 50% to 65%. A high-carb diet will not consider eating a mid-morning snack. To
move through a dancer's system so quickly which adequately fuel your body, try eating smaller
means these foods will continue to feed the body meals every three hours. This will keep you from
and produce more energy for longer periods. feeling fatigued before your lunch hour arrives.
Carbohydrates are found in starchy foods such as
bagels, brown rice, cereals, bread, potatoes, and
pasta. Module 5: Applying FITT Principles in Dance

Fats A proper aerobic program is important for us to

All too often, dancers will concern themselves with ensure that our activity will improve its condition.
becoming overweight and start to limit their
overall consumption of fatty foods. However, The more physical activity we perform in a week
some foods are considered to be "good" fats. For a means the more it improves our health condition
dancer, restricting intake of good fats can be and that is your FREQUENCY.
detrimental to overall health and significantly
impair performance levels. The more your movements increase and
movements become more complex the more it
circulates the heart muscle faster which is workload capacity. Having a proper workload in
INTENSITY. the initial stage of the program prevents injury.
3. The rest period is timed. Many don’t realize that
The longer time you spend dancing the more resting is as important as doing the workout.
calories you burn, and the longer amount of Proper rest intervals help the muscle relax, grow,
cardiovascular activity you perform refers to TIME. and develop. Too much rest will not be beneficial
The choice of your dance is based on your interest to the muscle.
in what we call TYPE. Training Principles:
1. Progressive Overload- gradually increasing the
Progression. As you continuously progress in your exercise workload persons undertake to see
routine, you need to add the overload to ensure continuous improvements. Our body adapts
that there will be a development in your fitness quickly to the loads (principle of adaptation)
level by adding the amount of frequency, through the workout routine we perform. If the FIT
intensity, or time. (frequency, intensity, and time) is constant there
will be no improvements to happen.
In a muscular strength program, we can add 2. Specificity –Train specifically to the energy
intensity to the number of loads or number of system and skill requirements needed by a
repetitions. In that way, we increase our capacity person. Each one of us has a different reason to
without over-exertion to avoid injury. get fit. Therefore, planning your fitness routine and
program is important to have the best results. One
The amount of off-the-floor movements increase must put into consideration his capacity and the
the intensity of your routine. To prevent injury in results he wants to achieve.
performing a high-intensity dance routine 3. Reversibility- the loss of adaptation gained
depends on your capacity, once you adapt to the during training because of a prolonged break
changes, gradually increase your intensity. period. Inactivity for a longer period is the reason
reversibility happened. Physical injury, sickness, or
The more variations of activity you have in mind even boredom from engaging in an exercise is the
the more exercise becomes exciting. A variety of main reason a person experiences reversibility.
physical activities is essential in the long-term 4. Variety- to prevent boredom and keep a
planning of becoming a fit person and it eases person engaged and motivated. Ensure they are
boredom when there are a lot of choices. training holistically meaning every muscle group
or fitness compound is covered. Different muscle
The more variety, the higher the intensity. And, the groups and energy systems are giving a break.
longer we are performing, the more we become fit Physical Fitness should be holistic.
and healthy. Doing an exercise of our choice, the
more we become excited to perform the exercise. Training threshold- the zones at which a person
needs to train if they want to see improvement
and adaptation necessary to our energy system
Module 6: Applying Principle of Exercise which means to train at a different percentage of
maximum heart rate to see
Purpose of Training principle improvements.Training below your threshold
1. Training sessions are tailored to specific which is normally for aerobics it should be 60-
requirements. For us to see the results we want to 80%.
achieve for our bodies, we have to set and create
programs that suit our needs. Training below the threshold, no sign of benefits
2. Training at the right workload. A person’s from the exercise. Jogging and other endurance
capacity differs from one another. One must training are as beneficial as aerobic training. For
consider each one has a different level of anaerobic, training should reach 80-90% of your
heart rate. Training programs for speed and
power are considered aerobic routines like 50-
meter sprints for speed. Warm-up 20 minutes at
the beginning of each session.

Phases of Warm-up
1. General warm up- it helps to increase heart
rate, increase respiration and prepare the muscle.
By doing this, a person will be able to move faster
and more powerfully.
2. Specific warm up- persons perform a
movement similar to those they have to use in the
session. (movement adaptation, movement
conditioning, or movement memory).

Cooldown- lowers areas of the body raised in the

warm-up. It should lower the heart rate,
respiration, etc. This prevents injury and prepares
the person for the next session. It also prevents
muscle soreness by removing the build-up of
lactic acid accumulated during the training. It
delayed the onset of muscle soreness (DOM).

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