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Resume 24 Vineet Giri

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Saet Agency PVT LTD, Noida Data Analyst January 2024 – july 2024
Created various Excel documents to assist with pulling metrics data and presenting information to
stakeholders for concise explanations of best placement for needed resources.
Produced monthly reports using advanced Excel spreadsheet functions.
Documented effective and replicable methods for extracting data and organizing data sources.
Collaborated with business-unit leaders to identify and prioritize problems.
Utilized data visualization tools to effectively communicate business insights.
CONTACT Extracted and interpreted data patterns to translate findings into actionable outcomes.
54panaudyanjhandachowkNareladelhi Created dashboards to monitor and track key performance indicators.
Created data models to support decision-making processes.
Generated standard and custom reports to provide insights into business performance.
20 Feb 1990
RitexOverseasPvtLtd, Kundli MISEXECUTIVEANDDATAANALYSIS july/2020-2/2021
Improved data accuracy by streamlining the collection,analysis,and reportingof critical
business metrics.
EDUCATION Enhanced decision-making processes for management through timely delivery of accurate
Rajiv Gandhi degree college banda 2010 and relevant MIS reports.
B.com Grades-51.4℅ Reduced data processing time with the implementation of efficientautomation tool sand
Aadharsh bajrang inter college 2007 techniques.
+2 Grades-70℅ Optimized database performance, implementing effective data storage solution stominimize
Shikhar seva sanshthan 2007 redundancy.
Diploma in computer application Collaboratedwithcross-functional team sto
Grades-osgraede Identify key performance indicators and develop customized dashboards for monitoring
Dr bheemrao 10thGrades–44 progress.
2005 Developed robust forecasting models to support strategic planning and resource
Aadharsh bajrang inter college 2005 allocation
Ncc b certicate decisions.
OBJECTIVE Simplified complex datasets, presenting findings in clear and concise visualizations for easy
I am currently looking for a full time position in an environment Interpretation by stakeholders.
that o ers a greater challenge, increased bene ts for my
SKILLS Develop insights and datavisualization stomaximize opportunity and increase efficiency.
Advanced analytic skills and extensive experience with monthly
MS Excel reports
Personal andfor management
group and keycoupled
work organization stakeholders.Translate complex
with time management skills. Excel
Knowledge of, and ability to perform, quantitative analysis, understandable
linear/multiple regression,written
regression,for ad hoc
CHAID information
modeling, requests.
and analysis and histori
Ability to extract data from multipledata sources like
Leadexcel THAVdata
ajunior specictools
analystknowledge (VBA Ability
team to synthesize to working
data lobal teams
driven reports and Ability
review campa
Develop and standardized at a cleaning procedures to validate accuracy using both
Microsoft Excel and google sheet

EnhancePvtLtd, Bawana, Delhi AccountantcumPlantManager 7/2019-5/2020

To be understand problems with all types of softwareexcel and msoffice application and work with the System team to help
make corrections
You will also ensure that best practices in metrics and decisionmakingarebeingexposedtotheBUmanagement and core business
decision makers
Manage the Data warehouse and provide data base and data mining technical support
The responsibilities of the role fall into three main functions: Technical Data Management, Report &
warehouseDesignandManagementReportingtobethe focal who will assist customers
withadministrative assignment of User Names andPasswords
To facilitate loading of data from other sources: cabin logbooks,taskcards,troubletickets,systemlogs,flights logs, maintenance
You will be involved in Perform research and analysis relatedtocustomercharacteristics,behavior,andlife-cycle
performanalysisofpredictivemodelstofacilitatethebest return on investment (ROI) for Service Delivery activities

BracketWorldPvtLtd, Bawana,delhi PlantManager 6/2017-7/2019

Supervised various production shift schedules.Hand- picked and trained personnel/stastoh

and lesupervisory andadministrative duties and Responsibilities. Handled
Organizedacleartimelymeetingsand conferences.Supervised and maintained quality control
plant procedures
SarafFincomePvtLtdRai,Sonepat,Haryana, AssistantDataMiningOfficer 7/2015 – 6/2017

To be understand problems with all type sofsoftware excel and msoffice application and work with the System team to help
make corrections
You will also ensure that best practice sinmetricsand decision making are being exposed to the BU management and core
business decision makers.
Manage the Data warehouse and provide database and data mining technical support
There sponsibilities of the role fall into threemain
functions: Technical Data Management, Report &Warehouse Design and Management Reporting To be the focal who will
assist customers with administrative assignment of User Names and Passwords
To facilitate loading of data from other sources: cabin log books,task cards,trouble tickets,systemlogs,ightslogs, maintenance
You will be involved in Perform research and analysis relatedto customer characteristics,behavior,and life-cycle
to develop collection optimization strategies. Create and perform analysis of predictive models to facilitate the best return on
investment (ROI) for Service Delivery activities.

Mat Brakes Pvt Ltd Co. Kundli,Sonepat, Haryana W.I.P. Officer 9/2014-6/2015

Handling on workers and entry in sap program issued in material.

RashtriyaSwasthyaBimaYojana TechnicalSupport 6/2013-9/2014

Daily generate report and mail to manager in costomer data Daily basis data import to my SQL and analysing and scried data
throu excel and my SQL server.

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