04 - Philippine Elec. Code and Fire Code of The Phils
04 - Philippine Elec. Code and Fire Code of The Phils
04 - Philippine Elec. Code and Fire Code of The Phils
What is the Philippine Electrical Code
▪ Based on 2017 National Electrical Code (NFPA 70)
▪ The Philippine Electrical Code Part 1 2009 Edition was based on NEC 2005
▪ The Fire Code for the Safe Use of Electricity
▪ Minimum Electrical Safety Standard.
Safe Use of Electricity
▪ To establish basic materials quality and electrical work standards for the safe use of
electricity for light, heat, power, communications, signaling and for other purposes.
What is the Philippine Electrical Code
▪ RA 7920 – is an act providing for more responsive and comprehensive
regulation for the practice, licensing and registration of electrical
engineer and electricians.
▪ The installation of electrical portable equipment rated not more than 1,200 VA.
b) The application shall include additionally, the name and signature and seal of the electrical
practitioner who will take charge of the installations as well as the signature of the owner or his
authorized representative.
c) Five (5) sets of plans and specifications bearing the signature and seal of the responsible
Professional Electrical Engineer shall be submitted together with the application. However, if the
installation does not exceed 20 lighting and or receptacle outlets or 4,000 VA, 230 V; five (5) sets of
sketches and bill of materials may be prepared signed and submitted by the responsible Registered
Electrical Engineer
or Master Electrician.
▪ According to P.D. 1096, no plans is required for building made of indigenous materials or which cost
is not more than P15,000.00.
Philippine Electrical Code Part 1 2017 Edition
A building or other structure served shall be supplied by only one service.
1.For fire pump where a separate service is required.
2.For emergency electrical system where a separate service is required.
3.Multiple-Occupancy building
4.Capacity Requirements. Two or more services shall be permitted:
a. Where the capacity requirements are in excess of 2,000 amperes at a supply voltage of
600 volts or less; or
b. Where the load requirements of a single-phase installation are greater than the serving agency
normally supplies through one service; or
5.Building of Large Area ( 10,000 m2 or more Total Area ).
6.For different voltage characteristics, such as for different voltage, frequencies, or phases, or for
different uses, such as for different rate schedules.
Philippine Electrical Code Part 1 2017 Edition
- This is the overhead service conductor from the last pole or other aerial support to and including the splices
if any, connecting the service entrance conductors at the building or other structure.
a) General. Service drop shall have sufficient ampacity to carry the load without a temperature rise
detrimental to the covering or insulation of the conductors and shall have adequate mechanical strength.
b) Minimum Size. The conductors shall not be smaller than 8 mm2 copper, 14 mm2 aluminum or copper- clad
a) Above Roofs. Conductors shall have a vertical clearance of not less than 2,500 m m from the roof surface.
b) Vertical Clearance from Ground.
3,100 m m - at the electric service entrance to buildings, or at the drip loop of the building
electric entrance, or above areas or sidewalks
3,700 m m - for those areas listed in the 4,600 m m classification when the voltage is limited to 600
volts to ground.
4,600 m m - over residential property and driveways, and those commercial areas not subject to
truck traffic.
5,500 m m - over public streets, alleys, roads, parking areas subject to truck traffic, driveways on other
than residential property, and other land transversed by vehicles such as cultivated, grazing, forest, and orchard.
Philippine Electrical Code Part 1 2017 Edition
- Service is defined as the portion of the supply which extends from the street main duct or transformer to
the service switch or switchboard of the building supply.
- it is the conductor and equipment for delivering energy from the electricity supply system to the wiring
system of the premises served.
1.Overhead Service Entrance
The most common type of service entrance employed by the power companies supplying electricity which
is either a 2, 3 or 4 - wire connection. Generally, the overhead service cable between the building property
line and the supply point is supplied by electric company to a limit of 30 meters.
2. The Underground Service Entrance
The underground service entrance consists of a raceway conduit extending from the building to the property
line where it is tapped to the main. The type of cable recommended is the underground service entrance
cable commonly referred to as USE.
- No. of Service-Entrance Conductor Sets
Each service drop or lateral shall supply only one set of service-entrance conductors.
1.Buildings with more than one occupancy.
2. Where two to six service disconnecting means in a separate enclosures are grouped at one
location and supply separate loads from one service drop or lateral.
Philippine Electrical Code Part 1 2017 Edition
- Service entrance conductors shall be of sufficient size to carry the computed loads.
Ungrounded conductors shall not be smaller than:
1. 100 A - - - - For one family dwelling with six or more 2 -wire branch circuits.
2. 60 A - - - - For one family dwelling with an initial computed load of 10 kVA above.
3. 40 A - - - - For other loads.
1.For loads consisting of not more than 2 - wire branch circuits, 5.5 mm2copper or 8.0 mm2 aluminum
or copper-clad aluminum.
2. By special permission, for loads limited by demand or by the source of supply, 5.5 mm2 copper or 8.0
mm2 aluminum or copper-clad aluminum.
3. For limited loads of single branch circuit, 3.5 mm2 copper or 5.5 mm2aluminum or copper-clad
Service entrance conductors shall be installed in accordance with the applicable requirements of
Code covering the type of wiring method used and limited to the following methods:
1.Open-wiring on insulators
2. Rigid Metal Conduit (RMC)
3. Intermediate Metallic Tubing (IMT)
4. Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT)
5. Service-Entrance Cables
6. Wireways
Philippine Electrical Code Part 1 2017 Edition
7. Busways
8. Auxiliary gutters
9. Rigid Non-Metallic Conduit (RNMC)
10. Cable Bus
11. Mineral-Insulated Metal-Sheathed Cable
12. Type M C Cables
Service entrance conductors subjected to physical damage shall be protected in any
of the following
ways or methods:
1.By RMC
2. By IMC
3. By R NMC suitable for the location
4. By EMT
5. Type M C cable or other approved means
1.Works here under shall comply with the latest edition of the P.E.C, the national building code, municipal or city ordinances, office of
the municipal or city electrician, & Meralco.
2. Type of services shall be 230 volts, 1 phase, 2 wire system, 60 hertz and there shall be only one service drop to the building.
3. Method of wiring shall be EMT both exposed and embedded work with proper fitting and supports. In cases where concealed conduits
wiring is impracticable to use, metal moulding may be applied.
4. All materials and equipment shall be new and approved type for both location and purpose intended.
5. All lighting and convenience outlet circuit homeruns shall be wired with no less than 2 sq. m m and 3.5 sq. m m respectively, unless
otherwise indicated on the plan.
6. Lighting and power panel board shall be circuit breaker type surface or flushed mounted or as indicated on the plan; door shall be
provided with locked and milled key, a line circuit directory card and holder shall be provided in innerface or door.
7. Whenever required and necessary, full boxes and junction boxes of proper sizes shall be installed at convenient and inconspicuous
locations although such boxes are not shown on the plans nor mentioned in the specification.
8. All outdoor installation shall be weather proof type.
9. All electrical work shall be done under the direct and immediate supervision of a duly licensed Electrical Engineer
Philippine Electrical Code Part 1 2017 Edition
The legend or symbols shall show symbols or configurations and figures of devices and equipment
used. Standard Electrical symbols can be obtained from the appendix - a of the Philippine Electrical
Philippine Electrical Code Part 1 2017 Edition
Location or site plan with proposed structures and owner’s land drawn to appropriate metric scale shall
1.Bordering areas showing public or well known streets.
2. Location of service drop, service equipment and nearest pole of the utility company furnishing
electrical energy.
3. Clearance of the path or run of service drops and service structure wires to adjacent existing or
proposed structures.
Philippine Electrical Code Part 1 2017 Edition
The riser diagram consists of the schematic diagram of service entrance, feeders and branch
circuits. This indicates:
1.The number of branch circuits, the size of conductors, size of conduit and protection for each
branch circuit.
2. The sizes of feeders, its conduit and feeder’s protection.
3. The type of service, size of service entrance conductor, conduits and main protective device.
Philippine Electrical Code Part 1 2017 Edition
Title block or nameplate of plans and drawings shall be a standard
strip of 40 m m high at the bottom of
each sheet.
It shall contain the following:
1.Name and location of proposed installation, project, or watercraft;
2. Name, signature and address of owner/manager/operator;
3. Title of sheet and sheet number;
4. Scale used;
5. Name, signature and dry seal of professional electrical engineer
together with registration number,
Professional Tax Receipt (PTR) and Tax Identification Number (TIN);
6. Initial of draftsman; and
7. Date drawn or revised.
Philippine Electrical Code Part 1 2017 Edition
Electrical layout for each floor of the building
shall indicate the location of:
1.Location of lighting outlets.
2.Location of convenience outlets.
3.Location of switches with their corresponding
4.Location of outlets for air conditioning units.
5.Location of telephone, intercom and master
antenna television outlets.
6.Location of service equipment and/or
disconnecting means.
7.Location of service kilo watt hour meter.
Philippine Electrical Code Part 1 2017 Edition
Schedule of loads in tabulated form shall indicate:
1.Motor as numbered or identified in power layout.
2.Type of motor
3.HP/kW/kVA rating
4.Voltage rating
5.Full load current rating
6.Frequency rating
7.Number of phases
Or design analysis where necessary shall be included on the drawings or may be submitted on separate sheets of uniform size paper, shall
allow :
1.Illumination design computations and tabulated lighting levels in lux critical areas in institutional, Industrial recreational & commercial
2. Feed lines and protective devices of motors, electrical equipment and appliances indicating types and ratings.
3. Sizes of branch circuit wires, Feeders and busbars including protective devices.
4. Size and type of service entrance wires, race ways and equipment.
5. Setting / ratings of over current devices.
A ground is an electrical connection which may either be intentional or accidental between an electric circuit or equipment and the earth, or to
some conducting body that serves in place of the earth. The purpose of grounding a circuit is to fix permanently a zero voltage point in the
system. The grounded line of a circuit should not be broken nor fused to maintain a solid and uninterrupted connection to the ground.
Grounding could be accomplished in the following manner:
1.Connection to a buried cold water main.
2. Connection to a rod or group of rods.
3. Connection to a buried ground plate.
Philippine Electrical Code Part 1 2017 Edition
A panelboard is a single panel or group of panel units designed
for assembly in the form of a single
panel. This includes buses, automatic overcurrent protective
devices, and with or without switches for the control of light,
heat or power circuit. It is designed to be placed in a cabinet or
cutout box placed in
or against a wall or partition and accessible only from
the front.
10. Flat
Conductor Cable. This type of cable, type FCC consists of three or
more flat conductors placed edge to edge, separated and enclosed
within an insulating assembly. This used for general purpose, appliance
branch circuits and for individual branch circuits specifically on hard,
smooth, continuous floor surfaces, etc.
a) Conduits
Conduits, pipes or tubings are the most common electrical raceway.
According to the type of materials used, conduit maybe classified as
either metallic such as steel pipes or nonmetallic such as PVC, and
the like. According to its make, conduits maybe classified as: rigid
metal, flexible metal, rigid nonmetal and flexible nonmetal.
b) Connectors
A connector is a metal sleeve usually made of copper that is
slipped over and secured to the butted ends
of conductors in making joint. A connector is also called a splicing
c) Other Raceways
Aside from the conduits and connectors there are still numerous
types and kinds of raceways, among
these are the a) conduit couplings, elbows and other fittings; b)
conduit supports, such as clamps, hangers,etc;
c) cable trays, cablebus; d) metal raceways; e) nonmetal raceways.
Philippine Electrical Code Part 1 2017 Edition
An outlet is a point in the wiring system at which
current is taken to supply utilization equipment. The
kinds of outlets are: convenience outlet or
attachment cap, lighting outlet, and
receptacle outlet.
A location not normally subject to dampness or wetness. A location classified as dry may be temporarily
subject to dampness or wetness, as in the case of a building under construction.
Installations underground or in concrete slabs or masonry in direct contact with the earth, and location
subject to saturation with water or other liquids, such as vehicle washing areas, and locations exposed
to weather and unprotected.