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First Year Syllabus

Department of History

Four-Year B.A. (Honours) Course

Effective from the Session: 2013–2014
Syllabus for Four Year B.A. Honours Course
Subject: History
Session: 2013-2014


Paper Code Paper Title Marks Credits

211503 Introduction to History 100 4
211505 History of Bengal (from earliest times to 1204) 100 4
211507 History of South Asia upto 1526 100 4
211509 Political and Cultural History of Islam upto 1258 100 4
212009 Introducing Sociology 100 4
Introduction to Social Work
211909 Introduction to Political Theory
211501 History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh 100 4
Total = 600 24
Detailed Syllabus

Paper Code:211503 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60

Paper Title: Introduction to History Exam Duration: 4 Hours

1. Meaning and definition of History

a) Origin of the term History;
b) Problems of universal definition, main characteristics, a working definition of history as
‘Res Gestae’ or the record of the past actions of mankind with special reference of the
interaction between man and his environment.

2. Periodization and chronology in history.

a) Pre-history, Proto-history and Historical periods
b) A. D and B. C.; decade, century and millennium.

3. Different branches of history: political, social, economic and culture (including art).
4. Nature of history: different views on the nature of history, history perceived as art, science and
social science, specifie characteristics of history as a branch of knowledge.
5. History and other social sciences: Elementary Approch.
(a) History and Economics (b) History and Political Science (c) History and Sociology (d)
History and Geography (e) History and Science (f) History and Literature (g) History and

6. Historical methods: methods of historical investigation based on available source materials,

classification of historical sources, steps of historical research, search for sources, inference from
sources and synthesis.

7. Historian and his facts: facts and their interpretation, two major components of history and
different views on their relative importance.

8. Causation in history: causation in history as a reflection of the cause-effect relationship of events

in reality, determinism and historical inevitability, chance factors or accidents in history, role of
the individual in history; role of people in history.

9. Some great historians: (a) Ancient period: Herodotus, Kalhana; (b) Medieval period: St.
Augustine, Ziauddin Barani, Ibn Khaldun, Abul Fazal (c) Modern period: Leopold Von Ranke,
Karl Marx, Arnold Toyenbee, Fredirick Engeles

Recommended Books:

1. Collingwood, R.G. : The Idea of History

2. Carr, E. H. : What is History ?
3. Walah, W.H. : An Introduction to the Philosophy of History
4. Marwick, A. : The Nature of History

5. Sreedharan E. : A Textbook of Historiography

6. W. †`jIqvi †nv‡mb : BwZnvm ZË¡
: Kv‡K e‡j BwZnvm (Abyev` †mœ‡nvrcj
7. B. GBP. Kvi (g~j)
`Ë I †mŠwgÎ cvwjZ)

8. ‡gvt kvgmy¾vgvb : BwZnvm I HwZnvwmK

‡gvt AvLZvi“¾vgvb : gymwjg BwZnvmZË¡
10. ggZvRyi ingvb Zid`vi ( ) : BwZnvm I HwZnvwmK

Paper Code: 211505 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60

Paper Title: History of Bengal (from earliest times to 1204) Exam Duration: 4 Hours

1. Geographical features of Bengal: their influence and location-identification of ancient Janapadas.

2. Sources: dearth of literary sources leads to our reliance on epigraphic sources,
copper-plates, and coins.
3. Outline of Bengal history up to the Gupta period: pre-history, evidence from Pandu Rajar Dhibi,
Bengal in classical literature, Mahasthana Brahmi inscription and the evidence of Maurya rule in
4. Gupta rule in Bengal: evidence, the process of Gupta occupation, original home of the Guptas,
Gupta administration in Bengal; importance of Gupta rule.
5. Sasanka: rise to power, expansion of empire, involvement in northern Indian politics, estimate.
6. The rise of the Palas: the period of Matsyanyam, Gopala’s accession to the throne, nature of his
7. Pala rule in Bengal:
A. Period of ascendancy: the reigns of Dharmapala and Devapala, tripartite struggle for the
supremacy over northern India, achievements of Dharmapala and Devapala.
B. Decline and revival: the empire at the accession of Mahipala I, Mahipala I’s achievements
and the extent of his empire, the implication of his Sarnath inscription.
C. The final phase: Mahipala II and the Samanta rebellion of northern Bengal, causes and nature
of the rebellion in the light of the Ramacharitam, Rampala, northern Bengal retrieved.

8. South-East Bengal’s separate political entity: the Devas and the Chandras, the coming of the
Chandras to power; achievements of Srichandra.
9. Sena rule in Bengal: rise under Vijaysena in the light of the Deopara Prasasti, VallalaLsena and
10. Administration in the ancient period : administrative divisions, important officials and their
functions; land administration.

Recommended Books :
1. R. C. Majumdar (ed.) : History of Bengal vol. 1
2. R. C. Majumdar : History of Ancient Bengal
3. A. M. Chowdhury : Dynastic History of Bengal
4. Dilip K. Chakrabarti : Ancient Bangladesh
5. Shahanara Husain : History of Ancient Bengal
6. bxnvibÄb ivq : ev½vjxi BwZnvm Avw` ce©
7. i‡gk P›`ª gRyg`vi : evsjvi BwZnvm, cÖ_g LÛ
8. `x‡bk P›`ª gRyg`vi : cvj-c~e© hy‡Mi eskvbyPwiZ
9. `x‡bk P›`ª gRyg`vi : cvj- †mb hy‡Mi eskvbyPwiZ
10. Gg. G. iwng, Ave`yj gwgb †PŠayix
wmivRyj Bmjvg I
G we Gg gvngy` (m¤úvw`Z) : evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm
11. Ave`yj gwgb †PŠayix : cÖvPxb evsjvi BwZnvm I ms¯‹…wZ
12. ivLvj `vm e‡›`vcva¨vq : evOjvi BwZnvm, cÖ_g LÛ
13. kvnvbviv †nv‡mb : cÖvPxb evsjvi BwZnvm
Paper Code: 211507 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60
Paper Title: History of South Asia upto 1526 Exam Duration: 4 Hours

1. Sources of ancient and medieval Indian history

2. Indus Valley and Vedic civilizations
3. Rise of Buddhism and Jainism
4. Sixteen Mahajanapadas and rise of Magadha
5. Invaring Aelxander and unsequences
6. The Mauryan Empire: sources of Mauryan history, Chandragupta Maurya, Emperor Ashoka,
administrative system.
7. Rise of Kushanas: Emperer Kaniska
8. The Gupta Empire: rise of the Guptas, Chandragupta1, Samudragupta, Chandragupta II
(Vikramaditya of the Legend), the account of Fa-hien, Gupta administration, Gupta civilization,
Golden Age of ancient India.
9. Beginning of Muslim Rule: Conquest of Muhammad Bin Quasem. sultan Mahmud &
Muhammad Ghuri
10. The Delhi Sultanate: The Mamluks Illtutmish, Sultana razia, Ghyasuddin Balban: The
Khaljis- Alanddin Khilji; The Tushlaqs; Firoz and ruhammad Bin Tughlak.

11. The administration economy, society, culture, art and architecture during sultanate period.

Recommended Books:

1. R.E.M. Wheeler : The Indus Civilization

2. H. C. Ray Chowdhury : Political History of Ancient India
3. Provatanshu Maiti : Studies in Ancient India
4. Stenley Lane Poole : Medieval India under Muhammadan Rule

5. S. M. Jaffar : Medieval India.

6. R. C. Majumdar (ed) : Ancient India
7. V. D. Mahajan : Ancient India. :
8. S. N. Sen : Ancient Indian History and Civilization.
9. Ishwari Prasad : History of Medieval India
10. Aziz Ahmed : Early Turkish Empire of Delhi
11. Aga Mahdi Hussain : History of the Tughlaq Dynasty
12. I. H. Qureshi : Administration of the Sultanate of Delhi
13. A.B.M. Habibullah : Foundation of Muslim Rule in India
14. A. L Basham : The Wonder That Was India
15. Avãyj Kwig : fviZxq Dcgnv‡`‡k gymwjg kvmb
16. Ck¦ix cÖmv` : ga¨hMxq fvi‡Zi BwZnvm (myjZvbx
Avgj, 1g LÛ)
(History of Medieval India MÖ‡š’i
17. G. we. Gg. nvweeyjjvn : gymwjg kvm‡bi eywbqv` (Foundation of Muslim Rule in
India MÖ‡š’i
18. mybxj P‡Ævcva¨vq : cÖvPxb fvi‡Zi BwZnvm (cÖ_g LÛ I wØZxX LÛ)
19. nx‡i›`ªbv_ P‡Ævcva¨vq : cÖvPxb fvi‡Zi BwZnvm
Paper Code 211509 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60
Paper Title: Political and Cultural History of Islam up to 1258

1. Per-Islamic Dark Age in Arabia: social, political, economic and religious conditions.
2. Life and activities of the Prophet Mohammad (Sm): foundation of Islam in Arabia, new
society and administration in Madina.
3. The Khilafat: Hazarat Abu Bakar, Hazrat Umar Faruque, Hazrat Uthman and Hazrat Ali;
territorial expansion, politics and society during the Khilafat.
4. The Umayyads
a. Foundation of Umayyad Dynasty
b. Administration of Muawiyah and Abdul Malik
c. Muslim expansion: Walid I and Hajaj-Bin-Yusuf
d. Umar-Bin-Abdul Aziz and the later Umayyad
e. Umayyad administration and Society.
f. Development of science, art and culture
g. Downfall of the Umayyad dynasty
5. The Abbasids
a. Foundation of Abbasid Dynasty
b. Administration of Al-Mansur
c. Khalifa Harun-Al-Rashid and the Golden Age of Baghdad
d. Civil War: Amin and Mamun.
e. The later Abbasids
f. Abbasid administration
g. Social and economic life during the Abbasids
h. Education system, science, art and architecture
i. Downfall of Baghdad

6. The Crusades.

Recommended Books:
1. Syed Amir Ali : History of the Saracens.
2. Syed Amir Ali : The Spirit of Islam.
3. M Kabir : Outlines of Islamic History
4. Joseph Hell : Arab Civilization
5. S. M. Imamudddin : A Political History of Islam
6. B. Lewis : The Arabs in History
7. S. Khuda Baksh : Islamic Civilization, vols. 1 and II.
8. gwdRyjjvn Kwei : gymwjg mf¨Zvi ¯^Y©hyM
9. gwdRyjjvn Kwei : Bmjvg I wLjvdZ
10. ˆmq` Avgxi Avjx : Avie RvwZi BwZnvm (Abyw`Z)
11. ˆmq` Avgxi Avjx : `¨ w¯úwiU Ae Bmjvg (Abyw`Z)
12. wdwjc †K wnwUª : Avie RvwZi BwZnvm (Abyw`Z)
13. †Rv‡md n¨vj : Avie mf¨Zv
14. †kL †gvnv¤§` jyrdi ingvb : Avie RvwZi BwZnvm
15. Gg. Gg. BgvgDwÏb : †¯ú‡b gymjgvb‡`i ivR‰bwZK BwZnvm
16. G. †K. Gg. BqvKze Avjx : gymwjg ¯’vcZ¨ I wkíKjv
17. G. †K. Gg. BqvKze Avjx : Avie RvwZi BwZnvmPP©v
18. †gvt AvKZvi“¾vgvb : gymwjg BwZnvm ZË¡
Paper Code 212009 Marks : 100 Credits : 4 Class Hours : 60
Paper Title Introducing Sociology Exam Duration : 4 Hours
1. Definition, Nature & Scope of Sociology, relationship with other social sciences.
Development of Sociology: Contributions of Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Emile
Durkheim, Max Weber
2. Culture, Beliefs & Values: Norms, sanctions, symbols, language, subculture, counterculture,
hegemony & resistance
3. Globalization, Culture and Society: Globalization and its different dimensions, Cultural
globalization, global culture and social change
4. Urbanization and Social Formation: Definition of urbanization and urbanism, Process of
urbanization in developing societies and social formation, over urbanization, growth of slum &
poverty in mega cities
5. Gender and Society: DisPaper of WID, WAD and GAD, Why gender is important in the
disPaper of development, Gender inequality & women’s subjugation in developing societies.
6. Environmental Problems, Natural Disasters and Social Crisis: Climate change and its
impact on society, Natural disaster, social crisis and vulnerabilities, Climate change,
deforestation and mal-development.
7. Social Inequality: Dimensions of social inequality: Class, gender, age, minority group
(religious and indigenous), economic vulnerability, Social inequalities in developed &
developing countries.
8. Types of societies: Marxist view on classifying societies on the basis of type of control over
economic resources and Lenski’s view on classifying societies by their main means of

9. Deviance & Social Control: Definition of deviance, theories of deviance. Crime & justice
system, agencies of social control.
10. Health, Illness and Society: Nature & scope of the problem, Urbanizations, acute, chronic &
life style diseases, Social, environmental & behavioural factors affecting health,
Communicable & behavioural diseases: STD, HIV/AIDS, TB, Hep-B etc

Giddens Sociology
Tony Bilton et al Introductory Sociology

Paper Code 212111 Marks : 100 Credits : 4 Class Hours : 60

Paper Title Introduction to Social Work Exam Duration : 4 Hours

1. Social Work: Meaning, Characteristics, Scope and Importance Relationship of Social Work with
other Sciences- Sociology, Economics, Psychology and Political Science.
2. Evolution: Evolution of Social Work in UK, USA, India and Bangladesh.
3. Social Reformers and their Movements in Pre-partition India and Bangladesh: Raja Rammohan
Ray, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, A.K Fazlul Haque, Sir Syad Ahmed, Begum Rokeya.
4. Social Legislations Related to Social Security, Women Welfare, Child Welfare.
5. Profession and Social Work: Meaning and Characteristics of Profession, Social Work as
profession, Philosophical, Religions and Ethical Basis of Social Work.
6. Industrial Revolution: Meaning, Impact on Society, Industrialization, Urbanization, Welfare State.
7. Social Problems and Social Services in Bangladesh.
8. Methods of Social Work: Basic and Auxiliary Methods and their Basic Issues such as Meaning,
Elements, Principles and Area of Use. Importance of Social Work Methods in Bangladesh.
Books Recommended:
1. Barker, Robert L. :Social Work Dictionary, 3rd ed. NASW, New York, 1995.
2. Coulshed, Veronica Social Work Practice: An Introduction 2nd ed. London. Macmillan, 1991.
3. Friedlander, Walter A. : Introduction to Social Welfare. Prentice Hall, 2 nd ed. New Delhi-
4. Khalid, M. : Welfare State, Karachi, Royal Book, 1968
5. Morales, A. And Shaefor, B. Social Work – A Profession of many faces, 4 th ed. Allyan and
Bacan, Boston, 1986.

Paper Code 211909 Marks : 100 Credits : 4 Class Hours : 60

Paper Title Introduction to Political Theory Exam Duration : 4 Hours

Political Science : Meaning, Nature, Scope, Methods, Relations to other Social Sciences, Importance
to Study Political Science.
State : Definition, Elements, State and Government, State and Individual, State and Society, Theories
of the origin of the state.
Fundamental concepts : Sovereignty, Law, Liberty, Equality, Rights and Duties, Nation,
Nationalism, Internationalism.
Concepts of Political Sociology : Political culture, elite theory, Max Weber and Bureaucracy
Political Thinkers : Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke
and Rousseau.

Books Recommended :
1. R.G. Gettell : Political Science
2. J. W. Garner : Political Science and Government
3. R. M. MacIver : The Modern State
4. G.H. Sabine : A History of Political Theory
5. William Ebenstein : Great Political Thinkers-Plato to the Present
6. H.G. Laski : A Grammar of Politics
7. gynv¤§` Av‡qk DÏxb : ivóªwPš—v cwiwPwZ
8. GgvRDwÏb Avng` : ga¨hy‡Mi ivóªwPš—v
9. †gvt `i‡ek Avjx Lvb : †c‡Uv I Gwi÷U‡ji ivR‰bwZK wPš—v
10. mi`vi dRjyj Kwig : †c‡Uvi wicvewjK
Paper Code 211501 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60
Paper Title: History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh

¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki Afy¨`‡qi BwZnvm

f~wgKv: ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki Afy¨`‡qi BwZnvm-cwiwa I cwiwPwZ

1| ‡`k I Rb‡Mvwôi cwiPq

K) f~ cÖK…wZi ˆewkó¨ I cÖfve
L) b„ZvwË¡K MVb
M) fvlv
N) ms¯‹…wZi mgš^qevw`Zv I ag©xq mnbkxjZv
O) Awfbœ evsjvi cwi‡cÖw¶‡Z ZrKvjxb c~e©e½ I eZ©gvb evsjv‡`‡ki
¯^Kxq mËv

2| ALÛ ¯^vaxb evsjv ivóª MV‡bi cÖqvm I Dcgnv‡`‡ki wefw³, 1947

K) Jcwb‡ewkK kvmb Avg‡j mv¤cÖ`vwqKZvi D™¢e I we¯Ívi
L) jv‡nvi cÖ¯—ve, 1940
M) ALÛ ¯^vaxb evsjv ivóª MV‡bi D‡`¨vM, 1947 I cwiYwZ
N) cvwK¯Ívb m„wó, 1947

3| cvwK¯—vb: ivóªxq KvVv‡gv I ˆelg¨

K) †K›`ªxq I cÖv‡`wkK KvVv‡gv
L) mvgwiK I †emvgwiK AvgjvZ‡š¿i cÖfve
M) A_©‰bwZK, mvgvwRK I mvs¯‹…wZK ˆelg¨

4| fvlv Av‡›`vjb I evOvwji AvZ¥cwiPq cÖwZôv

K) gymwjg jx‡Mi kvmb I MYZvwš¿K ivRbxwZi msMÖvg
L) AvIqvgx jx‡Mi cÖwZôv, 1949
M) fvlv Av‡›`vjb: cUf~wg I NUbv cÖevn
N) nK-fvmvbx-†mvnivIqv`©xi hy³d«›U, 1954 mv‡ji wbe©vPb I cwiYwZ

5| mvgwiK kvmb: AvBqye Lvb I Bqvwnqv Lv‡bi kvmbvgj (1958-

K) mvgwiK kvm‡bi msÁv I ˆewkó¨
L) AvBqye Lv‡bi ¶gZv `Lj I kvm‡bi ˆewkó¨ (ivR‰bwZK wbcxob,
†gŠwjK MYZš¿, a‡g©i
ivR‰bwZK e¨envi)
M) AvBqye Lv‡bi cZb I Bqvwnqv Lv‡bi kvmb, GK BDwbU wejywßKiY,
mve©Rbxb †fvUvwaKvi, GjGdI (Legal Framework Order)

6| RvZxqZvev‡`i weKvk I ¯^vwaKvi Av‡›`vjb

K) mvs¯‹…wZK AvMÖvm‡bi weiæ‡× cÖwZ‡iva I evOvwj ms¯‹…wZi
L) †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi 6-`dv Av‡›`vjb
M) 6-`dv Av‡›`vj‡bi cÖwZwµqv, ¸iæZ¡ I Zvrch©
N) AvMiZjv gvgjv, 1968
7| 1969-Gi MYAfy¨Ìvb I 11-`dv Av‡›`vjb
K) cUf~wg
L) Av‡›`vj‡bi Kg©m~Px, ¸iæZ¡ I cwiYwZ

8| 1970 Gi wbe©vPb, Amn‡hvM Av‡›`vjb I e½eÜzi ¯^vaxbZv

K) wbe©vP‡bi djvdj Ges Zv †g‡b wb‡Z †K‡›`ªi A¯^xK…wZ
L) Amn‡hvM Av‡›`vjb, e½eÜzi 7B gv‡P©i fvlY, Acv‡ikb mvP©jvBU
M) e½eÜzi ¯^vaxbZv †NvlYv I †MÖdZvi

9| gyw³hy× 1971
K) MYnZ¨v, bvix wbh©vZb, kiYv_©x
L) evsjv‡`k miKvi MVb I ¯^vaxbZvi †NvlYvcÎ
M) ¯^Z:ù‚Z© cÖv_wgK cÖwZ‡iva I msMwVZ cÖwZ‡iva (gyw³‡dŠR,
gyw³evwnbx, †Mwijv I m¤§yL hy×)
N) gyw³hy‡× cÖPvi gva¨g (¯^vaxb evsjv †eZvi †K›`ª, we‡`kx cÖPvi
gva¨g I RbgZ MVb)
O) QvÎ, bvix I mvaviY gvby‡li Ae`vb (MYhy×)
P) gyw³hy‡× e„nrkw³ I gymwjg ivóª mg~‡ni f~wgKv
Q) `Lj`vi evwnbx, kvwšÍKwgwU, Avje`i, Avjkvgm, ivRvKvi evwnbx, ivR
‰bwZK `j I †`kxq
Ab¨vb¨ mn‡hvMx‡`i ¯^vaxbZvwe‡ivax Kg©KvÛ I eyw×Rxex nZ¨v
R) cvwK¯Ív‡b ew›` Ae¯’vq e½eÜzi wePvi I wek¦cÖwZwµqv
S) cÖevmx evOvwj I we‡k¦i wewfbœ †`‡ki bvMwiK mgv‡Ri f~wgKv
T) gyw³hy‡× fvi‡Zi Ae`vb
U) †hŠ_ evwnbx MVb I weRq
V) ¯^vaxbZv msMÖv‡g e½eÜzi †bZ…Z¡ Ges Ae`vb

10| e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi kvmbKvj, 1972-1975

K) ¯^‡`k cÖZ¨veZ©b
L) msweavb cÖYqb
M) hy× weaŸ¯Í †`k cybM©Vb
N) mcwiev‡i e½eÜz nZ¨v I Av`wk©K cUcwieZ©b

History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh

Introduction: Scope and description of the emergence of Independent Bangladesh.

1. Description of the country and its people.

a. Geographical features and their influence.
b. Ethnic composition.
c. Language.
d. Cultural syncretism and religious tolerance.
e. Distinctive identity of Bangladesh in the context of undivided Bangladesh.

2. Proposal for undivided sovereign Bengal and the partition of the Sub Continent, 1947.
a. Rise of communalism under the colonial rule,
b. Lahore Resolution 1940.
c. The proposal of Suhrawardi and Sarat Bose for undivided Bengal : consequences
d. The creation of Pakistan 1947.

3. Pakistan: Structure of the state and disparity.

a. Central and provincial structure.
b. Influence of Military and Civil bureaucracy.
C. Economic, social and cultural disparity

4. Language Movement and quest for Bengali identity

a. Misrule by Muslim League and Struggle for democratic politics.
b. Foundation of Awami league, 1949
c. The Language Movement: context and phases.
d. United front of Haque – Vasani – Suhrawardi: election of 1954, consequences.

5. Military rule: the regimes of Ayub Khan and Yahia Khan (1958-1971)
a. Definition of military rules and its characteristics.
b. Ayub Khan’s rise to power and characteristics of his rule (Political repression, Basic
democracy, Islamisation)
c. Fall of Ayub Khan and Yahia Khan’s rule (Abolition of one unit, universal suffrage, the Legal
Framework Order)

6. Rise of nationalism and the Movement for self determination.

a. Resistance against cultura l aggression and resurgence of Bengali culture.
b. The six point movement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
c. Reactions; Importance and significance of the six Point movement.
d. The Agortola Case1968.

7. The mass-upsurge of 1969 and 11 point movement:

a. background
b. programme significance and consequences.

8. Election of 1970 Non-cooperation movement of March 1971 and the Declaration of

Independence by Bangabondhu
a. Election result and centres refusal to comply
b. The non co-operation movement, the 7 th March Address of Bangabondhu, Operation
c. Declaration of Independence by Bangobondhu and his arrest

9. The war of Liberation 1971

a. Genocide, repression of women, refugees
b. Formation of Bangladesh government and proclamation of Independence
c. The spontaneous early resistance and subsequent organized resistance (Mukti
Fouz, Mukti Bahini, guerillas and the frontal warfare)
d. Publicity Campaign in the war of Liberation (Shadhin Bangla Betar Kendra, the
Campaigns abroad and formation of public opinion)
e. Contribution of students, women and the masses (Peoples war)
f. The role of super powers and the Muslim states in the Liberation war.
g. The Anti-liberation activities of the occupation army, the Peace Committee, Al- Badar, Al-
Shams, Rajakars, pro Pakistan political parties and Pakistani Collaborators, killing of the
h. Trial of Bangabondhu and reaction of the World Community.
i. The contribution of India in the Liberation War
j. Formation of joint command and the Victory
k. The overall contribution of Bangabondhu and his leadership in the Independence struggle.

10. The Bangabondhu Regime 1972-1975

a. Homecoming
b. Making of the constitution
c. Reconstruction of the war ravaged country
d. The murder of Bangabondhu and his family and the ideological turn-around.
mnvqK MÖš’
1. bxnvi iÄb ivq, evOvjxi BwZnvm, †`Õ R cvewjwks, KjKvZv 1402 mvj|
2. mvjvn& DwÏb Avn‡g` I Ab¨vb¨ (m¤úvw`Z), evsjv‡`‡ki gyw³
msMÖv‡gi BwZnvm 1947-1971, AvMvgx cÖKvkbx, XvKv 2002|
3. wmivRyj Bmjvg (m¤úvw`Z), evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm 1704-1971, 3 LÛ,
GwkqvwUK †mvmvBwU Ae evsjv‡`k, XvKv 1992|
4. W. nviæb-Ai-iwk`, evsjv‡`k: ivRbxwZ, miKvi I kvmbZvwš¿K Dbœqb
1757-2000, wbD GR cvewj‡KkÝ, XvKv 2001|
5. W. nviæb-Ai-iwk`, evOvwji ivóªwPš—v I ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki Af~¨`q,
AvMvgx cÖKvkbx, XvKv 2003|
6. W. nviæb-Ai-iwk`, e½eÜzi Amgvß AvZ¥Rxebx cybcv©V, w`
BDwbfvwm©wU †cÖm wjwg‡UW, XvKv 2013|
7. W. AvZdzj nvB wkejx I W.†gvt gvneyei ingvb, evsjv‡`‡ki
mvsweavwbK BwZnvm 1773-1972, m~eY© cÖKvkb, XvKv 2013|
8. gybZvwmi gvgyb I RqšÍ Kzgvi ivq, evsjv‡`‡ki wmwfj mgvR cÖwZôvi
msMÖvg, Aemi, XvKv 2006|
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