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Writ 1

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School of Management

Module Code Module Title
MBA7000 People and Organisations

Academic Year Semester

2022/3 Two

Module Leader email

[email protected]

Assessment Details……………………………………………….2
Submission Details………………………………………………..4
Assessment Criteria……………………………………………….6
Further Information ………………………………………………13
Who can answer questions about my assessment?......13
Submission problems………………………………………..13
Unfair academic practice…………………………………….14
How is my work graded?....................................................14
Assessment Details
Assessment title Abr. Weighting
Academic Report WRIT1 30%

Pass mark is 50% for postgraduate work.

Task/assessment brief:
This assessment has two questions – you MUST answer both questions.

Question 1: Undertake a PESTLE analysis of the drivers for change at the Spanish company, Hotels
Viva, during the period 2019 to 2021. [https://www.hotelsviva.com/en/about-viva/]

I. Give an introduction which shows what type of company it is, how big it is, the sector in which it
operates, its business classification and ownership. (max 150 words).

II. Provide a detailed PESTLE table showing each element with a series of detailed bullet points
identifying issues specifically relevant to Hotels Viva and the business context in which it
Please note: The PESTLE table is NOT included in the word count.

III. Select what you consider have been the two most important drivers for change in the period 2019
to 2021. Write approx. 250 words (125 on each driver) explaining why you consider these to be
significant. You should try to underpin your written discussion with reference to academic theory,
both about the PESTLE model AND about its importance in understanding change. This answer
is worth 35 marks. You should therefore be sure that you understand and can apply the PESTLE
model. (Learning Outcome(s) satisfied: 2 and 3)

Question 2: Choose ONE of the following academic models for organisational change.

I. The ADKAR Model (Hiatt, 1996)

II. The McKinsey’s 7S process for change (Peters and Waterman, 1982)
III. Kotter’s 8-Step Model for Accelerating Change (2014).

You should NOT describe the model but can provide diagrams or images showing how it works.
(Any images or diagrams use must cite the original source of the image). You must include a
range of academic opinions from other academic authors on the advantages, disadvantages and
appropriateness of each model in different types of circumstance and identifying the implications

for managers and HR staff whilst implementing change using this model.

IV. You should write approximately 800 words. This answer is worth 65 marks and you should
therefore conduct in-depth academic research into your chosen model, using MetSearch or
Google Scholar ONLY to show how the model has been applied in different types of organisations
and to what degree of success. (Learning Outcome(s) satisfied: 1, 2 and 3)

Students are instructed to use only reliable academic sources found via MetSearch, or
Google Scholar, to support their answers.

`Word count (or equivalent): 1200 +/- 10%

This a reflection of the effort required for the assessment. Word counts will normally include any tables,
charts, calculations, subtitles and citations. Reference lists are excluded from the word count.

Please read Pages 3 & 4

Remember that to earn good grades at Masters’ level, each answer fulfils the following criteria from
Bloom et al’s Taxonomy of Learning (1956). You should start at the bottom step.

Source: https://tips.uark.edu

Submission Details
Submission Estimated Feedback
03rd March 2023 20 working days later
Deadline: Return Date

Submission By 5.00pm on the

Time: deadline day.

Moodle/Turnitin: Any assessments submitted after the deadline will not be marked and will be
recorded as a non-attempt unless you have had an extension request agreed
or have approved mitigating circumstances. See the School Moodle pages for
more information on extensions and mitigating circumstances.

File Format: The assessment must be submitted as a pdf document (save the document as
a pdf in your software) and submit through the Turnitin submission point in
Moodle. Please make sure you save the file in the following format: [your
student number] e.g. ST12345678 Exam 1.docx or.pdf so that Turnitin can

accept your work. If you use a different file format, Turnitin will be unable to
process it and you will receive a non-Attempt mark of zero.

When writing your assessment, it should be titled with your:

student ID number MBA7000 Writ 1

e.g. st12345678

These details should be on a single page at the front of your assignment,

followed by a contents page, then your answers.

Start each answer on a new page. Use size 12 text (Arial or Calibri) and
DOUBLE-LINE SPACING so that we can insert our marking comments without
overtyping your work.

The report should conclude with a Reference List, identifying every individual
source you have used, in Harvard format. Tables, charts and diagrams should
be referenced in-text.

You are expected to check your Turnitin similarity score, by opening your
Turnitin electronic receipt, clicking on the overall similarity number, and
checking that each individual match is of 2% or less. If you have matches of
more than 2% this is an indication that you have not properly referenced the
original source of the information (plagiarism) or not properly formatted a
quotation This is plagiarism. You are expected to address these issues
before the final submission deadline and students who choose not to do
so risk being reported for Academic Unfair Practice.

Feedback Feedback for the assessment will be provided electronically via Moodle.
Feedback will be provided with comments on your strengths and the areas
which you can improve. View the guidance on how to access your feedback.

All marks are provisional and are subject to quality assurance processes and
confirmation at the programme Examination Board.

Assessment Criteria
Learning outcomes assessed
1. Critically analyse key theoretical approaches to the management of change with reference to
structure, culture, conflict and managing self

2. Critically examine organisational behaviour in a variety of contexts and develop discussion based
on complex scenarios and the changing external environment

3. Develop, explore, and critique human resource management approaches in these contexts with
reference to contemporary theory and an understanding of current practice

Other skills/attributes developed

This includes elements of the Cardiff Met EDGE (Ethical, Digital, Global and Entrepreneurial skills) and
other attributes developed in students through the completion of the module and assessment. These will
also be highlighted in the module guidance, which should be read by all students completing the module.
Assessments are not just a way of auditing student knowledge. They are a process which provides
additional learning and development through the preparation for and completion of the assessment.

 Ethical: Understanding the importance of correctly attributing the work of others – through
citations, quotations and correctly formatted reference lists. Avoiding plagiarism, copying and
pasting of ideas or images.

 Digital: Using MetSearch and the University’s website as the sole sources of academic and
company research, thus navigating your way around different IT systems and databases, whilst
also ensuring that your research comes from reliable business and academic sources (ethical).

 Global: Understanding that UK assessments at Masters’ level, may be very different in format,
and the way they are marked, from that which you have experienced in your home country
previously. Making sure that you adapt to the UK methodology and asking for help and support
from the International Office study skills support team as required.

 Learning from Feedback: This assignment is deliberately worth only 30% of the total grade for the
module. It is also deliberately set in week 6, so that there is time for you to receive your mark, and
more importantly your feedback, well before you attempt the exam. Your tutor’s feedback is a
very valuable and important part of this process, since it will explain what you have done well, or
according to the assignment brief, and also point out where you could have earned more marks,
or what you have not done so well and how to improve.

Marking/Assessment Criteria – see overleaf

To achieve a Pass: IMPORTANT: Please also refer to the Generic Level 7 Band Descriptors which can be found in Cardiff Metropolitan
University’s Academic Handbook 2021/22 – Volume 1 – 04.3 – Guidance on Assessment Marking, Table E: Generic Band Descriptors, and in
Module Essentials for this Moodle module. Students must satisfy themselves as to the assessment criteria and academic standards required to
achieve certain marks as outlined above. It is the student’s responsibility to seek clarification on any of these matters prior to submitting their

Element 90- 100% Worthy of 80-89% 70 -79% 60 – 69% 50-59%

Publication Excellent Very Good Good Threshold
Question The student demonstrated The student demonstrated The student demonstrated The student demonstrated The student demonstrated
1: 35 outstanding evidence of: excellent evidence of: very good evidence of: good evidence of satisfactory evidence of:

 Identifying key facts
available  Identifying key facts about the names  Identifying key facts  Identifying key facts  Identifying key facts about
about the names company – such as size, about the names about the names the names company – such
company – such as size, ownership, sector, company – such as size, company – such as size, as size, ownership, sector,
ownership, sector, classification. (5 marks) ownership, sector, ownership, sector, classification. (5 marks)
classification. (5 marks) classification. (5 marks) classification. (5 marks)
 Understanding and  Understanding and
 Understanding and explaining the PESTEL  Understanding and  Understanding and explaining the PESTEL
explaining the PESTEL model and its application explaining the PESTEL explaining the PESTEL model and its application in
model and its in identifying drivers for model and its application model and its identifying drivers for change
application in identifying change. (15 marks) in identifying drivers for application in identifying (15 marks)
drivers for change. (15 change. (15 marks) drivers for change. (15
marks)  Use of relevant and marks)
appropriate academic or  Use of relevant and
 Use of relevant and professional opinions to  Use of relevant and  Use of relevant and appropriate academic or
appropriate academic or underpin their answer. appropriate academic or appropriate academic or professional opinions to
professional opinions to (10 marks) professional opinions to professional opinions to underpin their answer. (10
underpin their answer. underpin their answer. underpin their answer. marks)
(10 Marks)  Using fully correct (10 marks) (10 marks)
Harvard reference  Using Harvard reference
 Using fully correct format for in-text  Using fully correct  Using correct Harvard format for in-text citations
Harvard reference citations and in Harvard reference format reference format for in- and in reference list with no
format for in-text reference list with no for in-text citations and in text citations and in individual similarity matches
citations and in individual similarity reference list with no reference list with no above 2% and only minor
reference list with no matches above 2%. ((5 individual similarity individual similarity errors. (5 marks)
individual similarity marks) matches above 2%. (5 matches above 2%.(5
matches above 2%. (5 marks) marks)
Question The student  The student The student demonstrated The student demonstrated The student demonstrated
2: 65 demonstrated demonstrated very good evidence of: good evidence of satisfactory evidence of:
outstanding evidence of: excellent evidence of:
 Critical evaluation of the  Critical evaluation of the
available  Critical evaluation of the  Critical evaluation of specified model of specified model of  Critical evaluation of the
specified model of the specified model of change management. change management. specified model of change
change management. change management. (25 marks) (25 marks) management. (25 marks)
(25 marks) (25 marks)
 Use of a range of  Use of a range of  Use of a range of contrasting
 Use of a range of  Use of a range of contrasting academic contrasting academic academic viewpoints in
contrasting academic contrasting academic viewpoints in relation to viewpoints in relation to relation to this model.(15
viewpoints in relation to viewpoints in relation to this model.(15 marks) this model.(15 marks) marks)
this model.(15 marks) this model.(15 marks)
 Identifying the  Identifying the  Identifying the implications
 Identifying the  Identifying the implications for implications for for managers and HR staff
implications for implications for managers and HR staff managers and HR whilst implementing
managers and HR managers and HR whilst implementing staff whilst change using this model.
staff whilst staff whilst change using this implementing change (10 marks)
implementing change implementing model. using this model.
using this model. change using this (10 marks) (10 marks)  Use of relevant diagrams,
(10 marks) model. charts and/or tables to
(10 marks)  Use of relevant  Use of relevant illustrate their answer.
 Use of relevant diagrams, charts and/or diagrams, charts and/or (5 marks)
diagrams, charts and/or Using fully correct tables to illustrate their tables to illustrate their
tables to illustrate their Harvard reference format answer. (5 marks) answer. (5 marks) Using Harvard reference
answer. (5 marks) for in-text citations and in format for in-text citations
reference list with no Using fully correct Using correct Harvard and in reference list with no
 Using fully correct individual similarity Harvard reference reference format for in- individual similarity matches
Harvard reference matches above 2%. (10 format for in-text text citations and in above 2% and only minor
format for in-text marks) citations and in reference list with no errors. (10 marks)

citations and in reference list with no individual similarity
reference list with no individual similarity matches above 2%. (10
individual similarity matches above 2%. (10 marks)
matches above 2%. marks)
(10 marks)
40 to 49% 20 to 39% 1-19%
Work which fails: Not met some Learning Not met many learning No learning outcomes met in full
Outcomes outcomes
1. Question One – The student demonstrated limited or The student demonstrated very limited The student demonstrated little or no evidence of:
35 marks inconsistent evidence of: evidence of:
 Identifying key facts about the names
 Identifying key facts about the  Identifying key facts about the company – such as size, ownership,
names company – such as names company – such as size, sector, classification
size, ownership, sector, ownership, sector, classification
classification   Understanding and explaining the
Understanding and explaining the PESTEL model and its application in
 Understanding and explaining PESTEL model and its application identifying drivers for change.
the PESTEL model and its in identifying drivers for change.
application in identifying  Use of relevant and appropriate
drivers for change.  Use of relevant and appropriate academic or professional opinions to
academic or professional opinions underpin their answer
 Use of relevant and to underpin their answer. .
appropriate academic or  Ability to utilise Harvard format for in-text
professional opinions and  Ability to utilise Harvard format citations and in reference list and/or the
theories to underpin their for in-text citations and in student is unable to paraphrase or
answer. reference list and/or the student significantly plagiarised the work of
is unable to paraphrase or has others.
 Ability to utilise Harvard format heavily plagiarised the work of
for in-text citations and in others.
reference list and/or the
student is unable to
paraphrase or has plagiarised
the work of others.

Question 2: 65 The student demonstrated limited or The student demonstrated very limited The student demonstrated little or no evidence of:
marks available inconsistent evidence of: evidence of:

 Use of relevant diagrams, charts and/or
 Use of relevant diagrams,  Use of relevant diagrams, charts tables to illustrate their answer.
charts and/or tables to and/or tables to illustrate their  Critical evaluation of the specified
illustrate their answer. answer. models of change management.

 Critical evaluation of the  Critical evaluation of the  Use of a range of contrasting academic
specified models of change specified models of change viewpoints in relation to this model
management. management.  Identifying the implications for
managers and HR staff whilst
 Use of a range of contrasting  Use of a range of contrasting implementing change using this
academic viewpoints in academic viewpoints in relation model.
relation to this model to this model
 Identifying the implications  Identifying the implications for  Ability to utilise Harvard format for in-text
for managers and HR staff managers and HR staff whilst citations and in reference list and/or the
whilst implementing change implementing change using student is unable to paraphrase or has
using this model. this model. significantly plagiarised the work of
(10 marks) others.

 Ability to utilise Harvard format  Ability to utilise Harvard format

for in-text citations and in for in-text citations and in
reference list and/or the reference list and/or the student
student is unable to is unable to paraphrase or has
paraphrase or has plagiarised heavily plagiarised the work of
the work of others. others.

Assignments which Fail to meet the 40 to 49% 20 to 39% 1 to 19%

standard required for Master’s Study: Marks between 45 and Work falls well below Work is very
49% might indicate a Masters’ standard. poor/incomplete and/or
narrow fail. irrelevant and demonstrates
There is uneven a serious lack of
May have partially met
attainment. comprehension.
one or two learning
Marks below 45% outcomes. Students may have
indicate a clear fail - misunderstood or
some learning outcomes Many assessment misinterpreted the set task.
not met. criteria are not

addressed. No learning outcomes are
Some assessment met in full although there
criteria not addressed. may be minimal attainment
in relation to one or two.

Who can answer questions about my assessment?

Questions about the assessment should be raised during your weekly seminar sessions – ask
your Seminar Tutor. Failing that, you can contact your Module Leader, Dr Florence Kode, the staff
member who has set the task/assessment brief. She will be happy to answer those queries which
your seminar tutor is unable to address.

Staff members can often provide feedback on an assignment plan but cannot review any drafts of
your work prior to submission.

Referencing and independent learning

Please ensure you reference a range of credible ACADEMIC sources, with due attention to the
academic literature in the area. Every week, on Moodle, you will be given links to the relevant
academic reading, but the time you spend on wider research and reading from good quality
sources will be reflected in the quality of your submitted work.

Please do not use random websites or blogs such as Tutor2U, MBASkool, MindTools, Business
Balls, SlideShare. Students are reminded that the use of ‘essay mills’ such as UKEssays.com
constitutes Academic Unfair Practice for which there are serious consequences.

Remember that what you get out of university depends on what you put in. Your teaching sessions
typically represent between 10% and 30% of the time you are expected to study for your degree. A
20-credit module represents 200 hours of study time. The rest of your time should be taken up by
self-directed study.

You must use the HARVARD referencing system. Further guidance on referencing can be found
in the Study Smart area on Moodle and at www.citethemrightonline.com (use your university login
details to access the site). Correct referencing is an easy way to improve your marks and essential
in achieving higher grades on most assessments.

Technical submission problems

It is strongly advised that you submit your work at least 24 hours before the deadline to allow time
to resolve any last minute problems you might have. If you are having issues with IT or Turnitin
you should contact the IT Helpdesk on (+44) 2920 417000. You may require evidence of the
Helpdesk call if you are trying to demonstrate that a fault with Moodle or Turnitin was the cause of
a late submission. Our Mitigating Circumstances procedure below does NOT include IT failures,
so all students are advised to save their work on One Drive, so that it can be accessed from any
device – thus if your laptop fails, or a memory stick corrupts, you can still access and upload your
assignment before the deadline.

Extensions and mitigating circumstances

Short extensions on assessment deadlines can be requested in specific circumstances. If you are
encountering particular hardship which has been affecting your studies, then you may be able to
apply for mitigating circumstances. This can give the teachers on your programme more scope to
adapt the assessment requirements to support your needs. Extensions and mitigating
circumstances policies and procedures are regularly updated. You should refer to your degree
programme or school Moodle pages for information on extensions and mitigating circumstances,
or contact your Personal Academic Tutor, or Cohort Leader.

Unfair academic practice

Cardiff Met takes issues of unfair practice extremely seriously. The University has procedures
and penalties for dealing with unfair academic practice. We also use very good plagiarism
detection software, which will indicate where students have copied. Our Unfair Practice
procedures are explained in full in the University's Unfair Practice regulations and procedures
under Volume 1, Section 8 of the Academic Handbook. The Module Leader reserves the right to
interview students regarding any aspect of their work submitted for assessment.

Types of Unfair Practice, include:

Plagiarism, which can be defined as using without acknowledgement another person’s words or
ideas and submitting them for assessment as though it were one’s own work, for instance by
copying, translating from one language to another or unacknowledged paraphrasing. Further
examples include:
 Use of any quotation(s) from the published or unpublished work of other persons, whether
published in textbooks, articles, the Web, or in any other format, where quotations have not
been clearly identified as such by being placed in ‘quotation marks’ and the author’s name and
date of publication cited.
 Use of another person’s words or ideas that have been slightly changed or paraphrased to
make it look different from the original work
 Summarising another person’s ideas, judgments, diagrams, figures, or computer programmes
without reference to that person in the text and the source in a bibliography/reference list.
 Use of assessment writing services, essay banks and/or any other similar agencies (NB.
Students are commonly being blackmailed after using essay mills).
 Use of unacknowledged material downloaded from the Internet.
 Re-use of one’s own material except as authorised by your degree programme.
Collusion, which can be defined as when work that that has been undertaken with others is
submitted and passed off as solely the work of one person.

Fabrication of data, making false claims to have carried out experiments, observations,
interviews or other forms of data collection and analysis, or acting dishonestly in any other way.

How is my work graded?

Assessment grading is subject to thorough quality control processes. You can view a summary of
these processes on the Assessment Explained Infographic.

Grading of work at each level of Cardiff Met degree courses is benchmarked against a set of
general requirements set out in Volume 1, Section 4.3 of our Academic Handbook. A simplified
version of these Grade Band Descriptors (GBDs) with short videos explaining some of the
academic terminology used can be accessed via the Facilitation of Learning resource page.

We would strongly recommend looking at the Study Smart area of Moodle to find out more about
assessments and key academic skills which can have a significant impact on your grades. Always
check your work thoroughly before submission.


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