ISLe375 30

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272kW@2200rpm Automotive

Engine Performance Data Sheet L375 30 FR: 93033 Page 1
CPL code: 3357
data: 2012/11/29 Version 01
Cylinders: 6 Bore: 114mm Stroke: 144.5mm
Compressions Ratio: 16.6:1 Displacement: 8.9L Emission Certification: NS3
Engine Configuration: D563006BX03 Fuel System:Wei Fu PH Pump Aspiration:Turbocharged&Charge Air Cooled

Torque rpm N.m
800 1000
900 1150
1400 1000 1300
1100 1349
1200 1200 1384
1300 1420

1000 1400 1420

1500 1398
1600 1373
600 1700 1345
1800 1319
400 1900 1292
2000 1255
2100 1225
0 2200 1180
800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
Engine Speed(rpm)

rpm kW
800 84
900 108
1000 136
250 1100 155
1200 174
1300 193
1400 208

1500 220
150 1600 230
1700 239
100 1800 249
1900 257
148 2000 263
2100 269
38 2200 272
800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
Engine Speed(rpm)

Performance data is at standard engine test conditions of 25degC turbo air inlet temperature,100kPa barometric pressure
and coolant 50/50 Ethylene Glyco/Water by volume.
All data is based on the engine operating with fuel system,water pump with inlet and exhaust restriction at or below
Datasheet limits.Not included are air compressorfan and alternator.
All data within ±5%

CUMMINS engine ISLe 375 30

272kW@2200rpm Automotive
Engine Performance Data Sheet L375 30 FR: 93033 Page 2
CPL code: 3357
data: 2012/11/29 Version 01
Cylinders: 6 Bore: 114mm Stroke: 144.5mm
Compressions Ratio: 16.6:1 Displacement: 8.9L Emission Certification: NS3
Engine Configuration: D563006BX03 Fuel System:Wei Fu PH Pump Aspiration:Turbocharged&Charge Air Cooled

General Performance Data

Low idle speed: 700 rpm
Maximum no load speed: 2500 rpm
Maximum overspeed capability(15sec max): 3500 rpm
Clutch engagement torque at 800 rpm: 1030 N.m
Maximum altitude for continuous operation: 2000 m

Air Intake System

Maximum temperature rise between ambient air and engine air inlet: 15 deg C

Exhaust Sytem
Maximum back pressure imposed by complete exhaust system: 10 kPa

Cooling System
Maximum coolant temperature(engine out)with 100kPa pressur cap: 110 deg C
Maximum coolant pressure(exclusive of pressure cap;closed thermostat): 290 kPa
Maximum temperature rise between ambient air and intake manifold: 30 deg C
Max. DP between turbo out and manifold in: 13.5 kPa
Maximum coolant temperature for engine protection controls: N/A deg C
Maximum coolant flow to accessories: 56 L/min
Refer to AEB21.52 fr territory related cooling standard

Performance data
Parameter Advertised Power Cooling Checkpoint Peak Torque
Engine Speed(rpm) 2200 1400
Output Power(kW) 272 208
Torque(N.m) 1180 1420
Inlet air flow(L/s) 356 235
Charge air flow(kg/min) 25 17
Exhaust gas flow(L/s) 941 629
Exhaust gas temperature(deg C) 515 525
Heat rejection to coolant(kW) 120 74
Radiator coolant flow(L/min) 280 175
Heat rejection to charge air cooler(kW) 75 34
Turbo Comp.Outlet Pressure(kPa) 180 140
Turbo Comp.Outlet
147 135
Temperature(deg C)
Fuel Consumption(kg/hr) 62 40

Performance data is at standard engine test conditions of 25degC turbo air inlet temperature,100kPa barometric pressure
and coolant 50/50 Ethylene Glyco/Water by volume.
All data is based on the engine operating with fuel system,water pump with inlet and exhaust restriction at or below
Datasheet limits.Not included are air compressorfan and alternator.
All data within ±5%

CUMMINS engine ISLe 375 30

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