Oxford Thinkers 1 Evaluation Material and Test Notes

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Evaluation Contents

Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
End of Term 1
End of Term 2
End of Term 3
End of Year
Editable Tests
Evaluation overview 1
Tests Teacher’s Notes and Answer Keys 2
Marking grids 20
iGradebook please see Excel® file
Portfolio overview 24
‘I can …’ cards 25
‘I can …’ grids 26
Vocabulary records
Starter unit 27
Unit 1 28
Unit 2 29
Unit 3 30
Unit 4 31
Unit 5 32
Unit 6 33
Unit 7 34
Unit 8 35
Unit 9 36
Course certificate 37

i Oxford Thinkers 1

Oxford Thinkers

Evaluation overview
Welcome to the evaluation section of Oxford Thinkers 1. To use the iGradebook, simply follow these steps:
This section contains material that will help you to 1 First, enter the names of all the students in your
evaluate what your students have learned. class in the Student Name column on the Class
It is divided into three parts: Overview sheet. Your students’ names will then
• formative and summative evaluation automatically appear in the other sheets in the
• self-evaluation and suggestions for using the iGradebook.
2 Click on the relevant sheet Tests sheet and input the
English Portfolio with Oxford Thinkers
mark for each student (maximum marks are always
provided for reference). The total mark and class
Formative and summative evaluation
averages will be automatically generated.
From the beginning of Primary education, evaluation
3 Return to the Class overview sheet, and you will be
should be integrated into the teaching–learning
able to view at a glance the whole class’s marks (as
process, combining formative assessment with more
well as automatically generated percentages) as
formal summative evaluation. A proper evaluation
entered in each of the relevant sheets.
requires observation and measuring tools, which
combine to give both information about the students
and an assessment of the evaluation process. As part
Self-evaluation is a key part of the learning process
of this process, we need to take into consideration the
and of the development of autonomous learning
development of the students’ own self-evaluation.
skills. It is important that the students realize that
In terms of summative evaluation, there is an when they are evaluating themselves you are not
extensive range of tests, along with answers, testing them; instead, self-evaluation should be
transcripts and marking schemes. There are nine unit viewed as a key motivating factor, encouraging the
tests, three end of term tests and one end of year test. students to think about their learning and to take
In terms of summative evaluation, there is an ownership of their language learning. Lesson 10 of
extensive range of tests in Oxford Thinkers which each Class Book unit gently introduces the students
target the language of the course and the types of to the concept of self-evaluation. In these lessons, the
activities that the students usually do. You will find students review the unit and remember what they
the transcripts, marking scheme and answers to all have learned. They colour Norman with the colour
activities in the pages that follow. There are nine unit that they think best reflects their work throughout
tests, three end of term tests and one end of year test. that unit. In this way, they are able to keep a record of
The tests are provided both as PDFs and as editable their own progress.
Word documents. These can contribute to the creation of an ‘English
In addition, marking grids are provided so that you Portfolio’ by students.
may easily record test results and keep a record
of each student’s strengths and / or areas for English Language Portfolio
improvement throughout the year. As a method of self-evaluation and a source of
motivation for the students, we have included several
iGradebook photocopiable pages for the development of a Oxford
The iGradebook provided is an easy-to-use Excel® Thinkers Portfolio, personalized for each student.
spreadsheet, which allows you to transfer your
students’ marks from the Tests marking grids into
a useful digital format. The spreadsheet allows you
to not only quickly access each student’s individual
grades, but the helpful Class Overview sheet also
allows you to view your whole class’s marks at a

1 Oxford Thinkers 1
Unit 1 Test
1 Listen and number. e 174 5 Write sentences.
Students listen to the audio and number items they hear. Students look at the pictures and write sentences using the
There are five items to number. pictures given.
1 It’s a rubber. ANSWERS
2 It’s a pen. 1 (example) I haven’t got a pen.
3 It’s a pencil sharpener. 2 I’ve got a book.
4 It’s a ruler. 3 I’ve got a poster.
5 It’s a pencil. 4 I haven’t got a bag.
ANSWERS 5 I haven’t got a pencil case.
1 rubber  ​2 pen  ​3 pencil sharpener   ​4 ruler  ​ 6 I’ve got a rubber.
5 pencil MARKS (WRITING)
MARKS (LISTENING) 10 marks. Two marks for each grammatically correct answer.
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
6 Look and answer.
2 Listen and number. e 175 Write the words. Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
Students listen to the audio and number the pictures in the quietly. Point to each picture and ask What’s this? You may
order they hear them mentioned. They then write the words. jumble the order of the pictures. Accept any sensible and
1 It’s a cupboard. grammatically correct answers.
2 It’s a desk. ANSWERS
3 It’s a poster. 1 It’s a bin.
4 It’s a bin. 2 It’s a board.
5 It’s a window. 3 It’s a poster.
ANSWERS 4 It’s a door.
1 b, cupboard   ​2 a, desk   ​3 c, poster   ​4 e, bin   ​ 5 It’s a cupboard.
5 d, window MARKS (SPEAKING)
MARKS (LISTENING) 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer. One mark
for writing the correct number. One mark for writing the 7 Look and make sentences.
correct word. Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
quietly. Ask the student to make five sentences about the
3 Read and unscramble the letters. Write the words. picture. Below are some possible answers, but any five
Students look at the anagrams and unscramble the letters. correct sentences about the picture can be accepted.
They write the words in the spaces provided. Encourage them to use I’ve got / I haven’t got … by asking
Have you got a bag / book / ruler / pencil case / pencil
1 door  ​2 bin  ​3 window  ​4 board  ​5 desk sharpener / rubber / pencil?. Award marks for correct grammar
and pronunciation.
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
1 (example) Yes, I’ve got a bag.
4 Read and write yes or no. 2 No, I haven’t got a book.
3 Yes, I’ve got a ruler.
Students look at the pictures. They read the sentences and
4 Yes, I’ve got a pencil case.
write yes or no.
5 No, I haven’t got a pencil sharpener.
ANSWERS 6 No, I haven’t got a rubber.
1 yes  ​2 yes  ​3 no  ​4 no  ​5 yes 7 Yes, I’ve got a pencil.
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer. 10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer. One mark for a
grammatically correct answer given as a sentence. One mark
for correct pronunciation.

2 Oxford Thinkers 1
Unit 2 Test
1 Listen and circle yes or no. e 176 MARKS (READING)
Students listen to the audio and look at the pictures. They 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
circle yes if the picture is correct according to the audio, and
no if it isn’t. 5 Look and write sentences.
1 Students write five sentences about the picture as if they
Girl Look at my photos, Jack. This is me with my grandpa. were the boy holding the photograph. Accept any five
2 correct answers, some possible answers are given below.
Boy And who’s this? POSSIBLE ANSWERS
Girl This is my brother. His name’s Paul. 1 (example) This is my grandma.
3 2 (example) She’s old.
Boy Who’s this? 3 This is my mum.
Girl This is my auntie. She’s my dad’s sister. 4 She’s pretty.
4 5 This is my brother.
Boy Who’s this? 6 He’s short.
Girl This is my sister. She’s eleven. 7 This is my sister.
5 8 She’s young.
Boy Who’s this? 9 This is my dad.
Girl This is my mum. 10 He’s tall.
1 yes  ​2 no  ​3 yes  ​4 no  ​5 yes 10 marks. Two marks for each grammatically correct answer.
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer. 6 Look and answer.
Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
2 Listen and write a, b or c. e 177 Write the words. quietly. Point to a person in the picture and ask Who’s this?
Students listen to the audio and decide which person Point to five people in total. You may jumble up the order if
pictured, is being described. They write the correct letter in you wish.
the box and then write the corresponding adjective. ANSWERS
1 He’s tall. 1 (example) This is my grandpa.
2 She’s young. 2 This is my grandma.
3 She’s pretty. 3 This is my dad.
4 She’s short. 4 This is my brother.
5 He’s old. 5 This is my mum.
ANSWERS 6 This is my auntie.
1 c, tall   ​2 a, young   ​3 b, pretty   ​4 a, short   ​5 a, old 7 This is my uncle.
10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer. One mark 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
for writing the correct letter. One mark for writing the
correct word. 7 Look and make sentences.
Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
3 Read and write the numbers. quietly. Point to the words in the box and ask the student
Students look at the pictures and read the sentences. They to make five sentences about the picture using any of these
match the sentences to the pictures by writing the correct words. Accept answers in any order. Award marks for correct
number in the box. grammar and pronunciation.
1 e  2 c  3 a  4 d  5 b 1 (example) He’s tall.
2 She’s short.
3 He’s handsome.
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer. 4 She’s pretty.
5 She’s young.
4 Read and circle the correct words.
6 She’s old.
Students read the sentences and circle the correct word for
each picture. MARKS (SPEAKING)
10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer. One mark
for a grammatically correct sentence. One mark for correct
1 mum  ​2 twin  ​3 grandpa  ​4 sister  ​5 cousin

3 Oxford Thinkers 1
Unit 3 Test
1 Listen and circle a, b, c or d. e 178 5 Look and finish the sentences about Jack and
Students listen to the audio and circle the correct picture. Sara.
1 He’s got a skateboard. Students write sentences about Sara and Jack, by adding the
2 I can ride a horse. objects.
3 He’s got a teddy.
4 He’s got a kite.
1 (example) He’s got a robot.
5 I can play football.
2 He’s got a skipping rope.
ANSWERS 3 He’s got a yoyo.
1 c  ​2 a  ​3 d  ​4 d  ​5 b 4 She’s got a teddy.
MARKS (LISTENING) 5 She’s got a ball.
6 She’s got a doll.
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
2 Listen and number. e 179 Write the words. 10 marks. Two marks for each grammatically correct answer.
Students listen to the audio and number the pictures in the
order they hear them mentioned. They then write the words 6 Look and answer.
under each picture. Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
1 She’s got a scooter. quietly. Point to five of the items and ask What’s this? You may
2 She’s got a robot. point to the items in any order you wish. Accept any five
3 She’s got a yoyo. sensible and correct answers.
4 She’s got a skipping rope.
5 She’s got a doll.
1 It’s a skipping rope.
ANSWERS 2 It’s a scooter.
1 c, scooter   ​2 e, robot   ​3 a, yoyo   ​4 d, skipping rope   ​ 3 It’s a yoyo.
5 b, doll 4 It’s a boat.
MARKS (LISTENING) 5 It’s a skateboard.
10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer. One mark MARKS (SPEAKING)
for writing the correct number. One mark for writing the 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
correct word.
7 Look and answer for you.
3 Read and unscramble the letters. Write the words. Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
Students look at the anagrams and unscramble the letters. quietly. Ask the student the question, What can you do?.
They write the words in the spaces provided. They answer truthfully for themselves using the pictures to
ANSWERS help. Encourage children to use full sentences. Accept any
1 scooter  ​2 boat  ​3 kite  ​4 rollerblades  ​ sensible and correct answers.
MARKS (READING) I can / can’t ride a bike; I can / can’t play tennis; I can /
can’t rollerblade; I can / can’t ride a horse; I can / can’t play
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
4 Read and complete the sentences. MARKS (SPEAKING)
Students look at the pictures, read and complete the 10 marks. Two marks for each grammatically correct answer.
sentences. One mark for a grammatically correct answer given as a
ANSWERS sentence. One mark for correct pronunciation.
1 robot  ​2 yoyo  ​3 ball  ​4 teddy  ​5 skipping rope
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.

4 Oxford Thinkers 1
Unit 4 Test
1 Listen and circle yes or no. e 180 4 Read and circle a or b.
Students listen to the audio and look at the pictures. They circle Students read the sentences and match them to the correct
yes if the picture is correct according to the audio, and picture by circling the correct letter.
no if it isn’t. ANSWERS
1 It’s a snake. 1 a  ​2 b  ​3 b  ​4 a  ​5 b
2 It’s a tortoise.
3 They’re birds. MARKS (READING)
4 They’re cats. 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
5 It’s a donkey.
5 Look and write sentences.
ANSWERS Students look at the pictures and write sentences using the
1 yes  ​2 yes  ​3 no  ​4 yes  ​5 no visual prompts given.
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer. 1 (example) I like cats.
2 I don’t like snakes.
2 Listen and colour. e 181 Write the words. 3 I don’t like mice.
Students listen to the audio and colour the pictures 4 I like tortoises.
according to the instructions. They then write the words to 5 I like sheep.
label the picture. 6 I don’t like donkeys.
Man Can you see the animals on the farm?
Girl Yes, I can. MARKS (WRITING)
Man Right, now colour the duck yellow. 10 marks. Two marks for each grammatically correct answer.
Girl OK … the duck’s yellow.
6 Look and answer.
Man Colour the cow black and white.
Girl OK. I’ve got a black and white cow. Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
Man Now find the chicken. Colour the chicken orange. quietly. Point to each picture in turn and ask What’s this? or
Girl An orange chicken! I love it! What are they?
Man Can you see the donkey? ANSWERS
Girl Yes, I can. 1 They’re chickens.
Man Colour it grey. 2 It’s a mouse.
Girl OK, it’s a grey donkey. 3 They’re goats.
Man And colour the dog brown. 4 It’s a duck.
Girl Brown for the dog? OK. 5 They’re spiders.
Man What a pretty picture!
ANSWERS 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
Students colour a yellow duck, a black and white cow,
an orange chicken, a grey donkey, a brown dog 7 Look and make sentences about you and your
1 donkey  ​2 chicken  ​3 duck  ​4 dog  ​5 cow friend.
MARKS (LISTENING) Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer. One mark for quietly. Students look at the table and make five sentences
colouring the animal correctly. One mark for writing the using the information. Ask the student for the name of a boy
correct word. or girl friend and prompt them to use He or She when they
make sentences. Accept any sensible and grammatically
3 Read and write the letters. correct answers.
Students look at the pictures and match them to the POSSIBLE ANSWERS
sentences by writing the correct letter. I like cats / snakes / goats.
ANSWERS She doesn’t like dogs / tortoises / cows.
1 e  ​2 a  ​3 d  ​4 c  ​5 b (Fatima) She likes fish. (Naji) He doesn’t like snakes.
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer. 10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer. One mark for a
grammatically correct answer given as a sentence. One mark
for correct pronunciation.

5 Oxford Thinkers 1
Unit 5 Test
1 Listen and number. e 182 MARKS (READING)
Students listen to the audio and number the pictures in the 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
order they hear them mentioned.
1 It’s bread. 5 Look and write sentences about the people.
2 It’s meat. Students write sentences using the picture prompts given.
3 It’s cheese. Accept any answers that are grammatically correct and true
4 It’s rice. for the pictures.
5 They’re eggs. POSSIBLE ANSWERS
ANSWERS 1 (example) Al drinks milk for breakfast.
1 c  2 e  3 a  4 b  5 d 2 (example) Al doesn’t eat bananas for breakfast.
3 Emma drinks juice for breakfast.
4 Chen doesn’t eat fish for lunch.
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer. 6 Chen eats carrots for lunch.
7 Sanjay doesn’t eat strawberries for dinner.
2 Listen and circle yes or no. e 183
8 Ava eats sandwiches for dinner.
Students listen to the audio and circle yes or no next to the
picture. MARKS (WRITING)
1 10 marks. Two marks for each grammatically correct answer.
Girl Do you like fish?
Boy No, I don’t. I like meat. 6 Look and make sentences.
2 Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
Girl Do you like rice? quietly. Point to the pictures and explain that students must
Boy Yes, I do. But I don’t like pasta. make five true sentences. If students need more support,
point to each item of food individually and ask the student
3 to make a sentence for it. You may jumble the order of the
Girl Do you like cheese? food items if you wish.
Boy Yes, I do. But l don’t like milk.
1 I drink juice / milk.
Girl Do you like bananas?
2 I don’t eat carrots / apples / sandwiches / fish.
Boy No, I don’t. I like strawberries.
Girl Do you like lettuce? 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
Boy Yes, I do. But I don’t like carrots.
7 Answer for you.
ANSWERS Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
1 fish–no, meat–yes   ​ 2 rice–yes, pasta–no   ​ quietly. Ask the student questions 1–5. You may jumble the
3 cheese–yes, milk–no   ​4 bananas–no, strawberries–yes  ​ order of the questions if you wish. Accept any sensible and
5 lettuce–yes, carrots–no correct answers.
MARKS (LISTENING) 1 Do you drink milk?
10 marks. One mark for each correct answer. 2 What do you eat / drink for breakfast?
3 Do you eat cheese?
3 Read and unscramble the letters. Write the 4 What do you eat / drink for dinner?
words. 5 What do you eat / drink for lunch?
Students look at the anagrams and unscramble the letters. POSSIBLE ANSWERS
They write the words in the spaces provided. 1 Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
ANSWERS 2 I eat eggs / bread / rice / fruit / I drink milk / juice /
1 bread  ​2 pasta  ​3 lettuce  ​4 fish  ​5 cheese water.
3 Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
4 I eat meat / pasta / rice / fish / I drink milk / juice / water.
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer. 5 I eat sandwiches / eggs / pasta. / I drink milk / juice /
4 Read and write the names. water.
Students read the sentences and match them with the MARKS (SPEAKING)
pictures by writing the correct name. 10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer. One mark for a
grammatically correct answer given as a sentence. One mark
for correct pronunciation.
1 Sally  ​2 Jo  ​3 Amy  ​4 Ben  ​5 Sam

6 Oxford Thinkers 1
Unit 6 Test
1 Listen and number. e 184 5 Look and write sentences.
Students listen to the audio and number the parts of the Students write sentences using the prompts given.
body in the order they hear them mentioned. ANSWERS
1 My name’s Robbie and I’m six years old. This is a photo 1 (example) They can run.
of me. I’ve got two eyes. 2 They can walk.
2 I’ve got a mouth. 3 They can fly.
3 This is my nose. It’s small. 4 I can’t swim.
4 I’ve got two ears. 5 I can jump.
5 And I’ve got a big head! 6 They can’t climb.
1 b  2 e  3 c  4 d  5 a
10 marks. Two marks for each grammatically correct answer.
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer. 6 Look and answer.
Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
2 Listen and circle yes or no. e 185 Write the words. quietly. Ask the student the question What’s this? and point
Students listen to the audio and circle yes if the picture is to the following five things: one of the boy’s legs, the bird’s
correct according to the audio, and no if it isn’t. They then beak, one of the bird’s wings, one of the dog’s ears, the boy’s
write the word for each picture. mouth. You may jumble the order of the items if you wish.
1 Birds have got this. It’s a beak. POSSIBLE ANSWERS
2 I’ve got one. It’s a mouth. 1 It’s a leg. / It’s the boy’s leg.
3 I haven’t got these. They’re wings. 2 It’s a beak. / It’s the bird’s beak.
4 I haven’t got this because I’m not an animal. It’s a tail. 3 It’s a wing. / It’s the bird’s wing.
5 I’ve got two of these. They’re legs. 4 It’s an ear. / It’s the dog’s ear.
ANSWERS 5 It’s a mouth. / It’s the boy’s mouth.
1 yes, beak   ​2 no, arms   ​3 yes, wings   ​4 yes, tail   ​ MARKS (SPEAKING)
5 yes, legs
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer. One mark for 7 Look and answer.
circling the correct word. One mark for writing the correct Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
word. quietly. Ask the student questions 1–5. You may jumble the
order of the questions if you wish.
3 Read and write c for cows or d for ducks. 1 Can they climb?
Students read the sentences and write c or d in the spaces 2 Can you fly?
provided. 3 Can ducks swim?
4 Have you got two eyes?
1 c  ​2 d  ​3 d  ​4 c  ​5 d 5 What have dogs got?


1 Yes, they can.
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
2 No, I can’t.
4 Read and circle the correct words. 3 Yes, they can.
4 Yes, I have.
Students look at the pictures and read the sentences. They
5 They’ve got tails / a tail.
circle the words that complete the sentences correctly.
1 nose  ​2 beaks  ​3 head  ​4 fly  ​5 tails 10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer. One mark for a
grammatically correct answer given as a sentence. One mark
MARKS (READING) for correct pronunciation.
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.

7 Oxford Thinkers 1
Unit 7 Test
1 Listen and colour. e 186 Write the words. ANSWERS
Students listen to the audio and colour the pictures 1 b  2 b  3 c  4 a  5 c
according to the instructions. They then write the correct MARKS (LISTENING)
clothes words. 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
Woman Can you see the two girls in the picture? OK, can you
see the girl with long hair? 3 Read and unscramble the letters. Write the
Girl With long, blond hair? words.
Woman That’s right. Now colour her hat red. Students look at the anagrams and unscramble the letters.
Girl OK … I’m colouring her hat red now. They write the words in the spaces provided.
Woman Can you see the shorts?
Girl Yes, the girl with curly hair’s wearing shorts.
Woman Yes, that’s right. Colour the shorts blue, please. 1 shirt  ​2 skirt  ​3 jacket  ​4 sweater  ​5 trousers
Woman Now can you colour her socks pink, please? 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
Girl Yes, I like pink socks!
Woman Great! Can you see the girl with the sweater? Please 4 Look and write sentences.
colour her sweater yellow. Students look at the picture and, using the prompt words
Girl Hmm … a yellow sweater? OK. … That’s nice! given, write five sentences about what the boy is or isn’t
Woman And colour her skirt black now. wearing.
Girl Black for the skirt? OK.
Woman Your picture’s very nice!
1 (example) I’m wearing a jacket.
Girl Thanks!
2 (example) I’m not wearing a hat.
ANSWERS 3 I’m wearing glasses.
Students colour a red hat, blue shorts, pink socks, a yellow 4 I’m wearing a shirt.
sweater, a black skirt. 5 I’m not wearing trousers.
1 hat  2 sweater  3 skirt  4 shorts  5 socks 6 I’m wearing socks.
MARKS (LISTENING) 7 I’m wearing shoes.
10 marks. Two for each correct answer. One mark for MARKS (WRITING)
colouring the items correctly. One mark for writing the 10 marks. Two marks for each grammatically correct answer.
correct word.
5 Read and write the numbers.
2 Listen and tick ✓ the boxes. e 187 Students read the sentences and match them to the pictures
Students listen to the audio and tick the correct boxes. by writing the correct number.
Girl I like your school photo. Are you wearing a shirt and
1 e  2 b  3 a  4 c  5 d
trousers in this picture?
Boy I’m not wearing trousers. Look … I’m wearing a shirt and MARKS (READING)
shorts. 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
Girl Has your friend Sam got blond hair? 6 Look and answer.
Boy No, he’s got dark hair. And he’s wearing glasses, a jacket Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
and shorts. quietly. Ask the student the question What’s this? or What are
3 they? and point to the following things: the clown’s jacket,
Boy What’s your friend Anna wearing? the clown’s shoes, the clown’s hat. Then ask Has she got
Girl She’s wearing her new hat and a T-shirt. And she’s got glasses? Has she got straight hair?
straight hair. ANSWERS
4 1 It’s a jacket.
Boy And what are you wearing in this picture? 2 They’re shoes.
Girl I’m not wearing a skirt. I’m wearing my new trousers and 3 It’s a hat.
my new shoes. Do you like them? And I’ve got my sister’s bag! 4 Yes, she has.
5 5 No, he hasn’t.
Girl I’m not wearing a jacket and trousers today.
Boy I know! You’re wearing a skirt and sweater. You’re tall and MARKS (SPEAKING)
your hair’s curly now. I like it! 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
Girl Thanks!

8 Oxford Thinkers 1
7 Answer for you.
Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
quietly. Ask the student the questions 1–5 and accept any
sensible and grammatically correct answers.
1 Have you got long hair?
2 What are you wearing today?
3 Have you got glasses?
4 Have you got straight hair?
5 What colour are your shoes?
1 Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
2 I’m wearing shoes / a shirt / trousers, etc.
3 Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
4 Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
5 They’re brown / black, etc.
10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer. One mark for a
grammatically correct answer given as a sentence. One mark
for correct pronunciation.

9 Oxford Thinkers 1
Unit 8 Test
1 Listen and match. e 188 MARKS (LISTENING)
Students listen to the audio and match the people with the 10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer. One mark
pictures. for writing the correct letter. One mark for writing the
1 correct word.
Boy Where’s Alex?
Girl She’s in the living room. 3 Read and circle the correct words.
2 Students look at the pictures and circle the correct word.
Boy Where’s Ben? ANSWERS
Girl He’s in the garden. 1 clock  ​2 cushion  ​3 wardrobe  ​4 picture  ​
3 5 dining room
Boy Where’s Jo?
Girl She’s in the bathroom. MARKS (READING)
4 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
Boy Where’s Sam?
4 Read and write l for living room or k for kitchen.
Girl He’s in the dining room.
5 Students read the sentences and look at the pictures. They
Boy Where’s Pat? write I in the box if the item is in the living room or k in the
Girl She’s in the kitchen.  ​ box if the item is in the kitchen.

1 d  ​2 c  ​3 b  ​4 a  ​5 e 1 k  ​2 l  ​3 k  ​4 l  ​5 k
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer. 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.

2 Listen and write the correct letter. e 189 5 Look and write sentences.
Write the words. Students look at the pictures write the correct sentences
Students look at the questions 1-5 and the pictures a–e. according to the visual prompts.
They listen to the audio and write the correct letter in the ANSWERS
boxes. They then complete the sentences by writing the 1 (example) There isn’t a television.
correct words in the spaces provided. 2 There isn’t a bed.
1 3 There’s / There is a wardrobe.
Woman Where’s your English book, Paul? Is it on the table in 4 There’s / There is a plant.
the kitchen? 5 There isn’t a bookcase.
Boy No, it isn’t. My book’s on my bed. I want to read it tonight. 6 There’s / There is a clock.
10 marks. Two marks for each grammatically correct answer.
Boy I like the new plant, Mum. It’s pretty.
Woman The one on the bookcase? 6 Look and make sentences.
Boy No, the plant on the table.
Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
quietly. Ask the student to say five sentences about the
Boy Where’s my jacket, Mum? I can’t see it.
picture. Accept any sensible and grammatically correct
Woman Is it in your wardrobe in the bedroom?
Boy No, it isn’t.
Woman Look! There it is. Your jacket’s on the sofa. POSSIBLE ANSWERS
4 1 There’s a living room.
Boy This is a picture of my friend’s house. 2 There’s a kitchen.
Woman What’s that in the living room? 3 There isn’t a dining room.
Boy It’s a really big television! 4 There are two bedrooms.
5 5 There are two bathrooms.
Woman Is your teddy on your bed, Jack? 6 There’s a garden.
Boy No, I don’t like it now. The teddy’s in my wardrobe. 7 There’s a car.
ANSWERS 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
1 c, bed   ​2 e, table   ​3 a, sofa   ​4 d, living room   ​
5 b, wardrobe

10 Oxford Thinkers 1
7 Look and answer.
Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
quietly. Ask the student questions 1–5. You may jumble the
order of the questions if you wish.
1 Where are the apples?
2 Where’s the clock?
3 What’s on the table?
4 Where’s the boat?
5 Where’s the skateboard?
1 They’re in the bag / on the chair.
2 It’s in the cupboard.
3 There are sandwiches (on the table).
4 It’s in / on the window.
5 It’s under the chair.
10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer. One mark for a
grammatically correct answer given as a sentence. One mark
for correct pronunciation.

11 Oxford Thinkers 1
Unit 9 Test
1 Listen and colour. e 190 4 Read and write the numbers.
Students listen to the audio and colour the pictures Students read the sentences and match them to the pictures
according to the instructions. by writing the correct number.
Man This is Jane’s birthday party. Can you see her? She’s got ANSWERS
lots of presents. 1 c  2 d  3 a  4 e  5 b
Girl Yes, she has! Look, she’s got a new necklace. Can I colour
it green? MARKS (READING)
Man Yes, OK. Colour the necklace green. 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
Girl OK … I’m doing that now.
Man Can you see her new dress, too? 5 Look and write.
Girl Yes, what colour for her dress? Students look at the pictures and write answers to the
Man Colour it purple, please. questions in the spaces provided.
Man Now can you see the small balloon? Colour it yellow, 1 Yes, he is.   ​2 Yes, she is.   ​3 No, she isn’t.   ​
please. 4 No, he isn’t.   ​5 Yes, she is.
Girl OK. A small, yellow balloon … I’m colouring that now.
Man Great! Now find the dinosaur and colour it blue. MARKS (WRITING)
Girl A blue dinosaur? Well … OK then. 10 marks. Two marks for each grammatically correct answer.
Man And colour her umbrella red now.
6 Answer for you.
Girl Red for the umbrella? OK.
Man That’s a beautiful picture! Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
quietly. Ask the student questions 1–5. You may jumble the
ANSWERS order of the questions if you wish.
Students colour a green necklace, a purple dress, a yellow 1 Are you tired?
balloon (the smallest balloon), a blue dinosaur, a red 2 Is your friend hungry?
umbrella. 3 Have you got a watch?
MARKS (LISTENING) 4 Is your friend happy?
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer. 5 Has your friend got a dinosaur?
2 Listen and number. e 191 Write the words. 1 Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Students listen to the audio and number the pictures in the 2 Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t.
order they hear them mentioned. They then complete the 3 Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
sentences by writing the correct word. 4 Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t.
1 Ben’s very tired. He’s in his bedroom. 5 Yes, he/she has. / No, he/she hasn’t.
2 Harry’s thirsty. He’s got some water.
3 Nicky’s angry. She doesn’t like football. MARKS (SPEAKING)
4 Kate’s happy. She’s got a new dog. 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
5 Sally’s hungry. She’s got an apple.
7 Look and make sentences.
ANSWERS Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
1 b, tired   2 a, thirsty   3 e, angry   4 c, happy   ​ quietly. Point to the activities happening in the picture and
5 d, hungry ask the student to say five sentences only about what they
MARKS (LISTENING) see. Encourage them to use full sentences and ask What’s
10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer. One mark this? if they need more support.
for writing the correct number. One mark for writing the POSSIBLE ANSWERS
correct word. 1 It’s her umbrella. / She’s got an umbrella.
2 She’s got a dinosaur. / It’s her dinosaur.
3 Read and circle the correct words. 3 It’s his jigsaw. / He’s got a jigsaw.
Students look at the picture and read the sentences. They 4 It’s his watch. / He’s got a watch.
then circle the correct words. 5 She’s sad. / She isn’t happy. / She’s got a watch.
ANSWERS 6 There’s a board game.
1 her  ​2 his  ​3 his  ​4 his  ​5 her 7 He’s got a balloon. / It’s his balloon.
8 It’s her necklace. / She’s got a necklace.
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer. MARKS (SPEAKING)
10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer. One mark for a
grammatically correct answer given as a sentence. One mark
for correct pronunciation.

12 Oxford Thinkers 1
End of Term Test 1
1 Listen and number. e 192 5 Look and write sentences.
Students listen to the audio and number the pictures in the Students look at the pictures write the correct sentences
order they hear them mentioned. using the visual prompts.
1 I’ve got five pencils and two rubbers. I haven’t got a ruler. POSSIBLE ANSWERS
2 Have you got a bag, a poster and a doll? 1 (example) He’s got a ball.
Yes, I have 2 He’s got a bike.
3 I’ve got a teddy and a robot. I haven’t got a doll. 3 He’s got a bag.
4 Have you got a skateboard and a teddy? 4 He’s got a pencil case.
Yes, I have 5 He’s got a ruler.
5 Have you got four pens and eight rulers? 6 She’s got a skateboard.
No, I haven’t. I’ve got four pens and three rulers. 7 She’s got a doll.
ANSWERS 8 She’s got a scooter.
1 c  2 e  3 a  4 b  5 d MARKS (WRITING)
MARKS (LISTENING) 10 marks. Two marks for each grammatically correct answer.
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
6 Look and answer.
2 Listen and write a, b or c. e 193 Write the words. Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
Students listen to the audio and write a, b or c in the box quietly. Ask the student What’s this? and point to the pictures
for the person being described. They then write the correct in turn. You may jumble the order of the pictures if you wish.
family word. ANSWERS
1 This is my auntie. She’s tall and pretty. 1 It’s a yoyo.
2 This is my grandpa. He’s old and short. 2 It’s a bin.
3 This is my sister. She’s young and short. 3 It’s a scooter.
4 This is my dad. He’s tall and handsome. 4 It’s a cupboard.
5 This is my cousin. She’s young and short. 5 It’s a kite.
1 c, auntie   ​2 c, grandpa   ​3 a, sister   ​4 b, dad   ​
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
5 c, cousin
MARKS (LISTENING) 7 Answer for you.
10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer. One mark for Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
writing the correct letter. One mark for writing the correct word. quietly. Ask the student questions 1–5. You may jumble the
order of the questions if you wish.
3 Read and circle the correct words. 1 Can you ride a horse?
Students look at the pictures and circle the correct words. 2 Have you got a skipping rope?
3 Can you play tennis?
1 grandma  ​2 young  ​3 chair  ​4 uncle  ​5 board 4 Have you got a twin?
5 Can you rollerblade?
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
1 Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
4 Read and complete the sentences. 2 Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
3 Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
Students look at the pictures and complete the sentences
4 Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
with the correct words.
5 Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
1 kite  ​2 (foot)ball  ​3 run  ​4 rollerblade  ​5 boat
10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer. One mark for a
MARKS (READING) grammatically correct answer given as a sentence. One mark
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer. for correct pronunciation.

13 Oxford Thinkers 1
End of Term Test 2
1 Listen and colour. e 194 3 Read and draw h or k.
Students listen to the audio and colour the picture Students read the sentences and draw the correct face in
according to the instructions. the box provided.
Man In this picture, Hideki and his mum are in the kitchen. ANSWERS
Can you see them?
1 (example) cheese h  ​2 bread k  ​3 rice k  ​4 eggs h  ​
Girl Yes, I can.
5 sandwiches k  ​6 pasta h
Man Now I want you to colour some things. Can you see the
two apples? Please colour them red. MARKS (READING)
Girl Two red apples. OK. Do you like apples? 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
Man Yes, I do.
Girl Me too. 4 Read and write sentences.
Man Very good. Can you see the carrots? Colour the carrots Students use the visual prompts to complete the sentences
orange now. with the correct words. Both words in each sentence must
Girl Yes, I can see two carrots. be correct to be awarded one mark.
Man That’s right. Now find the duck. ANSWERS
Girl The duck? I can’t see a duck but I can see a chicken. 1 (example) He eats bread and tomatoes for breakfast.
Man Look … there it is! 2 You can climb and you can swim.
Girl Oh yes … what colour for the duck? 3 We’ve got two eyes and two legs.
Man Colour it yellow, please. 4 They can jump but they can’t fly.
Girl OK 5 I’ve got a mouth but I haven’t got a beak.
Man Do you like ducks? 6 She eats meat but she doesn’t eat carrots for dinnerr.
Girl No, I don’t. I like chickens.
Man Now find the fish. MARKS (READING)
Girl I can see it! Can I colour the fish brown? 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
Man OK. And now the bananas … Can you see them?
5 Look and write questions.
Colour them yellow.
Girl Yes I can see three bananas … yellow for the bananas … Students look at the pictures and write questions for the
Do you like my picture? answers given.
Man Yes, I do! I love your picture! POSSIBLE ANSWERS
Girl Thanks! 1 Can donkeys climb?
ANSWERS 2 What have they / the children got?
Students colour two red apples, two orange carrots, 3 Have we got ears?
a yellow duck, a brown fish, three yellow bananas. 4 What do you eat for breakfast?
5 Can birds fly?
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
10 marks. Two marks for each grammatically correct sentence.
2 Listen and number. e 195 Write the words.
6 Look and answer.
Students listen to the audio and number the pictures in the
Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
order they hear them mentioned. They then complete the
quietly. Ask the student questions 1–5. You may jumble the
sentences by writing the correct words.
order of the questions if you wish.
1 I’ve got eight legs. What am I? I’m a spider.
1 What are they?
2 I’ve got four legs but I can’t run. What am I? I’m a tortoise.
2 Can they walk?
3 I’ve got four legs and I’m black and white. What am I? I’m a
3 What colour are they?
4 Can they talk?
4 I haven’t got legs and I haven’t got a tail. What am I? I’m a
5 Can they run?
5 I’ve got four legs and a tail. What am I? I’m a donkey. ANSWERS
1 They’re sheep.   ​2 Yes, they can.   ​3 They’re white.   ​
4 No, they can’t.   ​5 Yes, they can.
1 d, spider   ​2 a, tortoise   ​3 e, cow   ​4 b, snake   ​
5 c, donkey MARKS (SPEAKING)
MARKS (LISTENING) 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer. One mark
for writing the correct number. One mark for writing the
correct word.

14 Oxford Thinkers 1
7 Answer for you.
Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
quietly. Ask the student questions 1–5. You may jumble the
order of the questions if you wish. Accept any sensible and
grammatically correct answers.
1 Do you like milk?
2 Have you got a tortoise?
3 Can you swim?
4 Have you got a tail?
5 Can you fly?
1 Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
2 Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
3 Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
4 No, I haven’t.
5 No, I can’t.
10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer. One mark for a
grammatically correct answer given as a sentence. One mark
for correct pronunciation.

15 Oxford Thinkers 1
End of Term Test 3
1 Listen and match. e 196 MARKS (LISTENING)
Students listen to the audio and match the children on the 10 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
left with the clothes on the right.
1 3 Read and circle the correct words.
Woman Who are the people in the pictures, Harry? Students look at the pictures and circle the correct word to
Boy Well, Sarah’s got long blond hair. complete each sentence.
Woman I love Sarah’s hat. It’s great! ANSWERS
Boy Yes, it’s new. 1 tired  ​2 angry  ​3 happy  ​4 hungry  ​5 thirsty
Woman Who’s that boy with glasses? MARKS (READING)
Boy And dark curly hair? 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
Woman Yes.
4 Read and write l for living room or b for
Boy That’s Sam.
Woman Sam’s T-shirt is cool!
3 Students look at the pictures and read the sentences. They
Woman What’s her name … the girl with the curly hair? write l in the box if the sentence refers to the picture of
Boy With the jacket? That’s Polly. the living room or b in the box if the sentence refers to the
Woman I like Polly’s jacket. picture of the bedroom.
Boy Me too! ANSWERS
4 1 l  ​2 b  ​3 b  ​4 l  ​5 b
Boy And this is Alex … Alex’s sweater is very old.
Woman The boy with short blond hair?
Boy That’s right … and he’s got glasses too. 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
5 5 Look and write.
Woman Who’s this?
Students look at the pictures and write the answers to the
Boy The girl with shorts and long dark hair?
Woman Yes, and glasses.
Boy That’s Vicky. I love Vicky’s shorts. ANSWERS
Woman Yes, they’re cool shorts. 1 It’s on the window.
2 They’re socks.
3 It’s under the sofa.
1 d  ​2 c  ​3 e  ​4 a  ​5 b
4 They’re shoes.
MARKS (LISTENING) 5 It’s in the garden.
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer. MARKS (WRITING)
2 Listen and tick ✓ the boxes. e 197 10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer.
Students listen to the audio and tick the boxes next to the 6 Look and answer.
items they hear mentioned. Point out that students should
Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
tick ten boxes only.
quietly. Ask the student questions 1–5. You may jumble the
Boy Welcome to my house. Look! This is my favourite teddy.
order of the questions if you wish.
He’s in my bed. And I’ve got a big clock in my bedroom too.
1 Has your friend got a watch?
It’s on the wall. All of my books are in my bedroom. They’re
2 Where’s the clock?
in a bookcase. I’ve got lots of toys and they’re under my bed.
3 Has she got short hair?
And look, these are my new trousers. They’re on my chair.
4 Where is the book?
This is the living room in my house. Can you see the picture
5 Is he sad?
on the wall? I like that picture. The television is big. It’s there
on the table. Mum’s got lots of cushions too, they’re on the POSSIBLE ANSWERS
sofa. 1 Yes, he/she has. / No, he/she hasn’t.
And this is the kitchen. There isn’t a dining room in my 2 It’s in the cupboard.
house. We have breakfast and dinner in the kitchen. Can you 3 No, she hasn’t.
see the table and chairs? Mum likes plants. This plant in the 4 It’s under the cushion. / It’s on the chair.
kitchen is her favourite. 5 Yes, he is.
Students tick the following ten items: 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
Bedroom: teddy, clock, bookcase, toys under bed, trousers;
Living room: picture, television, cushions; Kitchen: table,

16 Oxford Thinkers 1
7 Look and answer.
Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works.
For pictures 1–5, point to the individual pictures and ask
the student What’s this? First, provide a model answer for
the student by pointing to the first picture and asking
the question What’s this?, and giving the answer It’s Ben’s
umbrella. to indicate that they have to use possessives in
their answer. You may jumble the order of the questions if
you wish. Accept any sensible and grammatically correct
1 (example) It’s Ben’s umbrella.
2 It’s Polly’s camera.
3 It’s Alex’s hat.
4 It’s Chen’s bedroom.
5 It’s Jack’s shirt.
6 It’s Sara’s wardrobe.
10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer. One mark for a
grammatically correct answer given as a sentence. One mark
for correct pronunciation.

17 Oxford Thinkers 1
End of Year Test
1 Listen and circle a, b or c. e 198 Girl Yes, he has. And the dog can run fast with him.
Student read the questions and listen to the audio. They Man And is this woman your friend’s mum? She’s wearing
circle the correct picture. a hat.
1 Which boy is Sam? Girl The woman with the book?
Woman Is your friend Sam in your picture? Man That’s right.
Boy Yes. Look … there he is. He’s got glasses. Girl Her name’s Vicky and she’s my friend’s auntie.
Woman And curly hair? Man I see.
Boy No, he’s got straight hair and he’s not happy in this Girl And that’s Lucy. She’s wearing a T-shirt.
picture. Man Is she wearing shorts, too?
Woman Oh yes … he’s sad. Girl Yes, and look … she can climb!
Man Yes, she can.
2 Where is the cat?
Man Can you see the cat? ANSWERS
Girl Is it under the sofa in the living room? 1 d  2 a  3 f  4 e  5 c
Man No, it isn’t, and it isn’t on the cushion in the kitchen. MARKS (LISTENING)
Girl Oh no! Wait … Look, Dad … the cat’s in the cupboard.
10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer.
It’s playing a game!
3 What does Nikki have for lunch? 3 Read and circle the correct words.
Girl Dad, I’m hungry. Can I have a sandwich for lunch? Students look at the picture and read the sentences. They
Man No, you can’t. You can eat some fish and carrots for then circle the correct words.
Girl Oh Dad! I don’t like fish!
1 watch  ​2 her  ​3 pencil sharpener   ​4 his  ​5 pencils
Man Well, it’s good for you.
Girl Can I have some cheese and a tomato, please? MARKS (READING)
Man OK then. You can eat that for lunch. 5 marks. One for each correct answer.
4 What pet has Alex got?
Boy Look, Miss Hill. This is my pet.
4 Look and read. Write yes or no.
Woman Wow! That’s a nice white rabbit, Alex. Students look at the picture and read the sentences. They
Boy Yes, it is. And my sister’s got a new tortoise. Have you write yes if the picture is correct according to the sentence,
got a pet? and no if it isn’t..
Woman I’ve got a big spider. ANSWERS
Boy Oh? Is it black? 1 yes  ​2 no  ​3 yes  ​4 no  ​5 yes  ​6 no  ​7 yes  ​8 no  ​
Woman Yes, it is. 9 no  ​10 yes
5 Which girl is David’s sister? MARKS (READING)
Woman Is this your sister, David? 10 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
Boy Yes, she’s very pretty.
Woman She is, and she’s very young. 5 Look and write.
Boy I know. I’m nine, but she’s just a baby. Students look at the pictures and write the answers to the
ANSWERS questions.
1 b  2 c  3 c  4 b  5 a ANSWERS
MARKS (LISTENING) 1 Yes, he is.
2 No, she hasn’t.
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
3 He can ride a horse.
2 Listen and match. e 199 4 It’s a skipping rope.
Students listen to the audio and draw lines from the speech 5 It’s / The jacket’s in the wardrobe.
bubbles on the left to the people in the picture. Point out MARKS (WRITING)
that there are two people they don’t need to use and that 5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.
the speech bubbles aren’t in the order they will hear.
6 Look and answer.
Girl Hi Grandpa. Look at this picture of me and my friends in
the park. Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
Man Who’s the boy on his bike? quietly. Ask the student questions 1–5. You may jumble the
Girl With blond hair? That’s Tom. order of the questions if you wish.
Man Is that Anna with the cat? 1 Is he old?
Girl No, Anna’s got a kite. 2 Where is Mum?
Man Oh, yes … and look … she’s rollerblading. 3 What does he eat for dinner?
Girl That’s right. Jack’s there too … with his dog. 4 What’s in the bin?
Man Has he got a skateboard?
5 What pet has she got?

18 Oxford Thinkers 1
1 Yes, he is.
2 She’s in the bathroom.
3 He eats meat and rice / rice and meat.
4 There’s a doll in the bin.
5 She’s got a hamster.
5 marks. One mark for each correct answer.

7 Answer for you.

Test students one at a time while the rest of the class works
quietly. Ask the student questions 1–5. You may jumble the
order of the questions if you wish. Accept any sensible and
grammatically correct answer.
1 What are you wearing today?
2 Has your dad got curly hair?
3 What have you got in your bedroom?
4 Can you swim?
5 Have you got a cousin?
1 I’m wearing trousers / a skirt / a T-shirt, etc.
2 Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.
3 I’ve got a bed / a wardrobe, etc.
4 Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
5 Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
10 marks. Two marks for each correct answer. One mark for a
grammatically correct answer given as a sentence. One mark
for correct pronunciation.

19 Oxford Thinkers 1
Marking grids

Unit 1 Test Mark Max marks
Listening 1 Listen and number. 5
2 Listen and number. Write the words. 10
Reading & Writing 3 Read and unscramble the letters. Write the words. 5
4 Read and write yes or no. 5
5 Write sentences. 10
Speaking 6 Look and answer. 5
7 Look and make sentences. 10
Total for test 50

Unit 2 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and circle yes or no. 5
2 Listen and write a, b or c. Write the words. 10
Reading & Writing 3 Read and write the numbers. 5
4 Read and circle the correct words. 5
5 Look and write sentences. 10
Speaking 6 Look and answer. 5
7 Look and make sentences. 10
Total for test 50

Unit 3 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and circle a, b, c or d. 5
2 Listen and number. Write the words. 10
Reading & Writing 3 Read and unscramble the letters. Write the words. 5
4 Read and complete the sentences. 5
5 Look and finish the sentences about Jack and Sara. 10
Speaking 6 Look and answer. 5
7 Look and answer for you. 10
Total for test 50

Unit 4 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and circle yes or no. 5
2 Listen and colour. Write the words. 10
Reading & Writing 3 Read and write the letters. 5
4 Read and circle a or b. 5
5 Look and write sentences. 10
Speaking 6 Look and answer. 5
7 Look and make sentences about you and your friend. 10
Total for test 50

20 Oxford Thinkers 1

© Oxford University Press   PHOTOCOPIABLE
Marking grids

Unit 5 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 5
2 Listen and tcircle yes or no. 10
Reading & Writing 3 Read and unscramble the letters. Write the words. 5
4 Read and write the names. 5
5 Look and write sentences about the people. 10
Speaking 6 Look and make sentences. 5
7 Answer for you. 10
Total for test 50

Unit 6 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 5
2 Listen and circle yes or no. Write the words. 10
Reading & Writing 3 Read and write c for cows or d for ducks. 5
4 Read and circle the correct words. 5
5 Look and write sentences. 10
Speaking 6 Look and answer. 5
7 Look and answer. 10
Total for test 50

Unit 7 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and colour. Write the words. 10
2 Listen and tick the boxes. 5
Reading & Writing 3 Read and unscramble the letters. Write the words. 5
4 Look and write sentences. 10
5 Read and write the numbers. 5
Speaking 6 Look and answer. 5
7 Answer for you. 10
Total for test 50

Unit 8 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and match. 5
2 Listen and write the correct letter. Write the words. 10
Reading & Writing 3 Read and circle the correct words. 5
4 Read and write l for living room or k for kitchen. 5
5 Look and write sentences. 10
Speaking 6 Look and make sentences. 5
7 Look and answer. 10
Total for test 50

21 Oxford Thinkers 1

© Oxford University Press   PHOTOCOPIABLE
Marking grids

Unit 9 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and colour. 5
2 Listen and number. Write the words. 10
Reading & Writing 3 Read and circle the correct words. 5
4 Read and write the numbers. 5
5 Look and write. 10
Speaking 6 Answer for you. 5
7 Look and make sentences. 10
Total for test 50

End of Term 1 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 5
2 Listen and write a, b or c. Write the words. 10
Reading & Writing 3 Read and circle the correct words. 5
4 Read and complete the sentences. 5
5 Look and write sentences. 10
Speaking 6 Look and answer. 5
7 Answer for you. 10
Total for test 50

End of Term 2 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and colour. 5
2 Listen and number. Write the words. 10
Reading & Writing 3 Read and draw h or k. 5
4 Read and write sentences. 5
5 Look and write questions. 10
Speaking 6 Look and answer. 5
7 Answer for you. 10
Total for test 50

22 Oxford Thinkers 1

© Oxford University Press   PHOTOCOPIABLE
Marking grids

End of Term 3 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and match. 5
2 Listen and tick the boxes. 10
Reading & Writing 3 Read and circle the correct words. 5
4 Read and write l for living room or b for bedroom. 5
5 Look and write. 10
Speaking 6 Look and answer. 5
7 Answer for you. 10
Total for test 50

End of Year Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and circle a, b or c. 5
2 Listen and match. 10
Reading & Writing 3 Read and circle the correct words. 5
4 Look and read. Write yes or no. 10
5 Look and write. 5
Speaking 6 Look and answer. 5
7 Answer for you. 10
Total for test 50

23 Oxford Thinkers 1

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Portfolio overview

What is the English Portfolio? Vocabulary record

It is a way to keep a record of the experience of learning These worksheets can form part of the Language
a language. Each student has their own Portfolio, which Passport or, if the students complete them as self-
will accompany them throughout their learning. evaluation, they could form part of the Linguistic
Biography. The students put a ✓ in the box by each
The Portfolio consists of three parts:
vocabulary item that they can understand, say and
• The Language Passport, which offers a general read. They then write the word in the last box.
overview of the linguistic ability of each student in
Course certificate
one, or several, languages. It includes elements of self-
This can form part of the Language Passport.
evaluation along with assessment by the teacher.
• The Linguistic Biography, which intends that the Additional ideas
student reflects on their own learning process, to help The students can organize their Portfolios into
them plan and evaluate their learning in the future. sections, such as About me, My vocabulary, (Linguistic
Biography), My work in class and ‘I can …’ (Language
• The Oxford Thinkers Box, which contains pieces of Passport). They can make a Oxford Thinkers Box using
work that illustrate the achievements, ability and
a shoe box. They can write their name, the name of
experiences of the student, as reflected in the two
their class and the name of their teacher on a label
previous sections.
and attach it to the top of the box. Encourage the
What is the Oxford Thinkers Portfolio? students to include in their box the pieces of work of
The Oxford Thinkers Portfolio is an ‘English Portfolio’ which they feel especially proud.
that aims to familiarize the students with the notion Encourage the students’ parents to take an interest
of the English Portfolio. It represents a useful tool for in the experiences of their children. They could
teachers of subsequent levels as it allows them to see help them find English objects for their Portfolios
what vocabulary and structures the students have (Linguistic Biography) such as stamps and labels.
already learnt.
You could create an ‘English corner’ in your classroom
Oxford Thinkers 1 offers you the following and encourage the students to bring in things related
photocopiable materials for the English Portfolio. to English-speaking countries.
‘I can …’ statements
These pages form part of the Linguistic Biography.
On the first page, the student writes the number of the
corresponding unit in the circle if they know how to do
what the phrase says. On the second page, the student
puts a ✓ in each box if they know how to do what the
phrase says.

24 Oxford Thinkers 1

I can …

I can read I can understand I can sing I can

a story. the teacher. a song. ask questions.

I can understand I can read and

I can answer I can complete
and use everyday understand
questions. a poster.
language. a poem.

I can repeat I can watch

words in English and understand I can complete I can evaluate
with acceptable video clips about phrases. my own work.
pronunciation. British culture.

I can remember
I can think I can listen to
I can words and
about my local and understand
play games. phrases from
community. dialogues.
earlier units.

25 Oxford Thinkers 1

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I can …
I can …
say my name and greet people.
S say how old I am and ask someone’s age.
use colour words.
use numbers from 1 to 10.
I can …
ask and answer questions about classroom objects.
1 say what stationery I have and haven’t got.

I can …
ask and answer questions about family members.
2 use adjectives to describe people.

I can …
ask and answer questions about toys.
3 say what activities I can and can’t do.

I can …
say what pets I like and don’t like.
4 name and describe farm animals.
say what animals people like and don’t like.
I can …
ask and answer questions about the food and drink people like at

different meals.
ask and answer questions about the I eat and drink and don’t eat and drink.
say what people eat and drink and don’t eat and drink.

I can …
say what parts of the body and face people and animals have got.
6 ask and answer questions about abilities.

I can …
ask and answer questions about the clothes I’m wearing.
7 ask and answer questions to describe other people’s appearance.

I can …
ask and answer questions about where furniture at home is.
8 talk about the rooms that a house has got.

I can …
talk about other people’s possessions.
9 ask and answer questions about my and other people’s feelings.

26 Oxford Thinkers 1

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Portfolio Vocabulary Record

Listening Speaking Reading Writing

1 n o e one

2 o w t

3 e r h e t

4 u o f r

5 i e f v

6 x s i

7 n v s e e

8 g e t h i

9 e n n i

10 e n t

27 Oxford Thinkers 1

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Portfolio Vocabulary Record

Listening Speaking Reading Writing

















28 Oxford Thinkers 1

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Portfolio Vocabulary Record

Listening Speaking Reading Writing

















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Portfolio Vocabulary Record

Listening Speaking Reading Writing













edri a


iedr a


30 Oxford Thinkers 1

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Portfolio Vocabulary Record

Listening Speaking Reading Writing

















31 Oxford Thinkers 1

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Portfolio Vocabulary Record

Listening Speaking Reading Writing

















32 Oxford Thinkers 1

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Portfolio Vocabulary Record

Listening Speaking Reading Writing

















33 Oxford Thinkers 1

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Portfolio Vocabulary Record

Listening Speaking Reading Writing

















34 Oxford Thinkers 1

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Portfolio Vocabulary Record

Listening Speaking Reading Writing












gilniv omor

niingd rmoo




35 Oxford Thinkers 1

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Portfolio Vocabulary Record

Listening Speaking Reading Writing

















36 Oxford Thinkers 1

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I certify that

has completed

Oxford Thinkers 1
Signed (teacher)

My favourite unit was …

Leo Emily Zara Priti Chen Rosie Ted Finn

Signed (student)

© Oxford University Press   PHOTOCOPIABLE

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