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2 % statistics, percentage, share
3 abandoned Derelict, leave 4 ability potential, skill, talent 5 about approximately 6 abroad overseas 7 academic study 8 accelerate (not) slow down 9 achievable aims manageable goals 10 achieve meet 11 acknowledge thanks to 12 action procedure 13 actually in fact 14 add link 15 adjust adapt 16 adult mature 17 advantage benefit, good 18 adversity difficulty, hardships 19 advise should, a good idea, recommend 20 a few a number, a handful 21 affect impact, effects, cause, due to 22 affordable economical 23 after the following, the previous 24 a good idea should, advise, recommend 25 agriculture food production, farming 26 ahead continue 27 aid support 28 ailment health problem 29 aim intend, goal, objective, wanted to do 30 alerts short notice 31 all every, any, always 32 allowed (not) prohibited, refuse 33 almost every most, majority, mainly 34 alone exclusively, only, solely 35 although despite, however 36 always all, every, any, entirely 37 a/an specific, particular, proper 38 anger aggressive 39 animals wildlife, livestock 40 answer response, reaction 41 anticipate forecast, predict 42 a number of a range of, a series of 43 any all, every, always 44 appeal please 45 appealing attractive, interesting, (not) boring 46 appearance look, scene, visual, paint, view 47 appear seem, sound 48 appear emerge 49 application use 50 appreciate value, thank, recognize 51 appropriate Specific, suitable, matching 52 approval Praise acceptance a series of, a number of, перечисление через 53 a range of запятую , some 54 area region, location, place 55 argue make a point, quarrel 56 arrange(ment) Plan, organize 57 a series of a range of, a number of 58 ask Request 59 as long as factor, depend, conditions, if, provided, unless 60 aspect Feature, side characteristics 61 as well as Also 62 assess estimate, calculate 63 assign Set 64 assistance Support 65 assistants Apprentices 66 assume expect 67 assumption perhaps 68 attached to fix to 69 attention interest 70 attitude relation 71 attractive glamorous 72 authorities government, people in power 73 available to hand 74 average normal 75 avert avoid no, not, fail, rather than, hardly, far from, never, 76 avoid lack, -less, un-dis-ir-in… 77 aware inform, realize 78 back return 79 background inherit, family, genetics, children, parents 80 backpacks bags 81 badly poor 82 bearing position 83 because why, reason, cause, explain, explanation 84 become aware realize, conscious(ly) 85 before(hand) prior (to) 86 behind at the back (of) 87 benefit advantage, good, worthwhile 88 beside next to 89 beyond out of 90 biology genetics, species, hibernation, live 91 bold brave 92 bones skeleton 93 book reserve 94 boring appealing/interesting 95 borrower library 96 boundary transcend 97 break (time) off, a period away 98 breeding genetic 99 budget finance, funds, money 100 burst increase 101 bury underground 102 business entrepreneurship, profitable organization 103 buy become the property of 104 cabinet furniture 105 calamity disaster, destruction, wipe out, slammed 106 calculate assess, estimate, measure 107 called known as, '...', term, referred to 108 call for demand 109 calm not windy, slow 110 care(ful) caution 111 carry transport 112 cars private transport 113 castle fort, fortification 114 catering (industry) restaurant, cafes 115 cause affect, effects, consequence 116 cause why, because, reason 117 century a hundred years 118 certainly necessarily, must, will, probably, likely, obvious 119 challenge stretch 120 challenge problem 121 chances probability, likelihood 122 chances gambles 123 change shift, alter, modify, adjust, developments 124 characteristic trait 125 charge for pay, price 126 chemicals substances, compounds 127 child father 128 children inherit, family, genetics, parents, background 129 city urban (areas) 130 civil municipal 131 claims arguments 132 classify identify 133 clean wipe out 134 clear definitive 135 climb ascent 136 close closure 137 close to near 138 clue evidence 139 collaborate team, teamed up 140 colleagues team, peer 141 collect gather, pick up 142 colours shades 143 come from result 144 comfortable good (well-seated) 145 commence start 146 commercial (success) profit, income, market 147 commitment responsibility 148 common frequent 149 communicate convey 150 communication keep in touch 151 community local 152 companion accompany 153 company organization 154 compare more than, 155 competition championship 156 complaint customer 157 complete fill in 158 completely all over 159 complex perplexing, (not) simple, sophistication 160 complexity intricacy 161 component part 162 compounds chemicals, substances 163 comprehensive full story 164 compulsory must, regulation, standard, (not) voluntary 165 concept sense 166 concern worry 167 concession reduction, discount 168 conditions factor, depend, if, as long as, provided, unless 169 connect weld, bolt, join, fit together 170 conserving storage 171 construction building, erect 172 contacts people you know 173 contain full of, content 174 contracting shrinking 175 control power, final say, safe(ty) 176 consciously aware, realize 177 constant stable, (hardly) change, dynamic, revision 178 construction building 179 continuous without a break 180 contribute play part in 181 conventional usual, traditional, ordinary 182 conversation communication 183 cooperative willingness to help 184 copy imitate 185 cost budget 186 could may, might, possibly, unlikely 187 countries states, nations, societies, cultures 188 criticism scepticism 189 criticize blast 190 crucial important, essential, vital 191 cultures countries, states, nations, societies 192 current today 193 damage impair, harm, suffer, pollute 194 (in) danger at risk records, history, documentation, information, 195 data details, results, facts 196 deal with procedure 197 decide react 198 decipher work out 199 deduct take off 200 definitely proved undisputed 201 deforestation cut down trees, land clearance 202 degree of level of 203 deliver send 204 demand need, must, have to, required 205 demanding difficult, (not) easy, challenging, hard 206 dense tight 207 departure leave 208 depend factor, conditions, if, as long as, provided, unless 209 depending on according to 210 depends on governed by 211 depriving starvation 212 despite although, however 213 destroy cut down disaster, destruction, wipe out, slammed, waste, 214 destruction despoil 215 details information, data, documentation, history, records 216 detect find 217 determine identify 218 develop improve, make better 219 difference distinction, other, unique, isolated divergent, distinct, diverse, unrelated, 220 different independent 221 difficult hard, not easy, tough 222 digging underground, bury 223 diminish decrease 224 direct first-hand 225 disadvantage deprived, drawback, minus, cons 226 disappear evaporate, less, fewer 227 discount concession, reduction (of prices) 228 discovery breakthrough 229 discussion consultation 230 diseases medical conditions 231 disorder imbalance 232 disparity lack of connection 233 display demonstration, exhibit(ion) 234 dispose discard, throw away 235 disruption destruction, damage 236 distract concentration 237 distracting odd 238 diversity variety 239 divide split, break down 240 documentary film, screening 241 documentation records, history, data, information, recording 242 domain subject 243 domestic home, local 244 donate give away 245 door entrance, exit 246 double more than once, twice 247 dress up try on 248 dump (not) dry 249 durable strong 250 duty should, responsibility 251 early first, new, origin, fresh 252 ease facility 253 easy possible, one does not have to be a genius 254 eater nutritious, diet, food 255 effects impact, affect, consequence 256 e.g such as, like, for example , for instance 257 elusive hard to find 258 emerge arise 259 emotions feelings 260 employment working 261 encourage empower, incentive, stimulus 262 end outcome, conclusion 263 energy calories 264 enjoyable fun 265 enough sufficient 266 entirely totally 267 entrance door 268 entry admission 269 events history 270 evidence indication 271 environment surrounding(s), ecological 272 environment context 273 envy jealousy, negative emotion 274 eradicate destroy 275 erratically unpredictably 276 error flawed 277 essential important, crucial, vital 278 estimate assess, calculate 279 event incident, activity, ride, occasion 280 every all, any, always 281 evidence clue 282 exaggerate overstate 283 examine scrutinize, explore, study, research 284 example particular 285 exchange across 286 exclusively alone, only, solely 287 exercise work out 288 exhausted worn out, burn out 289 existing current 290 expect predict, anticipate, want, in most cases 291 expenses cost 292 expensive cost a fortune, costly 293 experts fully mastered 294 explain reason, why, because, cause, hence 295 exploit rely on 296 explore research, study, survey, investigate 297 extend prolong, create (more) room, expand 298 extra supplementary 299 extreme(ly) awesome, intense 300 facilities conveniences due to, lead to, depend, conditions, if, as long as, 301 factor provided, unless, criterion no, not, (with)out, rather than, hardly, far from, 302 fail never, lack, -less, un-dis-ir-in… 303 fame triumph, publicity 304 familiar well-known 305 family inherit, genetics, children, parents, background no, not, fail, (with)out, rather than, hardly, never, 306 far from lack, -less, un-dis-ir-in… 307 farming food production, agriculture 308 fashion stylish 309 fast short time 310 fault failure 311 favoured put in a strong position 312 feasts meals 313 features traits, characteristicts, categories, limbs 314 feed on nutrition, prey on 315 feelings emotions, frustration 316 field domain 317 figure statue, sculpture 318 film screening, documentary 319 finance budget, funds, money 320 find look for, notice, select, choose, spot 321 first new, early, original, initial 322 fit in relevant 323 fixed (not) moving 324 flight aircraft, plane emphasize, pay attention to, concentrate, distract, 325 focus specialize 326 folklore local belief 327 food eat, edible 328 food production farming, agriculture 329 forecast predict, anticipate 330 for example e.g. , such as, like, for instance 331 for instance e.g. , such as, like, for example 332 format pattern 333 fort castle, fortification 334 fossil dig up 335 free included 336 frightening scary 337 frugal scarce, limited 338 fully in details 339 function application 340 fundamental significant, important 341 funds finance, budget, money 342 future will, yet to, later on trash, rubbish, litter, refuse, waste, junk, debris, 343 garbage dust, rubble 344 gas (not) liquid 345 general public ordinary people/individuals, we/our inherit, family, genetics, children, parents, 346 genetics background 347 geographical features plain, cliffs, plateau, outcrops, rocks 348 geography equator, latitude 349 get in touch notify 350 give up abandon 351 glamorous attractive 352 go visit 353 goal objective, aim 354 good benefit, advantage 355 government authorities, people in power, policy-makers 356 grammar tenses 357 groups parties 358 guide direct, help, feedback 359 gym fitness suite, running machine, weight machine 360 habitat live in 361 hail welcome 362 handouts worksheets, quizzes 363 halt stop, quit 364 hard difficult, (not) easy no, not, fail, (with)out, rather than, far from, 365 hardly never, lack, -less, un-dis-ir-in… 366 harm damage, impair 367 harsh extreme 368 have to necessary, need, must, required 369 health sanitation, disease 370 help assist, (financial) support, advice 371 hire share, borrow, rent 372 history records, data, documentation, information 373 home domestic, relatives 374 honest trusting 375 hope confidence 376 hospitality hotels 377 hours times 378 however despite, although 379 hunt catch 380 hypothesis suggest 381 ideal perfect 382 identify determine, classify 383 identity job, origin factor, depend, conditions, as long as, provided, 384 if unless 385 ignorant without knowing 386 ignore (no) notice, avoid 387 ill healthy 388 image motif 389 imagination more than follow instructions 390 imbalance disorder 391 (im)mortality death, dying 392 impact affect, effects, cause, result 393 impair damage, harm 394 implement set, put into effect 395 implications possibilities 396 important essential, crucial, vital, significant, key develop, (make) better, best, raise quality, 397 improve upgrade, update 398 inability cannot 399 in charge manager 400 incident event 401 included free (of charge) 402 income commercial, wealth(y), earn(er) 403 incomplete fragments 404 increase build, risen 405 independence self-reliance 406 indication sing
407 indifferent (not) interested
408 individual one-on-one
409 in fact actually
records, history, data, documentation, details, 410 information knowledge, experiences 411 inherit family, genetics, children, parents, background 412 initially originally, at first, start(ing point), set out 413 injury hurt 414 inner (not) outer 415 innovative pioneer 416 inspect look at 417 inspire engrossing 418 install put in 419 instant immediate 420 instruct teach, train 421 interest keen 422 interfere affect 423 internet online 424 interrupt stop 425 interview applying for a job 426 intranet internal communication 427 introduction bring in, appearance 428 investigate explore, research, study, survey 429 irrelevant unrelated 430 isolated remote, inaccessible 431 jewels precious stones 432 job security job stability 433 judgement opinion 434 keep free remove 435 keep out isolation 436 known as called, '...', term, coin no, not, fail, (with)out, rather than, hardly, far 437 lack from, never, -less, un-dis-ir-in…, scarce 438 landscape desert, terrain 439 large big 440 latest newest 441 launch start 442 leave the ground take off 443 lecture speak in public 444 legends stories 445 lengthy time consuming no, not, fail, (with)out, rather than, hardly, far 446 -less from, never, lack, un-dis-ir-in… 447 lessons classes 448 level floor, table, degree 449 library catalogue 450 life existence 451 lifestyle way of life 452 like resemble 453 like e.g. , such as, for example , for instance 454 likelihood %, shares, дроби necessarily, will, probably, certainly, must, 455 likely incidence 456 limit restrict, minimize hardly any, restrict, minimize, scarce, lack, stop, 457 limit(ation) fix, lessen 458 linked associated, joined, web, grid 459 liquid beverage 460 0list include 461 little hardly any garbage, trash, rubbish, litter, refuse, waste, junk, 462 litter debris, dust, rubble 463 lively energetic/energy 464 local in the area 465 located situated 466 lonely Lack of contact 467 look scene, visual, paint, appearance, view, observe 468 look after supervise 469 look at keep an eye contact 470 lost disappeared 471 mainly most, majority, almost every, primarily, heavily 472 major(ity) most, almost every, mainly 473 make better improve, develop 474 manager area leader 475 manufacture produce, business 476 marine sea 477 massive huge 478 mastery control 479 match go with 480 maximum as much/many as possible 481 may might, could, possibly, unlikely, in case 482 means of form of 483 measure results, outcomes, (figures), (цифры) 484 measures steps 485 medium between, average 486 meet expectations correspond perception 487 megalopolis urban area, metropolitan 488 message main point 489 metabolic biology 490 meteorological weather 491 methods techniques, practices 492 metropolitan urban area, megalopolis 493 might may, could, possibly, unlikely 494 military weapon 495 minimize limit, restrict 496 minute tiny 497 mishandling bungle 498 misrepresent give an unreal picture 499 miss (not) notice 500 missing without, absent 501 mixed with added to 502 model miniature 503 modern new 504 moisture wet, humid, (not) dry 505 money back refund 506 money finance, budget, funds 507 monitor check compare,, outperform, опровержение через 508 more than as…as… 509 most majority, almost every, mainly 510 mountains highlands necessary, need, have to, required, compulsory, 511 must are bound; will, probably, likely, certainly 512 narrow the scope focus on 513 nations countries, states, societies, cultures 514 nature essence 515 navigate find way, (not) get lost 516 near by, next door 517 nearby neighbouring 518 necessarily will, probably, likely, certainly 519 necessary need, must, have to, required 520 need necessary, must, have to, required no, not, fail, (with)out, rather than, hardly, far 521 never from, lack, -less, un-dis-ir-in… 522 new first, early, origin, never seen before, fresh 523 no not, fail, (with)out, rather than, other than, hardly, far from, never, lack, -less, un-dis-ir-in… 524 noise roar 525 notice inform 526 notified informed, told 527 notoriety famous, well known 528 obey comply 529 object mind 530 objects things 531 obligation duty, responsibility 532 observation (post) watch(tower) 533 obstacle obstruction, impossible 534 obvious clear 535 odd distracting 536 old fashioned outdated 537 omit leave out, strip out 538 once after, (not) before 539 one single 540 only exclusively, alone, solely 541 operate work, function 542 opinion(s) mentality, judge 543 opportunity chance 544 opt for choose 545 opt out ignore 546 ordered demanded 547 ordinary general public, we/our people/individuals 548 origin first, new, early 549 original set apart 550 or other such as 551 ought supposed, expect(ation) 552 outcomes lead to, results, measure, (цифры) 553 over- too much, too many, excess 554 over and over repeat, again 555 overhead bill 556 overlook view 557 overseas (not) close to home 558 pace speed, rate 559 paint colour, dye 560 paradox contradict inherit, family, genetics, children, parents, 561 parents background 562 park outside 563 particular specific, proper, a/an, unusual 564 party team 565 past ancestors 566 pattern formation 567 pay foot the bill 568 people in charge management 569 people in power government, authorities, politics 570 people living here population 571 perceive be aware of 572 percentage statistics, share, hire, % 573 perfect ideal 574 performance concert 575 performance results, grades 576 peripheral unimportant 577 perish die 578 permanent long-lasting 579 personal values individual properties 580 pessimistic worse 581 place location 582 (in) place of in lieu of 583 plague infest 584 planes aircraft 585 plants vegetation, trees, woods 586 pleasant scent sweet smell 587 plenty/plentiful abundance 588 poisonous danger 589 policy strategy 590 poor bad 591 population people living here 592 potential ability 593 positive value 594 possible potential 595 possibly may, might, could, unlikely 596 potential ability, possibility 597 power control 598 predict forecast, anticipate 599 predictable reliable 600 prepare in advance, plan 601 presented delivered 602 pretend imagine 603 prevent stop, make impossible, reduce chances of 604 price to charge 605 price cut charge less 606 primarily mainly 607 principles laws 608 priority preference, most significant 609 private transport cars 610 probably necessarily, must, will, likely, certainly 611 problem difficulty, hardships 612 produce manufacture 613 productive creative 614 profit commercial success 615 prolong extend, increase 616 promote (products) market, advertise 617 promptly immediately 618 proof evidence 619 proper specific, particular, a/an 620 protect defense 621 prove show 622 provide send, throw up, provision 623 provided factor, depend, conditions, if, as long as, unless 624 public communal 625 purify clean up 626 quantity amount 627 quickly less (little) time 628 quizzes handouts, worksheets 629 rainfall precipitation 630 raise lift 631 raise money collect, fund 632 range variety, number, many, array, variation 633 rapid short, instant 634 rare not generally available, out of use no, not, fail, (with)out, hardly, far from, never, 635 rather than lack, -less, un-dis-ir-in…, conflict 636 rational thinking reasoning, judgement 637 re- re-, second time 638 reach arrive at, get to 639 reaction response, answer 640 reading scan, skim 641 readying preparedness 642 ready-made (not) to create 643 realize become aware, conscious(ly) 644 reason why, because, cause, explain 645 reasonably averagely 646 reasoning rational thinking, judgement 647 recall remember 648 receive get 649 recharge battery 650 recipient (not) sender, receiver 651 recognition acknowledge 652 recognizable distinctive 653 recommend should, advise, a good idea, responsibility, duty 654 records history, data, documentation, information 655 reduce lower reduction (of 656 concession, discount prices) reference 657 (text)books, journals materials 658 refreshments (drinks) hydrate 659 refund money back garbage, rubbish, litter, refuse, waste, junk, 660 refuse debris, dust, rubble 661 regret ashamed 662 regular weekly, at fixed intervals, once a week 663 regulate organize, coordinate 664 regulation standard, rule 665 reject reluctant 666 relatively comparatively 667 relevant important 668 relocate move 669 rely on depend on 670 remain still, continue to be 671 remember recall 672 remove take off, knock down 673 repair restore, re- 674 replace change 675 replica reconstruction 676 reply answer, reaction, response 677 reproduce copy 678 reproduction give birth, produce babies, breed 679 reputation image 680 request ask 681 required necessary, need, must, have to 682 research explore, study, survey, investigate, science 683 resistant not affected 684 respect credibility 685 respond/response react, answer, reaction, reply 686 responsibility should, duty, obligation, commitment 687 responsible caused 688 resources materials 689 rest break 690 restore repair, re- 691 restrict limit, curb outcomes, measure, (цифры), performance, 692 results grades 693 return (not) once-in-a-lifetime, back 694 review get away from, get rid of 695 rewarding satisfying 696 rewards treats 697 rich fortune 698 rich in high concentration 699 risk dangerously 700 rockets space 701 room capacity, size, to house 702 rounded smooth, curved 703 route track garbage, trash, rubbish, litter, refuse, waste, junk, 704 rubbish debris, dust, rubble 705 safeguard avoid risks 706 savings discount 707 scent smell 708 scheme program, project 709 sciences (stem) disciplines 710 screening film, documentary 711 sea marine 712 seabed ocean floor 713 sea life fish and other creatures 714 season year 715 sectors industry, agriculture 716 security unforgeable 717 see demonstration 718 selective fussy 719 send provide with 720 sense perceive 721 separate divide 722 settle on (not) ignore 723 several more than one 724 shade (not) full glare, shelter 725 share statistics, percentage, hire, % 726 share hire, not on their own 727 shift change, alter 728 short supply lack, not enough, shortage advise, a good idea, recommend, responsibility, 729 should duty 730 show demonstrate, see, imagine 731 shun avoid, shy 732 shyness introverted/ (not) extraverted 733 signal advertisement, announcement 734 simple straightforward, easy 735 size dimensions, volume, capacity, room 736 sketch drawing, painting 737 skin casing 738 slow take a lot of time 739 small tiny 740 snacks light meals 741 soar rise 742 societies countries, states, nations, cultures 743 software program 744 solely exclusively, alone, only 745 source (obtain) from 746 special uncommon, unusual 747 specific particular, proper, a/an 748 speculation proposed 749 stable constant, static, maintain 750 standards regulations, criteria, specification 751 start get off the ground 752 states countries, nations, societies, cultures 753 static not moving 754 (power) station (power) plant 755 statistics percentage, share, %, figures 756 statue figure, sculpture 757 stay wait 758 steps measures, stages 759 stimulate keep active 760 stop prevent, eliminate, halt 761 store lock in, hold 762 stories tales 763 storyline flow of events 764 straightforward simple 765 strain pain 766 strategy policy 767 strengthen more 768 (reduce) stress relax 769 stretch challenge 770 strict rigorous 771 striking unusual, eerie 772 structure framework 773 student (under/post)graduate explore, research, survey, investigate, academic, 774 study experiment 775 subject domain, field 776 subjects people 777 submit give a link to 778 substances chemicals, compounds 779 substitute alternative 780 subtleties shades 781 successful high results (levels) 782 such as e.g. , like, for example , for instance, or other 783 sufficient enough 784 suggest Why don’t you?, propose 785 suitable appropriate 786 summerize short 787 summit top 788 supply provision 789 support (make a) contribution, fund, finance 790 surprising unexpected 791 surroundings environment 792 survey explore, research, study, investigate 793 survive (not) die (out) 794 suspect theory 795 sustainable environment, ecology 796 take off deduce, deduction 797 talk discuss, speak, topic, conversation 798 task job 799 team party, colleagues, peers 800 techniques methods 801 temporally (for) a short time 802 temporary casual 803 term known as, called, '…', coin 804 terrace place where you can sit 805 test try out 806 theory suspect 807 thorough in details 808 threaten endanger, jeopardize 809 time limit deadline 810 tips sharp points 811 today current(ly), modern, latest 812 too much over-, out of proportion 813 top summit, roof 814 total цифра 815 touch handle 816 tough difficult, strong 817 traditional conventional 818 traffic (not) pedestrians 819 traits features, characteristics garbage, rubbish, litter, refuse, waste, junk, 820 trash debris, dust, rubble 821 treatment medical technique 822 trees vegetation, plants, woods 823 trivial (not) serious 824 two both, second, ...and... 825 unaccompanied independently 826 uncertainty or 827 under(/post)graduate student 828 undermine take something away from 829 understanding knowledge, make sense of 830 understood clear 831 undervalue (not) appreciate no, not, fail, (with)out, rather than, hardly, far 832 un-dis-ir-in- from, never, lack, -less 833 unexpected disappointed 834 unexpectedly surprisingly factor, depend, conditions, if, as long as, 835 unless provided 836 unlikely may, might, could, possibly 837 unnecessary superfluous, redundant 838 unpaid work volunteer 839 unpredictable random 840 unspoilt pristine 841 until unless 842 upright level 843 up to maximum 844 Urb\an area megalopolis, metropolitan 845 urgent pressing 846 usually generally 847 vague (not) revealing 848 valuable precious, worth 849 value appreciate, thank 850 varying virtually any, not the same 851 vegetation trees, plants, woods 852 vehicles lorries, vans 853 via by means of, through 854 vicinity near 855 view outlook, opinion, attitude 856 vigorous rapid 857 visible observation, sight 858 vision view 859 visual picture, watch, map view, camera, image, look 860 vital important, essential, crucial 861 vocabulary linguistic, language, words 862 volume amount 863 voluntary work unpaid help 864 wages pay checks garbage, rubbish, litter, refuse, waste, junk, 865 waste debris, dust, rubble 866 waterways rivers 867 way of life lifestyle 868 we/our ordinary people/individuals, general public 869 welcome (not) disdain 870 well-being health 871 well known famous 872 wet(lands) marsh(y), rain(y), swamp 873 whatever the season all year round 874 wheelchair user disabled 875 when under circumstances 876 why because, reason, cause, explain 877 wildlife animals, fauna 878 will necessarily, must, probably, likely, certainly 879 will future, yet to 880 willing want 881 wipe out eradicate 882 wise a good idea no, not, fail, rather than, hardly, far from, never, 883 (with)out lack, -less, un-dis-ir-in… 884 witness evidence 885 woods vegetation, trees, plants 886 work business 887 work hard much effort 888 worksheets handouts, quizzes 889 worry concern 890 worth advantage 891 yet to future, will
Recharge my battery
When I talk to her I recharge my battery
In order to = relieve my anxiety
This sound made me mad.
Chill out = to relax
Part and parcel
I have been doing it since my school years.
When I was a student I read in a book about benefits of this activity. Since then it has become part and parcel of my life. When I get engage with this activity I chill out. I’d like to learn new techniques of it, for this I follow famous specialists all around the world.
I had been dreaming about going there for many years. (past perfect cont)