Vibration Energy Harvesting With Aluminum Nitride-Based Piezoelectric Devices
Vibration Energy Harvesting With Aluminum Nitride-Based Piezoelectric Devices
Vibration Energy Harvesting With Aluminum Nitride-Based Piezoelectric Devices
This paper describes the measurement results of piezoelectric energy harvesters with
aluminum nitride (AlN) as a piezoelectric material. AlN was chosen for its material properties
and for its well-known sputter deposition process. For AlN devices a high optimum load
resistance is required, which is favorable due to the high resulting voltage level. The output
power harvested from mechanical vibrations has been measured on micromachined harvesters
with different geometries. The resonance frequencies ranged from 200 up to 1200 Hz. The
packaged devices had limited output powers and quality factors due to air damping caused by
the package. A maximum output power of 60 μW has been measured on an unpackaged
device at an acceleration of 2.0 g and at a resonance frequency of 572 Hz. The package of the
harvester requires special attention, since air damping can significantly decrease the maximum
power output.
(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)
J. Micromech. Microeng. 19 (2009) 094005 R Elfrink et al
Cpiezo bondwire
mass silicon
mass beam
lenght lenght
Figure 2. (Left) Vibration energy harvester packaged in between glass substrates at the rest position. (Right) Motion of the mass of the
J. Micromech. Microeng. 19 (2009) 094005 R Elfrink et al
0.20 1
type 1
type 3
type 5
type 7
0.1 type 9
1.0E+04 1.0E+05 1.0E+06 1.0E+07 0.001
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Load resistance [Ω] Frequency [Hz]
Figure 5. Load resistor matching for a packaged device type 5 at Figure 6. Resonance curves at 1.0 g for devices with different
0.25 g at the resonance frequency. geometries. They are packaged, which causes considerable air
damping and decreases the output power.
Within the used set of AlN devices, each with its
specific capacitance and resonance frequency, the optimum 100
1.0 g
load resistance was always in the range of 0.1–1.0 M. For
2.0 g
devices based on lead zirconate titanate (PZT) with the same
4.0 g
dimensions, the optimum load resistance will be in the order of 10 8.0 g
a few k due to its higher dielectric constant and thus resulting
higher capacitance. This high optimum load resistance for
J. Micromech. Microeng. 19 (2009) 094005 R Elfrink et al
100 70
opened package
unpackaged 60
Power [μW]
Power [μW]
0.01 550 560 570 580 590
0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10
Normalized Frequency [Hz]
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 8. Resonance curves at 2.0 g of three type 5 devices with Figure 9. Resonance curve of an unpackaged device type 5
different packaging, resulting in different air damping and thus generating a maximum output power of 60 μW at 2.0 g.
output power and quality factor.
the input displacement and should equal the quality factor.
4.2. Unpackaged devices The displacement at the center of the mass can be calculated
from the device geometry and the measured displacement at
A comparison between three devices of type 5 with different the tip of the mass. For this measurement, the mechanical
packaging and therefore different air damping is visualized amplification factor equals 160. The quality factor of this
in figure 8. The frequency scale on the x-axis is normalized resonance curve obtained from the fit to the Lorentz function is
to compensate for a small frequency shift between the three 170. The difference between the electrically measured quality
devices (572, 592 and 611 Hz respectively). The frequency factor and the mechanical measured amplification factor is
shift is caused by a small difference in cantilever beam considered to be within the measurement accuracy.
thickness due to process variation over the silicon wafer. For this device, the output power as a function of the
The packaged device generated an output power of input acceleration (ainput) at the resonance frequency is shown
2.1 μW. The device for which the package is partly opened in figure 10(left). At low acceleration levels up to about
at the mass tip generated 22 μW. The unpackaged device 1.0 g, the slope of this double logarithmic plot is close to
generated 60 μW. All measurements were performed at an +2, indicating a quadratic relation between the output power
acceleration of 2.0 g. The corresponding quality factors are and the input acceleration. This is according to a general
37, 110 and 170 respectively. The bandwidth increases when model of a velocity damped oscillator for the conversion of
air damping is present. However, the power output is lower mechanical energy of a vibrating mass into electrical power
at all frequencies. The air damping introduces mechanical [4]. At higher acceleration levels, the slope seems to reduce
loss and thus reduces the displacement of the mass. This toward a value of +1. This change from quadratic to linear
especially suppresses the resonance peak, which leads to behavior is the result of increased damping with the input
a lower output power and lower quality factor and should acceleration. This is possible due to the larger cantilever
therefore be prevented. beam bending or due to increased air damping at higher mass
A further increase of output power and quality factor can velocity. This increase in damping is measured as a decrease
be expected when air damping is fully prevented by the use of in quality factor. In this case, the quality factor decreased
vacuum packaged devices. In that case the moving mass is not from 326 down to 160 for accelerations of 0.05 g and 2.0 g
damped by air and the mass will have a larger displacement at respectively. In figure 10(right), the output power is plotted as
lower excitation force, leading to a higher power output and a function of the mass acceleration (amass); the latter is defined
higher quality factor. as follows:
Figure 9 shows once more the resonance curve of the
unpacked device type 5 with power now plotted on a linear amass = ainput · Q. (3)
scale. The resonance curve is slightly asymmetrical, most The slope of the mass acceleration versus output power is
likely due to nonlinear behavior of large mass displacements. now constant +2.0 for the measured range.
The output power at resonance is 60 μW. The input The resonance curves for a set of unpackaged devices at
acceleration of 2.0 g is corresponding to a peak-to-peak an acceleration of 1.0 g are given in figure 11. All unpackaged
input displacement of 3.03 μm at the resonance frequency devices gave a maximum output power between 8 and 35 μW.
of 572 Hz. The maximum peak-to-peak displacement at the The quality factors of the individual resonance curves are
tip of mass was 895 μm, which was measured with an optical between 135 for the largest device and 340 for the smallest
microscope. The mechanical amplification factor is calculated device. In table 2, an overview of both the results of the
by dividing the displacement at the center of the mass by packaged and unpackaged devices is given. Compared with
J. Micromech. Microeng. 19 (2009) 094005 R Elfrink et al
100 100
10 10
Power [μW]
Power [μW]
1 1
0.1 0.1
0.01 0.1 1 10 10 100 1000
Acceleration/g Mass acceleration/g
Figure 10. (Left) Power output as a function of the input acceleration at the resonance frequency. (Right) Power output as a function of the
mass acceleration.
the set of packaged devices, both the output power and the
quality factor are considerably higher for the unpackaged ones. type 1
This effect is explained by the reduced air damping compared type 3
type 5
with the high air damping in the cavities of the packaged type 7
devices. One should consider that the contribution of air type 9
damping to the total damping is dependent on the cantilever
Power [μW]
4.3. Displacement and electrical damping relationship of displacement and current is measured, one
can choose to use the current measurement to obtain the
With the use of the optical microscope, the displacement of displacement of the mass.
the tip of the moving mass has been measured. At constant Harvesting energy can be visualized as a reduction in
load resistance, the measured current should be linear with mass displacement due to electrical damping. This is shown in
the displacement of the mass [4]. This linearity is shown by figure 13 for an unpackaged device with reduced air damping.
simultaneous measurement of displacement and current while The mass tip displacement is measured as a function of load
the frequency or the acceleration is varied. Figure 12 shows resistor. When the load resistor has a very low (short circuit)
an example for an unpackaged device type 5 at a constant or very high (open circuit) value, the energy dissipation in
frequency while the acceleration was varied. Once this linear the load is low (see figure 5). At the optimum load, resistor
J. Micromech. Microeng. 19 (2009) 094005 R Elfrink et al
28 571.94 0.95 554
200 572.09 3.47 427
Current [μA]
2 Ropt (447 kΩ)
0.5*Ropt (200 kΩ)
2*Ropt (1.0 MΩ)
0 Rshort (28 kΩ)
0 200 400 600 800 100 0 3.0 Ropen (7.1 MΩ)
mass tip displacement pk-pk [μm]
Power [μW]
Figure 12. Current through the used load resistor versus the
peak-to-peak displacement of the tip of the mass while the 2.0
acceleration was varied between 0.05 g and 2.0 g.
340 572.6
Mass tip displacement [μm]
568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576
Frequency [Hz]
300 572.4
220 572.0
maximum power output is obtained at the optimum load of
447 k. As mentioned above, the electrical damping is then
maximal resulting in a quality factor of 389. The two curves
180 571.8 at about half (200 k) and about twice (1.0 M) the optimum
1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 1.E+08
Loadresistance [Ω]
load show a lower power output and a higher quality factor
of about 425. The shift in resonance frequency can be clearly
Figure 13. Load resistor matching for an unpackaged device type 5 distinguished. For the two dotted lines, a low load resistor
at 0.25 g at resonance.
value of 28 k and a high load resistor value of 7.11 M have
been used. With respect to the optimal load at the resonance
value maximum power is transferred from the harvester to the frequency, the use of these resistor values can be considered
load. Energy dissipation in the load (harvesting) is considered as short circuit and open circuit situations, while the power
as electrically damping the mechanical displacement of the output is still at a measurable high level of about 1.0 μW.
mass. In figure 13, one can observe that both in the open and Again the quality factor has increased to about 550, indicating
short circuit cases the electrical damping is minimal and the a further decrease in electrical damping, thus less energy is
measured mass displacement of about 320 μm is maximal. At harvested. Compared with the curve at the optimum load,
the optimum load resistor value of 450 k, the measured mass the output power is significantly lower, the quality factor is
displacement of 200 μm is minimal and thus the harvesting, higher and the shift in frequency is maximal. At optimum load
electrical damping, is at its maximum. resistor, both the power and the bandwidth are maximized. An
Another observation is the change in resonance frequency overview of the measured results is presented in table 3.
with the load resistor value. At low load resistor values, the
resonance frequency is about 0.6 Hz lower compared with the
situation where high load resistors are applied. This change in 5. Conclusions
resonance frequency is described by Renaud et al and can be
used to calculate the generalized electromechanical coupling We presented measurement results of AlN-based piezoelectric
factor [15]. It is noticed that at the optimum load resistor energy harvesters. AlN was chosen as a piezoelectric material
value, the resonance frequency can be found in between the for its material properties and for its well-known sputter
open and short circuit frequencies. deposition process. For AlN devices, a higher optimum load
The resonance curves at a constant acceleration of 0.25 g resistance is required compared with the lower optimum load
and various load resistor values are given in figure 14. The resistance for PZT-based devices. This favors the use of AlN
J. Micromech. Microeng. 19 (2009) 094005 R Elfrink et al
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