Water Conservation Part

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Centre for Ministry of

Science and Housing and

Environment Urban Affairs

A P R A C T I T I O N E R ' S G U I D E

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A P R A C T I T I O N E R ' S G U I D E

Centre for Ministry of

Science and Housing and
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using Urban Affairs
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Research director and coordinator: Suresh Kumar Rohilla

Writers: Chhavi Sharda and Mahreen Matto

Research support: Chitransh Dua

Editor: Archana Shankar

Cover design: Raj Kumar Singh

Layout: Kirpal Singh

Production: Rakesh Shrivastava and Gundhar Das

Ministry of Housing
and Urban Affairs

We are grateful to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India, for
their support to CSE as a Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Management.

© 2017 Centre for Science and Environment

Material from this publication can be used, but with acknowledgement.

Citation: Suresh Kumar Rohilla, Chhavi Sharda and Mahreen Matto 2017, Water Efficiency
and Conservation: A Practitioner’s Guide, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi

Published by
Centre for Science and Environment
41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi 110 062
Phones: 91-11-40616000
Fax: 91-11-29955879
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.cseindia.org

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Abbreviations 5
Glossary 6
Executive summary 7

1. Introduction 8
1.1 Background 8
1.2 Need for a guide 12
1.3 Target group for the guide 13
1.4 How to use the guide 14

2. Evolving knowledge and scope for WEC planning 16

2.1 Evolving knowledge—Journey towards WEC 16
2.2 Planning for WEC 19
2.3 Scope of WEC planning and interventions in India 20

3. WEC approach 28
3.1 The planning process 28
3.2 WEC planning at various scales 47

4. WEC implementation and practices 50
4.1 Stakeholder analysis 50
4.2 Economic and social aspects of WEC 54
4.3 Case studies 56

5. The way forward 70

References 71
Annexures 74

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List of figures
Figure 1: WEC measures 11
Figure 2: WEC: Policy to practice 12
Figure 3: Considerations for a strong WEC plan 20
Figure 4: Water management for a city 22
Figure 5: Implementation of WEC interventions at the city scale 22
Figure 6: Roles and responsibilities for water supply at smaller scales 23
Figure 7: Hierarchy of water requirements 23
Figure 8: Average domestic water consumption in Indian households 26
Figure 9: Stages of WEC for sustainable water management 29
Figure 10: Process for evaluation of system and setting goals 30
Figure 11: Groundwater potential map of Theni district, Tamil Nadu 32
Figure 12: Process for designing a plan 39
Figure 13: Steps for strategy development 44
Figure 14: WEC approaches at different scales 48
Figure 15: Participation of stakeholders at different levels 51
Figure 16: Stakeholder engagement strategy 53
Figure 17: Conventional rate-making by water service utilities 55
Figure 18: Benefits of WEC 56

List of tables
Table 1: Water demand for various sectors in India 9
Table 2: Target users 13
Table 3: Structure of this guide 14
Table 4: Provisions and opportunities for WEC planning and implementation 19
Table 5: Water-saving potential of various WEC interventions 21
Table 6: Scope of average water savings through water-efficient fixtures 26
Table 7: Summary of areas with major improvement potential in a building 27
Table 8: Different scales for WEC planning and implementation 28
Table 9: Step-by-step process for WEC planning 30
Table 10: Overview for data collection at various scales 31
Table 11: Analysis of challenges and opportunities for WEC planning 43
Table 12: Application of WEC measures at various scales 48
Table 13: Open-source tools for WEC 49
Table 14: Budget allocation for implementation of WEC measures 56

List of graphs
Graph 1: Projected global water demand and actual withdrawals 8
Graph 2: Water demand and estimated level of achievable efficiency 11

List of posters
Poster 1: The journey towards mainstreaming sustainable urban water management
through WEC 18

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ABR Anaerobic baffled reactor

BCM Billion cubic metres
BMP Best management practice
CBO Community-based organization
CoE Centre of Excellence
CPHEEO Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organization
CSE Centre for Science and Environment
CSP City Sanitation Plan
ET Evapo-transpiration
JnNURM Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
KL Kilo litres
KLD Kilo litres per day
LPCD Litres per capita per day
MLD Million litres per day
MoHUA Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
MoWR Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation
NGO Non-governmental organization
NMSH National Mission on Sustainable Habitat
NRW Non-revenue water
NWP National Water Policy
NWM National Water Mission
RWA Residents welfare association
RWH Rainwater harvesting
SDG Sustainable Development Goal
STP Sewage treatment plant
SWH Storm-water harvesting
ULB Urban local body
WEC Water efficiency and conservation

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Aquifer An underground layer of water-bearing permeable rock, rock

fractures or unconsolidated materials (gravel, sand or silt) from which
groundwater can be extracted by means of a water well.

Battery site A portion of land that contains separators, treaters, dehydrators,

storage tanks, pumps, compressors and other surface equipment in
which fluids coming from a well are separated, measured or stored.

Catchment The area from which rainfall flows into a river, lake or reservoir.

Groundwater recharge A hydrologic process in which water moves downward from surface
water to groundwater.

Lineament Long linear or curvilinear features that are structurally tectonically

controlled and can be seen only through aerial photographs or satellite

Non-revenue water Water that has been produced and is ‘lost’ before it reaches the user.
Losses can be real (through leaks and also referred to as physical losses)
or apparent (through, for example, theft or metering inaccuracies).

Rainwater harvesting A process of capturing rainfall and preventing its runoff, evaporation
and seepage for its efficient utilization and conservation.

Runoff The part of precipitation, snow melt or irrigation water that flows as
surface streams, rivers, drains, or sewers.

Water audit An accounting procedure whose purpose is to accurately determine

the amount of unaccounted-for water in a water-distribution system.

Water fixture An exchangeable device that can be connected to a plumbing system

to deliver and drain water.

Xeriscaping Landscaping and gardening that reduces or eliminates the need for
supplemental water from irrigation.

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Executive summary

Water efficiency and conservation (WEC) creates alternative water resources,

conserves existing and local resources, decreases demand for freshwater in
cities and eventually stabilizes at the minimum threshold.

The National Water Mission (NWM) and the National Mission on Sustainable
Habitat (NMSH) emphasize the need to conserve water, minimize waste and
promote alternative technologies as well as encourage community involvement
to increase water-use efficiency by 20 per cent by 2017. Centre for Science
and Environment (CSE) prepared in 2017 a policy paper, ‘Water Efficiency
and Conservation in Urban India’, in line with the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) for the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. The 12th Five-
Year Plan has provisions to create a forum for gateways to water conservation
(rainwater harvesting, recycling and reuse, water conservation devices),
preparing comprehensive water audit plans to offer cost-effective water-
efficient technologies. In addition, the 14th Finance Commission and schemes
such as Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) and
Smart city provide for the possibility to seek funds for planned interventions.
However, while these provisions recognize the need for conserving and using
water efficiently, little has been done to mainstream WEC.

Planning WEC helps identify priority interventions; current water–supply

gap, intended water use and quality and quantity required are accounted for.
Managing demand through conservation and increase in water-use efficiency
contributes to less water use for the same human benefit. WEC can also increase
water supply by recycling water, minimizing leakage during conveyance
and creating water-efficient landscaping. The quantity of water used varies
significantly as also design and management efficiencies at various scales of
plan and implementation; this leads to non-uniform scope for improvement in

This guide is an attempt to mainstream water efficiency and conservation from

policy to practice. Its thematic areas include in situ water augmentation, water
efficiency and behavioural changes, with new interventions introduced and
effectiveness of measures that can be implemented on different scales detailed.
Its purpose is to provide guidance with regard to practising WEC for effective
planning of water-secure cities.

The guide is meant to assist practitioners in the water sector to plan and
implement projects at the city scale and smaller scales. It describes the process
of WEC planning, with a comprehensive list of tools and techniques to initiate
and implement WEC plans, programmes and practice. It shows how WEC can
be strategized by looking into gaps in existing policies, plans and guidelines in
India, and suggests the most suitable ways forward.

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1. Introduction
Estimates of future water use have greatly exceeded actual water withdrawals.
New projections have begun to incorporate new thinking and approaches only
in recent years.1

This chapter introduces the need for WEC and WEC planning. It establishes the
need for this practitioner’s guide and gives a preview of the contents, relevant
users and methodology to use the guide.

1.1 Background
All over the world, water management—to meet projections of future demand
—has conventionally been addressed by supply-side solutions. Water-supply
infrastructures are built within or on the outskirts of cities from where water
can be tapped. Future water use has usually been assumed to be a direct
function of population size, economic wealth and per capita water use per unit
of wealth. As these factors grow, traditional estimates of future demand for
water are assumed to grow with them.

It has become increasingly apparent that traditional projections are often

incorrect. Graph 1: Projected global water demand and actual withdrawals
shows actual water withdrawals and projections of future water-use over the
last forty years.

Graph 1: Projected global water demand and actual withdrawals

Water withdrawals (cubic kilometres per year)


Demand estimates made
during the 20th century


Actual global water withdrawals


1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050


Source: Anon., 2003, Waste Not, Want Not: The Potential for Urban Water Conservation in California, Pacific Institute for
Studies in Development, Environment, and Security, California.

India has 16 per cent of the world’s population, 2.4 per cent of its land area and
about 4 per cent of the world’s water resources. Its total annual water resource
potential is estimated in the range of 1870–1950 billion cubic metres (bcm), with
both surface and groundwater sources accounted for. Usable water resources
have been estimated to be in the range of 1030–1120 bcm of which 60–65 per
cent is from surface water (690 bcm) and the remaining from groundwater
sources.2 Table 1: Water demand for various sectors in India shows the demand
for water for various sectors and the corresponding estimated demand for

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Table 1: Water demand for various sectors in India

Sector Estimate 1 (in bcm) Estimate 2 (in bcm)
(Standing Sub-Committee Report MoWR) (NCIWRD)
2010 2025 2050 2010 2025 2050

Irrigation 688 910 1072 557 611 807

Domestic 56 73 102 43 62 111

Industry 12 23 63 37 67 81

Energy 5 15 130 19 33 70

Other (environmental 52 72 80 54 70 111

losses, leakage losses etc.)
Total 813 1,093 1,447 710 843 1,180
Note: MoWR—Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation; NCIWRD—National Commission on Integrated Water Resources
Source: Water Use Efficiency in Urban India: A CII-USAID India Handbook, CII, 2013.

water until the year 2050. As per varying estimates, water demand for domestic
consumption in India as of 2010 is 43–56 billion cubic metres annually (i.e.
about 6–10 per cent of the total annual water demand).

Meeting these water demands with falling freshwater resources is increasingly

a big challenge. A water-secure future for the urban sector requires solutions
that converge into an integrated plan for overall sustainable water management
through conservation and improving water-use efficiency.3

The current water model that primarily focuses on water supply is consequently
unsustainable, given that increased water supply leads to more wastewater
generation, which increases cost of treatment. A paradigm shift is needed
to focus on management systems that involve reuse and recycle, preventing
leakage losses and resource efficiency. Water resource efficiency is, therefore,
critical in urban water management, both in the case of water supply and
sanitation services.4

To address the issue of water management in a time-bound manner, CSE as

a Centre of Excellence (CoE) for MoHUA in sustainable water management
published a policy paper, Water Efficiency and Conservation in Urban India in
2017.5 The paper was an attempt to make India a water-frugal economy through
improved water quality and resource efficiency, and increased recycling, safe
reuse and water-use efficiency, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs). The National Water Mission (NWM) and the National Mission on
Sustainable Habitat (NMSH) also emphasize on the need to conserve water,
minimize waste and promote alternative technologies as well as encourage
community involvement to increase water-use efficiency by 20 per cent.6, 7

Conservation planners generally believe that a long-term WEC programme can

reduce water consumption by up to 20 per cent. Conservation in this range can
be economically justified as it delays capital investment in facilities.8

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Highlights of the National Water Mission, 2008

The objective of the National Water Mission is ‘conservation of water, minimizing wastage and ensuring its equitable distribution both
across and within States through integrated water resources development and management’.

It recommends:
• Water-use efficiency programmes, including water conservation, water recycling
• Promotion of citizens and state actions for water conservation, augmentation and preservation
• Increasing water-use efficiency by 20 per cent by 2017

Highlights of the 12th Five-Year Plan, 2012–17

• Focuses on the need to invest in water and wastewater management that is both sustainable and affordable.
• Covers recommendation for new institutions and groundwater laws.
• Recommends protection and use of local water sources before planning for long-distance transportation of water projects.
• Recommends comprehensive water audit plans to offer cost-effective and water-efficient technologies, mainly for industries.
• Suggests repair, renovation and restoration (RRR) of waterbodies.
• Provides for the creation of a forum that provides gateways on water conservation (RWH, recycling and reuse, water-conservation

Key points from policy paper Water Efficiency and Conservation in Urban India, 2017

A policy framework is proposed for WEC in urban areas for sustainable water management in the Indian context. This also highlights
the definition of water efficiency and conservation as:

‘Water conservation and efficiency refers to the identification, implementation, and evaluation of actions intended to meet
water demand, reduce consumption and improve the efficiency of water use.’

• Gives guiding principles for practitioners to use and ensure the effective and efficient collection, treatment, distribution and
sustainable end-use (productivity) of potable water supply.
• Brings water conservation and efficiency together as a holistic approach, in an attempt to build on existing programme and
projects, and addressing the way in which water is used in urban environments throughout the country.
• Water efficiency and conservation measures/strategies suggested in the paper are:
o In situ water augmentation: Includes wastewater reuse, water bodies and rainwater harvesting
o Water efficiency: Includes xeriscaping, water fixtures and reducing non-revenue water (NRW)
o Behavioural change: Includes awareness, water pricing and social acceptability
• Best management practices (BMPs) from national and international experiences can be adopted by analysing the feasibility of
different case studies which is to be applied in different Indian conditions.

WEC planning helps identify priority conservation and efficiency interventions
considering not only the present scenario from available data analysis but also
accounting for the intended purpose of water use, quality and quantity required.
Efforts in WEC will decrease current demand and eventually stabilize it at the
minimum threshold. Water conservation also has the capacity to increase water
supply through recycling water, minimum leakage during conveyance etc.
Further, with WEC measures implemented, groundwater levels will increase
and waterbodies rejuvenate.9, 10 Figure 1: WEC measures shows proposed areas
of interventions to achieve WEC for sustainable water-management in urban

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Several WEC measures have been practised in the past and are Figure 1: WEC measures
manifested in the vast reservoir of traditional knowledge on WEC
in our country. While some of these measures are still in practice,
many are fast disappearing. A well-known and -researched example
is rainwater harvesting (RWH). The rise, fall and potential of India’s
traditional water harvesting systems is well documented in CSE’s In situ water
publication, State of India’s Environment—A Citizen’s Report’, Dying augmentation

Many other practices still prevail or have changed face over time. For
example, according to CSE’s Roadmap for Rating System for Water
Improving water
Efficient Fixtures, the use of water-efficient fixtures in buildings helps
use efficiency
manage water demand. Water-efficient fixtures are generally used in
toilets and kitchens, in flushing systems, urinals, faucets and showers.
There may be varying estimates for water use per person per day, but
there is little argument that toilets and bathrooms are the biggest water
guzzlers in buildings. Building-water use constitutes a high percentage change
of the total city-water use although the nature of building-water use
is governed by functions of the building, type of equipments installed
etc. Generally, maximum water use—i.e. approximately 45–50 per
cent—is in toilets and around 30 per cent is accounted for by washing
(clothes, utensils, hands etc.).12 This indicates the vast potential of Source: CSE, 2017
WEC interventions.

The current estimate by the Central Water Commission indicates that irrigation
in India demands the most water (557 bcm) and also has the most scope for
improvement in water delivery and use efficiency. Water demand and scope of
improvement through WEC in the industrial sector (56 bcm), urban domestic
sector (33 bcm) and rural sector (10 bcm) is depicted in Graph 2: Water demand
and estimated level of achievable efficiency, which reaffirms the potential and
scope of WEC interventions for various sectors. All that is needed is a long-
term committed movement to optimize the operating efficiency of systems for
irrigation and the domestic and industrial sectors.13

Graph 2: Water demand and estimated level of achievable efficiency



Volume (in bcm)

Present demand
Present level of efficiency
Full achievable efficiency

20 30% of the Scope for increase

present demand 15% of the
of the sector present demand
20% of the of the sector
present demand
10 of the sector

Urban water Rural water Industries (including for power)
Water uses

Source: Adapted from: Anon., 2014, Guidelines for Improving Water Use Efficiency in Irrigation, Domestic and Industrial Sectors, Central Water Commission,
Ministry of Water Resources.

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MoHUA’s national flagship programmes focusing on the urban sector, i.e.

Smart cities and AMRUT, aims to improve water and sanitation in cities.
The programmes aim to make 109 Smart cities and 500 AMRUT cities. Cities
have the potential to save water by around 30–50 per cent per household.
CSE analysis through the policy paper Water Efficiency and Conservation in
Urban India shows that if cities with populations of over 1.5 million practise
water efficiency and conservation at the municipal scale, it would reduce the
demand–supply gap for water and save up to 20 per cent water.14

Global literature on sustainable water-use suggests that WEC is key to

developing a sustainable community. It demonstrates responsible stewardship
of our water resources and responsible management of our infrastructure and
financial resources. By raising citizen awareness, a WEC programme can also
prepare the community to respond effectively to water emergencies and accept
and adapt to progressively more stringent WEC measures.15

Impacts of WEC are, therefore, best realized if a WEC programme involves not
only municipalities and local bodies but also neighbourhoods, institutions and

1.2 Need for a guide

Planning water efficiency and conservation can help reduce per capita demand.
Local area plans can help decision makers and water managers identify
opportunities to better use community open spaces and built-up areas to lend
a coherent character to areas. Local-scale planning (i.e. city/zone) provides the
opportunity to devise regulations specific to an area, with watersheds such as
buffer and eco-sensitive zones, where water conservation options can be taken
into consideration.16

A WEC plan facilitates the implementation of focused WEC projects and ensures
an enabling environment backed by policy guidelines. WEC projects are most
impactful; policy on WEC is available in the public domain.

This document takes WEC further by providing guidance for WEC planning
and effective implementation to bring water security in urban areas (see Figure
2: WEC: Policy to practice).

City-wide water sustainability can be achieved only if WEC is practised and

implemented at all scales.17 This guide, the first of its kind, provides insights
and information for the preparation of WEC plans relevant to Indian context.

Figure 2: WEC: Policy to practice

Scheme/ Project
Policy Plan
programme implementation

• Policy paper Water • Guidance on planning • Suggestion on • Case studies of

Efficiency and process and how to strategies that may be implemented projects
Conservation in Urban make an effective plan adopted for WEC on • List of reference
India • Provision of check various scales guidelines
lists for data collection • List of suggestive
and analysis at various reading material
• Commonly used tools
and techniques with
step-by-step process

Source: CSE, 2017.

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The objectives of this practitioner’s guide are:

• Objective 1: To sensitize practitioners about the concept of and need for
WEC planning
• Objective 2: To provide inputs for WEC planning at different scales
• Objective 3: To present case studies of implemented projects for WEC,
stakeholder involvement and implementation of plan

1.3 Target group for the guide

Table 2: Target users provides an overview of the major user groups for this
guide based on involvement in formulation, evaluation and execution of the
WEC plan.

The target audience comprises city officials from urban local bodies (ULBs)
and development authorities such as urban planners, town planning officers,
engineers, those involved in preparing and enforcing WEC plans at the city/
zonal level and developing and implementing local WEC strategies as well as
teachers and students of planning and environmental engineering. This guide
can be incorporated in course modules of various courses recognized by the
MoHUA. Further, non-state actors such as decision makers and technical staff
from private organizations, and resident welfare associations can also benefit.

The reader is assumed to be a practitioner familiar with the water management

paradigm in urban India and has a basic understanding of WEC.

Table 2: Target users

Government body Target group
Development authorities Urban planners: Chief Town Planner, Senior
State urban development agencies Town Planner, Junior Town Planner, Assistant
Town and country planners (state wise) Planner
Municipal corporation Engineers: Superintending Engineer, Executive
Municipalities Engineer, Assistant Engineer, Environment
Water boards Engineer, Project Officer
Other ULBs
Public Health Engineering Departments Engineers
Water and sewerage boards
Urban shelter improvement boards
Civic bodies/NGOs Technical staff and decision makers
Planners and engineers: Representatives with
Residence welfare associations
background of prevailing water management
Community-based organizations
NGOs working in relevant aspects of WEC

Planning and engineering colleges and Students and teachers:

institutes under the following courses B. Plan, BE/B. Tech (Civil)/Environmental—future
engineers and planners in this sector
Post-graduate course in Environment Planning,
Post-graduate course in Public Health Engineering/
Environmental Engineering, short-term courses
in water conservation and efficiency and related
Private organizations Technical staff and decision makers
Private organizations
Source: CSE, 2017.

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1.4 How to use the guide

This guide shows users and implementers the benefits they can get from
engaging with WEC projects implemented after proper planning. It signposts
useful sources of relevant information, guides in preparing a WEC plan,
provides check lists for data collection and methodology for analysis, and
presents examples of good practice at various scales.

While the guide can be a useful resource for preparing a WEC plan at any scale
(i.e., city, zonal, neighbourhood or individual scale), it is designed specifically
for ULBs or community groups that are involved in planning and decision-
making at various scales.

This practitioner’s guide provides an opportunity to prepare WEC plans to strategize for
WEC projects at the city, neighbourhood and individual scales.
It integrates BMPs related to various WEC projects emerging through strategic planning to
achieve environmental and economic balance. The guide can thus help prepare integrated
plans or guidelines for WEC that take into account existing gaps and missed opportunities.

Overview of the guide

Objective 1: To sensitize practitioners about the need and concept of WEC
This objective is covered in first two chapters. The first chapter defines the
aim and objectives of the guide. It also highlights relevant users and benefits
of the guide. The second chapter explains WEC concepts, and the scope and
benefit of WEC planning. It also highlights different aspects of WEC. A time line
showcasing various policies, guidelines and research documents with regard to
WEC is also depicted (see Table 3: Structure of this guide).

Objective 2: To provide inputs for WEC planning approach at different

This is covered in Chapter 3. The chapter includes analyses of WEC planning
approaches at different scales. First, the process of WEC planning is explained
with suggestions to bring out a strong WEC plan and ensure effective
implementation. It details variations that occur in WEC planning approaches
for various scales, i.e. city-, zonal-, neighborhood-, commercial- and individual-
and site-level planning.

Table 3: Structure of this guide

Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3
Chapter Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Introduction Concept of WEC WEC approach WEC implementation
to practitioner’s planning and practices
Content • Background • Evolving • Planning • Stakeholder
highlights • Need for a knowledge process—step by analysis
practitioner’s and Indian step • Social and
guide experience • Planning at ecological impacts
• Target group for • What is a WEC various scales of WEC
this guide plan? • Tools, techniques • Best management
• How to use this • Scope of WEC and check practices
practitioner’s planning and lists for WEC
guide interventions in planning
Source: CSE, 2017

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Objective 3: To present case studies of implemented projects for WEC,

stakeholder involvement and implementation of plan.
Chapter 4 covers this objective as it deliberates about stakeholder analyses
and the importance of their role in the WEC planning process. The overall
economic, social and environmental impacts are also discussed. This chapter
also includes relevant case examples and best management practices.

Annexures with checklists to support WEC planning are at the end of this guide.

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2. Evolving knowledge and scope for WEC planning

For sustainable water management in urban areas, WEC practices need to be

implemented. To achieve optimum WEC benefits in the long run, a holistic and
participatory planning approach, with clear guidance on institutional roles,
responsibilities and financing to address issues, is essential.

Developing a sound WEC plan is a multi-step process that requires diligent

thought and effort. This section will highlight the above as it discusses WEC
concepts, evolving knowledge, experience and scope of WEC planning.

2.1 Evolving knowledge—Journey towards WEC

Water has been considered sacred throughout civilizations. India experiences
both excess and scarce water because of varied rainfall and land topography.
Still, it has managed to use natural water resources efficiently by integrating
local water resources and technologies with community participation.

A combination of traditional techniques and community involvement used

local resources and retained time-tested systems. The colonial era, however,
introduced the concept of government control over surface water. Under the
Indian Easement Act, 1882, landowners had virtually unlimited right to use
water under their possession and this Act is still applicable. Water exploitation
by way of canal and irrigation projects to increase revenue was more important
than conservation during the colonial era.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the ecological and political costs of building
large-scale water infrastructure became more apparent and the environmental
movement began to challenge proposals for new dams and related environmental
and social issues. Simultaneously, limitations of supply-side solutions to address
water shortages in spite of huge infrastructural spending were increasingly
noticed. In spite of government spending and water subsidies, there was a
disintegration of this old approach, and local bodies, planners and decision-
makers were urged to re-examine fundamental assumptions to seek alternative
solutions1 (see Poster 1: The journey towards mainstreaming sustainable urban
water management through WEC). It highlights related policies, reforms, acts
and guidelines and related developments since the 1970s.

It is also clear that demand-side solutions practised without the catchment

and socioeconomic situation taken into consideration or an integrated water
management approach followed will not contribute towards sustainable

WEC at every scale requires sound planning. With this in view, cities and
organizations around the world have put forth water conservation planning
guidance documents. The United States Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) released its water conservation plan guidelines in the late 1990s.
Subsequently several states and municipalities released similar guidelines.

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CSE published policy papers on

Poster 1 National Water Mission
• Target to conserve water and minimize Non-Revenue Water
The journey towards wastage to achieve 20 per cent water Reduction Toolkit
efficiency by 2017
mainstreaming sustainable urban • Integrated water resource development
by JnNurm
and management
water management through WEC
National Mission on Sustainable
Habitat CSE’s book Excreta Matters Urban Water Energy Efficiency
Efficiency and in Urban Water
• Promotes recycling of treated wastewater/ • Survey of 71 cities on water and Conservation and Wastewater
sewage and reuse wherever possible wastewater Management
MoEF released Guidelines for National Water Policy 2012 CSE’s practitioner guides on
National Lake Conservation Plan
• Promotes water conservation
USEPA published • State governments to work in close and its efficient usage
guidelines to help partnership with the centre in protection,
utilities develop water
conservation and sustainable
conservation plans
management of lakes
MoEF published EIA
guidance Manual
for Building, Water Sensitive Green
Construction, Urban Design Infrastructure
74th Constitutional Townships and Area and Planning
Amendment—12th Schedule Development Project Fundings and capacity
Launch of JnNURM building for urban
• Decentralised government • Promotes use of transformation that includes
including wastewater treatment • Reforms for revising bylaws water-efficient water supply, drainage,
to make RWH mandatory in fixtures and reuse of wastewater, green space
all buildings and adopting treated wastewater and parks
water conservation systems

1992 1998 2005 2008 2010 2012 2014 2017

1977 1997 2001 2006 2009 2011 2013 2015

A mission to make cities

all over the country
CSE published Roadmap citizen friendly and
for Rating System for IAPMO and Indian Plumbing
Association published sustainable
Water Efficient Fixtures
National Environment Policy
• Draft rating system for Rating System for Sustainable
• Recognizes that the maintenance water efficient fixtures in Plumbing in India
of a healthy environment is the India
responsibility of every citizen Way Forward: Turning our
IELO published model
national institutional cities from “water meagre”
framework on water-use to “water frugal”
CSE published book Dying efficiency • Implementation of integrated
Wisdom water efficiency and conservation
CPHEEO issued advisory on plan at various scales
• Comprehensive overview of the
conservation and restoration • CSE-CoE school of water and
rise, fall and potential of India’s
traditional water-harvesting of waterbodies in urban sanitation at AAETI, Nimli to act as
systems Ministry of Housing area capacity building hub across urban
and Urban Affairs centres of India

Service-level benchmark CSE‘s toolkits for practitioner

Water (Prevention and Control by MoHUA
of Pollution) Cess Act • 20 per cent NRW
• Water as commodity
CSE published Making Water • 100 per cent metering and
• Levy and collection of cess on water Everybody’s Business extent of water supply
consumed for industrial activities • Documentation of traditional
practices, technologies and policies
of water harvesting in the country
Decentralised Urban
wastewater rainwater
management harvesting

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17 18

2.2 Planning for WEC

A WEC plan is a comprehensive and integrated approach to conserve water
resources, reduce per capita water demand and promote efficiency of water
use. It helps decision makers, implementers and users identify gaps and
opportunities and pushes for significant projects that can achieve WEC in a
coherent manner.

The plan is characterized by a thoughtful rationale towards water conservation

that follows a holistic approach to achieve optimum water-use efficiency and
conservation while linking with other plans, such as City Sanitation Plan
(CSP), Faecal Sludge and Septage Management (FSSM) Plan, land use and asset
management (see Table 4: Provisions and opportunities for WEC planning and

Table 4: Provisions and opportunities for WEC planning and

Scale Existing documents/ provisions Opportunities

City level: Open • Master plans (20 years) • Future locations of storm-water
spaces—parks, • City development plans (five years) management facilities and
waterbodies and • City sanitation plans proposed STPs
road infrastructure • Environmental management plan • Waterbodies, parks, recreational
(planning stage) areas, green areas, public and
Zone level (planning • Zonal plan • Parking lots, roads, parks, open
and designing stages) • Storm-water management, space blocks and storm-water
including waterbodies management facilities defined in
• ULBs scheme and sanitation planning documents
schemes • DPRs for water supply, sewerage
• Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) including STPs, sanitation,
storm-water drainage
Individual level Site plan—guided by bylaws • Water-efficient fittings,
(designing stage) sustainable landscaping, rooftop
RWH and recycle/reuse of
treated wastewater
• Site-specific on-site water-
efficiency and conservation
Source: Suresh Kumar Rohilla, Mahreen Matto, Shivali Jainer and Chhavi Sharda 2017, Water-Sensitive Urban Design and
Planning: A Practitioner’s Guide, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.

WEC planning is an interactive and dynamic process. Regardless of size and

complexity of plan, a holistic approach with a ‘watershed view’ is essential. This
means that using the catchment basin and its watersheds as the geographical
basis for decision making is crucial. A good WEC plan integrates all aspects
of water and does not solely consider linkages between drinking water,
wastewater, rainwater and impacts on energy use while seeking solutions
but also accounts for social, cultural and ecological considerations.2 It gives
importance to ecological health, placing it as an integral component of WEC
(see Figure 3: Considerations for a strong WEC plan).

A well-conceived WEC plan enables behavioural change that creates a

‘conservation culture’ that is an outcome of an improved awareness of the
need to adopt WEC. It helps foster the recognition that wise water-use choices
directly correlates to future investment—that water saved means money saved.
This can be done only if the WEC plan conveys how every user and each water
supplier can benefit from implementing a conservation ethic.3

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Figure 3: Considerations for a strong WEC plan

Site- and scale-

specific solutions

Innovative legal
Ecological provisions for
health implementation

WEC plan

Planet Profit Social context stakeholder

Outreach and

Source: CSE, 2017.

The planning process thus requires stakeholder involvement. It may be repeated

until an acceptable consensus is achieved. It is essential to involve all major
stakeholders at an early stage of WEC planning. Planning processes have failed
or been delayed when influential or overlooked stakeholders were involved
late in the process and blocked decisions.4

An ideal WEC plan:

• Is tailor made and provides site- and scale-specific solutions.
• Blends innovative legal tools such as water-restriction and land-use
planning bylaws with practical measures such as rebate and metering
• Makes managing demand a part of daily business rather than a stop-gap
measure that is implemented and considered only an intermediate solution
to increase supply. For example, measures that improve water-use efficiency
without compromising on the purpose of usage such as promoting efficient
systems, and operations and maintenance.
• Builds in WEC measures that are geared towards creating in situ water
augmentation through rainwater capture, wastewater reclamation, reuse
and recycling to better match water quality to end uses.
• Implement outreach and education programmes that go beyond information
dissemination to engage and inspire citizens to permanently change

2.3 Scope of WEC planning and interventions in India

There is a growing realization at the Central and State levels of the risk that not
adopting water-efficient practices and water conservation early in the planning
process will cause constraints in maintaining adequate water safety and security
in the long run. WEC strategies if planned correctly offer an opportunity to
achieve water-frugal cities. WEC planning helps achieve a sustainable balance
between water availability and demand (see Table 5: Water-saving potential of
various WEC interventions). One or a combination of WEC interventions may
be applicable at the city and smaller scales. Annexure 1: National reference
documents for implementation of various WEC measures suggests the document
which can be refered for the purpose.

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Table 5: Water-saving potential of various WEC interventions

WEC intervention Water-saving potential

In situ water augmentation through RWH 272–3,207.51 litres /sq. m of catchment area per
(as per scale and type of catchment) annum (this estimate varies with agro-climatic regions
ranging from western Rajasthan, where annual rainfall
is as low as 302.4 mm to heavy rainfall areas/coastal
areas with annual rainfall up to 3563.9 mm; assuming
catchment is paved concrete)
In situ water augmentation through Protecting and properly managing surface-water
conservation and management of local sources will augment the water supply.
In situ water augmentation through bulk 80 litres per 100 sq. m of urban areas (assuming 15–20
use of treated wastewater from the Sewage per cent of green open spaces in urban areas exists.
Treatment Plants (STPs) for golf courses, About 3–4 litres of freshwater is saved per sq. m of
public parks, botanical gardens, recreational green area during rainy days when native species of
areas, supply to industry, irrigation etc. plants are used)
Recycling of grey water or locally reusing Up to 40 per cent of household water consumption
treated wastewater (grey and/or black) at
smaller scales (as per the purpose and level
of treatment, i.e. fit for purpose reuse)
Improving efficiency by NRW management Possibility to make it less than 20 per cent (the lesser the
of the water distribution systems losses, the better. The Service Level Benchmark (SLB) by
MoHUA is 20 per cent of the water supplied through
the system in cities.)
Improving efficiency through low flow 80,000 litres annually for a household (assuming a
plumbing and fixtures family of 4, with 6 litres per flush, will mean a 20 per
cent reduction in usual household consumption)
Water conservation by using native species 20–25 per cent reduction in comparison to exotic
of plants for landscaping and xeriscaping species (using native species and water-efficient
irrigation systems)
Source: CSE, 2017.

The following sections, with case studies, elaborate the scope of WEC planning:

Scope of WEC at the city level

In cities, the municipality or ULBs such as water supply and sewerage boards
are responsible for sourcing freshwater and its distribution, supply and
maintenance for domestic, industrial and commercial purposes. In addition,
these local bodies are responsible for collection, treatment and disposal of
generated wastewater from domestic users through sewerage network and
sewage treatment plants (see Figure 4: Water management for a city).

Most transmission and distribution pipelines are old and many are corroded
and leaking, resulting in water loss and below-par water quality. In some
metropolitan cities, leakage losses are as high as 50 per cent of pumped water.6
Identifying system inefficiencies and taking strategic measures to improve it
in addition to using local sources of water augmentation can save up to 20 per
cent of the water as is the target under the NWM.7 However, varying quantity of
water utilized for different uses along with design and management efficiencies
leads to non-uniform scope for improvement in efficiency.

Figure 5: Implementation of WEC interventions at city scale highlights demand

drivers and key concerns that indicate that WEC at city/zonal scale is required
for sustainable urban-water management. It suggests WEC opportunities at this

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Figure 4: Water management for a city

Groundwater extraction

Water Storage


Water distribution Wastewater

network collection network

Wastewater treatment


Source: Suresh Kumar Rohilla, Pradeep Kumar, Mahreen Matto and Chhavi Sharda 2017, Mainstreaming Energy Efficiency in Urban Water and Wastewater
Management in the Wake of Climate Change, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.

Figure 5: Implementation of WEC interventions at city scale

Demand drivers Key concerns WEC opportunities

l Water stress l Low water-use efficiency l In situ water augmentation
l Population growth l Increasing non-revenue through wastewater recycle/
l Urbanization and water reuse
changing lifestyles l Increasing water pricing l Conservation and
l Increased per capita l Increasing water management of local
water use footprint waterbodies as alternative
l Water losses in the l Inadequate sewage water sources
distribution network collection, treatment l Identifying losses and
l Deteriorating safety and reuse—deteriorating reducing them through
of water sources water quality organized O&M
l Demand–supply gap l Lack of reforms and l Water-efficient landscaping
regulations l Water pricing
l Awareness

Source: CSE, 2017.

WEC scope at smaller scales

At relatively smaller scales, such as institutional, apartments/residential
complexes or individual household, where ULBs and parastatal agencies may
not be responsible for water supply after specific points, individuals through
community-based organizations (CBOs) and residents welfare associations
(RWAs) are responsible. At this scale, a WEC plan helps strategize not just
implementation relevant to the local context but also bring awareness and
clarity with regard to roles and responsibilities of government, non-government
local bodies and users (see Figure 6: Roles and responsibilities for water supply
at smaller scales).

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Figure 6: Roles and responsibilities for water supply at smaller scales

Conveyance pipe Supply pipe

Water main

Property boundary

ULB’s responsibility Individual/institution’s responsibility

Source: http://corporateresponsibility2010.unitedutilities.com/images/singlesupplypipes.PNG

Figure 7: Hierarchy of water requirements


10 l Drinking

20 l

increasing 30 l
(lasting solution)

Personal washing
quantity 40 l

Washing clothes
Decreasing 50 l Cleaning home
quality 60 l Growing food
70 l Sanitation and waste disposal
Business (crops, livestock)
Gardens, recreation

Source: WHO, 2011, Technical Notes on Drinking-water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Emergencies

The hierarchy of water requirements is given consideration in WEC planning.

The hierarchy can be demonstrated by means of a pyramid (see Figure 7:
Hierarchy of water requirements). Some uses of water are more important than
others. Having a few litres of water to drink each day, for example, is more
important for survival than having water for laundry, which is also needed to
prevent skin diseases and meet other physiological needs. Other uses of water
have health and other benefits but less urgency.8

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CASE STUDY 1: Water efficiency and conservation at a training institute in Alwar district, Rajasthan

Daily water consumption balance chart (non-rainy days)

Water requirement generation
Freshwater (non-flushing) @85% of water Grey water
requirement well: 55 KLD consumption 37.4 KLD
76 KLD Black water
17 KLD
Water requirement
Grey water
17 KLD
17 KLD

Background Swimming pool

The Anil Agarwal Environmental Training Institute (AAETI), covering 10 acres (4.04 hectares) 6 KLD
in Nimli village,
Filter Tijara block, Alwar District

in Rajasthan, is a fully residential institute for training and capacity building on thematic areas related to environment and sustainable
Space cooling
development. The site is not connected to the municipal water supply or sewerage 15network. KLD Micro and macro rain-fed channels
Grey water 20.4 KLD
flow through the site. Runoff from the adjacent catchment flows into the main channel, which is 134 mwater
and black long 17 and
KLD has varying width
Horticulture + additional stored
(maximum 20 m and minimum 10 m). WEC planning of the site has helped strategize various 57 KLD measures to(19.81
rainwater achieve
KLD) water conservation

and efficiency, including local reuse of treated wastewater to reduce water demand.
Total consumption
150 KLD

Daily water consumption balance chart (non-rainy days) Daily water consumption balance chart (rainy days)

Wastewater Wastewater
Water requirement generation Water requirement generation Grey water
Freshwater (non-flushing) @85% of water Freshwater (non-flushing) @85% of water 36.04 KLD
Grey water
requirement well: 55 KLD consumption requirement well: 53 KLD consumption Black water
37.4 KLD
76 KLD Black water 64 KLD 17 KLD
17 KLD
Water requirement Water requirement
Grey water Grey water
(flushing) (flushing)
17 KLD 17 KLD
17 KLD 17KLD

Swimming pool Swimming pool

6 KLD Filter 6 KLD Filter

Space cooling
Space cooling
15 KLD Total consumption
Grey water 20.4 KLD 81 KLD
and black water 17 KLD
Horticulture + additional stored
57 KLD rainwater (19.81 KLD)

Total consumption
150 KLD

Daily water consumption balance chart (rainy days)

AAETI requires a total Water of 150 kilolitres per
requirement day (KLD) ofGrey
generation potable
water and non-potable water. About 51 per cent of this is the requirement
Freshwater (non-flushing) @85% of water 36.04 KLD
for freshwater,
requirement well: to be met 53
fromKLD groundwater. The remainder
consumption (used for instance for flushing and irrigation) will be met through available
Black water
64 KLD 17 KLD
treated grey and black water.
Water requirement
Grey water
17 KLD

Swimming pool
6 KLD Filter

Space cooling
5 KLD Total consumption
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81 KLD

Water sources—The site will draw about 76 KLD of groundwater every day during non-rainy season at its full capacity for all its
potable purposes. Hence, annually the site will be extracting about 22,155 KL of freshwater from the ground. The AAETI campus
is a planned intervention means that adequate measures have been taken to ensure that groundwater levels are not depleted or
contaminated, water consumption/demand is reduced, treated wastewater is locally reused as an alternative source of water in addition
to the rainwater that is harvested.

The following WEC measures are taken at the site to reduce demand for freshwater:

 In situ water augmentation

o Water conservation through RWH/SWM—The site receives 700 mm of annual rainfall (in average 10 years). The design aims to
recharge more than 25,000 KL of water annually through recharge wells, swales and check dams.

Intervention Details Quantity of water

saved (KL/annum)
Reuse of treated wastewater • Reuse for flushing and irrigation—wastewater generated from 9,125
cafeteria and housing blocks is treated using soil biotechnology, (25 KLD during days
wastewater generated from the administrative block is treated when it doesn’t rain)
through a decentralized wastewater treatment system (combination
of settler, ABR, planted filter bed and polishing pond)
Recharge of harvested • Recharge well—Recharge of rainwater through rooftop RWH 25,000 KL
rainwater and storm water rainwater from all rooftop areas except from canteen’s rooftop.
• Tapping water from the storm water stream that flows through the
site for recharge
RWH for direct use • Storage of the harvested rainwater from the canteen’s rooftop into 780 KL
RCC tanks for usage (freshwater requirement
• Space cooling was reduced from 76 KLD
• Drinking water in canteen to 64 KLD)

 Water-efficient measures
Intervention Details

Reducing water consumption • Usage of water efficient fittings and fixtures for toilets,
bathrooms, kitchen and laboratory.
• Reuse of treated wastewater for flushing
Water-efficient landscaping and evapo- • This will reduce losses through the irrigation system
transpiration (ET) controlled irrigation system • Using native plant species for landscaping

• Water supply is planned at 135 litres per capita per day (lpcd). Water demand will be reduced from 135 lpcd to 86 lpcd by WEC
techniques such as using water-efficient fixtures, rainwater harvesting and reusing treated wastewater.
• The site will recharge about 25,000 KL per annum through different RWH and SWM technologies in comparison with annual
freshwater withdrawal of 22,155 KL.

Source: CSE, 2017.

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At the individual scale, WEC can be achieved through demand-side management.

Figure 8: Average domestic water consumption in Indian households and Table
6: Scope of average water savings through water-efficient fixtures show existing
consumption patterns and potential savings in a household with an average
family of five.

Figure 8: Average domestic water consumption in Indian households

Flushing of toilets

Bathing (incl. ablution)

Cleaning of houses 41%

Washing of utensils

Washing clothes

Source: Suresh Kumar Rohilla and Sakshi Dasgupta, 2011, Roadmap for Rating System for Water Efficient Fixtures, CSE.

Table 6: Scope of average water savings through water-efficient fixtures

Purpose Water that can Water that Recommendations
be saved in can be saved
litres/day in litres/week
Shower 200 1400 Decreasing the duration of showers and by using low-flow
showers can save up to 50 per cent water. Sensor light on the
shower outlet and stopping water flow after the preset duration
can also save water.
Running tap 106 742.5 Changing utensil-washing habits and using smart fixtures such
in kitchen/ as aerator faucets can save water by up to 50 per cent.
faucet use
Laundry 14 100 While buying a new washing machine, choose one that is water
efficient. Front loaders use about half the water that top loaders
use. Improved washing machines use 45–20 litres per load.
Toilet 60 420 Modern dual-flush toilets use only 3–6 litres of water per flush.
This is 30 per cent less than the older dual-flush cisterns and up
to 9 litres less than single-flush toilets. Use water closet flush
tanks with smaller volume.
Fittings 32 226.8 Have a tap that requires the user to press a handle and keep it
pressed for water flow so that the tap closes and water stops
the moment the handle is released. A sensor light can be
installed below or above the tap or sink. When the user places
hands below the tap, the sensor light operates and water flows.
When the hands are moved away, the sensor closes the tap and
water flow stops. Keep optimum pressure in the water supply
system. Fixing leakages saves a significant amount of water.
Total 415 2889.3
Source: Suresh Kumar Rohilla and Sakshi Dasgupta, 2011, Roadmap for Rating System for Water Efficient Fixtures, CSE.

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Table 7: Summary of areas with major improvement potential in a




Building type




Residential X X X

Hotel X X X X X X X X

Hospital X X X X X X X

School X X X X

Offices X X X X

Shopping centre X X X X X X
Source: CSE, 2017.

Interventions for efficiency in water use may be implemented in all the areas
where water is used. Areas where there is scope for improvement through
water-efficient fittings and fixtures may vary according to the building type.
Table 7: Summary of areas with major improvement potential in a building
lists areas with major improvement potential.

As is evident, there is scope for generating water security in urban areas without
expenditure on large infrastructural projects through WEC interventions.

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3. WEC approach

This section details the process for WEC planning. The approach may be
customized or modified on the basis of local peculiarities to suit an area’s
population size, environmental challenges, demographics and planning history.

The following three scales will be used to analyse the applicability of WEC
plan, programme and practices (see Table 8: Different scales for WEC planning
and implementation).

Table 8: Different scales for WEC planning and implementation

City/zonal scale Neighbourhood/ Individual scale
institutional scale
Area (sq. m) 10,000–15,000 4,000–5,000 1,000–4,000

Users/population 5,000 200–5,000 5–200

Wastewater 500 or more 20–500 0.5–20

(kilolitres per
Land use/activity Medium density: 200–400 Institutional/commercial Residential buildings
persons per hectare buildings (plotted/four-five
(pph)—commercial storeyed)
areas, neighbourhoods,
institutional and peri-urban
Source: CSE, 2017.

WEC planning at a larger scale (i.e. the city/zonal scale) sets guidance for plans
at smaller scales. For example, large campuses such as institutions in the region
(with similar geo-morphological character) could take guidance from the city/
zonal plan while strategizing and planning for WEC projects that are relevant in
the local context. This would help in successful implementations that facilitate
achieving maximum benefit in terms of conservation and improving water-use

3.1 The planning process

The first step in planning is to refer to existing policies, plans and missions
relevant to the sector, such as the NWM, water-related sections in the national
Five-Year Plans, Three-Year Action Agenda or plans prepared by NITI Aayog.
CSE’s policy paper on WEC sets the core values for the planning approach
specific to WEC planning that are recommended in this guide.

Since urban water management is a state subject, state governments may, to

mainstream WEC, adopt and define a state’s policy in accordance with the
national policies. For sustainable and effective water management, WEC
planning should, however, be local. Before any planning process is formulated,
the following steps have to be carried out:
1. Defining system boundaries, i.e. scope and scale for the planning
2. Identifying stakeholders
3. Identifying threats, challenges and opportunities to water-resource

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Figure 9: Stages of WEC for sustainable water management


Evaluation and Setting goals

learning Stakeholder and objectives
& reflective


Source: CSE, 2017.

Setting objectives for WEC gives direction to a plan, programme or scheme

and its implementations at the city/zonal or smaller scale. Figure 9: Stages of
WEC for sustainable water management summarizes the process that leads
to effective WEC planning and implementation to achieve sustainable water
management and highlights the role of reflective monitoring through active
stakeholder involvement.

Planning offers the opportunity to tie different initiatives together to transform

land use for extensive development and rapid provision of infrastructure.
Organizational structure with requisite managerial capacity and financial
budgetary process can be built around planning and can lend itself to a platform
to arbitrate global and local changes. At the local level (regional, city, zonal)
there is the opportunity to devise regulations specific to the area, such as buffer
and eco-sensitive zones, where options to conserve water can be considered.
For example, floodplain buffers can act as regional recharge zones.1

It is important to understand the various steps involved in implementing a

successful plan to be able to demonstrate one (see Table 9: Step-by-step process
for WEC planning).

Stage 1: Evaluation of the system and self-assessment

Evaluation of the system of water management for the study area is the starting
point for planning. It involves collecting data and analysing it to identify gaps
and opportunities in the system. Self-assessment overlaps with evaluating
the system post first iteration of the planning process. The major difference
between them is that self-assessment is the initial step for implementation of
any efficiency plan to achieve already set goals or targets. Figure 10: Process
for evaluation of system and setting goals gives an overview of the activities
involved and lists out relevant techniques.

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Table 9: Step-by-step process for WEC planning

Stage Steps involved
Stage 1: Evaluating Data collection and self-assessment
the system and self- • Describe the service area
assessment • Profile the water system
• Generate spatial maps
• Survey reports
Data analysis
• Review detailed demand forecast
• Describe present water demand level
• Spatial analysis of water resources and groundwater aquifer
• Forecast future demand level
• Identify gaps
Review existing water systems and proposals for planned water
Stage 2: Setting goals Evaluate effectiveness of existing conservation measures
and objectives • Match water-efficiency goals to needs
• Set realistic goals or targets
Define conservation potential
Stage 3: Plan Identify conservation measures
(Developing WEC • Estimate potential savings from efficiency measures
measures, and • Screen for applicability, feasibility and acceptability
designing the plan)
Determine feasible measures
Stage 4: Developing Select and package conservation measures
strategy for • Review goals and objectives
Combine overall estimated savings
• Estimate benefits
• Estimate cost of efficiency
Optimize demand forecasts
• Finalize plan
Source: CSE, 2017 and Water Conservation Programmes—A Planning Manual, 1st Edition, American Water Works
Association, 2006.

Figure 10: Process for evaluation of system and setting goals

Techniques for data collection and analysis

Data collection and

Water system
self assessment Checklist
Evaluation of system and setting goals


Data analysis
(Forecast future demand Demand forecast Water audit
levels, calculate system
water losses)

Review existing water

system profile and
proposals planned
water augmentation

Setting goals and

(Benchmarks/ targets)

Source: CSE, 2017.

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Data collection and self-assessment

The first stage is the collection and compilation of data. Relevant and existing
data (spatial and non-spatial) of the area of interest needs to be generated by
means of primary and secondary sources (see Table 10: Overview for data
collection at various scales).

Information required for WEC intervention is often recorded by different

agencies or service providers and requires synergistic action from different
government and non-government bodies (refer to Annexure 2 for a suggestive
checklist for data collection at various scales).

The following collected data helps address critical questions that leads to better
• What problems are to be solved?
• What are the driving forces for future development? What can be expected
in the future?
• What WEC systems or measures are in place (if they exist)? What is the
level of WEC efficiency achieved?
• What are the current water losses?

Table 10: Overview for data collection at various scales

Developing WEC plan at city/zonal scale Developing WEC plan for Developing WEC plan for
neighbourhoods/commercial individual/ buildings
WHO ULBs responsible for water supply, Technical personnel from RWA Residents, building management,
takes the water boards—operators, managers or CBOs, annual maintenance technical personnel from the RWAs
initiative? and other engineers of water board contractors/operators, water or CBOs, annual maintenance
consultants consultants contractors/operators, water
WHAT Gather and assess relevant Gather and assess relevant Gather and assess relevant
is the information about: information about: information about:
starting point • Ecological systems • Localized ecological systems, • Area available, type of building
for data • Water source, supply, • Water users, water usage, metered • Water users, water usage, metered/
collection? distribution, treatment and or unmetered supply, unmetered supply, tariff
redistribution systems • Water source, tariff • Water source, information
• Water users and end-uses of • Information regarding existing WEC regarding
water measures practised and their status • Existing WEC measures practised
• Water revenue and their status
This is the foundation upon which
This is the foundation upon which a WEC plan is designed in consultation This is the foundation for WEC
WEC plan is built with users and relevant stakeholders planning and initiatives
HOW Collect data from water metres, Collect data from water meters, Collect data from water meters, water
to collect water utility records, billing records, water utility records, billings records utility records, billings records and
data? municipal planning documents, and municipal planning documents municipal planning documents or
existing reports from neighbouring or conduct a water audit/survey. conduct a water audit/survey
municipalities or national level Involve stakeholders—practitioners,
studies beneficiaries and managers/governing
authority/civic bodies etc.
Source: Adapted from Wong, J., S. Porter-Bopp, O.M. Brandes, and L. Edwards, 2009. Water Conservation Planning Guide
for British Columbia’s Communities. Victoria: POLIS Project on Ecological Governance at the University of Victoria with the
Ministry of Community and Rural Development.

A water system profile enables creation of an overview of the water system. It

provides an outline of the water system, which includes water sources, water
supply, distribution till end-use wastewater treatment and disposal. Collected
data is used to calculate average daily demand and create a profile of the water
system (see Technical Box 1: Calculating average daily demand).

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Technical Box 1: Calculating average daily water demand

To estimate metered water use:
Average daily demand = Total annual water production/365 days

To estimate unmetered water use:

Average daily demand = Pump rate x run time x efficiency of pump*

* Efficiency of pump decreases annually

Profiling water systems helps identify where WEC initiatives should be directed.
For example, detecting and repairing leaks can be a valuable initiative as the
recovery of the lost water becomes a source of ‘new water’. Data collected in
this step is used to make demand projections. Inclusion of a map that shows
the spatial layout of all components of water system along with the geography
of the area is also beneficial. For example, spatial data on drainage, density,
lineament, geology, geomorphology, land cover/land use and slopes in the form
of maps needs to be collected to identify artificial recharge zones by delineating
variations in groundwater potential in the selected area. This is done by using
remote-sensed imagery and GIS techniques for analysis.

Figure 11: Groundwater potential map of Theni district, Tamil Nadu maps
groundwater potential zones for the study area. The map is prepared by
integrating the various layers and analysing them. The groundwater potential
zone of this study area is divided into four grades, namely very good, good,
poor and very poor.

Figure 11: Groundwater potential map of Theni district, Tamil Nadu

Very poor
Very good

Source: N.S. Mangesh, N. Chandrsekar, John Prince Soundranayagam, 2012, Delineation of groundwater potential zones
in Theni district, Tamil Nadu using remote sensing, GIS and MIF technique.

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CASE STUDY 2: Feasibility study to identify zones for setting up artificial recharge systems, Tamil
Nadu, India

An area of nearly 2,084 sq. km in the state Tamil Nadu was selected for
feasibility data collection and analysis. The area experiences different climates
depending on the altitude. Summer, rainy and winter seasons are prominent
and fall from April to June, September to December, and January to March
respectively. The average mean rainfall for the past 70 years (1927–96) is India
Tamil Nadu
around 733 mm.

Remote sense image was analysed and overlayed with different thematic
layers for the study area. Primary and secondary sources, such as IRS 1C/1D
geo-coded data, and a survey of India topographic sheets on a 1:50,000 scale
were used to identify rainwater harvesting structures in the study area. From
the IRS 1C/1D LISS III geo-coded photographic products, four thematic maps
were prepared, such as structural trend line, lineament, geomorphology
and land-use/land-cover maps. From the survey of India topographic sheets,
three thematic maps were prepared, i.e. drainage, slope and tank maps.
Data collected from the public works department reports, two thematic
maps were prepared, i.e. water-level map and depth-to-bed rock map. Sub-
surface geological data and geophysical data were collected to understand
the water resources scenario. Sample field checks were also carried out for
confirmation of details obtained from remote-sensed data. GIS databases
were generated for all thematic layers; these databases were integrated and
analysis was carried out to check feasibility of artificial recharge structures.

The feasibility study was done to identify intervention areas:

• Sites for de-siltation of tanks: The map of existing tanks was superposed
over the map with suitable areas for artificial recharge. Wherever
such already available tanks fell in selected zones they have been
recommended for de-siltation.
• Sites for flooding and furrowing: Areas with plain slope and low
drainage density are best for artificial recharge through flooding and furrowing. To identify such sites, the map showing sites for
artificial recharge was overlaid on drainage-density and slope maps. Areas where plain slope and low-drainage density coincided
with artificial recharge sites were recommended for artificial recharge through flooding and furrowing.
• Sites for percolation ponds: For percolation ponds, the area must have shallow slopes and micro-drainage catchments. In the first
stage, therefore, such zones were buffered out with these terrain conditions. This map was superposed over the priority-area
map. Regions where the two areas coincided were recommended for percolation ponds.
• Sites for check dam: The drainage map was analysed for drainage convergence and meeting points, and only drainages satisfying
aforementioned conditions were filtered out and a GIS map generated. This map was superposed over the site selected for
artificial recharge and the coinciding areas were recommended for check dams.
• Sites for pitting: From the drainage density prepared for the study area, areas with maximum density were identified. These areas
were overlaid on the map showing suitable sites for artificial recharge. Regions where areas with maximum drainage density were
found within positive areas of recharge were recommended for recharge pits.
• Battery site of wells: From the shape of the lineament density contours, the linearity maxima axes were drawn along the crest of
the contours of elliptical shapes with maximum value in the core and successive lesser values encircling them. The GIS map was
generated showing these lineament density maxima axes. This map was superposed over the map showing artificial recharge
sites. Regions where the lineament density maxima axes fell within the recharge areas sites were recommended for batteries of
• Sites for check dams: From the drainage map, broad and straight drainages were identified in the study area and the GIS map
was generated accordingly. The GIS map was superposed over the map showing sites for artificial recharge. Regions where such

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broad and straight drainages were found within such selected sites for artificial recharge were recommended for parallel and
continuous check-dams.
• Sites for hydro-fracturing: With the positive areas for artificial recharge sites, the zones of coincidence of lineament density
maxima and drainage density maxima were recommended for hydro-fracturing.

The study indicates the feasibility and potential of various RWH/SWH techniques that would lead to WEC.

Sites for artificial recharge Sites for de-siltation of tanks Sites for flooding and furrowing

Suggested sites for recharge Suggested sites Suggested sites

Other areas Other areas Other areas

Sites for percolation pond Sites for check dam Sites for pitting

Suggested sites Suggested sites Suggested sites

Other areas Other areas Other areas

Sites for batteries of wells Sites for en-echel on dam Sites for hydro-fracturing

Suggested sites Suggested sites Suggested sites

Other areas Other areas Other areas

Source: P. Venkata Ramireddy, G.V. Padma and N. Balayerikala Reddy, 2015, A Geospatial Approach—Identification of Groundwater Recharge Zones and
Artificial Recharge Structures for Part of Tamil Nadu, India.

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Technical Box 2: Feasibility study for identification of artificial

recharge zone
1. Applications of remote sensing and GIS for exploration of groundwater potential zones are carried
out by a number of researchers around the world, and it was found that the involved factors
in determining the groundwater potential zones were different, and hence the results varied
2. The identification of artificial recharge sites is interdependent on various parameters such as
geomorphology, lithology, lineament density, slope and soil. By using remote sensing technology,
thematic data is integrated for evaluation of groundwater potential zones for any area.
3. Primary and secondary data is required to be collected from Survey of India (SOI) topographic data
and satellite geological data. Both the data are to be assembled together in the GIS platform. The
spatial data can be assembled in digital format.
4. The data sources like satellite and topographic data and other secondary data can be used
for generation of various spatial parameters. The specific purposes maps are often referred as
‘thematic’ maps because they contain information about a single object or theme to make the
thematic data easy to understand.
5. Various thematic maps can be prepared by visual interpretation of satellite imagery and SOI top
sheet. All the thematic maps are preferred to be prepared at a 1:250,000 or 1:50,000 scale. The
following are the maps which are required for the spatial identification of potential recharge areas.
• Drainage and drainage density map: The drainage map to be prepared from the satellite images
with inputs from the topographical map. The drainage density map can be prepared in Arc
MAP, and can be classified into different classes varying from very low to very high density. The
zones of high drainage density will have poor groundwater prospects and gradually the zones
of lower and lower drainage density zones will have better groundwater prospects.
• Lineament and lineament density map: In geology, these are usually faults, joints or boundaries
between stratigraphic formations. All these linear features can be interpreted from the satellite
data. Lineaments are any linear features that can be picked out as lines (appearing as such or
evident because of contrasts in terrain or ground cover on either side) in aerial or space imagery.
• Geology map: For most of the cities the geology map can be prepared by using already existing
geological data from the geological survey of India map.
• Geomorphology map: Groundwater mainly occurs in the colluvium cover and especially
secondary pore spaces created by the jointing, fracturing, fissuring and weakening of rocks.
Groundwater potentiality is very promising in alluvial areas photo recognition techniques can be
used for preparation of geomorphology map using Landsat satellite data.
• Land use/land cover: The land-use/land-cover study is to identify and map the various types
of land-use/land-cover classes in the area by visual interpretation. Classification of land use of
the specified area can be done using remotely sensed data. Land use map are prepared from
satellite data using the photo recognition elements such as tone, texture, drainage, structural
fabric and relief found in the image and comparing it with topographic sheet.
6. Groundwater potential zones thus can be generated through the integration and analysis of
various thematic maps and data.
Source: Application of Remote Sensing and GIS for Artificial Recharge Zone in Sivaganga District, Tamil Nadu, India, 2010

Once the data is collected and the second iteration of the efficiency plan is
being implemented, it is beneficial to do a self-assessment. Self-assessment
is generally carried out by the planning committee/planner/consultant who
will be involved in the planning process. It is done to be well-informed about
the current situation and predict the future commitment level and feasibility
to work on a WEC programme (see Annexure 3 for a suggestive checklist for
self-assessment. This becomes critical especially for implementing efficiency
measures to be achieved in the long term and require active stakeholder
participation and reflective learning and may require consequential redefining
of strategy.
The key questions that a self-assessment would answer are:
• What is the present and estimated demand–supply gap?
• What contextual considerations need to be addressed?
• How are the knowledge, decision making and commitment of the
stakeholders involved?

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Data analysis
There are several techniques for data analysis. Generally, forecasting the
demand gives an estimate of potential water future by providing projections.
These projections help determine what intensity of change is needed to ensure
a sustainable water future. It helps in visualization and understanding the
possible water future with the present course and rate of growth in demand and
consumption pattern. These forecasts can be prepared by extrapolating current
demands over the next five, 10, 20 and 50 years. Considerations to changing
demographic trends might affect the projections.

Technical Box 3: Water demand forecasting

Obtaining projected population for a city to calculate water demand using empirical method: Based
on decadal population, future population is projected as per incremental increase method. For higher
growth rate this method is considered suitable. It uses the following formula for estimation:

P’ = P + nX + n (n+1) Y
P’ = Projected population; P = Present population
n = No. of decades
X = Average of increment in population between previous decades
Y = Average incremental increase of X
If a city ‘ABC’ has a population 1,131,548 in the year 2011:

Population projection by incremental increase method

Year Population Increment (A) Incremental increment
1941 140,227
1951 203,659 (A1) 63,432
1961 295,375 (A2) 91,716 (A2 – A1 =) 28,284
1971 442,481 147,106 55,390
1981 649,085 206,604 59,498
1991 764,586 115,501 -91,103
2001 956,107 191,521 76,020
2011 1,131,548 175,441 -16,080
Average 141,617 18,668

Prediction for the next five decades is on the basis of formula above and subsequent water demand
for domestic and non-domestic purposes is calculated using 135 lpcd as standard for the projected
population plus fire demand (for fire demand supply rate would be √P (P is population in thousands)

Estimated population projection for city ‘ABC’

Year Population Water demand (MLD)
2021 1,310,501 176.9
2031 1,526,790 206.1
2041 1,780,415 240.3
2051 2,071,376 279.6
2061 2,399,673 323.9

Source: CSE, 2017.

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Additional questions that need to be considered during estimation are as given

below: 3
• Can current water source(s) meet future demand?
• Describe the possible impacts that climate change could have (if known
research is available). How could it affect the watershed and hydrology
of the region? For example, increased severity of extreme weather events,
droughts, floods and storms.
• How will these potential effects impact the current and future population?
• Based on the potential impacts to water supply and built and natural
infrastructure, does continued growth make sense?

Technical Box 4: Water auditing

1. Identifying all water sources. Volume of input is determined by metering the source. All sources that are utilized within the
system should be added to give the annual water supplied.

The annual Authorized Billed authorized Billed metered consumption Revenue water
volume input into consumption consumption of water (including water exported)
the water supply Billed unmetered consumption
Unbilled authorized Unbilled metered consumption Volume of non-revenue water
consumption Unbilled unmetered consumption
Water loss Apparent losses Unauthorized consumptions
Customer metering inaccuracies
Real losses Leakage on transmission and distribution
Leakage and overflows at storage tanks
Leakage on service connections up to point
customer meter

2. Compile the billing records and calculate volume of revenue water. This constitutes of the billed metered and the billed
unmetered consumption.

Revenue water = Billed metered consumption + billed unmetered consumption

3. Calculate authorized consumption which consists of revenue water and unbilled authorized consumption
4. Evaluate water losses

Water loss = System input – authorized consumption

Water losses consist of apparent losses and real losses.

5. Identify apparent losses
• Apparent losses are those that come out from systemic data handling errors. Apparent losses consist of unauthorized
consumptions and user metering inaccuracies.
• This accounts for the water used but not being paid for and inaccuracies in metering.
6. Understand the real losses for the system.
For a city/zonal scale, the real losses consist of water through the distribution network, storage or if there is overflow from
the storage reservoir/ overhead tanks.
• Leakage on transmission and distribution mains—these are visible leaks that are reported and can be easily repaired
• Leakage and overflows at storage tanks
• Leakage on service connections up to point customer meter

Source: Anon., 2009, Water Conservation Planning Guide for British Columbia’s Communities—The POLIS Project on
Ecological Governance. British Columbia

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Forecasting future demand and its comparison with current available water
resources with future plans for water augmentation at any of the scales taken
into consideration would help identify gaps.

Review water system profile and proposals of planned water augmentation

Once the existing data system profile is available, it needs to be reviewed along
planned or in-process water augmentation projects for a city. The source of
funding for sanctioned projects, expected expenses, quantum of expected
water augmentation, operations and maintenance requirements etc. are
supplementary information that will support preparation of an effective plan
or guideline for cities.

Stage 2: Setting goals and objectives

Any WEC plan, programme or initiative guided by policy gets direction from
the vision statement. A plan defines the pathway and is the key to achieving
the vision.

The vision for a WEC plan could be to achieve sustainable water management
in city ‘ABC’. To work towards the vision, goals are defined. Any goal is further
broken into projects with specific objectives. Any goal should be SMART, the
acronym used to guide goal setting. To make sure goals are clear and reachable,
each goal should be:4
• Specific (simple, sensible, significant)—What exactly is to be achieved?
• Measurable (meaningful, motivating)—Establish clear definitions to help
measure the extent to which the goal is reached
• Achievable (agreed, attainable)—What steps can be taken to reach the goal?
Outline steps.
• Relevant (reasonable, realistic, resourced, result-based)—Does the goal
relate to the vision? How does it help in achieving the vision?
• Time bound—How long will it take to reach the goal?

Vision: Achieve sustainability of water resources for the next 50 years in city ‘ABC’

Goals Objectives
• Improve water-use efficiency through • Bulk metering and monitoring
water distribution network by 20 per • Consumption-based tariff
cent • Rejuvenate lake
• Conservation and maintenance of all • Authorization, metering and monitoring
10 lakes in the city of ground water pumping
• Monitor and limit groundwater • Mainstream decentralized wastewater
exploitation treatment for local reuse of treated
• Reuse of treated wastewater water in public parks, horticulture
• Bulk uses of treated wastewater from

Stage 3: Designing a plan

A comprehensive integrated WEC planning requires thinking beyond the
physical components of the water system and taking into account the broader
context of the watershed. Consider the following:
• Are water sources shared beyond the area of interest?
• Are community-based environmental stewardship groups active? What
kind of projects are they taking up?
• Does water consumption impact recreational uses?

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WEC planning aims to implement efforts towards efficiency and conservation

to decrease current demand and stabilize at the minimum threshold (see Figure
12: Process for designing a plan). Planning takes collected data, its analysis,
vision statement, set goals and objectives into consideration to identify the
best-suited WEC measures for this purpose.

Figure 12: Process for designing a plan

Identify WEC

Stakeholder feasibility
(social acceptability, planning
involvement history, availability of

Select appropriate
WEC measures

Source: CSE, 2017.

Identifying WEC measures

Water consumption and local conditions vary with scale of consideration (city
or smaller), region, social acceptance etc. Hence suitable measures that facilitate
WEC will also change as per the local context. In spite of WEC planning being
case specific, there are general rules of the thumb that can be considered.

For cities, any water conservation could be achieved when in situ water
augmentation is sought, i.e. when efforts are made to create alternative water
resources at the site itself. The following measures are suggested for in situ
water augmentation depending on the scale of implementation:

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Rainwater harvesting—Collect rainwater or runoff for use

RWH systems use the principle of conserving water where it falls. It involves collecting and storing
rainwater at surface or in sub-surface aquifer before it loses its quality as surface run-off or is lost by
evaporation. Implementation of rainwater/storm-water harvesting (SWH) for either direct usage or
to recharge the sub-surface aquifer requires taking measures that maintains the water clean by not
allowing polluting activities to take place in the catchment.5 This decreases the overall reliance of the
city on water storage dams and distribution system. In any WEC plan, RWH/SWH measure should be
taken to:
• Overcome the inadequacy of surface water to meet our demands
• Maintain water balance of the aquifer or increasing groundwater level

Collected rainwater can be planned for use in various potable or non-potable activities (after prior
filtration); water in excess of the collected or unused water could be used to recharge the aquifer.6
Possible RWH options at various scales:

Individual scale Rooftop RWH for usage in floor cleaning, car washing,
drinking etc.

Neighbourhood scale Runoff harvesting from paved and unpaved areas for maintaining public
parks, fire protection etc.

City/zonal scale SWH and maintaining quality inflow into the waterbodies, maintenance
of rain gardens etc.

Waterbody conservation
Conserving waterbodies helps conserve water for drier periods of the year, protects buffer zones of
the catchment that in turn prevents flooding and ensures groundwater recharge. A healthy waterbody
directly means an alternative local source of water that might facilitate reduction of load on the
conventional water supply system in future. In addition, water bodies play a major role in natural
hydrological cycle and offers healty recreational spaces.7

The conservation or revival of waterbodies includes several strategies and steps, including:
• Prevention of domestic/industrial sewage into the waterbody. Treated effluent, as per the effluent
standard of the State Pollution Control Board, may be allowed to be disposed off into waterbodies.
• Waterbodies in urban areas should be identified and notified in municipal land-use records as
municipal assets mentioning their area and particular location.8
• The shoreline of the waterbodies should be properly fenced to protect it from encroachment. A
well-planned awareness campaign should be conducted in the localities to highlight benefits of
waterbodies. If there is any encroachment of the banks, affected people need to be resettled/
relocated after consultation with them.

Reuse of treated wastewater

Reuse of treated wastewater is closely associated with the objective of water conservation. It offers
the opportunity to save freshwater.9 There is a saving in associated financial resources as overall water
consumption decreases. In any WEC plan, this would reduce water demand for non-potable purposes.
Reuse of treated wastewater facilitates:
• Reduction of household water consumption and increase in resilience to water scarcity.
• Reduction in costs and energy spent for water supply as less is required simultaneously, helps in
avoiding untreated wastewater discharge into the environment.10
• Decentralized wastewater treatment by natural techniques, thus reducing the city’s expenses on
large-scale infrastructure, energy required for treatment.

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Possible reuse options at various scales:

Individual scale Reusing or recycling water in flushing, gardening, washing cars etc.

Neighbourhood scale Treated wastewater can be used for aesthetic uses such as fountains,
washing of streets, fire protection, maintaining landscapes, flushing etc.

City/zonal scale Bulk reuse of treated wastewater includes supply to horticulture department
for maintenance of roadside plantations and institutional landscapes, golf
courses, botanical gardens, use in construction, irrigation of parks, gardens
and peri-urban agricultural fields, discharging into lakes and waterbodies to
replenish water.

Note: Reuse and discharge norms set by SPCB and CPCB at state and national level, respectively
should be followed.

Employing water-efficient measures at various scales: Water-efficiency measures

reduce the amount of water required to produce a good or service. An efficiency
measure is a direct alternative to a new or expanded physical water supply.

Xeriscaping and water-efficient landscaping

Xeriscaping is an innovative, comprehensive approach to landscaping for water conservation and
pollution prevention. Xeriscape landscaping combines planning and designing of landscapes that
minimises the use of water by selection of suitable plants, practical turf areas, efficient irrigation
practices that conserve water.11

Some of key points for xeriscaping/water-efficient landscaping are:

• Growing native plants that are adapted to the local climate and rainfall
• Use of mulch around plants and trees to retain moisture; minimizing turf
• Use of drip and other low-flow irrigation devices
• Use of water-efficient systems and fixtures for watering, e.g. drip-irrigation system

Possible reuse options at various scales:

Individual scale Water-efficient practices for maintenance of personal backyard/frontyard

Neighbourhood scale Water-efficient practices for maintenance of common spaces such as parks;
xeriscape landscaping or use of native species for landscaping

City/zonal scale Water-efficient irrigation practices for maintenance of public open spaces
such as botanical gardens, use of native trees and shrubs for plantations
along the roads and open areas etc.

Water-efficient systems, plumbing and fixtures

Water-efficient fixtures can assist in reducing average water use and hence demand on water
resources and infrastructure. Installing water-efficient fixtures not only saves water, but can also
provide ongoing savings with water bills. Traditionally, water-using plumbing fixtures in a building
would include toilets (cisterns and commodes), faucets, shower heads, urinals etc.12
• Replace existing single-flush toilets with dual flush toilets.
• Modern taps often have aerators at the tip to help save water and reduce splashes. Without an
aerator, water usually flows out of the tap in one big stream. An aerator spreads the water flow
into many small droplets.

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• Low water-use urinals: In some standard systems, water falls automatically through a continual
drip-feeding system or by automated flushing at a set frequency, 24x7, regardless of whether or
not the urinal has been used.

Possible reuse options at various scales:

Individual scale Install efficient shower heads, faucet aerators in sinks and dual flush toilets

Neighbourhood scale Water-efficient irrigation system for community parks, use of water-efficient
fixtures in community centres and community toilets

City/zonal scale Use of water-efficient fixtures in public toilets, toilets of public buildings like
library, court, etc.
Reducing NRW
The term NRW is used by local bodies to indicate water losses in the distribution network that cause
loss of revenue. NRW comprises not only real losses from leakages but also apparent losses (faulty or
non-existent billing) and unbilled losses (unauthorized consumption, public purposes like firefighting

Components of non-revenue water

main leaks

Unbilled Real losses

Small leaks at utility’s
on service storage tanks
Apparent losses

Source: http://www.wachsws.com/newsroom/4-components-of-a-water-loss-control-programme

Preventing NRW losses and protecting water resources has become increasingly important. It is of
great significance for city/zonal scales as the benefits seen are maximum as compared to smaller
scales. NRW management facilitates efficient distribution of water by reducing losses and allowing
utilities to expand and improve service, enhancing financial performance.

To reduce NRW, the cause and the effect of each non-revenue water component should be examined.
These include:
• Unbilled authorized consumption
• Apparent losses
• Real losses

Strategy for dealing with water losses: NRW reduction is a long term continuous process that requires
integrated planning, sustained institutional building and deligent process transformation.13 The two
most important components of NRW are real losses and apparent losses. Controlling water losses
from these two components requires significant resources in terms of logistics, staffing and finance.
The third component, unbilled authorized consumption, can be controlled fairly well without much
resource. It is therefore important to develop the appropriate strategies for controlling water losses
especially through real and apparent losses. Management of NRW involves:14
• Improving estimation/measurement techniques using metering, followed by a regular calibration
policy and meter checks.

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• Installing bulk metering at the district/city level and metering of all consumers is required to be
• Quantifying leakage and apparent losses: This can be done through network audit, which includes
leakage studies (reservoirs, transmission mains, distribution network) at the operational as well as
at the customer’s end.
• Upgrading the network by designing a strategy and action plan.
• These may be later upgraded by introducing 24x7 leakage monitoring through various softwares,
sensors etc.
• Regular O&M of the water supply network.

Measures for behavioural change:

• Educate on water-conservation and efficiency measures, such as turning off
water while washing hands and dishes.
• Install signs that encourage WEC in public toilets or work areas where
water is used.
• Involve stakeholders—seek suggestions of WEC ideas.
• Monitor and meter the water system to determine the largest water
consumption areas. Monitoring also can help detect leaks in water systems.

Designing a plan includes WEC criteria, knowledge of various technical

solutions, and generic methods for information, evaluation and presentation.
All planning is situation-driven and must be carried out in local context.
Table 11: Analysis of challenges and opportunities for WEC planning gives an
example of the comprehensive approach for WEC planning.

Table 11: Analysis of challenges and opportunities for WEC planning

Challenges Opportunities

Drivers to initiate WEC Shift from supply-side solutions for water security to
• Is water scarcity a recurring problem in the area? demand-side solutions.
• Are there revenue losses by municipality/ increase in tariff for water supply?
• Is water shortage affecting water pricing in the area?
Policies and regulation Cities where regulations and policies concerning WEC
• Are there supporting policies and regulations for developing WEC plan? have been adopted could be targeted as suitable to
• Are there any incentives for implementation of WEC? undertake such interventions.
Access to technology and finance Resource requirement would vary with the choice of
• Is there enough land available to develop infrastructure, if required? WEC measure, which depends on the demand and
• Are there suitable funders for the initiative? If there are, how can finances be expected benefits. Therefore, in a city where there
raised for the projects? is dedicated funding and a plan to implement WEC
• Are there suitable technology providers in the area? projects, there is a strong case for a practitioner or
• Is the project feasible? Does it have social acceptability? utility to take up implementation.
Scale of intervention Smaller-scale WEC planning and interventions are
• What would make a more beneficial case: Operating in a small area or across easy to implement and may showcase direct benefits,
the entire city? including economic benefits in terms of improving
• Is there a possibility of similar small-scale interventions across the city? system’s efficiency, saving water demand, less energy
• Will working at a decentralized level, for instance with resident welfare requirements for pumping etc.
associations (RWAs) or ward councillors, lessen financial and technical
Management strategy and institutional framework City/sites with active community help-groups, RWAs
• Who could be the main stakeholders to support such initiative? and a responsive private sector offers the scope of
• What is the potential to involve private stakeholders on PPP model basis? realization of goals in a time-bound manner.
Consumer/public perception Scaling-up potential is high in places where some
• How do people in the area relate to the proposed WEC intervention? WEC interventions are already implemented and has
• Has there been any such intervention in or around the area in the past? How showcased benefits.
was it perceived? Was it successful?
Source: CSE, 2017.

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Stage 4: Strategy development

Strategic planning is an integrated, comprehensive approach that emphasizes
not only on the technical and economic aspects but also the challenges of
institutional capacity and public participation in WEC.15 A strategic plan
identifies and selects an appropriate programme or project for WEC after detailed
feasibility analysis wherein it assesses if the proposed measure is technically,
financially, socially, legally, environmentally and institutionally feasible by
examining different options (see Figure 13: Steps for strategy development).

Figure 13: Steps for strategy development

Assessing feasibility of
the selected options
(Estimate overall savings,
optimize demand forecast,
cost–benefit analysis, etc.)

Prioritizing and
defining timeline
of actions

Source: CSE, 2017.

Assessing feasibility of selected options

To assess the feasibility of a proposed measure, the following techniques may
be adopted:
• Estimating cost for implementation and probable sources from the existing
schemes such as AMRUT, Smart city and SBM.

Technical Box 5: Cost–benefit analysis

Cost–benefit analysis (CBA), or benefit–cost analysis (BCA), is a systematic approach to estimate

the strengths and weaknesses of alternatives. It is used to determine options that provide the best
approach to achieve benefits while preserving savings.16 CBA is also defined as a systematic process
for calculating and comparing benefits and costs of proposed alternatives. It is done for two reasons:
1. To determine if the project is viable and if it is a good investment
2. To compare one project investment with other competing projects to determine which is more

Cost estimation of water-efficiency measures at the district/city level:

Example: Cost calculations for city ‘ABC’ involve a two-step process with respect to supply of water
for the whole district/city:
• First, the cost of water delivery for the city is calculated. This is the cost to the city of the
‘last unit’ of water delivered, and is the most expensive unit of water delivered, i.e. through
maximum distance.
• Second, the cost to the city of each water conservation measure is found by the reduction in
units of water demand. Comparing the avoided costs value with conservation measures’ costs
per unit of demand reduction allows the assessment of cost-efficiency. For example, if city
‘ABC’ has a reduced cost value of Rs 10,000 per unit of reduction, any conservation measure

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that costs less than Rs 10,000 per unit of water savings is considered cost-efficient. The district
will recoup the cost of the measure with its savings from lowered water delivery.


For the purposes of this study, the output is a unit of water in the case of a new supply and a unit of
water savings in the case of an efficiency measure.

Total cost comprises the cost of all components of the system to be analysed. It includes:
• Capital costs: Capital costs are fixed, one-time expenses needed to bring the project into
operation. It includes structures, land, equipment, labour and allowances for unexpected
costs or contingencies. They are annualized over the life of a project and divided by the water
production capacity.
• Operation and maintenance (O&M): O&M costs are incurred during operation of the device
or facility and typically vary with output levels. For projects that are currently in operation, use
average annual O&M costs whenever possible. Otherwise, use values available from the most
recent year. O&M costs are annualized over the life of the project and divided by the annual
water yield.

Annualized capital and variable costs are added together to get an estimate of the cost of water.

Cost estimation of water-efficiency measures at small scale

1. Depending on the selected WEC measure, examine the system for cost estimation.
2. Calculate the cost of conserved water (quantity of water estimated to be saved) after
implementation of efficiency measures. Calculate on the incremental cost of purchasing. This
cost is annualized over the life of the device and divided by the average annual volume of
water conserved, resulting in an estimate of the cost of conserved water.

For example, to estimate water savings and incremental cost under fixture replacement, develop two
• Baseline
• Efficient scenario

For the baseline scenario, assume the old device is replaced by a new device that uses the same
amount of water. For the efficient scenario, assume that the old device is replaced with a new,
efficient model. Annual water savings are calculated as the difference in water use between the
two models, multiplied by the estimated average frequency of use. The incremental cost is the cost
difference between a new efficient and a new inefficient device and is based on price surveys of
available mode.

Some efficiency measures have a ‘negative’ cost. This is because for these measures, the non-water
benefits that accrue over the lifetime of the device exceed the cost of the water-efficiency investment.
This is especially true for efficiency measures that save energy, but other ‘co-benefits’ may include
savings in labour, fertilizer or pesticide use, and reductions in wastewater treatment costs etc. For
example, a high-efficiency clothes washer costs more than a less-efficient model; however, it uses less
energy and produces less wastewater than a less-efficient model, thereby reducing household energy
and wastewater treatment requirements. Over the estimated 14-year life of the device, the reductions
in energy and wastewater bills are more than sufficient to offset the cost of the more efficient model,
resulting in a negative cost of conserved water.17

Source: CSE, 2017.

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• Estimating overall savings gives clarity and helps in prioritization.

• Defining plan of action in terms of short-term, intermediate and long-
term goals or use of time lines.

SWOT analysis: Technique for assessing selected WEC measures

SWOT analysis, developed in the 1960s, is a widely

STRENGTH WEAKNESS used analytical tool to support the preparation of
For example: For For example:
strategic planning. It is mainly used to establish a
individual house– Initial investment
1000 liter per day for replacement framework showing the key internal and external
savings of fixtures factors that should be confronted during the
strategic planning process. This framework is the
base used by policy decision-makers in the making
of a strategy that ensures a good fit between
OPPORTUNITY THREATS internal and external factors. The most common
For example: Long For example: way to present all the listed factors identified in the
term savings Constraints of
initial funds
SWOT analysis is through the so-called SWOT matrix,
forming a milestone of this analytic framework.18

SWOT is a cost- and time-efficient means for highlighting key issues relating to the context of a
WEC measure or initiative which if not identified and addressed could critically affect the chances
of success. It also offers the benefit of framing these issues in a way that is easy for stakeholders to
understand and discuss.

SWOT has often been done in the order implied by the name: first examining strengths, then
weaknesses, opportunities and finally threats. However, it is recommended instead to first examine
opportunities and threats and then proceed to the other ones. This helps keep a stronger focus
on results and helps identify which threats are ‘critical threats’ (i.e. those that are compounded by
corresponding weaknesses) and which opportunities are ‘promising opportunities’ (i.e. those that are
matched by corresponding strengths).19 Prior to the development of a WEC strategic plan, a feasibility
analysis and prioritizing different WEC measures is required. From the results obtained during data
search, a SWOT matrix is established in order to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats in relation to WEC measures. The SWOT matrix is a kind of radiograph of the situation of
water resources, its current status and future possibilities. It can draw some conclusions that will
point to responses with different strategies. From the SWOT analysis and the results taken from
the data analysis about various WEC measures will develop a strategic plan that attempts both to
maintain the strengths identified and give response to problems identified, taking into account both
the opportunities and current threats that face the management of water resources.

Any WEC measure that is to be assessed using SWOT must have clearly defined objectives that are
well understood. Clear objectives are a kind of lens through which the various external and internal
factors relevant to the WEC plan can be identified as strengths or weaknesses, opportunities or
threats. If the objectives seem to be unclear, they should be clarified and agreed upon before a SWOT
is embarked on.20

While the plan of action is being finalized, it is best to optimize the demand
forecast; this could be supported by a cost–benefit analysis for the stakeholders
and decision makers to visualize the impact of the proposal. This is more
relevant at a city scale.

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Technical Box 6: Optimizing demand forecasting

Estimation for the reduction in the water demand after proposed WEC measures are
The demand forecast for next five decades is taken as the starting point. Reduction in the water
demand can be estimated on the basis of proposed measures cumulatively.

Assumption: Water demand can be reduced by 20 per cent by adopting the proposed WEC
measures in city ‘ABC’

The trend for the reduction is shown in the graph below:

Variation in water demand by adopting WEC measures

Projected water demand

Water demand after using WEC measures
Present water demand (2017)

206.1 223.68
176.9 192.24
166 166
141.52 164.88 166

2021 2031 2041 2051

It is evident that if WEC measures proposed for city ‘ABC’ are adopted and implemented, water
demand up to 2031 can bemet without any change in the present infrastructure. This shows the
effectiveness of the proposed WEC measures for the city.

Source: CSE, 2017.

3.2 WEC planning at various scales

WEC plan at the city scale ideally should be implemented under the jurisdiction
of the municipality/ULB. The municipality/ULB is capable of offering the most
suitable, indigenous tailor-made measures that vary from one city/zone to
another in accordance with the enabling environment such as local conditions,
budget, political will, stakeholder involvement etc. At the neighbourhood scale
for residential areas this will be under the jurisdiction of RWAs/CBOs while
for institutions its administration is responsible. At the individual scale, the
success of the plan depends on ownership and behaviour of residents (see
Table 12: Application of WEC measures at various scales).

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Table 12: Application of WEC measures at various scales

WEC Area Single Commercial Neighbourhood Recreational Public and
measures household and industrial and residential areas and semi-public
development development open spaces utilities

In situ water Wastewater reuse P P P P P

Conservation of P
Rainwater harvesting P P P P P
Water Water fixtures P P
Reducing losses P P P P
Xeriscaping P P P P
Behavioural Awareness P P P P P
Water pricing P P
Social acceptability P P P P P
Source: CSE, 2017.

Indicative WEC interventions are illustrated in the Figure 14: WEC approach at
different scales. Table 13: Open-source tools for WEC lists mobile applications
and calculators that are available and relevant in Indian context to be used
while planning and designing for WEC.

Figure 14: WEC approach at different scales


Use of harvested water for Reuse of treated

recreational purposes wastewater


Neighbourhood scale

extraction Metering/reducing Household/ Use of water
NRW individual scale efficient fixture


Rooftop RWH


Water storage and le

distribution network

at sto

Water supply treatment

w ed


Bulk reuse of
treated sewage
Notified water

Treated sewage into


Recharge zone for city

Source: CSE, 2017.

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Table 13: Open-source tools for WEC

Tool Where to find it Use Description

Jal Sanchayan mobile application Smartphone-based Tool on water A user-friendly android

application—download conservation mobile application
from Google Play Store as through RWH comprising all
Jal Sanchayan components of RWH
on a single platform

Captain Plop’s Water-Saving Smartphone-based Educational An android-based app

Mission application—download tool—improves by the South Australian
from Google Play Store awareness Water Corps on the
as Captain Plop’s Water- benefits and needs for
Saving Mission water conservation to
bring about consumer

Water footprint calculator Download the tool on the To track water Water footprint
android platform through consumption calculator allows the
Google Play Store. user to quantify the
Can also be accessed amount of water
online on web platform used and thus can be
by simply searching it on compared with the
any search engine like average water footprint
google.com, bing.com of the country

AWWA (American Water Works • Go to awwa.org Water audit tool A spreadsheet-based

Association) water audit software • AWWA requires to water audit tool
login/register to obtain
this free information.
• Search for ‘water loss
• Click on the water
audit software link to
download the file

Source: Compiled by CSE.

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4. WEC implementation and practices

4.1 Stakeholder analysis

Involving all relevant stakeholders throughout the planning and implementation

process is key for a successful WEC plan. Their knowledge of technological,
social, economic, political and environmental aspects provides the basis
against which proposed solutions must be measured. Also, the goals, problems
and remediation strategies generated by stakeholders define what’s desirable
and achievable.1

Relevant stakeholders should be identified early in the planning phase. Early

contacts contribute to identification of specific and relevant issues and priorities
in the area. Stakeholder involvement is particularly important in WEC planning
as interest groups are expected to play an active role in the implementation
process and in operation and maintenance.

Involvement of stakeholder serves the dual function of providing a feedback

mechanism between water managers and users while also serving as a means
to educate users on the value of WEC. Stakeholder processes can also be used
as a vehicle to generate public support for plans and ensure that the plans are
representative of community values.2

Importance of stakeholder participation

• Creates ownership and improves sense of responsibility among actors involved

• Clarity and ownership of responsibility for decisions or actions
• Creates solutions that are most likely to be adopted
• Leads to better, more cost-effective solutions
• Forges stronger working relationships
• Enhances communication and coordination of resources

Stakeholder involvement and determining feasibility

Ideally all beneficiaries and stakeholders in the water sector are involved at
this stage, including household residents. Organizations that own, implement,
operate, finance, issue permits or control the water services, as well as housing
companies are also stakeholders.3 Participation of the beneficiaries/users in
the planning process is crucial as it brings water services closer to the people
involved (see Figure 15: Participation of stakeholders at different levels).

In the Indian context, Central government endeavours to supplement efforts

of states by providing financial and policy support to encourage efficient
management of water resources through various schemes and programmes. The
Government of India formulates policies, sets standards and provides technical
as well as substantial financial assistance to states. Central government funding
constitutes about 40 per cent of the total investment in the sector.

Some key functions of the Central government are to:

• Emphasize reuse of treated wastewater and reduction in groundwater usage
in the National Water Policy. This is especially relevant for sectors like
agriculture that consume 70–80 of freshwater supplies.
• Expand funding for water source development under schemes such as
JNNURM, AMRUT and Smart cities.

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• Increase technical assistance grants for capacity building of ULBs to manage

public–private partnership projects

State government bodies formulate various policies and plans for implementation
of strategies and measures at the state level. It also works under the guidance
of the Central government to address the priorities for water efficiency and
conservation by providing assistance to ULBs. The role of the state government
in the WEC sector is to:
• Create regulatory institutions to oversee management of water resources
and pricing of bulk water
• Support ULBs in developing robust water supply and wastewater treatment
project structures to attract private investment
• Increase technical assistance grants to ULBs for reducing losses and
recycling and groundwater recharge projects.

Figure 15: Participation of stakeholders at different levels

Planning and policy makers at national level

Ministry of Ministry of Water

Ministry of Housing Resources, River Central Pollution Special Purpose
Environment, Forest NITI Ayog
and Urban Affairs Development & Control Board Vehicles
& Climate Change
Ganga Rejuvenation

Town & country

Planning at state Public works Water supply &
level planning
department drainage board

Water supply &

City level Municipal Development sewerage
interventions corporation authority department at
municipal level

Intervention at
neighborhood Private
level companies

Intervention at
building level RWAs

Source: CSE, 2017.

After an internal assessment of the driving forces and issues is completed,

it might be determined that convening a stakeholder group is not the best
approach to achieve goals. It may make more sense to form a small technical
workgroup and proceed with implementation, especially if the project is for
smaller scales and involves only a few outside groups.

However, it may be required at the city/zonal scale to have a properly handled

stakeholder participation that contributes to consensus and acceptance of
proposals. Involvement of organized, representative stakeholder groups
facilitates communication, participation and implementation of projects.

After the driving forces have been assessed and internal goals and objectives for
the project identified, the following should be reflected on:
1. Is the stakeholder involvement needed?
2. What would be the level of involvement?

This is the time to start outlining a structure for the stakeholder group, possible
roles and responsibilities, and decision-making methods.

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This is a preliminary framework. Stakeholder participation requires

commitment, transparency in process, acknowledgment of alternative views,
ideas, time and human resources. When developing a stakeholder involvement
framework, the following questions should be answered: 4
• How will the group be structured, i.e. will it be a fully empowered
management entity, an advisory body, a subset of the management
committee or an ad hoc group?
• How will decisions be made, i.e. by majority vote, consensus or input
received but decisions made by responsible party?
• What is the membership of the group—one representative from each locality
or interest group, a cross section of the watershed residents, etc.?
• What are the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders—outreach,
selection of management options, representation of larger constituencies or
preparation of reports etc.?

Each stakeholder group is unique. A one-size-fits-all approach will not work.

The formation and operation of each stakeholder group will depend on several
factors—the driving forces of the effort, goals, geographic scale, time frame
needed for decision making, available budget and political climate, all of which
must be considered to determine the best way to proceed.

The community is the primary stakeholder group, but other stakeholders with
specialized capacities and responsibilities are essential. Including members
of the public community during implementing and monitoring can increase
the overall success of the plan. Ongoing involvement can help maintain
and build support for achieving water-efficiency goals. Additionally, public
participation in monitoring provides valuable information on challenges during
implementation and factors contributing to success factors.

Some communities may be better organized and resourced than others and
can exert influence, which must be balanced by public-sector representatives.
The community in an area may not be homogeneous, comprising numerous
groups and stakeholders with different perspectives, aspirations and interests.
Some problems and solutions may be agreed on, but there may be opposing
views and interests as well. There is always a need to select the best possible
measure. The municipality, guided by sound development principles and
policies and advised by a steering committee representing all key stakeholders,
is responsible for final decisions and plans.5

Diverse actors with different roles and responsibilities could be involved in

the planning and implementation phases of the community and stakeholder
participation process:
• Decision makers—The decision makers are involved throughout the
process, from approving the plan to deciding implementation contracts.
• Plan preparation and coordinating teams—Plan preparation is the
responsibility of the lead municipal department. The planning team works
and coordinates with the task team.
• The community—Beneficiaries can contribute to planning and implementing
to the extent of their involvement in the communication programme,
enabled by effective communication and participatory methods. Local
organizations and individuals may also be beneficiaries, if involved in
construction, maintenance and service projects that receive funding or
contracts and pay for local work.
• Implementing agencies (including contractors)

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• Supporting agencies—A sustainable community unit may include a number

of wards, and all ward councillors must participate in the planning process.
• Ward councillors should:6
♦♦ Share information with organizations in their wards;
♦♦ Represent the needs of stakeholders;
♦♦ Liaise with other ward councillors and municipal officials regarding
development needs and project priorities; and
♦♦ Keep the community informed on development issues, the planning
process and outcomes.

Activities to promote community participation as stakeholders7

• Conduct regular meetings with the community to keep them informed of the municipality’s prog-
ress in meeting the water-efficiency goals.
• Provide a forum (e.g. survey, workshops and blog) for participants to supply input on the level of
satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the municipality’s water-efficiency activities.
• Recruit volunteers (e.g. students and retirees) to assist with monitoring water-efficiency efforts
such as conducting public surveys on certain water-efficiency activities. This can be a cost saving
for the provider who will not have to invest in staff time for such services.
• Develop programmes and provide materials and training to teachers on the importance of water
efficiency and measures that can be taken at the individual level.
• Use social networking (e.g. Facebook) to get community members engaged.
• Recruit volunteers to solicit signatures in support of water efficiency. This would provide volunteers
the opportunity to inform the public about water provider’s water efficiency activities

Once identified, stakeholders should to be analysed based on the interest

and influence chart as shown in Figure 16: Stakeholder engagement strategy.
Stakeholder analysis includes understanding their profile, interests, position
(for or against), and ability to influence a WEC plan. Stakeholders are then
engaged through different strategies.8

Figure 16: Stakeholder engagement strategy

High influence High influence

Low interest High interest

Buy-in Sustain
(Political leaders) (Decision makers)

(Planning and
Leave alone
coordination team)

Low influence Low influence

Low interest High interest


Source: Suresh Kumar Rohilla, Bhitush Luthra, Amrita Bhatnagar, Mahreen Matto and Uday Bhonde 2017, Septage
Management: A Practitioner’s Guide, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.

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Guiding principles for stakeholder engagement9

• Build confidence—While interacting with stakeholders, planners must ensure respectful

collaboration. Individual partner inputs must be taken seriously and how their contributions are
reflected in the outcomes must be made visible. This helps build confidence among stakeholders
in the ULB and the project activities.
• Ensure to reach the community—The project must look attractive. The value additions made by
the project for the community must be visible. The needs and the intended societal benefits form
a strong force in the acceptability of the project.
• Involve stakeholders actively in identifying the problem and developing the solution—This helps
bring different perspectives on a challenge and identified the most appropriate solution. It raises
stakeholders’ understanding of the issue, builds their capacities and makes communication of
subsequent action to the public easier.
• Include stakeholders in implementation and success stories—Stakeholder involvement in success
stories and follow-up activities after implementation is essential to building trust and ownership
of the community over the project.
• Public information, education and communication—Offering maximum awareness and outreach
opportunities ensures effective communication and capacity building of the stakeholders.

4.2 Economic and social aspects of WEC

A key challenge in getting consumers, ULBs and practitioners to invest in WEC
practices and technologies is the misconception that water efficiency doesn’t
produce economic benefits since the low cost of water (subsidized) delivered to
the tap doesn’t translate volume savings into money savings.

If WEC measures are widely accepted and implemented at smaller scales, it

would reduce demands and hence associated revenue. This could cause ULBs
to raise rates/tariff since traditional rate-making involves three discrete, logical
steps10 (see Figure 17: Conventional rate-making by water service utilities).

Step 1: Identify costs and the ULB’s revenue requirements

To provide water service to its customers, the ULB must receive sufficient
revenue to recover its costs, including operation and maintenance costs,
capacity costs (represented either by depreciation allowances or by debt-related
costs), customer costs and administrative costs.11 ULB must get enough revenue
to sustain in the long run. Adequate cost recovery is necessary to maintain a
financially viable service providers.

Step 2: Allocate costs to types of water usage

After revenue requirements have been established, costs are allocated among
different types of water users and rates are designed to reflect the cost of
providing water service. The cost of service rate-making can be stated to cover
the rate so that users pay-in water rates for the costs they impose on the utility
for its production and delivery. To avoid undue discrimination, rate analysts
strive to achieve two forms of equity:
• Horizontal equity: Users with similar costs of service face similar rates.
• Vertical equity: Users with dissimilar costs of service face dissimilar rates.

Step 3: Design rates for each type of water usage to recover costs from
• Define goals and objectives of the rate structure
• Evaluate available alternatives in meeting objectives
• Understand and communicate potential effects on customers

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Figure 17: Conventional rate-making by water service utilities

Cost of service analysis

Revenue Cost
Rate design
requirement allocation

Source: AWE 2008, Fundamentals of Water Rate Making.

WEC should be seen as a long-term investment and there are several potential
economic benefits to invest in WEC if planned accordingly. A study was
published in December 2008 that quantitatively examined economic growth
impacts of water and energy-efficiency investments, realized benefits specifically
in terms of job creation, income, GDP, national output, water savings and other

Implementation of WEC measures can reduce water and sewer costs by up to

30 per cent. Significant savings in energy, chemical and maintenance expenses
are also possible (see Figure 18: Benefits of WEC). The typical payback period
is three to seven years. Some general benefits of water conservation include:12
• Energy savings: Less energy is used for pumping and treating water.
• Financial savings: Less water will be used as consumers will avoid wasting
water. Billing will enable local bodies to generate maximum revenue,
particularly if proper metering is operational.
• Less wastewater: Reduced water usage will cut sewer service costs. In some
areas, wastewater utilities offer financial incentives for reduced wastewater
• Various environmental benefits include increased water available to local
streams and wetlands and their natural inhabitants. Less wastewater leads
to less degradation of water reservoirs and less pollution.

Broadly, collecting existing data concerning site conditions, design,

implementation and O&M activities comprises the measure heads for costing
WEC project implementation. The budget is divided into three major heads on
the previous successful projects implemented by CSE (see Table 14: Budget
allocation for implementation of WEC measures).

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Figure 18: Benefits of WEC


Saves energy
Enhances used to pump,
environmental heat and
protection treat water
Leaves reserve
Minimizes water
pollution and
capacity for
health risks
future use

Saves money

Source: CSE, 2017.

Table 14: Budget allocation for implementation of WEC measures

Activity Activity component Allocation of
Collection of data and design Site-specific data collection 5 per cent
(survey and analysis) • Metered data
• Meteorological parameters, water profiling and audit
• Drainage pattern (natural/artificial): Catchment mapping (for big projects)
• Survey: Site plan and catchment area, location, geology/soil, slopes,
drainage line and sewage discharge arrangements
• Water demand assessment and storage potential planning
• Design of the structures
Implementation (civil work/ • Type of structure (ready-made, constructed), interconnecting pipes, gutter 80 per cent
hardware) • Scale of implementation
O&M • Repairing leaking pipes and tanks/cracks at catchment and tanks 15 per cent
• Conducting water quality tests (total dissolved solids, total suspended
solids, minerals, pathogens)
• Paying salary to operators
• Cleaning/removing algae/ water hyacinth/ silt from waterbodies
Source: CSE, 2017.

4.3 Case studies

With increasing need to improve water-use efficiency and initiate conserving
practices, cities, neighbourhoods and individuals are implementing innovative
and affordable practices that focus on an integrated WEC approach. A review
of select case studies was undertaken to demonstrate the applicability and
feasibility of such best management practices on different scales and local-
climatic conditions.

The case studies show how implementation of coordinated WEC measures

can be planned or integrated at various scales to bring about water savings.
The following section illustrates the WEC approach for integrated water
management to achieve environmental, economic and social balance.

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CASE STUDY 3: Reducing water

consumption by using water-efficient
fixtures in a residential neighbourhood in Marietta
Georgia, United States

Implemented in 2014

Background GEORGIA
Edinborough Apartments, a residential neighbourhood with
128 houses, is situated in Central Cobb County, Marietta,
Georgia, USA. Georgia is one of the driest states in USA.
Much of its land has been classified as under ‘exceptional
drought’ in recent years. Cobb County is still considered to
be at risk for water shortage. As a result, the community in
the area are seeking ways to reduce water consumption and
lowering overhead expenses associated with their water and
sewerage usage.

The Green City Cobb Program was launched in 2014 in

an effort to address the water stress and positively impact
the area’s water consumption. Cobb County Water
System, a municipality in Georgia, partnered with Niagara
Conservation, a manufacturer of high-efficiency water and
energy-conservation products to deliver the Green City Cobb
Program. To reduce water use, programme implemented use of water-efficient fixtures in multi-family buildings among owners and
residents .

In September 2014, 130 water-saving UHET (ultra-high efficiency toilets) kits from Niagara Conservation were installed (retrofitted)
throughout the residential neighbourhood. The three-part kit included a ultra-high-efficiency Stealth toilet, a 1.5-gallon-per-minute
(GPM) shower head and a 1.5-GPM aerator for the kitchen and bathroom faucets.

The EPA-certified Stealth uses just 0.8 gallons of water for a powerful, quiet flush. Using 37 per cent less water per flush in comparison
to a standard 1.28-gallon high-efficiency toilet, the Stealth forces air down a transfer tube into the trap way that allows for a powerful
suction that ensures waste in the toilet bowl is cleared out and enters into the sewer system with every flush.

The high-efficiency, high-powered shower head uses up to 40 per cent less water than other ‘low-flow’ shower heads. Since faucets
can account for nearly 16 per cent of an average household’s daily water consumption, the faucets were also retrofitted in kitchens
and bathrooms.

Within one month of the programme being in effect, Edinborough Apartments owners reported that the neighbourhood was able to
save 192,000 gallons and $1,860 of their water bill in September 2014 as compared to September 2013.

The savings continued for the remainder of the year and beyond. Over the next four months, the savings on the water bills in
Edinborough Apartments was $574.67–952.58. Year-over-year comparisons from October 2014 to January 2015 showed a cost
reduction of 18–26 per cent with an average monthly savings of $977. Utility bills were dramatically lowered and property value rose.

Units installed 128

Time frame 1 month
Money saved $1,860
Gallons saved 192 K

Source: A Study of Individual Household Water Consumption, Edinborough Apartments, 2014.

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CASE STUDY 4: Reducing water demand by xeriscaping and using efficient water-fixtures at an
institutional campus in San Francisco

Implemented in 2001


Stanford University’s campus, in the San Francisco Bay Area, includes twelve classroom buildings, two dormitories—one for women
and one for men—and engineering laboratories. The Facilities Operations Water Shop maintains the domestic water system that
provides potable water to the Stanford campus. The Water Shop also operates a non-potable (lake) water system on the campus.
The lake water supply is used for irrigation and backup fire protection. The approval of the general use permit (GUP) and the EIR for
expansion of 20 per cent had specific requirements, one of which was the completion of a water conservation, reuse, and recycling
master plan.

Stanford University developed the water conservation, reuse and recycling master plan in 2001 to identify ways to keep water demand
below the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) allocation of 3.033 million gallons per day (MGD).

Baseline information was collected for a year in 2000–01, assuming a steady development rate until 2010 on the basis of the collected
information. A projection of average daily demand from 2000 (2.7 MGD) to 2010 (3.6 mgd) in 2010 was anticipated and plotted. It
was estimated that it would increase from 2.7 MGD in 2000 to 3.6 MGD in 2010.

The following graph shows projected baseline water use from the master plan with and without conservation through 2010 and actual
use through 2004:

Water consumption before intervention


Use without plan

Water use (MGD)

Water use limit


Planned use

Actual use

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012


Baseline water projection (plumbing codes only) With recommended plan

SFPUC allocation of 3,033 mgd Actual water use

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It was evident that the major consumption was for toilet flushing and landscape irrigation, which accounted for over 30 per cent of
the total domestic water used on campus. Therefore, in addition to an evaluation of other end uses, flushing and landscape irrigation
were therefore specifically targeted by conservation measures.

Water consumption before intervention

Flushing toilets 280,000 gallons per day (10 per cent of total domestic water use)
Irrigation 22 per cent (largely around faculty and students housing)

On the basis of baseline information and analysis, 14 new conservation measures were recommended. These measures were then
evaluated by means of a model to assess the cost effectiveness and potential water savings of each measure. WEC measures were
proposed after review.

Planning and implementation of conservation measures and additional water-conservation opportunities were also evaluated. Based
on discussions between Stanford staff and Maddaus Water Management, 14 measures were agreed upon for further analysis. The
measures, most of which were added in the next four years, are listed in the table below along with additional measures and estimated
cumulative water savings.

Measure Brief description

Ultra low flush toilet replacement Replace 90 per cent of in efficient toilets with 1.6 gallon/flush models in all campus facilities.
Shower-head retrofit Replace 90 per cent of in efficient shower head with low-flow models in all campus facilities.
Urinal replacement Continue with current urinal replacement plans but hold off on the remaining until
0.5-gallon flush units or valves are on the market and use these to attain a 90 per cent
replacement rate.
High-efficiency washer Replace existing washing machines in student housing with efficient (such as front loading)
replacement models. Retain pay-per-use machine types.
Public outreach programmes Implement a multi-faceted public education programme directed at departments, students,
and employees and emphasizing on the need to conserve water, highlight programmes
and rebates available.
CEF blow-down reuse Prepare preliminary engineering and pilot testing of cooling tower and boiler blow water
for irrigation, determine best way to integrate this source with the lake system and use it
to irrigate new and existing areas.
Faculty/staff housing water audits Offer indoor/outdoor water audits to not less than 30 per cent of the faculty-staff housing
on a repeating five-year cycle. Focus on reduction of irrigation, toilet and washer use.
Landscape water management Provide water budgets and tracking of performance on a monthly basis for large irrigated
sites, conduct large turf audits periodically.
Selective landscape retrofit Retrofit of turf areas known or shown to be inefficient with low water-use plant landscapes
where feasible and cost-effective.
New water-efficient landscape Amend and require use of Stanford’s Landscape Design Guidelines to ensure predominant
use of water-efficient plant types, develop and adhere to water budgets, conduct water
efficiency reviews of plans.
New landscape on lake water Put all new landscapes on the lake water system.
ET controllers for new faculty Instal evapo-transpiration (ET) controllers on all irrigated landscaped areas associated with
staff housing new faculty/staff housing units.
Selected academic areas on lake Switch irrigation of five specifically identified landscapes from the domestic to lake system.
Football practice field on lake Extend the lake system to irrigate the football practice field.

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Measure Brief Description

Once-through cooling retrofits Retrofit existing once-through domestic water cooling for research and building equipment
with recirculating chilled water cooling systems. Require all equipment and building systems
use recirculating chilled water for cooling. Track water use before and after retrofits.
Spray rinse nozzles for kitchens Retrofit kitchen sink spray nozzles with water efficient models. Project sponsored by Santa
Clara Valley water district. Track water use before and after retrofits.
Water mizers for autoclaves Retrofit existing constant domestic cold water quench for autoclave hot water discharges
with water mizers that only turn on cold water when solenoid valve detects heat. Track
water use before and after retrofits.
Scrubber water reuse Reuse neutralization system water for scrubbers in and academic building. Track water use
before and after retrofits.
Decorative fountains Investigate water use by fountains, survey all fountains for water use, leaks maintenance
type, and recommend retrofits. Retrofits will include meters, periodic leak detection, and
where appropriate, chlorinators and wind gauges.

The success of Stanford’s Water Conservation and Efficiency Program is demonstrated by decreased domestic water use from 2.7 mgd
in 2001 to 2.1 mgd in June 2014, despite more than 2.5 million square feet of new campus added.

If the current cost of conservation savings is amortized over 15 years at 3 per cent discount rate, the equivalent annual cost is $126,200
per year. The programme’s estimated savings is 0.26 mgd or 95 million gallons (MG) per year. This results in a unit cost of water saved
of $1,329/MG.

Domestic water saving by customer (2001-2010)

Faculty/Staff housing
High efficiency toilets,
clothes washers, and turf
8,237 GPD
Water mizers Evapotranspiration

School of
Pre-rinse spray nozzles medicine
100,920 GPD
Water efficient faucets

Low flow showerheads

General &
333,853 GPD
Water efficient urinals
Students housing
267,685 GPD
High efficiency
clothes washers

High efficiency toilets

2,253 GPD Lake water
Escondido village lake water irrigation

Source: Stanford University water efficiency program fact sheet, 2014 [can be accessed from-http://lbre.stanford.edu/sem/Environmental_WaterEfficiency]

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CASE STUDY 5: Water-efficient landscape design for Rajasthan Textile Mill, Bhawani-mandi,
Rajasthan, India

Implemented in 2016


Rajasthan Textile Mill,


Rajasthan Textile Mill in Bhawani-mandi is a landscape project where the role of landscape is greater than just aesthetics. The warm
and temperate climate posed the challenge to design an aesthetic and functional green for the factory that would also be easy to
maintain. The area to be designed was approx. 0.80 hectare of front area of the site.

Water-efficient landscape design at the site serves aesthetic needs as well as creates a salubrious micro climate. Green mounds were
designed over the base of grit bound by a pathway. One irrigation point in centre of the point watered the mound; the size of the
mound was decided accordingly. The area with grit was planted with large Mimosopselengi and Plumeria trees. The landscape is
maintained by the treated water from STP generated from the factory.

For the peripheral areas, trees like Alstoni and Bombax were planted along with ficus and bougainvilleas. These plants are hardy (they
can survive in low temperatures) and low maintenance. Drip irrigation system was used along the boundary plantation.


Site view during construction Hardy plants along the periphery

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Site view of the landscape post construction

The total area of the site to be landscaped was approximately 1.7 ha, which included the peripheral green as well as the front green
of approximately 1 hectare.

Going by the rule of the thumb, around 1.89 lakh litres of water per day for irrigation in summers. To make the design water-efficient,
grit was introduced and hardy trees and shrubs planted. The grit area planned was around 1.4 ha, which saved approximately 0.54
lakh litres of water per day during peak season. The hardscape area of 0.1 ha saved another 0.12 lakh litres of water per day.

The shrub area of another 1.4 ha used half of the water required by grass.

Source: Compiled by CSE 2017

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CASE STUDY 6: Reducing NRW for 24x7 water supply at Pimpri-Chinchwad City, Maharashtra,

Implemented in 2015



Pimpri-Chinchwad, a city in the Pune metropolitan region of the state of Maharashtra, covers an area of 177 sq. km and has a
population of approximately 1.6 million. The existing water supply to the city is managed by Pimpri-Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
(PCMC). Pawana Dam, 35 km from the city, is the main source of the city water supply system. PCMC plans to convert the existing
intermittent water supply to continuous pressurized 24x7 water supply for the whole city.

The service-level benchmark for NRW is only 20 per cent but the NRW in Indian cities is more and there is considerable scope for its
reduction in almost all the cities of the country.

The water supplied to Pimpri-Chinchwad is 370 MLD at rate of 170 lpcd. The total number of water connections is 117,936. The
water supply infrastructure was strengthened following the conceptualization of 24x7 water supply project in two phases as follows:

Phase I: PCMC proposed to convert the intermittent water supply to continuous (24x7) water supply for the 40 per cent area covering
8 lakh people.

Phase II: A project under water supply for 100 per cent coverage and reduction of NRW under Central Government’s AMRUT Mission.

Components included in the 24x7 water supply project (40 per cent area) for achieving NRW reduction:
• Water balance: Components of water balance, such as authorized billed meter consumption, authorized billed unmetered
consumption, unauthorized consumption due to thefts, metering inaccuracies, leakage in transmission mains, distribution house
service connection, were computed and a water audit carried out.
• Water loss: Leakage areas were identified by conducting step tests and data gathered from the data loggers. The exact location of
leak spots was fixed using leakage identification instruments such as injection of helium gas, sounding rods and noise correlator.
• NRW reduction: Measures are to be taken up to bring NRW within the accepted limit. The exact location of leakage will be
detected and then fixed by using leakage identification instruments such as injection of helium gas, sounding rods and noise

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The following shows the process followed to reduce NRW in Pimpri-Chinchwad:

Strengthening the • Construction of water treatment plant phase IV

water supply • Strengthening the water supply distribution network
• Construction of elevated service reservoirs (ESRs)

• Metering of all connection

• Detailed GIS mapping of water zones
Technical • Implementation of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, centralized monitoring
interventions and control system to save on operation and maintenance of water works and network and to
optimize for energy saving

Administrative • Restructuring the water wards/zones

reforms • 24x7 dedicated water supply helpline

Public • Public awareness on water supply through effective communication strategy


• Operational zones are demarcated with respect to ESR capacity and serviceability. District metering areas (DMAs) are set up for
each zone. Analysis of water flow and pressure in these areas has enabled leakage specialists to identify leakages and calculate
the level of leaks in a particular DMA.
• The entire transmission and distribution network can be mapped by using a GIS mapping tool which will facilitate replacement
of a few kilometres of pipeline out of total area selected. NRW will consequently be brought down after pipelines are replaced,
reducing the leakage losses.

Source: Urban Water Supply and Sanitation in Indian cities, Pearl, 2014

CASE STUDY 7: Water efficiency and conservation for sustainable water management at Rainbow
Drive, Bengaluru, India

Year of implementation: 2012

Rainbow Drive, in southeast Bengaluru,
has 430 plots covering 14.5 hectares.
The sloped land posed a challenge
for the residents because of excessive
flooding during the monsoon. Also,
lack of connectivity to the municipal
water supply meant that the residents
depended on groundwater from bore
wells for their daily consumption.

As a result of the scarcity and flooding,

residents opted to conserve, reuse and
recycle water through RWH, recharge Rainbow Drive
wells and a phytorid sewage treatment Bengaluru
plant. This was done by creating
a layout association that worked

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RWH: The storm water is diverted to 360 recharge wells created all over the residential campus. The pits of the recharge wells are
circular, with a diameter of 3 feet and a depth of 20 feet.

Land area 14.56 ha

RWH potential 154KL ~56ML per annum

Design for RWH 360 recharge wells, 20-feet deep and 3 feet in diameter on average

Phytorid-based sewage treatment plant: Rainwater harvesting

The sewage generated inside the residential Recharge Storm-water jali
campus from 430 plots is treated through well lid
a natural system based on phytorid
technology. The phytorid system is a
subsurface flow type in which wastewater
is applied to the cell/system filled with
porous media such as crushed bricks, gravel
and stones.

The hydraulics is maintained in such a

manner that wastewater does not rise to Recharge well Groundwater Groundwater
table before table after
the surface retaining a free board at the top
of the filled media.
Sewage treatment
The system comprises three zones:
Treated water
(i) Inlet zone composed of crushed bricks collection tank
and stones of different sizes Water meter
(ii) Treatment zone consists of same
media as the inlet zone with plant
species Phytorid
(planted bed)
(iii) Outlet zone where treated water is
Sedimentation tank

Other measures taken:

• Blocking the digging of private bore wells
• Data collection to discover consumption and supply patterns
• Banning groundwater use for construction
• Implementing RWH at household and community levels
• Water supply through community bore wells only
• New water pricing scheme
• Use of treated sewage for horticulture purposes

• The residential area doesn’t have the frequent flooding issues it did and implementing the WEC approach successfully showcased
sustainable storm-water management and creation of alternative water resource for lower-quality usage.
• Reduction on treated effluent for total suspended solids (TSS) was 70–80 per cent, BOD 78–84 per cent, nitrogen 70–75 per cent,
phosphorus 52–64 per cent and fecal coliform 90–97 per cent.
• The treated effluent is useful for horticulture.

Source: Rainbow Drive Layout’s Efforts towards Water Sustainability – Citizens at the Centre of Integrated Urban Water Management by Biome Environmental
Solutions Private Limited, 2012.

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CASE STUDY 8: Water audit for water efficiency and conservation at the Centre for Science and
Environment, New Delhi, India

Implemented in 2005

Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), covering an area of 1000 sq. m, is a public interest research and advocacy organization
in Tughalakabad Institutional Area in southeast Delhi. The only source of water supply is groundwater, most of which is extracted
through a private bore well outside the building; the rest is provided by the Delhi Jal Board supply line fed by another bore well a few
metres from the building. There is no municipal water supply in the entire institutional area that includes institutional complexes, an
unauthorized colony and some defence installations. Groundwater is the only primary source for the entire area. Consequently, it
is highly exploited, leading to a rapidly falling groundwater table. There is thus a need to take up water conservation and efficiency
measures at the building scale. This case study focuses on the water efficiency potential and conservation techniques in the CSE

A total of 6,608 litres water is required per day at CSE, of which 470 litres is consumed for potable uses (drinking and cooking) while
6,138 litres is used for non-potable purposes (cleaning, flushing, gardening, cooling etc.). As all the water requirements are met
through groundwater extraction, some measures have been taken for recharging groundwater and potentials have been identified
which, if adopted, could prove to be effective in WEC at the building scale.

The following WEC measures are taken at the site:

In situ water augmentation

• Water conservation through RWH: The site receives 755 mm of annual rainfall (average annual rainfall recorded for Delhi). The
RWH potential for the site is about 377,500 litres per annum and all the harvested water is recharged into the ground. The
system recharges groundwater through 45-m deep abandoned bore wells, 9.1-m deep soak ways, raised storm-water drainage
and recharge troughs.
• Recycling wastewater: A wastewater treatment system treats 8,000 litres of wastewater per day. Its components are a settler,
baffled reactor, planted filter and vortex. All the treated water is used for horticulture and recharge at the Anil Agarwal Green
College (AAGC) building.

Potential for water-efficient measures

• Water use can be reduced by around 30–40 per cent and 870 litres can be saved per day by replacing single-flush cisterns with
dual-flush cisterns in both the men’s and women’s toilets: Dual-flush WCs operate on a split button with the option of using
either one. Usually the smaller button operates the shorter flush of 3 litres, which is adequate for flushing liquid waste, while the
larger button is for 6 litres flush for substantial waste.
• The urinals in the men’s toilets, using about 5 litres of water per flush, can be replaced with water-efficient urinals that use 2.8
litres per flush.

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• Flow fixtures can be installed on taps on the terraces, which are used to water plants with on all floors (except the fifth) to slower
the flow rate by about 30–50 per cent. Other technology is aerators which can be installed to cut water usage of faucets by as
much as 40 per cent from 15 litres per minute to 9.4 litres per minute.
• A water meter on the bore well and the motor drawing water from the DJB line can be installed to measure daily withdrawal
which would ensure records of the supply balance from the bore well or DJB pipe to the storage tank and overhead tanks

• Groundwater is the main water source. Water is pumped out of deep wells and distributed to the various points of water
• A significant amount of water use can be reduced by adopting water-efficient strategies.
• Groundwater needs to be recharged where it is the only source of supply. For this, harvested rainwater and treated water can be
efficiently used in recharging groundwater.

Source: CSE, 2017.

CASE STUDY 9: Water efficiency and conservation potential at San Francisco Public Utilities
Commission Headquarters, United States

Implemented in 2012

San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Headquarters


The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) completed construction of its new, 277,500 square-foot headquarters at 525
Golden Gate Avenue in San Francisco’s Civic Center District with the LEED Platinum certification. The building houses approximately
950 employees, contains two non-potable water systems—a sewage treatment system (ecological—mimics nature and uses plants)
and a rainwater harvesting system.

From the beginning of the planning stage for the building, SFPUC’s goal was to have a headquarters that demonstrated the agency’s
ambitious sustainability goals and served as an example for building smart, efficient, and sustainable buildings. As a water, wastewater,
and power utility, the SFPUC recognized an opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to sustainable and innovative practices in
water treatment and reuse by installing low-energy, high-profile non-potable water systems at its headquarters.

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The sewage treatment system, treats all of the building’s wastewater, up to 5,000 gallons per day, and then distributes the treated
water for toilet flushing. The system utilizes a series of diverse ecologically engineered wetlands, located in the sidewalks surrounding
the headquarters and in the building lobby, to treat the wastewater. This unique treatment process blends function and aesthetics –
the wastewater is treated to San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) reuse standards while providing a high-profile pilot
project for on-site water reuse.

The building also has a 25,000-gallon cistern to capture rainwater from the building’s roof and children daycare centre’s play area.
The water is treated and distributed to nine irrigation zones around the building where it is used for subsurface irrigation for non-living
machine plantings and street trees. Because of water-efficient landscaping, the rainwater cistern provides more than enough non-
potable water to meet all of the building’s annual irrigation demands.

The RWH system allows the SFPUC headquarters to fulfil the requirements for potable water by providing an annual potable offset of
approximately 8,000 gallons.

The sewage treatment system reduces the building’s potable water consumption by approximately 65 per cent and provides an annual
potable offset of approximately 1,500,000 gallons.

Source: http://sfpublicworks.org/sites/default/files/525%20Golden%20Gate%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf, last accessed on 11 August, 2017

CASE STUDY 10: Rainwater harvesting in Goa University, Taleigao, Goa, India

Implemented in 2007 and 2008

The campus of Goa
University, on the
outskirts of Panaji (the
capital city of Goa),
covers nearly 173 ha
on the Taleigao Plateau
overlooking the Zuari
River that joins the
Arabian Sea. The
region receives very
high rainfall—around
250 cm per annum in
the coastal belt and
400 cm per annum in
the vegetated regions.
The average rainfall of
Goa is approximately
320 cm per annum.
The university caters to
water supply for 1,500 both resident and non-resident staff as well as students. The estimated demand for water supply is 0.45 million
litres per day to meet water requirements of the administrative blocks, teaching blocks, hostels, residential quarters and landscaping.
Keeping in view the vast potential of harvesting rainwater on the campus, the university has installed an RWH system on campus.
The existing rainwater system has two main structures—one main structure for harvesting surface runoff constructed in 2007 with a
catchment of 1.5 ha, mainly unpaved area and, two, a rooftop harvesting system constructed in 2008 for harvesting the runoff mainly
from the built-up area on campus.

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Parameters Details of RWH system

Total catchment area 173 ha
RWH structures (two) Recharge trench in natural depression/pond
Recharge bore well for rooftop water harvesting

Site 1: Surface runoff harvesting

The total catchment area contributing to runoff for the surface runoff RWH structure is 1.5 hectare to the natural depression—a pond
(see picture below of surface runoff catchment of RWH structure).

Surface runoff catchment area of the RWH structure Plan showing the roof water harvesting catchment and structure

Site 2: Roof-water harvesting

The roof areas of about 400 m2 form the catchment for the RWH structure at this site. The rooftop runoff storage tank has capacity
of 1,00,000 litres. The rooftop runoff passes through a sand and coal filter. After filtration the water is taken to the nearby recharge
bore well feeding aquifer at 100 mbgl depth.

• The site received a record recharge in the year 2010 due to heavy rainfall of 3.7 m.
• The total groundwater recharge from both the structures is up to 39 million litres. About 38 million litres is from at site 1 and
the rest is from rooftops.
• Water bills were subsequently reduced by conserving rainwater. The capital cost incurred for RWH system involving surface water
and rooftop harvesting has been recovered within five years and six years from implementation respectively through reduction
in the bills.
• Various stakeholders (NGOs, government officers, schoolchildren and citizens), industry representatives and researchers regularly
visit the site, leading to awareness, information dissemination and knowledge of groundwater conservation methods.

Source: Suresh Kumar Rohilla, Nidhi Pasi, Mahreen Matto and Shivali Jainer, 2014, Urban Rainwater Harvesting–Case studies from Different
Agro-climatic Regions, CSE, New Delhi.

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5. The way forward

This practitioner’s guide is intended to provide an opportunity for ULB officials
to perceive water-use efficiency and conservation in an integrated manner so
as to reap multiple benefits from sustainable urban-water management. Well-
defined WEC strategies such as in situ water augmentation, improving water-
use efficiency and behavioural changes backed up by a well-defined planning
approach will bring multiple benefits such as reduced water pollution and
health risk, recreational opportunities, amenities and biodiversity.

The approach of the guide is to create an environment where water-use

efficiency and conservation are an integral part of the urban water-cycle. The
aim is to help cities transition from water-meagre to water-secure cities.

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1. Introduction
1. Anon, 2003, Waste Not, Want Not: The Potential for Urban Water
Conservation in California, Pacific Institute for Studies in Development,
Environment, and Security, California.
2. Anon, 2015, Annual Report 2014-15, Central Water Commission, New Delhi;
Anon, 2008, Integrated Water Resources Development and Management,
Central Water Commission, New Delhi.
3. Anon, 2013, Water Use Efficiency in Urban India, CII Triveni Water
Institute, Gurgaon, India
4. Suresh Kumar Rohilla, Mahreen Matto, Shivali Jainer, Mritunjay Kumar
and Chhavi Sharda, 2017, Policy Paper on Urban Water Efficiency and
Conservation in India, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.
5. Suresh Kumar Rohilla, Mahreen Matto, Shivali Jainer, Mritunjay Kumar
and Chhavi Sharda, 2017, Policy Paper on Urban Water Efficiency and
Conservation in India, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.
6. Anon, 2009, National Water Mission, Ministry of Water Resources,
Government of India, New Delhi, April, available at: http://india.gov.in/
allimpfrms/alldocs/15658.pdf accessed on 15 May 2017.
7. Anon, 2010, National Mission on Sustainable Habitat, Ministry of
Urban Development, Government of India, available at: http://www.
indiaenvironmentportal.org.in/files/Nationalper cent20Missionper
cent20onper cent20sustainableper cent20habitat.pdf accessed on 15 May
8. Maddaus, W O, Realizing the Benefits from Water Conservation, Maddaus
Water Management, Alamo, CA, http://fred.ifas.ufl.edu/pdf/conservation-
webinars/BenefitsFromConservation.pdf; accessed on 15 May 2017.
9. Suresh Kumar Rohilla, Mahreen Matto, Shivali Jainer, Mritunjay Kumar
and Chhavi Sharda, 2017, Policy Paper on Urban Water Efficiency and
Conservation in India, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.
10. Anon, 2014, Guidelines for Improving Water Use Efficiency in Irrigation,
Domestic & Industrial Sectors, Central Water Commission, Ministry of
Water Resources.
11. Sunita Narain and Anil Agarwal, 1997, Making Water Everybody's
Business: Practice and Policy of Water Harvesting, Centre for Science and
Environment, New Delhi.
12. Anon, 2011, Roadmap for water efficient fixtures, Centre for Science and
Environment, New Delhi.
13. Anon, 2014, Guidelines for Improving Water Use Efficiency in Irrigation,
Domestic & Industrial Sectors, Central Water Commission, Ministry of
Water Resources.
14. Suresh Kumar Rohilla, Mahreen Matto, Shivali Jainer, Mritunjay Kumar
and Chhavi Sharda, 2017, Policy Paper: Urban Water Efficiency and
Conservation in India, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.
15. Lyn Halliday, 2011, Steamboat Springs, Colorado Water Conservation Plan
II, City of Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
16. Suresh Kumar Rohilla, Mahreen Matto, Shivali Jainer, Mritunjay Kumar
and Chhavi Sharda, 2017, Policy Paper on Urban Water Efficiency and
Conservation in India, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.

2. Evolving knowledge and scope for WEC planning

1. Sonia Ferdous Hoque, 2014, Water Conservation in Urban Households.
IWA Publishing.

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2. Jennifer Wong, Susanne Porter-Bopp and Oliver M Brandes, 2009, Water

Conservation Planning Guide for British Columbia’s Communities, POLIS
Project on Ecological Governance, Water Sustainability Project, British
3. Lyn Halliday, 2011, Steamboat Springs, Colorado Water Conservation Plan
II, City of Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
4. Malmqvist, P A, Heinicke G, Kärrman E, Stenström A T and Svensson G,
2006, Strategic Planning of Sustainable Urban Water Management, IWA
Publishing, London, UK.
5. Anon, 2009, Water Conservation Planning Guide for British Columbia’s
Communities, POLIS Project on Ecological Governance, British Columbia.
6. Suresh Kumar Rohilla, Pradeep Kumar, Mahreen Matto and Chhavi Sharda
2017, Mainstreaming Energy Efficiency in Urban Water and Wastewater
Management in the Wake of Climate Change, Centre for Science and
Environment, New Delhi.
7. Anon, 2008, National Action Plan on Climate Change India, Prime
Minister’s Council on Climate Change, Available on http://wrmin.nic.in/
writereaddata/nwm28756944786.pdf accessed on 15 July 2017.
8. Anon, 2011, Technical Notes on Drinking-water, Sanitation and Hygiene in
Emergencies, World Health Organization.

3. WEC approach
1. Suresh Kumar Rohilla, Mahreen Matto, Shivali Jainer, Mritunjay Kumar
and Chhavi Sharda, 2017, Policy Paper: Water Efficiency and Conservation
in Urban India, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.
2. Malmqvist, P A, Heinicke G, Kärrman E, Stenström A T and Stenson G,
2006, Strategic Planning of Sustainable Urban Water Management, IWA
Publishing, London, UK.
3. Anon, 2009, Water Conservation Planning Guide for British Columbia’s
Communities, POLIS Project on Ecological Governance, British Columbia
4. Rubin, R, 2002, Will the Real SMART Goals Please Stand Up? Available
on http://www.siop.org/tip/backissues/tipapr02/03rubin.aspx, accessed on 2
June 2017.
5. Available at www.rainwaterharvesting.org/whatiswh.htm, accessed on 2 June
6. Gita Kavrana and Sushmita Sengupta, 2013, Catchwater Where It Falls: Toolkit
on Urban Rainwater Harvesting, Centre for Science and Environment, New
7. Suresh Kumar Rohilla, Mahreen Matto, Shivali Jainer and Chhavi Sharda 2017,
Water-Sensitive Urban Design and Planning: A Practitioner’s Guide, Centre
for Science and Environment, New Delhi.
8. Anon, 2013, Advisory on conservation and restoration of water bodies in urban
areas, CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India.
9. Tony H F Wong, 2007, Water Sensitive Urban Design – The Journey Thus Far,
Environment Design Guide, Australian Institute of Architects.
10. Anon, 2016, Closing the water loop: Reuse of treated wastewater in urban India,
PwC Private Limited.
11. Anon, 2010, The Landscape Manual, Ninth edition, Miami-Dade County,
Department of Planning and Zoning.
12. Suresh Kumar Rohilla and Sakshi Dasgupta, 2011, Roadmap for Rating System
for Water Efficient Fixtures – A Way to Sustainable Water Management in
India, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.
13. Anon, 2015, Compendium of good practices – Urban water supply and
sanitation in Indian cities, National Institute of Urban Affairs.

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14. Anon, 2014, Guidelines for preparation of an IWA water balance to determine
non-revenue water and water losses, Water and Sanitation Department, Republic
of South Africa.
15. Malmqvist, P A, Heinicke G, Kärrman E, Stenström A T and Svensson G,
2006, Strategic Planning of Sustainable Urban Water Management, IWA
Publishing, London, UK.
16. David, R, Ngulube, P & Dube, A, 2013, A cost-benefit analysis of document
management strategies used at a financial institution in Zimbabwe: A case
study’, SA Journal of Information Management, available on http://dx.doi.
17. Jennifer Wong, Susanne Porter-Bopp and Oliver M Brandes, 2009, Water
Conservation Planning Guide For British Columbia’s Communities, The
POLIS Project on Ecological Governance.
18. Malmqvist, P A, Heinicke G, Kärrman E, Stenström A T and Svensson G,
2006, Strategic Planning of Sustainable Urban Water Management, IWA
Publishing, London, UK.
19. Gallego-Ayala J and Juízo D, Priorities and challenges for the implementation
of Integrated Water Resources Management in Mozambique: a SWOT-AHP
approach, Water Research Institute of Mozambique, Eduardo Mondlane
University, Mozambique.
20. Anon, 2016, UNICEF, SWOT and PESTEL/Tools/UNICEF KE Toolbox,
Available at https://www.unicef.org/knowledge-exchange/files/SWOT_

4. WEC implementation and practices

1. Anon, 2015, Getting in Step: Engaging and Involving Stakeholders in Your
Watershed, U S Environment Protection Agency.
2. Anon, 2012, Municipal Water Efficiency Plan, Guidance Document,
Colorado Water Conservation Board, Colorado.
3. Anon, 2007, Sustainable Community Planning Guide, Nelson Mandela Bay
Municipality, Port Elizabeth.
4. Anon, 2015, Getting in Step: Engaging and Involving Stakeholders in Your
Watershed, U S Environment Protection Agency.
5. Ibid.
6. Anon, 2012, Municipal Water Efficiency Plan, Guidance Document,
Colorado Water Conservation Board, Colorado.
7. Suresh Kumar Rohilla, Bhitush Luthra, Amrita Bhatnagar, Mahreen Matto
and Uday Bhonde 2017, Septage Management: A Practitioner’s Guide,
Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.
8. Walther D, 2016, Introducing city sanitation plan: Practitioners Manual,
Deutsche GesellschaftfürInternationaleZusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
9. Raftelis G A, 1993, Role of pricing in integrated resource planning, AWWA,
Annual conference, San Antonio, Texas.
10. Anon, 2000, Principles of Water Rates, Fees, and Charges, AWWA Manual,
M1.) 5th edition, American Water Works Association.
11. Anon, 2008, Water Conservation, available at https://www.greenbiz.com/
research/report/2002/08/02/water-conservation, accessed on 2 June 2017.
12. Anon, 2007, Sustainable Community Planning Guide, Nelson Mandela Bay
Municipality, Port Elizabeth.

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Annexure 1: National reference documents for implementation of various WEC measures

WEC measure Title of publication Year of Highlights Photo

In situ water Dying Wisdom – The 1997 A comprehensive overview of India's
augmentation Rise, Fall and Potential of millennia-old tradition of water
India’s harvesting. The book documents the
Traditional Water extraordinary wealth and ingenuity of its
Harvesting Systems, CSE people living across different ecological
systems to manage water. The systems
range from ways of harvesting glacier
water in the cold deserts to delivering
water with precision over long distances
through bamboo drip irrigation systems in
the northeastern hills of India.
In situ water Rainwater Harvesting and 2002 A compilation of important guidelines of
augmentation Conservation Manual by RWH that facilitates optimum utilization
CPWD of rainwater.

In situ water CPHEEO manual on 2005 Guidance for operation and maintenance
augmentation operations maintenance of water supply systems to managers and
of water supply systems, key personnel, including grass-root level
MoHUA operators and technicians. The manual
consists of sections on water audits and
checks on water loss.

In situ water Manual on Artificial 2007 Talks about various aspects of artificial
augmentation Recharge of Ground recharge schemes, artificial recharge
Water, CGWB techniques and design of structures,
monitoring augmented water levels and
water quality, and economic evaluation
of recharge projects and issues related
to operations and maintenance. Rooftop
RWH techniques that are particularly suited
for urban areas have also been included.

In situ water Waternama – Traditional 2007 A compilation of traditional water

augmentation water conservation conservation structures with case
structures of Karnataka – examples. This publication is an effort to
Traditional BMPs on RWH improve and spread traditional knowledge
conservation of the engineers and water managers

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In situ water Do-it-yourself: Recycle 2008 A documentation of case studies on

augmentation and reuse wastewater decentralized wastewater treatment
options that were tried and tested,
cost-effective and eco-friendly. This also
included step-by-step guide to plan,
design and implement decentralized
wastewater management

Water Rating system for water 2010 The document present status and need
efficiency efficient fixtures A Way for introducing water efficiency rating
to sustainable water system for water using fixtures has been
management in India, highlighted

Water Water efficient products 2013 It is a rating system for sustainable

efficiency India, International plumbing in India. Prior to this, no rating
Association of Plumbing system existed in India for water efficient
and Mechanical Officials, products. The increasing need for defining
IAPMO India water efficient products in India prompted
IPA to develop such a document in
collaboration with IAPMO-India

In situ water Catch Water Where it 2013 This is a hands-on book based on
augmentation Falls: Toolkit on Urban exhaustive case studies on how RWH
Rainwater Harvesting, is being implemented, across India – in
CSE residential, institutional, and industrial/
commercial segments. It is supported by
case studies to get a know how about the
details required to implement RWH in a

In situ water Reinvent, Recycle, 2013 In today's world sewage treatment is

augmentation Reuse: A Toolkit a challenge for all practitioners. The
on Decentralized call of the hour is to reuse and recycle
Wastewater used water. The toolkit is a collection of
Management, CSE – thoroughly researched case studies to
Talks about reuse of update our understanding and address
treated wastewater with the issue efficiently
case studies

In situ water CPHEEO Manual on 2013 Provides guidance, information,

augmentation Sewerage and Sewage techniques for planning, designing,
Treatment Systems, Part implementation of sewerage and sewage
A Engineering treatment systems including reuse of
treated wastewater. A chapter on reuse
and decentralized wastewater treatment
comprises case studies and recommends
norms of treated water quality, suggests
decentralized natural treatment

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In situ water Advisory on Conservation 2013 Provides guidance for conservation and
augmentation and Restoration of Water restoration of waterbodies in urban
Bodies in Urban Areas, areas. The initiative gains importance in
CPHEEO the sense that urban lakes/waterbodies
are the first victims of urbanization
and their conservation/restoration is a
sign of healthy and sustainable urban

Water Water use efficiency in 2013 Suggests strategies to improve water-use

efficiency Urban India, USAID and efficiency for industries and domestic
Confederation of Indian purposes through case studies.
Industry (CII)

Water Guidelines for improving 2014 Includes guidelines for improving water-
efficiency water use efficiency in use efficiency in various sectors such as
irrigation, domestic and irrigation, domestic and industrial sectors.
industrial sectors, CWC,

Water Green Infrastructure: A 2017 Provides introduction and guidance to

efficiency and Practitioner’s Guide, strategies related to sustainable water
In situ water CSE management within the existing urban
augmentation fabric of a city or region. Demonstrates
green infrastructure as one of the
solutions to overcome the emerging
water management issues of water supply
and quality regulation and moderation of
extreme flood events.

Water Water-Sensitive Urban 2017 Assists practitioners involved in sectors

efficiency and Design and Planning: A related to water management as well as
In situ water Practitioner’s Guide, CSE urban designing and planning. It guides
augmentation to explore possible innovations spanning
areas of alternative approach of water
management and shows how it can be
applied at various scales keeping the
existing challenges and opportunities into

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Annexure 2: Checklists for data collection

A. Checklist for data collection at city/zonal scale

The following is a suggestive checklist for data collection. The data may be collected from primary or
secondary sources. Details and accuracy of data collection will make plan realistic and more relevant
for the area of interest.

Background • Location—map
• Municipal area (sq. m)
• Population, details of floating population, annual migration rate
• Number of slum areas included in the municipal area, area (sq. m)
Water supply • Existing source(s) of supply, e.g. reservoirs, lakes, rivers, aquifers, intakes, wells, pumps
• Water supply coverage
• Number of water supply connections, water connections in process
• Water requirement data—demand
• Identify social/cultural factors affecting water demand, e.g. community relies on the water source for cultural
• Identify recreational and/or other social attributes that may impact supply
Waterbodies • Number of waterbodies in the area
• State of the quality of water—quality analysis
• Responsible body/organization for pond/lake management
• Map indicating the water body with its catchment area
Water system • Description of each component, the length and/or capacity, the age, cost (capital and annual O&M) and existing
infrastructure condition:
1. Water treatment process used
2. Distribution system, including balancing storage reservoirs
3. Connections
4. Sewer collection system (if applicable)
5. Sewage treatment used (if applicable)
6. Include effluent receiving environment
7. Rainwater/storm water
8. Is rainwater/storm water intentionally or unintentionally combined with sewage?
• Proposed water augmentation plan—details, capacity, status
• Ongoing projects of water augmentation—details, capacity
Storm-water • Existing storm-water management system
management • Details of storm-water pumping stations (if any)
• Maps with storm-water drains
Wastewater • Number of STPs
• Location of STPs
• Treated water discharge (per day)
• Quantity of treated water that is reused, if any (per day)
• Maps with sewerage drains
Expenses Total expenditure by the municipality on water supply
• Cost for raw water treatment
• Cost for distribution
• Cost for maintenance and monitoring
• Staff cost
Revenue Water tariff
Total water supplied
Total revenue collected
Funding source Schemes/incentives for water efficiency and conservation

Additional information that will be helpful for planning interventions

• Geomorphologic data: Terrain, Soil type
• Climatic data: Rainfall data, Average temperature
• Groundwater data: Groundwater level, Groundwater quality

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B. Checklist for data collection at neighbourhood/institutional scale

The following is a suggestive checklist for data collection. The data may be collected from primary or
secondary sources. Details and accuracy of data collection will make plan realistic and more relevant
for the area of interest.

Background • Location—Map
• Type of land use
• Number of users
• Area (sq. m)
Demand • Has a water audit been conducted earlier?
• Consumption data
• Water metering and tariff
• Major water systems and equipments
Water supply • Municipal supply—Quantity/number of household connection, type of connection (domestic or commercial)
• Groundwater pumping—Quantity/number of hours of pumping and capacity of the pump
1. Source
2. Number of hours of water supply
3. Flow (velocity m/s)
4. Diameter of the pipes
• Identify social/cultural factors affecting water demand, e.g. mass community functions/gatherings
Data for in • Existing green spaces, paved area, area available (sq. m)
situ water • Quantity of wastewater discharged/reused
augmentation • Existing systems
o Reuse of treated wastewater (decentralized wastewater treatment for local reuse)
o Local waterbody management (if any)
Data for water • Does the RWA/facility manager have standard-leak repair equipment and parts?
efficiency • Number of non-metered households/users with municipal water supply
• Number of non-metered households/users that pump water from the ground
• Total metered households/ users
• Types of plants growing/ type of landscaping
Expenses • Water tariff
• Water bills to municipality (Rs/annum)
Revenue • For neighbourhoods/community-based organizations/ RWAs—service fees
Funding source • What are the existing funds available?
• What are the additional sources of funding that could be explored?

Additional information that will be helpful for planning interventions

• Geomorphologic data: Terrain, Soil type
• Climatic data: Rainfall data, Average temperature
• Groundwater data: Groundwater level, Groundwater quality

C. Checklist for data collection at individual/building scale

The following is a suggestive checklist for data collection. The data may be collected from primary or
secondary sources. Details and accuracy of data collection will make plan realistic and more relevant
for the area of interest.

Background • Building description (purpose—residential/commercial/ institution)

• Number of users
Demand • Major water systems and equipments
• Water tariffs
• Water metering
• Consumption history
Water supply Municipal/groundwater—quantity (per day)

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Data for in situ water • Rooftop type

augmentation • Rooftop area (sq. m)
• Quantity of wastewater generated (generally 80 per cent of water consumption)
Data for water efficiency • Details of existing water fixtures
• Number of toilets—Number of fixtures with details
• Number of kitchen/canteens—Number of fixtures with details
• Green area (sq. m)
• Type of plantations/ landscaping
Expenses Water bill (Rs per annum)

Annexure 3: Checklists for self-assessment

A. Checklist for self-assessment at city/zonal scale

What efforts have already been made for water efficiency and conservation by the local body/
municipality? Several questions are listed below to help gauge present performance.

Commitment and resources

• Are water-efficiency responsibilities delegated?
• Are quantitative goals established and tracked?
• How are water-efficiency goals communicated to users?
• What are the incentives and feedback loops for participation, suggestions and increased awareness?
• Has the local body taken advantage of available schemes from state or Central government for funds
and resources?

Water-efficiency survey
• What is the breakdown of your water use: domestic, industrial and commercial supply?
• What is the breakdown of the total expenditure by your ULB on water supply: energy, staff,
unauthorized connections, billed and non-paid connections etc.?
• Are there regular leak inspections and metering?

Identifying opportunities for WEC—target areas

In situ water • What is the provision for storm-water management? Is the storm-water harvested?
augmentation • Is there any waterbody? Who is responsible for its management? Is it managed properly?

Landscaping • Has xeriscaping been thought of?

Reuse of treated • Is there bulk reuse of treated wastewater?

wastewater • Has the possibility of using treated wastewater for maintaining public parks, gardens, fire-fighting or
construction been thought of?
Reducing water • Has there been any effort to reduce NRW and water losses through the water supply and distribution
loss system?

Water efficiency and conservation action plan

• Have you performed a cost analysis on water-efficiency opportunities?
• Do you have a prioritized implementation schedule?
• Are water users informed of the changes and communication channels open for feedback?

Tracking and communicating results

• Is there a mechanism to announce monthly water losses and usage to users?
• Are there provisions of tariff rebates/incentives for users with water conservation and efficiency
achievements? Are these recognized in case study articles, media coverage, business environmental
exchange programmes or in award programmes?

Source: Adapted from Water Efficiency Manual, 2009, North Carolina

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B. Checklist for self-assessment at neighbourhood/institutional scale

What efforts have already been made for water efficiency and conservation? Several questions are listed
below to help gauge present performance.

Commitment and resources

• Are water-efficiency responsibilities delegated?
• Are quantitative goals established and tracked?
• How are water-efficiency goals communicated to users?
• What incentives and feedback loops exist for participation, suggestions and increased awareness?
• Have your RWA/institute taken advantage of available help and resources from your utilities,
assistance programmes, vendors or consultants?

Water-efficiency survey
• Do you know the actual breakdown of your water use: domestic use, cleaning activities, kitchen,
laundry, landscaping, water treatment regeneration, evaporation, cooling, leaks or others?
• Do you know your lifecycle water costs for supply water, wastewater treatment, sewer/ discharge
and heat and mechanical energy losses?
• Are you doing simple things such as leak inspections, eliminating unnecessary uses and using
timers? Are these practices institutionalized?

Identifying opportunities for WEC—target areas

In situ water • Are there any water-efficient fixtures being used?
augmentation • Is there any existing rooftop RWH system?
• What is the provision for storm-water management? Is the storm water harvested?
• Is there any waterbody? Who is responsible for its management? Is it being managed properly?
Landscaping • Has xeriscaping been ever thought of?
Reuse of treated • Has reuse of treated wastewater been examined for flushing, horticulture, street washing, fire-fighting,
wastewater construction etc.?
Reducing water • Is the water usage metered?

Water efficiency and conservation action plan

• Have you performed a cost analysis on water-efficiency opportunities?
• Do you have a prioritized implementation schedule?
• Are water users informed of the changes and communication channels open for feedback?

Tracking and communicating results

• Do you post monthly water usage rates to employees and management?
• Are your water-efficiency achievements recognized in case study articles, media coverage, mentoring
to other businesses, business environmental exchange programmes or award programmes?

Source: Adapted from Water Efficiency Manual, 2009, North Carolina

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