Advantages of FSTLine4
• Management of cutting lines and cutting and machining lines.
• Cutting list and work list import from the office
• 3D display of the bar and pieces
• Modification of a cutting and machining list during running
• Profiles archive in DXF format
• Guided insertion of profile pick-up and management data
• Machining operations archive
• Graphic tools archive
• Optimisation of cutting list with offcuts and damaged areas
• Offcuts magazine
• Printout of piece labels and re-usable offcut labels
• Remaking of a piece by reading the barcode
• Loading of an offcut by reading the barcode
• Management of the automatic label applicator
• Operator login with different authorisation levels
and avoiding any damaged areas
on the bar.
3D depiction and simulation
mean that the operations
inserted on every piece and bar
can be viewed easily.
Input of all the profile pick-up data
is guided by explanatory text and
FSTCam4 is the only CAM package processing extruded aluminium I NDUS T R Y 4.0
Simple to use,
Optimised machining
accessible interface
A strong point of FSTCam4 is strategies
its simplicity of use. The user In FSTCam4, machining
interface is greatly simplified, strategies have been optimised
with all the parameters that to give the best quality and
are important to the operator machining speed:
being more easily accessible and • Automatic insertion of
visible. connectors for better quality
• Interface design with highly
accessible commands
Full management of
• Simple or multi-cylinder bits
Improved, more and mills
machining advanced machining • Shaped mills and T milling
• Automatic calculation of phase set-up cutters
depth plans to reduce • Management of several • Blade disc
running times machining phases with vices • Drill tap, tapping bit, comb,
• Strategies for reduced tool or with the piece in different flowdrill, countersink bit
wear positions • Angular heads
• Improved concentric or • Automatic calculation of the • Machining time estimate
parallel slot milling machining phases and the
• Advanced cut management position of vices Advanced management
(extension of options at • Manual adjustment of vice
cutting diagram level and position with drag & drop of machining
selection of the lead-in point) • Ability to machine several operations and
• Option of 4/5 axis pieces simultaneously machining units
interpolation to follow a • Detection of the piece FSTCam4 provides new machining
surface during the machining measurement and correction options:
operation of the machining operation • Custom machining operations
• Detailed simulation of the position
machine to position the
vices close to the machining
module functions:
1) Management of machining
operations on non-flat surfaces.
4 axis interpolation
2) Definition of customisable
machining paths
3) Profiling of surfaces starting
from an STL file
CLOCK module
1) Estimate of run times
FomCam is a Cad/Cam specialising in the machining of pieces obtained
from extruded elements. FomCam software is easy to use and allows
all kinds of operations to be programmed and performed.
A 2D and 3D user interface plus a practical summary list of
programmed machining operations make learning how to use this
intuitive software extremely easy.
Parametrised Archives
Machining Operations FomCam manages the archive
Machining operations on the of profiles in DXF format, the tool
piece can be parametrised and archive and an archive of
modified, moved or repeated. machining operations (macros)
Simply modify the numerical that can be applied to the pieces.
values in the model and the
program will update all the Insertion of stored
machining operations in real
machining units
Inserting machining operations
relating to an accessory is very
Run optimisation quick: simply call up the code
To speed up the machining for the accessory, indicating
process, the program
automatically minimises the
number of tool changes and
spindle movements.
Advantages of FomCam
• 3D simulation of pieces, tools and machining operations
• Viewing of the piece position in the machine
• Management of machining on multiple working areas
• Representation of the clamping used
• Archive of machining operations for accessories
• Archive of bars that can be generated from DXF
• Optimised calculation of vice position
• Automatic recognition of pieces to be machined using a
barcode reader
the position of the bar along the number of repeats required and pieces installed simultaneously.
X axis, and all the machining how many have currently been
operations performed.
connected to that accessory,
Calculation of the
including the tool data, will be “Clock” module run
Machining on two
inserted automatically. times
working areas in The FomCam simulator allows
Control of the centre masked time the run times for a program
FomCam allows for further time to be calculated in advance,
during running savings, as the vices can be showing the user a graph with
The machining centre can be transmitted and positioned in one the estimated time subdivided
controlled directly by FomCam, machining area while the into the various piece machining
which transmits to the CNC via machine works on the other one. phases.
the M.I. module and controls The simulation can be carried out
running without leaving the on a whole list of pieces, in order
program. Simulation to estimate the production times
All phases of the piece can be
for an entire job.
simulated before it is machined,
Production automation using the intuitive and realistic
The work cycle for each piece FomCam interface. Viewing of the
can be started when its bar code piece and the machine, including
is read. According to the code, the head and tools, is in 3D.
the centre will carry out the During graphic representation of
machining operations defined for the simulation the user can turn
that given piece. The software the viewing angle or select a
allows the work list to be stopped pre-set view simply by clicking
and restarted and displays the with the mouse. The different
information on the current status clamping systems used are also
of each piece, such as the total displayed, with one or more
Specially developed to control FOM Industrie two-head sawing I NDUS T R Y 4.0
machines, FSTCut4 allows users to make the best possible use of the L O L A
machine’s touch-screen monitor and to manage all the operations of RE ADY
which the machine is capable. A simple, intuitive interface guides users
through the programming of cuts and the execution of cutting lists,
including those received from the office.
The Statistics software can be included on request, in order to integrate
the machine in an Industry 4.0 production process.
Advantages of FSTCut4
• Touch screen user interface
• Reception of company network data via Ethernet with Windows interface
• On board machine cutting optimisation with the use of offcuts
• Profile archive display in DXF/DWG
• Advanced management of trim cuts
• Automatic feed management (“step-by-step”) at variable angles
• Use of barcode reader
• Remote assistance on board the machine
Versatility, efficiency
and simple integration
in the company
management system
Thanks to FSTCut4, the sawing
machine can also work with
data input directly by the
management system. In this
way, it automatically receives a
cutting list so that the operator
knows what he needs to load
and performs the cut without
having to manually call up a file
containing the list.
FSTCut4 offers all the advantages of Industry 4.0: it receives
data from the office and returns production data. Integrated
with the LOLA system at Cloud level. Can be perfectly integrated
into the company network via Ethernet adopting Windows
parameters. The software provides more advanced barcode
reader management. It offers greater automatic bar feed
management capacity and advanced cutting control. It allows
remote management of the remote assistance service.
Production Plus creates cutting and machining lists quickly and simply,
directly from the technical office. This software is ideal to draw up a
cutting list, entering the measurements and any machining operations
with production rules, or by creating parametric articles.
• Simplicity: it does not require a complex data and archive structure
• Material is optimised, reducing waste to a minimum
• 3D graphic display
• Allows the machining list to be carried out on multiple machines
• When connected to a suitably configured 4.0 ready machine
it can allow implementation of a 4.0 manufacturing cycle
PLUS Solid Plus
• Automation of data transfer from the 3D technical drawing to the
workshop (Industry 4.0)
• Macro management to save selections made on the machining
operations and re-use them quickly at need
• Multi-machine management
• Measuring tracer management to facilitate checking of any faults
• 3D simulation of material removal
3D drawing with cutting angles and Recognition of profiles, cutting lengths, Creation of cutting and machining lists
machining operations machining operations and their execution on sawing machines
and CNCs
P r o F 2
ProF2 Suite is the unique solution for doors, windows and
ProF2 Suite is the solution to all the needs of the door and window
industry. The Suite is made up of nine integrated products, which can
be used for design management, creation of estimates, assembly,
production control, CE marking, calculation of cutting lists and
machining operations.
• commercial area
• technical area
• production and
• administration
con ERP
Log On Live Automation
Our cloud based platform viewable
from PC or mobile phone allows
monitoring of:
• machine status
• process statistics
• state of machine components
• periodic and predictive