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Shujin Zhuanggu Gong

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Shujin Zhuanggu Gong

(Exercises for the Benefit of the Joints, Bones, Ligaments and Tendons)

The Exercises
The bones exercises were not created with any internal organ in mind. Instead they relate to the soft tissue (Shujin) and the bones (Gu). The exerercises therefore promote the health of the joints, bones and soft tissues (ligaments and tendons). In traditional Chinese medicine the bones and soft tissues are interrelated to create one system. The exercises are targeted at treating all the joints from the neck down and to help with the treatment of dysfunction and atrophy of the muscles. They also relieve pain associated with the joints and regular practice of these exercises can help prevent and treat osteoporosis.

The Causes of Aches and Pains

From a western perspective, aches and pains are usually attributed to muscles weakening with age. The three main causes are: y y y

Over extension Illness Awkward movement (injury)

Naturally, the areas where muscles are most vulnerable is where they are at their weakest. Muscles can be affected by wind, cold and dampness, all of which affect the flexibility of the muscles and can lead to chronic fatigue. Pain and discomfort is often caused when the bone and the muscle membrane stick together. Relaxation can bring relief and cure. From the Chinese perspective, permanently tense muscles lack a sufficient supply of Qi to nourish them. In Qigong the princple exists: Where the muscle is the weakest, that is the area we need to strengthen. Muscle is compoosed of fibre protected by membrane which in turn is attached to the bones by the tendons. Over repetition of one particular movement can result in injury and destroy the balance of the muscles (repetitive strain injury). Muscles and Bones are Related to the Spleen, Liver and Kidney The spleen is strongly related to the muscles. This organ is associated with the digestive system and receives benefits from food. When the spleen is functioning a person will be well nourished. These exercises strengthen the spleen. The liver relates directly to the tendons, providing nourishment for them. The state of the sinews (including tendons) affects our capacity for movement and physical activity. The contraction and relaxation of tendons and sinews ensures the movement of the joints. Their capacity for contraction and relaxation depends on the nourishment and moistening of the blood from the liver. The kidney has direct bearing on the bones: the kidney stores Qi and creates bone marrow which nourishes the bones.

These exercises fortify the kidney. "Marrow" does not correspond to bone marrow of western medicine. "Marrow" in Chinese medicine is a substance which is the common matrix of the bones, bone marrow, brain and spinal cord.

The Exercises
The exercises are characterised by relaxation and strength (Sung/Jing). They help to readjust the conditions created by over repetition and to help the balance of the muscles. The slowness combined with firmness helps to build up weak muscles, alleviates stickiness (cause of muscular discomfort) and nourishes the spleen, liver and stomach). To receive full benefit from the exercises, it is necessary to coordinate the tensing and relaxing of the muscles with the contracting and relaxing of the anus while observing the correct breathing pattern.

1. Jing Ziang Zheng Li

(Turning the Head)

Key Points:
y y y y

keep the body upright throughout toes grasp the ground firmly extend the chin, if you can, once you reach the full extent of the turn stretch slowly and gently first, then more strongly.

Breathing y

breathe in and contract the anus on the odd numbers, breathe out and relax on the even numbers.

Mental Focus y

concentrate the mind on the great vertebra (Dazui) at the back of the neck (14th point of the Governing Vessel Channel). It is the meeting point of the Governing Vessel with the six Yang channels of the hand and foot. Press Senshou on exhalation (Bladder 23 Kidney Shu Point located either side of Ming Men). Major point to treat all kinds of kidney ailments. Purpose benefits the neck muscles, good for asthma.

2. Nao Hou Tui Pei

(Push a Stone Tablet from Behind the Head)

Key Points:

exert force slowly

press Laogong when making fists.

Breathing y

breathe in and contract the anus on the odd numbers, breathe out and relax on the even numbers.

Mental Focus y

concentrate the mind on the Jianjing (Gall Bladder 21) in the shoulder well, between the neck and the end of the shoulder, the meeting point of the Gall Bladder, Triple Heater and Stomach Channels with the Yang linking vessel. Purpose relaxes the sinews, spine and shoulders.

3. Xi Nui Wang Yue

(Rhinoceros Looks at the Moon)

Key Points
y y y y

turn the waist and spine, close the hips like scissors when taking the weight forward stretch the back of the leg fully straighten the back leg and keep both feet flat on the floor press Laogong when making fists.

Breathing y

breathe in and contract the anus on the odd numbers, breathe out and relax on the even numbers.

Mental Focus y

concentrate the mind on Mingmen (Governing Vessel 4 - Gate of Life) Tonifies the kidneys, strengthens the lower back.

Purpose y

this is a good exercise for the general well-being of the muscles, bones and joints.

4.Gong Shen Tan Xue

(Bend Down to Brush the Boots)

Key Points:
y y y y y

stretch the body as much as possible keep the legs straight take the power from the waist. Use the power of the waist not the legs to straighten up look ahead stretch the waist.

Breathing y

breathe in and contract the anus on the odd numbers, breathe out and relax on the even numbers.

Mental Focus y

concentrate the mind on Mingmen.

Purpose y

stimulates the liver meridian, benefiting the tendons.

N.B. This exercise is contra-indicated for sufferers of hypertension.

5. Xian He Rou Xi
(The Crane Rubs its Knees)

Key Points:
y y y y

look ahead keep the feet flat and do not lift the heels rub the knees hard enough to create some warmth when rising and squatting, concentrate on moving slowly

Breathing y

breathe in and contract the anus on the odd numbers, breathe out and relax on the even numbers.

Mental Focus y

concentrate the mind on Heding (Extra Point 27 - Crane's Summit).


helps with the relief of rheumatic discomfort.

6. Shuang Long Xi Shui

(Two Dragons Playing in the Water)

Key Points
y y y

take careful note of the timing and the content of each part of the exercise strike Huantiao (Gall Bladder 30 - Jumping Circle). Good for pain release, promotes good circulation. Hit with the whole fist shout "Hei" to open the meridian and create strength. The shout comes from the stomach and goes through the head.

Breathing y y

breathe in and contract the anus on the odd numbers, breathe out and relax on the even numbers. Mental Focus concentrate the mind on the Yongquan

(Kidney 1 - Bubbling Spring). Calms the mind. Purpose y

stimulates the nervous system. Beneficial for the kidneys.

7. Feng Huang Xuan Wo

(The Phoenix Returns to its Nest)

Key Points y keep the thighs close together y the eyes follow the leading hand y press Yifeng (Tripe Heater 17 - Wind Screen - behind the ears) to benefit the ears.
Breathing y

breathe in and contract the anus on the odd numbers, breathe out and relax on the even numbers.

Mental Focus y

concentrate the mind on Dantian.

Purpose y

stretches the legs and ankles. Massages the inside of the thighs.

8. Jinji Bao Xiao (The Cockerel Rises to Herald the Dawn) Key Points
y y

coordinate the movements of the upper and lower body keep relaxed.

Breathing y

breathe in and contract the anus on the odd numbers, breathe out and relax on the even numbers.

Mental Focus y

concentrate the mind on Dantian.

Purpose y

stimulation of the wrists and ankles.

Se stie ca TaiJiQuan-ul ( TaiChi ) traditional este o insiruire de miscari, care respecta anumite principii: relaxare, circularitare, fluiditate, unitate in miscare etc, principii care stau la baza manifestarii intregului Univers, si care aduc in fiinta umana sanatate si armonie. Inovatia propusa de Maestrul Zhang GuangDe in sistemul practicilor pentru sanatate este de a adauga la Taijiquanul(TaiChi) traditional, principii din Medicina Traditionala Chineza, astfel incat, in cadrul miscarilor de Taiji se pune accent pe deschiderea meridianelor, deblocarea anumitor zone si intarirea sanatatii organelor interne. De exemplu succesiunea de miscari care se va studia in acest stagiu si intitulata TaijiZhang 1, se adreseaza imbunatatirii sanatatii inimii si plamanilor.

De ce se numeste TaijiZhang si nu TaijiQuan asa cum este cunoscut in traditie? In limba Chineza, Zhang inseamna palma, iar Quan inseamna pumn/box/lupta. Se stie ca TaijiQuan-ul(TaiChi) este la origine o arta martiala interna, care de-a lungul timpului si-a dovedit eficienta si in domeniul sanatatii. Maestrul Zhang GuangDe, a inlocuit termenul 'Quan' cu 'Zhang", tocmai pentru a evidentia chiar si prin denumire, accentul pus asupra imbunatatirii sanatatii. In concluzie efectele asupra sanatatii sunt amplificate prin combinarea principiilor Taijiului(TaiChi) cu principiile Medicinii Traditionale Chineze. Un corp arata cu atat mai tanar si sanatos, cu cat sangele si energia circula mai bine si sunt in cantitati suficiente. Sangele este guvernat de catre organul Inima, iar energia (Qi-ul) de catre Plamani. Este cunoscut faptul ca pielea, organ controlat de energia plamanilor si care alaturi de acestia indeplineste functia de respiratie a organismului, este un fidel indicator al starii de sanatate si tinerete. Iar buna functionare si sanatatea pielii este data de buna circulatie a sangelui si a energiei la acest nivel. Asadar, am putea spune ca acest cuplu inima-plamani sau sange-energie este raspunzator nu numai de sanatate dar si de frumusete si tinerete. Impreuna inima si plamanii alcatuiesc un adevarat "laborator de tinerete si frumusete", iar felul in care aceste doua organe colaboreaza este foarte important. TaijiZhang 1, este o secventa care se adreseaza preponderent acestor doua organe Inima si Plamani.

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