ECB1 - Tests - End-of-Year Test B

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End-of-Year Test B Units 1-9

Name: _______________________________________ Class: ______

Listening 2 [Track 5] You will hear four short dialogues

1 [Track 4] You will hear two friends, Marie and about sports events. Listen and choose the
Peter, talking about their school book project. correct answers to the questions – A, B or C.
Listen and decide if the sentences are True (T) One:
or False (F). You hear a boy called Jack talking to his dad
1 Marie has begun making notes for about what to do on Saturday.
her book project. _ __ 1 Where do they decide to go on Saturday?
A to the stadium
2 Marie has chosen a particular book B to the ice rink
to read for her book project. __ C to the swimming pool
3 Marie has some books that were 2 Dad agrees to go where Jack chooses because
given to her by someone in A he wants to encourage Jack in his sport.
her family. __ B he thinks what he chose himself might be
4 Peter’s book is about where young C he’s discovered the tickets are quite cheap.
people would like their homes Two:
to be. __ You hear two friends, Sarah and Anna, talking
5 Peter thinks that the place Marie about a volleyball match.
would like to live in sounds perfect. __ 3 Why hasn’t Anna got her volleyball kit ready?
A She forgot which day the match was.
6 Marie’s guess about young B She didn’t think she was taking part in the
people’s dream homes is correct. __ match.
7 Marie is surprised by Peter’s C She saw her name wasn’t on the list.
choice of book. __ 4 What did the coach tell Anna?
A that she had to practise harder
8 Peter dislikes reading books that
B that she was a great player
were made into films. __
C that the team needed her on Tuesday
9 At first, Peter wanted to read Three:
about how sci-fi films are made. __ You hear two friends talking on the way to a
football match.
10 Marie thinks the book that Peter 5 Why does the boy want to hurry?
first chose sounds bad. __ A The match has already begun
11 Marie’s dad has a big collection B They still have a long way to go.
of one type of film. __ C He has things to do before the match.
12 Marie is going to start her school 6 The girl agrees with the boy that
work tonight, instead of watching A they must have some lunch
a film. __ B they need to try and get a good seat.
C they should have hamburger and chips.
/12 Four:
You hear two friends talking while they’re
watching a sports event.
7 Which sport are they watching?
A basketball
B badminton
C football
8 Why is the girl looking at her tablet?
A She’s trying to find out more about the rules.
B She’s watching a video of her brother scoring.
C She’s not particularly interested in the event.

English Class B1 © Pearson Central Europe 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

End-of-Year Test B Units 1-9

Use of English
4 Complete the second sentence so that it
3 Choose the correct options to complete the means the same as the first one. Use up to
sentences. three words.
0 I can’t use my phone because the ___ is dead. 0 My town has three cinemas.
A cable B charger C battery There are three cinemas in my town.
1 John ___ his bike when he fell off. 1 I never travel by bus at busy times of the day.
A is riding B rode C was riding I avoid ___________________ by bus at busy
times of the day.
2 Look at those dark clouds. It’s going to be ___!
2 Jack only goes to the cinema about once a
A foggy B stormy C icy
3 I love the drawings in ___ films.
Jack ___________________ the cinema very
A action B romantic C cartoon often.
4 We’re off on ___ along the coast for our holiday. 3 I’m sure Mary isn’t at home – there are no lights
A an activity camp B a cruise on.
C a city break Mary ___________________ be at home – there
5 I ___ a mistake in my homework yesterday. are no lights on.
A made B did C put 4 Harry is riding a horse – for the first time!
6 This bread is old. It tastes ___. Harry has ___________________ a horse before!
A stale B bitter C spicy 5 Don’t forget your passport when you go to the US!
7 City Park, ___ has lovely trees, is near the river. You ___________________ forget your passport
when you go to the US!
A where B who C which
6 Rob has a Saturday job, so he can earn some
8 This is ___ pizza I’ve ever eaten!
A big B bigger than
If Rob ___________________ Saturday job, he
C the biggest
couldn’t earn any money.
9 At the weekend, we went ___ up a mountain!
7 My dad started work in this office in 2012.
A snowboarding B kayaking C climbing
My dad ___________________ in this office
10 The criminal was sent to ___ for six years. since 2012.
A prison B law C court 8 Tim’s parents gave him some money for his
/10 birthday,
Tim ___________________ some money by his
parents for his birthday.
9 Unless we hurry, we’ll miss the train.
If ___________________ hurry, we’ll miss the
10 The hairdresser cut Sarah’s hair for her.
Sarah ___________________ cut by the

English Class B1 © Pearson Central Europe 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

End-of-Year Test B Units 1-9

5 Read the text about starting to consider future
Future thoughts by Jamie Moss
careers, and decide if the sentences are Right Have you thought about what you want to do in
(A) or Wrong (B). If there is not enough your future career yet? Some of my teachers at
information to choose Right or Wrong, choose school have held classes about different
Doesn’t say (C).
careers, and what subjects we’d need to study
to get there. A few people in my year have
1 Jamie has had some help from his school about known for ages what they want to do, but for
deciding which career to choose. most of us, the choice is so huge that we can’t
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say decide! And I just feel I’m not ready yet for such
2 Jamie is one of the few people in his year who a big decision.
hasn’t decided what he wants to do. Of course, some people just follow what their
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say parents do. My mum’s a vet, looking after sick
3 Jamie has asked his teachers to help him choose animals, but I can’t imagine doing that! In any
what he could do in the future. case, to be a vet, you have to study science and
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say maths, and I’m not brilliant at those. But my
dad’s a journalist – he writes news stories on a
4 Jamie thinks what his mum does might be local newspaper, and he loves his job, so that
suitable for him, too. made me decide to find out what’s involved.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
In fact, I’ve just started to realise that I’m not
5 It was because of his dad’s interest in his job that bad at writing. My teachers say my essays are
Jamie decided to find out more about it.
really good, and I love literature because I learn
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say new words to use. So a career where words are
6 Jamie has recently begun to discover a new talent important might be just the thing for me. And
for writing. there are so many newspapers and magazines
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say on sale now, I’m sure I’ll find a job!
7 Jamie’s English teacher has encouraged him in Anyway, just to see what the life of a journalist is
his writing. really like, I went to my dad’s office to help out
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say on two weeks’ work experience. It was a bit of a
surprise – it’s a really busy place, where no-one
8 Jamie is confident that he could have a career in
has time to talk until the paper is ready, and
everyone’s working really fast. But I learnt a lot
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
– how journalists do interviews to get
9 The office where his dad works was just as Jamie information, how they write their stories, and
imagined. how the newspaper is printed.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
However, after my two weeks in dad’s office, I
10 Jamie is going back to his dad’s office to try some began to wonder if it really was the job for me.
writing soon. I’m not good at working quickly – and I enjoy
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say chatting to people, too, and I’d hate it if I couldn’t
/10 do that! But now I know I want to be a writer,
and that’s a good starting point!

English Class B1 © Pearson Central Europe 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

End-of-Year Test B Units 1-9

6 Look at the three texts about music, and then A Kerim

match the people, A, B or C, to the questions.
I wasn’t that interested in music until my older
Which person … brother, who loves rock music, paid for my ticket
to attend a concert with him. I wasn’t sure at first
1 decided they didn’t like music
– but I ended up loving it just as much as he did!
after an early experience? ____
Since then, I’ve taken up the guitar and I’ve got
2 realises they might not be good a great teacher. I’m learning quite slowly, but I
at learning an instrument? ____ feel really happy when I can actually play
3 is pleased with their level on something that my friends recognise! My
an instrument? ____ brother’s now formed a band – he’s pretty good
4 often attends music events with
at playing the piano – and he’s told me I could
a family member? ____ join. I think we both know I’m not ready for that
yet – but it’s great to be asked!
5 is glad someone thinks they’re
good enough to perform? ____ B Jess
6 says their whole family is keen I’ve always been really musical. Since I was
on music? ____ quite young, I’ve performed in things like
7 was bought a ticket for a concerts, and I love dancing and singing. My
music event? ____ sisters all share my interests, and my mum and
dad both play musical instruments, although
8 shares musical interests with learning how to do that sounds hard , and I think
a group of friends? ____
I’m probably too impatient! Anyway, all my
9 was introduced to music they mates and I often download music from the
liked by a friend? ____ internet and send each other anything we find –
10 doesn’t see live bands as often and we’re all really keen on the same bands,
as they would like? ____ who we go and see when they come to our town
– but only when we’ve got enough money to buy
the tickets, sadly!

Listening ___ / 20 Use of English ___ / 20

C Ralph
Reading ___ / 20 I still remember my after-school music lessons. I
Your total score ___/ 60 was only nine, and I was so bored! But we only
studied classical music and that just wasn’t for
me. And it meant I didn’t explore any other types
of music – until I met my classmate Jay, who
took me to see pop and dance bands. I went
with him to my first concert in the park in our
town – it was free, luckily, as we didn’t have
much money! Anyway, everyone was having a
good time and I realised I’d rather listen to that
kind of music. Since then, I’ve been to lots of
music festivals with my older brother.

Music in our lives!

English Class B1 © Pearson Central Europe 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE 4

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