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Destination Da Nang

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STT Resources Strengths Weaknesses Actions

Tangible factors
1 Tourism 1. Beautiful 1.Depends on - Improve service
Resources beach: peak tourist quality: Train
- My Khe Beach: season: tourism staff and
One of the most Crowds and high improve service
beautiful beaches prices: During quality to meet
in Vietnam with peak season tourist needs
fine white sand throughout the
and clear blue sea 2. Environmental year.
water, an attractive issues: - Enhance
destination for Pollution and infrastructure:
tourists and local waste: Some Upgrade
people. tourist areas may infrastructure such
- Non Nuoc Beach: experience as transportation,
Also famous for its problems with hotels and other
beautiful scenery waste and services to serve a
and peaceful pollution, affecting larger number of
environment. environmental tourists.
quality and visitor - Strengthen waste
2. Outstanding experience. management
landscapes and Conservation and systems: Invest in
monuments: development: more efficient
- Dragon Bridge: There needs to be waste collection
One of the famous a balance between and treatment
symbols of the tourism systems, including
city, Dragon development and increasing waste
Bridge is not only conservation of collection in tourist
an impressive natural areas and areas.
architectural work historical sites. - Community
but also a tourist propaganda and
attraction with fire 3.Not evenly education:
and water spray developed: Organize
shows. Accessibility: campaigns to raise
- Marble Some tourist awareness about
Mountains: A destinations may environmental
cluster of not be easily protection and
limestone accessible or lack waste reduction for
mountains with supporting residents and
caves, pagodas and infrastructure for visitors.
beautiful views, visitors, especially - Improve
attracting many in outlying areas. transportation:
tourists and Build and expand
religious believers. roads and public
transportation to
3.Cultural easily access
heritage: tourist attractions.
- My Son -Increase
Sanctuary: Not far information and
from Da Nang, this guidance: Place
relic is one of the clear signage and
important cultural provide accessible
destinations of the travel information
Champa at destinations.
civilization, - Tourism staff
providing insight training: Provide
into local history training in
and culture. customer service
skills and tourism
4. Modern management to
tourism businesses and
infrastructure: industry
- Hotels and employees.
resorts: Da Nang - Implement
has a series of service standards:
high-end hotels Develop and
and resorts, implement high
providing high quality tourism
quality services service standards
and modern to enhance tourist
amenities. experience.
- Dining and
shopping areas:
Areas such as the
coastal area and
downtown have a
variety of dining
and shopping

5. Events and
- Festival: Da
Nang organizes
many major events
and festivals such
as the International
Fireworks Festival
and other cultural
festivals, attracting
tourists from all

2 Public 1. Traffic - Develop public

Infrastructure 1. Modern congestion during transportation
transportation rush hour: system
system: Although the - Building smart
transportation transportation
Da Nang has system has been projects
invested heavily in upgraded, during - Encourage the
upgrading its rush hours, many use of green
transportation areas in the city transportation
system, including still experience - Improve drainage
bridges, highways traffic congestion. system
and urban road The increase in - Strengthen
networks. population and inspection and
Outstanding personal vehicles supervision: Carry
projects such as have made this out regular
Dragon Bridge, situation worse. inspection and
Tran Thi Ly supervision of
Bridge, and Thuan 2. Incomplete construction work
Phuoc Bridge have flood resistance: quality, ensuring
significantly Although there that new works are
improved have been built and
connectivity and improvements, the maintained
traffic in the city. city still regularly according to
2. Developed has problems with standards.
tourism flooding during the - Apply new
infrastructure: rainy season. Some technology: Use
areas are still advanced
The city has many flooded because technology and
infrastructures for the drainage construction
tourism such as system cannot materials to
hotels, resorts, meet the needs improve
beautiful beaches during heavy rains. construction
and entertainment quality and extend
areas. This 3. Construction the lifespan of
quality: projects
development Maintenance and
contributes to quality: Some
attracting tourists buildings,
and boosting the especially older
local economy. buildings, have
problems with
quality and
maintenance and
need to be
upgraded and

4. Uneven
disparities: Some
suburban areas or
areas far from the
center have less
leading to
differences in
quality of life
between areas.
3 Accommodation - Up to now, There -Not consistent in - Tighter
are 245 hotels quality management of
from 3 to 5 stars -Many businesses
and 1035 hotels accommodation providing
with 1 and 2 stars; services are still accommodation
there are 5,515 small and do not services
tour guides in Da ensure safety,
Nang city; 377 security, and fire
travel business prevention.
units; 1,280 tourist
with 45,889
rooms. - The
number of tourist
reopening accounts
for nearly 70%
with about 35,000
rooms), including
more than 10
with about 1,000
rooms newly put
into operation.
4 Restaurants - Several thousand - Inconsistent - Standardize
restaurants in Da Quality Quality
Nang - Overpricing in - Ensure pricing
- Providing a broad Tourist Areas reflects the quality
spectrum of dining - Crowds and of the food and
experiences to suit Waiting Times service
different tastes and - Language - Implement
budgets Barriers strategies to
- High-end dining, manage peak times
local specialties, or effectively, such as
casual street food reservations or
waiting lists.
optimizing seating
arrangements to
more guests during
busy periods.
- Train staff in
basic English or
provide menus in
multiple languages
to accommodate

5 Entertainment - Da Nang offers a - Inconsistent - Implement

centers variety of Quality and regular
entertainment Maintenance maintenance
centers catering to - High Costs schedules and
different interests - Environmental quality checks for
and age groups: and Cleanliness all facilities and
+ VinWonders Concerns attractions. Invest
Da Nang - Weather in updates and
+ Asia Park - Dependency: many refurbishments as
Sun World Da outdoor attractions needed.
Nang Wonders are highly - Provide tiered
+ My Khe Beach dependent on pricing options,
+ Dragon Bridge weather discounts for
+ Sun Wheel at conditions, and advance purchases,
Asia Park adverse weather or package deals.
+ Cultural and can significantly - Implement
Historical impact the rigorous cleaning
Museums experience. protocols and
waste management
practices. Consider
initiatives like
beach clean-ups or
recycling programs
- Develop
contingency plans
for adverse
6 Means of - In Da Nang, - Connectivity and - Invest in
communicatio various means of Coverage Issues expanding mobile
communication are - Security and network coverage
available to help Privacy Concerns to include more
both locals and remote or
visitors stay underserved areas.
connected and - Implement robust
navigate the city security measures
effectively. for public Wi-Fi
networks and
promote best
practices for data
security. Educate
users on safe
online behaviors
and provide secure
options for internet
7 Tourism Quantity: Quantity: 1. Enhancing
services and 1. Tourist 1. Tourist Tourist
facilities Information Information Information
Services: Centers: Services:
- Numerous - Insufficient - Update and
Information Information Expand Tourist
Centers: Da Nang Centers in Key Centers: Improve
boasts several Areas: Although the availability and
tourist information there are several staffing of tourist
centers located at tourist information information
key entry points centers, their centers, especially
like the airport, quantity is still in remote or less-
train stations, and insufficient, trafficked areas.
popular attractions. especially in - Improve Digital
- Widespread popular tourist Tools: Regularly
Digital Resources: areas outside the update digital
The city provides city center or near resources like
extensive digital more remote websites and
tools and mobile attractions like Son mobile apps (such
apps (such as Tra Peninsula or as Danang
Danang Marble Mountains. FantastiCity) with
FantastiCity) that Tourists visiting accurate, real-time
offer real-time these areas may information about
information about find it challenging tourist attractions,
tourist spots, to get immediate events,
accommodations, assistance or transportation, and
and events, guidance. accommodation
available to a large - Limited Staff at options. Introduce
number of users at Information new features such
any time. Centers: Even as live chat or AI-
though the centers based virtual
2. Tour Guides are available, there assistants to
and Tour can be limited provide immediate
Operators: staffing during support.
- High Number of peak hours or - Multilingual
Tour Operators: holidays, making it Support: Increase
There are difficult for the availability of
numerous tour tourists to get multilingual staff
companies offering quick support or in tourist centers,
a wide variety of access to detailed particularly for
packages, from information. languages spoken
budget city tours to by major tourist
luxury 2. Limited groups (Korean,
experiences. Multilingual Japanese, Chinese,
- Abundant Tour Support: etc.). Additionally,
Guides: Da Nang - Shortage of multilingual
has a sizable pool Multilingual Staff brochures, maps,
of licensed and in Smaller and guides should
multilingual tour Establishments: be widely
guides, capable of While larger distributed.
catering to the hotels, resorts, and
diverse linguistic some tour 2. Upgrading
needs of operators have Tour Operators
international multilingual staff, and Tour Guides:
tourists (e.g., smaller hotels, - Standardize Tour
English, Chinese, restaurants, and Guide Training:
Korean, Japanese). shops often lack Implement stricter
Their availability employees who training and
ensures that can communicate certification
tourists can always fluently in standards for tour
find a guide in languages other guides, focusing on
their preferred than Vietnamese. improving
language. This may create knowledge,
challenges for professionalism,
3. Transportation international and customer
Services: tourists, service. Regular
- Extensive Taxi particularly those workshops on
Services: There are who do not speak communication
multiple taxi English. skills and cultural
companies (like - Limited Quantity sensitivity can
Mai Linh and of Language- enhance the quality
Vinasun) operating Specific Tour of service.
throughout the Guides: Although - Enhance Tour
city, with a high Da Nang has many Package Quality:
volume of taxis tour guides, the Encourage tour
readily available. number of operators to create
- Ride-Hailing multilingual well-defined,
Abundance: Ride- guides proficient transparent, and
hailing services in languages like high-quality tour
like Grab are Japanese, Korean, packages that
widely available or European match tourists’
and reliable, languages (other expectations.
providing tourists than English) is Develop
with immediate relatively small, partnerships with
access to limiting options local communities
transportation for non-English- and experts to
without long speaking tourists. provide more
waiting times. authentic
- Numerous Rental 3. Dining and experiences that
Shops: Tourists Restaurant emphasize local
have easy access to Choices: culture and history.
a large number of - Limited 24-Hour - Increase
vehicle rental Dining Options: Multilingual Tour
services, including While there is a Guides: Expand
motorbikes, wide variety of language training
bicycles, and cars. restaurants and programs for tour
These are available street food guides to cater to a
in various vendors, the broader range of
locations, number of 24-hour international
particularly near dining options is visitors. This will
tourist attractions relatively low. ensure that tourists
and beach resorts. Tourists who from various
arrive late at night linguistic
4. or early in the backgrounds
Accommodation morning may receive high-
Services: struggle to find quality service.
- Large Quantity of places to eat
Hotels and outside of their 3. Raising the
Resorts: Da Nang hotel, especially in Standard of
offers thousands of non-central areas. Dining and
hotels, from luxury - Fewer Options Culinary
5-star resorts to for International Services:
budget hostels. Cuisine: Though - Implement
The wide range of international Hygiene
accommodations cuisine is available Standards: Create
caters to the needs in tourist-heavy and enforce stricter
of every type of areas, the overall hygiene standards
traveler, ensuring quantity of for restaurants and
no shortage of restaurants street food
options regardless offering non- vendors, with
of budget or Vietnamese food is regular inspections.
preferences. still limited, Educating food
- Significant especially in areas vendors on best
Growth in away from the practices for
Vacation Rentals: main tourist zones. cleanliness and
There has been a safety will reduce
rapid increase in Quality: health risks and
vacation rentals 1. Tourist improve food
and homestays, Information quality.
especially through Services: - Promote Culinary
platforms like - Inconsistent Quality: Develop
Airbnb, Agoda, Quality of training programs
Traveloka…, Information: While for restaurant staff
offering additional tourist information focused on
accommodation centers are present, enhancing the
choices in large the quality of quality of food
quantities. information preparation,
provided can be customer service,
5. Dining and inconsistent. Some and food
Culinary centers may lack presentation.
Services: up-to-date details Encourage local
- Plenty of or comprehensive restaurants to
Restaurants and advice about maintain consistent
Street Food lesser-known quality, especially
Vendors: Da Nang attractions and for international
is known for its local events. cuisines, by
rich culinary promoting
scene, with a high 2. Tour participation in
density of Operators and culinary awards or
restaurants Tour Guides: quality
ranging from fine - Variable certification
dining to casual Professionalism programs.
eateries. Street Among Tour
food vendors are Guides: While 4. Improving
ubiquitous in both many tour guides Shopping and
the city center and are highly Souvenir Quality:
along the coastline, professional, there - Encourage
ensuring that food is variability in the Quality Souvenirs:
options are readily quality of service Work with local
available. provided. Some artisans and
- High Number of guides may not be vendors to improve
Food Delivery as knowledgeable the quality of
Services: There is or engaging, souvenirs by
a substantial affecting the promoting locally
number of delivery overall quality of made, authentic,
services, including the tour and high-quality
GrabFood, which experience. handicrafts.
allow tourists to - Inconsistencies in Certification
easily order food Tour Packages: programs for
from various The quality of tour genuine local
restaurants. packages offered products can assure
by different tourists of product
6. Health and operators can vary authenticity and
Medical Services: significantly. quality.
- Abundant Some may not - Enhance Market
Pharmacies: meet the Facilities: Upgrade
Pharmacies are expectations set by facilities in popular
spread throughout their promotional markets, such as
the city, especially materials, resulting Han Market and
near tourist areas, in a discrepancy Con Market, to
ensuring easy between advertised improve the
access to and actual shopping
medications and experiences. experience. This
health products for includes better
visitors. 3. Limited signage, clean
- Multiple Multilingual restrooms, and
Healthcare Support: better-organized
Facilities: In - Shortage of vendor stalls to
addition to large Multilingual Staff make it easier for
hospitals like in Smaller tourists to
Vinmec Establishments: navigate.
International While larger
Hospital, there are hotels, resorts, and
several smaller some tour
clinics and operators have
healthcare centers multilingual staff,
scattered around smaller hotels,
Da Nang, offering restaurants, and
tourists various shops often lack
options for employees who
medical services. can communicate
fluently in
7. Shopping and languages other
Souvenir than Vietnamese.
Services: This may create
- Markets and challenges for
Shopping Centers: international
Da Nang is home tourists,
to several major particularly those
markets (like Han who do not speak
Market and Con English.
Market) and large - Limited Quantity
shopping malls of Language-
(like Vincom Specific Tour
Plaza), providing a Guides: Although
wide variety of Da Nang has many
shopping tour guides, the
experiences for number of
tourists. This multilingual
ensures that guides proficient
tourists can find a in languages like
vast array of local Japanese, Korean,
products and or European
souvenirs. languages (other
- Craft Villages: than English) is
Nearby traditional relatively small,
craft villages like limiting options
Non Nuoc Stone for non-English-
Carving Village speaking tourists.
offer high-quality
handmade goods 4. Shopping and
that tourists can Souvenir
take home as Availability:
souvenirs. - Inconsistent
Quality of
8. Language Souvenirs: The
Support: quality of
- Large Pool of souvenirs and
Multilingual handicrafts can be
Service Providers: inconsistent, with
Hotels, tour some products not
operators, and meeting the
restaurants often expected standards
have staff who of craftsmanship
speak multiple or authenticity.
languages, This variability
including English, can affect tourists'
Chinese, Korean, satisfaction with
and Japanese. The their purchases.
availability of - Limited Quality
multilingual Control in
service providers Markets: In
ensures that markets and
tourists from smaller shops,
different regions quality control
can easily may be less
communicate and stringent, leading
get assistance. to potential issues
with the quality of
Quality: goods sold.
1. Professionalism
and Expertise:
- Well-Trained
Staff: Across
various service
sectors, Da Nang’s
tourism workforce
is known for their
and expertise.
From hotel staff to
tour guides,
employees are
typically well-
and fluent in
languages, making
it easier for
tourists to navigate
their stay.
- High-Quality
Tour Guides: Tour
guides are often
multilingual and
about the city’s
culture, history,
and attractions.
They provide
experiences that go
beyond the
surface, offering
personalized and
engaging tours that
enhance the
overall quality of
the visit.
2. Reliable and
- Well-Maintained
Vehicles: Da
Nang's taxi
services, car
rentals, and ride-
hailing options are
noted for their
clean, comfortable,
and well-
vehicles. Services
such as Grab
provide a reliable
and efficient way
to travel, and the
drivers are
courteous and
familiar with the
best routes for
- Smooth Public
Though Da Nang’s
transportation is
not as extensive as
in some larger
cities, the available
bus services to
major attractions
are punctual,
affordable, and

3. World-Class
- High-Quality
Resorts and
Hotels: The city is
home to world-
class resorts like
Danang Sun
Peninsula Resort,
which offer
luxurious services
and amenities.
establishments are
renowned for their
service, stunning
locations, and
attention to detail,
ensuring a
experience for
- Affordable Yet
Even budget hotels
and hostels in Da
Nang maintain
high standards of
service, and safety,
offering excellent
value for money.
Tourists frequently
commend the
comfortable rooms
and friendly staff,
regardless of price

3. Comprehensive
Information and
Digital Support:
- User-Friendly
Mobile Apps:
Digital tools like
the Danang
FantastiCity app
offer real-time
information about
attractions, events,
and transportation
in a highly
accessible format.
The app is well-
designed, user-
friendly, and
regularly updated
to ensure tourists
have access to
accurate and
information during
their stay.
- High-Quality
Centers: The city's
centers are well-
managed, with
professional staff
offering detailed
advice and support
to tourists. These
centers provide
maps, brochures,
and tips, all of
which contribute
to a seamless
travel experience.

4. Cultural and
Event Support:
- Seamless Event
Organization: Da
Nang hosts
international and
cultural events,
such as the Da
Festival. These
events are well-
organized, with
efficient crowd
control, and
smooth logistics,
creating an
experience for
- Cultural
Enrichment: The
quality of cultural
experiences, from
visiting Cham
Museum to
exploring the
Marble Mountains,
is enhanced by
interpretation and
guided tours.
These offer deep
insights into the
local history and
culture, creating a
more meaningful
and enriching
experience for

Intangible factors
8 Brand name - Geographical - Market -
recognition: The Restrictions: A Internationalization
brand name is brand name orientation
associated with a associated with a - Improve identity
famous place, specific location and differentiation
making it easy to may limit its - Integrate
identify and create ability to expand innovation
a connection with internationally or elements
the region to other regions if - Enhance
- Cultural the name is not partnerships
characteristics: Da recognized or liked - Focus on core
Nang is a famous elsewhere. values
tourist city with - Negative
many attractive Association Risk:
destinations such If any negative
as beaches, events occur in Da
cultural heritage, Nang, it may affect
and entertainment the brand image,
activities. This reducing trust and
brand name can liking from
remind people of customers.
the positive and
experiences of the
- Creating trust:
because consumers
often trust
products or
services that have
a clear and
reputable origin
from a famous
- Exclusivity:
Using a place
name can help the
brand stand out in
the market,
because it is
exclusive and
different from
brands that do not
have a specific
9 Image - In tourism, it *In tourism may * In tourism:
includes beautiful include: - Improve
beaches such as - Infrastructure and infrastructure and
My Khe and Non transportation: transportation
Nuoc, impressive Although Da Nang - Promote
architectural works has made many environmental
such as Cau Vang improvements, protection
and Ba Na Hills. there are still - Strengthen
- In terms of problems with promotion and
culture, Da Nang transportation and development of
stands out with infrastructure, tourism products
traditional especially during - Train human
festivals, rich the peak tourist resources
cultural heritage, season.
and the - Uneven * In culture:
intermingling of development: - Preserve and
different cultures. Some tourist areas promote cultural
These factors are more heritage
create great appeal prominent, while - Educate and raise
for tourists. others still lack awareness
necessary - Strengthen
amenities. cultural and tourist
- Environmental connections
pollution: With the - Cooperate and
increase in tourism connect with
and urban international
development, cultural
environmental organizations
including water
and air pollution,
can affect the
image of the city.
in culture:

* Difficulty in
traditional culture:
- Rapid
development can
lead to the loss of
traditional cultural
- Lack of
connection with
tourists: Some
tourists may feel a
lack of attachment
or understanding
of local culture due
to insufficient or

10 Culture Attitudes Highlight how

values or beliefs certain attitudes
that foster could be restrictive
community or hinder
cohesion or development,
traditional perhaps tied to
practices that superstitions or
provide stability control
and a sense of mechanisms as
belonging mentioned earlier
in the belief
Beliefs Built on human Every time going
is a form of fear. It has since to sea, fishermen
animist worship, a become an always choose a
spiritual support, a effective tool of good or bad day to
place to place the ruling minority avoid "killing the
faith, to govern the to rule and control owner" days,
land, to protect the masses at all organize prayers
peace, and to give levels, from on the boat to hope
wealth to people. ancient times until for a smooth
today. sailing trip, pray to
Mr. Ngu and the
spirits on the sea to
bless them, help
them catch a lot of
fish and shrimp.
Language Tourists from the The word “ba” is
Has many northern provinces pronounced by
characteristic and foreign Quang Nam people
vocabularies, visitors find it as “boa”, “má” is
reflecting the life, difficult to hear translated into
culture and history clearly what the Quang Nam as
of local people. the people from the “moá”… The
influence of ethnic south say, causing sound ă is
cultural elements, communication pronounced like “e
the exchange and difficulties. dài” in some cases.
interaction with For example, the
other languages in word “ăn không” is
the region pronounced by
Quang Nam people
as “eng không”...
Customs There are many Some typical
reflect the blend of problems related to customs in Da
coastal culture, the superstition; taking Nang: Ancestor
lifestyle of the advantage of worship customs,
people of the spiritual life to New Year temple
Central region and propagate spiritual visits, God of
the influence of activities that are Wealth and Earth
river delta culture. heavily worship customs,
superstitious and boat racing
backward, contrary customs ...
to civilization,
humanity, and the
good nature of
Rituals Street vendors and Ba Na Hill
Festivals attract beggars still occur, organizes many
many tourists affecting the festivals every
because of their beauty of the year: flower
special meaning relics; festival, carnival
and are the environmental festival, winter
highlight of Da sanitation, traffic festival.
Nang congestion, and
donation collection
at some relics have
not been handled
Behavior Lack of emotional Fighting and
Danang people control contributes conflicts between
have a good to increased gangs, some
culture of violence among witnesses do not
behavior, people young people such intervene but
feel more as conflicts in record videos to
comfortable and recreational share on social
create a happier activities, networks.
space to live and arguments due to
work. Everyone comments from
feels respected and others or ridicule
accepted, which and contempt from
strengthens others.
Faith/Religion Some religions The Quan The Am
Religion has have created a festival (Quan The
brought to the distorted Am pagoda, Ngu
social community, worldview and Hanh Son district)
to each region, outlook on life for is held annually on
each country, each people, limiting a large scale, rich
ethnic group their positivity, in both content and
unique initiative and form, attracting the
manifestations creativity. At the participation of
expressed in same time, they thousands of
behavior, lifestyle, direct people people, including
customs, habits, in towards the desire the Buddhist
material and for happiness, but community, local
spiritual cultural that happiness is people and
elements. guides illusory and domestic and
people to human illusory foreign tourists.
values, actively
contributing to the
perfection of
personal morality
Food Some people who Ensure prices
The culinary are not used to it match the quality
culture is will find some of food and service
extremely diverse dishes a bit
and rich. At each difficult to eat.
time of the year
there are new
dishes appearing
with countless
unique flavors and
many variations in
the way they are
prepared. For
example: Quang
noodles, Cao Lau,
Banh Xeo, Nem
Art/Drama/Music The general public In January, go to
owns unique usually likes Da Nang to see the
cultural heritages, spectacular fishing festival, in
including the programs with February to attend
representative easy-to-understand the Quan The Am
intangible cultural content and festival, in March
heritage of entertainment, so to attend the Hai
humanity "The art this type of Chau communal
of Bài Chòi in program is not house festival...
Central Vietnam", very attractive to
national intangible tourists.
heritages such as:
tuong art, the
fishing festival, the
Quan The Am
festival, Non Nuoc
stone carving
Financial resources
11 Private 1. Investment 1. Lack of - Encourage
investment Volume and synchronization innovation and
Capital Inflows: in infrastructure creativity:
- Attracting large development: Encourage
capital sources: - Uneven investors to create
Private investment, distribution: Many unique and
especially from private projects attractive tourism
large domestic and focus on popular products. New
foreign areas such as the tourism models,
corporations, has coast, ignoring such as
brought a huge inner-city or ecotourism,
amount of suburban areas. cultural and
investment capital This leads to community
to Da Nang's unsynchronized tourism, can attract
tourism industry. development and more tourists.
This has helped imbalance between - Encourage
strongly develop areas, limiting the investment in
infrastructure, city's potential for community and
hotels, resorts, and comprehensive ecotourism:
related services. tourism Facilitate
- Diversity in development. community and
capital sources: - Pressure on ecotourism
Private investment public projects, including
comes not only infrastructure: providing tax
from national Although private incentives,
corporations but projects bring financial support
also from high-class resorts and reducing
international and amenities, administrative
investors, bringing public procedures. These
diversification in infrastructure such types of tourism
the investment as transportation, can benefit local
structure, from environment and communities and
hotels, resorts to public services do conserve the
entertainment not always develop environment.
services and in time with the - Developing
tourism growth rate, cultural and
technology. causing great heritage tourism:
pressure on these Encourage
2. Development of systems, especially investment projects
modern during peak tourist in cultural, heritage
infrastructure: seasons. and historical
- Building high- tourism. Provide
end infrastructure: 2. Cultural and support policies to
Private investors social impact: preserve and
have built many - promote Da Nang's
resorts, 5-star Commercialization cultural and
hotels, luxury of local culture: historical values,
resorts, and Many private and create
international-class tourism projects attractive and
conference centers tend to over- valuable tourism
such as commercialize products.
InterContinental cultural elements,
Danang Sun losing their
Peninsula Resort originality and
and Vinpearl meaning. Using
Resort & Spa. This cultural elements
helps improve the in tourism without
quality of proper respect can
facilities, attracting undermine Da
many high-end Nang's cultural
tourists. heritage.
- Expanding - Causing social
entertainment and imbalance: Areas
recreation services: with strong
Many private tourism
projects such as development often
Sun Group's Ba Na have increased real
Hills or Empire estate and service
Group's Cocobay prices, making life
Da Nang have more difficult for
developed local people,
attractive especially those
entertainment with low incomes.
areas, theme parks, This can lead to
and amusement polarization
parks, contributing between rich and
to increasing the poor and other
attractiveness of social problems.
Da Nang to
tourists. 3. Risks focus on
luxury tourism:
3. Promote - Dependence on
tourism growth international and
and attract high-end tourists:
international Many private
visitors: projects in Da
- Attracting a large Nang focus on the
number of tourists: high-end and
Thanks to large international
projects and strong tourist segment.
promotion from This creates a high
private enterprises, dependence on
Da Nang has visitors from
become one of the foreign markets. In
most famous crisis situations,
tourist destinations such as the
in Vietnam. High- COVID-19
end resorts and pandemic, when
quality international
entertainment visitors decline,
services have the tourism
attracted a large industry suffers
number of serious losses.
international - Lack of
tourists, especially diversification of
from Asia and tourism products:
Europe. Focusing only on
- Increasing the the high-end resort
attraction of high- tourism segment
end tourism: High- can lead to a lack
end resort and of diversity in
tourism projects tourism products,
invested by private ignoring other
enterprises have potential segments
put Da Nang on such as adventure
the list of tourism,
destinations for ecotourism, or
high-end tourists, cultural tourism,
helping the city limiting the
attract not only potential for
mass tourists but sustainable
also high-end development.

4. Contribute to
local economic
development and
- Job Creation:
Private investment
in tourism creates
thousands of jobs
for local people,
from manual labor
to management
positions. The
development of
tourism and resort
areas facilitates the
development of
many different
industries such as
construction, and
- Significant
contribution to
local budgets:
Private enterprises
contribute a large
part to the budget
through taxes and
fees related to
tourism activities,
thereby helping
local governments
have more
resources to
reinvest in
infrastructure and
social welfare.

5. Improve
Danang brand
and image:
- Global
promotion: Private
enterprises not
only invest in
infrastructure but
also strongly
promote the image
of Da Nang
globally. Through
events, and
cooperation with
foreign partners,
Da Nang has
become a
prominent tourist
destination on the
world map.
- Iconic works:
Outstanding works
such as the Golden
Bridge at Ba Na
Hills are not only
products of private
investment but
also become
cultural and
tourism symbols of
Da Nang,
attracting millions
of visitors.
12 Public By the end of The The city is
Invesment August 2024, the implementation of focusing on
disbursement of public investment directing units and
public investment capital in Da Nang localities to
capital in the city in the first 8 accelerate the
had only reached months of 2024 construction
42.5% of the plan still faces many progress of works
assigned by the difficulties due to and projects to
National Assembly slow site increase the
and the clearance, volume of public
Government. This complicated investment
rate has not met administrative disbursement in the
expectations, procedures, and remaining months
however, for some limited capacity of of the year.
key driving force some investors... Some specific
projects, the In addition, there solutions proposed
disbursement has are some by Da Nang city
been quite good, shortcomings such are to strengthen
such as: Lien as the preparation inspection,
Chieu Port of public supervision, and
Construction investment remove difficulties
Project (Shared projects that are for projects;
Infrastructure); not close to the simplify
Quang Da Bridge implementation administrative
and Approach capacity of units procedures;
Road; Tho Quang and localities, enhance capacity
Fishing Port leading to low for investors;
Upgrade and achievement rates. proactively review
Expansion and remove
Investment Project In addition, the difficulties to
(Phase 2); Da selection of complete
Nang Maternity contractors, as well construction and
and Pediatrics as the completion put into use 40
Hospital Upgrade of investment works in 2024.
Investment procedures,
Project... and inspection, Along with that,
completed the supervision, and Da Nang city is
operation of the construction are strongly directing
traffic route still limited; many local levels,
connecting DT601 projects in the sectors, investors,
Road and Loc My construction and project
Village. Notably, process encounter management
the Coastal Road problems with lack boards to focus on
Project connecting of raw materials. clearing
Lien Chieu Port Some projects bottlenecks,
has completed encounter promptly
many important difficulties in site completing
items such as the clearance, disbursement
underpass on the typically the Hoa procedures for
internal road of the Ninh - Hoa Phu projects with
Industrial Park Inter-commune completed
(Km1+723.86); Road Project; construction
completed 226/388 Northwest Axis I volume, and
bored piles; Road; Nguyen Duc simultaneously
implementing the Thuan - Tran Hung starting
construction of Dao Extension construction of 38
pedestals, bodies, Road; Apartment works and projects
and pier caps at Project for according to the
24/68 locations. resettlement plan set out this
The project's goal arrangement... year, in order to
is to achieve more complete the
than 60% of the assigned public
construction investment
volume by the end disbursement plan.
of 2024 and is
expected to be
completed in 2025.

Compared to the
general level, the
disbursement of
public investment
capital in Da Nang
from the beginning
of 2024 to now has
been quite good,
but there are still
many projects with
disbursement rates
have not met the
requirements as
Therefore, from
now until the end
of the year, Da
Nang is focusing
on accelerating the
progress of
important transport
projects with large
investment capital
such as: Lien
Chieu Port
Connecting Road
Project; Lien
Chieu Port Project
for shared use;
Road bridge
project, upgrading
and renovating
national highways
passing through
the area; Urban
development and
social housing
project; Project to
improve drainage
and flood
prevention systems
in Da Nang city...
13 Budget of In the first quarter It is expected that
tourism of 2024, domestic in the second
development revenue activities quarter of 2024,
played a decisive the city will have 5
role with a new and restored
proportion of international
nearly 86% of the flights: Taichung
total budget (Taiwan - China),
revenue in the area Kaohsiung
(reaching 4,887 (Taiwan - China),
billion VND, up Vientiane (Laos),
19% over the same Manila
period last year). (Philippines),
Of which, revenue Fukushima (Japan,
from the non-state charter flights).
industrial and To meet the needs
commercial sector of tourist markets,
(accounting for improve the quality
25.4% of total of transportation
revenue, up services and
44.0%); revenue diversify tourism
from real estate products, the
(accounting for Department of
10% of total Tourism has signed
revenue, up a cooperation
47.9%)... agreement with
The first quarter of Vietnam Railways
2024 recorded a Corporation and
gradual recovery Sun Group to
of the economy develop train
after a year of tourism products,
stagnation due to increasing the
of total revenue, choice of means of
up 44.0%); transport for
revenue from real tourists when
estate (accounting coming to Da
for 10% of total Nang; Signed a
revenue, up cooperation
47.9%)... agreement with
The first quarter of Vietnam Airlines,
2024 recorded a HG Vietnam
gradual recovery Investment and
of the economy Development Joint
after a year of Stock Company
stagnation due to and Asia
fluctuations in the Destination
international Management Joint
geopolitical Stock Company in
situation, high promoting,
costs, and communicating
declining and attracting key
consumer demand domestic and
in the past year. In international
the first quarter, markets (China
the total social (Taiwan), Korea,
investment capital India, Thailand,
in Da Nang Japan, Singapore,
reached 6,201 Malaysia ...);
billion VND, up Program Enjoy
1% over the same Danang tourism by
period. Of which, tourist train
state investment (Danang Wow
capital reached Train), Hue -
1,675 billion Danang tourist
VND, up 5%; train "Connecting
investment capital Central heritage"
of non-state with many unique
enterprises reached experiences
3,013 billion
VND, up 1.2%.
14 human  Quantity: In the coming time,
resources - In 2018, the figure for the quantity of there will be more
tourism human resources reached to training in
over 40,000 workers, an increase of fostering skills and
21.7% (equivalent to 7,779 people) professional
compared to 2017. service attitudes
- In 2019, there were around 22,000 for employees
people working in this industry. Among working at food
them, around 36% were employees of service
hotels and resorts, 26.5% were working establishments
in food and beverage services, and 7.5% such as serving
were in transportation services. wine, practicing
- The City's total tourism workforce in processing
2021 is estimated to reach 11,476 people traditional regional
(decline 50% compared to 2019) due to Vietnamese food
the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic. and Halal dishes
Through 4 outbreaks in 2020 - 2021, for Muslims to
there 39 has been 69.5% unemployed meet the diverse
and unemployed workers needs of domestic
- In 2022, when the Covid-19 epidemic and international
is basically controlled, the total human tourists.
resources in the city's industry will only
be about 20,000 people, a decrease of
more than 30,000 people compared to
before the epidemic.
 Quality:
Tourism human resources in Da Nang
are highly appreciated due to:
+) Their expertise, skills and customer
service style
+) Have in-depth tourism knowledge,
communication skills, tour operations,
hotel and restaurant management and
other entertainment services
+) Enthusiastic, friendly, always
willing to help customers in any
+) Dedicated and thoughtful service
=> Customers had wonderful travel
experiences In 2023, the Da Nang
Department of Tourism taking action
plan to improve tourism human
+) Organized 13 training courses for
HR in the tourism industry, with a focus
on the contents businesses really need
(digital transformation knowledge,
service thinking, technical skills,
professional customer service attitude)
+) Universities and colleges in Da
Nang also continuously update and
improve training programs for the
tourism industry

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