Policomp - SDD Ac Servo Driver - Policomp
Policomp - SDD Ac Servo Driver - Policomp
Policomp - SDD Ac Servo Driver - Policomp
Indicates the wrong operation may cause disastrous
consequences—death or serious injury!
Chapter 1 Product inspection and installation
Shape code
Power supply K7:
A series:
B series: N:220V series K8:
C series: Output power H:380V series K9:
D series: 08:800W
E series: 13:1.3KW
Chapter 1 Product inspection and installation
Chapter 1 Product inspection and installation
Chapter 1 Product inspection and installation
Chapter 1 Product inspection and installation
Chapter 1 Product inspection and installation
Chapter 2 Servo drive and motor wiring
single220V 1kw and below
Circuit breakers
Noise filter
Chapter 2 Servo drive and motor wiring
Circuit breakers
Chapter 2 Servo drive and motor wiring
Chapter 2 Servo drive and motor wiring
Chapter 2 Servo drive and motor wiring
Chapter 2 Servo drive and motor wiring
Chapter 2 Servo drive and motor wiring
Chapter 2 Servo drive and motor wiring
control terminal is DB25 connector, the socket is pin type, plug is hole type; CN2
terminal feeder is DB25 connector, socket is 25 core hole type, plug is 25 core pin
Control terminal CN1
Terminal No signal name mark I/O System default function
Power supply positive pole of input terminal
Control Power
CN1-8 power Photoelectric coupler used for drive the input
supply COM+
supply terminals DC12~24V, electric
System default: input terminals of
Servo-enabled: SON ON:allow the drive to
CN1-21 Input port0 IN0(SON) input
work. SON OFF:drive off, stop working, the
motor in free state.
System default:servo alarm clear
CN1-9 Input port 1 input ON:servo alarm output normally OFF:
remove the system alarm
CN1-3 Input port 2 IN2(CCW) input System default:Forward drive prohibition
Chapter 2 Servo drive and motor wiring
CN1-25 Output PEZ output Each motor round output a signal, the width of
encoder the signal related to the speed of the
signal Z motor
CN1-13 PEZL output
If the pulse signal is 24 v, connect the power
CN1-20 VP input supply can be without resistance
CN1-PE Shield ground PE
Chapter 2 Servo drive and motor wiring
Chapter 2 Servo drive and motor wiring
Chapter 2 Servo drive and motor wiring
When input signal connect with OV, signal is ON input and effective. It can
be judged by display menu UN-17, when input ON, the corresponding nixie tube
will be light. Input OFF, the corresponding nixie tube will die out. Use this display
content properly, convenient for servo input signal debugging and maintenance.
A:Input circuit according to the pulse quantity. drive current 10~25mA Limit
external power maximum voltage as 24V, determine the value of resistance R.
experience data:VCC=24V,R=1.3~2k;VCC=12V,R=510~820Ω。External power
supply provided by user, please note that if the power polarity reversed, the servo
drive unit will be damaged. Details as follow diagram.
Controller driver
Controller driver
Single pulse
input controller Servo drive
such as PLC
Chapter 2 Servo drive and motor wiring
Servo driver
Servo driver
Maximum 25V 25mA
Chapter 3 operation and display
Note: 、 keep press down, repeat operation, the longer the holding time,
the faster the repetition rate.
*** 6 section LED digital tube display all kinds of status and data of the
system, all digital tube or the decimal point of the rightmost digital tube blink, it
means alarm.
*** According to multiple-layer menu to operate, the first layer is main menu,
including 8 kinds operation mode, the second layer is the function menu of all
operation modes. The below diagram shows the main menu operation:
Display status meaning
Status surveillance
Parameter operation
Jog operation
Encoder adjustment
Chapter 3 operation and display
Choose “Un-” in the first layer, press entering monitoring mode; there are 22
Current motor
Motor speed
speed is 500 turn
Motor torque
Motor current
Chapter 3 operation and display
Control mode
pulse frequency
Speed command
Torque command
Running status
Alarm code
Display analog AD
Chapter 3 operation and display
Choose “PN-” in the first layer, and press key to enter parameter setting
mode. Use 、 to choose parameter, press key , display the value of
the parameter, use 、 to modify parameter values. press or once,
parameter increase or decrease one, press and keep or , the parameter
can be increase or decrease continuously. When the parameter value is modified,
the rightmost LED digital tube lit up, press to make sure the modified value
effective, the LED digital tube decimal point of the right side go out, the modified
value will be reflected in the control immediately, then press or keep
on modify parameter, after modified press back to the parameter selection
status. If you are not satisfied with the value you are modifying, do not press
, can press to cancel, restore original parameter value, and back to the
parameter selection status.
Chapter 3 operation and display
Parameter management mainly deals with the operation between memory and
EEPROM, choose “Sn-” in the first layer, and press entering parameter
management mode. First, choose the operation mode, there are 5 modes, use 、
to choose. Take “parameter write in” for example, choose “Sn-Set”, press
Chapter 3 operation and display
and keep more than 2 seconds, if the write success, display “DONE”, if fail,
display “ERR”. Press again back to the operation mode selection status.
same. But when the user modified the parameter, the memory parameter value
changed too. When the user is not satisfied with the modified parameter or the
parameter is messy, perform the parameter read operation, the data in the
ENPROM parameter area will read into the memory again and restore to the
original parameters when power on at the first time.
Sn-SS backup parameters
Sn-rS Restore backup area parameters to current memory
Sn-dEF restore default value, it means to read all the parameter default
value(factory defaults) into the memory, and write in the EEPROM parameter
area, next power on will use the default parameter. When the user messed the
parameter and can not work properly, use this operation can restore all
parameters to factory default. As different drive mode with different
parameter default values, when using restore default parameters, firstly have
to ensure the motor ID (parameter PN1) is correct.
Chapter 3 operation and display
Note: if without outside enable signal, please set PN95 parameter as 1. Or the motor won’t
operation, press key and keep, motor run at jog speed, release the button,
motor stop running, retain zero speed; press and keep, the motor inverted
running at jog speed, release the key, the motor stop running, retain zero speed, jog
speed set by parameter PN22.
Note: if without outside enable signal, please set PN95 parameter as 1. Or the motor won’t work.
3.7 Other
F4 is the photoelectric encoder zero set function, for motor manufactures use. The
user can not use it.
F5 function reserve.
Chapter 4 parameter
Chapter 4 parameter
SDD series servo with total 127 parameters can be adjusted, adjust the user parameters
can meet most requirements of the user. The motor mating parameters can not be modified
randomly, or there will be unpredictable results appear. Pn5-Pn16 are position control
parameters, Pn17-42 are speed control parameters, Pn43-Pn50 are current control
parameters, Pn51-Pn59 are I/O control parameters. Pn60-Pn96 are motor mating
parameters.Pn97- Pn127 are internal control parameters and communication control
parameters. Take the default parameters of the 130sm-m0425 motor as an example.
No. Name Value No. Name Value
position feed forward low pass
0 Parameter password 168 7 300
filter cut-off frequency
Position command pulse input
1 Motor ID 15 8 0
Position command pulse
2 Software version 1014 9 1
fractional frequency numerator
Position command pulse
3 initial display status 0 10 1
fractional frequency denominator
Position control motor rotation
4 control mode 0 11 0
position proportion
5 800 12 Positioning completion range 20
position feed
Position out of tolerance
6 forward/Pulse speed 0 13 800
detection range
control mode filter
Position out of
14 tolerance error 0 27 Back to zero accredited range 30
Position command Feedback output pulse A/B/Z
15 0 28 0
smoothing filter phase sequence
drive ban input Acceleration/ deceleration time
16 1 29 200
invalid constant in speed mode
Chapter 4 parameter
Chapter 4 parameter
Torque command
50 100 64 motor rated current 40
Input port low 4 system allowed maximum
51 0 65 300
force effective overload capacity
Input port high 3 Current integral separation
52 0 66 800
force effective point
input port low 4
53 0 67 Analog voltage dead zone 30
Current command
68 100 83 Key response time 20
low pass filter
Speed integral
69 200 84 Reserved
separation point
output port 1
70 2 85 Position error clear method 234
function selection
output port 2
71 0 86 Encoder line number 2500
function selection
output port 3
72 1 87 Encoder zero offset 2650
function selection
Input analog
73 0 88 Current when encoding disk is zero 60
Encoder type
74 0 89 Motor thermal overload 105
Overload torque
75 117 90 Motor thermal overload torque 130
detection point
Overload point
76 200 91 Motor thermal overload time 900
Maximum overload
77 time of the overload 1000 92 Motor pole pairs 4
Analog voltage filter
78 100 93 Reserved
Chapter 4 parameter
Speed amplifier
Torque to reach output signal
79 saturation detection 1500 94 150
80 Blocking speed 20 95 Forced enable 0
81 1000
confirmation time
Input pulse filter
82 800 96 Reserved
Internal position 0 Acceleration and deceleration
97 0 109 1
turns of the internal position
Internal position 0
98 0 110 Input port 0 definition 1
pulse number
Speed at internal
99 position 0 1000 111 Input port 1 definition 2
Internal position 1
100 0 112 Input port 2 definition 14
Internal position 1
101 0 113 Input port 3 definition 15
pulse number
Speed at internal
102 position 1 1000 114 Input port 4 definition 4
Internal position 2
103 0 115 Input port 5 definition 3
Internal position 2
104 0 116 Input port 6definition 0
pulse number
Speed at internal
105 position 2 1000 117 RS485 communication address 1
Internal position 3
106 0 118 RS485 communication rate 5
Chapter 4 parameter
Chapter 4 parameter
Chapter 4 parameter
Chapter 4 parameter
command pulse
10 electronic gear ratio denominator 1~32767
position control
0: normal;
11 motor rotate 0~1
1: direction reversed.
set the positioning finish pulse range under the
position control;
12 This parameter provide basis whether drive unit0~30000
finished range
judgment finished positioning under the position
control mode.
set position tolerance alarm detection range;
Position Under the position control mode, when the count
13 tolerance value in the position deviation counters over this 0~30000
detection range parameter, the servo drive unit will give position
error alarm.
0: position error alarm detection valid;
position error
14 1: position error alarm detection invalid, stop 0~1
detecting location error.
smooth filtering command pulse, with exponential
form acceleration and deceleration, numerical value
means time constant; 0ms~2000
15 command
The filter will not lose input pulse, but there will be 0×0.1ms
smoothing filter
command delay phenomenon;
When set to 0, the filter doesn’t work.
drive ban input 0: CCW、CW input ban valid;
16 0~1
invalid 1: cancel CCW、CW input ban.
Set the speed loop regulator proportion gain. 1.The
speed proportion greater the setting value, the higher the gain, and the
17 5Hz ~2000Hz
gain greater stiffness. 2.The greater the load inertia, the
greater the setting value.
Chapter 4 parameter
21 reach speed Set the speed value when input signal reach effective 0~3000
-3000 ~3000
22 jog speed Set jog speed.
23 Enable delay 0-1000ms
Precise position when external triggering orientation
24 control 0-65535
Actual operation position is set value *2
pulse count
25 reserve reserve
The speed when external triggering orientation
Orientation 0~3000
26 control, by setting plus or minus speed to decide
speed r/min
rotation direction when positioning.
Orientation Identified range when external triggering orientation
27 0-10000
complete range control
Drive motor output pulse A/B/Z phase sequence
Feedback output
during initial power-up
28 pulse A/B/Z 0-7
0: Normal; 1: Phase A is inverted; 2: Phase B is
phase sequence
inverted; 3: A/B is reversed when it is the same; 4:
Chapter 4 parameter
Phase Z is inverted; 5: A/Z is reversed
simultaneously; 6: B/Z is also Inverse; 7: A/B/Z is
also reversed
Set value means the motor acceleration/ deceleration
time from 0r/min~1000r/min. Acceleration and
deceleration 0ms~32767m
29 deceleration are linear.
time constant in s
Only used for speed control mode, it is invalid for
speed mode
position control mode;
It means that when the motor is accelerating and
decelerating from 0~1000r/min, the acceleration and
Acceleration/ deceleration characteristics are linear. When set to 0,
deceleration position acceleration and deceleration have no 0ms~32767m
30 time constant in effect.When set to other values, it can effectively s
position mode reduce the impact of position loop commutation and
acceleration and deceleration, and the operation is
more stable.It is only used in position mode.
command pulse
31 frequency 1~65536
Position control the second gear ratio numerator
1. Internal speed and external pulse position
2. Internal torque and external pulse position
3. Internal position and external pulse position
Internal control switching
32 0~3
method selection It is only necessary to define the corresponding input
port as function 19 when switching. If only internal
speed or internal torque or internal position is used,
the corresponding input port is defined as function 19
when there is no need to switch functions.
At the same time, the input port is permanently set
Chapter 4 parameter
45 Internal torque 1 Internal torque control mode: the size of the torque is 0%~300%
controlled by the status of the external I/O point. For
46 Internal torque 2 example: -300%~0%
T0 T1
47 Internal torque 3 Pn45:OFF OFF 0%~300%
48 Internal torque 4 Pn48:ON ON -300%~0%
Chapter 4 parameter
60 Reserved
motor rated set motor rated torque
61 1~1000
motor rated Set motor rated speed. 0~6000
speed r/min
Motor Set motor maximum speed 0~6000
maximum speed r/min
motor rated Set motor rated current. 1~500×
current Set value is valid. 0.1A
system allowed
65 Set system allowed maximum overload multiple 0~300%
Current error over the set value, the current loop
Current integral
66 from PI change to P, value is the percentage of rated 0~800%
separation point
Analog voltage dead zone AD value, set this value
Analog voltage
67 reasonable,with the absence of the input voltage, 0~4096
dead zone
and solve the motor rotation produced by the zero
Chapter 4 parameter
voltage wave.
Speed integral When speed error over the set value, the speed
69 0~300
separation point change from PI to P
Chapter 4 parameter
Chapter 4 parameter
84 Reserved Reserved
Chapter 4 parameter
Motor thermal
89 overload torque Thermal overload use I*I*T calculate method 10-300%
detect point
Motor thermal
90 Set this parameter bigger than Pn89 10-300%
overload torque
Motor thermal
91 Set thermal overload maximum time 0-1000S
overload time
Set servo motor pole pairs, different manufacture
motor pole
92 and different model motor may with different pole 1~36
pairs, cannot change this parameter randomly
Position gain
93 attenuation Set the position gain attenuation factor.
Torque reached Simulation control torque reaches the set value,
94 output signal torque reach output signals effectively. The value is 0~300%
ratio the percentage of rated torque.
0:servo enable is controlled by external I/O
95 Force enable 1:automatic servo enable when forced power on, do 0~1
not need to connect external signal
96 Reserved reserve
Chapter 4 parameter
Input port 0 Servo enable function, this input port cannot define
110 1
definition other functions
Used to define the function of the input port, for the
convenience of customers
The set value and functions as follows:
Input port 1 0:no definition, no function
111 0-23
definition 1:servo enable
2:alarm clear
3:input pulse prohibited
4:position deviation counter reset
Chapter 4 parameter
Input port 2
112 Refer to Pn111 0-23
Input port 3
113 Refer to Pn111 0-23
Input port 4
114 Refer to Pn111 0-23
Input port 5
115 Refer to Pn111 0-23
Chapter 4 parameter
Input port 6
116 Refer to Pn111 0-23
Communicate More than one drive communicate, set the station
117 0-127
address number
Communication rate
118 2:19200 0-5
Transport protocol, use RTU mode
0:8 O 1 (MODBUS,RTU)
Transport 1:8 E 1 (MODBUS,RTU)
119 0-2
protocol 2:8 N 2
Note: 8 means 8 bits data, E means 1 even
O means 1 odd 1 means 1 end bit
position/speed 0:detect integral saturation fault
integral sa
120 1:do not detect integral saturation fault 0-1
turation fault
Input port is Set I/O port as controlled object
121 controlled 0:controlled by external input terminal CN1 0-1
section 1:controlled by RS485 communication control
speed Certain input voltage, the bigger of the set values,
122 0-4096
proportional the higher speed got.
torque Certain input voltage, the bigger of the set values,
123 0-4096
proportional the bigger of the torque got.
Chapter 4 parameter
Chapter 4 parameter
Chapter 4 parameter
Chapter 4 parameter
Chapter 5 operation and adjustment
Chapter 5 operation and adjustment
3) Confirm there are no alarm and any abnormal situation, make enable servo
(SON) ON, at this time, the motor motivated, in a state of zero velocity. If enable
signal cannot connect wire, set Pn95 as 1 can make enable motor automatically.
4) Adjust the pulse frequency of the input signal; make the motor running
according to command.
3) Confirm there are no alarm and any abnormal situation, make enable servo
(SON) ON, at this time, the motor motivated, in a state of zero velocity. If enable
signal cannot connect wire, set Pn95 as 1 can make enable motor automatically.
4) Through key operation enter F1 speed trial operation mode, speed trial
operation prompt “S“, value unit is r/min, system in the speed trial mode, speed
command provided by key, use change speed command, the motor run
based on the setting speed.
Chapter 5 operation and adjustment
3) Confirm there are no alarm and any abnormal situation, make enable servo
(SON) ON, at this time, the motor motivated, in a state of zero velocity. If enable
signal cannot connect wire, set Pn95 as 1 can make enable motor automatically.
4) Through key operation enter F2 speed trial operation mode, JOG run
prompt “J”, value unit is r/min, system in the speed control mode, speed and
direction determined by parameter Pn22, press motor running according to the
speed and direction which determined by Pn22, press motor running opposite
direction according to the given speed.
0: position mode
Pn4 Control mode 1
1:internal position mode
0: external enable
Pn95 Servo enable 1
1: force enable
Pn114 IN4 definition Define internal position 0
Pn115 IN5 definition Define internal position 1
5) By switching the status of IN4 IN5 can realize 4 point positioning movement,
the speed of 4 point positioning movement and accurate position set by Pn97-
IN4 IN5 input signal Internal control
status mode
OFF OFF Position A
ON OFF Position B
OFF ON Position C
ON ON Position D
Chapter 5 operation and adjustment
Chapter 5 operation and adjustment
the fixed position before work. When servo position back to point A, the
singlechip send two level signal to servo IN4 IN5 so as to control servo move
from point A to point B, C, D and back to point A, complete a circulation.
Every time start and trigger are done by IN2 signal. Rising edge effective.
This system has the characteristics of simple control, accurate
positioning, and strong anti-interference ability. The run speed and precise
position set by Pn97- Pn109. The parameters needed to be set as below:
parameter No. parameter name definition Set value
0: position mode
Pn4 Control mode 1
1:internal position mode
Pn111 IN1 definition Define as position trigger 18
Pn112 IN2 definition Define as orientation start 21
Define internal mode
Pn113 IN3 definition 19
selection 0
Pn114 IN4 definition Define internal position 0 16
Pn115 IN5 definition Define internal position 1 17
Define internal mode
Pn116 IN6 definition 20
selection 1
Pn 97 Internal position 0 turns
Pn 98 Internal position 0 pulse
Internal position speed
Pn 99 Set relevant
of 0 positioning
Pn 100 Internal position 1 turns
Pn 101 Internal position 1 pulse
to the actual
Internal position speed ABCD four
Pn 102
of 1positioning coordinates
Pn 103 Internal position 2 turns
Pn 104 Internal position 2 pulse
Internal position speed
Pn 105
of 2 positioning
Chapter 5 operation and adjustment
Pn 33 Speed 1
Pn 34 Speed 2
Pn 35 Speed 3
Set relevant
Pn 36 Speed 4 according to
the actual run
Pn 37 Speed 5 speed and
moment of
Pn 38 Speed 6 force
Chapter 5 operation and adjustment
Pn 39 Speed 7
Pn 40 Speed 8
Pn 45 Internal torque 1
Pn 46 Internal torque 2
1000 1MHZ
500 500KHZ
250 250KHZ
100 50KHZ
Chapter 6 RS485 communication
External thumbnails
HMI/PLC controller
Chapter 6 RS485 communication
Chapter 6 RS485 communication
Chapter 6 RS485 communication
4 . If the shift bit is 0: repeat the third step(right shift a bit again); if shift bit is 1: CRC
register XORed with polynomial A001(1010 0000 0000 0001);
5 . Repeat step 3 and 4, until right shift 8 times, then, all the 8 bits data are processed
6.Repeat Step 2 to Step 5 to process the next byte of the communication information frame;
7 . When calculated all the bytes of the communication frame according to above steps,
exchange the high and low bytes get from 16-bits CRC register;
8.At last the result of CRC register content is: CRC code.
Chapter 6 RS485 communication
2.Click on the serial port Settings software will automatically identify COM port. Choosing
baud rate accord to the drive settings. If don’t match that will cause communication error.
The default baud rate of software and drive is 9600. The station number is based on the
driver setting. The driver model is selected the other parameters are default.Save the
parameter and then click the “ 链 接 ”button. Now this software and drive can be normal
communication. Offline mode is used to check other information of the software without
connect the drive.
Chapter 6 RS485 communication
Chapter 6 RS485 communication
Functional specifications:
Reading: Read the external parameter list file to the current computer software.
Save as: Save the parameter in current software as other files. Providing download.
Upload: Upload the parameter in servo drive to the software in computer.
Download: Download the parameter in software to the servo drive.
Each issued: Download the parameter in software to the servo drive. Single data processing.
Save: Saving the modify parameter in current software to EEPROM in servo drive directly.
Chapter 6 RS485 communication
Chapter 6 RS485 communication
Chapter 7 Alarm and disposal
Chapter 7 Alarm and disposal
input L1 L2 L3 power
voltage higher than reduce power voltage
AL-2 1.prolong control system
overvolta brake circuit capacity is not
acceleration and
ge enough
deceleration time
(Usually occur in the occasion that
2.contact manufacturer to
frequently and rapidly start and stop
increase braking resistance
and the load inertia is large)
input L1 L2 L3 power
find out the external reason
main voltage
of low voltage
circuit less than AC170V
age servo protection action replace a new servo drive
Chapter 7 Alarm and disposal
1.mechanically locked or
resistance is large,
excess servo output torque over the
AL-13 2.motor type is not good,
load allowed value
change to higher power
drive and motor
Increase the external
servo protection action
braking unit
brake circuit capacity is not acceleration/deceleration time
AL-14 enough constant
2.replace a larger power servo
and motor
check the AC input power
main circuit power is too high
check or replace the motor
encoder Encoder wiring error
encoder wire
AL-15 count
grounding defective grounding correctly
servo motor defective replace servo motor
AL-16 thermal motor over load long time replace servo drive
EEPROM servo inside EEPROM
abnormal read-write abnormal replace servo drive
AL-24 FPGA communication error replace servo drive
UVW Encoder cable or encoder
AL-32 replace servo drive
abnorma damage
AL-45 ADC error replace servo drive
power servo power sign replace servo drive
sign abnormal
Special explanation: if the servo drive alarm, but after power on again, the alarm
will disappear. Generally, it is considered that the servo drive outside parts with
problem or the parameter adjusted improperly; please check the servo peripheral
Chapter 7 Alarm and disposal
parts. For example: power voltage, controller, mechanical load, motor etc. if the
peripheral parts without problem, please consult the manufacture about parameter
If the alarm cannot clear after power on, please replace the servo drive and
1、No-load operation motor vibrate strongly or scream, load with noise or position
Handling method: confirm the servo drive PN 1 parameter whether match with the
connected motor, set correct parameter based on table 7.2, then restore to factory
4)operate drive and enter SN-DEF interface, press the ENTER key on the
display panel for 2 seconds, when display DONE, indicates success.
2、The motor run positional accuracy and the required accuracy deviation is
very large but regular
This servo system default 10000 pulses rotate a circle. If the upper computer
requires 3000 pulses for motor to rotate a circle, need to set gear ratio to meet
Chapter 7 Alarm and disposal
computer. CN1 input enable signal not connected, can set PN95=1, drive motor
automatically enable locked.
2)Check if the power cable which between drive and motor connected correctly or
not, and the socket loose or not. Drive output terminal U V W PE and motor U V
W PE whether corresponding. Power cable U V W PE must be connected
correctly, can not change the sequence randomly.
3)Please contact the factory technical personnel.
Method 2:
1 ) Check the pulse amplitude input to drive, the standard is 5V. If the pulse
amplitude is 12V, must series 1K resistance; if the pulse amplitude is 24K, must
series 2K resistance. The drive input circuit will be burned if not series resistance
according to the requirements. Lead to the servo can not receive pulse.
2)Confirm the pulse connection mode is correct, the connection mode: differential
connection mode and single end connection mode. Specific see below chart
Chapter 7 Alarm and disposal
Controller Driver
Chapter 7 Alarm and disposal
6、high speed stop or from top to down does negative work, the drive display
1)modify the upper computer deceleration time
2)reduce motor speed
3)small power drive access external braking resistance
4)medium high power drive please contact the factory technical personnel.
7、there is no display when power on
1)Confirm power connecting wire and input power
2)Please contact the factory technical personnel.
8、Power on drive display “。。。。。。。。”or “888888”
1)the input power lack phase, check each phase power line
2 ) servo drive damaged by short circuit, and lead to servo drive damaged. The
motor damage can be judged by rotate motor shaft under the no-load situation,
rotate a circle, if the shaft is not smooth, can be concluded that the motor is
9、Motor position is not accurate
1)Irregular, check motor connection mechanical part
2)Regular, monitor and analyse UN-02 UN-03 UN-04 UN-05 can get results
3)Screening interference, the signal wire use shield wire and grounding, add
magnetic coiling. Motor cable change to shield wire. Electronic control system
wiring again, make the strong and weak electricity line separately. Install filter etc.
The effect of the servo monitoring menu in analysis and adjustment processes.
1)UN-01 motor speed observe the motor actual speed
2)UN-02 UN-03 The current position of the motor: used to observe the current
position of the motor. It is represented by the number of pulses. For example, if the
control takes a fixed trajectory, the displayed value should be the same when each
Chapter 7 Alarm and disposal
Appendix A: SDD series drive and servo motor matching parameter list
SDD series servo and SM motor matching and PN1 parameter(motor ID)
Bergerda MAL NAL series motor ID (driver PN1
Torque Speed Power parameter)
Motor Model
N.m rpm KW SDD50NK10
40ST-M00330 0.32 3000 0.1 38 (39)
60ST-M00630 0.6 3000 0.2 0 (40)
60ST-M0130 1.3 3000 0.4 1 (41)
80ST-M0230 2.4 3000 0.75 2 (42)
80ST-M0425 4.0 2500 1.0 3 (43)
60ST-M0230 1.9 3000 0.6 4
80ST-M0130 1.3 3000 0.4 5
80ST-M0320 3.5 2000 0.73 6
90ST-M0230 2.4 3000 0.75 7
90ST-M0320 3.5 2000 0.7 8
90ST-M0425 4.0 2500 1.0 9
110ST-M0230 2.0 3000 0.6 10
110ST-M0430 4.0 3000 1.2 11
110ST-M0530 5.0 3000 1.5 12
110ST-M0620 6.0 2000 1.2 13
110ST-M0630 6.0 3000 1.8 14
130ST-M0425 4.0 2500 1.0 15 (50)
130ST-M0525 5.0 2500 1.3 16 (51)
130ST-M0625 6.0 2500 1.5 17 (52)
130ST-M0825 7.7 2500 2.0 18 (53)
130ST-M0830 7.7 3000 2.3 19
130ST-M1015 10.0 1500 1.5 20 (54)
Appendix A
Appendix A
Appendix A2: SDD Series Driver and Motor Parameter Matching Table (380V Series)
SDD series servo and SM motor matching and setting of PN1 parameter (motor ID)
Note: When the SDD series driver is equipped with the line-saving type motor, it is necessary to set PN74
to 1, and re-commission the zero position, and write it into the PN87 parameter before it can operate
normally. The zero position of the company's MDL line-saving servo motor is 1253.
In order to achieve the best control effect, the driver and motor must be matched to use (Pn1 motor
ID matched with corresponding model number). Otherwise, it may vibrate, scream, position error etc
Matching method:
1)change Pn0 to 0.
3)enter SN-DEF menu, press “Enter” key for 2 seconds till display DONE
Appendix B: product after-sales service explanation
According to the correct using method to use, this product will have a long
service life. If the using method is improper or the environmental severity exceeds
the allowed range, this product will be failure. The standard warranty period for
this product is 12 months. Due to improper use or failure after more than 12
months will be charged for maintenance. Please note the following items about
repair service
1) Product labels are important documents for the maintenance, please do not tear,
damage. Otherwise no warranty repair.
2) Warranty period of 12 months is from the date of purchase, if the purchase
vouchers can’t be offered within the warranty period, the warranty period
will be within 13 months since the factory date on the label.
3) Maintenance service needed, please contact the agency or distributors.
4)Please pack well after the maintenance service so as to prevent damage again.