HindgutMicrobialCommunities Manatees
HindgutMicrobialCommunities Manatees
HindgutMicrobialCommunities Manatees
FEMS Microbiol Ecol 87 (2014) 601–615 ª 2013 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.
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602 S.D. Merson et al.
& Reynolds, 2005). These seasonal migrations are usually other herbivores are generally highly responsive to factors
accompanied by pronounced dietary shifts, including such as diet, age, health, geographic location, seasons
from marine to freshwater plants, which reflect availabil- and feeding regime (Yu & Forster, 2005), so that we
ity of local forage along the migration path and within might expect to see microbial variation in response to
commuting distance of overwintering sites (Deutsch dietary change in manatees. A study using denaturing
et al., 2003). Manatees show strong annual site fidelity to gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) to examine the bacte-
winter refugia and then spend on average fifty percentage rial community of the related dugong, a more specialised
of their time at the site throughout the winter period grazer, suggests that its hindgut microbial community is
(Deutsch et al., 2006). However, due to lack of sufficient responsive to shifts in diet, including those that occur
local vegetation at these refugia, manatees often commute during ontogenetic development (Eigeland et al., 2012).
ª 2013 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 87 (2014) 601–615
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Microbial communities in the manatee hindgut 603
Table 1. Biological data for faecal samples collected from 36 live wild Florida manatees from CR, western Florida, including winter period in
which sample was collected (EW – early winter, MW – mid-winter, LW – late winter), sample collection number and sequenced sample identifier
code (identifier), sex, age class based on body size (A – adult, SA – subadult, C – calf), faecal cortisol level (value ng g 1 and relative level/
category), number of microbial sequences obtained and analysed, and number of microbial OTUs identified in each sample
Winter period Sample no. Identifier Sex Age class Cortisol ng g Cortisol category No. of sequences No. of OTUs
EW 10-322-F1 AMEW1 Male A 18.33 Low 5970 155
EW 10-322-F2 AFEW2 Female A 20.77 Medium 7636 397
EW 10-336-F3 AMEW3 Male A 14.23 Low 7828 364
EW 10-336-F5 AFEW4 Female A 11.18 Low 5017 258
EW CCR-10-11 AFEW5 Female A 19.79 Low 3795 314
the anus. Samples were subsequently removed from the DNA was quantified using a Nanodrop 8000 Spectro-
core of the faeces to avoid environmental contamination photometer (Thermo Scientific, Wilmington, DE). Sam-
and frozen at 80 °C until analysis. Manatees were sexed ples were diluted to a final concentration of 10 ng lL 1
by examining the anal-genital region (Lanyon et al., to ensure sample standardisation for subsequent PCR
2009). Body size class was estimated by experienced assays. A 4 lL aliquot of extracted DNA was mixed with
researchers, and on occasion, it was measured in water to 1 lL of 6X loading buffer (Fermentas, Hanover, MD)
ensure precision. and loaded onto a 1% agarose gel in 1X TBE buffer
containing the DNA stain GelRed (Jomar Biosciences,
Kensington, SA, Australia). A 2 lL aliquot of size mar-
DNA extraction
ker, 1 Kb DNA ladder (Fermentas), was loaded and gel
Genomic DNA was extracted from 0.25 g of each faecal electrophoresed at 120 V for 35 min. The DNA was vis-
sample using the PowerSoil DNA kit (MO BIO Labora- ualised under UV light, and an image obtained using the
tories, Carlsbad, CA) following the manufacturer’s Bio-Rad GelDoc system (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules,
instructions. The concentration of recovered genomic CA).
FEMS Microbiol Ecol 87 (2014) 601–615 ª 2013 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.
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604 S.D. Merson et al.
ª 2013 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 87 (2014) 601–615
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Microbial communities in the manatee hindgut 605
Number of OTUs
Concentrations of cortisol metabolites in faecal extracts Sub-adult
were measured using enzyme immunoassay following Calf
Burgess et al. (2013). Microtitre plates were coated with
50 lL of antibody (1 : 8500 R4866; C. Munro, University
of California, Davis, CA) per well. Plates were sealed with
an acetate sealer, incubated overnight at 4 °C, then
washed five times with 250 lL of wash solution and
drained to remove unbound antiserum. Manatee samples
(diluted 1 : 2 faecal extract), standards (3.9–1000 pg/ Number of sequences
50 lL) and controls, made up in standard assay buffer,
were loaded in 50 lL volumes to wells and then 50 lL of Mid winter (3% dissimilarity)
antigen conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (1 : 15,000;
C. Munro, University of California) was added to each
Number of OTUs
FEMS Microbiol Ecol 87 (2014) 601–615 ª 2013 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.
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606 S.D. Merson et al.
varied considerably between samples (Table 2). The high- for the level of phylum (Table 2) and the top five most
est bacterial diversity was detected in manatees sampled abundant groups at the order level (Fig. 2a) and genus
in mid-winter according to each of the diversity indices level (Fig. 2b). Eight bacterial phyla were identified in
(i.e. Chao1, Phylogenetic Diversity, Number of OTUs, manatee faecal samples with the two dominant phyla
Shannon–Wiener, Singletons) with the exception of the being Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes. There was a small
Simpson index (Table 2). number of sequences (0.36%) that could not be classified
The number and diversity of bacteria varied amongst to the phylum level, and these were assigned to the group
individual manatees at each level, and this is displayed Unclassified Bacteria (Tables 3 and 4). At deeper
Table 2. Mean alpha-diversity measures calculated for the bacterial communities of faeces from 36 wild Florida manatees sampled at CR,
Early winter Adult
Mid winter
Percent abundance (%)
Clostridiales Bacteroidales Coriobacteriales Burkholderiales Unclassified Clostridiales Bacteroidales Coriobacteriales Burkholderiales Unclassified
Bacteria Bacteria
Early winter Adult
Clostridium Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Epulopsicium Clostridium Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Epulopsicium
Bacteroidales Clostridiaceae Clostridiales Bacteroidales Clostridiaceae Clostridiales
Fig. 2. The top five most abundant groups of the bacterial community of faeces sampled from 36 wild Florida manatees with bacterial 16S
rRNA gene sequences taxonomically classified at the level of, (a) order, (b) genus for different age classes (adult, subadult, calf) and sampling
period (early winter, mid-winter, late winter).
ª 2013 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 87 (2014) 601–615
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Microbial communities in the manatee hindgut 607
Table 3. Mean relative abundance of the OTUs classified to eight known phyla and OTUs unable to be classified to known phyla (Unclassified
Bacteria) across age classes (calves, subadults, adults) or sampling period (early winter, mid-winter, late winter)
Table 4. Mean relative abundance of the bacteria classified to eight 10 OTUs also represented the most abundant OTUs pres-
known phyla and bacteria unable to be classified to known phyla
ent in the manatee hindgut, according to average abun-
(Unclassified Bacteria) present in faecal samples of 36 live wild Florida
dance (Table 5). Six of the 10 most abundant OTUs had
manatees sampled at CR
99% sequence identity to OTUs present in a barcoded
% of total sequences* amplicon library data set obtained from wild dugong fae-
Phylum Mean SD
cal samples (Eigeland et al., 2012).
Firmicutes 77.27 11.14
Bacteroidetes 19.54 10.58
Actinobacteria 2.00 3.80 Variation in microbial diversity of wild
Unclassified Bacteria 0.36 0.24 manatees
Proteobacteria 0.34 0.53
Fibrobacteres 0.20 0.41 PCoA was performed to determine whether the variables
Tenericutes 0.13 0.11 of body size/age, cortisol levels, sex and/or winter sam-
Spirochaetes 0.09 0.12 pling period could account for the variation displayed
Fusobacteria 0.07 0.13 within the microbial community. No clustering was evi-
Bacterial phyla are listed in order of descending abundance. dent in the PCoA plots (Fig. 4), with the variance
*The percentage of total sequences was calculated on the mean total explained by PC1 and PC2 being 37.77% and 16.65%,
number of sequences from the partial 16S rRNA gene amplicon
respectively, with no single variable accounting for the
libraries constructed from faeces samples obtained from 36 wild man-
differences in microbial diversity, and PERMANOVA supports
atees, taxonomically classified using the RDP classifier tool.
this for the category age class (F = 0.927, P = 0.49), but
demonstrates that there are significant differences between
taxonomic levels, 18 classes, 26 orders, 47 families, 91 seasons (F = 4.08, P = 0.0003).
genera and 2022 OTUs were identified. Bacteroidales and
Clostridiales were the predominant orders (Fig. 2a) in all
Faecal cortisol levels in wild overwintering
manatees except one adult male sampled in early winter
(AMEW1), with Clostridiales and Coriobacteriales as dom-
inant. Clostridium was the predominant classifiable genus There were significant differences in faecal cortisol meta-
throughout all sampled manatees (Fig. 2b). bolite (ng g 1) levels between manatees sampled at differ-
Twenty-three core OTUs, that is OTUs present in ent winter periods. Manatees sampled in early winter had
≥ 95% of sampled manatees, were identified, and a heat- significantly lower mean cortisol levels (mean SD:
map displaying their abundance is shown in Fig. 3. The 15.5 7.1 ng g 1) than those sampled during mid-win-
closest sequence similarity matches using the BLAST algo- ter (mean SD: 31.1 16.7 ng g 1) and late winter
rithm against the NCBI GenBank and Greengene databas- periods (24.2 14.7 ng g 1): 2-way ANOVA: winter period
es and wild dugong amplicon sequence data set (Eigeland x size class interaction F4,27 = 1.24, P = 0.32; winter per-
et al., 2012) are contained in the Supporting Information, iod F2,27 = 4.08, P = 0.03; size class F2,27 = 0.28,
Table S1. Core OTUs that could be classified to the level P = 0.76, but there were no differences between mid-win-
of genus included Adlercreutzia, Bacteriodes, Butyrivibrio, ter and late winter levels (Fig. 5).
Caloramator, Cellulosilyticum, Clostridium, Eubacterium, There were no differences in mean cortisol levels of
Ruminococcus and Sedimentibacter. Of these core OTUs, subadults and adults.
FEMS Microbiol Ecol 87 (2014) 601–615 ª 2013 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.
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608 S.D. Merson et al.
Bacteroides sp.(4005)
Eubacterium sp. (6540)
Unclassified Clostridiales (5299)
Clostridium sp. (4540)
Unclassified Sphingobacteriales (5507)
Fig. 3. Heatmap of the 23 core bacterial OTUs found in the faecal samples of 36 wild Florida manatees from CR, Florida, USA. Individual
manatee identifier codes with the following key: age class (A – adult, SA – subadult, C – calf) Sex (M – male, F – female) Sample period (EW –
early winter, MW – mid-winter, LW – late winter); Sample numbers run along the x-axis.
ª 2013 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 87 (2014) 601–615
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved
Table 5. The 10 most abundant bacterial OTUs identified in faecal samples collected from 36 wild Florida manatees in CR, Florida, USA, listed in descending order of abundance
Average% of total
OTU ID sequences SD NCBI/ BLAST Host Reference Greengenes/ BLAST Host Reference
29 13.99 5.7 Clone Sass_faecal-45 Kakapo (Strigops habroptilus) Waite et al. (2012) Clostridium glycolicum CM- Cattle (Bos taurus) – Bagge et al. (2010)
99% (418/419) – faeces C52 99% (417/419) faeces
3961 7.07 4.44 Clostridium butyricum Human (Homo sapiens) – V.B. Lanjekar, Clostridium butyricum str. Cattle (Bos taurus) – Bagge et al. (2010)
str NMPYG-4 100% faeces N.P. Marathe, CM-C97 100% (420/420) faeces
(420/420) Y.S. Shouche and
D.R. Ranade
1747 6.05 8.52 Clone African elephant faeces Ley et al. (2008) Barnesiella intestinihominis Human (Homo sapiens) – Sakamoto & Ohkuma
AFEL3_aao13a08 (Loxodonta africana) str. YIT 11860 88% faeces (2010)
94% (412/439) (390/440)
3739 4.89 3.38 Clone Domesticated horse (Equus Ley et al. (2008) Ethanoligenens harbinense Anaerobic sludge Ren et al. (2007)
horsem_aai93f07 equus) – faeces str. CGMCC 1152 89%
98% (415/423) (376/423)
4153 4.76 3.65 Clone WA_aaa03a08 Somali wild ass (Equus Ley et al. (2008) Garciella sp. str. GK3 86% Anaerobic digester – M. Kanno, T. Katayama,
99% (420/423) asinus) – faeces (367/423) butanol-tolerant bacteria H. Tamaki, Y. Mitani,
X.Y. Meng, T. Hori,
T. Narihiro, N. Morita,
T. Hoshino, I. Yumoto,
N. Kimura, S. Hanada
and Y. Kamagata
6224 3.95 3.84 Clone CK66 97% Holstein calves (Bos taurus) – J.Q. Wang, P. Yu, Butyrivibrio hungatei str. Su6 Cattle (Bos taurus) – van de Vossenberg &
(423/436) rumen D.P. Bu, K.L. Liu, 93% (406/436) rumen Joblin (2003)
D. Li and S.G. Zhao
5507 3.32 5.15 Clone KO2_aai20b11 Red Kangaroo (Macropus Ley et al. (2008) Hevizibacter sp. str. P2K-21 Red water-lily (Nymphaea A.K. Borsodi, J. Makk,
90% (400/443) rufus) – faeces 84% (368/438) rubra) – rhizoplane V. Vagany, A. Rusznyak,
P. Schumann,
K. Marialigeti and
E.M. Toth
2156 2.88 1.6 Clone dgB-84 99% Captive Dugong (Dugong Tsukinowa Clostridium sp. str Kt11 98% Hot spring – soil Takahashi et al.
(419/420) dugon) – faeces et al. (2008) 411/420 (2010)
32 1.95 2.42 Clone B21.68 99% 55 day anaerobic digestion Xing et al. (2011) Caloramator proteoclasticus Mesophilic granular Tarlera et al. (1997)
(415/420) of Microcystis blooms str. Uruguayensis DAM methanogenic sludge
10124 95% (401/420)
The BLAST algorithm was used to compare the 10 OTUs to 16S rRNA gene sequences within a data set obtained from faeces of wild dugongs, the NCBI GenBank and Greengene databases. The
best match for each OTU (Highest% sequence similarity) is listed for each search, along with the source of the sample (host).
Sub-adult High
Adult Medium
PC2 Percent variation explained 16.65%
Late winter
Early winter
PC2 Percent variation explained 16.65%
Mid winter
PC1 Percent variation explained 37.77% PC1 Percent variation explained 37.77%
Season Sex
Fig. 4. Weighted PCoA of the faecal bacterial communities of 36 wild Florida manatees sampled in CR, Florida, USA. PCoA was performed
examining the following variables: sex, age class (as a function of body size), winter period and chronic stress (faecal cortisol) levels.
differences in bacterial composition reflect geographic et al., 2012) with Firmicutes (76% of flora) and Bacteroi-
and/or dietary differences between these west and east detes (20%) being dominant, and Actinobacteria and Pro-
coast subpopulations. teobacteria being the next most prevalent phyla. Further,
Bacterial phyla found in the manatees of this study from six bacterial phyla identified in a single captive
were similar to those that dominate the hindgut flora of dugong held in Japan (Tsukinowa et al., 2008), a similar
the related wild dugong in eastern Australia (Eigeland distribution was observed: Firmicutes 83.1%, Bacteroidetes
ª 2013 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 87 (2014) 601–615
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Microbial communities in the manatee hindgut 611
FEMS Microbiol Ecol 87 (2014) 601–615 ª 2013 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.
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612 S.D. Merson et al.
high throughout the winter period even as dietary shifts could be attributable to CSS in Citrus County, which
were likely to be occurring. When manatees migrate to includes CR (FWC, 2012). Manatee survival in the face of
warm water sources, including CR, dietary changes are surrounding freezing temperatures and presumed forage
usual, as available forage alters spatially and nutritionally shortage might suggest the high quality of the CR over-
(Gilbert & Clark, 1981; Deutsch et al., 2003). For some wintering habitat and/or the physiological resil-
manatees, these dietary shifts may be profound, for exam- ience (including digestive health) of this species to harsh
ple, from marine to freshwater vegetation (Etheridge conditions.
et al., 1985). Changes in forage availability continue to In summary, the high diversity and stability of the
occur as winter progresses, as vegetation becomes over- hindgut microbial system of the Florida manatee probably
grazed and/or seasonally deficient (R.K. Bonde, USGS, reflect its generalist herbivore strategy. Furthermore, the
ª 2013 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 87 (2014) 601–615
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved
Microbial communities in the manatee hindgut 613
funded by the Winifred Violet Scott Foundation and Sea De Santis TZ, Hugenholtz P, Larsen N, Rojas M, Brodie EL,
World Australia. A Queensland-Smithsonian fellowship Keller K, Huber T, Dalevi D, Hu P & Andersen GL (2006)
awarded to EAB funded the faecal cortisol assays. Any use Greengenes, a chimera-checked 16S rRNA gene database
of trade, product or firm names is for descriptive pur- and workbench compatible with ARB. Appl Environ
poses only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Microbiol 72: 5069–5072.
Government. Order of authorship follows the ‘first-last- Deutsch CJ, Bonde RK & Reid JP (1998) Radio-tracking
manatees from land and space: tag design, implementation,
then others-author-emphasis’ approach.
and lessons learned from long-term study. Mar Technol Soc
J 32: 18–29.
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ª 2013 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 87 (2014) 601–615
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Supporting Information
FEMS Microbiol Ecol 87 (2014) 601–615 ª 2013 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved