Ijerph 20 02810
Ijerph 20 02810
Ijerph 20 02810
Article in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) · February 2023
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20042810
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5 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Gustavo Henrique Api on 05 February 2023.
Influence of Cluster Sets on Mechanical and Perceptual
Variables in Adolescent Athletes
Gustavo Api 1, * , Rosimeide Francisco dos Santos Legnani 2 , Diogo Bertella Foschiera 3 ,
Filipe Manuel Clemente 4,5 and Elto Legnani 1
1 Department of Physical Education, Federal University of Technology, Curitiba 81310-900, Paraná, Brazil
2 Department of Physical Education, Ponta Grossa State University, Ponta Grossa 84030-900, Paraná, Brazil
3 Physical Education Collegiate, Federal Institute of Paraná, Palmas 85555-000, Paraná, Brazil
4 Escola Superior Desporto e Lazer, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Rua Escola Industrial e Comercial
de Nun’Álvares, 4900-347 Viana do Castelo, Portugal
5 Instituto de Telecomunicações, Delegação da Covilhã, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: Cluster sets (CS) are effective in maintaining performance and reducing perceived effort
compared to traditional sets (TRD). However, little is known about these effects on adolescent
athletes. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of CS on the performance of mechanical
and perceptual variables in young athletes. Eleven subjects [4 boys (age = 15.5 ± 0.8 years; body
mass = 54.3 ± 7.0 kg; body height = 1.67 ± 0.04 m; Back Squat 1RM/body mass: 1.62 ± 0.19 kg;
years from peak height velocity [PHV]: 0.94 ± 0.50) and 7 girls (age = 17.2 ± 1.4 years; body
mass = 54.7 ± 6.3 kg; body height = 1.63 ± 0.08 m; Back Squat 1RM/body mass: 1.22 ± 0.16 kg; years
from PHV: 3.33 ± 1.00)] participated in a randomized crossover design with one traditional (TRD:
3 × 8, no intra-set and 225 s interest rest) and two clusters (CS1: 3 × 2 × 4, one 30 s intra-set and 180 s
inter-set rest; and CS2: 3 × 4 × 2, three 30 s intra-set and 90 s inter-set rest) protocols. The subjects
were assessed for a Back Squat 1RM for the first meet, then performed the three protocols on three
different days, with at least 48 h between them. During experimental sessions, a back squat exercise
was performed, and mean propulsive velocity (MPV), power (MPP), and force (MPF) were collected
to analyze performance between protocols, together with measures of countermovement jump (CMJ)
Citation: Api, G.; Legnani, R.F.d.S.; and perceptual responses through Rating of Perceived Exertion for each set (RPE-Set) and the overall
Foschiera, D.B.; Clemente, F.M.;
session (S-RPE), and Muscle Soreness (DOMS). The results showed that velocity and power decline
Legnani, E. Influence of Cluster Sets
(MVD and MPD) were favorable for CS2 (MVD: −5.61 ± 14.84%; MPD: −5.63 ± 14.91%) against TRD
on Mechanical and Perceptual
(MVD: −21.10 ± 11.88%; MPD: −20.98 ± 11.85%) (p < 0.01) and CS1 (MVD: −21.44 ± 12.13%; MPD:
Variables in Adolescent Athletes. Int.
−21.50 ± 12.20%) (p < 0.05). For RPE-Set, the scores were smaller for CS2 (RPE8: 3.23 ± 0.61; RPE16:
J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20,
2810. https://doi.org/10.3390/
4.32 ± 1.42; RPE24: 4.46 ± 1.51) compared to TRD (RPE8: 4.73 ± 1.33; RPE16: 5.46 ± 1.62; RPE24:
ijerph20042810 6.23 ± 1.97) (p = 0.008), as well as for Session RPE (CS2: 4.32 ± 1.59; TRD: 5.68 ± 1.75) (p = 0.015).
There were no changes for jump height (CMJ: p = 0.985), and the difference between time points
Academic Editor: Paulina Hebisz
in CMJ (∆CMJ: p = 0.213) and muscle soreness (DOMS: p = 0.437) were identified. Our findings
Received: 24 November 2022 suggest that using CS with a greater number of intra-set rests is more efficient even with the total
Revised: 30 January 2023 rest interval equalized, presenting lower decreases in mechanical performance and lower perceptual
Accepted: 3 February 2023 effort responses.
Published: 5 February 2023
Keywords: intra-set rest; resistance training; rest redistribution; young athletes; jump performance;
back squat; rating of perceived exertion; Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2810. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20042810 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijerph
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2810 2 of 20
tolerance to training loads [4]. Nevertheless, acute effects of resistance training sessions
could cause not only potential benefits, like post-potentiation activation, but can decrease
performance as well. Several authors have discussed these effects on agility, endurance,
power, jump height, and even in cognitive performance [5–10], which can be explained by
the accumulation of fatigue due to higher exercise effort or even the proximity to failure,
in which sets performed to failure have been shown to acutely impair jump and sprint
performance compared to sets with lower velocity loss [11].
The use of different set configurations, with a reorganization of rest intervals, as cluster
sets, appears to be a great strategy to help maintain the performance of variables such
as force, power, and velocity with less development of fatigue indicators (e.g., perceived
effort and jump performance) during the training session [12–18]. Cluster Sets (CS) are
characterized by dividing sets into blocks of fewer repetitions with the addition of short
intra-set intervals or the redistribution of intervals between repetitions [19–22]. The initial
premise is that this configuration would provide a better increase in exercise quality with
the ability to maintain or improve performance [13] and allow higher loads, leading to
greater adaptations for performance [22].
Several studies have identified that, compared to the traditional configuration, cluster
sets allow for greater maintenance of performance and less decline in power and velocity
loss during the sets [12–14,16,17,23]. Tufano et al. [23] reported velocity and power declines
to 23% on traditional sets and 1–5% in cluster sets configurations in back squat exercises
for three sets of 12 repetitions in 60%1RM, demonstrating a better efficiency for cluster sets.
Likewise, Cuevas-Aburto et al. [24] found lower mean velocity values for traditional sets
compared to cluster sets, with about a 5% difference for both back squats and bench presses,
using three sets of six repetitions against a 10RM load. In a study verifying neuromuscular
fatigue through electromyography, it was evidenced that individuals who performed the
Cluster configuration presented a reduced increase in electromyographic amplitude along
with a lower reduction in frequency [25], pointing to a lower accumulation of fatigue. There
was also less accumulation of metabolic substrates verified through the reduction in lactate,
ammonia, and cortisol concentrations [17,26–29]. González-Hernández et al. [27] verified
that besides the benefits of maintenance of performance in mechanical variables and less
metabolic accumulation during exercise, there was also an association between more ex-
tended inter-repetition interval periods and lower perceptual responses measured through
perceived effort, along with higher performance in vertical jump height. Regarding the
rating of perceived exertion, lower scores were reported when there are greater frequencies
of intra-set or inter-repetition intervals [18,30–32].
However, with more inter-repetitions or intra-set intervals, a longer session duration
could also occur [33]. Torrejón et al. [34] found that when the work-to-rest ratio is equated
with both the total volume of repetitions and the total rest intervals, the reorganization
of rest intervals, specifically configuring short intra-series intervals, does not allow for
higher movement velocities to be achieved compared to the traditional configuration. Still,
Piqueras-Sanchiz et al. [10] observed that jump height performance is less attenuated
(~10%) when greater inter-set rest interval frequencies are adopted during squat exercises
when compared to traditional sets, even with equalized work-to-rest ratio and total training
volume. Thus, the equalization of total volumes and intervals between protocols would be
necessary for an effective comparison between configuration models, considering different
formats of sets and rest interval structures. In addition, there is a research gap in using these
configurations in younger and adolescent athletes, whose beneficial effects of resistance
training using cluster sets are well-known in adult population samples consisting primarily
of male subjects [14,17,35,36]. As little is known about its effects on young athletes [33,37,38],
and as children and adolescents have a higher rate of recovery between sets of exercises
compared to adults, consequent to lower production of power [39,40], it is justified to
investigate the effects of cluster sets on this population, since the outcome concerning
fatigue and maintenance of performance, in addition to the psychophysiological responses,
may be divergent. In addition, there is an urge to address resistance training strategies
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2810 3 of 20
that can reduce the risk of injury in this population, by allowing a smaller accumulation
of fatigue and providing better adherence to training programs, since there are several
benefits for health and performance listed in the literature, as well for psychosocial aspects
such as self-confidence, body image, and socialization skills [41–43].
With this in mind, the main objective of this study was to compare the effect of a
traditional set protocol (TRD: no intra-set rest) and two different cluster sets protocols
(CS1: one intra-set rest; CS2: three intra-set rests) on mechanical, perceptual, and jump
performance variables in adolescent athletes. As the main hypothesis, it is expected that
CS configurations would be more efficient for minor decreases and better maintenance in
mechanical variables, and attenuate the decrease in CMJ performance with lower scores for
perceptual variables.
Figure 1. Summary
Summary of of the
the study.
study. 1st
1st day
day refers
refers to
to the
the familiarization
days refersto
sessions. Traditional
configurations for the back squat exercise.
configurations for the back squat exercise.
The participantsperformed
performedeach eachprotocol
protocolinina random
a random order,
order, with
with recovery
recovery criteria
criteria of
at at least
48 h48between
h between experimental
experimental sessions
sessions (mean
(mean ± standard
± standard deviation:
deviation: 5.2 5.2 ± 3.4
± 3.4 days),
days), a
a minimum
minimum ofof
1515 points(well
points (wellrecovered)
recovered)on onthe
(TQR),and and
aa muscle
muscle soreness
soreness maximum
maximum scorescore of
of 33points
points in
numeric rating
rating scale
scale for
for pain
pain (NRS).
(NRS). IfIf
participants had not properly recovered, the experimental session
participants had not properly recovered, the experimental session would be postponedwould be postponed
until the recovery
in good
good condition
conditionand and
recovered for
recovered for each
each day.
day. For
For all
all protocols,
protocols, the
the participants
participants first
first reported
reported their
their perceived
recovery and made a general warm-up with mobility exercises, a set of 10 bodyweight
squats, and a set of five submaximal CMJ; then, CMJ height was assessed before and
after the back squat exercise. For the back squat, 50% and 70%1RM warmup sets for
six and three repetitions were performed before selecting 75%1RM for the experimental
protocol. Since fluctuations in 1RM occur day-to-day, the intensity was adjusted by the best
mean propulsive velocity reached at 70%1RM using individual polynomial equations with
the velocities and weights used during the back squat 1RM assessment, similar to those
proposed by Thompson et al. [45], which were then calculated to determine the 75%1RM of
the day. The participants then executed one of the mentioned protocols, reporting a rating
squats, and a set of five submaximal CMJ; then, CMJ height was assessed before and after
the back squat exercise. For the back squat, 50% and 70%1RM warmup sets for six and
three repetitions were performed before selecting 75%1RM for the experimental protocol.
Since fluctuations in 1RM occur day-to-day, the intensity was adjusted by the best mean
propulsive velocity reached at 70%1RM using individual polynomial equations with the
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2810 5 of 20
velocities and weights used during the back squat 1RM assessment, similar to those
proposed by Thompson et al. [45], which were then calculated to determine the 75%1RM
of the day. The participants then executed one of the mentioned protocols, reporting a
of perceived
rating exertion
of perceived at the at
exertion end
of set
each ofset
eight total total
of eight repetitions (RPE8,
repetitions RPE16,
(RPE8, and
and and and
RPE24) CMJCMJheight was was
height measured again
measured rightright
again afterafter
the end of the
the end ofthird set, five
the third set, and
ten minutes
and later. later.
ten minutes FifteenFifteen
minutes after finishing
minutes the protocol,
after finishing the participants
the protocol, reported
the participants
the overall
reported Session
the overallRPE (S-RPE).
Session RPE For indirect
(S-RPE). Formarkers
indirectof muscleof
markers soreness, muscle pain
muscle soreness, was
assessed using a bodyweight squat, asking for the intensity of pain between
pain was assessed using a bodyweight squat, asking for the intensity of pain between 1 1 and 10 points
and 10 anpoints
NRS, with
anto the similar
NRS, proposed by Doma
to the proposed et al.
by[5] at 24et
Doma and
al. 48
[5]hatafter the48
24 and protocol.
h after
the 2 presents
protocol. the2stages
Figure of the
presents the experimental protocols.
stages of the experimental protocols.
Figure 2.
2. Study
Study design—Traditional
design—Traditional (TRD),
(TRD), Cluster
Cluster 11 (CS1),
(CS1), and
and Cluster
Cluster 22 (CS2).
(CS2). TQR:
TQR: Total
Total Quality
Recovery Scale; DOMS: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (pre-protocol, 24 and 48 h post protocol);
Recovery Scale; DOMS: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (pre-protocol, 24 and 48 h post protocol);
CMJ: jump height before (CMJPre) and after (CMJ at 0′, 5′, and 10′) protocol. RPE8, 16, 24: Rating of
CMJ: jump height before (CMJPre) and after (CMJ at 00 , 50 , and 100 ) protocol. RPE8, 16, 24: Rating of
Perceived Exertion at the end of each set; S-RPE: Rating of Perceived Exertion for overall session.
Perceived Exertion at the end of each set; S-RPE: Rating of Perceived Exertion for overall session.
The study took place during a short preparatory mesocycle during the months of July
The study took place during a short preparatory mesocycle during the months of
and August for 38 days, in which the subjects were participating in their daily sports
July and August for 38 days, in which the subjects were participating in their daily sports
training and school activities. During this period, the subjects performed the experimental
training and school activities. During this period, the subjects performed the experimental
sessions onon separate
separate days
days according
according to to their
their availability
availability of of time,
time, occurring
occurring during
during morning
and afternoon periods (10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) but respecting the adopted criteria of at
afternoon periods (10:00 am to 4:00 pm) but respecting the adopted criteria of at least
aa 48
48 hh interval
interval between
between protocols,
protocols, inin addition
addition to to the
the criteria
criteria ofof muscle
Although different
Although different days
days between
between subjects
subjects occurred,
occurred, short
short adaptations
adaptations from
from strength
strength were
controlled by a load-velocity profile, and the weight could be adjusted according to
by a load-velocity profile, and the weight could be adjusted according the
to the
mean propulsive velocity corresponding to the relative intensity, which
mean propulsive velocity corresponding to the relative intensity, which has been reportedhas been reported
as aa tool
tool for
for adjusting
adjusting intensity
intensity byby other studies [46–48].
other studies [46–48]. AsAs the
the study
study did
did not
not take place
take place
under laboratory
laboratory conditions
conditions and
and due
due toto the
the unavailability
unavailability of of athletes
athletes absent
absent from
from training,
the study was carried out at the training site during their available time for
the study was carried out at the training site during their available time for the scheduled the scheduled
strength conditioning
conditioning sessions.
sessions. However,
However, itit waswas notnot possible
possible to control environmental
to control environmental
conditions such as temperature and humidity, because the room did not have aa system
such as temperature and humidity, because the room did not have system to to
condition the environment. In addition, the subjects had prior experience performing the
the environment. In addition, the subjects had prior experience performing the
free-weight back squat exercise in strength and and conditioning
conditioning sessions.
(CA) body mass, standing and sitting height, and estimated leg length through standing
height minus sitting height. The following equations were used for boys:
and girls:
In addition, maintenance percentage during the set of all mechanical variables (Veloc-
ity: MVM; Power: MPM; Force: MFM) was calculated as well, with the following equation,
as proposed by Tufano et al. [23]:
before (CMJPre), immediately after (CMJ00 ), five minutes after (CMJ50 ), and ten minutes
(CMJ100 ) after performing the experimental protocol.
For the comparison between the pre- and post-moments of the vertical jump evalua-
tion in all protocols, the calculation of the difference between the moments (∆CMJ) was
performed, returning its relative value in percentage, through the equation below:
Reliability in the CMJ was realized through all pre-protocol jump measures for every
experimental session, resulting in excellent reliability with a low coefficient of variation
[ICC (95% CI): 0.996 (0.991–0.999); CV: 5%].
3. Results
3.1. Criteria
For the recovery criteria, there was no difference between protocols for TQR [F(1.34:13.40)
= 0.365; p = 0.618; CS2: 16.91 ± 1.88; CS1: 17.00 ± 1.60; TRD: 17.45 ± 1.78] and DOMS
[F(2:20) = 0.48; p = 0.953; CS2:1.82 ± 0.72; CS1: 1.83 ± 0.74; TRD 1.91 ± 0.67]. However, for
the session time duration, as rest intervals were equalized between conditions since cluster
configurations may take more total duration time if they were not equalized, there was a
significant difference between protocols [F(2:20) = 4.096; p = 0.032]. However, post hoc tests
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2810 9 of 20
showed that CS2 (8.45 ± 0.13 min) had a significantly shorter duration compared to TRD
(8.52 ± 0.11 min).
Table 1. Data (mean ± SD) comparison between protocols for all mechanical variables and their
respective effect sizes.
Figure 3 reports the individual measures comparisons between protocols for mean
propulsive velocity (left) and mean propulsive power (right), using the traditional protocol
(TRD) as the reference model for comparison with the Cluster 1 (CS1) and Cluster 2
(CS2) protocols.
There was also a main effect between sets for the variables MPV [F(1.26:12.63) = 11.232,
p = 0.004, ηp 2 : 0.529] and MPP [F(1.21: 12.08) = 10.437, p = 0.005, ηp 2 : 0.511], pointing to
statistically significant post hoc differences between 1st and 2nd (p = 0.032), and 1st and
3rd (p = 0.015) sets for MPV, and 1st and 2nd (p = 0.042), 1st and 3rd (p = 0.02), and 2nd and
3rd (p = 0.05) sets for MPP. No main effect was identified for any of the other mechanical
variables. In addition, no Protocol × Set interaction effect was identified for any of the
mechanical variables.
Mean Propulsive Power; MPF: Mean Propulsive Force. TRD Significantly different from TRD; CS1
Figure 3 reports the individual measures comparisons between protocols for mean
propulsive velocity (left) and mean propulsive power (right), using the traditional
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023,protocol
20, 2810 (TRD) as the reference model for comparison with the Cluster 1 (CS1) and Cluster
10 of 20
2 (CS2) protocols.
Figure 3. Individual measures for Mean Propulsive Velocity (left) and Mean Propulsive Power (right)
for 3. Individual
Protocols measures
CS2 (Cluster for(Cluster
2), CS1 Mean Propulsive
1), and TRD Velocity (left) and
(Traditional). Mean
Data PropulsiveasPower
are expressed mean
value forprotocol.
Protocols CS2 (Cluster 2), CS1 (Cluster 1), and TRD (Traditional). Data are expressed as
mean value for protocol.
For the comparison between protocols and repetitions, the Two Way RM-ANOVA
(ProtocolThere×was also a main
Repetitions) effect betweenshowed
(10 participants), sets fora the variables
significant MPV
main [F(1.26:12.63)
effect of Protocol=
on MPV p =[F(2:
0.004, ηp=
18) 10.113, p = 0.001, ηp 2 : 0.529]
2: 0.529] and MPP [F(1.21: 12.08) and
= 10.437,
= 0.005, η : 0.511],ppointing
=p211.093, = 0.001,
top 2statistically
η : 0.552] andsignificant post hoc differences
post-hoc differences between 1st
between protocols CS2and 2nd (p
× TRD = 0.032),
(MPV: p = and 1stMPP:
0.009; and
p = (p = 0.015)
0.008) and sets
CS1for × MPV, and 1stp and
TRD (MPV: 2nd (p
= 0.007; = 0.042),
MPP: 1st andThere
p = 0.011). 3rd (pwas= 0.02),
alsoand 2nd
a main
and 3rd for (pRepetitions
= 0.05) sets onfor MPP. No main effect was pidentified
< 0.001, ηfor 2 0.546]
effect MPV (F(4.60:41.37) = 10.817, p : any of and
the other
[F(3.88:34.93) = 10.999,In p< 0.001, ηpno2 : 0.550] with post-hoc differences for MPV between:
mechanical variables. addition, Protocol × Set interaction effect was identified for
any ×
3rd of 8th, 14th, 15th, 16th,
the mechanical and 24th (p < 0.05); 10th × 16th (p = 0.018); and 5th, 9th, 11th
and 17thFor the× 24th (p < 0.05).between
comparison In addition, there and
protocols wererepetitions,
post-hoc differences
the Two Way for MPP between:
3rd × 8th (p = 0.045); 11th × 8th, and 24th (p < 0.05). No significant differences
(Protocol × Repetitions) (10 participants), showed a significant main effect of Protocol were found
for MPF. In addition, no Protocol × Repetitions interaction was found for
MPV [F(2: 18) = 10.113, p = 0.001, ηp : 0.529] and MPP [F(2:18) = 11.093, p = 0.001, ηp : 0.552]
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 MPV, MPP
2 ofand
MPF. Figures 4differences
and post-hoc and 5 shows the means
between and standard
protocols CS2 × TRDerror(MPV:
for repetitions between
p = 0.009; MPP: pprotocols
= 0.008)
andMPV CS1 and × TRDMPP,(MPV:
p = 0.007; MPP: p = 0.011). There was also a main effect for
Repetitions on MPV (F(4.60:41.37) = 10.817, p < 0.001, ηp2: 0.546] and MPP [F(3.88:34.93) =
10.999, p < 0.001, ηp2: 0.550] with post-hoc differences for MPV between: 3rd × 8th, 14th,
15th, 16th, and 24th (p < 0.05); 10th × 16th (p = 0.018); and 5th, 9th, 11th and 17th × 24th (p
< 0.05). In addition, there were post-hoc differences for MPP between: 3rd × 8th (p = 0.045);
11th × 8th, and 24th (p < 0.05). No significant differences were found for MPF. In addition,
no Protocol × Repetitions interaction was found for MPV, MPP and MPF. Figures 4 and 5
shows the means and standard error for repetitions between protocols for MPV and MPP,
Figure MeanPropulsive
PropulsiveVelocity forfor
Velocity Protocols CS2CS2
Protocols (Cluster 2), CS1
(Cluster (Cluster
2), CS1 1), and
(Cluster 1),TRD
and (Tradi-
tional). Data
Data are are expressed
expressed as meanas values
mean values and standard
and standard error. error.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2810 11 of 20
Figure 4. Mean Propulsive Velocity for Protocols CS2 (Cluster 2), CS1 (Cluster 1), and TRD
(Traditional). Data are expressed as mean values and standard error.
Figure Mean Propulsive Power
Propulsive for Protocols
Power CS2 (Cluster
for Protocols 2), CS1 (Cluster
CS2 (Cluster 2), CS1 1), and TRD
(Cluster 1),(Traditional).
and TRD
(Traditional). Data are expressed as mean values and
Data are expressed as mean values and standard error. standard error.
3.3. Jump
Jump Variables
NoNo statistically
statistically significant differences were
significant differences were identified
identified between
protocolsfor forvertical
2 0.002] nor ∆CMJ [F(2:20) = 1.671, p = 0.213, η 2 :
height[F(2:20) 0.015, pp == 0.985;
[F(2:20)== 0.015, 0.985; ηηpp2:: 0.002] nor ΔCMJ [F(2:20) = 1.671, p = 0.213, ηpp2:
0.143]. However,
However, therethere were
were differences
betweentimes timesfor
CMJ height
height [F(3:30)
[F(3:30) = 18.346,
= 18.346, p
0.001,ηηp2p: 20.647],
p<<0.001, : 0.647],with
betweentimes CMJPre××CMJ0’
timesCMJPre CMJ0’
(p==0.02), CMJPre ×
0.02),CMJPre × CMJ5’
CMJ5’ (p(p << 0.001), CMJPre ××CMJ10’
and CMJPre
0.001), and CMJ10’(p (p<<0.001).
between times was identified for ∆CMJ [F(1.20:12.00) = 3.588; p = 0.077,
between times was identified for ΔCMJ [F(1.20:12.00) = 3.588; p = 0.077, ηpp : 0.264]. No η 2 : 0.264]. No
Protocol ×
Protocol Time interaction
× Time interaction occurred
occurredfor forany
anyof ofthe
performance data data are
are presented
presented in in Table
Table 2.2.
Table (mean±± SD) comparison
Data(mean between protocols
comparison between protocolsfor
all jump
their respectiveeffect
effect sizes.
Protocols (Mean
(Mean ± SD)
± SD) Effect
(95% CI)]
Variables CS2CS2 CS1
−0.05 −−0.09
0.09 −0.04
− 0.04
Pre Pre 32.55
32.55 ± 6.31 32.87
± 6.31 32.87
± ±6.75
6.75 33.12 ± 5.99
33.12 ± 5.99 (−0.94–0.84)
(−0.94–0.84) ((−0.98–0.80)
−0.98–0.80) (−0.93–0.85)
CMJ Height (cm)
0.04 0.16
0.16 0.12
CMJ Height 00 * 0′ * 31.8631.86
± 6.14
± 6.14 31.62 ± ±6.07
31.62 30.84 ±
6.07 30.84 6.09
± 6.09 ( − 0.85–0.93) ( − 0.73–1.05) ( − 0.77–1.01)
(−0.85–0.93) (−0.73–1.05) (−0.77–1.01)
(cm) 0.02 −0.04 −0.05
50 ** 31.17 ± 6.37 31.05 ± 6.43 31.41 ± 6.69
(−0.87–0.91) (−0.93–0.85) (−0.94 −0.84)
0.02 0.03 0.01
100 ** 30.87 ± 6.22 30.73 ± 6.71 30.67 ± 6.67
(−0.87–0.91) (−0.86–0.92) (−0.88–0.90)
0.25 0.81 0.84
Pre−00 −2.08 ± 7.11 −3.52 ± 3.47 −7.13 ± 4.70
(−0.65–1.14) (−0.12–1.73) (−0.09–1.77)
0.19 0.24 0.07
∆CMJ (%) Pre−50 −4.45 ± 5.87 −5.46 ± 4.39 −5.77 ± 4.51
(−0.70–1.08) (−0.65–1.13) (−0.82–0.96)
0.29 0.52 0.25
Pre−100 −5.30 ± 4.40 −6.69 ± 4.72 −8.02 ± 5.56
(−0.60–1.19) (−0.38–1.43) (−0.65–1.14)
CS2: Cluster set configuration 2; CS1: Cluster set configuration 1; TRD: Traditional set configuration; CMJ:
countermovement jump; 00 : at the end of last set; 50 : five minutes after last set; 100 : ten minutes after last set;
∆CMJ: difference between moments; Pre-00 : difference between measures before and right after last set; Pre-50 :
difference between measures before and five minutes after last set; Pre-100 : difference between measures before
and ten minutes after the last set. Significantly different from Pre: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.001.
Figure 6. Rating of Perceived Exertion scores in arbitrary units (A.U.) for participants as individual
Figure 6. Rating of Perceived Exertion scores in arbitrary units (A.U.) for participants as individual
measures (white dots) and overall sample mean (black rectangles) in the sets of each protocol.
measures (white dots) and overall sample mean (black rectangles) in the sets of each protocol.
Table 3. Data (mean ± SD) comparison between protocols for RPE variables and their respective
Table 3. Data (mean ± SD) comparison between protocols for RPE variables and their respective
effect sizes.
effect sizes.
Protocols (Mean ± SD) Effect Size [g, (95% CI)]
Variables (Mean ± SD) TRD
CS2 TRD ProtocolsCS1 CS2-CS1 EffectCS2-TRD
Size [g, (95% CI)] CS1-TRD
Variables CS2 TRD CS1 TRD CS2-CS1
−0.93 CS2-TRD
−1.39 CS1-TRD
RPE8 (1st Set) 3.23 ± 0.61 4.27 ± 1.40 4.73 ± 1.33
(−1.87–0.01) −1.39
(−2.40–0.39) −0.32
RPE8 (1st Set) 3.23 ± 0.61 4.27 ± 1.40 4.73 ± 1.33
(− 1.87–0.01)
−0.37 (−−0.72
2.40–0.39) (−1.22–0.57)
RPE16 (2nd Set) * 4.32 ± 1.42 5.05 ± 2.30 5.46 ± 1.62 −0.37 −0.72 −0.2
RPE16 (2nd Set) * 4.32 ± 1.42 5.05 ± 2.30 5.46 ± 1.62 (−1.27–0.53) (−1.64–0.20) (−1.09–0.69)
(−1.27–0.53) (−1.64–0.20) (−1.09–0.69)
−0.64 −0.97 −0.13
RPE24 (3rd Set) *, ** 4.46 ± 1.51 5.91 ± 2.71 6.23 ± 1.97
(−1.55–0.28) (−1.92–0.02) (−1.02–0.76)
−0.46 −0.78 −0.29
S-RPE 4.32 ± 1.59 5.14 ± 1.85 5.68 ± 1.75
(−1.36–0.44) (−1.71–0.14) (−1.18–0.61)
CS2: Cluster set configuration 2; CS1: Cluster set configuration 1; TRD: Traditional set configuration; RPE8: Rating
of Perceived Exertion after 8th repetition; RPE16: Rating of Perceived Exertion after 16th repetition; RPE24: Rating
of Perceived Exertion after 24th repetition; S-RPE: Session Rating of Perceived Exertion. TRD Significantly different
from TRD, p < 0.01; * significantly different from 1st Set (RPE8), p < 0.01; ** significantly different from 2nd Set
(RPE16), p < 0.01.
The Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness scores were lower for CS2 (DOMS24: 3.59 ± 1.86;
DOMS48: 2.82 ± 1.60) and CS1 (DOMS24: 3.77 ± 2.07; DOMS48: 2.86 ± 1.95), compared
to TRD (DOMS24: 4.32 ± 2.00; DOMS48: 3.68 ± 2.13); however, no significant differences
were found between protocols [F(2:20) = 0.863, p = 0.437, ηp 2 : 0.079], showing small effects
sizes for comparisons between CS2 × TRD (DOMS24: 0.36; DOMS48: 0.44) and CS1 × TRD
(DOMS24: 0.26; DOMS48: 0.39), and negligible effects for CS2 × CS1 (DOMS24: 0.09;
DOMS48: 0.02). There was a significant difference between time points [F(1:10) = 9.996,
p = 0.01, ηp 2 : 0.500] where DOMS24 showed higher pain scores compared to DOMS48
(p = 0.01). There was no Protocol × Time interaction.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2810 13 of 20
4. Discussion
The main hypothesis of this study was that cluster set configurations could be effec-
tive in maintaining performance in mechanical, jumping, and perceptual variables. The
hypothesis was partially confirmed since not all cluster configurations caused the same
expected effect. However, in conformity to other studies, a higher frequency of intra-set
rest intervals was shown to be more efficient in maintaining mechanical performance and
for lower ratings of perceived effort during exercise.
Our results showed that mean propulsive velocity (MPV) and mean propulsive power
(MPP) were different only for CS2 in comparison to TRD, showing no differences between
CS1 with TRD. As well, mean propulsive velocity and power presented smaller decreases
and better maintenance, especially when more intra-set rest intervals were applied on the
sets, showing that CS2 was superior to CS1 and TRD. However, CS1 was not different from
TRD. These results are in concordance with other studies, which showed that more frequent
interest rest intervals could produce better performance for these variables [18,23,24,62,63].
Similar to Tufano et al. [18,23,62], Wetmore et al. [36], and Oliver et al. [64], the results re-
garding mean or average concentric velocity in back squats favored CS configurations over
TRD, allowing the maintenance of better performance throughout the exercise. However,
in contrast to these works, our results did not show the superiority of the one intra-set rest
interval (CS1) protocol compared to the traditional configuration (TRD) for the variables
above. One possible reason is the total rest intervals were equalized, which could have
affected the results, in agreement with similar study designs of other researchers [34,65].
According to this, an increase in the number of rest periods may enhance recovery through
the maintenance of phosphocreatine (PCr) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) stores and
increased metabolite clearance (e.g., lactate accumulation) [66], which could permit a higher
substrate availability, allowing the maintenance of movement velocity across all sets [67].
However, there was only 45 s difference in inter-set rest interval between TRD and CS1
(TRD: 225 s; CS1: 180 s), possibly causing these changes to be less pronounced since there
was sufficient time in TRD to allow a similar recovery. It can be hypothesized that because
the majority of subjects in this sample were mature adolescents girls and recent research
has shown that women could be less influenced by short rest intervals in comparison to
men [68], there were smaller decreases in movement velocity in back squats (although, men
had higher movement velocity) and also lower accumulation of blood lactate, which is
related to similar ratings of velocity loss [17]. Therefore, CS1 and TRD had identical values
for MPV and MPP declines, possibly explained by this factor.
The force variables did not show differences between the protocols. Although the
load was adjusted by velocity, there were no statistical differences between conditions
and between sets, so changes in MPF did not occur since the loads were statistically
equal. Latella et al. [38] reported in a meta-analysis that, overall, studies show that CS
does not have an effect on MPF. However, it had been reported that CS might reduce
losses in peak force [23,64], explaining that the changes in MPP were mainly influenced by
movement velocity.
Unexpectedly, jump performance did not show statistically significant changes be-
tween protocols either for CMJ or ∆CMJ, as hypothesized. However, for CS2 and CS1 × TRD,
moderate effect sizes were demonstrated between conditions (CS2-TRD: 0.81; CS1-TRD:
0.84) when comparing ∆CMJ for Pre-00 . These finds were contrary to the results from
Girman et al. [26] and Varela-Olalla et al. [29]. However, different from our study, Gir-
man et al. [26] used two exercises and two circuits in their design, which could have
enhanced fatigue for the traditional configuration. On the other hand, the study by Varela-
Olalla et al. [29] was not randomized since the design required participants to reach 20%
velocity loss in the traditional configuration session, then they accounted for the same
number of repetitions for the cluster configuration, in addition to the use of half squat
exercises. Moreover, different relative intensities were used. However, similar results
were reported by Cuevas-Aburto et al. [24], in which CS and TRD configurations induced
comparable decreases in jump performance (from −6.0% to −8.1% vs. from −5.3% to
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2810 14 of 20
−8.0% in post ten minutes measures for both studies). Despite CS having a higher training
duration, since inter-set rest was the same between the configurations (except for RR), and
the study design accounting for bench press exercises in the same session, these results are
aligned with the present study, as similar relative intensities were used (10RM, equivalent
to 75%1RM [69]), in contrast to the studies above where smaller relative intensities were
used (~60–65%). According to the authors [18,24,26], the lack of differences in CMJ could
be due to the fast drop of metabolic fatigue after the protocol, independently of the type of
configuration. However, as shown in the present study, the ∆CMJ for Pre-00 was higher
for CS2 and CS1 compared to TRD than in Pre-50 and Pre-100 . Although not significant,
Protocol × Time interaction for CMJ and ∆CMJ were almost significant (p = 0.052 and
p = 0.057, respectively), speculating that the results might have been different if the sample
size was larger. Despite this, the adolescents present higher recovery capacity between
sets in resistance training sessions compared to adults [40], which may have produced a
faster recovery for the TRD configuration since there was sufficient time for recovery and,
therefore, did not show statistical differences when compared to CS.
Lower scores of RPE in CS2 against TRD were found in the present study between sets
and for RPE-S, but no difference was identified for CS1 with CS2 or TRD. These finds agree
with other studies, which reported comparing CS and TRD configurations [27,30,70]. In
comparison to Cuevas-Aburto et al. [24], the results regarding RPE in sets between protocols
were similar, which found higher values after the sets for TR (SQ: 6.9 ± 0.7) compared to
CL (SQ: 6.2 ± 0.8) and RR (SQ: 6.2 ± 0.8). However, the average RPE-Set scores for the
present study were smaller (CS2: 4.00 ± 1.33; CS1: 5.08 ± 2.24; TRD: 5.47 ± 1.72) but with
higher SD. While the session RPE in the study, as mentioned above, was not significantly
different between the set configurations (p = 0.595), we found higher S-RPE values for
TRD compared to CS2 but not CS1. Although the RPE values for adolescents and adults
could be different, this could be explained by most participants not reaching failure during
exercise; in fact, only one participant reached failure during one set in the study. Another
reason could be related to the ability of young athletes to self-assess their perception of load
and effort, which could be unreliable [71]; nevertheless, to control for this bias, anchoring
procedures were used during the 1RM Back Squat Test, and the athletes had previous
experience reporting RPE in their daily sports training. Since the strength adaptations
between the TRD and CS configurations are similar [33], these results suggest that CS can
be used as a strategy to induce less psychophysiological fatigue.
Unexpected, DOMS were not different between the conditions. Although the order
of protocols was randomized, no significant changes were observed. These findings are
in agreement with the results of Varela-Olalla et al. [29], even though higher scores were
reported for TRD and without sample randomization, no difference between conditions
was presented. However, Merrigan et al. [31], comparing rest-redistribution and traditional
protocols across several times points (pre, post, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h) in a randomized,
counterbalanced, repeated measures design also did not find statistical differences for
muscle soreness between conditions at any time points. In the current study, when ana-
lyzing the applied protocols order instead of the structure of set configuration, a statistical
difference (p < 0.01) was found between the time points, showing higher scores for the
first protocol compared to the second and the third (p < 0.01) and the second protocol was
higher than the third one (p = 0.01). While not considered for the current study analysis,
this information helps to understand limitations, such as the influence of the repeated bout
effect [72]. Long interspersed sessions of resistance training, varying from 10 days [72] to
4 weeks [73,74], have been shown to diminish the effects of indirect markers of muscle
damage, in which scores of muscle soreness are lower for the last bout compared to the
first ones, implying that adaptation to the exercise had occurred during the subsequent
bouts. Caution must be taken when extrapolating the results of the current study since
these did not use CS configurations or similar exercise conditions. However, even with the
load adjusted for every protocol to control for these adaptations, another external factor
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2810 15 of 20
may have contributed, such as training load derived from sport-specific training, sleep, or
psychological stress.
Some limitations could be drawn from the current research. The present study was
not performed in laboratory conditions with the back squat exercise performed in a Smith
Squat Machine, which could prevent changes in movement pattern derived from horizontal
displacement, and thus unfortunately losing internal validity; however, the study was
performed with athletes’ practicing their current daily activities on their respective sports
modalities and using free-weight back squats in strength and conditioning sessions, which
could have influenced the results since they are in their real conditions, enhancing external
validity and being able to extrapolate for real-world training settings. Although recovery
criteria were adopted to prevent the influence of external factors beyond the protocols, the
rest days varied between the subjects due to muscle pain impairment that was possibly
accumulated from their specific sports training, which was not controlled or monitored.
In addition, some athletes had scheduled friendly matches which caused the need to
postpone some experimental sessions. Exercise volume and intensity on the court, as well
nutrition status, were not controlled, which could have impaired recovery between days. In
addition, three subjects performed the protocols in the morning period, while the remaining
participants performed in the afternoon, so the exercise and jump performance may have
been influenced by circadian rhythms. It would be advisable to monitor sports practice
training loads, and control for covariates, as well as to establish a more reliable margin
of rest days; despite this, these limitations reflect the challenges of researching real-world
settings in a sports training context. Therefore, more robust designs may be implemented
with repeated measures for the same conditions or between-subjects designs to increase
comprehension of these results.
Regarding the sample size, although it was calculated a priori, resulting in a high
power (0.93) even with only 11 subjects, sample or data loss is still a problem. As for MPV
and MPP, the results from the interaction analysis for CMJ and ∆CMJ should be different
if the sample size were bigger. CMJ and ∆CMJ presented almost significant differences
for Protocol × Time interaction, as well as a tendency for a significant main effect in Time
for ∆CMJ. Since one subject’s data were excluded from repetitions due to failure before
completing the last set in the CS1 protocol, the analysis for Protocol × Repetitions interac-
tions for MPV and MPP would be different. The authors did an imputation method for the
missing value to verify if it would occur differently from the actual analysis. The criteria
for imputation must be respected, although there is no reference cut-off value regarding the
margin of acceptance of missing values in the literature [75], the rule of thumb is that when
the rate of missing information is below 5%, single-imputation inferences may be fairly
accurate [76]. However, in contrast, Bennett [77] affirms that statistical analysis may be
biased if missing data are greater than 10%. However, the current missing value analyses
were 9.1% for between-subjects data (1 out of 11 subjects) and 0.1% for within-subjects
data (1 out of a total of 72 repetitions). Considering this information and under these
conditions, a simulation for a more optimistic scenario was used to compare the results.
If a missing value was imputed (single imputation from the subjects mean), the Proto-
col × Repetitions interaction would be statistically significant for MPV [F(7.47:74.67) = 2.254,
p = 0.036, ηp 2 = 0.184, Observed Power: 0.819] and MPP [F(7.14:71.42) = 2.202, p = 0.043,
ηp 2 = 0.180, Observed Power: 0.794), but no difference for MPF [F(2.58:25.79) = 0.922,
p = 0.432, ηp 2 = 0.084, Observed Power: 0.211) would be observed.
This research accounted for comparing these variables between matured boys and
girls, which could confound the results since there is evidence for differences between the
sexes [68]. However, regarding the level of strength and training experience, although the
athletes had a large variation in relative strength (range: 1.0 to 1.8 BW/Kg in back squats)
and all had more than 6 months of resistance training experience, there is evidence that
there are no statistical differences influenced by these factors [33,38,66].
Nonetheless, when considering the literature reviewed by the authors of this study, the
present study was the first to compare the acute effects of different CS and TRD protocols
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2810 16 of 20
for the free-weight back squat exercise on adolescent athletes. Several strengths must
be highlighted in the research. When equalizing total rest intervals, no major changes
occurred between CS1 and TRD, as more frequent intra-set rest intervals (CS2) were needed
to decrease the losses in velocity and power [64,78], as well as for smaller RPE scores [65].
Although no statistical difference for CMJ performance were observed, CS resulted in lower
decrements on ∆CMJ when comparing pre- to immediate post-measures, as shown by the
moderate effect sizes. Therefore, CS configurations seem to be effective in acutely reducing
mechanical fatigue during back squats for velocity and power, allowing better maintenance
and reducing perceived effort for the entire set. When taking into account specific sport
performances (e.g., jump height), CS may not be a superior strategy to TRD; however, more
research is needed to elucidate this question. Likewise, no difference has been identified for
DOMS, and although not significant, CS2 showed smaller mean scores compared to TRD.
Future studies should investigate CS configurations concerning different lengths of intra-set
and inter-set rest intervals, training volumes, load intensities, and exercises for adolescents
in a wide range of sports and verify the influence of fatigue for sport-specific variables,
controlling for external factors such as training load and carrying out longitudinal analyses
for strength, power, and endurance adaptations.
Practical applications for training periodization could be drawn from these inferences.
The use of CS seems to be a good strategy for the maintenance of technical proficiency,
allowing a better movement quality with lower fatigue [15]. These set configurations
could be important for a preparatory period in which the aim is to enhance work capacity
without decreases in technical performance. The same is true for the special preparation
period where power development is the main objective, and where CS could allow better
power performance compared to more traditional methods, even when long rests are
prescribed [79]. These findings could also be applied in competition periods when low
levels of fatigue are desired. Overall, CS may be effective in helping to diminish internal
training loads considering the total load added from specific sports training (e.g., TRIMP,
5. Conclusions
As presented by the current study, CS with more frequent intra-set rest intervals
seems to be an effective strategy to promote better maintenance of mechanical variables
across all sets for back squat exercises in adolescent athletes, as well as inducing lower
ratings of perceived effort compared to TRD. However, no differences were shown in jump
performance and muscle soreness. Strength and Conditioning coaches could apply these
configurations to manage fatigue across the training session, decreasing internal loads and
increasing velocity and power performance in back squats without compromising total
training time.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, G.A. and E.L.; methodology, G.A. and E.L.; software,
G.A.; validation, G.A., E.L. and F.M.C.; formal analysis, G.A.; investigation, G.A.; resources, G.A. and
E.L.; data curation, G.A.; writing—original draft preparation, G.A., F.M.C. and E.L.; writing—review
and editing, F.M.C., D.B.F. and R.F.d.S.L.; visualization, G.A.; supervision, E.L., R.F.d.S.L. and D.B.F.;
project administration, G.A. and E.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: Filipe Manuel Clemente and this work are funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e
Tecnologia/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior through national funds, and when
applicable, co-funded by EU funds under the project UIDB/50008/2020.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration
of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional Review Board (or Ethics Committee) of the Federal
University of Technology of Paraná (protocol code: 5.514.698; date of approval: 7 July 2022).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2810 17 of 20
Data Availability Statement: The data of the present study are available on request due to privacy
and ethical restrictions.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the athletes, coaches and administration staff
for their contribution to the research.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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