Theories in Criminology: Pravni Fakultet Univerziteta U Beogradu, Edicija Crimen, Vol. 12, Beograd, 2009. pp.558
Theories in Criminology: Pravni Fakultet Univerziteta U Beogradu, Edicija Crimen, Vol. 12, Beograd, 2009. pp.558
Theories in Criminology: Pravni Fakultet Univerziteta U Beogradu, Edicija Crimen, Vol. 12, Beograd, 2009. pp.558
Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Edicija Crimen, vol. 12, Beograd, 2009. pp.558
In this monograph, the author applied his concept of criminology as the science dealing with
criminal phenomenon, i.e., the crime, the perpetrator and the victim of crime, criminality, as well as
the way in which a society reacts to criminal behaviour. That is the reason why he divided all theories
in criminology into two groups. First, there are theories in criminology in stricto sensu (classical,
positivistic, theories of social reaction and new criminological theories). In the other group, there are
theories in victimology and penology, conceived (comprehended) as the criminological disciplines
(along with the criminology in stricto sensu, they constitute criminology in a broader sense).
The author sought to place each of the listed theories into their historic context and to explain the
ideas and perception in criminal law, sociology and philosophy which have had an influence on the
occurrence and development of criminology theories. The special attention is paid to the analysis of
their applicability in crime control policy and consequences which their implementation has brought
about mainly in the work of formal social control bodies. The special attention in the monograph is
paid to the impact which theoretical schools in criminology have had on present explanation of crime
and reactions to such behaviour.
The second part of the book consists of fifty – seven (fifty – eight precisely) texts translated
mainly from English (as well as French and Italian). As far as the author is concerned, it is the greatest
collection of translated texts which has been published so far (with the exception of the edition
Trattato di criminologia ... composed of sixteen books edited by professor Franco Ferracuti during
1980s). Thereby the rich heritage of theoretical criminology has been made available to readers who
speak South-Slavic languages, with the intention to strengthen the development of this science in the
Western Balkans thus.
Preface ........................................................................................................ 11
Foreword ..................................................................................................... 15
1. Division of theories: period before criminology............................................ 17
1.1. The legacy of Ancient Times and the Middle Ages................................ 18
2. Classical orientation in criminology ............................................................ 20
2.1. Founders and the most important representatives ................................ 20
2.1.1. Beccaria..................................................................................... 20
2.1.2. Bentham ..................................................................................... 22
2.1.3. Feuerbach and predecessors ....................................................... 24
2.1.4. Carrara...................................................................................... 25
2.2. Strengths and criticism ...................................................................... 25
2.3. Contemporary Neoclassicism ............................................................. 26
2.4. Right realism..................................................................................... 28
3. Positivistic orientation in criminology ......................................................... 30
3.1. Cartographs...................................................................................... 31
3.2. Anthropological, Italian school .......................................................... 32
3.2.1. Precursors: Physiognomy and phrenology ..................................... 32
3.2.2. Lombroso.................................................................................... 33
3.2.3. Garofalo ..................................................................................... 35
3.2.4. Ferri........................................................................................... 35
3.3. Biological conceptions....................................................................... 37
3.3.1. Crime and body constitution ........................................................ 37
3.3.2. The impact of the genetic factors.................................................. 39 Families and criminal heredity.......................................... 40 Twins and adoption studies ............................................... 43 Chromosomal abnormality ............................................... 44
3.3.3. General review of biological conceptions; explanations of
aggressiveness .................................................................................. 44
3.4. Psychological conceptions ................................................................. 47
3.4.1. Psychoanalytical explanations ..................................................... 47
3.4.2. Theories of intelligence ............................................................... 50
3.4.3. Eysenck’s personality theory ....................................................... 52
3.4.4. Psychopathy and crime ............................................................... 55
3.4.5. Evaluation of psychological theories ............................................ 57
3.5. Sociological conceptions.................................................................... 57
3.5.1. School of social environment ....................................................... 57 Tarde............................................................................... 58 Durkheim......................................................................... 59
3.5.2. Sociological school; Von Liszt ..................................................... 60 Aschaffenburg.................................................................. 61
3.5.3. Theory of historical materialism .................................................. 62 Utopian socialists............................................................. 62 Founders of the theory...................................................... 63 The influence in criminology; Bonger ................................ 64
3.5.4. Chicago school and successors .................................................... 67 General overview on early American sociological
theories ........................................................................... 67 Crime ecology.................................................................. 69 Learning theories ............................................................. 72 Cultural conflict theories .................................................. 80 Strain theories ................................................................. 84 Control theories ............................................................... 88
4. Theories of social reaction ......................................................................... 92
4.1. New social defense ............................................................................ 92
4.2. Interactionism and the theory of labeling ............................................ 93
4.3. Radical criminology .......................................................................... 97
4.3.1. „Early works“ ............................................................................ 97
4.3.2. Critical criminology today........................................................... 101
4.3.3. Orientations within critical criminology ....................................... 104
4.4. Feminist approach............................................................................. 110
4.4.1. „Early stage“ ............................................................................. 110
4.4.2. Contemporary feminism: the main orientations............................. 113
5. New criminological theories ...................................................................... 115
5.1. Rational choice theories..................................................................... 116
5.2. New environmental theories ............................................................... 118
5.3. Cultural criminology theories............................................................. 121
5.4. Masculinity theories .......................................................................... 125
5.5. Reintegrative shaming and communitarian theories............................. 128
5.6. Life course theories ........................................................................... 132
5.7. Integrated theories ............................................................................ 134
5.8. Triangulation of theories ................................................................... 137
6. Theories in criminology in a broader sense ................................................. 139
6.1. Victimological theories ...................................................................... 139
6.2. Penological theories .......................................................................... 143
References................................................................................................... 147
1. Beccaria C.: On Crimes and Punishment.................................................. 151
2. Bentham J.: Introduction to principles of Moral and Legislation................ 159
3. Quételet A.: On the Development and Propensity of Crime ....................... 163
4. Lombroso C.: Crime – Its Causes and Remedies....................................... 167
5. Lombroso C. and Ferrero W: The Criminal Type in Women....................... 173
6. Garofalo R.: Natural Crime ..................................................................... 177
7. Ferri E.: Causes of Criminal Behavior ..................................................... 182
8. Dugdale R.: The Jukes: A Study in Crime, Pauperism and Heredity ........... 187
9. Glueck S. and Glueck E. /1950/: Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency /
Working Mothers and Delinquency .......................................................... 194
10. Goddard H.: Feeble-mindedness.............................................................. 201
11. Eysenck H.: Personality Theory and the Problem of Criminality ............... 208
12. Tarde G.: Penal Philosophy .................................................................... 221
13. Durkheim E.: Discussion about Crime ..................................................... 233
14. Bonger W.: Criminality and Economic Conditions ................................... 237
15. Shaw C. and McKay H.: Juvenile Delinquency and Urban Areas .............. 244
16. Sellin T.: Culture Conflict and Crime ...................................................... 247
17. Cohen A.: Delinquent Subculture ............................................................ 252
18. Wolfgang M. and Ferracuti F.: The Subculture of Violence........................ 260
19. Wolfgang M., Sellin T. and Figlio R.: Delinquency in a Birth Cohort ........ 269
20. Sutherland E.: Differential Association .................................................... 277
21. Merton R.: Social Structure and Anomie .................................................. 280
22. Cloward R. and Ohlin L.: Delinquency and Opportunity ........................... 286
23. Sykes G. and Matza D.: Techniques of Neutralization............................... 294
24. Reckless W.: A New Theory of Delinquency and Crime ............................ 300
25. Hirshi T.: Control Theory of Delinquency ................................................ 303
26. Gramatica F.: Principles of Social Defence .............................................. 312
27. Ancel M.: Social Defence ....................................................................... 318
28. Becker H.: Outsiders .............................................................................. 323
29. Lemert E.: Primary and Secondary Deviation .......................................... 330
30. Wheeler, S. Cottrell L. and Romasco A.: The Labeling Process................. 333
31. Chapman D.: Stereotype of the Criminal .................................................. 336
32. Katz J.: Seduction of Crime: Moral and Sensual Attractions in Doing Evil . 339
33. Taylor I., Walton P. and Young J.: The New Criminology ......................... 345
34. Chambliss J. W.: Political Economy of Crime .......................................... 353
35. Hulsman L.: Critical Criminology and the Concept of Crime..................... 359
36. Taylor I.: Crime in Context: A Critical Criminology of Market Societies .... 363
37. Pepinsky H.: Peacemaking Criminology .................................................. 367
38. Klein D.: The Etiology of Female Crime .................................................. 372
39. Wilson J. and Herrnstein R.: Crime as Choice .......................................... 388
40. Cohen L. and Felson M.: A Routine Activity Approach.............................. 397
41. Brantingham P. and Brantingham P.: Environmental Criminology ............. 402
42. Ferrel J.: Cultural Criminology................................................................ 410
43. Kidd-Hewitt D.: Crime and the Media: a Criminological Perspective........ 415
44. Segal L.: Explaining Male Violence ......................................................... 424
45. Messerschmidt J.: Masculinities and Theoretical Criminology .................. 435
46. Braithwaite J.: Crime, Shame and Reintegration ....................................... 439
47. Cordella P.: A Comunitarian Theory of Social Order ................................ 444
48. Sampson R. and Laub J.: Crime and Deviance Over the Life Course.......... 453
49. Blumstein A. and Cohen J.: Characterizing Criminal Careers................... 460
50. Vila C.: A General Paradigm of Criminality ............................................ 469
51. Barak G.: Applying Integrated Theory: A Reciprocal Theory of Violence
and Nonviolence ..................................................................................... 477
52. Robinson M.: Integrated Systems Theory of Antisocial Behavior ............... 483
53. Cohen S.: Human Rights and Crimes of the State: The Culture of Denial ... 493
54. von Hentig H.: The Criminal and His Victim ............................................ 509
55. Fattah E: Problematic Concepts, Unjustified Criticism and Popular
Misconceptions....................................................................................... 510
56. Clemmer D.: Prisonization...................................................................... 516
57. Sykes G.: Pains of Imprisonment ............................................................. 520
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