Childs Merwin
Language: English
were the real rulers of the shire. He was made also Surveyor,
and later Colonel of the county. This last office was regarded
as the chief provincial honor in Virginia, and it was especially
important when he held it, for it was the time of the French war,
and Albemarle was in the debatable land.
In the midst of that war, in August, 1757, Peter Jefferson died
suddenly, of a disease which is not recorded, but which was
probably produced by fatigue and exposure. He was a strong,
just, kindly man, sought for as a protector of the widow and
the orphan, and respected and loved by Indians as well as white
men. Upon his deathbed he left two injunctions regarding his son
Thomas: one, that he should receive a classical education; the [5]
other, that he should never be permitted to neglect the physical
exercises necessary for health and strength. Of these dying
commands his son often spoke with gratitude; and he used to
say that if he were obliged to choose between the education
and the estate which his father gave him, he would choose the
education. Peter Jefferson left eight children, but only one son
besides Thomas, and that one died in infancy. Less is known
of Jefferson’s mother; but he derived from her a love of music,
an extraordinary keenness of susceptibility, and a corresponding
refinement of taste.
His father’s death left Jefferson his own master. In one of his
later letters he says: “At fourteen years of age the whole care
and direction of myself were thrown on myself entirely, without
a relative or a friend qualified to advise or guide me.”
The first use that he made of his liberty was to change his
school, and to become a pupil of the Rev. James Maury,—an
excellent clergyman and scholar, of Huguenot descent, who [6]
had recently settled in Albemarle County. With him young
Jefferson continued for two years, studying Greek and Latin,
and becoming noted, as a schoolmate afterward reported, for
scholarship, industry, and shyness. He was a good runner, a keen
fox-hunter, and a bold and graceful rider.
4 Thomas Jefferson
does not seem to occur to him that a young man might require
some stronger motive to keep his passions in check than could
be furnished either by the wish to imitate a good example or
by his “reasoning powers.” To Jefferson’s well-regulated mind
the desire for approbation was a sufficient motive. He was
particularly sensitive, perhaps morbidly so, to disapprobation.
The respect, the good-will, the affection of his countrymen were
so dear to him that the desire to retain them exercised a great, it
may be at times, an undue influence upon him. “I find,” he once
said, “the pain of a little censure, even when it is unfounded, is
more acute than the pleasure of much praise.”
During his second year at college, Jefferson laid aside all
frivolities. He sent home his horses, contenting himself with a
[15] mile run out and back at nightfall for exercise, and studying, if
we may believe the biographer, no less than fifteen hours a day.
This intense application reduced the time of his college course
by one half; and after the second winter at Williamsburg he went
home with a degree in his pocket, and a volume of Coke upon
Lytleton in his trunk.
In April, 1764, Jefferson came of age, and his first public act
was a characteristic one. For the benefit of the neighborhood,
he procured the passage of a statute to authorize the dredging
of the Rivanna River upon which his own estate bordered in
part. He then by private subscriptions raised a sum sufficient for
carrying out this purpose; and in a short time the stream, upon
which before a bark canoe would hardly have floated, was made
available for the transportation of farm produce to the James
River, and thence to the sea.
In 1766, he made a journey to Philadelphia, in order to be
inoculated for smallpox, traveling in a light gig drawn by a
high-spirited horse, and narrowly escaping death by drowning
in one of the numerous rivers which had to be forded between
Charlottesville and Philadelphia. In the following year, about [29]
the time of his twenty-fourth birthday, he was admitted to the
bar, and entered almost immediately upon a large and lucrative
practice. He remained at the bar only seven years, but during
most of this time his professional income averaged more than
£2500 a year; and he increased his paternal estate from 1900
acres to 5000 acres. He argued with force and fluency, but his
voice was not suitable for public speaking, and soon became
husky. Moreover, Jefferson had an intense repugnance to the
arena. He shrank with a kind of nervous horror from a personal
contest, and hated to be drawn into a discussion. The turmoil
and confusion of a public body were hideous to him;—it was as
16 Thomas Jefferson
much ease as would have attended their throwing off an old and
putting on a new set of clothes.”
Jefferson’s greatness lay in this, that he was the first statesman
who trusted the mass of the people. He alone had divined
the fact that they were competent, morally and mentally, for [47]
self-government. It is almost impossible for us to appreciate
Jefferson’s originality in this respect, because the bold and
untried theories for which he contended are now regarded as
commonplace maxims. He may have derived his political ideas
in part from the French philosophical writers of the eighteenth
century, although there is no evidence to that effect; but he was
certainly the first statesman to grasp the idea of democracy as a
form of government, just as, at a later day, Walt Whitman was
the first poet to grasp the idea of equality as a social system.
Hamilton, John Adams, Pinckney, Gouverneur Morris, even
Washington himself, all believed that popular government would
be unsafe and revolutionary unless held in check by a strong
executive and by an aristocratic senate.
Jefferson in his lifetime was often charged with gross
inconsistency in his political views and conduct; but the
inconsistency was more apparent than real. At times he strictly
construed, and at times he almost set aside the Constitution; but
the clue to his conduct can usually be found in the fundamental [48]
principle that the only proper function of government or
constitutions is to express the will of the people, and that
the people are morally and mentally competent to govern. “I am
sure,” he wrote in 1796, “that the mass of citizens in these United
States mean well, and I firmly believe that they will always act
well, whenever they can obtain a right understanding of matters.”
And Jefferson’s lifelong endeavor was to enable the people to
form this “right understanding” by educating them. His ideas
of the scope of public education went far beyond those which
prevailed in his time, and considerably beyond those which
prevail even now. For example, a free university course for the
26 Thomas Jefferson
the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government.”
History has justified the second as well as the first of these
declarations, for, excepting that brief period of anarchy known
as “the carpet-bag era,” it cannot be maintained that the colored
race in the Southern States have been at any time, even since
their emancipation, “equally free,” in the sense of politically free,
with their white fellow citizens.
For three years Jefferson was occupied with the legislative duties
already described, and especially with a revision of the Virginia
statutes, and then, in June, 1779, he succeeded Patrick Henry as
governor of the State. It has often been remarked that he was, all
through life, a lucky man, but in this case fortune did not favor
him, for the ensuing two years proved to be, so far as Virginia
was concerned, by much the worst period of the war.
The French alliance, though no doubt an ultimate benefit to
the colonies, had at first two bad effects: it relaxed the energy of
the Americans, who trusted that France would fight their battles
for them; and it stimulated the British to increased exertions.
The British commissioners announced that henceforth England
[60] would employ, in the prosecution of the war, all those agencies
which “God and nature had placed in her hands.” This meant
that the ferocity of the Indians would be invoked, a matter of
special moment to Virginia, since her western frontier swarmed
with Indians, the bravest of their race.
The colony, it must be remembered, was then of immense
extent; for beside the present Virginia and West Virginia,
Kentucky and the greater part of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois
were embraced in it. It stretched, in short, from the Atlantic
Ocean to the Mississippi River. Upon the seaboard Virginia was
especially vulnerable, the tide-water region being penetrated by
numerous bays and rivers, which the enemy’s ships could easily
ascend, for they were undefended by forts or men. The total
navy of the colony was four vessels, mounting sixty-two guns,
VI. Governor of Virginia 33
George Rogers Clarke, the heroic commander who put down the
Indian uprising on the western frontier, and captured the English
[63] officer who instigated it,—that same Colonel Hamilton of whom
mention has already been made. The story of Clarke’s adventures
in the wilderness,—he was a neighbor of Jefferson, only twenty-
six years old,—of his forced marches, of his masterful dealing
with the Indians, and finally of his capture of the British
force, forms a thrilling chapter in the history of the American
Many indeed of Jefferson’s constituents censured him as being
over-zealous in his support of the army of Gates. He stripped
Virginia, they said, of troops and resources which, as it proved
afterward, were needed at home. But if Cornwallis were not
defeated in North Carolina, it was certain that he would overrun
the much more exposed Virginia. If he could be defeated
anywhere, it would be in the Carolinas. Jefferson’s course,
it is sufficient to say, was that recommended by Washington;
and his exertions in behalf of the Continental armies were
commended in the highest terms not only by Washington, but
also by Generals Gates, Greene, Steuben, and Lafayette. The
[64] militia were called out, leaving behind only so many men as
were required to cultivate the land, wagons were impressed,
including two belonging to the governor, and attempts were
even made—extraordinary for Virginia—to manufacture certain
much-needed articles. “Our smiths,” wrote Jefferson, “are
making five hundred axes and some tomahawks for General
Thus fared the year 1779, and in 1780 things went from bad
to worse. In April came a letter from Madison, saying that
Washington’s army was on the verge of dissolution, being only
half-clothed, and in a way to be starved. The public treasury
was empty and the public credit gone. In August occurred
the disastrous defeat of General Gates at Camden, which left
Virginia at the mercy of Cornwallis. In October a British fleet
VI. Governor of Virginia 35
your own country,—its soil, its climate, its equality, laws, people,
and manners. My God! how little do my countrymen know what
precious blessings they are in possession of and which no other
people on earth enjoy! I confess I had no idea of it myself.” [73]
To George Wythe he wrote in August, 1786: “Preach, my
dear sir, a crusade against ignorance; establish and improve the
law for educating the common people. Let our countrymen know
that the people alone can protect us against these evils; and that
the tax which will be paid for this purpose is not more than
the thousandth part of what will be paid to kings, priests, and
nobles, who will rise up among us if we leave the people in
ignorance.” To Madison, he wrote in January, 1787: “This is a
government of wolves over sheep.” Jefferson took the greatest
pains to ascertain the condition of the laboring classes. In the
course of a journey in the south of France, he wrote to Lafayette,
begging him to survey the condition of the people for himself.
“To do it most effectually,” he said, “you must be absolutely
incognito; you must ferret the people out of their hovels, as I
have done; look into their kettles; eat their bread; loll on their
beds on pretense of resting yourself, but in fact to find if they [74]
are soft. You will feel a sublime pleasure in the course of the
investigation, and a sublimer one hereafter, when you shall be
able to apply your knowledge to the softening of their beds, or
the throwing a morsel of meat into their kettle of vegetables.”
These excursions among the French peasantry, who, as
Jefferson well knew, were ruinously taxed in order to support an
extravagant court and an idle and insolent nobility, made him a
fierce Republican. “There is not a crowned head in Europe,” he
wrote to General Washington, in 1788, “whose talents or merits
would entitle him to be elected a vestryman by the people of
But for the French race Jefferson had an affinity. He was glad
to live with people among whom, as he said, “a man might pass
a life without encountering a single rudeness.” He liked their
40 Thomas Jefferson
was sound, and its soundness would not be denied, even at the
present day. But the question then arose: what next? May the laws
be disregarded and disobeyed by the States or by individuals,
or must they be obeyed until some competent authority has
pronounced them void? and if so, what is that authority? We
understand now that the Supreme Court has sole authority to
decide upon the constitutionality of the acts of Congress. It was
so held, for the first time, in the year 1803, in the case of Marbury
v. Madison, by Chief Justice Marshall and his associates; and [110]
that decision, though resisted at the time, has long been accepted
by the country as a whole. But this case did not arise until several
years after the Kentucky Resolutions were written. Moreover,
Marshall was an extreme Federalist, and his view was by no
means the commonly accepted view. Jefferson scouted it. He
protested all his life against the assumption that the Supreme
Court, a body of men appointed for life, and thus removed from
all control by the people, should have the enormous power of
construing the Constitution and of passing upon the validity of
national laws. In a letter written in 1804, he said: “You seem
to think it devolved on the judges to decide the validity of the
sedition law. But nothing in the Constitution has given them
a right to decide for the executive more than the executive to
decide for them. But the opinion which gives to the judges the
right to decide what laws are constitutional and what not—not
only for themselves in their own sphere of action, but for the
legislature and executive also in their spheres—would make the [111]
judiciary a despotic branch.”3
In the Kentucky resolutions, Jefferson argued, first, that the
Constitution was a compact between the States; secondly, that
Abraham Lincoln said in his first inaugural address:—“But if the policy
of the government upon a vital question affecting the whole people is to be
irrevocably fixed by the decisions of the Supreme Court, the moment they are
made, the people will cease to be their own masters; having to that extent
resigned their government into the hands of that eminent tribunal.”
60 Thomas Jefferson
New Orleans at least. If this vast territory should come into the
hands of France, and Napoleon should colonize it, as was said
to be his intention,—France then being the greatest power in
Europe,—the United States would have a powerful rival on its
borders, and in control of a seaport absolutely necessary for its
commerce. We can see this now plainly enough, but even so
[126] able a man as Mr. Livingston, the American minister at Paris,
did not see it then. On the contrary, he wrote to the government
at Washington: “... I have, however, on all occasions, declared
that as long as France conforms to the existing treaty between us
and Spain, the government of the United States does not consider
itself as having any interest in opposing the exchange.”
Mr. Jefferson’s very different view was expressed in the
following letter to Mr. Livingston: “... France, placing herself
in that door, assumes to us the attitude of defiance. Spain might
have retained it quietly for years. Her pacific disposition, her
feeble state would induce her to increase our facilities there....
Not so can it ever be in the hands of France; the impetuosity
of her temper, the energy and restlessness of her character,
placed in a point of eternal friction with us and our character,
which, though quiet and loving peace and the pursuit of wealth,
is high-minded, despising wealth in competition with insult or
injury, enterprising and energetic as any nation on earth,—these
[127] circumstances render it impossible that France and the United
States can continue long friends when they meet in so irritable a
position.... The day that France takes possession of New Orleans
fixes the sentence which is to restrain her forever within her
low-water mark.... From that moment we must marry ourselves
to the British fleet and nation.”
Thus, at a moment’s notice, and in obedience to a vital change
in circumstance, Jefferson threw aside the policy of a lifetime,
suppressed his liking for France and his dislike for England, and
entered upon that radically new course which, as he foresaw, the
interests of the United States would require.
X. President Jefferson 69
fearfully blighted.”
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