MECH 374 Numerical Methods in Engineering
MECH 374 Numerical Methods in Engineering
MECH 374 Numerical Methods in Engineering
Course Description:
The use of numerical methods for the analysis simulation, and design of engineering processes and
systems has been increasing at a rapid pace in recent years. This course is intended for teaching
numerical methods for engineering students at the senior level as well as at the beginning graduate level.
The course will have three important objectives: (1) to teach the basic theories and fundamentals of
numerical methods; (2) to help the students to acquire skills to implement these methods for computer
solution; and finally (3) to provide an environment where the students can familiarize themselves with
many today’s popular commercial software systems and their use in the solution of engineering
problems. On the first objective, the following fundamental aspects will be covered: analysis of errors,
roots of equations, linear and algebraic equations, optimizations, curve-fitting and approximation,
numerical differentiation and integration, ordinary differential equations, and partial differential
equations. On the second objective, computer programming basics as well as certain specific computer
languages such as MATLAB will be introduced. On the last objective, the students will learn how to use
MATLAB and Excel VBA to implement their own numerical methods. This course is structured as a 3+1
credits course, with 3 lecture credits and 1 for the lab.
Dr. Kai Tang Dept. of Mech. Engineering; E-mail: [email protected]; Tel: 2358-8656;
Room: 2544; Office hours: Any time (just come to see me or email me to set up an
appointment time if you like).
• S.C. Chapra and R.P. Canale, "Numerical Methods for Engineers", 5th Edition,
McGraw Hill, 2006.
• Research papers
Grade Policy:
• Homework 5%
• Lab projects 25%
• Mid-term exam 30%
• Final-exam 40%
Lab TA:
1. The Mid-term Exam is on Monday, Oct. 20th, 2008. Here are the details:
Place: Room 2404 (Lift # 17/18)
Date and time: Monday, Oct. 20th, 2008, 9:30am - 12:30pm (3
Format: Closed book, but you are allowed to bring a total
of 5 A4 size "cheat" sheets (10 sides) on which you can write whatever
you like.
Chapter 6: Open
(week 2-2)
6.1 Simple Fixed-Point Iteration
6.2 The Newton-Raphson Method
6.3 The Secant Method
6.4 Multiple Roots
6.5 Systems of Nonlinear Equations
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Chapter 7: Roots of
Polynomials (week 3-
7.1 Polynomials in Engineering and Science
7.2 Computing with Polynomials
7.3 Conventional Methods
7.4 Müller’s Method
7.5 Bairstow’s Method
7.6 Other Methods
7.7 Root Location with Libraries and Packages
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Chapter 18:
(week 7-2)
18.1 Newton’s Divided-Difference Interpolating Polynomials
18.2 Lagrange Interpolating Polynomials
18.3 Coefficients of an Interpolating Polynomial
18.4 Inverse Interpolation
18.5 Additional Comments
18.6 Spline
(week 8-1)
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Final Exam