Agricultural Marketing and Organisations.
Agricultural Marketing and Organisations.
Agricultural Marketing and Organisations.
Definition of terms. Types of markets.
1. A market- is a place where A. Perfect/ competitive market- sellers
buyers and sellers meet to buy and buyers are unable to determine the market
and sell goods and services/ carry price.
out business transactions. OR The market price is acceptable/ equilibrium
A group of buyers and sellers in and any buyer can purchase from any seller and
sufficiently close contact with one vice versa.
another for exchange to take place B. Imperfect /non-competitive market-
between them. sellers and buyers are able to determine the
2. Marketing -refers to the flow of prices in the market.
goods and services from the Buyers and sellers are not aware of the prices
producer to the consumer. offered by others.
It includes all the activities involved Examples of non-competitive markets are
in the transfer of goods and services monopoly, oligopoly and monopsony.
from the producer to the consumer.