Eguia Intentional Injuries
Eguia Intentional Injuries
Eguia Intentional Injuries
T E A C H E R ` S L E A R N I N G P L A N
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the concepts and principles of safety education in the
prevention of intentional injuries.
Performance Standard: The learner consistently demonstrates resilience, vigilance and proactive behaviors to prevent
intentional injuries.
Learning Competencies: The learner differentiates intentional injuries from unintentional injuries
Learning Content: Prevention and Management of Intentional Injuries.
Learning Resources: Abanto, J.R., et. al (2018). Practical MAPEH 9: Makati City, Philippines: DIWA LEARNING
SYSTEMS INC. p. 395 - 398
Core Values: Achieves excellence by learning how to prevent injuries.
The teacher will group the class into two groups. This activity called “Ready get set Jigsaw”. The teacher
will give each of the group a pieces of paper and students need to solve in a form of Jigsaw Puzzle. The
first group who will finish the task prior to the time will receive a prize. The students will be given three
minutes to finish the task.
After the activity the teacher will proceed to the linking statement to develop connections of the activity
and the lesson to be discussed.
Intentional Injuries- These are injuries that occur purposefully. They result from actions taken with the
intent to harm oneself or someone else.
Unintentional Injuries- These are injuries that occur accidentally or without the purpose of causing harm.
They result from events such as falls, motor vehicle accidents, drownings, burns, poisonings, and other
incidents where harm is not the intended outcome.
This part of the lesson allows students to master the lesson. They will complete all the activities to fully
understand the lesson.
A. Learning Activities
Guide Questions:
1. Explain how you classified each news headline?
2. How did you distinguish between intentional injuries and unintentional Injuries?
C. Assessment Technique
After doing the activity, the students will answer the following questions.
Instructions: Enumerate the risk factors and some protective factors related to intentional injuries.
Risk Factors
Protective Factors
This part of the lesson allows students to value the importance of the lesson in real life situation.
A. Transfer of Learning
The teacher instruct the students to remain in their groups. Students will demonstrate steps
before, during and after injuries through role playing.
Each group will be judge based on the ff criteria.
1. Consider the prevention strategies discussed or explored. Which strategies do you believe are most effective
in reducing intentional injuries, and why?
2. How has participating in activities focused on the prevention and management of intentional injuries
influenced your understanding of interpersonal conflicts and violence?
3. How can you contribute to ongoing efforts to address the root causes of intentional harm and promote
resilience and well being within your community?
C. Closure
What I know What I want to know What I’ve learned