Lands Commission Act 1994 Act 483
Lands Commission Act 1994 Act 483
Lands Commission Act 1994 Act 483
ACT 483
I. The Lands Commission.
2. Functions of the Commission.
3. Independence of the Commission.
4. Consent and concurrence in disposition of stool lands.
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ACT 483
Lands Commission Act, 1994
ACT 483
AN ACT to provide for the management of public lands and other lands and for
related matters.
The Lands Commission established under article 258 of the Constitution shall act in
accordance with the Constitution and this Act.
I. The Act was assented to on 6th September, 1994 and published in the Gazelle on 9th September, 1994. 2.
P.N.D.C.L. 152.
[Issue I]
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Lands Commission Act, 1994 ACT 483
the land is situated has certified that the disposition or development is consistent with the
development plan drawn up or approved by the planning authority of the area.
(2) The grant of consent and concurrence by the Regional Lands Commission shall be
communicated by it to the office of the Administrator of Stool Lands and the regional
office of the Administrator of Stool Lands.
(3) Where the Regional Lands Commission fails or refuses to give the consent and
concurrence under this section, a person aggrieved by the failure or refusal may appeal to
the High Court.
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Lands Commission Act, 1994
ACT 483
(b) would be disqualified for appointment under article 263 of the Constitution,
(c) is removed from office by the President, or, in the case of a member of a Regional
Lands Commission, by the Minister for inability to perform the functions of office or
for a stated misbehavior.
(I) The chairman or any other member of the Commission may resign from office by
notice addressed to the President.
(2) The chairman or any other member of a Regional Lands Commission may resign
from office by notice addressed to the Minister.
(I) Where the chairman of the Commission or the chairman of a Regional Lands
Commission dies, resigns or is removed from office or is by reason of illness unable to
perform the functions of office, the members of the Commission or of the Regional Lands
Commission shall elect one of their number to act as chairman until the chairman is able
to perform the functions of office or until a new chairman is appointed.
(2) Where a member of the Commission or of a Regional Lands Commission dies,
resigns or otherwise ceases to hold office, or is by reason of illness or any other sufficient
cause unable to perform the functions of office, the President or the Minister may appoint
another person to act until the member is able to resume the performance of the functions
of office or until a new member is appointed.
(3) Where a person is elected as chairman or appointed a member to fill a vacancy that
person shall hold office for the remainder of the term of the previous chairman or member
and is eligible, subject to the Constitution and this Act, for reappointment, reelection or
(I) The Commission or a Regional Lands Commission shall meet at least once in every
three months for the dispatch of business at a time and place determined by the chairman.
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ACT 483 Lands Commission Act, /994
(3) The chairman shall preside at meetings of the Commission or the Regional Lands
Commission, and in the absence of the chairman a member of the Commission or the
Regional Lands Commission appointed by the members present from among themselves
shall preside.
(4) A member of the Commission or of a Regional Lands Commission who is absent
without sufficient reason from three consecutive meetings ceases to be a member of the
Commission or of the Regional Lands .commission.
(5) The validity of the proceedings of the Commission or of a Regional Lands Com-
mission shall not be affected by a vacancy in its membership or a defect in the appoint-
ment or qualification of a member.
(6) Questions before the Commission or a Regional Lands Commission shall be de-
cided by a majority of the members present and voting.
(7) The chairman or the person presiding at a meeting of the Commission or of a Re-
gional Lands Commission shall in the event of equality of votes have a casting vote.
(8) The chairman of the Commission or of the Regional Lands Commission shall
summon a special meeting of the Commission or the Regional Lands Commission within
fourteen days of the receipt of a written request for the special meeting signed by not less
than four members of the Commission or the Regional Lands Commission.
(9) Except as provided in this Act, the Commission or a Regional Lands Commission
shall regulate the procedure at its meetings.
The Commission or a Regional Lands Commission may co-opt a person to act as an adviser at its
meetings but a co-opted person is not entitled to vote at the meeting.
The Commission or a Regional Lands Commission may delegate any of its functions to
a committee composed of members or non-members or both, except that a committee
composed entirely of non-members may only advise the Commission.
17. Lands Commission Secretariat
(I) There is established by this Act a Lands Commission Secretariat which shall be the
Secretariat of the Commission.
(2) The Secretariat is responsible, subject to this Act, for giving effect to the decisions
of the Commission and shall perform any other functions determined by the Commission.
(I) The chief administrator of the Commission appointed under paragraph (c) of article
259 of the Constitution is the executive secretary of the Commission.
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Lands Commission Act, 1994 ACT 483
(2) Omitted
(3) The executive secretary is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the af-
fairs of the Commission and the implementation of the decisions of the Commission
subject to the general directives of the Commission.
(4) The executive secretary may delegate any of the functions of the executive secre-
tary to an officer of the Commission but is not relieved from ultimate responsibility for the
performance of the delegated functions.
(5) The executive secretary is responsible for the organisation and control of the em-
ployees of the Commission.
(6) The executive secretary shall act as the secretary to the Commission.
19. Deputy executive secretary
(I) The Commission shall have a deputy executive secretary appointed by the Presi
dent in accordance with article 195 of the Constitution.
(2) The deputy executive secretary shall, in the absence of the executive secretary,
perform the functions of the executive secretary specified under section 18 and shall per-
form any other functions assigned by the executive secretary.
20. Other staff of the Commission
(I) The Commission shall have the officers and staff as are reasonably necessary for
the effective performance of its functions.
(2) In accordance with article 195 of the Constitution, the President may delegate to
the Commission or a public officer the appointment of the officers and staff of the
(3) The officers and staff shall hold office on the terms and conditions appointed by
the Public Services Commission.
(4) Public officers who have specialised knowledge of the work of the Commission
may be transferred or seconded to the Commission or may otherwise give assistance to it.
(5) The Commission may engage the services of consultants and advisers.
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ACT 483 Lands Commission Act, 1994
(2) By virtue of article 174 of the Constitution, the Commission may, by legislative
instrument, levy charges for anything required or authorised to be done by this Act to
provide further funds to meet the expenses of the Commission.
22. Accounts and audit
(I) The Commission shall keep proper books of account and proper records in rela
tion to those accounts in a form approved by the Auditor-General.
(2) The books and accounts of the Commission shall be audited annually by the
(3) A report on the audit shall be submitted to the Commission by the Auditor
General within two months of the end of each financial year.
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Lands Commission Act, 1994
25. Offences
A person who
(a) at the request of the Commission for information deliberately or negligently
submits a false or misleading statement, or
(b) refuses without reasonable excuse to give information or provide a docu-
ment which the Commission reasonably requests for the purposes of its
functions, or
(c) refuses without lawful excuse to admit an officer or designated agent of the
Commission on to the business premises or otherwise obstructs an
inspection, commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine not
exceeding two hundred penalty units or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding six
months or to both the fine and the imprisonment.
The Administration of Lands Act, 1962 (Act 123), the Concessions Act, 1962 (Act
124), the State Lands Act, 1962 (Act 125), and any other enactment relating to land, in
force immediately before the commencement of this Act, shall have effect with the
modifications that are necessary to give effect to this Act.
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Lands Commission Act, 1994
ACT 483
29. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,
"Auditor-General" includes an auditor appointed by the Auditor-General;
"Commission" means the Lands Commission;
"Minister" means the Minister responsible for Lands and Forestry;
"Ministry" means Ministry responsible for Lands and Forestry;
"Regulations" means the Regulations made under section 27;
"Secretariat" means the Lands Commission Secretariat;
"traditional authority" includes a House of Chiefs or a councilor body estab-
lished or recognised under the customary law as a traditional authority.
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