Dating Safety Guide India
Dating Safety Guide India
Dating Safety Guide India
in collaboration with
Centre for Social Research (CSR), India
In this era of rapid technological progress, our lives seamlessly intertwine with the
digital realm, transforming the way we connect, communicate, and seek companionship.
Amidst this dynamic landscape, the importance of online safety and digital well-being
cannot be overstated. For over a decade, the Centre for Social Research (CSR), India
has been at the forefront, advocating for these critical aspects of our digital existence.
It's with immense pride that I introduce this collaborative effort between CSR India and
Tinder, aimed at cultivating a safer online dating experience in our country. The
potential of technology to bridge distances is awe-inspiring, yet it carries with it
responsibilities and challenges. This online safety guide serves as a guiding light,
offering priceless insights, practical advice, and a robust framework to ensure that our
dating journey through the digital realm is secure and enriching.
My heartfelt gratitude goes out to the dedicated teams at CSR India and Tinder who
have tirelessly worked to bring this guide to life. Together, let us embark on a path of
responsible digital engagement, forging connections founded on trust, respect, and
shared values. May this guide serve as a beacon, illuminating our way toward a digitally
secure and fulfilling future.
1 Swipe and Swipe Right are registered trademarks of Match Group, LLC.
The safety of our users is paramount to everything we do. Our long-standing commitment to safety
started with the Swipe feature, ultimately requiring mutual interest to send a message.
Launched in 2012, Tinder is
the world’s most popular We know that safety is complex and personal - and we approach it from several different angles. We’re
constantly investing in ways to keep users safe while they’re using Tinder – including a robust suite of
app for meeting new people safety features and in-app education, fraud detection technology, and working directly with law
and has been downloaded enforcement when needed.
more than 530 million times Harassment of any kind has always been against Tinder’s Community Guidelines. We have built a
and created more than 75 number of features to encourage healthy, respectful conversations on the app, before you’re
comfortable with meeting IRL.
billion matches.
We also work with external partners and experts to find innovative solutions, determine best practices
and to create a trauma-informed support program for members if they do experience harm.
Being a frontrunner in the women's movement for four decades, Centre for Social Research (CSR), India
is dedicated to ensuring women's safety, including in the online sphere. For over a decade, we have
Centre for Social Research been actively engaged in working with children, youth, and women, focusing on digital safety and online
(CSR), India is a non-profit well-being through a gender lens.
organisation based in New Through the simultaneous implementation of multiple programs focused on education, awareness
Delhi, India, and was founded in generation, and capacity building, CSR India has effectively reached an impressive number of over
500,000 direct beneficiaries and potentially several million indirect beneficiaries. This achievement is
1983. CSR India is dedicated to attributed to its gender-sensitive Online Safety Educational Resources.
creating a violence-free,
Tinder and CSR India have partnered to help young daters in India to navigate the online dating world.
gender-just society through It's all about recognizing, identifying, and responding to different situations while ensuring a fun AND
social research, education, safe dating experience.
capacity building and advocacy.
Check out this all-in-one guide on how to make the most of your dating experience, while also staying
careful and respectful, both online and offline.
2 Swipe and Swipe Right are registered trademarks of Match Group, LLC.
Nearly overnight, Tinder transformed the way the world meets by
introducing a revolutionary new experience: The Swipe Feature. In the last
11 years, Tinder has led a societal shift of seismic proportions and there’s no
doubt that Tinder changed how we meet, forever.
It’s no surprise that Tinder took off fast. The Swipe Feature took a large,
diverse set of potential partners from all over the world and put them right
at your fingertips. Tinder fulfilled a powerful human need by making
meeting someone new stunningly simple and surprisingly fun - and you
could do it all right from your couch.
Tinder continues to make it easy and fun for every new generation of
singles to connect with someone new in whatever form they wish. That
connection could last for the span of just a set of messages exchanged on
the app, a day or night, or a lifetime.
Safety goes hand in hand with fun; it’s not fun or safety, it’s fun AND safety.
Online dating
People are looking for spaces to represent their authentic selves and to do
that they need to feel safe and they expect the platforms they spend time
on to be investing in their safety.
and Tinder
At Tinder, we believe that healthy and safe dating begins from the moment
you create your Tinder profile and send your first Like.
3 Swipe and Swipe Right are registered trademarks of Match Group, LLC.
Community When people first sign up for the app, they need to agree
to our Community guidelines. This is the first message
users receive from Tinder - and it’s focused on safety and
respect. Providing this simple code of conduct also directs
new users to Tinder’s safety tips.
Be Yourself
Make sure your photos, age and bio are true to who you are
Stay safe
Don’t be too quick to give out personal information
Play it cool
Respect others and treat them as you would like to be treated
Be proactive
Always report bad behaviour
4 Swipe and Swipe Right are registered trademarks of Match Group, LLC.
Tinder’s If you’re honest, kind and respectful to others, you’ll always be
welcome on Tinder. If you choose not to be, you may not last.
Our goal is to allow users to express themselves authentically
as long as it doesn’t offend others. Everyone is held to the same
standard. We’re asking you to be considerate, think before you
act, and abide by our community guidelines both on and offline.
You heard that right: your offline behaviour can lead to
termination of your Tinder account.
on Tinder) Harassment
Violence and physical harm
Copyright and Trademark
Illegal usage
Hate speech
Multiple account owners
Private information
Third party apps
Violent content
Promotion of solicitation
Promotion of business
Prostitution and trafficking
Social media handles
Posting images without consent
5 Swipe and Swipe Right are registered trademarks of Match Group, LLC.
Mutual Matching
To start a conversation, two people must
have mutually liked each other, thanks to the
Swipe Right feature, meaning nobody is
getting unsolicited messages from someone
they haven’t expressed interest in.
in India
Every day, people trust Tinder to introduce
them to new people. With this comes an
essential responsibility, and the app is
constantly evolving to help make every
experience feel safe, respectful and positive.
From searching, to messaging to video Photo Verification
chatting, here are the top safety-focused Once someone has created their Tinder profile, and added their photos during
features on Tinder in India. the sign-up process, they are encouraged to utilise Tinder’s Photo Verification
feature. Users who verify their profile get a blue tick and are more likely to get a
match, too. Within their Message Settings, Photo Verified users can also opt to
only receive messages from other Photo Verified users.
6 Swipe and Swipe Right are registered trademarks of Match Group, LLC.
Video Selfie
Video selfie takes Photo
Verification to the next level. Until
now, users would take still photos
while holding a series of static
poses, and these photos were
compared against others on the
user’s profile. Now, if users want to
get photo verified they will have to
complete a series of video
prompts. While no photo
verification process is perfect, this
helps Tinder keep those blue
checkmarks more real.
India Safety Centre
Tinder’s Safety Centre is an interactive part of the app that includes local resources,
articles, tips, quizzes and information about safety and privacy features. It’s available at
any time - from settings and from the safety shield that appears when users are
chatting. The Safety Centre was developed in collaboration with the Match Group
Advisory Council and additional NGO partners to not only help protect, but also to
educate users so they can make more informed choices on the app and IRL.
Tinder users are able to unmatch
or block someone at any time for
any reason, whether it wasn’t a
good fit or something more
Are You Sure?
This feature prompts the sender ‘Are You Sure?’ if they are
serious. Once unmatched, that
about to share a potentially offensive message. Tinder not
person will no longer appear in
only relies on people reporting inappropriate content, it
the match list or message list
works to catch it proactively too. The feature has been
and they won’t be able to see
enhanced to include more language that Tinder classifies as
you or message you anymore.
harmful or inappropriate, such as terms related to hate
Users can report someone they
speech, sexual exploitation or harassment. As always, bad
have either chosen to unmatch,
behaviour and patterns of inappropriate content can result
or have been unmatched with, at
in someone’s removal from Tinder.
any time.
7 Swipe and Swipe Right are registered trademarks of Match Group, LLC.
Does This Bother You?
Similar to Are You Sure?, Does This Bother You? asks users
this question when they receive a potentially offensive
message on Tinder. When someone responds ‘yes’ to the
“Does This Bother You?” prompt, they have the option to
report the sender for their behaviour. This feature has
helped increase reporting of harassment. It has been
enhanced to include more language that Tinder classifies
as harmful or inappropriate, such as terms related to hate
speech, sexual exploitation or harassment.
Video Chat
Tinder’s video chat feature was built with
control and comfort as its first priority. The
in-app video calling feature allows users to
meet digitally, verify their match is genuine
and better assess whether the chemistry is
there before an IRL date - all without giving
out personal contact details.
Share My Date
Tinder allows users who are matching with partners to share details of their upcoming dates with
people they trust, in order to let others know where they are headed and with whom. Share My Date
is designed for pals, parents, and peers alike. With one easy link, users can share information about
the date —including location, date, time, and a photo of their match—directly from the app. They can
decide who they want to share their date with and create an unlimited number of dates within the
app up to 30 days in advance.
8 Swipe and Swipe Right are registered trademarks of Match Group, LLC.
User Warning
The new warnings aim to enhance
transparency and improve in-app behaviour
when engaging with other users, addressing
issues such as harassment, advertising, and
impersonation. These warnings offer additional
guidance to inform users about inappropriate
behaviour and provide immediate opportunities
to correct their actions. They are classified into
three categories: authenticity, respectfulness,
and inclusiveness, helping to create a safer and
more respectful online environment.
Tinder uses a robust reporting framework that combines
technology and human review to swiftly evaluate user
behaviour, ensuring it adheres to our Community
Guidelines. Users can report someone directly from a
profile or reach out through the Safety Centre in the app
at any time. We take reports very seriously.
Traveller Alert
When LGBTQIA+ users travel IRL or use
Tinder’s Passport feature in a country
with laws that penalise their community,
they are alerted and given a choice to
Block Contacts opt out before their profile is shown in
Block Contacts allows users to block personal contacts the area. Tinder can be a great way to
they’d rather not see nor seen by, in the app – meet people when travelling, but safety
empowering them to confidently “like” their way to new comes first.
connections without any unwanted surprises. Whether
those contacts are already on Tinder or decide to
download it later using the same contact info, they won’t
9 ever appear as a potential match. Swipe and Swipe Right are registered trademarks of Match Group, LLC.
Block Profile Long Press Reporting Incognito Mode
Block Profile is an important step to Tinder wants it to be as easy as possible Incognito Mode is a step up from fully
give users the option to choose who for users to report bad behaviour. Long hiding your profile. Subscribers can
they want to see on Tinder. Now, when press reporting lets people tap and hold still Like and Nope in the app, but
profiles are suggested, before offensive messages, launching the only those whom they’ve Liked will
matching, users can block them so reporting flow directly in the chat see them in their recommendations.
they don’t show up again. It’s an easy experience. By simplifying this flow, Take complete control over who sees
way to avoid seeing a boss or an ex. Tinder hopes more users will report bad you while scrolling through profiles
This new feature comes in addition to behaviour, allowing it to take appropriate on Tinder.
Block Contacts and blocking following action against accounts that violate the
making a report. Community Guidelines.
10 Swipe and Swipe Right are registered trademarks of Match Group, LLC.
Some of the green flags to look out for include:
Green Flags
Have clear Making an effort to Remembering the
intentions about keep the little things
We all know there are red flags to look out for what they are conversation going
looking for & interesting
in the world of dating, but do you know there
are also plenty of green flags, or positive signs,
that could suggest you’re onto a winner?
Focussing on green flags can ensure you’re
always in control and help confirm that you’ve
found a keeper. Being vulnerable Making you feel They show
in front of you comfortable being consistency in
your true self
11 Swipe and Swipe Right are registered trademarks of Match Group, LLC.
Protect personal details
Never share ANY personal information
with people you don’t know. Your date of
birth, address, where you go to college or
work, your usual routine details, or any Keep it secure
information about your family and friends Your Tinder password should be
should be kept private. stronger than the chemistry with your
match, and that’s saying something.
Make sure you’re careful when
logging in from a public/shared
computer and beware of any Tinder
emails that ask for your username
Look for profiles with Photo
and password information (we
Verification wouldn’t send emails like this). If you
Reduce your chances of encountering fake receive an email asking for account
profiles by matching with people with a blue info, report it immediately!
tick against their name. Photo Verification
helps confirm that they are the person in
their profile by comparing profile photos
with a series of posed photos taken in-app.
On Tinder, you can even choose to only see
people who are already Photo Verified.
Building safe and Be wary of scams
meaningful connections Watch out for scammers who ask for
online financial help and anyone who won't
talk on a phone/video call—they may
not be who they say they are. If
Stick to Tinder
someone is avoiding your questions
Once you've got the ball rolling with a match,
or pushing for a serious relationship
be cautious and alert if they try to move the
without meeting or getting to know
conversation to other apps right away - they
you first, that’s probably a red flag
could be trying to bypass Tinder’s Safe
(red flags are warning signs of
Message Filters. Staying on the Tinder
potentially ongoing troubling or
platform is a great (and safe) idea as it only
negative behaviour).
allows texts, emojis and video calls. Also, you
don’t have to worry about receiving any
12 unwanted pictures. Swipe and Swipe Right are registered trademarks of Match Group, LLC.
Meet in a public place Instincts are heroes
Opt for public places especially Trust your gut feelings. If the vibes don’t feel
if you are meeting for the first right, don't hesitate to leave. Your comfort
time. Cute cafes, good and safety should always be a top priority.
restaurants, or parks could be
good spots for your first date.
in person
If your date asks for money in advance, it’s a
red flag. Reputable venues don't ask for
Limit your drinks advance payments!
Stay sharp and in control. Know your
own limits and never feel pressured,
or pressure anyone else, into drinking
more than you/t hey want to. In fact,
Having a fun and safe IRL dating opt for sober date options like
experience grabbing a tea or coffee, going for a
comedy show, or a karaoke night to
Verify the restaurant's authenticity
keep the conversation bubbling via reviews
without the buzz, especially for your Got a date suggestion at a fancy spot? Do a
first date. quick check online. If it feels off. consider
picking a familiar location.
Consent is pretty simple, really. Sometimes it is expressed with words, sometimes with
actions. The point is that, if you meet someone online or in person, you have a
responsibility to respect their boundaries, and they must respect yours. If you aren’t
absolutely sure what they’re comfortable with, just ask.
Additionally, Tinder also launched a first-of-its-kind, online self-learning course, Let’s Talk
Consent, focused on interpersonal consent in partnership with Yuvaa. The course hosted
on Coursera for free, provides reliable and authentic guidance about interpersonal
consent to young adults in India for the very first time.
Asking Consent doesn't always have to be verbal, but verbally agreeing to different sexual
activities can help both you and your partner respect each other's boundaries. Verbal
consent can include saying “yes,” “don’t stop” or telling a partner what you want. Some
examples of non-verbal consent include nodding, pulling someone closer, or active
engagement, such as mutual touching.
consent Remember that nonverbal cues tend to be less clear when you’re with a new partner, so
it’s always best to use verbal consent until you know someone well. And besides,
asking for consent can be sexy. Consent should always be clear, enthusiastic, and
ongoing throughout sexual activity. It’s really important for everyone in the relationship
to feel comfortable with what’s happening and communicate that comfort every step of
the way.
14 Swipe and Swipe Right are registered trademarks of Match Group, LLC.
Withdrawing Breach of
consent Consent
You can withdraw consent at any point if you feel If you are in a situation where your consent has
uncomfortable. One way to do this is to clearly been breached, here is what you can do:
communicate to your partner that you are no longer
comfortable with this activity and wish to stop. Stay calm
Analyse the situation calmly and don’t panic. Panicking will
Withdrawing consent can sometimes be challenging or only cloud your mind and not help you think clearly about
difficult to do verbally, so non-verbal cues can also be what your next steps should be.
used to convey this. The best way to ensure that all
parties are comfortable with any sexual activity is to talk Follow your gut
If you are confused about whether or not your consent was
about it, check in periodically, and make sure everyone
breached, it is most likely that it was breached. Remember,
involved consents before escalating or changing activities. if you had given your complete and enthusiastic consent,
the confusion would not arise in the first place. When in
Giving Consent
doubt, always go with your gut feeling.
In order to build that connection with someone, the little
things do matter. A simple compliment such as letting
your date know they look amazing, or something like
gently caressing their hand during dinner if they’d like
can go a long way in building that chemistry!
Talk it out
Spend some time discussing what’s on your mind with
your partner in a space that feels safe for you both.
It’s important to be on the same page about safety,
consent, and pleasure, so you could together decide
When it comes to intimacy, it’s often the case of different
what things you would like to try and avoid while
strokes for different folks. Before discussing your intimacy getting intimate for the first time.
needs with anyone, it’s important to put your comfort first.
When you would like to get intimate with someone, how far It’s OK to change your mind
would you like to go, and what your boundaries may be are all Please know that you don’t have to go through with
such a personal and subjective choice. There’s no one ‘right’ an experience just because you initiated it. You can
way to bring up this conversation – the rule of thumb is to pause or even completely stop the act if you’re not
approach it with care and sensitivity in a manner that is feeling it. Go slow, pace yourself, and have a good
time, of course!
respectful to both your feelings.
Feedback is a must
Tinder’s dating wellness guide, Tinder Love and Care, features Whether it’s in the moment or after an intimate
advice and insights from prominent female experts and queer session, both of you should be able to communicate
voices in India, covering a range of topics such as sexual how you’re feeling. You could talk about the bits you
health, intimacy and fostering honest conversations with dates, enjoyed, the bits that were meh or a big no, and what
all while prioritising self-care. else you would like to experiment with if there’s going
to be a next time.
16 Swipe and Swipe Right are registered trademarks of Match Group, LLC.
We’re here for you. We take harassment very seriously and we don’t want it on
Tinder. Here are some examples of why we ban accounts:
Violence and physical Sending sexually explicit content
harm off the app without your match’s
How to unmatch
Whether you realise you just aren’t that interested or your match starts acting
inappropriately, you can always unmatch them.
When you unmatch someone, you’ll disappear from their match list and vice
versa, and they won’t be able to see you or message you anymore.
To unmatch someone, open your chat with that person > tap the flag icon (iOS)
or the ellipses icon (Android) in the top right-hand corner > Unmatch.
18 Swipe and Swipe Right are registered trademarks of Match Group, LLC.
How to report Reporting before you match
Click on the profile of the person you want to report. Click on the three
dots on the top left or scroll down and tap the “Report” button to select
your reason and send us a quick, confidential report.
You can report anyone regardless of if you've matched Reporting after you match
with them or not and can select from a number of From your message screen, click on the shield icon on the top right and
then tap the following icon to select your reason and send us a quick,
reasons for reporting. Our enhanced reporting process is
confidential report.
designed to give survivors more control over what step
they want to take next — whether it’s making a formal Reporting someone you unmatched with
report immediately, unmatching and making a report Continuing to see a bad actor in a match list can be triggering and
later, or reaching out to Tinder’s network of support traumatising, which is why we’ve designed our reporting system to
resources. The details will not be shared with the person allow users to unmatch and yet still easily report directly from the app.
you’re reporting. The reporting process was recently The ability to make a report after unmatching someone may be
necessary for a few reasons. Users should feel confident they can hold
redesigned using guidance from RAINN to give survivors
someone accountable, even if they are unmatched, so we have created
more agency over whatstep they want to take next a more direct way to report directly in the app.
19 Swipe and Swipe Right are registered trademarks of Match Group, LLC.
Final Review Screen:
The review screen gives users the opportunity to
add any additional information and review the
details of their report so they can submit with
20 Swipe and Swipe Right are registered trademarks of Match Group, LLC.
Respecting Diverse Identities
Let’s talk
The inclusive realm of online dating welcomes individuals
from various walks of life and gender identities. Cultivating
genuine connections requires a respectful attitude
towards every unique identity.
for guesswork when it comes to someone's gender or
identity—asking is always the right approach. Start
conversations by sharing your pronouns and inviting your
potential match to do the same. Expressing your pronouns
in the introduction signifies your commitment to
respecting theirs while encouraging them to reciprocate.
Open Mind for Meaningful Bonds
When embarking on the journey of online romance,
remember that empathy is essential. Approach
conversations with an open mind, recognizing that some
individuals may willingly share their gender experiences,
Gender is a spectrum, comprising myriad ways of experiencing and while others may not. The exploration of your own sexuality
expressing identity. It extends far beyond the traditional male-female binary, is a valuable endeavour; it's perfectly fine not to resonate
encompassing a diverse array of identities. CSR has pioneered humane, with every experience. As you engage with potential
equitable, and gender-equal progress. With decades of experience, it has partners, be candid about your feelings and uncertainties,
woven gender into the fabric of society. as fostering sincere dialogue paves the way for genuine
As the first app based dating service to break the limitations of representing
yourself just in the binary, Tinder has always supported its users’ freedom to Stay Curious & Learn
explore their individuality and how they show up in the app and IRL. In 2022, The bedrock of an authentic dating experience is
Tinder introduced — an initiative that demystifies the continuous learning and mutual respect. It's not a one-time
limitations of the binary construct, emphasizes the importance of pronouns, fix, but an ongoing journey of learning. Embrace diverse
and addresses questions about partnering with someone who identifies as perspectives, engage with various people, and be open to
queer. Taking a cue from the 50+ gender orientations and 9 sexual new ideas to enrich your understanding. With an open mind,
orientations available on the app, Tinder encourages self expression and an you’ll be well-equipped to navigate gender complexities
inclusive dating experience on the app and beyond. and forge meaningful connections.
21 Swipe and Swipe Right are registered trademarks of Match Group, LLC.
● One Future Collective (+91 90195 48792) ● National Human Right Commision (011 23385368, +91 9810298900)
is a feminist youth-led not-for-profit for social justice support is an organisation set up for the protection and promotion of human
● Umang LBT Support Group (+91 99300 95856)
is a community support group for lesbian women, bisexual women ● Delhi Commission for Women (011 23379181, 011 23370597)
and trans persons is a statutory body constituted to investigate and examine all matters
relating to the safety and security of women in Delhi
● Pink Legal (+91 99599 04400)
is India’s first ever website dedicated to women’s rights and women’s ● All India Women's Conference (10921, 011 23389680)
law is a non profit organisation dedicated to supporting women's rights in
● The Humsafar Trust (+91 98929 40966)
is an LGBTQIA+ Rights support group in India ● Centre for Social Research (CSR), India (+91 011 46131929).
Crisis Intervention Centre(s), to support survivors of gender-based
● National Commission For Women (011 26942369, 011 26944754)
violence, discrimination, or assault IRL and online, [email protected].
is a government body protecting and promoting the interests of
women in India ● Women Helpline Domestic Abuse (181)
is a helpline which provides 24 hours immediate and emergency
● National Cyber Crime Reporting: (1930)
response to women affected by violence
is a government initiative aimed at helping victims of cybercrime
lodge complaints online ● Crisis Intervention Centre (+91 011 46131929)
is CSR India’s platform to support gender-based violence,
● Women In Distress (1091)
discrimination, or assault IRL and online
is a government helpline number to assist a woman in distress or in a
case of emergency
22 Swipe and Swipe Right are registered trademarks of Match Group, LLC.