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Project Report On Recruitment and Selection

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About Company

tingit s part in the development of many businesses around
the globe. Solitaire Infosys socialize with their clients to get a
superior cognizance of their business and requirements and
help them in fabricating websites and applications for their
business. Founded in 2011 by a dynamic duo with the same
aim and zeal, this have come a long way in satisfying with

Solitaire Infosys are serving their clients with the world-class

services for more than ten years now. The clients are delivered
with the best IT solutions after company have developed a
great understanding of their business and requirements. In
company team works on the client projects like its own and
that is the reason why company hold the edge in the league.
With every project that company deliver, company deliver our
respect, creativity, quality, transparency, and teamwork to
clients. company have the experience, expertise, and
capabilities to enable organizations to accelerate their service
processes in every possible way. company are known for their
excellent customer satisfaction, cost-effectiveness, and
innovative skills that are unparalleled.


The internship opportunity I had with Solitaire Infosys Pvt. Ltd

was a great chance for learning and professional
development. Therefore, I consider myself as a very lucky
individual as I was provided with an opportunity to be a part of
it. I am also grateful for having a chance to meet so many
wonderful people and professionals who led me though this
internship period.

Bearing in mind previous I am using this opportunity to

express my deepest gratitude and special thanks to the MD of
Solitaire Infosys who in spite of being extraordinarily busy with
her/his duties, took time out to hear, guide and keep me on
the correct path and allowing me to carry out my project at
esteemed organization and extending during the training.

Preface and acknowledgement

I did an internship at solitaire Infosys pvt.ltd, an IT company.

This internship project is a part of my final year Bachelor
program which I conduct at Eternal University.
I was assigned the project for the RECRUITMENT AND
We can easily modify, store, and retrieve information using the
Campus Edge. It makes the admission, promotion,
examination, inventory financial accounting, fee management,
staff &payroll, library management, timetable, Human
Resource Management, transport, and every other utility easy
to maintain for the management.
Campus Edge is the best ERP software that automates all the
administrative functions of institutions, be it a school, college
or institute. From the admission to the attendance to the
notification of the result.
Highlights of the software
• Timetable updates
• Account management
• Payroll


About company
Preface and acknowledgement
Weekly Overview of Internship Activities

1 Introduction of recruitment

1.1 Purpose and importance

1.2 Recruitment process
1.3 Factor affecting recruitment
1.4 Methods of recruitment
1.5 Different types of recruitment
1.6 Sources of recruitment
1.7 Recruitment organization
1.8 Recruitment policy

2 Introduction of selection
2.1 Process of selection
2.2 Selection test
2.3 Barriers to effective selection

Company Project Name: Recruitment and


Introduction Of Recruitment
Recruitment is a positive process of searching for prospective
employees and stimulating them to apply for the jobs in the
organization. When more persons apply for jobs then there
will be a scope for recruiting better persons. The job-seekers
too, on the other hand, are in search of organizations offering
them employment. Recruitment is a linkage activity bringing
together those with jobs and those seeking jobs. In simple
words, the term recruitment refers to discovering the source
from where potential employees may be selected. The
scientific recruitment process leads to higher productivity,
better wages, high morale, reduction in labour turnover and
enhanced reputation. It stimulates people to apply for jobs;
hence it is a positive process.
According to Edwin B. Flippo, “It is a process of searching for
prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them
to apply for jobs in an organization.” He further elaborates it,
terming it both negative and positive.

Purpose and Importance

1. Determines the Present & Future Requirements

The recruitment process assists a company in evaluating its
present and future staffing requirements. It conducts a
methodical examination of company operations to determine
the right number of recruits necessary.

2. Prevents Disruption of Business Activities

• The process of recruitment ensures that the daily activities of
your organization are carried out seamlessly. It provides
businesses with all necessary human resources regularly for
various job positions. The recruitment process selects
individuals from a variety of backgrounds to meet the
organization’s needs.

3. Increases Success Rate of Hiring

This approach is effective in stimulating the success
percentage of the company’s selecting process. It analyzes all
the job applications to minimize the frequency of unqualified
and exaggerating candidates. Only qualified employee’s

applications are advanced to the next stage of the recruitment


4. Expands Talent Pool

The goal of recruitment is to create a wide pool of qualified
candidates from which one has to choose the most qualified
individual for the job.
This approach draws big groups of individuals and encourages
them to apply for open opportunities in a company.

5. Cost-Effective
It focuses on minimizing total costs and time spent on finding
suitable employees. Recruitment is a well-organized and
methodical approach in which a large number of people are
given a detailed description of a job opening. A good job
description attracts a large number of people at a lower cost.

6. Improves the Credibility of the Organization

A business organization’s reputation is bolstered by a strong
recruitment process. It assesses the validity of job openings
and reflects the professionalism and authenticity of the
company. The adoption of a good application method by a
company organization will aid in increasing the trust of job

applicants. This, in turn, attracts the attention of highly

qualified applicants for your company.

1. Recruitment Planning:
The first step involved in the recruitment process is planning.
Here, planning involves to draft a comprehensive job
specification for the vacant position, outlining its major and
minor responsibilities; the skills, experience and qualifications
needed; grade and level of pay; starting date; whether
temporary or permanent; and mention of special conditions, if
any, attached to the job to be filled”

2. Strategy Development:
Once it is known how many with what qualifications of
candidates are required, the next step involved in this regard
is to devise a suitable strategy for recruiting the candidates in
the organization.
The strategic considerations to be considered may include
issues like whether to prepare the required candidates
themselves or hire it from outside, what type of recruitment
method to be used, what geographical area be considered for
searching the candidates, which source of recruitment to be
practiced, and what sequence of activities to be followed in
recruiting candidates in the organization.

3. Searching:
This step involves attracting job seekers to the organization.
There are broadly two sources used to attract candidates.
These are:
1. Internal Sources, and
2. External Source
These have been just discussed, in detail, under 6.3 Sources of

4. Screening
Though some view screening as the starting point of selection,
we have considered it as an integral part of recruitment. The
reason being the selection process starts only after the
applications have been screened and shortlisted. Let it be
exemplified with an example.
In the Universities, applications are invited for filling the post
of Professors. Applications received in response to invitation,
i.e., advertisement are screened and shortlisted on the basis
of eligibility and suitability. Then, only the screened applicants
are invited for seminar presentation and personal interview.
The selection process starts from here, i.e., seminar
presentation or interview.

Job specification is invaluable in screening. Applications are

screened against the qualification, knowledge, skills, abilities,
interest and experience mentioned in the job specification.
Those who do not qualify are straightway eliminated from the
selection process.
The techniques used for screening candidates vary depending
on the source of supply and method used for recruiting.
Preliminary applications, de-selection tests and screening
interviews are common techniques used for screening the

5. Evaluation and Control:

Given the considerable cost involved in the recruitment
process, its evaluation and control is, therefore, imperative.

Factor affecting 0f recruitment

Factor affecting of recruitment


• Recruitment policy
• Supply and demand
• Labour market • Human resource
• Image/ goodwill planning

• Political-Social-Legal • Size of the firm

Environment • Cost of recruitment

• Unemployment rate • Growth and
• Competitors expansion

The internal factors also called as “endogenous factors” are
the factors within the organization that effect recruiting
personnel in the organization.
The internal forces i.e. the factors which can be controlled by
the organization are:
1. Recruitment Policy
The recruitment policy of the organization i.e. recruiting from
internal sources and external also affect the recruitment
process The recruitment policy of an organization specifies the
objectives or recruitment and provides a framework for
implementation of recruitment program.It may involve
organizational system to be developed for implementing
recruitment programs and procedure by filling up vacancies
with best qualified people.
Factors Affecting Recruitment Policy
• Need of the organization.
• Organizational objectives
• Preferred sources of recruitment.
• Government policies on reservations.
• Personnel policies of the organization and its competitors.
• Recruitment costs and financial implications.

2.Human Resource Planning

Effective human resource planning helps in determining the
gaps present in the existing manpower of the organization. It
also helps in determining the number of employees to be
recruited and what qualification they must possess.
3. Size of the Organization
The size of the organization affects the recruitment process. If
the organization is planning to increase its operations and
expand its business, it will think of hiring more personnel,
which will handle its operations.
4. Cost involved in recruitment
Recruitment incur cost to the employer, therefore,
organizations try to employ that source of recruitment which
will bear a lower cost of recruitment to the organization for
each candidate.
5. Growth and Expansion
Organization will employ or think of employing more
personnel if it is expanding its operations.


1.Supply and Demand

The availability of manpower both within and outside the
organization is an important determinant in the recruitment
process. If the company has a demand for more professionals
and there is limited supply in the market for the professionals
demanded by the company, then the company will have to
depend upon internal sources by providing them special
training and development programs.
2. Labour Market
Employment conditions in the community where the
organization is located will influence the recruiting efforts of
the organization. If there is surplus of manpower at the time
of recruitment, even informal attempts at the time of
recruiting like notice boards display of the requisition or
announcement in the meeting etc. will attract more than
enough applicants.
3.Goodwill / Image of the organization
Image of the organization is another factor having its
influence on the recruitment process of the organization. This
can work as a potential constraint for recruitment. An
organization with positive image and goodwill as an employer
finds it easier to attract and retain employees than an

organization with negative image. Image of a company is

based on what organization does and affected by industry.
Managerial actions like good public relations, rendering public
service like building roads, public parks, hospitals and schools
help earn image or goodwill for organization.
4. Political-Social- Legal Environment
Various government regulations prohibiting discrimination in
hiring and employment have direct impact on recruitment
practices. For example, Government of India has introduced
legislation for reservation in employment for scheduled
castes, scheduled tribes, physically handicapped etc. Also,
trade unions play important role in recruitment. This restricts
management freedom to select those individuals who it
believes would be the best performers. If the candidate can’t
meet criteria stipulated by the union but union regulations can
restrict recruitment sources.
5.Unemployment Rate
One of the factors that influence the availability of applicants
is the growth of the economy (whether economy is growing or
not and its rate). When the company is not creating new jobs,
there is often oversupply of qualified labour which in turn
leads to unemployment.

The recruitment policies of the competitors also affect the
recruitment function of the organizations. To face the
competition, many a times the organizations have to change
their recruitment policies according to the policies being
followed by the competitors.

Methods of recruitment These are:

1. Direct Method
2. Indirect Method
3. Third Party Method.

1. Internal Method:
In this method, the representatives of the organization are
sent to the potential candidates in the educational and
training institutes. They establish contacts with the candidates
seeking jobs. These representatives work in cooperation with
placement cells in the institutions Persons pursuing
management; engineering, medical etc. programmers are
mostly picked up in this manner.
• Promotion and transfers:
this is a method of filling vacancies from internal resources of
the company to achieve optimum of a staff members skills

and talents .transfer is the permanents lateral movement of

an employee from one position to another position in the
same or another job class assigned to usually same salary
• Job posting:
job posting is an arrangement in which a firm internally posts
a list of open position so that existing employees who wish to
move to different functional areas may apply.
• Employee Referrals :
it’s a recruitment method in which the current employees are
encouraged and rewarded for introducing suitable recruits
from among the people they know.
2.External method:
External method of recruitment are again divided into two
Direct external recruitment methods:
• Campus Recruitment:
campus recruitment companies visit some of the most
important technical and professional institutes in an attempt
to hire young intelligent and smart students at sources.it is a
common practice for institutes today to hire a placement
officer who coordinates with small, medium and large size
companies and help in campus recruitment procedure.

Indirect external recruitment methods:

• Advertisement :
Recruitment advertising, also known as Recruitment
communications and Recruitment agency, includes all
communications used by an organization to attract talent to
work within it. Recruitment advertisements may be the first
impression of a company for many job seekers.
• Third party method:
walk –ins is relatively inexpensive ,and applicants may be filed
and processed whenever vacancies occurs. Walk-ins provide
an excellent public relations opportunity becausewelltreated
applicants are likely to inform others. On the other hand ,walk-
in show up randomly ,and there may be no match with
available openings.
• E-Recruiting :
there are many methods used for e-recruitment ,some of the
methods are as follow:
1. Job boards: these are the places where the Employeers post
jobs and search for candidate .one of the disadvantage is:it is
generic in nature.
2. Employer web sites: these sites can be of the company on
wed sites ,or a site developed by various employers.

3. Professional websites : these are for specific professions

,skills and not general in nature.
• Gate hiring and contractors:
the concept of gate hiring is to select people who approach on
their own for employment in the organization .this happens
mostly in the case of unskilled and semi –skilled workers .it is
quite useful and ancient method at the intial stage of the
organization when large number of such people may be
required by the organization.

Different types of recruitment models

Here are some different types of recruitment models
commonly used in today’s job market:
On Demand Recruitment

Contingency Hiring

Retained Search

Exclusive Requirements

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

Outplacement Executive Search


1. On Demand Recruiting
On-demand recruitment model is gaining popularity recently.
Here a recruiter works based on an hourly or project basis.
That simply means you hold the right to add or remove a
recruiter as well as hours from your project as you need. You
can consider it as “renting” a recruiter for extending your
company’s in-house talent acquisition function. This
recruitment model is intended to be very flexible. This model
differs from above listed RPO recruitment model as it is
provided as a supplement to your in-house recruiting function,
instead of replacement. If, however, your company is located
in Denver and you prefer an on-demand recruitment model,
on-demand recruiting solutions Denver can be the right choice
for your company.

2. Contingency Hiring
Contingency hiring is one of the most widely used recruitment
models. This model works based on some agreed terms &
conditions with clients & offering employees on as required
basis to the companies. It incorporates an ongoing
recruitment & placement action to the client company.
Candidates who follow this recruitment model do not have
any need to pay to the recruiter. Here the companies who
have consulted contingency recruiters to follow contingency
recruitment model for their hiring process will have to pay the

fee (to the contingency recruiter) for supplying an appropriate

candidate. Depending upon the specific hiring needs of a
company, the contingency recruiter may also set different
tests to find the right employee. Moreover, these contingency
recruiters keep a database of prospective candidates so as to
get enough support while selecting a candidate for their client.
This type of recruitment model mainly focuses on network of
IT professionals as well as on an extensive database to source
the right candidates.

3. Retained Search
In this recruitment model, a retained recruiter works based
on a contractual relationship with the clients or employers for
strategic search assignments. Here is a premise that the client
or employer will have to pay an upfront fee for the agent or
consultant to search for the right candidate. Such retained
recruiters work exclusively on an opportunity until they fill the
vacancy with the most suitable applicant. Plus, they also
perform closely with the potential employers to find the
candidate with the required skill set for the job at hand.
However, in most of the cases, a retained recruiter provides
the employer with just the job seeker who holds the required
qualification and skill set; but this is not true for all cases.
Sometimes the recruitment agency examines all the
candidates by taking interviews and chooses a number of

most appropriate candidates who hold the most credible set

of required job skills. And this list of shortlisted candidates is
then forwarded to the clients so that they can select the
candidate who best meets their specific hiring needs.

4. Exclusive Requirements
Exclusive requirements, as the name suggests, it is a type of
recruitment model which works based on an agreement of
some exclusive requirements between recruiter and client.
Here recruiter assures the client to fill the position within a
period of exclusivity or particular date. If the recruiter can’t fill
the vacancy by that agreed time, the client has the right to
offer this opportunity to other recruiters or can close the
opening with less commission or charge some penalty on that
recruiter. All these terms & conditions are clearly specified in
the agreement. When it comes to the percentage of
commission in this type of recruitment model, it is very less
compared to contingency hiring model as there is no

5. Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

In this recruitment model, an external service provider works
for a company’s internal recruitment processes. This provider
can offer its own or may consider the company’s staff,

services, technologies and reporting systems. Here RPO

partner is totally responsible for everything, including
sourcing, scheduling, interview processes, joining offers and
even closing of all the requirements. And the company does
not need to handle their own requirement team, which is a
great cost-saving benefit for the company. On the other side, if
an external service provider is not well familiar with the
company’s culture and hiring plans, it may put the company
under a great risk. That’s why companies should be cautious
while selecting a recruitment partner.

Recruitment organization
• Centralized recruitment
• Decentralized recruitment

Centralized recruitment
Under this personnel department at the head office performs
all the functions or recruitment
Advantages :
• It reduces the administrative cost by consolidating all
recruitment activities at one place
• It helps in better utilization of specialists
• It ensures uniformity in recruitment and selection of all
types of employees
• It facilitates interchangeability of staff between different
• It relieves the line executives of the recruitment problem
thereby enabling them to concentrate on their operational

• It tends to reduce favoritism in recruitment and makes the

recruitment process more scientific
Disadvantages :
• There is delay in recruitment as operating units cannot
recruit staff as and when required
• The central office may not be fully familiar with job
requirements of different units and the most suitable sources
for the required staff
• Recruitment is not flexible because operating units lose
control over the recruitment process Decentralized
recruitment On the other hand, with a decentralized recruiting

Decentralized recruitment
On the other hand, with a decentralized recruiting process,
each manager — or a dedicated recruiter dispersed to each
business unit based on department or geography — is solely
responsible for making recruitment decisions within their unit
and can choose their own employees based on different
Decentralized recruitment processes vary from unit to unit
and allow for a lot of freedom in recruiting strategy.
Advantages of a decentralized recruitment process

With a decentralized recruiting process, policies can be

tailored to each business unit and/or local market’s unit needs
and priorities.
That means a decentralized process offers better recruiting
flexibility, which can sometimes lead to faster hiring—
especially when you need to fill a position quickly.
Disadvantages of a decentralized recruitment process
Decentralized recruiting does have its disadvantages
. • For one thing, there’s often a lack of consistency and
standardization across various business units. This can create
a really fragmented, disorganized hiring process with different
recruitment standards, varying policies and pay grades, and a
lack of coordination across the board.
• Plus, in a decentralized recruiting model, it’s hard for
company leaders to ensure hiring practices are fair, unbiased,
and ethical across the board, for every department and
location. This can result in interviewer bias, whether conscious
or unconscious and prevent decentralized companies from
building inclusive teams.

Sources of recruitment


Refers to recruitment that takes place from within the

It includes:
A)Transfers & Promotions:
Transfers implies shifting of an employee from one job to
another without any shift in change of responsibilities, and on
the other hand promotion refers to shifting of an
B) Retired and retrenched employees who want to return to
company may be hired.
C) Dependents and relatives of deceased and disabled


External sources of recruitment lie outside the organizations

The include:
A) Educational Institutions: Various companies visit many
colleges which have made arrangements for campus
interviews and recruit candidates. Colleges like IIT’S and IIM’s

have a more than 100 famous companies like Barclays, Boston

consultancy group coming and recruiting candidates.
B) Recruiting Agencies: These are basically various private
consultancy firms like Price Waterhouse coopers, ABC group
which recruit candidates on behalf of the client companies by
charging a fee.
C) Employment exchanges: These exchanges provide
information about job vacancies to jobseekers. These can be
private and also government exchanges.
D) Casual callers: Many candidates visit the company by
themselves and give interviews. The companies may not need
them presently but can call them anytime in future when there
are vacancies.

Recruitment policy

It specifies the objectives of recruitment and provides a

framework for the implementation of the recruitment
It involves :
• Enriching the organizations’ human resources by filling
vacancies with the best qualified people
• Attitudes towards recruiting handicaps, minority groups,
women, friends and relatives of present employees •
Promotion from within
• Development of organizational system for implementing the
recruitment programme and procedures to be employed
General Principles
General principles a recruitment policy involves which reflect
the employer’s commitment are :

➢ To find and employ the best qualified persons for each job
➢ To retain the most promising of those hired
➢ To offer promising opportunities for the life time working
➢ To provide facilities and opportunities for personal growth
on the job

Factors affecting recruitment policy :

➢ Organizational objectives
➢ Personnel policies of the Organization and its competitors
➢ Government policies on reservations
➢ Preferred sources of recruitment
➢ Organization’s recruitment needs
➢ Recruitment costs
➢ Financial implications
➢ Selection criteria and preferences etc.

Pre-requisites of a good recruitment policy. It should :


➢ Abide by the relevant public policy and legislation on hiring

and employment relationship
➢ Provide employees with job security and continuous
➢ Integrate organizational needs and employee needs
➢ Provide each employee with freedom and opportunities to
utilize and develop knowledge and skills to the maximum
possible extent
➢ Treat all employees fairly and equitably in all employment
➢ Provide suitable jobs and protection to handicapped,
women and minority groups
➢ Encourage responsible trade unions
➢ Be flexible enough to meet the changing needs of the


Selection refers to choosing the right candidate, who is most

suitable for a job position that is vacant in an organization. It
includes the process of interviewing the candidates and
evaluating their skills, qualities, which are needed for a specific
This is the process of selecting the appropriate candidate for
the organization. It is a negative action because in this
candidates are rejected and most suitable candidates are
In other words, we can say that selection helps eliminate the
who are lacking in knowledge, skills, and ability to do that
particular work.

• Employee selection is a process of putting a right applicant

on a right job.
• Selection of an employee is a process of choosing the
applicants, who have the qualifications to fill the vacant job in
an organization.
• Selection is a process of identifying and hiring the applicants
for filling the vacancies in an organization.

• Employee selection is a process of matching organization’s

requirements with the skills and the qualifications of
A good selection process will ensure that the organization gets
the right set of employees with the right attitude.

“Selection process is a managerial decision-making process as
to predict which job applicants will be successful if hired.”

-David and Robbin


Process of selection

1. Preliminary Interview:
The screening interview/preliminary interview in which
candidates are eliminated from the further selection process
who do not reach the eligibility criteria prescribed by the
organization. On the other side, we can say that unsuitable
candidates rejected before proceeding with the next selection

2. Receiving Applications:
When the individual qualifies for the preliminary interview he
is required to fill in the application form according to given
format. These involved the data related to the age,
qualification, experience, etc. of the candidate which helps the
interviewer to get an idea about the candidate.
3. Screening Applications:
After getting the applications these are screened by the
screening committee, who then prepare a list of those
applicants whom are appropriate for the interviews.
4. Employment Tests:
Mental ability and skill set of an individual is checked in this
step, Such as intelligence tests, aptitude tests, psychological
tests, personality tests, etc. Suitability of the candidate for the
job is checked by these tests.
5. Employment Interview:
In this step the interviewer asks questions from the applicant
to discover more about candidate. By taking an interview, it is
easier for the employer/ management to understand the
candidate’s expectations from the job.
6. Checking References:
To cross-check the authenticity of the information provided by
the candidate, the employer ask some questions from the

references given by the candidates. These references may be

from the education institute from where the candidate has
completed his education or from his previous employment
where he was worked before.
7. Medical Examination:
Physical and Mental ability of the candidate are checked to
ensure that he is able to performing the job or not. Thus ,the
medical examination is an integral step in the selection
process because it helps in discover the applicant’s physical
ability to fulfill the job requirements.
8. Final Selection:
Finally, the candidate is selected who clears the all steps of
interview. Thus, the selection is a lengthy process because it
includes several stages that an individual has to qualify before
getting selected for the job.

Selection test

Aptitude test :-
Aptitude tests are test which assess the potential and ability of
a candidate. It enables to find out whether the candidate is
suitable for the job. The job may be managerial technical or
clerical. The different types of aptitude test are
Mental ability/mental intelligence test :-
This test is used to measure the over all intelligence and
intellectual ability of the candidate to deal with problems. It
judges the decision making abilities.

Mechanical aptitude test :-

This test deals with the ability of the candidate to do
mechanical work. It is used to judge and measure the
specialized knowledge and problem solving ability. It is used
for technical and maintenance staff.

Psycho motor test :-

This test judges the motor skills the hand and eye co-
ordination and evaluates the ability to do jobs lie packing,
quality testing, quality inspection etc.
Intelligence test :-
This test measures the numerical skills and reasoning abilities
of the candidates. Such abilities become important in decision
making. The test consists of logical reasoning ability, data
interpretation, comprehension skills and basic language skills.
Personality test :-
In this test the emotional ability or the emotional quotient is
tested. This test judges the ability to work in a group, inter
personal skills, ability to understand and handle conflicts and
judge motivation levels. This test is becoming very popular
now days.
Performance test :-

This test judges and evaluates the acquired knowledge and

experience of the knowledge and experience of the individual
and his speed and accuracy in performing a job. It is used to
test performance of typist, data entry operators etc.

Barriers to effective selection

Problems in Effective Selection
The main objective of selection is to hire people having
competence and commitment. The quality of employees you
hire depends on an effective recruitment and selection
strategy. However, the process isn’t always smooth sailing.
Employers face tangible problems such as the cost of
advertising job openings and intangible obstacles such as
improving communication between recruiters and hiring
managers. This objective s often defeated because of certain
barriers. The impediments, which check effectiveness of
selection, are perception, fairness, validity, reliability and

Our inability to understand others accurately is probably the
most fundamental barrier to selecting the right candidate.
Selection demands an individual or a group of people to
assess and compare the respective competencies of others,
with the aim of choosing the right persons for the jobs. But
our views are highly personalized. We all perceive the world
differently. Our limited perceptual ability is obviously a
stumbling block to the objective and rational selection of the
Fairness in selection requires that no individual should be
discriminated against on the basis of religion, region, race or
gender. But the low numbers of women and other less
privileged sections of the society in middle and senior
management positions and open discrimination on the basis
of age in job advertisements and in the selection process

would suggest that all the efforts to minimize inequity have

not been effective.
Validity, as explained earlier, is a test that helps predict job
performance of an incumbent. A test that has been validated
can differentiate between the employees who perform well
and those who will not. However, a validated test does not
predict job success accurately. It can only increase possibility
of success.
A reliable method is one, which will produce consistent results
when repeated in similar situations. Like validated test, a
reliable test may fail to predict job performance with precision.
Pressure is brought on the selectors by politicians,
bureaucrats, relatives, friends and peers to select particular
candidates. Candidates selected because of compulsions are
obviously not the right ones. Appointments to public sectors
undertakings generally take place under such pressures.
The cost to hire and replace hourly workers is approximately
six months’ wages; the cost to replace salaried personnel is
the salary for a year and a half, according to 2007 figures
analyzed by management consultant firm The Hay Group.

Recruitment costs include advertising space, professional

memberships, job fair sponsorship and college recruiting trips.
To conclude, recruitment problems can happen to the most
experienced recruiters, but there are strategies that can
significantly reduce these errors in order for you to save time,
money and energy. Keeping up to date with trends,
recognizing growth potential in your existing employees and
utilizing a psychometric test to uncover natural strengths are
ways to hire the best for the job and to ultimately enhance
your human capital

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