English Remarks by Maam Zille
English Remarks by Maam Zille
English Remarks by Maam Zille
Above Average
You have good comprehension skills and are able to identify the main points of a text. You can analyze writer’s craft
and use appropriate vocabulary to express yourself. Moreover, you are able to write in different registers as well as
maintain accuracy in language which is of core importance. Keep it up!
You have good comprehension and summarizing skills. You can identify expressions for writer’s craft question and
are able to comments on the effect they create. Moreover, you are able to write in different registers as well as
maintain accuracy in language which is of core importance. Keep it up!
You have good comprehension skills and are able to identify the main points of a text. However, you face some
difficulty in analyzing writer’s craft and writing in different registers which is required in directed writing task. You
are advised to focus on developing your written expression further through practice.
You have well developed comprehension and summarizing skills. You must focus on your writing skills which include
accuracy of language as well as using appropriate register according to the purpose and audience for the given task.
You also need to focus on the requirements of the set tasks, such as structure and word limit, in order to improve
your grade further.
You have good comprehension skills and can attempt summary and comprehension tasks well. However, you should
focus on use of accurate language and better vocabulary. You are advised to read books in order to develop your
written expression.
Below Average
You are a hardworking student and have the potential to do well in this subject. You need to be regular to school and
focus on studies. You are advised to read books to develop your expression and practice writing tasks in order to
show improvement in this subject.
You show a basic understanding for the different tasks orally when questioned but are reluctant to do written work.
You need to be regular in completion and submission of your work. You are advised to read books during summer
break which will help you in this subject in future.
You are a hard-working student and ask questions to understand the given tasks better. You need to focus on writing
in accurate language which includes, proper sentence formation, grammar, punctuation, and coherence. You also
need to use lucid handwriting. You are advised to read books during summer break which will help you in this
subject in future.
You show a basic understanding for the different tasks, but you should ask questions to understand the given tasks
better. You need to focus on writing in accurate language which includes, proper sentence formation, grammar,
punctuation, and coherence. You are advised to practice for writing and read books to improve your vocabulary and