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Three Major Traditions in the Development of of non-religious subjects or themes

Philippine Art unrelated to Catholicism.

A. Ethnic Tradition Art forms from the region:

- Influenced by the geographical location and Langit, lupa, at Impyerno - by Josef Luciano
the experiences of the Filipinos Dans. This wall painting by Josef Luciano Dans
- The Purpose of arts is integral to life. will be found in St. James the Apostle Church
- Reflected the pagan beliefs, practices and in Paete, Laguna. This painting was dated
activity (fishing, farming, and specific 1850 and depicts the heaven, crucifixion of
decorative art pattern to the community) Christ; earth, Adan and Eve; and hell,
sinners with different transgressions.
Influenced by the following:
1. Geographical Influence: The Philippines is an
archipelago with diverse landscapes, C. American Colonial and Contemporary Arts
climates, and natural resources. These Tradition-
factors greatly influence the artistic expressions Influenced by:
of its people.
1. Modern Art (1860s to 1960s): The
2. Experiences of Filipinos: The experiences, main theme is National Identity.
history, and cultural practices of Filipinos Spanned roughly from the 1860s to the
also shape their art forms. 1960s, a key theme in artworks was the
3. Integral to Life: The statement suggests that art exploration and representation of
is not just for aesthetic pleasure but is deeply national identity. Artists sought to
intertwined with daily life. This indicates that express the unique characteristics and
art serves practical and symbolic purposes cultural heritage of their nation through
within Filipino communities, reflecting their various artistic styles and techniques.
values, beliefs, and traditions.
4. Reflection of Pagan Beliefs and Practices: 2. Contemporary Art (1970s to Present):
Before the introduction of Christianity, many In contrast to modern art, contemporary
Filipinos practiced indigenous religions with art refers to the practice of art from the
pagan beliefs. Art forms during this time would 1970s to the present day.
have reflected these spiritual beliefs, rituals, Contemporary artworks serve as
and practices. reflections of the contemporary
culture and society in which they are
Art forms from the region: created. Artists often address current
- Manunggul Jar- found in Manunggul Cave, issues, trends, and social dynamics
Lipuun Point, Palawan in the early 1960s. through their works, providing insights
Manunggul jar is a burial jar which signifies the into the complexities of the modern
belief of early Filipino in life after death. world. Diverse and Emerging Art
Practices: The contemporary art period
is characterized by a wide range of
B. Spanish Colonial Tradition artistic practices and approaches.
- Influenced by religion and secularization. Artists experiment with diverse
- In this time, Spaniards used arts to propagate mediums, techniques, and concepts,
the Catholic faith. resulting in a rich tapestry of artistic
expressions. Additionally, emerging art
Influenced by: practices continually challenge
traditional boundaries and
1. Influence of Religion: Under Spanish colonial conventions, pushing the boundaries
rule, Catholicism became the dominant religion of what art can be and how it is
in the Philippines. Consequently, religious perceived.
themes and symbols heavily influenced
Filipino art during this period. Artists often Art forms from the region:
depicted scenes from the Bible, saints, and
religious ceremonies in their artworks. - Cinco Marias (Tres Marias Series) by
Federico Aguilar Alcuaz. Federico
2. Secularization: The term "secularization" refers Aguilas Alcuaz was born in Santa Cruz,
to the process of separating religious Manila. Cinco Marias (Tres Marias
institutions and practices from non-religious Series) depicts the variety of
aspects of life. Despite the strong influence of domestic activities (Guillermo, 2007)
Catholicism, Spanish colonial rule also led to the - Art Installation in Sand Dunes of
secularization of certain aspects of society, Paoay by Leeroy New. Leeroy New is
including art. This could involve the depiction one of the Philippines contemporary
artists. He is born in General Santos
City. This art installation of Leeroy New
was made for the La Milagrosa
Festival in IlocosNorte. According to Elements of Arts
Leeroy New, the art installation
symbolizes the great festivals, feasts Color are the way we see light reflected from a surface
and celebrations (Lapeña, 2012) or refracted through a prism. Colors we see in nature
are reflections of light on the surfaces around us. We
Environmental Art Forms classify colors into primary colors, secondary colors,
tertiary colors, analogous
- uses natural or sustainable materials.
Mediums used in eco-art include plants and Calligraphy colors, complementary colors,
discarded plant material, rocks, sand, water, monochromatic colors, warm colors, and cool colors.
ice, soil, and/or found or sustainably a) Primary colors are red, blue, and yellow.
produced materials. b) Secondary colors are the resulting colors when the
two of the primary colors are mix. The secondary colors
are purple, green, and orange.
c) Tertiary colors are the resulting colors when two of
Embroidery Application to Contemporary Arts:
the primary and/or secondary colors are mix. The
- Stitching. Stitches are the basic tertiary colors are amber, vermilion, magenta, violet,
elements of sewing, knitting or teal, and chartreuse.
embroidery whether by hand or d) Complementary colors are colors that are opposite
machine. to each other based on the color wheel. Examples of
- Loom Bands. These are also called as complementary colors are red and green, blue and
rainbow looms which are a plastic tool orange, and purple and yellow.
used to weave colorful rubber and e) Warm colors are colors that give the feeling of
plastic bands into decorative items such warmth. The warm colors are yellow, amber, orange,
as bracelets and charms. vermilion, red, and magenta.
- Nylon Bracelets. A tough light weight f) Cool colors are colors that give the feeling of
elastic synthetic polymer ornament coolness. The cool colors are purple, violet, blue, teal,
band hoop or chain worn on the wrist. green, and chartreuse.

Value pertains to the lightness or darkness of a color in

a given artwork. Value can be changed by adding white
Manlilikha ng Bayan as envisioned by R.A. 7355 or black to a color and these described as tint and
- A citizen engaged in any traditional art shade.
uniquely Filipino, whose distinct skills have a) Tint pertains to the lightness of a color.
reached such a high level of technical and b) Shade pertains to the darkness of a color.
artistic excellence, and have passed it on to
in his or her community with the same
degree of technical and artistic competence. Principles of Arts

1. Proportion- Proportion refers to the relationship

National Artist of the size of elements in a body of art.
2. Harmony- In visual arts, harmony is the unity of
Visual art the artwork, specifically about the arrangement
1972 Fernando C. Amorsolo- was a portraitist of the related elements.
and painter of rural Philippine landscapes. Nicknamed 3. Variety- In other terms, variety may be referred
the "Grand Old Man of Philippine Art," he was the to as diversity. This means adding multiple,
first-ever to be recognized as a National Artist of the different elements to break the monotony of an
Philippines. artwork and make it more interesting.
4. Movement- In arts, movement is the illusion of
Music motion in a painting, sculpture design, or in a
1997 Jose Maceda- José Montserrat Maceda was piece of art.
a Filipino ethnomusicologist and composer. He was 5. Rhythm- This refers to the repetition of certain
named a National Artist of the Philippines for Music in elements to produce a pattern. In visual arts,
1998. repeated design elements may create a certain
flow and may lead the viewer’s eyes.
6. Balance- Balance refers to the even and equal
distribution of elements.
7. Emphasis- Emphasis is a principle which may
refer to the greater impact given on a certain
- Mindanao: Dead Stars by H.O. Santos,
Features of Contemporary Art Indarapatra at Sulayman by Bartolome Del Valle
1. Communal nature, as it reflects the
relationships build around the bonds of Film
community and society. - Himala by Ishmael Bernal
2. Intuitive, as Filipinos are immersed in their - Mindanao by Brillante Mendoza
consciousness of themselves, their community
and their culture.
3. Holistic, as individuals, groups of people and
events are perceived in their entirety as well as National Commission for Culture and the Arts
the unitive use of art materials and forms.
The highest policy and coordinating body for culture
4. Creative process, as the artist puts more
and the arts of the state. It has to search for the finest
emphasis on now their artwork was made than
traditional artist of the land who adopts a program that
on the artwork itself.
will ensure the transfer of their skills to others,
5. Integrative, as it encompasses religious, moral,
undertakes measures to promote a genuine
spiritual, social, and environmental concerns.
appreciation of and crafts and give pride among our
6. Multi-focal, as it considers everything and
people about the genius of Manlilikha ng Bayan.
everyone, the wide perspective of the artwork as
well as both artist and viewer.
Presidential Proclamation No. 1001 s. 1972
GAMABA Awardees
April 27, 1972, the Order of the National Artist Award
1998 (Orden ng Gawad Pambansang Alagad ng Sining was
- Lang Dulay (d. 2015)- T’nalak Weaving She is established.
credited with preserving her people’s traditional
T’nalak usingabaca fibers as fine as hair which
traditionally has three primary colors, red, black, Abstract Expressionism
and the original colors of abaca leave recreated
by her nimble hands-the crocodiles,butterflies, A style of art that has meant one of the main
and flowers. Region: T’boli/Lake Sebu, South manifestations of the spirit of the 20th century. It
Cotabato, Mindanao,Region XII emphasizes the expressions of the self and
SOCCSKSARGEN emotions. The colors are more violent, and the
content has a symbolic tint.
- Alonzo Saclag- Playing Kalinga Musical
InstrumentsHis lifestyle work is to paint a
portrait of his people to record a tradition of Puni
opposites and dualities, a peoples’ character A traditional art of leaf folding. It is an ancient art of
recorded in cadences each aggressive and weaving that uses elongated leaves. It starts with
gentle. Play Kalinga musical instruments dance preparing the leaf, folding the leaf, tightening the
patterns andmoves related to rituals. Region: package, and trimming the garnish. It is one of the
Kalinga, Northern Luzon Island, Cordillera recognized crafts in the weaving industry.
Administrative Region (CAR)
- Hajja Amina Appi (d. 2013)- Mat weaving She Cultural Center of the Philippines
was recognized as the master mat weaver. Her
colorful mats with their complex geometric The mission of the Cultural Center of the Philippines is
patterns showcased her precise sense of the leading institution for the arts and culture in the
design, proportion, and symmetry and sensitivity Philippines by promoting artistic excellence and
to color. Region: Ungos Matata, Tandubas, nurturing the broadest publics to participate in art
Tawi-Tawi, BangsamoroAutonomous Region in making and appreciation (Dumandan, 2019).
Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)
Examples of Philippine Contemporary Arts Artworks that came from Mindanao

Literature - Buyayang
- Moro-Moro
- Luzon: A Blade of Fern by Edith Ocampo, I - Six Ladies in Durian
Saw the Fall of the Philippines by Carlos P. -
- Visayas: Panhayhayhin Bungtohanon by Philippine Contemporary Art Form
Francisco Alvarado, An Higugma by Illuminado
- Visual arts- is an expression of artistic ideas
through images, structures, and tactile work.
Painting, sculpture, architecture, and film are
examples of visual arts.
- Literary arts- are an expression of ideas
through writing. Literary arts can be
categorized as poetry, prose, and drama.

- A poetic literary form composed of
seven-syllable lines used to convey
messages through metaphors and images.
The ambahan is sung and its messages range
from courtship, giving advice to the young,
asking for a place to stay, saying goodbye to
a dear friend and so on.

- Samaon Sulaiman achieved the highest level of
excellence in the art of kutiyapi or kudyapi
(two-stringed lute) playing and also proficient
in kulintang, agong (suspended bossed gong
with wide rim), gandingan (bossed gong with
narrow rim), palendag (lip-valley flute), and

Cubism Art
- the first style of abstract art which evolved at
the beginning of the 20th century in response to
a world that was changing with unprecedented
speed. Cubism was an attempt by artists to
revitalize the tired traditions of Western art
which they believed had run their course.
The Cubists challenged conventional forms of
representation, such as perspective, which had
been the rule since the Renaissance. Their aim
was to develop a new way of seeing which
reflected the modern age.

Mixed Media Art

- These are artworks done from mixed materials,
any materials including commercial garbage.

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