22 Earthworks RULES July 2016
22 Earthworks RULES July 2016
22 Earthworks RULES July 2016
are advised to consult with the relevant requiring authority and the
22.3 Earthworks Rules Civil Aviation Authority.
(a) Some earthworks may also require consents under Regional v QLDC Earthworks Guideline
Plan provisions. Accordingly those who wish to undertake
earthworks are advised to consult the relevant Regional Plans. Reference should be made to “A Guide To Earthworks In The
Queenstown Lakes District” to assist in the achievement of the following
(b) Figures 1 to 4 of the District Plan identify the Airport Protection standards and best practice.
Inner Horizontal and Conical Surfaces for Queenstown and
Wanaka Airports and these are further described in 22.3.2 Activities
Designations D.3 and E.2. Those who wish to undertake
earthworks in the vicinity of Queenstown and Wanaka Airport Permitted Activities
(b) The following earthworks activities are exempt from Rule 22.3.3i Controlled Activities
Volume of Earthworks and Rule 22.3.3ii Height of cut and fill and
slope: (a) The following shall be Controlled Activities provided they are not listed
as a Permitted, Restricted Discretionary, Discretionary, Non-Complying
(i) Earthworks associated with the maintenance of farm track or Prohibited Activity and they comply with all the relevant Site
access, fencing, firebreaks and public recreational tracks. Standards:
(ii) Earthworks associated with the replacement and/or removal In the Open Space Zone - Landscape Protection the formation of
of a fuel storage system as defined and controlled in the cycling and walking trails (including boardwalks and viewing platforms)
Resource Management (National Environmental Standard for and associated earthworks, is a Controlled Activity, with matters in
Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect respect of which Council has reserved control being:
Human Health) Regulations 2011.
(i) The nature and scale of the earthworks
(iii) Earthworks that are necessary to ensure that property and
structures are protected from damage during extreme weather (ii) Environmental protection measures
events and earthworks of a remedial nature that are
necessary following such extreme weather events. (iii) Remedial works and revegetation
(c) Earthworks in the Ski Area Sub-Zones are exempt from the rules (iv) The effects on landscape and visual amenity values
in Section 22 of the District Plan.
(v) The effects on land stability and flooding
(d) Earthworks in any of the Special Zones that are listed in Section
12 of the District Plan except for the Rural Visitor Zone and (vi) The effects on water bodies
Frankton Flats B Activity Area E1 (for volume triggers only) are
exempt from the rules in Section 22 of the District Plan. (vii) The effects on cultural and archaeological sites
(e) Earthworks as listed in (i)-(iii) below are also exempt from the rules (viii) Noise.
in Section 22 of the District Plan:
(ix) The effects of earthworks on the natural character of wetlands,
(i) That are associated with a subdivision consented under Rule lakes and rivers and their margins
15.2.21; or
(x) The location of trails and viewing platforms.
(ii) That are associated with a subdivision consented prior to 29
(xi) The size of viewing platforms and boardwalks.
April 2016, or
(iv) The effects on landscape and visual amenity values (a) The introduction of any material other than an acceptable
material prescribed in Rule into a cleanfill facility or
(v) The effects on land stability and flooding into any other earthworks.
(vi) The effects on water bodies Open Space Zone – Landscape Protection
(vii) The effects on cultural and archaeological sites (b) Earthworks not associated with the creation of cycling or
walking trails (including boardwalks and viewing platforms) and
(viii) Noise.
associated earthworks as provided for in Rule
Cromwell-Frankton A National Grid Electricity Line Discretionary Activities
(c) Any earthworks, cleanfill or mining activity which does not
The following are Discretionary Activities, provided they are not
comply with Rule 22.3.3viii(i)-(iii) with respect to the Cromwell-
listed as Permitted, Controlled, Restricted Discretionary, Non-
Frankton A National Grid Electricity Line.
Complying or Prohibited Activities
(b) Any material associated with earthworks activity shall not be viii Cromwell-Frankton A National Grid Electricity Line
positioned within 7m of the bed of any water body or where
it may dam, divert or contaminate water. Any earthworks, cleanfill or mining activity within 12m of a support
structure (tower) or within 12m of the centreline of the Cromwell -
(c) Earthworks shall not: Frankton A line shall not:
(i) Exceed a depth of 300mm within 12m of any National Grid
(i) cause artificial drainage of any groundwater aquifer; support structure (tower) foundation.
(ii) cause temporary ponding of any surface water. (ii) Compromise the stability of a National Grid support structure.
(iii) Result in a reduction in the ground to conductor clearance
distances below what is required by Table 4 of the New
Zealand Electrical Code of Practice for Electrical Safe
vi Cultural heritage and archaeological sites
Distances (NZECP 34: 2001).
(a) Earthworks shall not modify, damage or destroy any waahi
Provided that the following are exempt from point (i) above:
tapu, waahi taonga or archaeological sites that are identified
in Appendix 3 of the Plan.
Earthworks for a network utility within a transmission
(b) In the Rural General Zone, earthworks within areas corridor, as part of a transmission activity, or for electricity
identified as Ngai Tahu Statutory Acknowledgment Areas infrastructure (including generation infrastructure); or
shall not exceed 20m3 in volume.
Earthworks undertaken as part of agricultural or domestic
cultivation, or repair, sealing or re-sealing of a road,
vii Construction Noise footpath, driveway or farm track; or
(a) Construction noise arising from earthworks activities shall be Vertical holes not exceeding 500mm in diameter provided
subject to the limits in, and shall be measured and assessed they:
in accordance with, NZS 6803:1999 “Acoustics – i. are more than 1.5m from the outer edge of pole
Construction Noise”. This Standard covers sound from support structure or stay wire; or
construction work which is of a limited duration.
(b) Whether the design of the finished earthworks is (a) Whether, and to what extent proposed sediment and erosion
sympathetic to natural topography, provides safe and control techniques are adequate to ensure sediment
stable building platforms and access with suitable remains on-site.
(b) Whether appropriate measures to control dust emissions are
(b) Whether earthworks will be completed within a short proposed, including from associated transport on and off the
period, reducing the duration of any adverse effects. site.
(c) Whether the mitigation measures proposed, reflect (c) Whether the earthworks will adversely affect stormwater and
the level of environmental effects from the project. overland flows, and create adverse effects off-site.
(ii) the natural landform of any ridgeline or visually (e) Whether and to what extent earthworks are necessary in
prominent area; order to undertake flood protection works recognising the
long-term benefits of effective flood mitigation measures on
(iii) the visual amenity values of surrounding sites. the surrounding environment.
(b) Whether the earthworks will take into account the sensitivity vi Water bodies
of the landscape.
(a) The effectiveness of sediment control techniques.
(c) The potential for cumulative effects on the natural form of
the existing landscape. (b) Whether and to what extent any groundwater is likely to be
affected, and if any mitigation measures are proposed to
(d) Whether and to what extent the earthworks create an area address likely effects.
that is inconsistent with the character of the surrounding
landscape. (c) The effects of earthworks on the natural character of
wetlands, lakes and rivers and their margins.