GE 6 Art App1 1
GE 6 Art App1 1
GE 6 Art App1 1
Juan Gris (1887-1927) 'Violin and Glass', - Around 1912, the styles of Picasso
1915 (oil on canvas) and Braque were becoming predictable.
Their images had grown so similar that their
- Pablo Picasso and Georges
paintings of this period are often difficult to
Braque conceived and developed Cubism
tell apart. Their work was increasingly
but other artists also adopted the style. The
abstract and less recognizable as the
Spanish artist Juan Gris, who is often
subject of their titles. Cubism was running
referred to as the "Third Musketeer of
out of creative steam.
Cubism', was the best of these and he
refined the Cubist vocabulary into his own - In an attempt to revitalize the style
instantly recognizable visual language. and pull it back from total abstraction,
Other notable artists associated with Picasso began to glue printed images from
Cubism were Fernand Leger, Robert the 'real world' onto the surface of his still
Delaunay, Albert Gleizes, Jean Metzinger, life. His painting 'Still Life with Chair
Louis Marcoussis, Marie Laurencin and Caning was the first example of this
Roger de La Fresnaye. 'collage' technique and it opened the door
for himself and other artists to the second
- The Cubists believed that the
phase of the Cubist style: Synthetic
traditions of Western art had become
Cubism (artyfactory).
exhausted and another remedy they applied
to revitalize their work was to draw on the
expressive energy of art from other cultures,
especially African art. However, they were
not interested in the true spiritual or social
symbolism of these cultural objects, but
valued them superficially for their
expressive style.
Surrealism used techniques that had unconscious, freed from the controls of the
never been used in the art world before. conscious mind; others, notably Miró, used
Surrealism as a liberating starting point for
- Surrealists strongly embraced the
an exploration of personal fantasies,
ideas of Sigmund Freud. His method of
conscious or unconscious, often through
psychoanalytic interpretation could be used
formal means of great beauty.
to bring forth and illuminate the unconscious
(Surrealism, 1970). Freud once said, "A
dream that is not interpreted is like a
letter that is not opened," and Surrealists
adapted this idea into their artwork
(Sanchez, 2001). Although Surrealists
strongly supported the ideas of Freud,
Breton visited him in 1921 and left without
his support (Leslie 1997).
by letter. For example, Mondrian and and their replacement with a single unified,
Rietveld never met in person. undifferentiated field, network, or other
image that exists in unstructured space.
- Even after its decline, pop art - Minimalism was also a reaction to
bounced back and has become Neo-Pop. the most prominent style of art pursued in
Pop art is still everywhere, especially in ads the 1950s Abstract Expressionism, in which
and posters. Now, pop art still lives on in the the art conveyed multiple meanings of
works of Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons, and intense emotion, ideas, feelings and was
Stuart Semple. Pop art has influenced sometimes created in spontaneous or
movements such as Photorealism, Neo- unplanned ways. Abstract Expressionists
Expressionism, and Post-Modernism often used thick brushstrokes that were
(Hudelson, 2016). clearly done by hand. An example of
Abstract Expressionism is Willem de
Kooning's work Woman V, done in the
early 1950s. It is aggressive, emotional, and
almost violent in its brushstrokes and line.
Hirst's famous work entitled Mother and personally chose Joseph Kosuth as the
Child Divided, showing cow and calf cut in winner of Cassandra Foundation Grant.
sections and exhibited in clear display
- Katrin Fridriks (1974) is a
cases filled with formaldehyde. Hirst is
renowned Icelandic conceptual painter and
probably most widely recognized for his so
installation artist from Reykjavik, and one of
called spot paintings which feature rows of
the leading artists of a new abstract
randomly colored circles painted by his
expressionism movement. Fridriks'
hyperkinetic abstract paintings are filled with
swirls of vibrant color, address serious and
rather worrying environmental and political
issues such as genetic research, cloning,
overconsumption and exhaustion of natural
and death. Jenny Holzer created and photograph, which is just a representation of
acclaimed series of captivating screen reality. The artwork that is produced is not
printing paintings featuring declassified based on direct observation of the real
government documents pertaining to world but it is something that is already
prisoner abuse. filtered through the camera lens. It is still
distant from the real world in a factual and
- Aside from the modern artists metaphorical sense.
above, the famous names in Conceptual Art
are Isidore Isou, Yves Klein, Wolf Vostell, 2. Photorealist artists mostly emphasize that
Piero Manzoni, Barrie Bates aka Billy their works are not forms of social
Apple, Christo, George Brecht, Henry commentaries. This distinguishes it from
Flynts, and Yoko Ono, among others. hyperrealism. The themes of photorealism
are generally focused on mass and
consumer symbols such as cars,
mechanical toys and fast food restaurants.
Energy Apples
by Audrey
- Most installation art has certain
elements in common. Artists often create
installations in mixed media. Mixed media
means using more than one art medium.
Such works might involve traditional arts like
painting, sculpture, and textiles as well as
words, text, and utilitarian materials. Many
installations incorporate, found objects,
Diner by John cast-off everyday materials repurposed for
Baeder use in art. Some installations use audio and
video components, as well as light and
other technologies.
1. Lou Lim
2. Lyra Garcellano
3. Hanna Pettyjohn