Structure of The Polypeptide Crotamine From The
Structure of The Polypeptide Crotamine From The
Structure of The Polypeptide Crotamine From The
Monika A. Coronado,a,b The crystal structure of the myotoxic, cell-penetrating, basic Received 27 April 2013
Accepted 29 June 2013
Azat Gabdulkhakov,c Dessislava polypeptide crotamine isolated from the venom of Crotalus
Georgieva,b Banumathi durissus terrificus has been determined by single-wavelength
Sankaran,d Mario T. Murakami,e anomalous dispersion techniques and refined at 1.7 Å PDB Reference: crotamine,
Raghuvir K. Arnia and Christian resolution. The structure reveals distinct cationic and hydro- 4gv5
phobic surface regions that are located on opposite sides of
the molecule. This surface-charge distribution indicates its
possible mode of interaction with negatively charged phos-
Multi User Center for Biomolecular Innovation, pholipids and other molecular targets to account for its diverse
Department of Physics, São Paulo State pharmacological activities. Although the sequence identity
University, UNESP/IBILCE, C. Postal 136,
between crotamine and human -defensins is low, the three-
15054-000 São José do Rio Preto-SP, Brazil,
Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular dimensional structures of these functionally related peptides
Biology, Hamburg University, Martin-Luther- are similar. Since crotamine is a leading member of a large
King Platz 6, 20146 Hamburg, Germany, family of myotoxic peptides, its structure will provide a basis
Institute of Protein Research, RAS, Pushchino, for the design of novel cell-penetrating molecules.
Moscow Region 142290, Russian Federation,
Physical Biosciences Division, Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron
1. Introduction
Road, Berkeley, CA 94702, USA, and
Biosciences National Laboratory, National Crotamine, a highly basic (pI = 10.3) 42-amino-acid poly-
Center for Energy and Materials Research, peptide (molecular mass 4.8 kDa), was first isolated in 1947
Giuseppe Maximo Scolfaro 10000,
from the venom of the Brazilian rattlesnake Crotalus durissus
13083-970 Campinas-SP, Brazil
terrificus (Gonçalves & Polson, 1947). Crotamine is of high
pharmacological importance as a potent analgesic and has
Correspondence e-mail: been shown to be over 30-fold more effective than morphine
[email protected] (Giorgi et al., 1993; Mancin et al., 1998). It also selectively
inhibits and interferes with the functioning of Kv1.3 channels,
promotes the permeability of bacterial membranes (Oguiura
et al., 2011) and is considered to be a promising cell-
penetrating agent capable of accumulating in the nucleus and
in transporting DNA into replicating cells (Kerkis et al., 2004,
2010). It has been suggested that crotamine possesses the
potential to transport drugs into mammalian cells without
requiring specific receptors. More recently, it has been
demonstrated that crotamine possesses both antitumoral and
antibacterial activities (Lee et al., 2011).
Crotamine possesses three disulfide bridges (Boni-Mitake et
al., 2001) and a number of isoforms have been characterized
(Toyama et al., 2000; Ponce-Soto et al., 2007). The overall fold
of crotamine is homologous to antimicrobial peptides (AMPs)
belonging to the -defensin, -defensin and insect defensin
families (Dimarcq et al., 1998) and possessing the same
number of disulfide bridges (Hoover et al., 2001). Despite the
differences in amino-acid composition, crotamine possesses
the same structural scaffold as mammalian -defensins and
-defensins, consisting of a three-stranded -sheet core and a
framework of loops stabilized by six disulfide-linked cysteines
(Ganz et al., 1985). Both -defensins and -defensins consist of
a triple-stranded -sheet with a distinct ‘defensin’ fold (Ganz,
# 2013 International Union of Crystallography 2003). Functionally, defensins display a wide spectrum of
Printed in Singapore – all rights reserved activities and trigger diverse effects. Some of these peptides
Figure 4
Structure comparison of crotamine with homologous antimicrobial and antimicrobial-like peptides from different organisms in two orientations. Column
1, the -core domain is shown in orange. Column 2, hydropathy plot overlay: dark orange/hydrophobic; light orange/intermediate; blue/hydrophilic.
Column 3, surface charge: blue, basic (Arg, Lys); red, acidic (Asp, Glu). Row A, crotamine from C. durissus terrificus venom (PDB entry 4gv5); row B,
defensin-like peptide 2 (1d6b); row C, heliomicin (1i2u); row D, toxin III (1lqq); row E, Eucommia antifungal peptide 2 (1p9z); Row F, charybdotoxin
(2crd); row G, human -defensin 1 (1iju); row H, human -defensin 2 (1fd4); row I, human -defensin 3 (1kj6); row J, human -defensin 1 (2pm1).