Moses and The Sinai Covenant

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Moses and the Sinai Covenant

1. Outline the significance of the events that took place on the night of Passover.
2. (a) What was the importance of the wilderness period to the Israelites
b) Why is it important for Christians to keep promises
3. Outline the significance of the events that took place on the night of Passover.
4. (a) Show how Moses demonstrated his obedience to the God of Israel
(b) What is the importance of the decalogue to Christians today
(c)What can Christians learn about God on the call of Moses in the wilderness?
5. (a) Explain five ways on how Moses was prepared by God to be the future leader of
the Israelites
(b) Identify six similarities between the Jewish Passover and Christian Easter
(c)State four reasons why Christians should live by laws of God
6. a) State seven ways in which the Israelites worshipped God in the wilderness during the
b) Outline the new understanding Moses gave the Israelites about the nature of God from
the Exodus
c) Give six reasons why Christians should not covet their neighbours property.
7. a) Describe the covenant making between God and the Israelites at Mt. Sinai
b) Explain seven Israelites new understanding of God from the Exodus to the renewal of
the covenant
c) Give reasons why some children disobey the commandment of obey your parents
8. (a) Describe the call of Moses
(b) Explain the conditions given to the Israelites during the renewal of the Sinai covenant
c) Explain the importance of modern day covenants
9. a) Outline the conditions that God gave the Israelites during the renewal of the Mosaic
b) Identify the worship practices that the Israelites adopted in the wilderness after the
c) What was the Israelites new understanding of the nature of God
10 (a) Explain four ways in which Moses early life prepared him for his future role.
(b) List seven plagues Moses had to perform in Egypt before the Israelites could be
(c) State five lessons Moses learnt about God from his call.
11. a) With specific examples state clearly the role of Moses in the history of the Israelites
b) Outline eight conditions given by God to the Israelites during the renewal of the sinaic
c) Explain the importance of a covenant to the Christians today
12. (a) State ways through which God manifested Himself during the Exodus
(b) Describe how the Sinai covenant was sealed
(c) State seven leadership qualities a modern Christian can learn from Moses
13. a) Outline six commandments given to the Israelites that teach how to relate to one
b) Explain four ways in which Moses early life prepared him for his future role as a
c) Outline six reasons why God made a covenant with the Israelites on Mount Sinai
14. Explain five reasons why the Pharaoh was reluctant to release the Israelites from Egypt
15. a) Explain ten moral teachings contained in the ten commandments.
b) State five ways the Israelites worshipped God in the wilderness.
c) State five ways Christians worship God today.
16. (a) State seven nature of God as revealed on Mt. Horeb when Moses was called by God
(b) Show how God cared for the Israelites during the Exodus
(c) Give six reasons why some Christians have lost faith in God today
17. (a) Mention five ways of how Israelites worshipped God while in the wilderness.
(b) Give reasons why the Israelites broke the Sinai Covenant.

(c) Why do Christians find it difficult to follow the laws of God?

18 a) Identify the commandments given to the Israelites that teach on how to relate to one
b) What conditions were the Israelites given during the renewal of the Sinaic covenant
19. (a) Mention five ways of how Israelites worshipped God while in the wilderness.
(b) Give reasons why the Israelites broke the Sinai Covenant.
(c) Why do Christians find it difficult to follow the laws of God?
20. a) Identify the reasons why pharaoh mistreated the Israelites.
b) Enumerate the incidences that show that God protected and guided Moses.
21. a) State six conditions given by God to the Israelites during the renewal of the Sinai
b) Explain the new understanding that Moses gave his people about the nature of God.
c) Give four examples of modem covenants.
22. a) Identify the reasons why pharaoh mistreated the Israelites.
b) Enumerate the incidences that show that God protected and guided Moses.

5. Moses and the Sinai Covenant answers

1. Significance of the events that took place on the night of the Passover.
- Each family was to sacrifice a young lamb or goat without blemish to signify the
innocence and purity of the sacrificial animal.
- Blood of the sacrificial animals was to be collected and applied on door post so as to
- distinguish the house of the Israelites from those of the Egyptians so that the Angel of
death would spare the first born males of Israelites.
- The sacrificial meat was to be roasted whole to signify the hurry the Israelites were
in to leave Egypt.
- The Israelites were to eat while standing dressed and luggage packed to signify the
hurry to leave.
- Israelites women were to ask for jewellery from the Egyptians. This was to act as
compensation for their fee labour to the Egyptians
- Everyone was to remain indoors till morning to be protected from

2. a) The importance of the wilderness period to the Israelites

i. For purification against pagan influence
ii. To worship God
iii. T learn to accept Moses as their leader
iv. To witness God’s providence
v. To be given the ten commandments
vi. To realize the saving hand of God e.g. he saved them from the Amalekites
vii. To be moulded into a special nation by God/ for God to use them to bring salavation
to human kind
viii. To strengthen them against future challenges
b) It is important for Christians to keep promises;
i. Keeping promises minimized mistrust/ promote trust
ii. It promotes cordial relationship between different parties
iii. Keeping promises minimizes conflicts in the society
iv. It strengthens family relations
v. It promotes good relationship between man and God
vi. Keeping promises enables one to feel happy/ not guilty of breaking promises
vii. It is obeying the commandments of God/ Though shall not bear false witness
viii. God himself keeps (fulfills) his promises to us, therefore we should emulate God’s
ix. It enhances team work/ togetherness

3. The significance of the events that took place on the night of the Passover.
- Each family was to sacrifice a young lamb or goat without blemish to signify the
innocence and purity of the sacrificial animal.
- Blood of the sacrificial animals was to be collected and applied on door post so as to
- distinguish the house of the Israelites from those of the Egyptians so that the Angel of
- death would spare the first born males of Israelites.
- The sacrificial meat was to be roasted whole to signify the hurry the Israelites were
in to leave Egypt.
- The Israelites were to eat while standing dressed and luggage packed to signify the
hurry to leave.
- Israelites women were to ask for jewellery from the Egyptians. This was to act as
compensation for their fee labour to the Egyptians
- Everyone was to remain indoors till morning to be protected from.

4. a) How Moses demonstrated his obedience to the God of Israel

i. When asked to remove his sandals during his call- he obeyed
ii. When asked to throw down his rod, to pick it up, to put his hand in his bosom, to
remove it….. he obeyed
iii. He accepted to carry out God’s instructions in Egypt- leading to the ten plagues that
faced the Egyptians
iv. He struck the waters of the Red Sea with his rod and a way was provided for the
v. In the provision of food and water for the Israelites as they journeyed through the
wilderness- Moses obeyed God’s instructions
vi. He prepared the Israelites to meet with God as instructed at Mt. Sinai

b) Importance of Decalogue to Christians

i. Teaches that there is only one God
ii. Helps Christians to worship the true God and not idols
iii. Helps Christians to honor leisure time
iv. Helps Christians to respect life as God given
v. Helps Christians to respect other peoples property
vi. Helps Christians to love their neighbors by not bearing false witness
vii. Helps Christians to be contented with what they have thus they avoid coveting
viii. Help Christians to live a chaste life by avoiding sexual immorality

c) What Christians learn about God on the call of Moses in the wilderness
i. Christians should obey God
ii. Christians should respond to God’s call
iii. Christians have to repent before God
iv. Christians must humble themselves before God
v. Christians must believe God/ have faith in God
vi. Christians should present their needs before God
vii. Christians should not fear any challenges when called by God
5. (a) 5 ways on how Moses was prepared by God to be the future leader of the Israelites

i. His life was spared when he was rescued by pharaoh’s daughter and brought up as a
ii. He was nursed by his own mother through Gods plan and design
iii. He acknowledges his family background and the true God through his mother who
gave him his true identity as an Israel.
iv. Life in the wilderness hardened him to be bold and to preserver hardships.
v. He learnt to be patient, keen and responsible as a shepherd.
vi. He learnt family responsibility through taking care of his own family and that of
vii. He acquired leadership qualities while living in pharaoh’s palace.
viii. He learnt literacy and numeracy skills while in the palace.
ix. He was not stranger to pharaoh and Egypt hence he could approach him freely

(b) 6 similarities between the Jewish Passover and Christian Easter

i) Both are annual events
ii) Both involves sacrifice i.e. lamb and Jesus.
iii) In both cases there is movement from slavery to freedom.
iv) Both incidences are important historical events
v) Both are central points to belief and worship of Judaism and Christianity respectively.
vi) They both point towards God’s saving power.

(c) 4 reasons why Christians should live by laws of God

i. Laws help Christians to keep off idolatry
ii. Laws help one to respect other people’s property
iii. They encourage sexuality uprightness/avoid sexual immorality
iv. They help Christians to avoid telling lies and accusing other people falsely.
v. They help Christians to respect life and not to take it away
vi. By obeying laws Christians escape Gods judgment
vii. By obeying laws Christians receive blessings from God
viii. They enable Christians to develop obedience to everybody around and hence
create a peaceful co-existence

6. a) 7 ways in which the Israelites worshipped God in the wilderness during the Exodus
i. Approached God altars with respect/reverence.
ii. They honoured the altar of God/kept it tidy
iii. They built an altar of earth and in cut stones for God in places where God appeared
to them.
iv. All men folk presented themselves to God 3 times in a year.
v. Celebrated yearly festivals, the Passover, the Pentecost and tabernacle to honour
vi. Kept ten commandments to guide them in their daily license to God.
vii. Gave offering of various articles such as silver, gold, bronze, to God.
viii. Assembled /held the covenant ceremony at Mt. Sinai
ix. Observed the Sabbath as day of worship.
x. Prayed to God.
xi. Concentrated the tent of meeting.

b) The new understanding Moses gave the Israelites about the nature of God from the
i. God of their fore fathers – Abraham, Jacob and Isaac.
ii. Powerful than other gods – led them across the Red Sea on dry land.
iii. Holy – restriction on Mt. Sinai to avoid contact with people.
iv. Provider – gave food/manna/quills etc.
v. Personal God – initialed covenant ceremony on Mt. Sinai
vi. Just God – punished idol worshipers
vii. Demands total obedience – His instruction during the renewal of the Sinai covenant.
viii. God is awesome – shown in peoples fear of Him at Mt. Sinai
ix. God is omnipresent – moved with them in pillar of cloud/fire.
x. God is jealous, expressed in the commandments.

c) 6 reasons why Christians should not covet their neighbors property

i. it’s a caution against greed/selfishness
ii. it instills the virtues of hard work/honesty
iii. create satisfaction/contentment amongst them
iv. it’s away of self control
v. to avoid the deliberate will to wish to posses what is coveted.
vi. To create dependent trust in Gods in his providence.

7. a) Covenant making between God and the Israelites at Mt. Sinai Gen24:1-8
i. At Mt .Sinai, God entered into a covenant relationship with the Israelites
ii. God promised to make the Israelites his own possession, a kingdom of priests and a
holy nation if they obeyed him
iii. The Israelites unimarsly agreed to obey God
iv. God promised to meet the Israelites on the third day
v. They prepared to meet God by abstaining from sex, purifying themselves, washing
their clothes and marking boundaries on the mountain
vi. On the third day, God appeared to them in form of thunder, lightening, earthquake,
trumpet, thick cloud, fire and smoke
vii. The Israelites frightened the Israelites hence they asked Moses to be their mediator to
speak to God on their behalf
viii. Moses prepared for a special ceremony for seal covenant
ix. He built an altar at the foot of Mt. Sinai and set up the 12 stones to represent the 12
tribes of Israel
x. Young men sacrificed oxen as fellowship offering
xi. Moses took hay of the blood of the animals and put it in basin
xii. Half of the blood was sprinkled on to the altar, a place of meeting with God
xiii. Moses then read the book of the covenant to the Israelites
xiv. Moses took the blood in the basin and sprinkled it on the people
xv. Moses told the people that the blood had sealed the covenant

b) Israelites new understanding off God from the Exodus to the renewal of the covenant
i. God is slow to anger
ii. God’s compassionate
iii. Good leaves no sin unpunished/ just
iv. He is a jealous God who does not tolerate the worship of other gods
v. He is all powerful/ omnipotent
vi. He is the controller of a natural forces
vii. God of
viii. He is a faithful/ keeps his promises
ix. He reveals himself through nature

c) Reasons why some Children disobey the commandment “Obey your parents”
i. Affluence/ riches i.e. when children get more than their parents they disregard them
ii. Permissiveness in the society allows one to so as he/she pleased feels
iii. Urbanization it affects / influence children negatively
iv. Traditional valves towards parents are decaying
v. Poor role models from parents
vi. Drug abuse/ alcoholism
vii. Expose to pornographic literature
viii. Poor parental discipline / removal of cane from schools
ix. Westerness i.e. when a child get modern education they become proud and disobey
x. Children’s rights under the UN convention makes children to wise hence
xi. Negative peer influence from the environment

8 a) Describe the call of Moses.

 Was called while herding his father –in – law flock on Mt. Sinai.
 He saw a burning bush that was not being consumed.
 Moses heard his name being called.
 He was told no to move nearer.
 He was instructed to remove his shoes as he was standing on a holy ground.
 God told Moses he had chosen him to go and liberate them.
 Moses inquired the name of the God sending him and he was told it is “ I AM WHO I
 Finally Moses went to Egypt to carry out the task.

b) The conditions given to the Israelites during the renewal of the Sinai Covenant
 To obey what God commanded them.
 Not to make nay treaty with people of the land where they were going.
 To destroy their altars/smash their sacred stones/cut down their Asherah.
 Not to worship any idol/other god.
 To keep the feast of unleavened bread
 To rest on the seventh day.
 Not to intermarry with foreigners
 Not to make idols
 To offer to God the first fruits of their crops.
 To dedicate all their first born male children and first born male of their domestic
animals to God

c) The importance of Modern day covenants.

 Modern day covenants promote peace.
 They help Christians to be organized as order is promoted.
 Covenants such as trade agreements help countries to develop economically.
 Unity between people is promoted for instance through reconciliation covenant
enable people to develop trust in relationship.
 They promote understanding in the society.
 People are enlightened of their rights.
 Religious covenants encourage people to have the right relationship with God.
 Commitment to Christian principles enable people to face and overcome emerging
daily challenges that are part of life.
 Secular covenants remind and encourage office bearers to serve the nation in the
spirit of total loyalty.

9. a) The conditions that God gave the Israelites during the renewal of the Mosaic
i. They obey the Decalogue/ commandments
ii. Not to make treaties with foreign nations
iii. To destroy all idols and their high place
iv. To observe the Jeinshi religious festival
v. To offer the first harvest to the temple
vi. Not to intermarry
vii. To observe the Sabbath
viii. To dedicate their first born to God

b) The worship practices that the Israelites adopted in the wilderness after the covenant
i. Observing the Sabbath
ii. Offering sacrifices and offerings to God
iii. Observing God’s commandments (the mosaic law)
iv. Honoring the Ark of the covenant by placing it in the tabernacle
v. Celebrating the Jewish religious festivals annually
vi. Not having treaties with foreign nation
vii. Not intermarrying with foreigners

c) The Israelites new understanding of the nature of God

i. God is loving and caring
ii. God is forgiving and merciful
iii. God is moral and Holy
iv. God punishes evil
v. God cares for his chosen people
vi. God is just
vii. He fulfills his promises
viii. He is powerful
ix. God hates sin
x. God is concerned with the salvation of human being

10. (a) 4 ways in which Moses early life prepared him for his future role
i) God used pharaoh’s daughter to rescue Moses life
ii) Moses learnt skills of leadership in the palace
iii) He received the best education in the palace
iv) Moses learnt his true identify as a Jew and not an Egyptian
v) Learnt about Jewish and Egyptian gods
vi) Moses lived with shepherds –it hardened him and made him more responsible
vii) He married and had a family.

(b) 7 plagues Moses had to perform in Egypt before the Israelites could be released
i) Turning water into blood
ii) Frogs filling Egyptian land
iii) Swarms of flies
iv) Boils
v)Hail storm
vi) Swarm of locust
vii)Darkness filling the land
viii)Death of cattle
ix)Death of Egyptian first born sons
x) Gnats

(c) 5 lessons Moses learnt about God from his call

i) Yahweh is God of history
ii) God is loving and caring
iii) God is holy
iv) God is beyond human understanding (transcendent)
v) Gods chooses whomever he wills to carry out his plans
vi) God expects total obedience and faith
vii) God is all knowing/ omniscient
viii) God uses events to reveal himself
ix) God punishes the enemies of his people

11. (a) The role of Moses in the history of the Israelites:-

 He received God’s call with a mission to liberate the Israelites
 He performed extra-ordinary miracles for the purpose of overpowering Pharaoh to
liberate to Israelites
 He liberated and delivered the Israelites from Egyptian bondage.
 He led the Israelites throughout the wilderness during the Exodus.
 He mediated between God and the Israelites who complained and asked him for
 He endured suffering for the sake of the Israelites who complained and asked him for
 He led the Israelites into making the Sinai covenant with God
 He was given 10 commandments by God to guide the Israelites to live according to
the covenant.
 He sought God’s providence for Israelites e.g. manna & water
 He made the Israelites renew the covenant with God
 He protected Israelites against hostile desert tribes e.g. the Amalekites
 He led them during the crossing of the Red sea

(b) The conditions given by God to the Israelites during the renewal of the Sinaic
 To obey God
 Not to make any treaties with other tribes
 To destroy the altars of gods of other tribes & places of idol worship
 Not to make or worship other gods
 To observe 3 main festivals feast of unleaven bread feast of weeks and the feast of the
 To celebrate Sabbath & keep it holy
 No to intermarry with foreigners
 To dedicate first born males to God
 To give the first fruits of their fields and flocks to God
 To give a tenth of their produce to God

(c) Importance of covenants in today’s society

 Fosters commitments
 Fosters trust in one another
 Protects the parties form exploitation
 Fosters faithfulness & accountability
 Promotes peaceful & harmonious living
 Promotes moral uprightness
 Bounds one loyalty to their promises
 Promotes communal living as the witnesses to the covenant have the collective
responsibility to ensure no one breaks it.

12. (a) Ways through which God manifested Himself are:

 Pillar of cloud/thick cloud
 Earthquakes
 Trumpet bast
 Thunder
 Lightning
 Pillar of fire during the night
 Smoke /fire
 Ten commandments

(b) The Sinai covenant was sealed (Exodus 24:4-8) through:-

 Moses built an altar of 12pillars to represent the 12 tribes of Israel
 He then sent young men to offer/sacrifice oxen to the Lords as burnt offering
 He took half of the blood and poured in a basin
 Half of the blood was sprinkled in tee altar
 He then took the book of th covenant and read it to the Israelites
 The people promised to obey God
 He took the remaining blood and sprinkled it upon the people
 The blood was the covenant that the Lord made with the people
 God promised to bless them, if they obey Him
 A new relationship was established between God and the Israelites

(c) 7 leadership qualities a modern Christian leader should learn from Moses are;-
 A leaders should have confidence in God
 He should be courageous/brave
 He should be wise/educated/talented/intelligent
 He should be humble/compassionate/loving
 He should obey/respect God
 He should be determined/endure
 He should be diplomatic
 He should be inquisitive
 He should be patient

13. a) 6 commandments given to the Israelites that teach how to relate to one another

 Honour your father and mother

 You shall not kill
 You shall not commit adultery
 You shall not steal
 You shall not bear false witness angst your neighbours
 You shall not covet your neighbours property or wife
b) 4 ways in which Moses early life prepared him for his future role as a leader
 he was brought up in pharaoh’s house and learnt leadership skills
 his expensive as an Egyptians prince helped him to handle pharaoh
 his Egyptian education helped him to write the Decalogue
 he was brought up by his mother so he was familiar with the customs of the Jews
 his experiences in the desert hardened him to be bold to persevere hardships
 he as a shepherd of his father in law and this helped him to be keen and
 he married while in Midian this helped him to show love, tolerance and concern
for the Israelites
 his early experience in Egypt helped to demonstrate the power of Yahweh

c) 6 reasons why God made a covenant with the Israelites on Mount Sinai
 because God is faithful to his promise
 God wanted to guide them on how to relate with him
 God wanted them to remember that he was powerful and had rescued them to
come and worship him at mt. sinal
 God wanted to guide them on how to relate to each other
 God expected that after the covenant the Israelites would obey and have faith in
him whole heartedly
 God wanted to enable the Israelites to enjoy his blessings
 God wanted to provide guidance to the people as they entered Canaan

14. 5 reasons why the Pharaoh was reluctant to release the Israelites from Egypt
 He wanted free labour
 He was revenging. At one time the Egyptians were ruled by Semitic Pharaohs
 He wanted the Israelites to continue worshipping him as God
 God was using him to fulfill the promise he had made to Abraham

15. a) 10 moral teachings contained in the ten commandments

 It stresses respect of parents and elders
 It stresses people to respect and not use God’s name in vain
 It stresses love of God and other people in the society
 It tells us to respect other people’s property and not to steal
 It wants us to speak the truth all the time
 It wants us to be faithful to our marriage partners
 It wants us to be contented with what God has given us and not covet
 It directs us to work hard for six days then rest on the seventh day
 It directs us to respect human life. We should preserve it
 It directs us to worship only one true God and not to be involved in devil worship

b) 5 ways the Israelites worshipped God in the wilderness

 They worshipped Yahweh as the only God
 They celebrated the three yearly feasts i.e. Passover, Pentecost and the feast of
 They build an altar for God where they sacrificed the holocaust and communion
 They observed the ten commandments to guide them in their day to day living
 They observed the Sabbath and kept it holy
 They prayed, sung and danced to God
 They paid tithes
 They moved from place to place with the ark of the covenant where the stone tablets
containing the 10 commandments were kept )

c) 5 ways Christians worship God today

 They read the Bible
 Priests interpret the scriptures for them
 They attend church service on Sundays
 They observe important events in the history of Christianity e.g. Easter, Christmas
 They sing songs of praise and dance to God
 They undergo baptism
 They give offerings to God
 They lead exemplary Christ like life

16. (a) 7 nature of God as revealed on Mt. Horeb when Moses was called by God
i. God fulfills his promises
ii. God is holy
iii. God can use anyone to pursue his purpose
iv. God is powerful
v. God is loving
vi. God is protector
vii. God is omnipresent
viii. God cannot be described using human terms / He is spirit
ix. God forgives
x. He reveals himself through natural phenomena

(b) God cared for the Israelites during the Exodus ;

i. Liberated Israelites from slavery in Egypt
ii. He helped the Israelites to cross the Red sea
iii. He made the Egyptian soldiers to perish in Red sea
iv. Provided water/manna /quails to satisfy their needs
v. Helped the Israelites to defeat the desert tribes e.g Amelikites
vi. Led Israel by a pillar of fire at night and pillar of cloud during day time
vii. He gave Israel 10 commandments to safeguard them and relate with God
viii. Hr accepted to renew the covenant with Israel after breaking it/ forgave Israel
after worshipping the Golden Calf
ix. He dwelt among the Israelite through the Ark. of the covenant
x. He provided leaders e.g Moses /Harun/Joshua
(c) 6 reasons why some Christians have lost faith in God today
i. Their prayers are not answered
ii. Why they suffer and die and yet non-Christians prosper and lead good life
iii. Why there should be prolonged poverty/starvation/famine and drought
iv. Wrangling in Church leadership
v. Bad examples by Church leaders due to corruption/immorality
vi. Over delaying of Jesus coming
vii. God’s failure to punish law –breakers
viii. Some leaders fail t condemn evils in society/compromising abuse of justice by

17. (a) Ways how Israelites worshipped God.

- Sacrifices
- Festivals
- Altars
- Tent of meeting.
- Offerings

(b) Why Sinai Covenant was broken.

- Moses overstayed on the mountain.
- Haron was a weak leader.
- They needed a visible God.
- They had not forgotten the worship of gods.
- They had lost faith in God and Moses.
- They hoped that the golden calf would represent the same strength and fertility in the
Egyptian gods.

(c) Why Christians can’t follow the laws of God.

- Lack of faith.
- Worldly pleasures.
- Poverty
- Lack of exemplary Christian leaders.
- Influence from non-Christians.
- Indulgence in traditional beliefs and practices.
- Influence of western culture.
- Negative influence of the media.
- Lack of committed Christian community
- Political persecution.
- Due to lack of quick response by God to their prayers.
- Influence of secularization.

18 a) The commandments given to the Israelites that teach on how to relate to one another
i. You shall not kill
ii. You shall not covet your neighbours property
iii. You shall not steal
iv. You shall honour your father and mother
v. You shall not commit adultery
vi. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour
b) The conditions the Israelites were given during the renewal of the Sinai covenant
i. Not to worship any other God other than Yahweh
ii. To keep the feast of unleavened bread
iii. To obey God’s command
iv. Not to make any treaty with those who were in the land where they were going
v. Not to intermarry with people of other tribes
vi. To breakdown cananites altar, smash the sacred stones and cut down their Asheral
vii. Not to make cast idols & images
viii. To observe the sabath day
ix. To sacrifice and offer their best produce and animals to God
x. To dedicate all their first born male children and first male domestic animals to God

19. (a) Ways how Israelites worshipped God.

- Sacrifices
- Festivals
- Altars
- Tent of meeting.
- Offerings

(b) Why Sinai Covenant was broken.

- Moses overstayed on the mountain.
- Haron was a weak leader.
- They needed a visible God.
- They had not forgotten the worship of gods.
- They had lost faith in God and Moses.
- They hoped that the golden calf would represent the same strength and fertility in the
Egyptian gods.

(c) Why Christians can’t follow the laws of God.

- Lack of faith.
- Worldly pleasures.
- Poverty
- Lack of exemplary Christian leaders.
- Influence from non-Christians.
- Indulgence in traditional beliefs and practices.
- Influence of western culture.
- Negative influence of the media.
- Lack of committed Christian community
- Political persecution.
- Due to lack of quick response by God to their prayers.
- Influence of secularization.

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