LH Pre Tests Audioscript
LH Pre Tests Audioscript
LH Pre Tests Audioscript
SKILLS TEST UNITS 1–3 F: I could definitely live more healthily. I eat such rubbish
when I cook for myself.
A S: Speaker R: Haha. You do like your takeaways!
S1: I’ve always been very independent. I mean, I did try to go F: And I worry about arguing with Mum. We are better when
on holiday with my sister and some friends in the past, we don’t live together.
which was good, but it was a bit stressful and the fact is
R: Well, you’re hardly ever home. You’re so sociable – you’ll
that travelling by myself is just something I am better at.
never be in at the same time every day anyway. How about
I am responsible for myself and I don’t have to worry
looking for a part–time job? Something related to your
about others and whether they’re having a good time.
college work?
It’s just easier that way.
F: Yeah, that’s what I’m trying to do. I found something
S2: I just love holidays. I mean, who doesn’t? I usually go with
interesting but it’s far from here and the money isn’t great.
my children and their kids. I’m quite sociable, so being
around a lot of people is good for me. It’s a great chance to R: Well, I think you should move back for a couple of months
spend time playing with the grandchildren as well. They’re while you are looking. That way you won’t feel the
getting so big now and can do a lot of things that I enjoy money pressure.
like playing tennis and golf. They’re actually getting better F: Yeah, maybe you’re right. And it is convenient for the library
than me, which is a bit scary! when I need to study.
S3: I’m quite a curious person so I’m keen on trying out new R: Great.
things and going to new places. Sometimes I go with Karen; F: I want my old room back though.
she’s my best mate. Or Liam, he’s an old friend. At the same
R: I’d love to give it to you but you left remember. That’s my
time, my sister is a good travel companion, too, and we
room now. All my things are in it. You will have to have the
don’t argue too much. As long as we get along, I can travel
guest room!
with anybody! For me, it’s about the person rather than if
they are a family member or a good friend.
S4: I have a big family. I have four sisters. We always spend SKILLS TEST UNITS 4–6
special occasions together, but we hardly ever go on
A P: Presenter
holiday together. For me, there’s less stress if I go with my
friend Katarina. I’ve known her since we started primary P: M
any people these days are so busy that they just don’t
school and we have always got along really well. For get enough free time to do the things they love. As a result,
example, I lost my passport once and it wasn’t a big deal how they spend their time has become very important.
for her and she was really relaxed about it. That would Weekends and evenings are often spent doing sport, going
have been very stressful with my family around me! to the museum or cinema and having get-togethers with
S5: I’m lucky enough to travel a lot with work, but unfortunately
family and friends. For some people, however, their free
I don’t see anything of the places where I stay. Well, not the time is an opportunity to do some unusual activities, and
interesting parts. I often go from one meeting room to the we’re going to talk about three of them today.
airport and these tend to look the same wherever you are! T ake John O’Hagan, for example, who quite likes being on
So no, when it comes to relaxing I prefer to spend my time television. His dream to appear on a reality TV show hasn’t
at home instead of travelling anywhere. happened yet, so while he is waiting he seems to be happy
appearing behind news presenters on TV. Next time you are
B F: Frank R: Rebecca watching the news and there is an outdoor report, have a
2 look behind the main reporter and you might just see him.
F: Hi Rebecca.
R: Oh, hi Frank. What are you doing here? T hen there’s Laurent Jouet, a well-known French
pensioner and graffiti artist. He has been drawing on cars
F: Oh, I was in town today so Mum invited me for dinner.
and motorbikes for almost 20 years and covers them
R: Oh cool. What were you doing? completely with words. He writes on the mirrors, wheels,
F: Just looking for a new job. You know my job finishes next doors – everywhere! Laurent said that in the past people
week, right? have seen him and called the police thinking that the cars
R: I thought they asked you to stay on? he is drawing on belonged to someone else. His grandson
has said that he doesn’t earn a high enough salary yet but
F: Yeah, they did to begin with but they need someone who
when he does, he will buy his grandfather a bus so that he
can work full time. I can’t do that with college as well.
can enjoy his hobby to the full.
R: I guess not. But what about your rent? How are you going
T he third activity isn’t an individual but a growing hobby for
to pay for that?
many people around the world. It’s grooming dogs – but we
F: I need to talk to Mum. I could live at home for a bit I suppose aren’t just talking about having a haircut. It’s much more of a
or I could look for another job. What do you suggest? challenge than that. There are a growing number of people
R: It’s hard to choose isn’t it? I mean, you love to be who like to make their dogs look like different animals, and
independent but I know Mum wouldn’t mind and it would some of them are fantastic. They can look like tigers, pandas,
be fun spending more time together. horses and even giraffes. The popularity of this new hobby
F: That’s true. I enjoy living with you but at the same time I’m means this is big business and the amount pet owners
not a teenager; I’m 28! It would feel like I’m a kid again. spend on their animals has increased by 500% in the last 20
R: It wouldn’t be forever and it isn’t unusual for people our age.
years. I’m not sure what the dogs think about hanging out as
It’s so expensive to live with rent, food and everything else. a wild animal, but the owner’s enjoyment is clear to see.
S3: When I was a kid I used to go to the cinema with my M: Maybe I should start charging you rent. What a good
grandad. It was a treat for me. My brothers weren’t idea! Or would you prefer for me to lend you money for
interested so it was something we did together. I loved all a caravan?
the cowboys and Indians and horses and things. He died S: Haha, very funny.
a few years ago now but there’s something about that
genre of film that makes me remember my grandad. That’s
why they’re my favourite I think. SKILLS TEST UNITS 10–12
S4: I love something gripping. You know that situation when A P: Presenter
you don’t want to look at the screen but you have to. I 9
P: Hello. This week we are looking at women in space. It’s 55
can’t help it. And some of the costumes are amazing. It years since the first woman, Valentina Tereshkova, spent just
must take them ages to get ready in makeup. My husband under three days in space. It wasn’t until 20 years later that
thinks I’m really silly because I get so jumpy and scare the first American woman, Sally Ride, made headlines for
myself for days afterwards but if they were easy to watch doing the same in 1983.
I’d be disappointed.
S o why didn’t NASA fly women into space sooner? Between
S5: There are so many bad things happening in the world
1960 and 1961, 13 women were chosen to see if they were
these days that I want to escape from it all when I watch suitable to be astronauts on future missions – but they
a film. I made a mistake of watching an autobiography never went. According to the film Mission 13, the reason
once. It wasn’t cheerful enough. It was very moving and was simply because they were women.
there were some enjoyable parts but this man’s life was so
tragic. Anyway, I always watch something that’s going to t a news conference in the 1960s, a reporter asked why
make me laugh these days. America hadn’t sent a woman into space like the Russians.
Gordon Cooper, the sixth American to go into space,
B M: Mother
S: Simon replied by talking about an earlier test flight. The 1961
8 Mercury-Atlas 5 used a monkey to test conditions in the
S: Mum, do you think you could live without money?
spacecraft before the real human mission. Cooper said that
M: That’s a strange question. Why are you asking me that? they could have used a woman instead of the monkey.
S: Oh, I’m just doing my homework. We have to write an Everyone laughed. They weren’t taken seriously and
opinion essay so I’m trying to think about it. inequality has been a problem for women wanting to train
M: Well it’s a difficult situation, isn’t it? I mean if I lived without as astronauts for years.
money could I borrow it from someone else?