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SKILLS TEST UNITS 1–3 F: I could definitely live more healthily. I eat such rubbish
when I cook for myself.
A S: Speaker R: Haha. You do like your takeaways!
S1: I’ve always been very independent. I mean, I did try to go F: And I worry about arguing with Mum. We are better when
on holiday with my sister and some friends in the past, we don’t live together.
which was good, but it was a bit stressful and the fact is
R: Well, you’re hardly ever home. You’re so sociable – you’ll
that travelling by myself is just something I am better at.
never be in at the same time every day anyway. How about
I am responsible for myself and I don’t have to worry
looking for a part–time job? Something related to your
about others and whether they’re having a good time.
college work?
It’s just easier that way.
F: Yeah, that’s what I’m trying to do. I found something
S2: I just love holidays. I mean, who doesn’t? I usually go with
interesting but it’s far from here and the money isn’t great.
my children and their kids. I’m quite sociable, so being
around a lot of people is good for me. It’s a great chance to R: Well, I think you should move back for a couple of months
spend time playing with the grandchildren as well. They’re while you are looking. That way you won’t feel the
getting so big now and can do a lot of things that I enjoy money pressure.
like playing tennis and golf. They’re actually getting better F: Yeah, maybe you’re right. And it is convenient for the library
than me, which is a bit scary! when I need to study.
S3: I’m quite a curious person so I’m keen on trying out new R: Great.
things and going to new places. Sometimes I go with Karen; F: I want my old room back though.
she’s my best mate. Or Liam, he’s an old friend. At the same
R: I’d love to give it to you but you left remember. That’s my
time, my sister is a good travel companion, too, and we
room now. All my things are in it. You will have to have the
don’t argue too much. As long as we get along, I can travel
guest room!
with anybody! For me, it’s about the person rather than if
they are a family member or a good friend.
S4: I have a big family. I have four sisters. We always spend SKILLS TEST UNITS 4–6
special occasions together, but we hardly ever go on
A P: Presenter
holiday together. For me, there’s less stress if I go with my
friend Katarina. I’ve known her since we started primary P: M
any people these days are so busy that they just don’t
school and we have always got along really well. For get enough free time to do the things they love. As a result,
example, I lost my passport once and it wasn’t a big deal how they spend their time has become very important.
for her and she was really relaxed about it. That would Weekends and evenings are often spent doing sport, going
have been very stressful with my family around me! to the museum or cinema and having get-togethers with
S5: I’m lucky enough to travel a lot with work, but unfortunately
family and friends. For some people, however, their free
I don’t see anything of the places where I stay. Well, not the time is an opportunity to do some unusual activities, and
interesting parts. I often go from one meeting room to the we’re going to talk about three of them today.
airport and these tend to look the same wherever you are! T ake John O’Hagan, for example, who quite likes being on
So no, when it comes to relaxing I prefer to spend my time television. His dream to appear on a reality TV show hasn’t
at home instead of travelling anywhere. happened yet, so while he is waiting he seems to be happy
appearing behind news presenters on TV. Next time you are
B F: Frank R: Rebecca watching the news and there is an outdoor report, have a
2 look behind the main reporter and you might just see him.
F: Hi Rebecca.
R: Oh, hi Frank. What are you doing here? T hen there’s Laurent Jouet, a well-known French
pensioner and graffiti artist. He has been drawing on cars
F: Oh, I was in town today so Mum invited me for dinner.
and motorbikes for almost 20 years and covers them
R: Oh cool. What were you doing? completely with words. He writes on the mirrors, wheels,
F: Just looking for a new job. You know my job finishes next doors – everywhere! Laurent said that in the past people
week, right? have seen him and called the police thinking that the cars
R: I thought they asked you to stay on? he is drawing on belonged to someone else. His grandson
has said that he doesn’t earn a high enough salary yet but
F: Yeah, they did to begin with but they need someone who
when he does, he will buy his grandfather a bus so that he
can work full time. I can’t do that with college as well.
can enjoy his hobby to the full.
R: I guess not. But what about your rent? How are you going
T he third activity isn’t an individual but a growing hobby for
to pay for that?
many people around the world. It’s grooming dogs – but we
F: I need to talk to Mum. I could live at home for a bit I suppose aren’t just talking about having a haircut. It’s much more of a
or I could look for another job. What do you suggest? challenge than that. There are a growing number of people
R: It’s hard to choose isn’t it? I mean, you love to be who like to make their dogs look like different animals, and
independent but I know Mum wouldn’t mind and it would some of them are fantastic. They can look like tigers, pandas,
be fun spending more time together. horses and even giraffes. The popularity of this new hobby
F: That’s true. I enjoy living with you but at the same time I’m means this is big business and the amount pet owners
not a teenager; I’m 28! It would feel like I’m a kid again. spend on their animals has increased by 500% in the last 20
R: It wouldn’t be forever and it isn’t unusual for people our age.
years. I’m not sure what the dogs think about hanging out as
It’s so expensive to live with rent, food and everything else. a wild animal, but the owner’s enjoyment is clear to see.

Language Hub Pre-Intermediate Tests.

Published by Macmillan Education, a division of Springer Nature Limited. ©Springer Nature Limited, 2019. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.
Test Audioscripts
ext week we’ll be looking at what’s more important:
N ersonally, I think that it is important for people to be
eating healthily or doing sport. So until then, have a great comfortable especially if they must spend up to 8 hours
weekend and why not try out a new hobby! a day in the office. One solution to this is to develop new
and creative ways of being at your desk. There are desks
B N: Natalia 
A: Andrea that rise and fall so you can sit or stand, which are not
N: Hi Andrea, how are you? necessarily new, but they have become more readily
A: Hi Natalia. I’m fine, have you just been for a run? available. Other options are chairs that have so many
different ways of setting them up you need a week and
N: Yeah, it’s far too hot out there! What are you reading?
an instruction manual and possibly a trainer to help you
A: Oh it’s this blog about growing your own fruit and learn to sit in them. In short, they are very complicated.
vegetables. I think I’m going to try out some of the advice. A third innovation is, believe it or not, a stool or ball.
N: But your garden is too small, isn’t it? Both of these things position the body in a way that
A: I don’t think so. You really don’t need that much space. instead of weakening the back actually help strengthen
And I actually think the garden’s going to look nicer. At the it, leading to a more comfortable sitting experience –
moment there’s just grass, and all those colours and smells apparently!
will be really lovely. elaxing rooms with games and even sometimes beds
N: True. But going to the supermarket is a lot easier if you are a strange new addition to the office but have proven
ask me! to help productivity especially in creative industries.
My concern with these in general is that the office now
A: But it’s so expensive! And there’s all that plastic
seems to be becoming everything to everyone so soon
packaging too… Growing your own has plenty of
perhaps there will never be a need to go home. We can all
advantages, and saving some money is just one of them.
just live in the office!
A packet of seeds doesn’t cost anything. Well, hardly
anything. This guy who wrote the blog now saves 50% T here has been an increase in green spaces, including
of what he spent going to the supermarket because he laying fake grass on the reception floor instead of carpet,
grows his own food. that again are not necessarily for work but add to the
calming and relaxing vibe of the office. There are canteen
N: Fair enough, but where will you find the time? You
areas that offer a range of popular foods from different
already have a full-time job and have the twins to take
outlets from snack bar to cafés to restaurant style food;
care of too.
I suppose because people like eating good food and
A: Well, I’m going to be working four days a week next year, happy staff are more productive. So, although these are
so that will help. And I could just use the time I usually areas not necessarily made for working they do increase
spend going to the gym in the garden. In fact, it says here productivity because they make staff feel more relaxed
that 30 minutes of gardening a day helps you sleep and and cared for. It also means that much less time is spent
promotes good energy. Must be all that vitamin D! I’m going outside the office either trying to get some fresh air or
to try to get the twins interested as well. It’ll be good for trying to find some lunch.
them – they’ll see how food comes from the land to their
plate and it will hopefully mean they spend less time in front B P: Presenter F: Frank 
S: Sinead C: Colin
of their tablets. 6
P: Hello and welcome to our discussion about health fads.
N: That’s a great idea. It’ll probably make them understand the I have here three lifestyle coaches who are all involved in
importance of a balanced diet as well. advising and helping people reach their health goals. Let’s
A: Maybe. I’m not sure. But the quality of food I put on the start with Frank – Frank tell us what you think, please.
table should be an improvement. There won’t be any of F: To my mind you have to always try and stay ahead of
the rubbish they put into food at supermarkets to give it a the curve and always look for what is new. This isn’t just
longer life. And it will be tastier. I had some tomatoes and associated with food but, I think, everything. You’ve got
lettuces from Mum’s garden and they were so delicious. to try new things. I am not entirely sure about the idea
You could really taste the difference. of ‘traditional is best’ when it comes to food habits, but I
N: You’re right there – my grandfather grows his own food do think that nowadays we tend to think that we can get
and I love how much fresher it is than what I normally get away with not sleeping enough. To me a more traditional
in the shop. It’s worth it I guess. approach of sleeping when tired is best. By that I mean
longer at night and possibly a little rest in the afternoon.
A: So, you know what I’m talking about!
We should aim to do both.
N: Yeah, it sounds like a good project. Rather you than me
P: That’s interesting. Do you agree, Sinead?
though – good luck with it!
S: I’m not sure I’d take such an extreme stance and I tend
to take a more traditional approach as I advise my
MID-COURSE TEST clients. That is just checking what they are doing and
only making minor changes to their current routine. It
A P: Presenter
seems to work and it seems to put less stress on people
P: Over the past few years there have been some quite in general. To my mind a major issue I have with fads is
radical changes in the way we live and work. There has that they often leave things out of a healthy diet – by this
been a lot of research into the best work environments I mean that they will suddenly stop having a particular
and what impact these have on the staff that work there. food with something in it that they need and are not
Today I’d like to explain some of the best and possibly replacing. Hmm, that can never be sensible can it?
worst innovations in work environments that I have P: Well that’s certainly a different view. Do you agree with
seen recently. either of these two, Colin?
Language Hub Pre-Intermediate Tests.
Published by Macmillan Education, a division of Springer Nature Limited. ©Springer Nature Limited, 2019. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.
Test Audioscripts
C: I suppose yes and no really. I can see the benefits of S: I guess, but we learnt today about this guy called Miles
moving with trends and fads because they do offer a Burke. He made the decision to live without money as
better alternative to what people are generally doing at an experiment and managed to do it for over two years.
the moment. However, I also agree with Sinead that there And I don’t think he had to borrow money because most
are dangers on occasion – well put, Sinead. One thing I things he managed to get for himself without asking
do know is that people, on the whole, are really starting other people.
to become more aware of their own health. They seem to M: OK, but how did he live? Didn’t he have to pay for his
know a lot more anyway. I am so happy when I can talk to accommodation like everyone else?
someone about how they are doing and get an answer S: He thought about that before he started. He took out £360
that makes sense. Often people even suggest their own to pay for a caravan.
diets and health plans which is great coz that means my
M: That’s a smart move. What about other things people have
job is already half way done!
to pay for like electricity?
P: Well thanks guys – your opinions have been very
S: That’s what I was thinking, but he had solar panels and
interesting! Next up, we speak to…
they gave him all the energy he needed.
M: OK, and did he grow his own food?
SKILLS TEST UNITS 7–9 S: Yeah, I think so or people gave it to him.
A S: Speaker M: Oh maybe it’s something we should try as a family. It
S1: Well, all my mates like watching stuff that scares them. sounds like a relaxing lifestyle.
We scared ourselves a lot as teenagers. I used to enjoy S: Mum, if we lived like that I’m sure you wouldn’t want to do
them but it was stressful. Now I’m keen on funny love the other things he did. I mean he didn’t have a shower so
stories, boy meets girl type of thing. I go with my sister he washed in a river. You would be so anxious about what
and my mum. My sister laughs at me for liking them but was in the river and if you were clean.
I don’t mind. I know that if I go to the cinema to watch M: Haha. You’re right. That’s where I would have to stop the
one I’ll be happy when I come out and not afraid to go experiment. But I would be OK getting to work. I go on
to sleep! foot. You’re the one who takes the bus.
S2: At university I’m a member of the film club. It’s great S: Well you work down the road. My college is 5 miles away.
because I get to see a lot of fantastic movies from all over Well I don’t think I could do it to be honest. I like things in
the world that aren’t on at the cinema. At the moment life that cost money. Like my smartphone, nice holidays.
we’re watching a lot of Bollywood films from India. I find
M: Actually I think you probably do live without money. Who
them engaging and fun. Some of the songs are so good
pays for those things? Me and your dad.
I’m going to try to find the lyrics. I don’t think my Hindi will
be good enough though. S: Oh yeah that’s true.

S3: When I was a kid I used to go to the cinema with my M: Maybe I should start charging you rent. What a good
grandad. It was a treat for me. My brothers weren’t idea! Or would you prefer for me to lend you money for
interested so it was something we did together. I loved all a caravan?
the cowboys and Indians and horses and things. He died S: Haha, very funny.
a few years ago now but there’s something about that
genre of film that makes me remember my grandad. That’s
why they’re my favourite I think. SKILLS TEST UNITS 10–12
S4: I love something gripping. You know that situation when A P: Presenter
you don’t want to look at the screen but you have to. I 9
P: Hello. This week we are looking at women in space. It’s 55
can’t help it. And some of the costumes are amazing. It years since the first woman, Valentina Tereshkova, spent just
must take them ages to get ready in makeup. My husband under three days in space. It wasn’t until 20 years later that
thinks I’m really silly because I get so jumpy and scare the first American woman, Sally Ride, made headlines for
myself for days afterwards but if they were easy to watch doing the same in 1983.
I’d be disappointed.
S o why didn’t NASA fly women into space sooner? Between
S5: There are so many bad things happening in the world
1960 and 1961, 13 women were chosen to see if they were
these days that I want to escape from it all when I watch suitable to be astronauts on future missions – but they
a film. I made a mistake of watching an autobiography never went. According to the film Mission 13, the reason
once. It wasn’t cheerful enough. It was very moving and was simply because they were women.
there were some enjoyable parts but this man’s life was so
tragic. Anyway, I always watch something that’s going to t a news conference in the 1960s, a reporter asked why
make me laugh these days. America hadn’t sent a woman into space like the Russians.
Gordon Cooper, the sixth American to go into space,
B M: Mother 
S: Simon replied by talking about an earlier test flight. The 1961
8 Mercury-Atlas 5 used a monkey to test conditions in the
S: Mum, do you think you could live without money?
spacecraft before the real human mission. Cooper said that
M: That’s a strange question. Why are you asking me that? they could have used a woman instead of the monkey.
S: Oh, I’m just doing my homework. We have to write an Everyone laughed. They weren’t taken seriously and
opinion essay so I’m trying to think about it. inequality has been a problem for women wanting to train
M: Well it’s a difficult situation, isn’t it? I mean if I lived without as astronauts for years.
money could I borrow it from someone else?

Language Hub Pre-Intermediate Tests.

Published by Macmillan Education, a division of Springer Nature Limited. ©Springer Nature Limited, 2019. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.
Test Audioscripts
NASA scientist, Dr Randy Lovelace, did believe women
A J: Do you think so? I wasn’t sure if we needed one. We’re
were equal to men. This led to a three-part testing selling a service, not a physical product. I kind of see logos
programme for 25 lucky women. Thirteen of them more for products you buy. But if you want, we could look
passed, which is why the film was called Mission 13. into costs for a logo.
But, unfortunately, all of this preparation went nowhere D: Yeah I’d like that. If it’s too expensive we can have a plan to
because when Dr Lovelace was asked the name of his do it in a few months when business is better.
sponsor, he didn’t have one. He didn’t actually have
J: OK, I’m happy with this.
permission from NASA to operate the programme for ‘First
Lady Astronaut Trainees’.
S ince that time, NASA has realised it’s necessary to correct END-OF-COURSE TEST
past mistakes. Because of this, 45 women have flown into
A P: Presenter
space and in the last two classes for astronauts 9 out of 20
of the candidates have been women. In 2012, Ellen Ochoa P: Wassily Kandinsky, usually known only by his last name,
became director of the Johnson Space Centre, which is was born in Moscow in 1866 to a musician and a trader.
responsible for astronaut training. And in 2017, Peggy His parents divorced when he was around five and soon
Whitson broke a world record. She has spent more time after he moved to live with his aunt where he learnt to
than any other American astronaut in space, 665 days in play several musical instruments. He also began to study
total. And while the Russians did send the first woman into drawing in his free time.
space, there have only been three others who have done hen he finished school he followed his family’s wishes to
the same since that date, out of 120 astronauts. In this go into law and joined the University of Moscow in 1886.
respect NASA is winning the gender race. After graduating, he visited a town in the countryside and
saw the traditional style folk art that inspired him to get
B D: Dan J: Jenny
involved in the art world while still remaining a lawyer.
D: Hi Jenny.
eturning to Moscow, he married Anna Chimyakina.
J: Oh, hi Dan. However, two events changed his outlook and made
D: What do we need to talk about with the new business? him change his career from lawyer to artist. Firstly, seeing
J: Oh well, the main thing is it isn’t growing as fast as I’d
an exhibition of French Impressionists in Moscow, and
hoped. I know we have a good product but we can’t rely secondly, hearing Wagner’s Lohengrin at the theatre. To
completely on flyers at the local underground station. fulfil what had now become his dream, Kandinsky left
Moscow for Munich. While in Munich, Kandinsky was
D: Mmmm, yep flyers are good but I agree we probably need
accepted into private painting school before moving
to do more than this at the beginning. on to the Munich Academy of Arts. At art school he was
J: What do you suggest? influenced by many famous artists and began to develop
D: Well, shall we try poster advertising? We could put some his unique style representing real life with abstract shapes
up in the local area. Jim got some new customers for his and colours.
computing company that way. fter his time in Munich, Kandinsky travelled extensively
J: Actually, I don’t think that’s the best way. It looks a bit old- finally settling in Bavaria before the outbreak of World War I.
fashioned and also won’t people just pull them down? I think By this time he had already formed the New Artists
something online would be a good idea. I mean even my Association in Munich which was founded under the
grandmother can use a computer and buys presents and name of the Blue Rider group with fellow artist Franz Marc.
things online. And we would get a bigger audience. His subsequent works and theories led him to become
D: OK, deal. But do you know anything about online known as the father of abstract art. He continued painting
advertising? I know I don’t know much about it. for many years supported by famous art collectors and
despised by many others.
J: Arthur said he could help. He’s always collecting data
about advertising for his job. He knows all about Google K andinsky wrote that he believed each time period puts
AdWords and how you get your website to the top of the its own stamp on artistic expression; his interpretations of
search page. colour certainly altered the artistic landscape at the start
of the 20th century, precipitating the modern age that has
D: Yes, good idea. But he’s not back from his holiday until the
allowed many other artists to follow in his path where ideas
end of the month. I don’t want to call when he’s away. and senses lead the way to new creations.
J: OK, well how about we make a Facebook group and share
L ittle of the work Kandinsky produced in Russia has
it with our friends to start with? We need to ask them to survived, although many of the paintings he created in
share it with their friends as well. Germany are still on display either in private collections or
D: Is it really necessary to push the business that much? I feel national galleries. In recent years, at auctions in New York
like people go on social media to relax and not to be made his artwork has sold for well over $20 million, although
to join different groups. when he died in 1944 he was living in France and his work
J: Yes, but if you think about it, it’s just a click on a link. You was not nearly as expensive as it is today, it was certainly of
don’t have to buy anything. I’m sure our friends would be equal value.
happy to help.
D: If you say so. I also think we should get a logo. At the
moment our website doesn’t really grab people’s attention.
It’s way too boring and because of this I’m not sure people
will buy stuff.

Language Hub Pre-Intermediate Tests.

Published by Macmillan Education, a division of Springer Nature Limited. ©Springer Nature Limited, 2019. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.
Test Audioscripts
B P: Presenter J: Jess B: Brad B: Hi, I’m Brad. Well, I agree with a lot of what Jess has just
P: Hello. Today I’m with Jess and Brad to discuss their views on
said although her first point about history just doesn’t
how we view money. seem important to our lives now. To my mind, spotting
trends and predicting the future will help us better
J: Hi guys.
understand what is important now. Also, I am not
P: First Jess, what are your opinions? convinced that we view money as power although there
J: I think that our relationship towards money has changed in are some obvious examples of wealthy people becoming
ways that we are still trying to understand. I studied the long presidents and so on. Certainly, the view that suggests
history of money and how we have viewed it in the past at we are more giving when we have money than when we
university while studying for a degree in finance. I strongly don’t seems to be true to me because how can you be
believe that knowing what has gone before can help us to generous when you have nothing to give. Just look at the
understand what is happening now. It seems as though billionaires who give so much back to the communities
the idea that money equals power has remained, and there around them. I really do support the modern view that
is so much evidence that I have to support this view. What we don’t need to have money saved up just in case
I totally disagree with is that having money makes people something bad happens. In modern society we have
more generous; in fact it often has the opposite effect. A third many ways of dealing with problems and the requirement
important aspect is that the more we save the more secure for savings just doesn’t make sense to me. Finally, I do see
our lives are. The idea of ‘saving for a rainy day’ really does Jess’ ideas of the pros and cons of the view that money
seem to be true and is an attitude that has changed quite a equals freedom although I’d say that it definitely does
lot with more and more people getting quick loans when offer more choice to those who have it.
they have a problem they need to solve. Finally, the fifth view, P: Well, thanks guys. To give your opinions, give us a call …
that money brings freedom, is something I am unsure of. In
some cases yes, being rich allows people to retire early and
just do what they please; however, there are many who are
stuck trying to make more and more in an endless cycle.

Language Hub Pre-Intermediate Tests.

Published by Macmillan Education, a division of Springer Nature Limited. ©Springer Nature Limited, 2019. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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