Integrated Bioanal Syllabus

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Distribution of Papers

No. of
Sr.No Year Subject Papers
Biological Sciences Three
Chemical Sciences Two
1) First
Computational Sciences One
Foundation Course One

Biological Sciences Two

Chemical Sciences Two
2) Second Computational Sciences One
Pharmaceutical life Sciences One
Environment Science, Technical Communication Skills One

Pharmaceutics One
Pharmaceutical Management and Laws One
3) Third Computational Sciences One
Entrepreneurship Skills (AC-1) One
Projects/Assignments/Case Studies(AC-2) One

• Biological Sciences – Botany, Zoology, Microbiology and Molecular Biology

• Chemical Sciences – Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and
• Computational Sciences – Mathematics, Biostatistics and Computer Sciences
• Foundation Course / Environmental Science – As per UGC guidelines.
F. Y. B. Sc.
Paper I Chemical Science-I Chemical Science - I
Unit I Nomenclature and classification of Thermodynamics
chemical compounds
Unit II Chemical Bonds Chemical Kinetics
Unit IIII Water and Buffers Titrimetry and Gravimetry

Paper II Chemical Science -II Chemical Science - II

Unit I Carbohydrates Amino acids and proteins
Unit II Lipids Enzymes and Coenzymes
Unit IIII Nucleic acids and genetic material Analytical techniques

Paper III Basic Life Science-I Basic Life Science-I

Unit I Animal and Plant Diversity Prokaryotic Cell Organization
and Division
Unit II Introduction to Microbial diversity Eukaryotic Cell Organization and Division

Unit III Classification of Bacteria Classification of Viruses

Paper IV Basic Life Science-II Basic Life Science-II

Unit I Sterilization techniques Plant physiology
Unit II Nutrition, cultivation and Animal Physiology
enumeration of microorganisms
Unit III Microscopy and stains Nutrient Cycle and Biogeochemical Cycles

Paper V Basic Life Science-III Basic Life Science-III

Unit I Evolution of Life Comparative account of Respiratory, Digestive
and Excretory systems in major phyla of
animals and Muscle structure and
Physiological and biochemical basis of muscle
contraction (15 L)
Unit II Introduction to central dogma in Comparative account of Circulatory, nervous,
biology and the genetic code and reproductive systems in major phyla of
animals (15L)
Unit III Genetics Anabolic, Catabolic and amphibolic pathways

Paper VI Computational Sciences-I Computational Sciences-I

(Fundamentals Of Physics) (Fundamentals Of Physics)
Unit I Mechanics Material science & Crystal geometry (10 L)
Unit II Optics I Nuclear physics (10 L)
Unit III Optics II X –ray techniques (10 L)

Paper VII Foundation course Foundation course

Chemical Sciences -I Credits
Unit I Nomenclature and classification of chemical compounds 15 Lectures 2
Nomenclature and Classification of Inorganic Compounds:
Oxides, Salts, Acids, Bases, Ionic, Molecular and
Coordination Compounds
Nomenclature and Classification of Organic Compounds:
Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Cyclic
Hydrocarbons, Aromatic Compounds, Alcohols
and Ethers, Aldehydes and Ketones, Carboxylic Acids and
its derivatives, Amines, Amides, Alkyl
Halides and Heterocylic Compounds

Unit II Chemical Bonds 15 Lectures

Ionic Bond: Nature of Ionic Bond, Structure of NaCl, KCl
and CsCl, factors influencing the formation of Ionic Bond.
Covalent Bond: Nature of Covalent Bond,
Structure of CH4, NH3, H2O, Shapes of BeCl2, BF3 2
Coordinate Bond: Nature of Coordinate Bond
Non Covalent Bonds: van Der Waal’s forces:
dipole - dipole, dipole - induced dipole.
Hydrogen Bond: Theory of Hydrogen Bonding and Types
of Hydrogen Bonding (with examples of
H2O, RCOOH, ROH, Salicylaldehyde, Amides and

Unit IIII Water and Buffers 15 Lectures

Properties of Water, Interaction of Water with Solutes
(Polar, Non-Polar, Charged), Non-Polar Compounds in
Water – Change in its Structure and the H ydrophobic
Effect, Role of Water in Biomolecular Structure and
Function and Water as a Medium for Life
Solutions: Normality, Molarity, Molality, Mole fraction,
Mole concept, Solubility, Weight ratio, Volume ratio, Weight
to Volume ratio, ppb, ppm, millimoles, milliequivalents
(Numericals expected).
Primary and Secondary Standards: Preparation of
Standard Solutions, Principle of Volumetric Analysis.
Acids and Bases: Lowry-Bronsted and Lewis Concepts.
Strong and Weak Acids and Bases - Ionic Product of Water -
pH,pKa, pKb. Hydrolysis of Salts.
Buffer solutions –Concept of Buffers, Types of Buffers,
Derivation of Henderson equation for Acidic and Basic
buffers, Buffer action, Buffer capacity (Numericals
expected.) pH of Buffer Solution.
Chemical Sciences -II
Unit I Carbohydrates 15 Lectures 2
Classification, Structure and functionsMonosaccharides: D
& L Glyceraldehydes, stereoisomerism, classes of
monosaccharaides, structure of monosaccharaides
Disaccharides: Structure, source and functions
Polysaccharides: Homo- and Heteropolysachharides;
Storage and Structural polysaccharides.
Derivatives and glycoconjugates
Characteristic reactions, Physical and chemical
Carbohydrates as informational molecules
Carbohydrate analysis and glycomics

Unit II Lipids 15 Lectures 2

Classification, structure and properties of Lipids:
Fatty acids (saturated and unsaturated fatty acids,
nomenclature), waxes, triacylglycerols, phospholipids
(Lecithin, Cephalin, Plasmalogen),
Storage lipids and structural lipids
Lipoproteins: Structure and Function
Lipid aggregates: Micelles and bilayers, liposomes
Rancidity, saponification, lipid peroxidation and
hydrogenation of Oils, Tests to check adulteration
of fats and oils, Action of Phospholipases
Lipids as signals, cofactors and pigments
Lipid analysis: Extraction, separation and identification of

Unit IIII Nucleic acids and genetic material 15 Lectures

DNA, RNA. Structure of Purine and Pyrimidine Bases 2
Hydrogen Bonding between Nitrogeneous Bases in DNA
Differences between DNA and RNA,
Structure of Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Polynucleotides.

Basic Life Science-I

Unit I Animal and Plant Diversity 15 Lectures 2
Origin of Life, Chemical and Biological Evolution, Origin of
Eukaryotic Cell.
Concept of Biodiversity, Taxonomical,
Ecological and Genetic Diversity & its Significance
Introduction to Plant Diversity: Algae, Fungi, Bryophyta,
Pteridophyta, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms (with one
example each)
Introduction to Animal Diversity: Non-Chordates and
Chordates {with at least one representative example.)

Unit II Introduction to Microbial diversity 15 Lectures 2

Introduction to Microbial Diversity Archaebacteria,
Eubacteria, Blue-green Algae, Actinomycetes, Eumycota
Habitats, Examples and Applications.

Unit III Classification of Bacteria 15 Lectures 2

Bacteria : Classification, Types, Morphology (Size, Shape
Arrangement) Cultivation of Bacteria.
Reproduction and Growth (Binary Fission, Conjugation and
Endospore formation) Growth Kinetics, Isolation and
Preservation. Significance of Bacteria

Basic Life Science-II

Unit I Sterilization techniques 15 Lectures 2
Definition : Sterilization and Disinfection.
Types and Applications Dry Heat, Steam under pressure,
Gases, Radiation and Filteration
Chemical Agents and their Mode of Action - Aldehydes,
Halogens, Quaternary Ammonium Compounds, Phenol and
Phenolic Compounds,
Heavy Metals, Alcohol, Dyes, and Detergents
Ideal Disinfectant. Examples of Disinfectants and
Evaluation of Disinfectant

Unit II Nutrition, cultivation and enumeration of microorganisms 15 Lectures 2

Nutritional Requirements : Carbon,Oxygen, Hydrogen,
Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulphur and Growth Factors.
Classification of Different Nutritional
Types of Organisms.
Design and Types of Culture Media. Simple Medium,
Differential, Selective and Enriched Media
Concept of Isolation and Methods of Isolation. Pure
Culture Techniques
Growth and Enumeration. Growth Phases, Growth Curve.
Arithmatic Growth and Growth Yield. Measurement of
Growth. Chemostat and Turbidostat
Enumeration of Microorganisms- Direct and Indirect
Preservation of Cultures- Principle and
Methods. Cryogenic Preservation Advantages and

Unit III Microscopy and stains 15 Lectures 2

Microscopy and Stains
Microscope- Simple and Compound:
Principle. Parts, Functions and Applications.
Dark Field and Phase Contrast Microscope
Stains and Staining SolutionsDefinition of Dye and
Structure of Dye and Chromophore.
Functions of Mordant and Fixative.
Natural and Synthetic Dyes. Simple
Staining, Differential Staining and Acid
Fast Staining with specific examples

Basic Life Science-III

Unit I Evolution of Life 15 Lectures 2
Darwinism and Neo-Darwinism
Chemical and Biochemical evolution
Coaccervates and Evidences of evolution

Unit II Introduction to central dogma in biology and the genetic 15 Lectures

Gene expression overview- Central dogma
Process of DNA replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Transcription in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
Genetic Code
Translation in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
Post translational modifications

Unit III Genetics 15 Lectures

Cell cycle- G and S Phases, Control of cell cycle
• Concept of genes, chromosomes, Mitosis and Meiosis 2
• Mendelian and non-Mendelian inheritance, Linkage and
crossing over
• Sex determination in animals, sex linked, sex limited and
sex influenced genes
• Variations in chromosome number and structure (e.g. Rice,
wheat, Brassica, etc.
and Syndromes in Human)
• Multiple alleles and pseudoalleles
Genetics of Cancer.

Computational Sciences-I (Fundamentals Of Physics)

Unit I Mechanics 15 Lectures 2
Applications of Newton’s laws of motion, conical pendulum,
motion of a particle in a
vertical circle, scope of classical physics, conservative and
non-conservative forces.
• Elastic module, Poisson’s ratio, limiting values of Poisson’s
ratio, elastic constants
and their relationship.
• Surface tension and surface energy, pressure difference
across curved surface film,
angle of contact
Unit II Optics I 15 Lectures 2
• Image formation: coaxial system of two thin lenses in
contact and separated by a
distance, cardinal points and qualitative description of image
formation by a thin lens,
aberration of optical images (spherical aberration, distortion,
chromatic aberration),
methods reducing aberrations, Ramsden eyepiece.
• interference by division of amplitude: interference in thin
films (reflected system
only) a wedge shaped film in monochromatic light, Newton’s
rings, determination of
wavelength and the refractive index of a liquid using
Newton’s rings.
• Fraunhofer diffraction: expression for the resultant of N
simple harmonic vibrations
of equal amplitude, the same period and phases increasing in
an arithmetic
progression, use of this expression to study a single slit, a
double slit, and a plane
diffraction grating(transmission type), comparison of prism
and grating spectra.
Unit III Optics II 15 Lectures 2
Resolving power of optical instrument: Rayleigh’s criterion,
R.P. of a telescope, a
microscope, prism and grating spectrometers.
• introduction to polarization: pictorial representation of
polarized light, polarization by
scattering and by reflection, Brester’s law, Malus’s law,
double refraction in calcite
and quartz, experimental determination of μ0 and μE of a
quartz or a calcite prism.
• lasers and application: operating principles of laser
(resonance, optical
pumping/excitation, population inversion, stimulated
emission), spectral
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characteristics of lasers, overview of types of lasers, ruby
laser and He-Ne laser,
holography, application of lasers in medicine and industry.
Chemical Sciences- I
Unit I Thermodynamics: 15 Lectures 2
System, Surrounding, Boundaries Sign Conventions, State
Functions, Internal Energy and Enthalpy: Significance,
examples, (Numericals expected.)
Laws of Thermodynamics and its Limitations, Mathematical
expression. Qualitative discussion of Carnot Cycle for ideal
Gas and Mechanical Efficiency. Laws of Thermodynamics as
applied to Biochemical Systems.
Concept of Entropy, Entropy for Isobaric, Isochoric and
Isothermal Processes.
Unit II Chemical Kinetics 15 Lectures 2
Reaction Kinetics:
Rate of Reaction, Rate Constant, Measurement of Reaction
Rates Order & Molecularity of Reaction, Integrated Rate
Equation of First and Second order reactions (with equal initial
concentration of reactants). (Numericals expected)
Determination of Order of Reaction by a) Integration Method
b) Graphical Method c) Ostwald‘s Isolation Method d) Half
Time Method. (Numericals expected).
Unit IIII Titrimetry and Gravimetry 15 Lectures 30 hrs
Titrimetric Analysis: Titration, Titrant, Titrand, End Point,
Equivalence Point, Titration Error, Indicator, Primary and
Secondary Standards, Characteristics and examples
Types of Titration –Acid –Base, Redox. Precipitation,
Complexometric Titration. Acid – Base Titration.-Strong Acid
Vs Strong Base -Theoretical aspects of Titration Curve and
End Point Evaluation.
Theory of Acid –Base Indicators, Choice and Suitability of
Gravimetric Analysis:
Solubility and Precipitation, Factors affecting Solubility,
Nucleation, Particle Size, Crystal Growth, Colloidal State,
Ageing/Digestion of Precipitate.
Co-Precipitation and Post-Precipitation. Washing, Drying and
Ignition of Precipitate. (Numericals Expected).

Chemical Sciences- II
Unit I Amino acids and proteins 15 Lectures 2
Proteins and Amino Acids:
Classification, Preparation and Properties, Isoelectric Point,
Peptide Synthesis
Proteins: Classification based on Structure and Functions,
Primary Structure, N-terminal (Sanger and Edmans Method)
and C-terminal Analysis (Enzyme)Reactions of Amino Acids,
Sorenson‘s Titration, Ninhydrin Test.
Denaturation of protein Structure of Peptides.
Titration Curve of Amino Acids.
Concept of Isoelectric pH, Zwitter ion. Glycoproteins
Unit II Enzymes, Coenzymes and Vitamins 15 Lectures 2
Introduction, Nomenclature and classification
Chemical nature and properties. Mechanism of enzyme
action/catalysis (introduction)
Active site, Isozymes, Ribozymes and Abzymes
Co factor and Co-enzyme
Vitamins and Coenzymes: RDA, source, structure (of Vitamin
and Coenzyme) and functions of:
(i) Water soluble Vitamins: Ascorbic acid,
thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, pyridoxine,
niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, lipoic , folic acid
and cyanocobalamin.
(ii) Fat soluble Vitamins: Vitamin A, D, E and K.
Unit IIII Analytical technique - I 15 Lectures 30 hrs
Methods of Separation
Precipitation, Filtration, Distillation and Solvent Extraction.
Analytical Techniques
Definition, Principles, Types
Introduction to Paper Chromatography,
Thin Layer Chromatography, Column
Chromatography and its Applications.
Principle, Beer-Lambert‘s Law, Measurement of Extinction,
Derivation of
E = kcl, Limitations of Beer-Lambart‘s Law, Filter Selection

Basic Life Science-I

Unit I Prokaryotic Cell Organization and Division 15 Lectures 2
Ultrastructure of Prokaryotic Cell
Size, shape and arrangements in Bacteria.
Cell envelopes: Cell membrane and Cell wall (Gram
positive, Gram negative and Archaebacteria), Slime
Layer and Capsule.
Cell surface Structures: Pili and fimbriae, Flagella
and Microbial locomotion
Cytoplasm :Organization of Genetic Material,
plasmids (Features and Classification) , Storage
Bodies, Endospores (structure, sporulation and
Forms of Bacterial cell Division and Growth phases
Unit II Eukaryotic Cell Organization and Division 15 Lectures 2
Ultrastructure of Eukaryotic Cell:
Structure and function of: Plasma membrane,
plant cell wall, Nucleus, Mitochondria, Plastids
and Chloroplast, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi
Apparatus, Lysosome, and Ribosomes.
Comparison of Prokaryotic And Eukaryotic Cells.
Introduction to Microfilaments, Intermediate
Filaments, and Microtubules. Locomotory
appendages: Cilia And Flagella. Cell division (Mitosis).
Unit III Classification of Viruses 15 Lectures 30 hrs
General Characters, Classification (Plant, Animal and
Bacterial Viruses) Structure and Characterization of Viruses
and Significance
Cultivation: Inoculation in Animals/ Plants/ bacteria,
Embryonated egg, Cell lines

Basic Life Science-II

Unit I Plant Physiology 15 Lectures 30 hrs
Ultrastructure of Eukaryotic Cell:
Structure and function of: Plasma membrane,
plant cell wall, Nucleus, Mitochondria, Plastids
and Chloroplast, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi
Apparatus, Lysosome, and Ribosomes.
Comparison of Prokaryotic And EukaryoticCells.
Introduction to Microfilaments, Intermediate
Filaments, and Microtubules. Locomotory
appendages: Cilia And Flagella.
Cell division (Mitosis).
Unit II Animal Physiology 15 Lectures 30 hrs
Physiology of Digestion
Movement of Food and Absorption, Secretory functions of
Alimentary Canal, Digestion and Absorption,assimilation in
Gut of Mammals
Anatomy of Mammalian Kidney, Structure of Nephron,
Physiology of Urine Formation and Role of Kidney in
Excretion and Osmoregulation
Physiology of Respiration, Mechanism of Respiration,
Principles of Gaseous Exchange in the Blood and Body Fluids
The cardiovascular system: Heart, Blood and
Circulation : Blood Composition, Structure and
Function of its Constituents, Blood Coagulation and
Hemoglobin and its Polymorphism Regulation of the
Circulation Mechanism and working of Heart in
Unit III Nutrient Cycle and Biogeochemical Cycles 15 Lectures 2
Water, Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sulphur and
Phosphorus. Components, Significance, Disruption
of the ecosystem due to anthropological activities.
Concept of - Endangered, Threatened, Vulnerable,
Rare and Extinct species

Basic Life Sciences-III

Unit I Comparative account of Respiratory, Digestive and Excretory 15 Lectures 2
systems in major phyla of animals and Muscle structure and
Physiological and biochemical basis of muscle contraction
• Respiratory,
• Digestive,
• Excretory systems.
• Muscle structure, Physiological and biochemical basis of
muscle contraction (15 L)
Unit II Comparative account of Circulatory, nervous, and reproductive 15 Lectures 2
systems in major phyla of animals
• Circulatory system
• Nervous system
• Reproductive system
• Donnan Membrane Equilibrium and Physiology of nerve
conduction, Synapse &
Synaptic conduction, Neurotransmitters, Drug addiction,
• Haemopoiesis and its regulation
Unit III Anabolic, Catabolic and amphibolic pathways 15 Lectures 2
Secondary metabolites in plants- Arabinose, Xylose,
Phytosterols, Taxol, etc.
• Secondary metabolites in Bacteria
�Polyhydroxy butyric acid
• Inborn Metabolic errors with examples

Computational Sciences-I
(Fundamentals Of Physics)
Unit I Material science & Crystal geometry 15 Lectures 2
Material science: classification of materials, organic, inorganic
and biological
materials, semiconductor materials, current trends and
advances in materials,
materials structure and examination, selection of materials
• crystal geometry and structure: crystals, single crystal,
whiskers, lattice point and
space lattice, unit cell, primitive cell, atomic radius, density of
crystal, direction
lattice planes, miller indices, interplanar spacing, crystal planes
in cubic unit cells,
common planes in simple cubic structure, Co-ordination
number, crystal growth
Unit II Nuclear physics 2
Nuclear properties: Nuclear mass and binding energy, stability
of nucleus, mass
defect and packing fraction, nuclear size, B/A Vs. A curve,
nuclear magnetic
moments, electric quadruple moment, nuclear parity.
• Radioactivity: mean life, successive radioactive
transformation A→B→C type,
radioactive equilibrium, radioactive series and carbon dating,
nuclear radiation
detectors(ionization chamber, proportional counter, GM
counter, cloud chamber,
bubble chamber, single lens magnetic β ray spectrometer,
photographic emulsions.
• Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, its physical justification,
uncertainty principle for
energy and time, complementary nature of waves and particle
Unit III X –ray techniques 15 Lectures 2
X-rays: production, continuous and characteristic X- ray
spectra, Bragg’s law and
intensity of X- rays, Mosley’s law.
• Compton Effect and its experimental verification, energy
dependence of photoelectric
effect and Compton Effect.
S. Y. B. Sc.


Paper I Chemical Science I Chemical Science I
Unit I Metabolism and dietetics-1 (15 L) Electrochemical, thermal and radiochemical
methods of analysis (10L) + Electrodes and
electrochemical reactions, photochemistry

Unit II Ionic Equilibrium (15L) Sampling and separation techniques

Unit III Reactions of aliphatic, aromatic, Stereochemistry

heterocyclic compounds

Paper II Chemical Science II Chemical Science II

Unit I Organic Chemistry Separation Techniques
Unit II Synthesis of organic compounds Natural product chemistry
Unit III Green Chemistry and synthesis Polymers

Paper III Biological Sciences-I Biological Sciences-I

Unit I Structures and life cycles of Mutations, recombination and gene expression,
bacteriophages, plant and animal Study of plasmids and transposons, Gene
viruses expression in prokaryotes
Unit II Chemical signals at cellular level – Hormones, metabolic regulation, chemical
concept of receptors signals in microbes like bioluminescence
Unit III Introduction to immunology – Basic Molecular biology – concept of
concept of antigen, antibody, types of Restriction enzymes, Vectors and cDNA
immunity, graft rejection and library and Techniques used in rDNA
hypersensitivity technology (15 L)

Paper IV Biological Sciences II Biological Sciences-II

Unit I Application of genetic engineering in Gametogenenis, Fertilization and
bacterial, plant and animal systems with Embryogenesis in animals, Development of
examples like insulin production, pest organ system – limb , Developmental signals -
resistant plant varieties, transgenic polarity, differentiation, Concepts of ageing
animals, gene therapy, stem cells etc and regeneration (15L)
(15 L)
Unit II Medicinal Botany – Ethanobotany and Microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis in
Pharmacognosy (15L) plants, pollen germination, seed dormancy,
plant hormones and development and Applied
techniques – In vitro fertilization techniques,
Gamate collection and storage, artificial seeds
(15 L)
Unit III Photorespiration in plants Environmental Regulation of living systems,
Biological Clock and Circadian rhythm;
Photoperiodism, Vernalization Temperature
and sex determination ( eg. reptiles),
Hibernation, aestivation, awakening in animals
Paper V Pharmaceutical Microbiology Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Unit I Air microbiology and Potable water and Plant Tissue Culture
waste water microbiology
Unit II Food microbiology Animal Tissue Culture

Unit III Immunity, primary and secondary, Antibiotics

defensive mechanisms of body,
microbial resistance, interferon.

Paper VI Computational Sciences- II Computational Sciences- II

(Applied Mathematics And Statistics) (Computers)
Unit I System of linear equations and Introduction to computers , Computer
Matrices, Calculus components and organizationof computers,

Unit II Application of Derivatives and Database management system

,Ordinary Differential equations
Unit III Data Representation,Measures and Introduction to algorithms Graphs

Paper VII Environment Science Technical Communication Skills

BUSBT301 Chemical Science I 02
Unit I Metabolism and dietetics 15 lectures
Carbohydrate metabolism: Glycolysis, Glycogenesis,
GlycogenolysisGluconeogenesis, EM Pathway, reactions,
characteristics, Fate of carbon ,
Interconversion of hexoses, pyruvate to acetyl CoA reaction,
TCA cycle – detailed
reaction, energetics, labeling of carbon, amphibolic pathway,
anapleurotic reactions,
HMP pathway.
• Lipid metabolism: lipolysis, lipogenesis beta oxidation
pathway for fatty acids,
energetics, biosynthesis of saturated fatty acids, ketone
bodies- acetone, aceto- acetic
acid, beta hydroxy butyric acid- their formation, utilization,
and physiological
• Protein metabolism: oxidative and non oxidative
deamination, reactions, mechanism,
examples., transamination, reactions, mechanism, GOT, GPT
metabolic significance.,
decarboxylation reactions and mechanism , formation and
transport of ammonia,
urea cycle, mechanism and significance, protein synthesis
Interconversion of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids
Nutritional disorders- Marasmus, kwashiorkor, vitamin
deficiency disorders
Starvation, Obesity.

Unit II Ionic Equilibrium 15 lectures

Basic principles
• Introduction to Ionic equilibrium
• Faraday's Laws,
• Classification of Electrolytes
• Ostwald's Dilution Law
• Absolute Velocities and Mobilities of Ions
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• Activity coefficient
• Strong acids and bases
• Mono and polyprotic acids and bases
• Solubility
• Complex formation and organic complexes
• oxidation and reduction equilibria
• Hydrolysis of salts
• pH and buffer solutions
• Solubility product
Unit III Reactions of aliphatic, aromatic, heterocyclic compounds
Reactions of alkanes
• Reactions of alkenes and cycloalkenes: Epoxidation,
potassium permanganate oxidation,
ozonolysis, halogenation, addition of HX - Markovnikov’s
rule and peroxide effect
(mechanism), formation of halohydrins
• Reactions of alkynes: Acidity of terminal alkynes and
formation of metal acetylides,
hydration, addition of HX, selective hydrogenation to cis-
and trans- alkenes, alkylation
of acetylide anions
Reactions of heterocyclic: Furans: Halogenation, nitration,
sulphonation, ring opening, Vilsmeier
reaction, Diels-Alder reaction

BUSBT302 Applied chemistry I 02

Unit I Organic Chemistry 15 lectures
1.1 Introduction to Types of Organic Reactions
:Addition, Elimination and Substitution Reactions.
1.2 Essential and Non-essential Elements in
Biological Systems.Role of Metal Ions in
BiologicalSystems(Na and K, Iron, Copper),
Enzymes, Apoenzymes and Coenzymes.
1.3 Biological Role of
Haemoglobin,Peroxidases, oxidases,
1.4 Metal Complexes in Medicines
Unit II Synthesis of organic compounds 15 lectures
2.1 Criteria for Ideal Synthesis; Selectivity and Yield.
Linear and Convergent Synthesis and
Multicomponent Reactions.
2.2 Microwave Assisted Organic Synthesis,
Ultrasound in Synthesis and Polymer

supported Synthesis. Retrosynthesis

Unit III Green Chemistry and synthesis 15 lectures

3.1 Introduction to Green Chemistry; Need
andRelevance of Green Chemistry; Principles of
Green Chemistry.
3.2 Green Synthesis in Industry: Green Materials,
Green Reagents, Green Solvents and Green
BUSBT303 Biological Sciences-I 02
Unit I Structures and life cycles of bacteriophages, plant and 15 lectures
animal viruses
Acellular organisms (Viruses, Viriods, Prion) : General
Virology: Discovery of viruses, morphology and
ultrastructure, capsids & their arrangements, viral
genome – types and structures; nomenclature and
classification of virus (Animal, plant, bacterial viruses).
Virus related agents – viriods, prions. Bacteriophages:
Structural organization; Life cycle – lytic & lysogenic,
DNA replication & regulation, maturation and assembly
of virion. Importance in bacterial genetics and
biotechnology. Animal viruses: Life cycle and replication
of SV-40, retrovirus. Plant virus: Structure of plant
viruses like TMV, potato virus X; Brief outline of
cyanophages and mycophages.
Unit II Chemical signals at cellular level – concept of receptors 15 lectures
Host-parasite interaction: Recognition and entry processes
of different pathogens like bacteria, viruses into animal and
plant host cells, alteration of host cell behavior by pathogens,
virus-induced cell transformation, pathogen-induced diseases
in animals and plants, cell-cell fusion in both normal and
abnormal cells.
B) Cell signaling: Hormones and their receptors, cell surface
receptor, signaling through G-protein coupled receptors,
signal transduction pathways, second messengers, regulation
of signaling pathways, bacterial and plant two-component
systems, light signaling in plants, bacterial chemotaxis, and
quorum sensing.
C) Cellular communication: Regulation of hematopoiesis,
general principles of cell communication, cell adhesion and
roles of different adhesion molecules, gap junctions,
extracellular matrix, integrins, neurotransmission and its
D) Cancer: Genetic rearrangements in progenitor cells,
oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, cancer and the cell
cycle, virus-induced cancer, metastasis, interaction of cancer
cells with normal cells, apoptosis, therapeutic interventions
of uncontrolled cell growth.
Unit III Introduction to immunology – 15 lectures
concept of antigen, antibody, types of immunity, graft
rejection and hypersensitivity

BUSBT304 Biological Sciences II 02

Unit I Genetic engineering 15 lectures
Cloning of genes and application of genetic engineering in
bacterial, plant and animal
systems with examples like insulin production, pest resist
plant varieties, transgenic
animals, Gene Therapy, Stem cells and their applications
Unit II Medicinal Botany – Ethanobotany and Pharmacognosy 15 lectures
Introduction and Scope of Pharmacognosy and
ethanobotany: Pharmacognosy and modern medicine
2. Crude plant drugs a)Sources: Geographical, Biological,
Cell Culture and Sea b)Classification: Morphological
(Organized and unorganized), Taxonomical, Chemical,
Pharmacological and alphabetical
3. Indigenous tradional drugs and their market adulteration
Types of Plant drug and their Pharmacognostic study.
Evaluation of the drugs; Organoleptic, Microscopic, Physical
Chemical and Biological methods of evaluation.
Herbarium preparation

Unit III Photorespiration in plants 15 lectures

Photorespiration Photorespiratory reactions
Substrate specificity of RuBisCO
Conditions which affect photorespiration
Altered substrate availability: lowered CO2 or increased O2
Increased temperature
Biological adaptation to minimize photorespiration
Biochemical carbon concentrating mechanisms
CAM (Crassulacean acid metabolism)4.1.3Algae
Biophysical carbon-concentrating mechanisms
Eukaryotic algae
Possible purpose of photorespiration

BUSBT305 Pharmaceutical Microbiology 03

Unit I Air microbiology and Potable water and waste water 15 lectures
1.1 Microorganisms present in air; Air microflora
(Transient nature of air flora) diseases caused by air-
borne microorganisms; Environmental (physical)
stress on microorganisms; aeromicrobiological
pathway - dispersion of microoorganisms in air,
bioaerosol (droplet nuclei) and transport of
bioaerosol, deposition of microorganisms; Air
quality testing methods.
1.2 Methods of air sampling and types of air samplers
1.3 Diseases caused by air borne pathogens
Air sanitation
2.1 Aquatic environment and microorganisms - nutrients
and gases availability; microbial community in
aquatic environment; water borne pathogens.
Purification for drinking water based on filtration,
chlorination, iodination treatment, UV treatment,
reverse osmosis their advantages & limitations
2.2 Water quality testing - sample collection methods,
water quality indicators - physical, chemical and
biological indicators, bacteriological water analysis
Wastewater treatment: Steps involved in wastewater
treatment - (i) primary (sedimentation, screening,
coagulation, flocculation, dilution, neutralization,
equalization); (ii) secondary (Activated sludge treatment,
Trickle filters, Anaerobic filters ) and; (iii) tertiary
(clarification, disinfections, disposal of treated water)
Unit II Food microbiology 15 lectures

Unit III Immunity, primary and secondary, defensive mechanisms of 15 lectures

body, microbial resistance, interferon.
 Genes XI, 11th edition (2012), Benjamin Lewin,
Publisher - Jones and Barlett Inc. USA
 Molecular Biology of the Gene, 6th Edition (2008),
James D. Watson, Pearson Education, Inc. and
Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc. USA
 Molecular Biology, 5th Edition (2011), Weaver R.,
McGraw Hill Science. USA
 Fundamentals of Molecular Biology, (2009), Pal J.K.
and SarojGhaskadbi, Oxford University Press.
 Molecular Biology: genes to proteins, 4th edition
(2011), Burton E Tropp Jones& Bartlett Learning,
 iGenetics A Molecular Approach 3rd Edition Peter J.
 Molecular Biotechnology-Principles and
Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology 3rd
Edition Glick B.R., Pasternak J.J., Patten C.L

BUSBT306 Computational Sciences- II 02

(Applied Mathematics And Statistics)
Unit I System of linear equations and Matrices, Calculus 15 lectures
Systems of homogenous and non homogenous linear
• Matrices over R, The matrix representation of systems of
homogenous and non
homogenous linear equation.
• Finding solutions of homogeneous and non-homogeneous
‘m’ linear equations in ‘n’
variables; matrices and its properties.
Statement of rules for finding limits, sum rule, difference
rule, product rule.
Constantmultiplerule, quotient rule, Sandwich theorem of
limits (without proof),
Continuity of a real valued function at a point in terms of
limits and two sided limits.
• Definition of derivative of a real valued function at a point,
notion of differentiability,
geometric interpretation of a derivative of a real valued
function at appoint,
differentiability of a function over non interval, statement of
rules of differentiability,
chain rule of finding derivative of composite differentiable
Unit III Data Representation,Measures and Sampling 15 lectures
Frequency polygon, histograms, pie diagrams, bar diagrams
• Measure of Central tendency: Arithmetic mean, mode,
• Measure of Dispersion: Range ,mean deviation, Standard
deviation, Variance
Introduction to Sampling: Population, Sample Random
• Methods of sampling :stratified sampling ,cluster sampling
• Errors: sampling error, on-sampling error, standard error
• Statistical approach to biological samples & their Statistical

BUSBT307 Environment Science 2

Unit I 15 lectures
Unit II 15 lectures

Unit III 15 lectures

BUSBT401 Chemical Science I 02
Unit I Electrochemical, thermal and radiochemical methods of 15 lectures
analysis (10L) + Electrodes and electrochemical reactions,
Concepts of thermal analysis and calorimetry
• Applications, strengths and limitations of thermal analysis
• Concepts of radiochemistry
• Neutron activation analysis
• Isotope dilution analysis
• Radio immuno assay
• Radiation and safety
• Applications, strengths and limitations of radiochemical
Electrodes and electrochemical reactions-2 (05L)
• Determination of thermodynamic parameters from EMF
measurements – free
energy change, enthalpy change, entropy change and
equilibrium constant for the
cell reaction.
• Ionic strength, variation of activity coefficient with
concentration, Debye-Huckel
limiting law.
a. Application of EMF measurements in the determination of:
b. activity coefficient
c. pH using quinhydrone and glass electrodes
• solubility and solubility product of sparingly soluble salts
using chemical cells
and concentration cells
• Formula of Ag-NH3 complex ion
• Reference electrode:
a. Primary standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) and
b. Secondary calomel electrode
• Activity and mean activity, activity co-efficient and mean
activity co-efficient of
electrolytes. Nernst theory of electrode potential. Nernst
equation for potential of
galvanic cells and for electrode potential
Page 47 of 108
• Applied aspects: Different types of cells and their uses,
Unit II Sampling and Separation Techniques 15 lectures
Separation science and importance of separation in analytical
Importance of Sampling and Sampling
Techniques.Types of Sampling - Random and Non-
Random.Sampling of Solids, Liquids and Gases

• Distillation
• Zone refining, floatation
• Vacuum distillation
• Lyophilisation and freeze drying
• General concept of solvent extraction
• Batch extraction, continuous extraction, counter-current
solid phase Extraction
Centrifugation - Basic Principles of Sedimentation
Unit III Stereochemistry 15 lectures
Idea of configuration. Stereochemistry of carbon compounds
with one and two
asymmetric carbon atoms (Wedge-dot formula). Study of
• Diastereoisomers, racemates and meso compounds.
• Diastereoisomerism (Geometrical isomerism) due to
restricted rotation around CC
double bond.
• Projection formulae: Fischer, Newman and Sawhorse. The
interconversion of the
formulae of compounds with two stereogenic centres.
• Diastereomers: Threo, erythro, meso diastereomers.
Geometrical isomerism in
cycloalkanes (3- and 4- membered) and oximes.
• Absolute configuration: Sequence rules for specification of
configuration –
assigning of stereochemical descriptors R/S to Fischer
projection and wedge-dot
formulae and E/Z to double bonds.
Stereo selectivity and stereo specificity
• Circular dichroism (CD) and optical rotatory dispersion

BUSBT402 Applied chemistry II 02

Unit I Analytical techniques - II 15 lectures

• Definition of chromatography and its importance in

Analytical chemistry
• History of chromatography
High Performance TLC and its
�Other chromatographic techniques like: Ion exchange,
Gel permeation or size
exclusion chromatography, Super critical fluid
Unit II Natural product chemistry 15 lectures
2.1 Natural Product Chemistry :Primary and Secondary
Metabolites.Classification of Natural Products based
on BioSynthesis.Classification of Natural Products
based on Structure- Alkaloids, Phenolics, Essential
Oils and Steroids.
2.2 Structure Determination of Natural Products.
Commercial Synthesis of Natural Products.

The following commercial synthesis: α – pinine to camphor, α

– pinine to
menthol, isopentene to citral, citral to β-ionone, pNA to
thyroxine; total sysnthesis
(including part synthesis) of - α – terpeneol, atropine.

2.3 Chromatographic Separation of Natural Products :

Gas Chromatography and its Applications.Liquid
Chromatography : HPLC and its Applications.HPTLC
for Separation and Analysis of Natural Products.
Unit III Polymers 15 lectures
3.1 Polymers :Introduction to Polymers.
Types of Polymers - Monomer, Polymer,

Homopolymer, Copolymer, Thermoplastics and

Thermosets, Addition and Condensation Polymers
(Examples and Uses)

3.1 Stereochemistry of Polymers.Biodegradable

3.2 Recyclable polymer, biomedical use of polymer

BUSBT403 Biological Sciences-I 02

Unit I Mutations, recombination and gene expression, Study of 15 lectures
plasmids and transposons, Gene expression in prokaryotes
Types of mutation – Point and gross, Spontaneous and
• Recombination and gene expression,
• Study of plasmids and transposons,
• Gene expression in prokaryotes

Unit II Hormones, metabolic regulation, chemical signals in microbes 15 lectures

like bioluminescence
• metabolic regulation,
• Chemical signals in microbes like bioluminescence
Unit III Basic Molecular biology – concept of Restriction enzymes, 15 lectures
Vectors and cDNA library and Techniques used in rDNA
technology (15 L)
Concept of Restriction enzymes,
• Vectors and
• Isolation of chromosomal DNA, plasmid DNA and mRNA.
• Recombinant DNA technology
• cDNA library.

BUSBT404 Biological Sciences-II 02
Unit I Gametogenenis and Fertilization 15 lectures
Embryogenesis in animals, Development of organ system –
limb , Developmental signals - polarity, differentiation,
Concepts of ageing and regeneration

Unit II Plant Embryology Microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis 15 lectures

in plants,
• Fertilization and embryo development
• Pollen morphology, viability and germination
• Plant hormones and development,
�Applied techniques –
• In vitro fertilization techniques,
• Gamete collection and storage (artificial insemination),
• Seed dormancy, artificial seeds.
Unit III Environmental Regulation of living systems 15 lectures
Biological Clock and Circadian rhythm;
Photoperiodism, Vernalization Temperature and sex
determination ( eg. reptiles),
Hibernation, aestivation, awakening in animals
 Environmental Biotechnology Allan Scragg Oxford
University press.
 Environmental Biotechnology Indushekar Thakur IK
International (Basic concepts and applications)
 Biotechnology: Environmental Processes- Rehm and
Reed- Wiley

BUSBT405 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 02

Unit I Plant Tissue Culture 15 lectures
1.1 Cell Theory, Concept of Cell Culture,
Cellular Totipotency, Organization of Plant Tissue
Culture Laboratory : Equipments and Instruments.
Aseptic Techniques: Washing of Glassware, Media

1.2 Aseptic Workstation, Precautions to maintain Aseptic

Conditions.Culture Medium: Nutritional requirements
of t he explants, PGR‘s and their in-vitro roles,
1.3 Media PreparationCallus Culture Technique:
Introduction, Principle and Protocols.
1.4 Cryopreservation -Principle and types.
Germplasm conservation,
Unit II Animal Tissue Culture 15 lectures
2.1 Introduction. Cell Culture Techniques,
Equipment and Sterilization Methodology.
2.2 Introduction to Animal Cell Cultures:Nutritional and
Physiological: Growth Factors and Growth Parameters.
General Metabolism and Growth Kinetics
2.3 Primary Cell Cultures : Establishment and
Maintenance of Primary Cell Cultures of Adherent
and Non-Adherent
Cell Lines with examples.Application of Cell Cultures

Unit III Antibiotics 15 lectures

Definition, phenomenon of antibiotics, concept of secondary
metabolites. Role of antibiotics in the producer organism.
Assay of antibiotics: chemical versus microbiological assay
system, different methods of antibiotic assays (serial dilution,
photometric and agar-diffusion methods) - theory and practice;
Chemical and biochemical modification of antibiotic
structures: development of antibiotics (different generations of
antibiotics) taking penicillins and chloramphenicols as parent
compounds. Phenomenon of antibiotic resistance. Different
biochemical mechanisms of resistance development, multiple-
drug resistance, its genetics and chemical significance.
Biochemical modes of action of antibiotics acting as inhibitors
of ribosomal function (as for example aminoglycosides,
tetracyclines, puromycin, choloramphenicol, microlides etc.),
inhibitors of nucleic acid metabolism (actinomycin D,
mitomycin C etc.), inhibitors of cell wall biosynthesis
(penicilline, bacitracins etc.) and inhibitors of membrane
function (polyenes, tunicamycin, ionophores etc.).

BUSBT406 Computational Sciences- II 02

Unit I Introduction to computers , Computer components and 15 lectures
organizationof computers
History of computers and their classification
• Basics of modern computer system (view of a computer as an
integrated system,
Neumann machine, block diagram of a computer system)
• Number systems (binary, decimal, octal, hexadecimal and
their inert-conversions)
• Computer arithmetic (binary addition and subtraction using
signed magnitude, 1’s
complement and 2’s complement, binary multiplication and
• Codes for character representation (hexadecimal, BCD,
excess-3, gray code etc)
Memory- primary, secondary, optical, virtual, cache
• Input-output devices (devices, interfaces etc)
• Internal memory (DRAM, SRAM, ROM types, cache,
memory principles, elements
of cache design etc)
• External memory (magnetic disk, RAID, optical memory,
magnetic tape)
• Input-output devices (DMA, I/O processors, I/O modules
Unit II Database management system 15 lectures
Basics of relational model (overview, entity relation model,
schema refinement and
normal forms)
• Query languages (relational algebra, creating and altering
tables, handling data using
SQL etc)
• Implementing indexes, views and procedures (file
organization and indexing, views,
stored procedures, triggers)

Unit III Introduction to algorithms Graphs 15 lectures

Definition and characteristics of an algorithm, selection and
interactive constructs in
peudocode. Data structures like array.
• Sorting and searching algorithms; algoritms on integers,
algorithm on matrices,
Introduction to graphs: types of graph(simple graph,
multigraph, pseudograph,
directed graph, with an example of each), some special simple
graph, cycle, wheel in graph, bipartite graph, regular graph),
• Representing graphs and graph isomorphism;
• Elementary combinatories: Sets; functions; relations;
permutations; combinations.

T. Y. B. Sc

Paper I Pharmaceutics Pharmaceutics
Unit I Pharmaceutical biochemistry Preformulation studies and
Unit II Pharmacology Performance evaluation methods
Unit III Packaging of Pharmaceutical Products Introduction to Biopharmaceutics and
Unit IV Drug metabolism and Concepts of Bioavailability and bioequivalence

Paper II Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence & Pharmaceutical Industrial management

Pharmaceutical Legislations, Drugs & Concept of management, Accountancy,
Pharmaceutical Industry, Economics ,
Pharmaceutical Education - A brief
Pharmaceutical Ethics Pharmaceutical Marketing , Salesmanship,
Market Research
Pharmaceutical Laws - I Materials Management and product
Pharmaceutical Laws - II Market Survey of modern and traditional

PaperIII Computational Sciences V (Principles Computational Sciences-V

Of Computational Biology) (Principles Of Computational Biology)
Unit I Introduction to various databases Data mining (10 L)
Unit II Heuristic algorithm (10 L) Hidden Markov model (10 L)
Unit III Taxonomy and phylogeny (10 L) Pattern matching (10 L)
Unit IV Application of computational biology Application of computational biology

Paper IV Projects/Assignments/Case Projects/Assignments/Case Studies(AC-2)


Paper V Entrepreneurship Skills-I Entrepreneurship Skills-II

SEMESTER V credits
BUSBT501 Pharmaceutics 2.5
Unit I Pharmaceutical biochemistry 15 lectures
Biochemical organization of the cell and transport
processes across cell membrane.
2. The concept of free energy, determination of change in
free energy - from equilibrium constant and reduction
potential, bioenergetics, production of A TP and its
biological significance.
3. Enzymes: Nomenclature, enzyme kinetics and its
mechanism of action, mechanism of inhibition, enzymes
and iso-enzymes in clinical diagnosis.
4. Co-enzymes: Vitamins as co-enzymes and their
significance. Metals as co-enzymes and their significance.
Significance of metabolic pathways, genetic code and
protein synthesis
Unit II Pharmacology 15 lectures
General Pharmacology: Introduction to Pharmacology,
Sources of drugs, Dosage forms and routes of
administration, mechanism of action, Combined effect of
drugs, Factors modifying drug action, tolerance and
dependence, Pharmacogenetics. Absorption, Distribution,
Metabolism and Excretion of drugs, Principles of Basic
and Clinical pharmacokinetics, Adverse Drug Reactions
and treatment of poisoning, ADME drug interactions,
Bioassay of Drugs and Biological Standardization,
Discovery and development of new drugs.
Unit III Packaging of Pharmaceutical Products 15 lectures
Packaging components, types, specifications and methods
of evaluation, stability aspects of packaging. Packaging
equipments, factors influencing choice of containers, legal
and other
official requirements for containers, package testing.
Unit IV Drug metabolism and Concepts of Prodrugs 15 lectures
Synthetic procedures of selected drugs, mode of action,
uses, structure activity relationship (including
physicochemical aspects) of the following classes of drugs.
(Biochemical approaches in drug designing wherever
applicable should be
i) Antimetabolites (including sulfonamides).

ii) Chemotherapeutic agents used in Protozoal, Parasitic

and other infection
iii) Antineoplastic agents
iv Anti-viral including anti - HIVagents.
v) Immunosuppressives and immunostimulants.
3. Amino acids, peptide, nueleotides and related drugs
a. Thyroid and Anti thyroid drugs
b. Insulin and oral hypoglycaemic agents.
c. Peptidomimetics and nucleotidomimetics.

vi. Diagnostic agents.

vii. Pharmaceutical Aids.

BUSBT502 Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence & Ethics 2.5

Unit I Pharmaceutical Legislations, Drugs & Pharmaceutical 15 lectures
Industry, Pharmaceutical Education - A brief review.

a. Pharmaceutical Legislations - A brief review.
b. Drugs & Pharmaceutical Industry - A brief review.
c. Pharmaceutical Education - A briefreview.
2. An elaborate study of the following
a. Pharmaceutical Ethics
b. Pharmacy Act 1948.
c. Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 and Rules 1945.
d. Medicinal & Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Act
e. Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances Act 1985 &
f. Drugs Price Control Order.

Unit II Pharmaceutical Ethics and ethical issues 15 lectures

Unit IIII Pharmaceutical Laws – I 15 lectures
2. An elaborate study of the following
a. Pharmaceutical Ethics
b. Pharmacy Act 1948.
c. Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 and Rules 1945.
d. Medicinal & Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Act
e. Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances Act 1985 &
f. Drugs Price Control Order.

Unit IV Pharmaceutical Laws – II 15 lectures

brief study of the following with special reference to the

main provisions.
a. Poisons Act 1919
b. Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable
Advertisements) Act 1954
c. Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1970 & Rules
d. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960.
e. States Shops & Establishments Act & Rules.
f. Insecticides Act 1968.
g. AICTE Act 1987.
h. Factories Act 1948.
j. Minimum Wages Act 1948. k Patents Act 1970.
4. A brief study of the various Prescription/Non-
prescription Products, Medical /Surgical accessories,
Diagnostic aids, appliances available in the market.
Note: The teaching of all the about Acts should cover the
latest amendments.

BUSBT503 Computational Sciences V (Principles Of 2.5

Computational Biology)
Unit I Introduction to various databases 15 lectures
Introduction to the course. Overview of computational
biology and
genomics. Introduction to molecular biology for non-
biologists: DNA basics,
replication, transcription, translation, splicing. DNA
sequencing technology. Wholegenome
shotgun sequencing strategies.
• Major Bioinformatics resources NCBI, EBI, ExPASY
• Open access bibliographic resources and literature
• Nucleic acid : GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ
• Protein sequence: SWISS – PROT, TrEML, PIR.
• Genome Database at NCBI, EBI, TIGR, SANGER
Unit II Heuristic algorithm (10 L) 15 lectures
BLAST algorithms
• PSI BLASTalgorithm
• FASTA algorithms
Page 54 of 108
• Various versions of basic BLAST and FASTA. Online
use of the tools and
interpretation of the results
• Strings and graphs. Sequence alignment. Global and local
alignment using the Smith-
Waterman algorithm. PAM matrices. Sequence alignment
using BLAST Large-scale
sequence alignment using MUMmer. Sequence assembly:
shortest superstring, greedy
assembly algorithms. Algorithms for sequencing by
Unit III Taxonomy and phylogeny (10 L) 15 lectures
Phylogenetic analysis
• Basic concepts in Systematics, taxonomy and phylogeny.
• Nature of data used in taxonomy and Phylogeny.
• Definition and description of Phylogenetic trees and
various methods
• Clustering method -UPGMA
• Cladistic method - Parsimony
• Phylogenetic Analysis software Phylip,
Unit IV Application of computational biology 15 lectures

BUSBT504 Projects/Assignments/Case Studies(AC-2) 2.5

Unit I 15 lectures
Unit II 15 lectures
Unit III 15 lectures
Unit IV 15 lectures

BUSBT504 Entrepreneurship Skills-I 02

Unit I 15 lectures
Unit II 15 lectures
Unit III 15 lectures
Unit IV 15 lectures
BUSBT601 Pharmaceutics 2.5
Unit I Preformulation studies 15 lectures
Study of physical properties of drug like physical
form, particle size, shape, density, wetting dielectric
constant. Solubility, dissolution and organoleptic
property and their effect on formulation, stability and
b) Study of chemical properties of drugs like
hydrolysis, oxidation, reduction, racemization,
polymerization etc., and their influence on
formulation and stability of products.
c) Study of pro-drugs in solving problems related to
stability, bioavailability and elegancy of
Design, development and process validation methods
for pharmaceutical operations involved in the
production of pharmaceutical products with special
reference to tablets, suspensions.
3. Stabilization and stability testing protocol for
various pharmaceutical products.
Unit II Performance evaluation methods 15 lectures
In-vitro dissolution studies for solid dosage forms
methods, interpretation of dissolution data.
b) Bioavailability studies and bioavailability testing
protocol and procedures.
c) In-vivo methods of evaluation and statistical
5. GMP and quality assurance, Quality audit
6. Design, development, production and evaluation of
controlled released formulations.

Unit III Introduction to Biopharmaceutics and 15 lectures


Introduction to Biopharmaceutics and

Pharmacokinetics and their role in formulation
development and clinical setting.
2. Biopharmaceutics
2.1. Passage of drugs across biological barrier
(passive diffusion, active transport, facilitated
diffusion and pinocytosis).
2.2. Factors influencing absorption -
Physicochemical, physiological and pharmaceutical.
2.3. Drug distribution in the body, plasma protein
3. Phamacokinetics :
3.1. Significance of plasma drug concentration
measurement. 3.2. Compartment model-Definition
and Scope.
3.3. Pharmacokinetics of drug absorption - Zero
order and first order absorption rate constant using
Wagner - Nelson and Loo- Reigelman method.
3.4. Volume of distribution and distribution
3.5. Compartment kinetics - One compartment and
two compartment models. Determination of
pharmacokinetic parameters from plasma and urine
data after drug administration by intravascular and
o'al route.
3.6. Curve fitting (method of Residuals), regression
3.7. Clearance concept, Mechanism of renal
clearance, clearance ratio, determination of renal
3.8. Extraction ratio, hepatic clearance, biliary
excretion, Extrahepatic circulation.
3.9. Non-linear pharmacokinetics with special
reference to one compartment model after 1. V drug
administration, Michaeles Menten Equation,
detection of non-linearity (Saturation mechanism).
4. Clinical Pharmacokinetics: 4.1. Definition and

4.2. Dosage adjustment in patients with and without

renal and hepatic failure.
4.3. Design of single dose bio-equivalence study and
relevant statistics.
4.4. Pharmacokinetic drug interactions and their
significance in combination therapy.

Unit IV Bioavailability and bioequivalence 15 lectures

5.1. Measures of bioavailability, Cmax, t max, and

Area Under the Curve (AUe).
5.2. Design of single dose bioequivalence study and
relevant statistics.
5.3. Review of regulatory requirements for
conduction of bioequivalent studies.

BUSBT602 Pharmaceutical Industrial management 2.5

Unit I Concept of management, Accountancy, Economics 15 lectures
Concept of Management : Administrative
Management (Planning, Organizing, Staffing,
Directing and Controlling), Entrepreneurship
development, Operative Management (Personnel,
Materials, Production, Financial, Marketing,
Time/space, Margin/Morale). Principles of
Management (Co-ordination, Communication,
Motivation, Decision-making, leadership, Innovation,
Creativity, Delegation of Authority / Responsibility,
Record Keeping). Identification of key points to give
maximum thrust for development and perfection.
2. Accountancy: Principles of Accountancy, Ledger
posting and book entries, preparation of trial balance,
columns of a cash book, Bank reconciliation
statement, rectification of errors, Profits and loss
account, balance sheet, purchase, keeping and pricing
of stocks, treatment of cheques, bills of exchange,
promissory notes and hundies, documentary bills.
3. Economics: Principles of economics with special
reference to the laws of demand and supply, demand
schedule, demand curves, labor welfare, general
principles of insurance and inland and foreign trade,
procedure of exporting and importing goods.
Unit II Pharmaceutical Marketing , Salesmanship, Market 15 lectures
Pharmaceutical Marketing : Functions, buying,
selling, transportation, storage, finance, feedback,
information, channels of distribution, wholesale,
retail, departmental store, multiple shop and mail
order business.
5. Salesmanship: Principles of sales promotion,
advertising, ethics of sales, merchandising, literature,
detailing. Recruitment, training, evaluation,
compensation to the pharmacist.
6. Market Research:

(a) Measuring & Forecasting Market Demands-Major

concept in demand measurement, Estimating current
demand, Geodemographic analysis, Estimating
industry sales, Market share & Future demand.
(b) Market Segmentation & Market Targeting.
Unit IIII Materials Management and product management 15 lectures

Materials Management: A brief exposure or basic

principles of materials management-major areas,
scope, purchase, stores, inventory control and

evaluation of materials management.

8. Production Management: A brief exposure of the
different aspects of Production Management-Visible
and Invisible inputs, Methodology of Activities,
Performance Evaluation Technique, Process-Flow,
Process Knowhow, Maintenance Management.
Unit IV Market Survey of modern and traditional medicine 15 lectures

BUSBT603 Computational Sciences-V 2.5

(Principles Of Computational Biology)
Unit I Data mining (10 L) 15 lectures
Concept of Data mining and definition of sequence
patterns, motifs, blocks.
• Various types of pattern representation
• Applying Data mining to global database
• Applying Microarray Data
• Data warehousing
• Gene finding using HMMs, Markov chains, neural
nets, and decision trees
Computational gene finding in prokaryotes. Frame
shift analysis, database search,
identification of ribosome binding sites, terminators,
and operon structure
Unit II Hidden Markov model (10 L) 15 lectures
Applications of HMMs: profile HMMs (HMMer,
• Gene finding.
• Multiple sequence alignment and ortholog
• Biological background on the structure of genes:
exons, introns, and splicing.
• Description of the gene finding problem for
prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Unit III Pattern matching (10 L) 15 lectures
Analysis and design of combinatorial libraries.
• Chemo-informatics tools for drug discovery
• Combinatorial chemistry
• Chemical Database Preparation for Compound
Acquisition or Virtual Screening
• Preparing a Dataset for Compound Acquisition
using Similarity and Diversity
Unit IV Application of computational biology 15 lectures

BUSBT604 Projects/Assignments/Case Studies(AC-2) 2.5

BUSBT605 Entrepreneurship Skills-II 02

Unit I 15 lectures
Unit II 15 lectures
Unit III 15 lectures
Unit IV 15 lectures

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