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Background: Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a fatal manifestation of dengue disease. DHF’s risk
factors profile holds significance importance in the clinical practice and efficient care plan are
required during dengue disease flare-up. The aim of this study was to investigate the risk factors for
pathogenesis of dengue disease and dengue hemorrhagic fever.
Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, data was obtained from 256 patients with
diagnoses of Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). Comprehensive history, physical assessment and
biochemical estimations were recorded. Patients were followed to identify and assess the risk factors
for DHF. The Statistical Package of Social Sciences for analysis of data. Stratification of residence and
socioeconomic status to see effect of these on result variable by applying chi square test. p value of
<0.05 was taken as significant.
Results: Among the 256 patients, the mean age of the age (Mean±SD) of study population was
28.4±12.1 years, 162 (63.28%) were less than 40 years of age and 94 (36.72%) were >40 years. The
males were 181 (70.70%) and females were 75 (29.30%). The frequency of risk factors was observed
to be 26 (10.8%) patients had Diabetes Mellitus, 55(21.5%) hypertension, 25(9.8%) hyperlipidemia.
Secondary infection occurred in 192 (75%) but results were insignificant (p>0.05). All diseases were
common in participants who belonged to the urban area.
Conclusion: Secondary infection was most common risk factor in patients with DHF and found mostly
in less than 40 age than older patients. Whereas, males were predominately affected more than the
females (p<0.05).
Corresponding author:
Dr. Faizan Fazal
Rawalpindi Medical University,
Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
Email: [email protected]
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2091-2088
Doi: https://doi.org/10.36283/PJMD12-2/008
How to cite: Nasim H, Ehtesham M, Ambreen S, Arif M, Khan MK, Naseer A, et al. Risk Factors and
Secondary Infections in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Patients. Pak J Med Dent. 2022;12(2): 43-49. doi:
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the CreativeCommons Attribution License (CC BY) 4.0
PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY 2023, VOL. 12 (02) DOI: https://doi.org/10.36283/PJMD12-2/008 43
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Risk Factors and Secondary Infections in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Patients
On analyzing the frequency of risk factors, it was infection. Secondary infection was the most
observed that 26 (10.8%) patients had diabetes common and significant risk factor observed in this
mellitus, 55 (21.5%) had hypertension, 25 (9.8%) had study. This is shown in Figure 2.
hyperlipidemia and 192 (75%) had a secondary
Analysis of residence with age, gender, diabetes Table 1. According to this data, diabetes,
mellitus (DM), hypertension, hyperlipaemia, and hypertension, hyperlipidemia and secondary
secondary infection as a danger factor for infection were more common in participants who
distinguishing hazard factors have been given in belonged to the urban area.
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Nasim et al.
Table 1: Analysis of residence with age, gender, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hyperlipaemia,
and secondary infection as a danger factors for distinguishing hazard factors.
Risk Factors p-Value
Urban Rural
Less than 40 years 93 6
Age 0.355
40 years and above 37 57
Male 105 76
Gender 0.44
Female 45 30
Present 16 10
DM 0.46
Not Present 134 96
Present 33 22
Hypertension 0.468
Not Present 117 84
Present 16 9
Hyperlipidemia 0.362
Not Present 134 97
Analysis of socioeconomic status with age, gender, hyperlipidemia and secondary infection were more
DM, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia as a danger common in participants who belonged to the lower
factor for distinguishing hazard factors has been given socioeconomic status.
in Table 2. Diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension,
Table 2: Analysis of socioeconomic status with age, gender, DM, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia as
a danger factor for distinguishing hazard factors.
Socioeconomic Status
Distinguishing Hazard Factor p-Value
Lower Class Middle Class Upper Class
Less than 40 years old 74 68 20
Age Over 40 years old 41 38 15
Male 82 72 27
Gender Female 33 34 8
Yes 12 10 4
DM No 103 96 31
Yes 26 22 7
Hypertension No 98 84 28
Yes 11 10 4
Hyperlipidemia No 104 96 31
Yes 11 10 4
Secondary Infection No 104 96 31
46 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY 2023, VOL. 12 (02) DOI: https://doi.org/10.36283/PJMD12-2/008
Risk Factors and Secondary Infections in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Patients
mosquito nets, or different parts of lacking infection information relating the seriousness of sickness with the
counteraction among the youthful. Another optional disease is in concurrence with past work
clarification could be that the illness can make Wichmann et al. 25 in their examination indicated that
long-lasting insusceptibility for the individual, so optional dengue contamination was altogether
more seasoned people who have been uncovered connected with the advancement of DHF in
all the more regularly may have more opposition, youngsters, yet not in grown-ups. Likewise, our
diminishing the bleakness rate. This study found information recognized a huge relationship between
same results as previous studies in Cuba10 and in age and kinds of contamination concerning the
Singapore12 where children, 14 years old had a development of DHF.
higher danger of creating DHF contrasted with
youthful grown-ups matured 15 years or more The presence of co-morbidities, for example, diabetes
noteworthy. The reason behind this distinction could has been proposed as a danger variable of the
be because of brought down group invulnerability infection26. Our study showed about 10% of the
and change in transmission design10,12. patients had DM. A case-control study directed in
Singapore discovered patients having hypertension
The distinguishing proof of dangerous components and diabetes are in more danger of DHF27.
of DHF/DSS has its suggestions for clinical practice. It
enables the doctors to organize care during a The results of this study are quite comparable to
flare-up of dengue disease. Additionally, it offers a similar studies conducted in other countries. Similar
hint to the investigation of the pathogenesis of to the results found in this study, A study in Taiwan
dengue disease. This investigation demonstrated a concluded that poor socioeconomic status is an
noteworthy factual relationship between sex and independent risk factor for developing dengue
seropositivity to dengue. The seroprevalence of hemorrhagic fever (DHF) 28. Another study in Taiwan
dengue fever was discovered to be equivalent found that the incidence of Dengue hemorrhagic
among guys and females as indicated by fever is more in patients who are diabetic. This
Duncombe et al.13 However according to a study by conclusion also coincides with the results of this
Montenegro et al.14 there was a prevalence of male study. Thus, it can be said with much confidence
sexual orientation among the 14 patients being that risk factors associated with the development of
considered who passed on of dengue fever. This dengue hemorrhagic fever are quite similar in
could be credited to little sample size. different countries. Attention must be given to
avoiding these risk factors so that dengue
Comorbidities were demonstrated to be related to hemorrhagic fever can be prevented to happen
extreme clinical appearances of a few irresistible especially in high-risk areas and regions.
ailments, for example, SARS15,16, pandemic flu
H1N117, tuberculosis 18,19 and hepatitis C 20. Numerous Strategy creators can organize populace bunches
investigations discovered a relationship between at high danger of creating DHF, for example,
different co-morbidities and DHF results 21 however youthful males, patients in age bunch under 20
just one examination was completed with a years, furthermore, patients having diabetes with
multivariate investigation to change for potential hypertension for immunization when dengue
confounders22. antibodies are accessible, especially in
asset-restricted nations. Segment and comorbidity
Distinguishing hazard factors for DHF can control hazard components may help general well-being
clinicians to emergency dengue patients for the clinicians bring issues to light among high-hazard
correct site of care for nearer observing and early people to take steps and measures against dengue
intercession with liquid revival. In a plague where contaminations.
medical services assets might be extended, hazard
characteristics for DHF can be utilized to organize CONCLUSION
hospital admissions of dengue patients. In our Secondary infection was the most common risk
research, we saw that secondary infection was the factor in patients with DHF. Patients younger than 40
most common danger factor in DHF. In this study were more common than older patients. Males
frequency of risk factors was observed, 26 (10.8%) were predominately affected than females.
patients had Diabetes Mellitus, 55 (21.5%) had
hypertension, 25 (9.8%) had hyperlipidemia and 192 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
(75%) had secondary infection with insignificant The authors would like to acknowledge the
results (p<0.05). All diseases were common in cooperation of their fellow doctors and nurses
participants who belonged to the urban area. working in the medical ward along with them.
The secondary disease has been all around perceived CONFLICT OF INTEREST
as the more forceful type of dengue contamination in The authors declare no conflict of interest.
the past22,23, especially with DEN 2 infection24. Our
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Risk Factors and Secondary Infections in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Patients
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