NC 250

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User’s Safety Statement
Dear customer, please don’t ride the motorcycle before you are not reading this handbook or unknown this

motorcycle performance, also don’t borrow to anybody who don’t know how to use.

Driver’s attention:

1、Before driving
① Check motorcycle condition careful,don’t ride if get ill; ②Don’t ride when feel sick or take medicine;③Strickly prohibit drunk driving and

driving without linence; ④Be sure to wear the protective equipment ;

⑥ The driver must be adults over the age 18。

2、In the drive

① This vehicle not belongs to on-road type, please don’t ride on the street;

② Keep a good mood and psychological qualities, pay all attention on driving; ③Reduce the rapid acceleration and suddenly brake times

to prevent the emergencies;

③ Should slowly when driving detour road to prevent skid(Prohibit use the front brake,otherwise the vehile will easy to fly out) ;

⑥ When rainy or snowin, the ground friction is small and brake distance will be longer,the vehicle should be slowly and brake operation should

be soft to avoid locking fall down ;

⑧ 行车中感觉摩托车有异常时,一定要停车检查。
①要检查灯光、电器有无异常; ②发动机等有无渗油或异常声音; ③关闭电路,锁好车; ④远离火源,不要靠近摩托车点火吸烟。

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The company reserves it’s rights to make any changes due to product updates。


1、Resume………………………………………………………………………………………P 2~P 7


3、Elertrical schema tics ………………………………………………………………P34

4、Product warranty description…………………………………………………………P35


Maintenance rules……………1-3 Front wheel / Suspension / Handle description …………1-6

Brief…………………………1-3 Rear wheel / Suspensiondescription…………………1-7
Lubrication system description …1-5 Battery / Charging system description……………1-7
Fuel system description……………1-6 Ignition system description ……………………1-7

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Cooling system description………1-6

Maintenance Regulation
1. Must to use this company or this company recommend spare parts or lubricants;Not to suits to this company designing
parts or lubricants ,may damage the vehicle .
2. Should use the metric tool, bolt, nuts and screws to maintain vehicle, it’s not can be interchanged with British system.
3. If rebuild the vehicle should change the new gaskets, O-rings, split pins and retainer rings.
4. When tighten bolts and nuts,first starting with the big diameter or from the inner bolts. And then increase the number of
steps by diagonal unless specified special order to tighten to the specified torque.
5. After decomposition,should clean the spare parts in the cleaner solvent; lubricating every smooth surface before
assembly .
6. After assembly,check all spare parts installation and operation, if all these are right.
7. Dredge all the cables and wiring harness.
8. Please go to our authorized dealers for repair, unless the owners have special tools and maintenance of data and is a
qualified mechanic.
Brief (Technical specification) : Motorcycle running-in period is 1000km, then at the range of 1000Km, the speed
should not exceed 50km/h.
Items Description
Me a s u r e m e n t Length 2180mm

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wi d t h 830mm
Height 1280mm
W he e l b a s e 1486mm
Seat height 960mm
Mi n i m u m g r o u n d c l e a r a n c e 310mm
W ho l e we i g h t 135kg
Ma t e r i a l Alloy
Chassis F r o n t wh e e l s i ze 8 0 / 1 0 0 - 2 1 ’’
R e a r w h e e l s i ze 11 0 / 1 0 0 - 1 8 ’’ o r 11 0 / 9 0 - 1 9 ’’
Type ZS177(The type number remarks upper the left axle
box )
Single cylinder, 4-stroke, water-cooling
Maximum power / Rotate speed 19.5 kw / 9000 r / min)
Maxmum torque / Rotate speed 23 N.m /(7000 r / min)
Engine Idle speed 1500±100 r/min
Minimum fuel consumption ≤367g/kw.h
Bore×Stroke 77×53.6mm
Displacement 249.6 ml
Compression ratio 11.5:1
Intake type SOHC、4 valves

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Lubricating system and pump type Pressure splash
Ignition advance angle BTDC 12° [3000r/min]
Valve clearance(cold) Intake valve: 0.03 mm
Exhaust valve: 0.05mm;
Spark plug type CHAMR10N RG6YC
Measurement 370mm×315mm×415 mm
Net weight 30 kg
Transmission type Chain
Clutch type Manual、Wet muiti-plate
Gearshift type Five gears international type, two levels of transmission 6
gears shift
Primaryr reduction ratio:2.91
First gear:2.58
Reduction ratio
Second gear:1.8
Third gear:1.33
Fouth gear:1.1
Fifth gear:0.96
Sixth gear:0.88
Electrical Ignition type DCDI
equipment Starting system Electric & Kick

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Starting performance ≤15 s

Lubrication s ystem

E n g i n e l u b r i c a t o i l c a pa c i t y 1 6 0 0 m l O i l b r a n d : APL SJ SAE10W-40

Fuel s ystem
Items Description
Oil brand 97#
C a pa c i t y 8.0L
Ta n k c a pa c i t y 1.4L

Cooling s ystem
Items Description
Cooling liquid Replacement 1 . 11 L
c a pa c i t y Disassembly 1.20L
Recommended antifreeze C o o l a n t o r t h e s a m e m a s s o f e t h yl e n e g l yc o l a n t i f r e e ze

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Sta n d a r d c o o l a n t c o n c e n t r a t i o n Mi xe d 1 : 1 w i t h d i s t i l l e d w a t e r

Front w heel /Suspension / Operate specifica tion

Items Sta n d a r d Ma i n t e n a n c e l i m i t e d
C o o l i n g wh e e l p r e s s i o n 32/2.25( Psi/Bar) -
Ma x l o a d 455/206( Lbs/Kgs) -

Rear w heel/Suspension specifica tion

Items Sta n d a r d Ma i n t e n a n a c e l i m i t e d
C o o l i n g wh e e l p r e s s i o n 32/2.25( Psi/Bar) -
Ma x l o a d 617/280( Lbs/Kgs) -
D r i ve c h a i n 11 2 j o i n ts -

Battery/Charg ing s ystem

Items Description
C a pa c i t y 1 2 V- 6 A h
Current consumption Ma x : 0 . 1 m A

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0 0
Vo l ta g e ( 2 0 / 6 8 F ) Fully charged 13.0-13.2V

Ignition s ys tem
Items Description

Spa r k p l u g Sta n d a r d C H A MP I O N RG 6YC

2. Maintenance
First: Maintance date………………………………2-9 Fourteenth: Engine oil/oil filter………2-23

Second: Technique maintenace……………………2-10 Fifteenth: Engineidle speed…………2-26

Third: Racing technique maintenance………………2-12 Sixteenth: Drive chain………………2-27

Fourth: Frequently changed additional issues……2-14 Seventeenth: Drive chain slider………2-27

Fifth: Oil tube…………………………………………2-15 Eighteenth: Drive chain rotor……………2-28

Sixth: Oil filter screen ………………………………2-16 Ninteenth: Active/driven sprocket………2-28

Seventh: Accelerator operation…………………………2-17 Twentieth: Brake fluid…………………2-29

Eighth: Hot start…………………………………………2-17 Twenty-first: Brake block wear…………2-30

Nineth: Air filter…………………………………………2-18 Twenty-second: Brake system…………2-30

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Tenth: Spark plug………………………2-19 Twenty-third: Rocker arm/Vibration coupling……2-31

Eleventh: Radiator coolant……………2-19 Twenty-fourth: Wheels/tires………………2-32

Twelfth: Cooling system…………………2-20 Twenty-fifth: Front tube bearing………… … 2-33

Thirteen: Valve clearance/Decompression device system…2-21

First: Maintenance date

1、 Before maintenance put motorcycle on the level ground .
2、 Ensure the maintenance of a well-ventilated environment .
3、 Prepare the work table(under the engine) and tools.
4、 If exhaust system not cooling enough before to disaccemble spare parts or maintenance ,it will make a serious scald.
5、 Must replace the exhaust pipe gasket when take off exhaust pipe from Engine .
6、 Must check the exhaust system for leak after installition is complete .

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Second: Technique maintenance
I:Check and clean,adjust,if necessary lubricate or replace C:Clean R:Replace A:Adjust L:Lubricate
Frequency First
No matter which one time to Trip distance or Date
Items maintain
first Minutes 100 600 1200 1800 2400
received Kilometers 150 1000 2000 3000 4000
Note Month 1 6 12 18 24
* Oil-way I I
* * Fule filter screen C C


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* Accelerator I I
Air filter (Note 1) C C C C
(Note 2) I I I I
breather pipe
Spark plug I I I I
* Air valve I I I I I
Machine oil R R R R R
Oil filter R R R R R
* I I I I I
* Idling I I I I I
Coolant fluid (Note 3) I R
* Cooling system I I I I I
Secondary air
* (Note2) I I
Transmission oil R R R R R
Drive chain (Note 1) I,L I,L:Per 500km Or 3 months
Chain slider (Note 1) I I,L:Per 500km Or 3 months
Brake fluid (Note 3) I I I I


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Brake block I I I I
Brake system I I I I I
* Lights I I
Clutch system I I I I I
Side stay I I
* F/R damping I I
Nuts 、 Bolts 、
* I I I
* * Wheels/tires I I I I I
* * Front tube bearing I I I
9. * Please go to our authorized dealers for repair, unless the owners have special tools and maintenance of data and is a
qualified mechanic.
* *To be safe,we recommend all of these items should go to our authorized dealers for repair .
、If driving on the wet and dusty road ,should maintain frequently .
、Repalce per 2 years with technique skill.

Third: Racing technique maintenance

Check all items before racing .
I:Check and clean,adjust,if necessary lubricate or replace C:Clean R:Replace A:Adjust L:Lubricate


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Items Frequency About 2.5 Abouy 7.5 About 15.0 About 22.5 About 30
hours hours hours hours hours
Accelarator I
Choke valve I
Air filter (Note 1) C
Crankcase breather
Spark plug I
Coolant fluid (Note 2) I
(Note 4) I
Machine oil (Note 3) I R
Oil filter (Note 3) R
Idling I
Piston and piston rings R
Piston pin R
Cooling system I
Drive chain I,L R
Chain slider I


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Drive chain rotor I
Active/driven sprocket I
Brake fluid (Note 2) I
Brake block I
Brake system I
Clutch system (Note 5) I
Control cable I,L
Exhaust pipe/Silencer I
F/R Damping I
Rear fork/ Rocker arm L
Front shock absorber
(Note 3) R
Nuts、Bolts、Fastener I
Wheels/Tires I
Front tube bearing I
This maintenance schedule is base on the driving average condition.The vehicle must be checked according to this
maintenance list .
Remarks: 1、First time to riding in the dirty environment should clean the vehicle .
2、Should check the vehicle after the first time no-race ride .


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3、If replace the clutch plate and baffle ,should replace the transmission oil .

Fourth: Additional items should be changed frequently

Items Reasons Remarks
Cylinder head gasket Leakage of a crush As long as disassemble to be
Clutch pressure plate Abrasion or rust
Head gasket Leakage As long as disassemble to be
Right side cover sealing Damage As long as disassemble to be
Items Reason Remarks
F/R wheels Abrasion Minimum tread height:8mm
F/R Brake plate Abrasion Minimum thickness :1mm
Assembly bolts on the frame Strain or abrasion
Chain sliding plate Abrasion or damage
Side guard plate Damage


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Front covering parts Damage
Front and rear fender Damage
Clutch handle/stay Excessive gap or damage
Brake handle Excessive gap or damage
Kick start bar Excessive gap or damage
Handlebar Deformation or fissure
The throttle handle Damage
Grip Damage
Shift lever Damage
Brake pedal Damage
Chain adjuster/bolts Damage
Air filter Damage
·These spare parts and maintenance list are base on the average riding environment
·Vehicle must be checked strictly according to the user manual .
Fifth: Oil tuble
Check the oil tube ageing,if necessary should replace it, see Figure 5-1

Figure 5-1


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Sixth: Oil filter mesh

Disassemble fuel tank: first drop the oil into container, remove the tubing,bolts and oil switch, then clean the oil filter ,ensure
the O-ring in a good condition and install it to oil switch ,re-install in reverse order with the disassemble, install the fuel tank
(Make sure there is no leakage after installation). See Figure 6-1, Figure 6-2

Figure 6-1
Figure 6-2


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Seventh: Accelerator operation

Check the throttle grip, it should be rotate smoothly and freely return; Check the throttle cable, if it’s ageing or damage should
be replaced; If throttle operate not smoothly should lubricate the cable;The free rotation distance of adjust throttle grip is in

Eighth: Cold start

Check the cold start grip, if necessary lubricate it ; check the cables,if these are damaged, replaced ;Ensure the cold start
grip free travel in 2-3mm( See the Figure 8-1),tightening lock nuts and install the dust cover ( See the Figure 8-2 )


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Figure 8-2

Nineth: Air Cleaner

Open the air cleaner side cover, remove the retaining bolts.Remove the
filter element from bracket, put it into clean cleaner to wash, and then get it
from that cleaner to the hot soup-sudz to wash; Clean the air filter inner room
to ensure there is no mess; When the air cleaner and filter are completely dry,
put filter to the special filter oil, use hand rubbing the filter ensure the oil can be
entered, squeeze the excess oil.Reinstall the air cleaner.

Notes: If the air cleaner assembly install incorrectness, the dirt or dust
will enter the engine causing the piston rings and cylinder early period abrasion.


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Tenth: Spark plug
Disassemble fuel tank, remove the spark plug cover from cylinder head, disassemble
spark plug,and check it to see if it is damage (See Figure 10-1).(Before disassemble,use
the compression air to clean the spark plug, ensure there is no mess enter the combustor.)
According to the technique maintenance list to check and replace.
Check the following spare parts, if necessary replacement.
·If heat guard is damaged
·If electrode is abraded
·Combustion condition、tinting;
If electrode was contaminated by carbon or other dirt,please replace the spark plug.
Rrcommended spark plug : Standard CHAMPION:RG6YC
In order to prevent damage the center electrod, use the feeler gaugeto check the spark plug clearance. Don’t adjust
thespark plug clearance. If the clearance exceed the standard, with a new spark plug replacement .
Spark plug clearance standard:0.65mm
Installation: usd hand screw the spark plug to cylinder head,and then screw the spark plug to the specified
torque. Torque:22N.m


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Eleventh: Radiator coolant
Check the coolant level before start the engine or after the engine flameout 5 minutes, if can’t see the liquid
surface,please add the recommended coolant;
Remove the cover, add the mixed liquid which mixed with distilled water and antifreeze 1:1,the distance from liquid
surface to cover is 5-10mm, then install the radiator cover .
Recommended antifreeze: coolant liquid or the same qulity ethylene glycol antifreeze containing silicate
preservatives .

Twelfth: Cooling system

Disassemble fuel tank and radiator fan blades, and check the radiator fan blades,if those are blocked or damaged;
Make the bending fan blades straight, use compressed air or low water pressure to get rid of small insects, mud or
blockages, if the air circulation restricted radiating over 20%,should replace the radiator. (See Figure 12-1 )
Check the radiator pipe, if it gets fissure or ageing,if necessary, with a new radiator replacement;
Check all of the water pipes,clamps and hoops tightness.(See the Figure 12-2)


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Figure 12-1 Figure12-2

Thirteenth: Valves clearance

Check valves clearance
Disassemble cylinder head cover; check and adjust the valve clearance after the engine is cooled;
Disassemble crankcase cover and O-ring.(See the Figure 13-1)

Figure 13-1

Rotating the magnator mark on clockwise direction to make it with the left crankcase cover scale mark on the same line,
ensure the piston on the compression stroke top dead center.
Otherwise,rotating the crankshaft one whole circle on the clockwise direction,and make the magnator mark with the left
crankcase cover scale mark on the same line again ;
Check the cam sprocket indicatrix, make it with the camshaft bracket“_”mark on the same line(Figure13-2)


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Figure 13-2

Intake side:
Put the feeler gague between the rocker arm stud and valve, measure the
intake side valve clearance
Intake valve clearance : 0.03mm (Figure 13-3) Figure13-3

Exhaust valve side:

Put the feeler gague between the rocker arm stud and valve,measure the
exhaust side valve clearance
Exhaust valve clearance:0.05mm(Figure13-4) Figure 13-4

Rotating the crankshaft a few times on the clockwise direction,make the crankshaft to piston compression top dead
center,check the valve clearance .
Put the O-Ring on the crankshaft timing screw with oil( check the O-Ring,if necessary with a new O-Ring replacement),
Put the grease on Crankshaft hole cap thread .


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Install the crankshaft hole cap and screw it to the special torque.

Fourteenth:Engine oil / oil filter

Oil surface inspection
Starting engine idling 3 minutes, waiting 3 minutes after the engine flameout .
Put the motorcycle vertical support in the horizontal plane, if the oil horizontal plane is low or close to the low level of the
oil ruler line, through the filling hole add the recommended engine oil to a third above the horizontal line.(Figure14-1)


Recommended engine oil:API SJ
4-stroke oil containing the molybdenum additives or the similar higher-lever
engine oil
JASO T 903 Standard:MA or MB Figure14-3


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Viscosity:SAE 10W-40
Fuel capacity:1.6L(Figure14-2)

Engine oil and oil filter replacement
Remove the engine cover,
Starting engine idling 3 minutes,
Waiting 3 minutes after engine flameout.
put motorcycle vertical support in the horizontal plane,
Stop the engine,
Remove the oil nut off(Figure 14-3)

Motorcycle on a level surface to ensure complete drainage clean.

Put an oil pan under the engine to access oil,
Remove the engine oil drain bolt and aluminum gasket,

Drop the engine oil completely(Figure 14-4)

After close the engine stop switch,
Kick the engine start lever 5 times or more times.


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This menthod can drop the engine oil completely
Remove the bolts, oil filter cover and O-Ring( Figure 14-5 )


Remove the oil filter(Figure14-6)


Install the engine oil drain screw, use the special Torque 20N.m to tightening the engine drain bolt(Figure 14-3).


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Notes:If install the oil filter anti-direction,it will seriously damage the engine,
Grease engine oil on the new O-Ring,
Put it on the oil filter cover,
Install the oil filter cover
Tightening the bolt.

Put the recommended machine oil enter engine :

Re-check the engine oil level(See Figure 14-1) ensure there is no leakage.

Fifteenth: Engine idle speed

Preheat the engine 10 minutes after use the correct method to check and adjust the idle speed,put the gear in neutral,
righting the vehicle, according to the specification to install the counter,adjusting the bolt to make a suitable idling speed .
(Figure 15)
Idel speed:1500+100rpm

Figure 15

Idling adjusting screw


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Sixteenth: Drive chain Figure 16
Drive chain relaxation tests
Put the vehicle on the workbench, make the rear wheel off
ground .
(When engine working, please don’t check and adjust drive
Review the middle of the chain, measure the chain relaxation on this.
(See Figure 16)
Chain relaxation:25-35mm
Notes:If chain relaxed too much, 50mm or more,it will damage
Chain type:520 chain

Seventeenth: Drive chain slider Figure17-1

Chain slider
Check the drive chain slider, to see if it’s abraded.( F i g u r e 1 7 - 1 )
Maintenance limited:5.0mm from the top surface



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If chain slider was abrade, the chain will abrade rocker, destroy the chain and rocker.
Check the chain guide and slider, to see if these are rank well 、abrade or damaged.
(Figure 17-2)
If damaged or abraded,replace the chain guide.
If the slider was wear to the special wear marker bottom,replace the chain guide slider.
Eighteenth: Drive chain rotor

Remove the side frame, check the drive chain rotor, to see if it’s excessed
the wear or clamping stagnation.
Maintanace limited:
The minimum outside diameter of rotor:35mm

If need to replace the rotor, please screw the rotor bolts/nuts to the special torque.

“→”this mark outward to install drive chain rotor)
(Figure 18)
Torque: 12N.m
Nineteenth: Drive/driven sprocket
Check the drive / driven sprocket gear, to see if these were wear or damaged.
If necessary, replace it .(Figure 19)
Don’t install the new drive chain on the wear sprocket. Figure19


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The chain and sprocket should be in good condition,otherwise it will wear the new chain quickly.
Check the bolts and nuts on the drive and driven sprockets.
If there is any loose, tighten them.
Torque:drive sprocket bolts:31N.m
Driven sprocket nuts:32N.m

Twentieth: Brake fluid

The spilling fluid will damage the color plastic or rubber parts. When repair this system,put some pieces of rag on these
·Don’t mix the different types fluid,because they are not compatible
·When add the brake fluid, don’t allow other things enter this system.
Fluid surface inspection
When fluid surface lower, check the brake block, to see if this was wear. The brake
block wear will make the fluid surface lower .
If the brake block not wear but the fluid surface lower, please check the system,to see
if this system leakage.
Figure 20-1


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Front brake:
Turn the hand lever to make the inspection line with the fluid level at the same line,check the front brake fluid level.
(Figure 20-1)
If the fluid level is closed to the horizontal line, check the brake block, to see if this was wear.

Rear brake:
Put the motorcycle upright on the horizontal line, inspect the rear brake
fluid level.
(Figure 20-2)
If the fluid level is closed to horizontal line, please check the brake block,
to see if it was wear.


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Twenty-first: Brake blocl wear
Check the brake block ,to see if it was wear.
If any one brake plate was wear to the wear limited mark bottom, please replace the brake block .
Maintenance limited:1.0mm

Twenty-second: Brake system

Figure 22-1
Front brake hand lever inspection
Loosing the locknut to roll the adjuster can adjust the front brake
hand lever.
Rolling the adjuster on the clockwise direction to make the brake
hand lever away from vehicle handbar;
Rolling the adjuster on anticlockwise direction to make the brake
hand lever closed to the vehicle handbar.
When adjust over, screw the locknut to special torque.
( The touch surface of adjusting bolt and piston should add
Torque:5.9N.m (Figure 22-1)
If the brake hand lever free travel is exceed 20mm, the air will
enter this system, it need to discharge.


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Brake pedal height
Loosen the locknut and roll the pedal height to adjust bolt.
Adjust the brake pedal height to 79.6mm or what you need height.(Figure22-2)
Twenty-third: Rocker arm/ rocker arm fork
Put the support under engine, make the rear wheel off ground.
Catch the rocker arm, shaking left and right to check if there is
something wrong with rocker arm bearing.
(Figure 23-1)
If bearing wear excessive, replace a new one.
Inspect rocker arm fork, replace all damage needle bearing.
It should disassemble when every time works 7.5 hours,
Clean,inspect rocker arm and rocker arm fork center bearing and all of the related sealing element.
Add lubricant and reassemble.

Twenty-fourth: Wheels / tires Figure24-1

Put support under the engine,make the front wheel off ground,
Catch the bottom of front brake, shaking front wheel, check if there is
something wrong with the front wheel bearing;


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(Figure 24-1)

Catch the rocker arm, shaking the rear wheel to check if there is
something wrong with rear wheel bearing.,
(Figure 24-2) Figure24-2

Inspect wheel to see if there is split, nails or other damage,

Inspect the cold tires pressure carefully(It should be measure when tires cold)
(Figure 24-3)

Tire pressure: Figure24-3

Front tire: 3 2 / 2 . 2 5 ( P s i / B a r )
Rear tire: 3 2 / 2 . 2 5 ( P s i / B a r )

Check all of the rims and spokes, to see if there were damage
(Figure 24-4)
According to the special torque to screw all of the loose rims and cycle
valve nuts. Figure 24-4


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Torque: front wheel rim:3.68N.m
Rear wheel rim:3.7N.m
Cycle valve nut:13N.m

Twenty-fifth: Front tube bearing

Put the support under engine, make the front wheel off ground.
Inspect the direction hand lever to see if turning left and right flexible.(Ensure the main wire harness is not
interference the direction hand lever rotation)
If the direction hand lever rotate not smoothly, it has block or shaft radial pla, please check the front tube bearing.
If the activity clearance too large, please check the direction column nut, if the nut loose or there is a crack on the
front tube.

3、 Electrical element diagram


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4、 Maintenance Warranty instruction


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Dear user:

Thanks for using our vehicle NC250 type, in order to protect your benefits, please read this manual instruction and according to it to

After-sale service

一、 Because of this vehicle NC250 special performance, from the purchase date,it will be free to repair or replace the bad quality

二、 Specific to this product using performance, the main quick-wear parts are not include to the maintenance range, the detail
quick-wear parts information as follows: out/inner tires、spoke、chain、chain upper/down slider、wire roll pull、hand lever
grip、lights、plastic parts、air filter、oil tube、water tube、clutch、fuel filter、spark plug、piston、piston ring、piston pin、
cylinder body and one set of engine gaskets etc.

Quality guarantee description

一、Cause of the non-normal operate to result fault is not include quality guarantee, if the fault need repair, the company or authorized
service station will take a suitable parts charge.
二、User should comply with this manual to maintain 、replace the quick-wear parts on schedule, if don’t do like this, all of the damage


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will not include the free after-sale service; User should on schedule to maintain and the service station should record the maintanace
report actually, if don’t have this report, it’s not suit to the warranty condition.


Address:Taian City, Shandong Province

Packing list


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NO. Name Quantity Remarks
1 Handbar 1 Set
2 Front wheel assy 1 Set
3 Packing list detail:
(1) Battery 1 Piece
(2) Battery cable tie 1 Piece
(3) Headlamp assy 1 Set
(4) Headlamp install bolts 1 Set
(5) Rear lamp assy 1 Set
(6) Front brake shield 1 Pair
(7) Front brake shield install bolts 1 Set
(8) Tank cover(Left/Right) 1 Set
(9) Rear cover(Left/Right) 1 Set
(10) Appearance parts install bolts 1 Set
(11) Tool:Spark plug sleeve 1 Pcs
(12) Sticker 1 Set
(13) Instruction book 1 book
This pac king list page prin ted sep arated .


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