Trouble Shooting of APFC Panel
Trouble Shooting of APFC Panel
Trouble Shooting of APFC Panel
1. Tighten the connections if termination is found loose. 2. Check the current of capacitor and cable connection.
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Trouble shooting:
SI. No
Remedial action
1. Check the input supply. 2. Check fuses in the unit are ok.
Unit does not turn on any capacitors even if power factor is below lower pf limit.
1. If auto sync failure message is there at power on. 2. The load KW is too low. 3. Control connections from RLY module to contactor coils are not proper.
1. Load may be highly fluctuating so need of manual synchronization only. 2. This is expected condition. 3. Check control supply and connections from RLY to contactor. 1. Check the size of lug used and replace with suitable size. 2. Tighten the loose connection. 3. Check the cable current carrying capacity and if req. change. 4. Rectify the crimping. 5. Check the voltage and reduce it if possible. Check for any harmonic in the supply voltage. 1. Ensure cross ventilation for the installation area / inside the panel. 2. Check for any harmonic presence in the network. 3. Maintain the voltage within limits(Refer the specification of capacitor) 1. Voltage to be maintained. 2. Should be checked if the capacitor are installed and operated as per guide line given above. 3. In case of improper HRC fuse rating the capacitor element would have failed during over current condition. 1. Check the operation of capacitors. 2. Capacitor should be allowed to switch on only when it is required. 3. Transformer should be provided with fix compensation. 4. Check the rating of capacitor installed is sufficient or not.
1. Proper size of lug is not used. 2. Loose connection. 3. Rating of cable is not adequate. 4. Lugs having bad crimping. 5. Capacitor drawing over current.
1. Low voltage. 2. Failure of capacitor elements. 3. Improper rating of short circuit device. 4. Presence of harmonic causing.
1. Capacitor installed is not operated as required. 2. Capacitor is permanently switched on. 3. Transformer fix compensation is not proved. 4. Capacitor installed is less than the actual requirement.
1. Fuse rating should be properly selected. 2. Check for harmonic over loading and if required install detuned filter banks. 1. Fuse rating should be properly selected. 2. Check for harmonic over loading and if required install detuned filter banks. 3. Replace capacitor in case it has no other problems.
Leakage of capacitor
1. Fuse rating improper. 2. Harmonic over loading. 3. Over voltage. 4. Switching timer not provided (On delay timer.) 5. High ambient temperature.