Clinical Surgery, El-Matary
Clinical Surgery, El-Matary
Clinical Surgery, El-Matary
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manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
The publishers have made every effirt to trace the copyright holders for borrowed
rnaterial. If they have inadvertently overlooked any, they will be pleased to make the
necessary aruangements at thefirst opportuniQ.
Allah the all merciful, I beg Thee
To acceptthis effort
For the soul of my mother
The author wishes to acknowledge with gratitude:
Dr. Said Abdel-Baky,
Professor of Surgery - Ain Shams University
Who had helped in reviewing of this book & who have
contributed with his suggestions and ideas for the new edition.
M. El-Mutury
Freely you have received; freely give.
Table of Contents
I Swelling Sheet I
2 Thyroid Sheet 28
3 Inguinoscrotal Sheet "Hernia" 79
4 lnguinoscrotal Sheet'Varicocele" r06
5 InguinoscrotaI Sheet "Hydrocele" tt7
6 Breast Sheet 132
7 Lymphatic Sheet 166
8 Ischemia Sheet t9t
9 Varicose Veins Sheet 221
lo Abdomen Sheet 242
ll Ulcer Sheet 289
t2 Orthopedic Sheet 299
t3 Nerue Iniury Sheet 314
t4 Parotid Sheet 320
l5 CIeft Lip 8t Palate Sheet 328
t5 Hypospadius Sheet 329
t7 Undescended Testis Sheet 329
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
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'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
" Sex
* Marital status t 6ujl
(s i n g I e- m a rri ed-w i d ow- d ivo rced) f ci.l cr egi:"
f |He fls dl$e
t $ A, jrr-,t
* Specra I habits of medical importance, riAq
t i.L, ds d[q f fjr.ll oi 6-.;trl* pls
t 4.ll ,'.lL,r f EJnill o.ta s$i cQ
f Crl-.;S-c al 6-yi"S -.r*ii
1) Petl
Mnemonic for pain ) Socrates:
S) site.
O) onset.
C) character.
R) radiation or referred.
A) alleviating factor, associated symptom.
T) timing.
E) exacerbating factor.
. Site t es.sll Ots. #J
. Course f Jr l-o
6j YS s.-.1+
. Duration 4+l $ 4Jq
. Size > (lemon size, orange size ...) a;t .ri te 'r-
3) Disturbance of function
4) Review of Other systems:
- GIT: e.g nausea, vomiting, abd. pain, change
in the bowel habits
- Respiratorv svs.: e.g cough, hemoptysis
- CVS: dyspnea, chest pain, palpitations
- Urogenital: loin pain, dysuria,
- Nervous sYs.: change in behavior, loss of
- Musculoskeletall ms, bones or joint pain.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
ld; +
f! r ar3 id 611--1 ellL= dlJe # ..JS- dl$e
dblL,jA*4 criS
f ,+ .i- f ,+.i-
J:j+; c!-r. qill cJI-r ! +.rl
?\i z)-c Crlil f a;l crlil
J J\' ll J.iL.*
--i d3'+-= 3
4lJJt ;;r:iJ 6).c c.,.s,i f ql rI 4ie '+ I a;l ri 4ic. !+
l{anafifie f6lS glS 4j-! iJ," Fl f plS rJlS ,J!l=l JAI
Ji.-leA,ili;e OJI
SGcL:. €i dl.:- ,'o,"i
u;:l cj:+ll ct:l_r (.,Lscl
caL^sll t'r- 1
. Similar condition in one of the members of the family.
. Consanguinity
Browse's introdttction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Chlhistory taking / P1---+ 10
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L ' essions.
Complexion ) (3 colors) Jaundice, pallor & cyanosis.
Chest & heart
Pulse, blood pressure & temperature.
Head, Neck, Spine (esp. in breast swelling) ) 3 dJJ#tj
From zdifferentplanes & .-*.3 -l
A..Sl.elling ql
1. Number: {
- Single or multiple i
- Multiple swellings may be lymph nodes, .r{
2. Site
- The anatomical region of the swelling.
3. Size
- ln cm (best)
4. Shape
-c*. .$p.e .q-ign
Expansile impulse on cough ) hernia.
Pulsation ) aneurysm, vascular swelling.
Moves up with deglutition ) thyroid.
Moves up with protrusion of the tongue ) thyroglossal cyst.
.1.r.W.+fmfh: +lt r€lir asis
. Temp J in inflammatory swellings and vascular swellings
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
3..,. l) asJS
lar, nodular, lobulated...etc.
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{*.P-d.ggl by starting to palpate away from the swealling towards it 'tll qJ.,,++ aSJS
. lll-defined (finding no border), Well-defined (finding
a border all around), Pedunculated.
Slippery (moves in front of my advancing finger k# rr;: €+J) -+ Lipoma
5,,. 9.p..+. g
i s f .q n.c..v' $l Js+ iS;s
' Cystic or solid.
tests for cystic swellings:
. Fluctuation test:
- lf it contains fluid ) it will fluctuate
- lt should be done in 2 perpendicular planes
Keep pressing by receiving fingers against one pole
- Exert sharp pressure at opposite pole by displacing fingers.
Flactuation test
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
. Paget's test:
- It is used in small or tense swellings (< 2 cm).
- lt compares the consistency at centre with that at periphery.
- Solid swelling ) harder at center (due to greater concentration
of solid tissue).
- Cystic swelling ) softer at center
Paget's tett
. Bipolar test:
- For pedunculated swellings
- Fix by the upper hand and receive by it
- Press by the lower hand
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t I
a\ aS 6rDtI
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. Trans-illuminationTest:
- lf the swelling is cystic: ) differentiates opaque from
- Translucent cysts = clear fluid ) cystic hygroma, menigocele,
ranula, epidydmal cyst.
- Opaque cysts = blood, pus.
T rans-illumination test
Freely you have received; freely give.
$'. S.
p. aI. Si g ns. ;
1- Pulsation:
Expansile pulsation ) it arises from the wall of an artery
Transmitted pulsation ) it lies very close to an artery.
llow to differentiate?
'z fingers, one from each hand are placed on the swelling:-.
1) When the 2 fingers are raised and separated with each beat
of the artery ) Expansile Pulsation
2) When the 2 fingers are only raised ) transmitted pulsation
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
1. Over the swelling:
Resonant -+ over gaseous swelling (hernia, laryngeocele)
Dull -+ over cystic & solid swellings
2. Around the swelling (to determine its relation to surrounding organs):
The dullness of liver swelling is continuous with the normal
hepatic dullness
Systolic murmur -+ aneurysm
Machinery murmur -+ A-V fistula
Venous hum + portal HTN
lntestinal sound -+ hernia
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Qtestions d Answers
Q. What anethehazardr of smoking?
O CY S : ather o scler o si s, cor or,ary hear t di sease.
a Chest: etnphy sema 8l-bronchi a[ carcinoma
o CIT: peptic ulcer
a C ancq :c ar,cer ( [i p, tongu e, esophagu s, Hyp emephroma ) ni cocine )
nitrosamine ) which is precancerous
ornaterr,al : e-g. :placenca pr evi a
o Fetus :e.g. :Arisk of mortality
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'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
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Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Ch3 skin &subcutaneous
tissue / P 78
Case 2. Hemangioma
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
a. Wheret".t"
At theheadand neck region.
Q. Does hemangioma occur in inrcrna[ organsl
r) Capillary Hemangioma:
. Port wine stain,
. Strawberry angioma
. Salmon patch
. Spider naevi
z) H_emangioma ( Caverno
)/enoys- us hemangi omaf
3) Arrcrial Hemangi oma (Ciroi j
^r", rysm)
I. Supefiicial
z. Deep
3. Combined supefiicial and, deep
r Portwine stain
z- Cavernous hemangioma
3- Venous racemose aneurysm
4- A-V fistula
Q. Describe the featuresof cirsoid aneurysm?
Cirsoid aneurysm is:
r Apulsating comp ressible red, swelling.
'- f:Jrz:r,most commonlv in che head Ind neck (scalp especially temporal
o Hemorhage.
o zry infection _> septicemia
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Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Ch3 skin & subcutaneous
tissue/ p53.
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'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Freely you have received; freely give.
Case4.sebacous cgst
I lvWry?
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical diseose/ Ch3 skin & subcutaneous
tissue/ p74.
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Personal H:
. Name:
- 15-20 years: physiological goitre (diffuse), papillary carcinoma (nodular)
- 20-30 years: SNG, 1v toxic goitre.
- 30-40 years: 2ry toxic goitre
. Sex.'
- Begnin thyroid swelling ---+ 9:1 more in females.
- Malignant thyroid condition --- 3:1 more in females.
. Marital sfafus.'
. Specral habits of medical importance
. Address:
. Resr'dence.'Oasis is endemic area.
. Occupation:
. Menstrual history: ---+ 2ry amenorrhea either due to thyrotoxicosis or
d) Course:
- Progressive
- Regressive.
- Stationary
- Fluctuating.
e) DuratiOnlbgl;;r /sl
- Short: (days or weeks).
- Long: (months or years).
- Srnce birth ---, congenital.
Other swellings:
--+ Lymph nodes -+ in inflammatory conditions.
-' Metastasis in malignancy.
s) Effect on the general condition:
Toxic symptoms:
- Malignant symptoms: ---+ cachexia.
h) Apparent cause: --+ i.e. relation to pregnancy, menstruation, lactation
& emotional stress.
i) What increase & what decrease it
Pressu re m a n ifestatio ns
- Trachea + Positional dyspnea
e.Us g;+3 Ll d,l.l+ +.* tsri: i..15 'rll.,t.,r -
- Esophaqus + Dysphagia fel+$ cre itg:.-,/ & -
- RLN ---, Hoarseness of voice ''u' llert Li 3l.,;$ d,-r -
- IJV---* Black outs which increases on bending forward
fl- )lJ olg t-t r, rl.2s 3l rlsj'., Jitji. g9J.ii!' -
- CCA ---+ Dizziness oe-ll O l.C+i r-#ri'rllJrr.''
- Vaqus -> ear pain C$rS eF F.g+ cxri -
Toxic manifestation
- Palpitation
Y3 r_*+.rll e. il$J:.yJ t trst *lt c,6r rgj i.EL fet;l3,;f liJiJ dlLiA & -
- High cardiac output heart failure c,.,ij l-iJs ,'tlrrlu d--;s dltru -
- Heat intolerance
e * c,Eri^ yJ rli&lloi !i$l e.+8,'rt{, €!+il|4+l ir+! Ol d+ua -
S+lt 6;1.,J'ri dulolg U*lLtlar#b
- Thyroid paradox +S o.*i:"._, 6r3r.:u efiL JiSt cJSi -
) Eye
- Exophthalmos oyl,--tt gsaq -
Al.rie i1l
- Diplopia #l ,rJ" sJi"s! 0Si4J &iit L. blt +s^iq -
> G.[-I
- Diarrhea j_#ll rrly rre dtrlj,'6_ilrs, 8-l elS lt--tl uiii tJd.r -
D Urinarv
- Polyuria dsr irr.*llJ'ES cb.*,i -
> Skn
- Sweaty, warm Ot3*s oitr Ol r.l"a+ -
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
- Myopathy
, cr..r 61113 JIJ tirilt+ &t ...-l ir ,',lLt Y3 .rgdr drjl t-. qj di*ill CJli -
cJgYl .fi c++ll &*1s.L+
F Bone
- Osteoperosis dl"lge ,j -# dlUA &-
. Similar attacks.
. Common diseases: (DM, Hypertension,l,B, B, Hepatitis, DVT)
. Drug allergy & intake
. Blood transfusion
. Pervious Operations or radiotherapy to the neck
. Similar condition in one of family members:
o Pendred $
o MEN-Il lsipple $)
. Consanguinity
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Chl lthe neck/ thyroid gland
skin/ p289 ---> 290.
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Pt. is alert, conscious, oriented to time, place, & persons. average built, quiet facial
expression, normaldecubitus, average intelligence, & s/he is cooperative.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Frazer's Test: To see the obliteration of sulcus of Orbital
with slight closed eYe.
orbital ridge with
[3] Naffziqer Test: To see the level of supra & infra
- Stellwag's sign
lnfrequent blinking
Tremors on closing the eyelids lightly.
- Joffroy's sign.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
- Eve movements:
- Mobius sign
Failure of convergence
Lid lag
- Jaundice (liver metastasis), chemosls.
- Corneal ulcers or oPhthalmitis.
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- Rosenbach's sign :
- Fine tremors of the upper eyelid when eyes are gently closed.
- Topolansky's sign :
- Congestion of the pericorneal region of the eye in patient with
grave's disease
- Jellinek's sign :
From 2 different planes
sides with the Patient sitting) + i-K
'Jlit , Jl t-,Jl
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
1. Site
- Swelling in the front of the lower part of the neck
2. Size
- Measuring ..... .
3. Shape
B, S_kin Oyp_rlylns;
Normal, Stretched, Pigmented,
Show sign of inflammation (redness, edematous...),
Dilated veins crossing the manubrium (retrosternal goitre)
Scar of previous operation (recurrent goitres)
. Sp I.el. S-tsn q ;
e p.
. Palpatian may be from
front by:
- Crile's method, (Thumb
placed over the lobe not to be
palpated and palpate the lobe
by the other hand while patient
Crile's rnethcld
Freely you have received; freely give.
Lahey's method
With the neck flexed
Place the thumbs upon the nape of the patient
The other finger tips meeting at the midline anteriorly.
Start by palpating one lobe at a time.
Always tilt the head to the side you palpate to relax the
fascia for better palpation"
Palpate the swelling as usual......
Examination of isthmus
1. Warmth:
g rs4 ar
2. Tenderness.' dt+Jt a.t r* P -t +Jt d4t Af
- lnflammation + mostl! tender
- NeoPlasm --+ not tender.
3. Surtace: +Jt LljH isf
- Smooth, nodular...etc.
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a) Superficial or deep:
- Bilateral: ask patient to flex the neck against
- Unilatera!: Ask patient to rotate his head
against resistance
b) Fixed or not:
- Turn the head to the tested side, pinch the muscle
from the swelling & ask the patient to swallow.
- lf you pinch the muscle freely and not moved with
swallowing ---+ not fixed.
3- Trachea
Attachrnent to the swelling ---+ from the front,
Fix the thyroid cartilage by one hand & rock
the thyroid gland vertically over the trachea
r Tubes
1) Carotid artery
Pulsation ---+ site & volume
(felt against carotid tubercles
on the transverse spine of 6th
cervical vertebra.
Carotid pulsation
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
2) Lymph nodes
No examination is complete without examining the draining LNs
(upper & lower deep cervical, prelaryngeal & pretracheal LNs).
deep cun'icai
Lowcrdcep,ctwico' Lymph Nodes
- Position --+ central or deviated
- lmportant in anathesta as the tube may iniure the trachea
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One is palpable
Over the apex of the lateral lobes for machinery bruit ---+ thyrotoxicosis.
An.elg.m!; a thyroid swelling (site. Moves with deglutition & butterfly in shape). !.9.9 !.g..el ; n od u a r, n eop a sti c . . . etc.
I I .
"""""""'ilVfj5i,' nVpo or euthyroid.
E.g. A case of thyroid swelling most probably Due to simple nodular goitre with euthyroid
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Ch I lthe neck/ thyroid p29l-295
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Qtestions GU Answers
1- What is your diagnosis? & Why?
2- What are the investigations?
3- What are the painful thyroid swellings?
4- What is the TTT of simple nodular goitre?
5- What are the differences between 1ry & 2ry toxic goitre?
6- What are eye manifestations of toxic goitre?
7- What is the TTT of 1ry toxic goitre?
8- What is the TTT of 2ry toxic goitre?
9- What are the preparations before operation?
10- What are the causes of solitary thyroid nodule?
11- Why thyroid moves up with deglutition?
12- Why retrosternal goitre is common in males?
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'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
r. Descending hypoglossi.
2. Descending cervicaLis.
3. Carotid sheath (ansa cervicales in the front gl, sympathetic
chain behindJ.
4. Most of ECAbranches.
Q. Mendon wha t you know about deep f ascia of the neck?
Deep fascia of the neck
o Attachrnent
. Above -
- To hyoid bone.
- Obliqu eline on thyroid cartilage.
Below :-
- Fibrou s peicardiurn.
- Aotic arch.
On each side
- Euses with carotid sheath.
- Lt splits to form a capsule around thyroid gland, rhis caps ule is
thicker anteriorly.
N.B: What are the thick patts of the pretracheal fascia?
- The posteromedialpartwhichis called ligamenr of Berry, other
unpopu[ar namelatera| ligament of the thyroidgland
- Anterior part of the fascia, (that is why the gland enlarges post. At first).
;t l_nrr_"_E gins D_egp_ E_aE gia:
o Posterior
- [t comes from ligamentum nuchea (interspinous [igamenr)
- The f ascia splics to su/roun d the sternomasroid &- trapizius.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
o Arrteior
- [t joins ics fellow in rhe midline
- lt is a tube of deep fascia exrending from rhe base of rhe sku[[
down to the root of theneck.
5ternomastaid musc[e.
Styloid appatatus.
Posterior belly of digastric.
. Deep Re[ations:
- Transverseprocesses of all cewical, vercebrae and the covering
prevercebral muscles.
- Lnferior thyroid artery: uosses deep to it at C.6 (on both sides).
- Thoracic duct: crosses deep to it at Ct bnleft side).
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o Lnferior thyroid:
- Arises fro- the thyrocervical trunk which is abtanch of the
flrstpart of the subclavian artery.
lts termin aI branches neat the gland are in close rclation to the
r ecuff ent L aryngeal rLerv e (in b etw een, ab ov e 1 b elow termin aL
We ligate the artery away from the gland while it passes
behind the carotid sheath.
It is ligated in continuity i.e.ligated and not divided to avoid
haemotho r ax if slipped ligatwe occurs.
Anothq opinion to ligate thebranches of the artery after
i dentif i c ati on of the r ecurr errt I aryr'ge aI nerv e [i gati ng the
1ranches of the thyroid gland and presewing the branches of
theparad'ryroid gland
Most of che auchors believe thac bilateralligation of theinferior
thyroid artery doesn't affect blood supply of patathyroid gland.
'nn:";;tH: ili"J"d
from the aortaor
theinnomina te artery as
these arteries arises frorn the 4'h branchial arch as the thyroid
g[and in the neck then descends to the chest
. Accessory tracheal A esophageal ateries.
They run in [iagament of Berry which is thicken ed parr of
pretracheaL f asciawhich ioin trachea to thyroid gland.
The postromedial part of the thyroidlobe is left after subtotal
Thyroidectorlry and it has its b[ood supply fro- thesevessels
B. Ven-o- s-s- dr-4u]4gq
o Superior thyroidv.
- To the internal iugular vein.
. Middle thyroid v.
T o the internal iugular v.
Middle chyroid v. is the shortest v. so it should be the fhstvein
to be ligated and divided).
Lt is nearer to the Lower po[e of the thyroid gland
l.trnay be mulcipLe or rnay be absenc
Lf thevein is torn befor e ligation, bleeding and ai embolism
rnay occuf
. Lnf eri ot thYt oi d v eins
- ]oin theleftinnominatevein.
. Accessory trachea[ 8l-esophageal branches.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Q. 14/hv rcfrurrent laryngeal nente hool..s around the aorcic arch in the left
side andright subclavi an attery in rhe right side?
- Because these vessels are formed in the neck from the 4th branchial arch
which forms the aorta in che Left side and subcl avien in the right side
- Lf therc is failure of formation of the right subclavien artery/ rhe righr
tecufient laryngeal r,erve will be non tecuttent laryngeal nele, and it will
pass from the vagus to the larynx directly.
- This nron tecutrent laryngeal nerve may be injuried during ligation of the
midd\e thyroid vein.
- P atients wich ttor. recutrerrt laryngeal nerve rlr,ay have dysphagea [usoria
o OOz consumption
o \Lnergy produccion in a[[ tissues
O 4g[ucose consumption by the cell
O Enhance pr otein catabo [i sm
o Lower serum cholesterol level
o 5 en si ti ze che h e ar t to cir c ul ating c atech o ami n es
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Q. What ate the organs which tal<e lodine fro- the blood?
Active (with a pump )
- Thyroid
- Breast - Salivaty gland
- Stomach - l(idney
Q. What ate painfu[ thytoid diseasesl
o Hge in a cyst of SNC (commonest cause)
o Acute thyroiditis (rare)
o Malignancy > latel referred to ear throug;h Arnoldnetve
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
By the contraction of strap muscles (sternohyoid, sternothyroid, omohyoid)
Q. When does the goitrelose the up and down with deglutition?
ln the fo[lowing conditions:
a. Huge goitre,
b. Matigpant goitre
c. Retrostern al goitre.
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o Sleeping pulse
o mild -8o -9o
O modetate--+9o -roo
o sevele --+ <roo
o Tendon jerk
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Q. What are the manifestations that make you susp ett an inf[amm atory
{. ln acute and subacute thwoiditis.'shorc duration, pairy may be fever
(with or withou t rigors)1 wanrnth and tenderness over the g[and.
.3. [n Hashimoto thyroiditis: LocalLy the gland is very similar to S.N.C.
but the coutse of the disease is charactqistic; early thyrotoxicosis
f olLow edby hy p othyr oi di sm.
NB: in Hashitoxicosis there is deqeased uptake of Lodinel butin rry
thyrotoxicosis therc is increased uptake of lodine
..?. ln Riedle thyroiditis: The gland is ireguLarly enlarged, hardl fixed to
skiry trachea 8t sternomastoid i.e. very similar to anap[astic carcinoma of
Q. Mention what do you know about the etiologry of simp[e nodular
. kepeated fluctuations of TSH levels (due co rcpeated cycles of stress) producing
nixedpatterns within the glandsl with areas of activefollicles and others with
inactive follicles
. As aresult of recurenthyperylasia and hypewascularity, hemorrhagemay occur
produ cing necrotic nodu les
. Repetition of hypetplasia and involution results in nodular Coitrq most nodules are
inactive and the activefollicles atepresenc in inter-nodu[ar tissue.
Freely you have received; freely give.
,-rion how goitre calrse dyspneaby
differenr mechanismsl
che goitreon rhe sachea.
complicated by heart
ssion on trache a)reflexspasm
Q' wha3j?" presentadon of haemonhage in a cyst? and whatis the
l't pr esent by u dd en onser
.s of dy spnoea which pr ecipi tated, byco ugh
The mechanism is sudden .nturs*; or shouc.
pretacheal muscle.s ;i'Iil grand lead. to reflexspasm
from pain. of
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'; *;l;'"
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I. Eaily comolications:
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Ch I I the neck/ thyroid
r.Site: in the lowq part of the fronc of the neck deep to the stemomascoid
(which is the anatomic al site of the thyroid Sland)
2. Shape: which is the shape of che thyroidgland (huctefily in shape)1
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
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'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
o \on goiterous (rry rnyxoedema)
. Coiterous (try thyrotoxicosis, hashimoto)
a. Whatis the evidence that try thyrotoxicosis is an autoimmune
a. Ts Ab are presentin 8oo/o of thyrotoxic patientsl
b. Lymphocytic infiLtation of the thyroid sland;
c. Enlargem ent of other members of RES e.g. thymus, spleen, L.N.
Q. What ane theinvestigations that should be done for this patient?
r- The routine laboratory investigations.
z- Thyroid function tests.
What arc the [ines of treatrnent of a case of diffus e toxic goitre?
Thelines of treatment of toxic diffuse goite ane:
r Medical treatrnent: which is the main [ine.
z- 5 ur gica[ tr eatrnent -
3- Radioactive iodine.
a. What is the duration that you glve neomercazole for the treat-rnent
of rry toxic goitre?
[t is given for rz-r8 months.
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. Treatmer,t ) Emergency:
a- Symptomatic
- Coo[ing of patient icepacks, antipyretics.
- LV fluids to correct the dehydration.
- Oz and diuretics for heartf aiLure and digoxin for
atria| fibri[lation.
- Sedation.
b- Specific treatrnent:
oCarbimazole r5-2o mg /6hours.
oLugo['s iodine ro drops / Shows or lV &ip of I( iodide.
o Propran olol 4o rlr's/ 6 hours or ally (inder aI can be give by
LV drip undq monitoring.
oLV hydrocortisione.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Medullary Carcinoma
Undifferentiated (Anaplastic) I 0%
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
3. Biopsv:
o go o/o accutacy
o Can't differcntiate between foLlicular adenoma
and follicular carcinoma because FNABC can't
detect and b[ood invasion
c) Hemithyroidectomy and paraffin section in fofiicular
d) [n an anaplastic 8tr- obviously irernovable carcinorna ,
incisional ot coteneedle biopsy is justified
I. CT scan.
2. CXR )[ung metastasis.
3. Bone scan ) bone metastasis (not done except after tota[
4. AbdominalU/5 ) liver metastasis.
5. Dhect
Laryngo scopyt bronchoscopy, esophago scopy.
3. E.g52le:opr-cr-atjrtt-e-w-epiletjgq-
4. E=orj-o-llew-qp-l
r. Tumor markers:
o Calcitonin in medullary carcinoma.
o Thyroglobu lin in differenti ated follicuLar carcinoma.
z. Positron emission tornosnaphv (PET)
o lndication: in follicular carcinoma treated with
thyroidectorny with post-operative ise of
chyroglobu lirt level.
5. E-q-p$ecDjDS.--- ln medullary carcinoma (familia[ type)
)calciconin, calcium,VMA )if high )tota[ thyroidectomy
evenif thyroid is normal by other investigations.
Q. What is the treatment of cancer thyroidT.
r. Ptoohylactig) avoid predisposing factors as neck irradiation
z. Treatment of the tumor:
A. Di
L- Sw*ery:
a- Thwoid qland:
. Total thyroidectomy (rernoval of both [obes and isthrnus)
which is followedby rc yean surviva! rate of over 8oo/o
Freely you have received; freely give.
b- Manaqement of LNs:
. [n children ) no prophylactic block dissecrion of LNs.
. [n adults ) prophylactic block dissecrion of cenfial, Sroup of LNs
is done.
. [f one LN ;r affected block dissection of LNs in the neck is
. ln thepast: cherry pick dissection of L\s was done.
I l- I{adi oa ctiv e i odine:
F Aim:
r- Destroy remnants of norma[ thyroid tissue if present.
z- To ablate ar'y rnetastasis from the tumor.
F Methods:
. Af tq tota[ thyro i dectorny w e w ait ti [[ manifestati ons of rnyexderna
- Pre-therapy scan: sma[[ dose of radioactle iodine is given
and tota[ body scan is done.
- Lf there is rnetastasis: large ablative dose of radioactive
iodine is given.
- Post-therapy scan: done after the ablative doseby few weeks.
B- Anap[astic carcinoma:
r- Unfortunatelyl themajority of cases aneirresectable at
time of presentation
-Tracheostomy or isthmus resection (or surgica[
- I{adiocherapy and chemotherapy (down staging).
2- Rare cases are operable ) the tumol shou[d be excised as
cornpletely as possib[e (tota[ thyroidectomy) and then
fi eated by r adi ati on and chemother apy.
C- Medqllary carcinoma:
r) Tota[ thyroidectomy (rernoval of both [obes and
isthmus of thyroid sland).
zl LNs management:
- MeduLLary carcinoma is associated with high
incidence of nodal involvement.
- Centra[ neck node dissection should be done in
- Modifiedradica[ neck dissection for prirnary
tumor ) r.s cm in diameter andwhennodes are
31 ln sporadic type ) preserve allparathyroid gland
while in fami [ial typ., we pteserve only r/ z
parathyroid gland (for fear of
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
4l Lf familiar type )
treatment of
pheochromocytoma fug bombined alpha A beta
3. Treatment of complications:
r) Ttacheostomy for tracheal infiltration.
z) Castrostomy for esophageal infiltration.
3, lsolated metastatic deposits of fo[[icular andpapillary
carcinoma shou [d be surgically r emoved ar,d tr eated wi th l'3'
af ter total thyr oi dectomy or chyr oi d ab lati on wi th
radioactive iodine.
4. Po st oper attv e bllow uo:
r) Lveryj months by thyroid scanrringl clinica[ examination and
cumor marker (ic is helpf uI to measure setum lwel of
thyroglobulin which are usually increased > znglml in patients
with residual tumor after total thyroidectonty.
z) Aim:
- T o detect local spread. - Distant metastasis.
- Post operative comp[ications as firyxedema and
RLN injury.
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Ch l lthe necH
thyroid p303-306
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
o Name
. Age
- lndirect inguinal hernia : at any age
- Direct inguinal hernia : at old age
- Femoral hernia:adult
- Congenital inguinal hernia : at birth
. Sex
- lndirect inguinal hernia : male>female
- Direct inguinal hernia : male only
- Femoral hernia: common in females.
Marita! status
Repeated pregnancies lead to weakened abdominal wall and increase
intra abdominal pressure
o Address, Residence
o Occupation: jobs with straining or carrying heavy objects + hernia
. Special habits of medical importance: smokers with chronic cough
are liable to herniation
g-Omplaintl L.i.t3,"*ll dlr.Ll,-Jl q! c,-'r--lrll.Eil+
Usually swelling in the groin or the scrotum
ui.l #t-,cdS i.,,;l.l JFt
1. R*i+;.
Site, Character, Radiation, What increase or decrease, Onset,
Course, Duration, Severity, and what associates.
a) Sife
b) Srze )(lemon size, orange size ...)
c) Onsef Etit futJ
- Accidental
d) Course: Progressive
e) D u rati o n :.grJll ;JE ;bl
- Short: (days or weeks).
- Long: (months or years).
- Srnce bifth > congenital.
0 Other swellings:
s) Effect on the general condition:
Freely you have received; freely give.
h) ) Apparentcause.
i) What rncreases? Strain & What decreases it? Resf
j) Relation of posture and straining to size of swelling:
- lf the swelling appears first at the lower part of abdominal
wall, then enlarges towards the neck of scrotum, and the
size of which varies in relation to posture and straining,
being much reduced in size on lying flat on the back, and
reappears on standing especially with straining. This
confirms the diagnosis of hernia.
- On the other hand, if the swelling appears early at the
bottom of the scrotum and enlarges until it fills and expands
the scrotum completely, and its size never changed in
relation to posture and straining. This confirms the
diagnosis od acquired hydrocele, or ather
non red u ci ble swel I i ng.
3. s -f. fu nsti.o.p. ;
Ask ahout the eomplications:
- lrreducibility te t^t ei..ti cts 4.eJSlsll -
- Manifestations of intestinal obstruction (acute abdomen,
vomiting, absolute constipation & distension)
6..-t sl il* arq r:lt ''l3l Cf.
j i -
4. 9th gf.. py..s..t.e..m.$. ;,
A. Precipitatinq factors:
Chronic cough
Chronic constipation
Straining at micturation
B. Slidinq hernia is suspected when:
Long standing
Double micturation
Pressure on hernia causes desire to micturate
. Similar attacks.
. Common diseases: (DM, Hypertensiov(,TB, B, Hepatitis, DW)
. Drug allergy & intake
. Blood transfusion
. Pervious Operations t 6*.tl+ Ag d*4r & t*! C:^ 94.,1i.,1^1e '''t''
. Similar condition in one of the members of the family.
. Consanguinity
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
E-f<pg-s-Ufe ) while the patient is standing with exposing the area from the
nipple to the knees.
Types of
Epigastric H.
Paraumbilical H.
Direct inguinal H.
Umbilical H.
Oblique inguinal H. Femoral H.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
A, .S-a*l\ing.
1. Sife
o For diagnosis
. Examples:
- Umbilical hernia everts umbilicus.
- Paraumblical hernia: just above or below umbilicus
distorting it. Crescent look upward if above, downward if
below umbilicus.
- Epigastric hernia : separated from umbilicus by interval
2. Size
- ln cm (best)
3, Shape
- lrregular, Oval, Rounded, Pyriform (indirect inguinal hernia)
. .-,.r\,-::\-
-..# Rounded
Freely you have received; freely give.
a. Warmth: +ll 'Gl+ I.SJS
b. Tenderness: OtgJI a+_l & dP r +ll ,A as>
c. Surtace: +ll 4-=l-.1,., as-.,;s.
. Special character
Grasp the swelling and ask the
patient to cough:
Expansile- t in size or tension ) hernia.
f. Draining lymph nodes: ) inguinal & para-aortic
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
3: -rnternel Bins,.Teqf;
- Ask the patient to lie down and reduce the hernia, some
authors believe it is better that the doctor reduces the hernia
to know the content and direction of reduction.
- Localize the internal ring:
oLocalize the ASIS: (How)
o Follow the iliac crest from the back till the most
prominent point anteriorly.
o Ask the patient to flex, adduct the thigh against
resistance ) then follow the tendon of adductor
longus (most medial structure) the 1st bony
prominence just above it is the pubic tubercle.
oLocalize the mid point of inguinal ligament (How)
o Mid way between ASIS and pubic tubercle.
oThe internal ring lies 112 an inch above the mid point of
inguinal ligament.
oAsk the patient to stand while pressing the finger against
the internal ring occluding it.
o Ask the patient to cough then:
o Observe the appearance of any inguinal swelling.
-lf the hernia appears ) direct hernia.
- lf the hernia does not appear )remove your
thumb and ask the patient to cough again )
lf appear) oblique inguinal hernia.
N.B. - lf the doctor reduces the hernia, direction of reduction and
the content whether intestine(gargle) or omentum (doughly)
well be observed
- Saphina Varix compressible , but , hernia reducible
Freely you have received; freely give.
Site of
internal ring
4-ExternaI Nns.Tp.sti
While the hernia is reduced the patient stands, invaginate
the skin of the scrotum by your little finger opposite the neck
of the scrotum and introduce it through the external ring.
inquire the patient to cough,
.lfimpulse hits your finger tip, thi s with oblique hernia,
,While if it hits the back of your fi nger, then it is direct
a Y<
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Freely you have received; freely give.
8- Examine
Spermatic cord
- Beaded = B or T.B
- Matted= filarasis
-Scrotum (ant, post aspect)
Shape, symmetry and swelling
- ln all cases both sides of the scrotum should be
- Back of the scrotum for T.B sinus
- Starting with the healthy side, first with the patient
standing & then in the recumbent position
- Palpation of the epididymis(size, consistency,
presence of sulcus, between it and the testis)
- tunica vaginalis (early hydrocele detected by
pinching test. i.e. you
feel double layers)
- Size
- Consistency
-Testicular sensation
Penis ) for ulcer or scar of
- Penis esp. external
meatus (site, discharge
by pressing the glans)
- Perineum
- Other hernial orifices.
Mainly in abdominal hernia:
lf the contents (intestine): resonant i.e:
lf the contents (omentum): dull i.e: Omentocele
lntestinal sound is heard in Enterocele
Hernia in infant only is translucent
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Hbo/o, urine and stool analysis, blood sugar, blood urea.
Pregnancy test, tumor markers
It is diagnosis of the region which is affected (inguinal, femoral, and scrotal).
1ry, 2ry, congenital, paralytic...
Hernia (oblique or direct).
Associated condition:
l.e. complications ) irreducible, strangulation.
Freely you have received; freely give.
Westions s%nswers
Case 7. Inguinal Hernia
Q. What is the diagnosis?
Rt. ob[ique inguinalhernia, uncomp[icatedl containing intestine (omentum), no
other herni as, as soci ated with chroni c co ugh.
lncidence 8oo/o zo %o
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
hernial sac surrounds the testis which is not fe[t through the contents
of thehernia.
Q. What is the etiology of oblique inguinalhernia?
Thereis predisposing f actor 8l-precipitating factors:
. The predisposins factor: is the preser'ce of a preformed sac : persistent
p atent pt o cess u s vagi na[i s.
. The precipitatins factor is: any cause of inueased intabdominal ptessure
e.g. lifting heavy weightsl chronic coughing and constipation or straining
at micturation acquircd pulsion sac may a[so occur
Freely you have received; freely give.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Q. What is Richtelshernial
' lt is a hernia in which the concent of the hernia is part of the circumference
of an intestinal [oop. [t is more common in femoralhernia.
Q. What is Mayd['s hernia?. And what is its importance?
lt is the W shapedhernia.
I lts importance is: if this hernia is srrangul,ated, the gangrenous loop mighr
not be within the sac, it rrtay be within the abdomen so it is imporranr
during surgery to pu[[ on the rnedia| [imbs if two loops.
Q. What is pantaloon herniaT.
It is a combination of indirect and diect inguina[ herniasl on one side and
the inf eri or epi gastri c v es sels Li e b etw een rhe tw o herni as.
It is also calledhernia en bisac.
Q. What is a sliding hernial
lc is a hernia in which a viscus (usually an extraperitonea| structure) "s[ides"
to form part of chewall of the hernial sac.
I The commonest s[iding sttuctute on both sides is the urinary bladdet.
I The caecurn can descend on the right side, sigmoid co[on can descend on the
left side.
Freely you have received; freely give.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Freely you have received; freely give.
Freely you have received; freely give.
Freely you have received; freely give.
O. How to differcntiate between paraumbilical and an epigastic
. [n paraumbilicalhernia, the defect is above or below the umbilicus so that
the umbilicus is distortedl while in epigasvic hernia, there is a bridge of
norma[ abdominal musc[es hetween the defect and the umbilicus. Besides,
epigastic herni a cou [d be multiple
o Trauma -+ torsion
-+ Rupture adductor [ongus tendon
-+ Anterior hip dislocation
Mention whatyou know about interna[ hernia?
Herniacion of intestine through peitoneal fossae ot defect in the
. ALI diaphragmatic hernias
. Hernia chrough foramen of Wins[ow (epiploic foramen)
. Retrocecal hernia through rettoceca| tecess.
. Paraduodenal hernia (through peri,tonea[ fossae near the duodenum
. Detect in (transverse mesocolory rneser'try of S.\ broad [igament of the
CIP : lntestinal Obsruction
lnvestigrations: plain X-ray etect 8tr supine
. Tteatment:
Preoperative prepatation: ryle, line, catheter. . ..
Divide the constricting agent excepE if the fossa is vascular as
(p ar adu o denal rnes entry/ W inslow )
Freely you have received; freely give.
. Similar attacks.
. Common diseases: (DM, Hypertension, TB, B, Hepatitis, DVT)
. Drug allergy & intake
. Blood transfusion
. Previous Operations
', Gonorrhea
. Urinary troubles
, Past history of trauma
. Similar condition in one of the members of the family.
. Consanguinity
Freely you have received; freely give.
& 'n-:"J"
Fullness in RT or LT scrotal compartement
The testis hangs lower down
Theres is dilated veins over the skin of the scrotum
- Normal, Stretched, Pigmented,
- Show sign of inflammation (redness, edematous.. . ),
- Dilated veins, Ulcer, Scar...
- Expansile impulse on cough (increase in size in all directions).
a. Warmth; +ll _'sl+ ISJF.
b. Tenderness: OSll ++:,-,1c, c# _r 'lll ,;t+ iS;.
c. Surtace; +ll i.=l: iS=,;s.
Smooth, granular, nodular, lobulated...etc.
d. Edge: +ll ', "i i iS;s'
lll defined, well-defined, pedunculated.
cr! as-=
" ":"uf::I""H:
2:..S9r.q.t+l.,Np..qk.fesf ; +lr .Js+ asJS
- Bilaterally at the same time to detect weather the swelling is
inguinal, scrotal or lnguinoscrotal
- lnguinoscrotal ) varicocele
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
- lf while holding the varicocele lightly between the finger's and the
thumb, the patient is instructed to bend forward, tension within the
varicocele becomes appreciably less. Positive Bow's sign indicates
that the patient is likely to benefit from the operation.
. Penis ) for ulcer or scar of chancre
, Scrotum
- ln all cases both sides of the scrotum should be palpated,
- Starting with the healthy side, first with the patient standing & then
in the recumbent position
- Palpation of the epididymis (size, consistency, presence of
sulcus, between it and the testis)
- tunica vaginalis (early hydrocele detected by pinching test)
. Testis
- slze
- consistency
- testicular sensation
. Spermatic cord
- Beaded Or matted
- swelling in its lower part or thickening
Freely you have received; freely give.
-Le ho_re!_q
rv n veqtr g ations:
It is diagnosis of the region which is affected (inguinal, femoral, scrotal RT,LT).
Associated condition
i.e. complications ) sub fertility.
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Ch 13 external genitalia P350
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
o Swelling:-
Suotal swelLing.
o Sisns:
o Ceneral: patientis ta\[ and thin.
o Local:
. lnspection:
/ Sqotalful\ness.
/ Lett side of scortum hangs lower than right side
/ Scrota[ skin show dilatedveins.
. Pa[pation:
/ Scrota[neck test: fullness at the neck of che scrotum.
/ VNicosicies: felt as bag of warrr..
/ Thrill on cough due to turbulence of blood flow.
/ Swelling which disappear when the patient lie down and
the sqoturr. i s el,ev ated.
As there is:
r. lmpulse S[ thril[ on cough.
z. Swelling deqease in size when the patient lies down.
3. Disappear on elevation of scrotum.
Q. Mendon the types of varicocoeleT.
Types of varicocele are:
r Primary vNicocele.
z- S econdary v aricocele.
o ASe:
- Between puberty and 35 years
o Conglenital weakmesenchyme:
- l/y'hich might be associated withhernia 8t varicos e veins, piles.
o Lnqeasevenoqs ptessute
r. Prolonged sanding.
z. Scraining as in constipacion.
3. Venous consestion due to unreLieved sexual exciternent
Freely you have received; freely give.
4. Left suprarenal gland secretes adrena,Iine near the mouth of the Left testicular
s. The left common iliac vein is crossed 6y the righc common iliac artery this causes
higher ptessure in the veins of the vas & crernasteic vein
6. High pressure in che left rcnal vein as it is compressed between the supeior
rnesenteic artery 8L aorta (nut cracker effect)
7. Thelefttesticular artery arches over theleftrenal vein in t6 o/o of cases.
8. Valves at the end of the left testicular vein are usually ma[formed while on the
right side are usually cornpeter.t
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
I There arc zlines of treatment:
r. Conservative treatment for all cases.
z. Opetative treatrr'er't for some cases.
a. Cive indications of ssrgery in rry varicocoeleT-
o E ailure of medicaL treatment (Severe symptoms that can't6e tolerated).
o Complicationot
Subferility. z- Recurrent thrombophlebi ti s
3- Failure of medica[ commission. 4- Neurotic patient
Freely you have received; freely give.
Q What are the tesults of semen analysis you expect in this pati ent?.
Semen analysis in this patientmay show stress pattetr. which include:
. O[igospermia.
. Tetatospermia
. Athenospermia.
Freely you have received; freely give.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
3, tfifrocefe
Name, Age, Sex, Marital status, special habits of medical importance
Address (for filariasis), Residence, Occupation.
OomBl-a-inti !! o-,-.llcjl .Bilr
, dLr.Ll ,rJl
. Usually swelling in the groin or the scrotum
CdS 6-;-c.;At
-j.l "J-,
1. Be.i.n
Site, Character, Radiation, What increase or decrease, Onset, Course,
Duration, Severity, and what associates.
2. S..welling
a) Site
b) Size (lemon size, orange size ...)
c) Onset Etl la.!
- Accidental
d) Course:
- Progressive - Stationary
e) Duration;-bs! i;r ful
- Short: (days or weeks).
- Long: (months or years).
- Srnce bifth > congenital.
0 Other swellings
g) Effect on the general condition
h) Apparentcause.
i) What increase & what decrease it?
(lncrease at end of the day) (Decrease in the early morning)
3. D...ip.ts.rD..+nc..e.ef .fltn.e.ti-o.n
4. 9ther.$v.q$em$.
. Similar attacks.
n Common diseases: (DM, Hypertension, TB, p, Hepatitis, DVT)
. Drug allergy & intake
. Blood transfusion
. Peruious Operations (post herniorrhaphy hydrocele)
. Gonorrhea
. Flariasis
, Urinary troubles
. Past history of trauma
Freely you have received; freely give.
. Similar condition in one of the members of the family.
. Consanguinity
asthma or bronchitis )
megaly, ascities )
varicose veins or edema )
. Pulse, blood pressure & temperature.
. Head, Neck, Spine > 3 dJJ#E
. Scrotum: if associated varicocele.
. PR: for SEP.
I=rg.q.?-l-:---,4-,r^r Glc
,-i! r rrLl,Jl & +
E_XIO_s_Ufe ) while the patient is standing with exposing the area of the nipple
to the knees.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
- No Expansile impulse on cough
a. Warmth: ';ll -r+h asJS
b. Tenderness: OIJI +;3 .rlc .+c. r +ll ,:t+ iS'p.
c. Surtace: Smooth +ll 4-=l-.1l i.S>
d. Edge (pedunculated) 5!l ' .'i; -' iS.,;s
e. Consisfency (cystic) OJ$" ! aS-l.
Freely you have received; freely give.
Trans-illumination test
3. P..f .+ining.; ) I n s u in a I & pa ra-ao rti c
4. Examine
Penis ) for ulcer or scar of chancre
Penis esp. external meatus
(site, discharge by milking
the urethera)
I Perineum
r Other hernial orifices.
a Scrotum
- Scrotum (ant, post aspect)
- Shape, symmetry and swelling
- ln all cases both sides of the scrotum
should be palpated
- Back of the scrotum for T.B sinus
- Starting with the healthy side, first
with the patient standing & then in
the recumbent position
- Palpation of the epididymis(size,
consistency, presence of sulcus,
between it and the testis)
- Tunica vaginalis (early hydrocele
detected by pinching test
. Iesfib
- Size - Consistency - Testicular sensation
. Spermatic cord
- Beaded = B or T.B - Matted= filarasis
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Radiolosical I nvestisations:
------- ---------(, ----(J
. lt is diagnosis of the region which is affected (scrotum)
Etiolgsige! :
. 1ry,2ry, congenital.
' HYdrocele.
Associated condition
. i.e. complications )infection , hemorrhage. Rupture
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Ch l3 external genitalia P347-349
Freely you have received; freely give.
Freely you have received; freely give.
O. What arc the clinical differences between try and zry vaginalhydrocele?
lry vaginal hydrocele 2ry vaginal hydrocele
Usually Large andTense . Usual[y Srnal|and Lax
Testis cannot befelt o Testis can 6e felt
. the disease in rhe testis, epidedymis
or cordis rcvealed
. Aspiationreveals exudate (high
specific gravity (> ror8), high
protein content (+-8 Smo/d.
o coa.qu[ates due to its fibrin content)
r. Henia of the hydrocele sac: in long stan ding cases the sac might
herniate through the Darros musc[es thatrnay rupture.
2. Hematocele.
3. lnfection.
4. Rupture usually traumacic buc mighr be sponraneous
s. Calcification.
6" Bilateral huge cases mighc lead to atrophy of the testis. Ln unilareral
cases )no atrophy ashydrocele distends inwidescrorum.
a. What are the lines of treatrnenr of rry vasinalhydrocele?
. There ane two lines of tteattnent)
r. Operation The ideal tteatrnent
2. Aspiration [n unfit patiencs
O. What arc the operations you know for rry vaginal hydroceleT.
. There ane three known operationsl
t. Lord's operation (plication of tunica vaginalis).
z. Subtotal excision of the tunica vaginalis:
. [t is done in cases of:
. Ca[cified tunica.
. Locu[atedhydrocele.
. Recurrent hydrocele after eversion of tunica
3. Eversion: M^y be complicatedby recurrence.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
. Lversion makes the parietaL layer of tunica albuginea sutured behind the
epididymis and so the pocential space between the parietal and visceral [ayers
is no more present
Freely you have received; freely give.
Q. What is spermatocoeleT.
. [c is a rerention cyst situated in the head of the epididymis due co obstruction
of the vasa efferentia.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Freely you have received; freely give.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Freely you have received; freely give.
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Ch l3 external genitalia P343-j47
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Freely you have received; freely give.
2. S..rv.e..lling
a) Sife
b) Size ) (lemon size, orange size ...)
c) Onsef .stit i+!
- Accidental - Gradual
- Acute
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
d) Course:
stic swellings.
v'y uunAtUODS.
ammation with acute
_ Toxic symptoms: ) FAHM
) cachexia.
crease it
a, pregnancy, or lactation.
&,:,U/Jrl4e &
' l,ll
lky, pus, pasty
reddish, yellowish
- Location
Skin changes:
Nipple ) Retraction. fi*lrll ot{l
o,i #.1qrl
Areora ) Frorid red, raised, eroded
& m-ay have vesicres
tJ3r?Hiffi" iijii
_ Dimpting
oi'tn" breast .,; dr;d
erg 6jj dlUA & -
- Skin nodules
rue q
- Fungation, r""rrtiotfsl 6' &$B d -
f€rl,l d+ *
- Brawny eder a c'A
tau''ef r* ,pl 4 -
- siste Joseph nodul
er, i.JSlS
4. -
9f h.qr.. p. y..$.f p..m.$. Cre
Distant mefasfasrs
1- Lung: chest pain,
dyspnea, cough, and
2- Liver:j"r1l,::: ,*"iling haemoptysis.
3- Bone: bony pain, .*"rri-rg
in Rt. Hypocondrium.
o, pathorogicar fracture.
Freely you have received; freely give.
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Ch 12 the breast P312
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
lns p-e-eti-o-n _
-s-itti ng - -o-nty )-
From 2 different p1anes +
under surface of the breast
(cu)l e!+l ,fu ,.!:d e!+l u+"-)l) !l a-K e^
Ask the patient to lean fonrard (obserue degree of
protrusion of breast) then ask her to raise the arms
(dimpling, lump or skin changes becomes more prominent)
Freely you have received; freely give.
1. Site
- The anatomical region of the swelling
2. Size
- ln crn (best)
3. Shape
I:IFJI ;J.r-a 'J.-rl 6^ tip of fingers ll -r flat of hand 11+ ,-!tl- 6+- Y
(ki--! + Cf a-ls. Ell 'l ii( r-r-i 6rl-,3 fJ g i.^5tj fuU'll O:sj Oi !++)
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
* pectoralis major:
Compare the range of movement of the lump before & after
contraction of the muscle by asking the pt. fo press by her
hands against her waist:
- Attached to pectoralfascia ) limited movement but not fixed
- Attached to muscle ) fixed
- Nof attached ? Mobile
.} Serratus anterior:'
Compare the range of movement of the lump (in the lower
lateral quadrant) before & after contraction of the muscle by
asking the pt. fo press against your shoulder or on the wall
* External oblique:
- Can't be tested if infiltrated
dl Bones; ) fixed and immobile from the start (while the pt. is relaxed)
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
No examination of a swelling is complete without the
examination of the draining LNs (See lymphatic sheet)
Post. group
Medial group
Freely you have received; freely give.
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical diseuse/ Ch 12 the breast p3I3-317
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Pg_th g!O_ g
ig_el > Con gen ita l, tra u matic, i nfl am matory, neoplastic .... etc.
Freely you have received; freely give.
Westions stAnswers
Breast Lump
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
- Origin: 8 digitations wirh upper 8 intercosta[ musc[es.
- lnsertion: med. Barder of the scapula.
- NSt N. to seffatus ant. from roots C' 61 7t (:Long thoracic n.,
- N. of BeLI)
- Action: keeps che stability of scapulawitk the Use of upper [imb.
Lt-bitwtet-e-af -theslarr-d;
Thebreastis formed af :
r. Fibro fatty tissue.
z" Acini which makes up [obules &t [obes.
o The [obes of the gLand are radially arranged.
. Each [obe is drained,by a separate duct.
. AII the collecting ducts (ro - 15) open into tlrc nipple.
. Lobes and ducts are affar.g,ed. radical[y so , in absce,ss ) radial incision to
Vgdamage of lobes and ducts .
. Anyfibrosis affectbreast
)ln cooper ligament )dimpling"
) [n [actiferous duct )retractednipple.
Ljgamgn-t-t--o-t-C-p9p-e-r-!suspensoryligarnentof thebreast
. Bands of connective tissue called Ligaments of Copper.
o [t is \etween the overlying skin 8lthe pectora[ f ascia.
B-l-"-qd-S-tJpp-l-y-qf -theBt_e-asl-
+ Artptj_al_Eltpply_
. The lateral thoracic aftery
- From -,Idpartof the axil1ary aftery.
o Themedial perforators
- From theinterna[ mammary artery in the d, {d et +d spaces.
- The interna[mammary artery arises from subc[avian artery.
. Lateralperforators
- From the zndr3rd A 4th intercostal arteries
. Superficial. veins ) Cross mid[ine.
o Deep veins ) accomp arry the arteries.
. Lntercostalveins
- Drain into azygus systent on the rt. side &-herniazygus on theLt" Side.
- They ate cornrnunicacing with thepara-vertebralveins.
Freely you have received; freely give.
+ Ly,nph-dr-ainassl
. frlipple 8l- areola + Breast rissue ) (Ant. Axiltary LNs ) Medialsroup of LNs
) Apica| LN (subareolar Lymph plexus of sappy)
. Skin without Nipple 8tr- areola
) Radiatmanner
. Deep part of Breast ) [ymphatics through pectoralis major ) interna[ mamrruarv
LN sl- post. intercosta[ Lfd (deep pectoral lyrnph plexus on p"ctota[is minor)
. Lower rnedial part ) Lymphatics in rectus sheach 8[ falciform tis. > TTrerz.sra.ris
in Liver
T-c-axijlary_Sr_o_rJp_s__oJ_hrn_rp_b_D_o_dee j
r. Pectoralsroup (Ant.,|)
- Behind thepectoralis major.
- Drains :6reast, chest above the leveL of umbi[icu s of cor.responding side
z. Humoral sroup (Lat.) )
- [t lies a[ong the axillary vein.
- Drains the upper [imb
3. Subseapular group (Post.) )
- [t lies over the subscapularis muscle"
- Drains postedor abdominal waIL a6ove the umbi[icus of the corresponding siia
4. Cerrteralgroup (Med.) )
- lt |ies over themediaf, wa[[ 8[ floor of axilla.
- lt is the station \efore apical L/.J affecrion
- lf affected )Compress intercostobranchialr'erve causes pain in upper fimb
s. inftaclavicular (Apicalgroup) D
- At the apex of the axil1a.
- The last station and rnay receive lyrnph vessels directlrT from the breast
+ fte
Axi.l[aw l*-ci.a[-te.nt
ln pacient [ying on his back wich the arm abducred :
r Anterior[y: clavipectotal facia which fuses wirh facia of
axillary vessels
z. Posteriorly: on subscapu[aries
3. r\pex :upw ard and medi ally
4. Base: downward and lateruI|y andis cpen
S ln b[ock dissection of axillaw.e reserve this tent
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Q. Whatis the clinica[ pictwe of duct papil[oma ?
Type of Patient
. 3o-4o years f emale with bleeding per nipple.
r.Blood stained nipple discharge.
(Commonest symptom).
z. Swelling ) rctention ryst.
Signs: f.Jo pain.
r.Bleedingr per nipple:
. By pressure oi the swelling.
. Lf therc is no palpable swelling zotalptessutewrllrwealthe
z. Swellins:
. Smalb fusiform, usually lateral to the xeolawith its [ong axis
pointing to the nipple.
3.Axillary LNs: ate not enlatged.
Freely you have received; freely give.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
I- Highly cel\ular.
2- Rapidty growing andreaching a Large size (zo - 3o cm).
3- It might ulcerate through skin but nor amached to ir.
Browse's introduclion to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Ch 12 the breast P322
Freely you have received; freely give.
3. Prc*ancerous lesions:
I Ductpapilloma (especially if multipte) ) O therisk r.S-zrimes.
zl Aqpical epithelialhype.rplasia) 0 the risk 2 - f times.
3l Lobular or ductal carcinoma in situ ) A the risk by s - ro rimes.
4. Obesity 8[ 4 fat intake:
- As thereis peripheral conversion of steroidhormones into estradiol [Er)
by arornatase enzyrne in f acty tissues.
- Patient with breast car'cet in one sidel 4. the risk to develop cancer in the
other breast.
- Bil,ateralbreast car.cet occurs in about 15 - zo %o.
(Up to 25 - 50 o/o if in [obular carcinoma)
6. Race:
- More in white women than Asian or Africans
Freely you have received; freely give. .ghe-D.(,;
. /xlon infiItrating i.e. Ductal carcinoma in situ.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Freely you have received; freely give.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
asic fluid.
after aspiration.
Freely you have received; freely give.
r t Theaim is to remove:
cm aroundrhe r inctuding nippre d{- areora *
2 #;:t';!i::;of 5 rumou
to rhe breastr gt drainin
crion * Radiocherapy
s lymphnodes
io ,t. *-;i;;r"
es of operable breast cancer
when the
than 4cm in diameter.
ent to enable tumour excision
ar or the pagec,s variety
of cancer
t causing deformity)
n involvement.
ould be available.
z. Axillary cleirance +
3. l\adiotherapy
Q' wha t are the types and indicacions of
e of Radiarion:
' ?_.", X- ,uy (Externalbeaml.
t lrrsz wire implanc (lnter"t;t;.i'B"r_).
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
a. What are the differcnc lines of hormonal therupy done in stages l[[
st lv?
Hormone (endocrine) ther apy includes
. The 2 nd
line of treatment is needed if the primary line of treatment was successful then
the patient loses the response & does not do adrenalectomy except if she responded
r. Hypercalcemia:
. Corection of dehydration 6y LV ftuids * frusimide
. Predniso[one * biphosphonates
z. P atholog:tcal ft actwes:
. lmmobi[ization * interna[ fixation
. Radiotherapy Lo the fracture site.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Ch 12 lhe breast p31B-319
3. Patholosica[:
a- 4 Estrogren:
Feminizing tumoTs of testis (Serco[i cell turnor).
z- Feminizing tumors of adrena\s.
3- Parama[ignant syndrorne as bronchogenic carcinoma.
b- V Testosterone:
r- Orchidectomy.
z- Testicular atrophy: mumps/ Iepsory andheat exposure.
c- ! Metabolism of estog;e\ liver cell f ailwe.
4. latroqenic:
. L- Aldactone.
4- Cimitidnine.
5- Estrogen therapy as in cancet ptostate.
S. Cenetic: I(linefilter syndrorne.
-History of drug incake.
-Abdomen ) hepaco- spler,omegaly
-Tescis ) atrophy
,. Blood tests (inc[uding liver function tests and hormone studies)
z. Urine tests
3. Consu[tation with an endocrino[osist - a physician who specializes in the
functioning of hormones and how the hormones affectmu[tiple organs.
4. Mammogcram - alow-dosex-ray of the 6reast.
A-Lf ,tn:
TTT of the cause.
B- lf try:
1. Subcutaneous mastectomv:
2. Suction lipectorny:
This is a form of liposuction chat allows for tapeing of the edges of the tissue
without unwanted side effects.
3. Endoscopic surserv:
- This rlewer procedure uses a srnall, flexible tubewith a [ight and a carneta
lens at the er'd (endoscope) to examin e the inside of the breast.
- Tissue is then removedwithouc p[acing alargel opet/ surgical incision.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Freely you have received; freely give.
Personal H:
Name .
Age .
- Young age ) TB.
- Adult )acute leukemia & Hodgkin.
- Elderly ) Secondaries, other lymphomata & chronic leukemia.
. Sex ) Malignancy more in males.
. Marital status
. Address, Residence, Occupation
- Area of bad hygienic condition > TB
- Brucellosis in those with contact with animals.
o Special habits of medical importance
- Alcohol )because alcohol induce pain in Hodgkin disease
. lf ) menstrual history
O-Omplaint:- d,ji,r.ll dlb Cl q! o.Jll i:erl + Duration
HPI: +i.l .I..,'.i< 6.'r .Ai
1. Pain
Site, Character, Radiation, What increase or decrease, Onset,
Course, Duration, Severity, and what associates.
: N.B.' Alcohol induce pain in Hodgkin dr'sease I
a) Sfte
b) Size ) (lemon size, orange size...)
c) Onset EU ln/
- Accidental -Acute -Gradual
d) Course:
- Progressive - Regressive.
- Stationary - Fluctuating
e) Duratisn;.b'el ;in ful
- Short (days or weeks).
- Long: (months or years).
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
0 Other swellings
g) Etfect on the general condition:
- Symptoms of TB ) (night sweat, night fever anorexia,
loss of weight) & chest troubles
- 1ry septic or malignant focus in the draining area
- Cachexia in malignancy
h) Apparent cause.
i) What increase & what decrease it
3. Disturbance of function
1- Cervical
paralysis or sensory loss in the UL
c+;S dl*l LJ-rsi *rt + t dl+l s.e e--.J sp -
- Accessory n. > Stiffness of movements of neck
(' ,Jtii<
.t+JS,rti':< dJ.l +r+ qf ei.J sf -
- RLN ) hoarseness of voice.
,,u rtcf J# err -
- Dyspnea, dyphagia, arm ischemia or edema
Freely you have received; freely give.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Freely you have received; freely give.
1, Site
- The anatomical region of the swelling
- T.B : upper deep cervicat L.Ns
- Hodgkin : lower deep cervical L.Ns
- 2ry $ : epitrochlear LNs
2. Size
- ln cm (best)
3, Shape
"\ .z
4. Number
- Single or multiple (localized or generalized)
N.B: if multiple describe the largesf one
B- $-ki. .n..-o..y. .e rt$ +g,i
. .
1) Lower limbs
2) Genitalia
3) Perineum
4) Anal canal
5) Gluteal region
6) Ant. Abdominal wall below level of umbilicus
Freely you have received; freely give.
S..f.e.rn.u..m.. fs r. i
. Mediastinal mass
. Tenderness as in leukemia
. Despine's sign: bronchial breathing auscultated below level of T4 on back
Circular chain
lnner circle
-Two palatine fonsils.
Outer circle:
-Submental LN: in the middle behind symphysis menti
-Submandibular L.N: midway bet- symphysis menti
and the angle of the mandible.
. Titt the head to the side we examine it
. Rotting of the L.N to differentiate it
from submandibular salivary gland
. L.N roll because if is sup to deeP
fascia but salivary gland is not rolling
-Pre auricular or parotid LNs: in front of the auricle.
-Posf- auricular LNs: superficial to mastoid process.
-OccipitatLNs; at the apex of the post- triangle of the
neck over the occiPital bone.
Vertical grouq:
-Superficial ceruical LNs: along the ext- iugular vein'
S u pe rfi ci a/ fo Sternomastoid.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Head is tilted
I- N-
["rpper dccp cervical
>"\ Prctraelreatl
Ivlovc fi
tionr sids of
Lymph Nodes
Occipital L.N
Freely you have received; freely give.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
. lnclude 5 groups:
o Central or medial group: along the base of the axilla.
o Pectoral or anterior group: deep to the pectoralis major
o Apical groap. in the apex of the axilla.
o Lateral or humeral group: along the upper part of the
o Posterior or subscapular group: along the subscapularis
\- "4
Lat. Apical group
Medial group
Freely you have received; freely give.
lngsin.el.- .N;
Superficial inguinal LN
Horizontal qroup ) Below & parallel to the inguinal lig
Veftical qroup
-Along the saphenous vein.
-The only glands in the body which may be normally
palpable.especially in bare footed person
Deep inguinal LA/ s (Clouquet)
-Deep to the fascia lata & on the inner aspect of the
femoral vein.
lnguinal L.N
supraclavicular LN
li, 8,,.. 9.a..tq h..m.en.t
1. 2ry T.B
2. lymphomas (Hodgkin &non Hodgkin )
B. start qeneralized from the start
3. leukemia
4. 2ry syphilis
5. lnfectious mononucleosis
1. Acute septic lymphadenitis
2. Chronic lymphadenitis
3. TB lymphadenitis (caseous)
4. $ (first stage).
Freely you have received; freely give.
Pel-Epstein fever,
Variable in
pruritis, pain on Localized, then Biopsy (Doorthy reed
Hodokins disease generalized, firm, giant cells).
drinking alcohol.
and discrete.
Large or
Bleeding tendency *Blood picture,
Leukemia Moderate size
* Bone marrow
and bone ache, L.N., Firm,
anemia. discrete puncture.
*Rapidly progressive Amalgamated
ymDho-sarcoma course. L.N. Biopsy.
* lnfiltrative (Fixed to all
5. Metastasis.
6. Early lymphomas
7. Lymphogranuloma inguinale
8. Filarial lymphadenitis
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Case f . Cervicaf Lymp frafenopdtfr)
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disesse/ Ch 11 the neck P271-278
Freely you have received; freely give.
Case 1: TB lgtttphqdenopathg
Q. What are the abscesses that arc aspirated and not drained?.
. Arnoebic Liver abscess (fo'r fear of amoeba cutis)
. Brain abscess (for fear of introducing infection to the brain and CSF [eak)
. Cold abscess (for f ear of T.B. sinus)
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Chl1 tke neck P272
Case 2: lgnphonta
Q. Mention the staging of lymphornal
Hodgkin's lymphoma:
I. Stase r: Localized to one group of lymph nodes
2. Stasg z: Limired to mole than one sroup of L.Ns. on the same of the
3. Stagre -r: The disexe is present on both sides of the diaphragml but tlre
involvement is limitEd to L.Ns. spleen andWaldyer's ring
4. Staqe u Lrwolverlent of bone rlrtdttowl lung, Liver, CLT/ skin and any organ
9_the1 .t_!411 :L-N.z 9p!g:l etWC!!:vgt tjts
Each stas:e is further subdivided into 'A't or t'Btt according co absence or i
b) Serololrica[ tests
o Clandu[ar fever. Pau[ Bunneltestfor WR test andfor
o Syphilis: VDRL
biopslu: we car- find Reed Sternberg cell. l,t is a giant,
multinuc[eated, containing z-8 nuc[ei arranged in a mirror image
in the centet of the cellwith prominent nucleoli.
o Aspiration of cold abscess ) bacteriological study for T.B.
o Staqinsr [aparocomy: in Hodgkin's [yrnphoma
Browse's introduction to the syrnptoms & signs of surgical diseasd ChL1 the neck P277-278
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Chll the neck P278
Freely you have received; freely give.
. Cystic hygroma.
o pharyngea[pouch.
o occasionally a secondary deposit of a papiL1ary thyroid carcinoma.
. Pulsatile:
c Subclavian aneurysm
F In the ant triangle that morres trrlth swallorving
. $olirl:
.Thyroid gland
. Pretrachea[ LN (Detphian LN )
- 0yslic
oThyrsglossa[ cyst
Browse's introduclion to the symptoms & signs of surgical diseuse/ Chll the neck P287
Case 2: Lympfroedema
Q. What is lyrnphoedernaT.
Chronic ederna fro- chronic |yrnphatic obstrucrion
Q. What is its sitel
Subcucaneous tissue of the [imbs7 breast, scroturn/ vulva.
r. Lymphoedema congenic a :
at birth. (usua1ly aplasia)
z. Lyrnpho ederna pr ecox : at pub er ty . ( u su aLIy hyp op, asi a)
3. Lymphoe derna tarda: in adult.
Freely you have received; freely give.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Drawse's introduction to the syruptoms & sl]guas af sarglcal dlsessd eh 7 $mphaties/ P211
Freely you have received; freely give.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Personal H:
Name, Age, Sex, Marital status, specia! habits of medical importance, Address,
Residence, & Occupation (long stay of foot in dampness Trench foot), if ? ) )
menstrual history
- Age Child) )
Congenital $ or arterial embolism
Middle age )
Burger's, Raynaud's, & D.M. are common.
> Old age Atherosclerosis is the commonest.
- Sex Berger's disease Occurs only in males. )
Raynaud's disease Occurs only in females.)
- Marital sfatus )
lmpotence with Leriche syndrome
- Occupation Raynaud's phenomenon high frequency vibration )
) )
- Special habits: Smoking Essential feature in Buerger's disease Ask )
about duration & number of cigarettes per day.
) Accidental injection of maxtonfort intrabrachial ) spasm
& gangrene in the hand.
3. Course.
4. Duration.
5. Effect on general condition.
6. Size.
7. Other swellings.
8. What 1 or J.
9. Apparent cause.
3. Disturbance of function o-*l o-.11 ir:
- Trophic changes )
thin, atrophic, stretched, dry, scaly, Loss
of hair. & non-healing of ulcers. f 613'3lli-; ',.i I 6s-.; el$+
- Color changes > f J:tiil elJ+ O-d Relation to posture, emotions
& cold weather & course (continucus or
(pale + bluish -+ blackish).
- Sense of coldness.
Narls: ) Loss of luster, fissured & brittle. r eij+ clltlii
Subcufaneous fissues ) | limb circumference & thin tapering toes.
- Sensory changes ) Paraesthesia, Hypo or
f A-.,!l 4;;Yl .,lc Gii tl
Muscles: ) Motor changes: "-=!
- Weakness (in chronic ischemia) /n'
.rl . \
I s> .,J-Yl )Jl J JiSi .J*,Jo 5r G.i,t- ill J
- Paralysis (in acute ischemia & Gangrene).
Ganqrene: )
lf present, ask about the site, duration,
& relatiOn to trauma. r:-l cleL!-
- l{istory of migrating superficial thrombophlebitis et!-;j cr[l-:
CJJ J (#
- History of DVT c,r:-,r!$ elsrl 3,rj"ii*ll '"'\ii, Elj'-:j ':11.,
Bones: sawing Pain f cLlJ.c .,.l -,,1;i,J,,S+
Joints'. t dL-ti. uJ F-l
Brain: Transient ischemic attacks (T-l.As) e.g. Hemiplegia,
blindness, fainting.
4 - 9.Hh.9.T....9YsI-e.. sLg. i.
Ask about manifestafions of ischemia in other parts of the body.
- Genital lmpotence ) Leriche syndrome.
- Heart ) HF, angina pectoris, & rheumatic heart.
- Brain ) Loss of memory. Fainting, blindness or hemiparasis.
- Eye ) Flashes of light.
- Lungs ) Chest pain cough & haemoptysis.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
GeneraL: Pf. is alert, conscious,
oriented to time, place, &
persons, average built,
. Body built. quiet facial expression,
. Decubitus. 3 i4.L*t normal decubitus,
average intelligence, &
. Facial expressions. slhe is cooperative.
I Complexion )
(3 colors) Jaundice, pallor & cyanosis.
I Head,Spine)3drl+tj
I Neck ) congested neck veins (H.F), cervical rib.
I Chest & heart.
(A-V fistula > HF)
Complete cardiac examination
For aneurysm, auscultation over
the major vessels, renal mass
! Extremities.
I Pulse, blood pressure, & temperature.
Palpate all accessible pulses: (rate, rhythm, volume & equality on
both sides, condition of the arterial wall & thrill)
Bl. Pr. )
ln U.Ls in both sides
Freely you have received; freely give.
,,tgg?.L.t. ^++
-E-:!P.g.-s.!+.[? i., rro m tJ m b i t i c u s downwa
1- Color change )
notice effect of position (elevation &
dependency i.e. Buerger's Test & dependency test)
F.p..e* )
Patient lies on back, raising the atfected
limb ) pallor.
Buerger's Test
;;L<-11 .i t f
[*:- lgaa" u\l
2- Skin Temperature)
ln both limbs from below (after exposure for 5 minutes),
determine the site of change of temp. (Level of ischaemia).
Freely you have received; freely give.
Examine muscle tone, muscle state, passive movement, and
motor power.
Power and active movements
- power (weak di
L' q.-oJt
. .,ol{
Fine movement Gross movem
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Nerve: ) Examine the sensation all over both limbs (pin prick),...
I-.Inequality in sensation
- Palpate veins for superficial thrombophlebitis (Burger's disease).
. DVT.
Freely you have received; freely give.
- Elevate the limb to empty the vein and then place it down
flat on the bed & estimate the venous filling time:
Normally: 5 - 10 seconds
Prolonged : in ischemia
N.B. Some prefer to lower the ltmb below the level of the bed
- Note the effeet of pressure on the nail bed skin.
- Normally Pressure causes blanching.
- Release of pr. is followed by lmmediate return of normal color
- Slow return of color indicates a sluggish capillary circulation and
failure of blanching ) the part is gangrenou
Capillary circulation
. Addison's test:
- Done in case of upper limb ischemia.
- The shoulders are placed backwards.
- The patien ith the
arm pulled n turn Addison's test
upwards a
(Some prefer to tilt the head to the opposite side).
- The radial oulse mav be weakened or obliterated in case of
cervical rib'or scalede syndrome.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Freely you have received; freely give.
Its 3rd part is felt in supraclavicular fossa above
the middle 113 of clavicle
Along the ant. Border of Sternomastoid m.
(above & below upper border of thyroid
ln front of tragus
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Dorsalis pedis a. )
Poplitial artery
Freely you have received; freely give.
Axillary pulsation I
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
- Along the course of fhe vessels (systolic bruit in case of aneurysm
or stenosis).
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ ChTthe arteries/ Pl75
Chronic ischemia:
Either affects the upper limb as in:
- Cervical rib. Raynaud's disease.
- Burger's disease. Peripheral arteritis.
Or lower limb as in:
- Atherosclerosis. Burger's disease.
- Diabetic (presenile ischemia). peripheral arteritis.
Freely you have received; freely give.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Freely you have received; freely give.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Q. What argt[re functiona[ discurban ces you look for in chronic [imb
. lmpotence (as in LeRiche Syndrorne).
. Sensations: Sensory losslhyperesthesia (Ln aneas c[ose to gangrene).
. Muscle atrophy and [oss of strength( Vascus rnedia|is is the first muscle co
be affected)
. Flexion deformity of the knee (due to rest pain).
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Ptesence of gangrene or ptesar.srer,e sevete ischaemia.
Loss of touch sensacion ievu.ischaemia.
*"tis ptegangrenel
r. Rest pain * co[our changes.
z. Ankle /Brachial Lndex { o.: (criticalLy ischemic limb).
Q. What investisations do you ask for?
lnvestilrations for dialmosis:-
- Dopplel Duplex.
- Angiogr aphy (it is only a pteoperative investigations
which is not done un[ess operation is planned).
. MI(A.
Other svstem eva[uation (very important):-
- ECC/ CXB,/ Chestwallnapping stress test.
a. Comment on ang i ogr aphy?.
[t is indicatedin:
Only preoperative investigations not performed unl.ess operation is planned).
[t is concraindicated in:
r) Disal occlusion. z) Extensive gangtene.
Tvpes of ansriogrraphv:
Conventional angio5raphy: Using Seldinger needle and arteial catheter
Digital subtraction angiography: After iniection of an intravenous conffast
medium ([t is [ess invasive),
MI(A (Magnetic resonance angiogr aphy).
. The value:
lt shows the fo[lowinq :
r. Site of obstruction.
z. Length of obstruction.
3. Degtee of obstruction.
4. State of the artery.
5. State of collateral circulation.
6. State of distalrun off.
r. State of collateral circulation.
z. State of distalrun off.
I. z. Hemorrhage.
3. Arterial spasrn. 4. Thtombosis.
5. Dislodgment of atheromatous plaqu e and embolization.
6. Dissecting aneurysm.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Freely you have received; freely give.
B. Endovascular sutseryi-
t Percutaneous Trans[uminal Angi oplasty (success rate 95o/o)
* lndications (as endarterectomv)
- Short segment affection in a big vessel.
- Noc donein occlusion below kneelevel.
* Complications;
- kecurrence. - A-V fistu[a.
- Hemacoma.
z. Lntraluminal Stent: (after ba[[on angiopl,asty)
C. Surgical teatment
(Surgery in this case aitns in saving the limb and thus called limb salvage surgery)
lndications of sur$erv /:[ate ischemia)
= r. Scarting gangrene (co avoid spread of gangrene).
z. Pregangtene.
3. Severeclaudication pain interferingwich patient/s work (differs
according to each patient).
4. Ulcers resistant for healing.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Patients with distal run off Patients without distal run off
(Short segment affection in big vessel)
f therc is no distal run off (nor e for surgery) and therc are srnal ulcers
or mi[d rest pain.
z. )any surgeons combine syrnpathectorny with dhect arterial sursery.
4. V aso sp asti c di sor der s as Rayna u d' s di sease.
. l.Contraindications in chronic atherosc\erotic
After amputation to help heaLing of the flaps.
[imb ischemia:
r. Lntermittent claudicacions (worsens the musc[e ischaemia) .
z. Cangrene (ineffective).
3. Diabetic p atient (peipher aI neurop athy) .
The tvpes of svmpachectomv
P ar av er tebr al. symp atheti c b loc k:
Ternporary lz-l daysl if ro/" lignocaine is used.
Perrnanent if 5 %o of pheno[ in water is used removing znd and 3rd lurnbar ganglia.
Lf the [imb becorneswarm andrcd, this means that thercwas some arterial
sp asm and the p ati ent w o uld b enefit from sym p athectortl;y .
Freely you have received; freely give.
gluteal. arteies.
the first perforator
al ci cumflex f emot al ar teri es.
B[ood reaches the lowq [imb in case of occlusion of external iliac or femoral
artery through this anascomosis.
e.g. rheumaroid factor for rheumatoid arthritis and antinucfear antibodies for
systernic lupusl skin biopsy for scLeroderma.
z. NteriaLbiopsv
Biopsy is not taken from the main artery but from a sma[[ peripheral arteriole
asby a skin biopsy.
(Angiographyl Dopplel 8L Duplex are not indicated as the disease is usua[[y a distal
Lxercise for a period < inducir, ,rtr., trental prostavasiry 8tr- aspirin.
! _ 3- l:t"'
Stop smoking. - Weightreduccion.
- Proper contro[ of diabetes Prcper contro[ of any associated disease.
3. Sympathectomy may bebeneficial in some cases.
+. Consewative amputation of gangrenous toes and fingers.
a. Comment on Burgerts diseasel
" This is an occlu sive disease of sma[[ arteries (dbialst planters, radial,)of unknown
caLtse/ occurring in smoker young adultrnales.
' Pathologicallyl thewholeneurovascu[ar bund[e is inf[arned (panvascu[itis and
neuritis) with occ[usion of the affected arteies.
. The disease is patchy in distribution and episodic in its course.
. The disease does not affectfernales and does not affectnon-smokers.
. [t is ueatedby;
r. Smokin$ must be stopped.
z. Srzmpathectomv: Cives good resu[ts.
3. Amputacion:
. Cangr ene usualLy invo[ves toes or fingers so that a conservative amputation will be
enough (e.g. amputation of a toe, trans metatarsal amputati on if severaL toes are
affected buc a [ong planter flap is required).
. Lf the foot is involvedl6e\ow knee amputation is indicated.
Q. Enum et ate vasospa stic di seasesl
r. Raynaud's disease. z. Acrocyanosis. 3.Erythrocyanosis.
4. Erythromya[gia. 5.Sudek's atrophy.
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgicul disease/ Ch7 the arteries/ P192-196
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Other Oral Qs
Q.causes f chronic leg ulcersl
I. Chronic traumatic ulcer eg- wounds, burns , iradiationsl bed sotes .
z- lnflammatory ulcers: - chronic osteomylitic
-chronic specific uLcer (rare): TBfir actinomycosis
3- Neop[astic ulcerc: t ry skin tumor cell carcinoma
l+AAa[iSnanc me[anoma
) Malign ant ulcer on top of chronic begnin uLcer
) U Lcerating deep rnalignancy as osteos atcorna 1 fibro
4- Vascular ulcer: - lschemic
- Venous
- Lymphederna
s- f.Jeouropathic ulcets: eg diabetic foot ulcer
6- Blood disease: sickle ceLl crisis
7' A.L disease:iLE, Rh. arthritis
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Ch7 lhe afiertes/ P186
Freely you have received; freely give.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Personal H:
Name, Age, Sex, Marital status, special habits of medical importance
Address, Residence, Occupation, & if )
menstrual history.
- Age )
lry W. more bet 20-40 years.
- Sex )
1ry W. more in females.
- Occupation )
Prolonged standing.
- Marital state W occur commonly with pregnancy.
O_Omplaint:_ d.i3.,,.11 dl+t+ cJl q! rtrr.J.ll Erti
- Pain, Disfigurement Or complications + duration.
HPI: ei.l frtL,''':< 6-.F-;Af
. Analysis of the condition in a chronological manner: its
1. lf the patient mentioned that he observed these veins in his lower limb,
stress on the following.
- Where is the initial site if their appearance on his limbs, proximal
or distal, unilateral or bilateral and any observed veins on the
abdominal wall, on the genitalia or the buttoks?
- ls there any history of previous direct trauma?
2. lf there is a history of pain in the limb, try to conclude the following
- lf it is a localized aching type of pain in the calf region, initiated by prolonged
standing for many hours and partially improve by walking, while completely
relieved y lying flat, especially with elevation of the lower linnb. (this is
usually seen in cases of primary v.v.).
- While, if the pain is severe and expressed by the patient as a sense of
bursting type of pain at the calf region or throbbing pain at the ankle region.
This pain usually initiated by standing for a short time and worsen on
walking, and usually accompanied with considerable edema, while lying flat
for sometime, usually relieves it (this is seen in patient with 2ry post
phlebitis v.v.).
- From the analysis of the pain characters and the varicose distribution, you
can reach to which type of varicosities you face, even in silent cases of
DVT. But your data could be confirmed if you ask and find a positive history
of DVT or any predisposing factors preceding that history as:
i. Ask about previous history of acute massive swollen painful limb
Freely you have received; freely give.
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Ch7 the veins/ P20
General: Pt. is alert, conscious, oriented to
time, place, & persons, average
. Body built. built, quiet facial expression,
. Decubitus. I| {FL-t
normal decu bitu s, average
intelligence, & s/he is cooperative.
. Facial expressions, ) 3
. Complexion )
(3 colors) Jaundice, pallor & cyanosis.
. Chest & heart (A-V fistula HF).)
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
o Visceroptosis, masses, scars of operations.
o Dilated veins crossing the groin.
o Abdominal hernias.
a Back: kyphosis.
! Scrotum: varicocele.
I P / R: piles.
! Extremities.
I Pulse: water-hammer pulse & Branham's sign (in A-V fistula)
I Blood pressure: hyperdynamic circulation (in A-V fistula)
r Temperature.
Head, Neck, Spine > 3 d#E
LoCaI: 4lr+&,
i6 jOl;,Jl ,+ C-, 5\
-P e ./ 1..1 r
'a, r-\'i
Freely you have received; freely give.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Z-----Pa-lp-ati-on:''''oit ctS Cr
I . l{*}h**g....-ts.s.9,
Of the veins crossing the groin to detect the direction of filling.
Freely you have received; freely give.
pitting or non-pitting
7 . P.r.e***p..9....+mph...*g$s.p..i.
No examlnation of a swelllng ls complete wlthout examination of dralning I..Ns
3 -= - -pe-r-c-ussjon:- - -( I-a Bp-ing )- I
(SchwarEz & Chervier)
1- Schwartz test:
- lf you percuss the upper end of distended vein and an impulse
is received at its lower end ) incompetent valves in-between.
2- Chervier tesf.'
- lf you percuss the lower end of distended vein and an impulse
is received at its upper end ) the dilated vein belongs to:
) Lono saphenous (if you percuss on medjal aspeot).
) Shor"t saphenous (if you perouss on lateral aspect),
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
4- Auscultation: continuous machinery murmur over A-V fistula.
5--- - -Sp-eeia L - te-sl:
E-:-fs--d--e-t_e-e-t_-si!_e_s__s_f _i-n-s-e-m12s-!en!_p_er_t_o_r_e_t_e_r:
k T r.e r,.flJ S-
-u...f 9.... Ie.p. _t .; .
- Pt. lies down.
- Empty the full veins.
- Tourniquet below the saphenous opening.
- Stand up.
- If no filling ) then filling occurs on release of tourniquet )
incompetent sapheno-femoral junction.
- lf filling occurs and increases after release of tourniquet )
Incompetent sapheno-femoral & incompetent perforator below.
Freely you have received; freely give.
U/uu<* l*;;
Empty the v. v. while pt. is lying down
- Pt. is standing
- Reflliing of the v,v. after
removing of the tourniquet
Empty the v. v. while pt. is lying down
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
- Manua
1 Lo ca]. i (.99e.; f.**g.e f....S:p.g. P. ). j.
r Wri i ii;' ffi t6lii' ffi ffi ailU;' i;ffiffi t#tes ;y6;ffi r ili; v;in a n d
notice filling. lf filling occurs inspite of pressure by fingers )
underlying incompetent perforator
1- Modified Perth' s test : (,gp-j..99.9-i..y..9)
- t6r.;i:;iq ffii';;;,.;ilci'iiG' ttiiiili' iliiiiii'Hi' i; starioiriU
- Ask him to do exercise 5-10 min.
- lf veins disappear )
patent deep system.
- lf veins increased & pain appears )
2ry case with obstructed
deep system.
Freely you have received; freely give.
Special investigations
Laboratory i nvestigation :
Hbo/o, urine and stool analysis, blood sugar, blood urea.
Rad io log ical i nvesti gati on s :
Doppler & Duplex US.
Plain X- ray.
A n g i og ra ph i c i nvesti g ati on :
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
lnvestigation : lnvestigation :
A,cutephase; Acutephase:
. Radioactive labeled. . Mid night blood film.
. Fibrinogen scanning. . Shows the microfilaria.
Chronic phase: Chronic phase:
. Venography. . Lymphangiography.
Treatment: Treatment:
. Essentially conservative. . Early, conservative.
. Surgery.
Freely you have received; freely give.
Freely you have received; freely give.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Largevaricosity ) subcutaneous stripping or punch excision.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Ch7 the veins/P198-206
Freely you have received; freely give.
Freely you have received; freely give.
His tor
Name, Age, Sex, Marital status, special habits of medical importance
Address, Residence, Occupation, & if ? ) menstrual history.
-._C..al_c..Ula.f..9h9lgg.qt!y..e..J.a.qndi.c..e:Middleagedf emales.
- M a.lign a.n t .p. h sLr.u.stj.v.e. ja.v. n.d p..e ; o d m a e s
I I .
-!.[en ) Farmer.
- > in liver cell failure
- _Cqnt!'.a_c..ep..t!y.e. pills may cause
1. Cirrhosis
2. Portal vein thrombosis
3. Budd-Chiari syndrome
e-qmplaintl L'i-l3s.ll dL,.l+1,Jl q! rf.-rll .Eil+ + Duration
HPI: CriS 6..;.0
ei.l f,J-,
1 . Pain:
Sit;;"Cffiiicter, Radiation, relation to meals, What increase or
decrease, Onset, Course, Duration, Periodicity, and What
a) Site
- GU )Middle line in the epigastrium.
- DU to the right of the middle line in epigastrium.
- GB )right hypochondrium.
- Appendix )around the umbilicus.
- Colon )right & left iliac fossa & below the umbilicus.
b) Character.
- Obstruction (bowel or ureter) )
colicky pain.
d) Relation to meals
- GB ) Fatty meals ) f pain.
- GU ) pain after meal by Tzhr.
- DU ) pain after meal by 2hr.
e) What increase
- GU > food.
- GB ) fatty meals.
- Acute inflammation ) any local or general disturbance.
0 What decrease
- DU ) food & alkalis.
- GU ) vomiting.
g) PeliodjcllU
- DU ) attacks for 2-6 Wk & free interval of 2-6 Ms.
2 - .9..v..e*.I*r,..9
a) Site.
b) Size ) (lemon size, orange size...)
c) Onset qlit leJ
- Accidental - Gradual
- Acute
d) Course:
- Progressive - Stationary - Regressive. - Fluctuating
3 - Disturbance of funetion:
3 esophagus:
. Dysphagia.
. Water brash.
. Heart burn.
3 stomach:
. Appetite. at;itcEYlrJc ,:l:te-
. Weight.
. Vomiting.
3 srnall intestine:
. Diarrhea.
o constipation
. Audible intestinalsounds.
3 Large intestine:
. Distension.
. Dysentery.
. Bleeding. (Hamatemesis-melena-bl per rectum)
. Jaundice.
o Bleeding tendency.
. Discoloration
7 pancreas
o Sfeafo rrhea
Freely you have received; freely give.
Freely you have received; freely give.
Genital symptoms:
9.:...1t*:-t-o..ry-...9.f ...-{.+y.S-s..!*g*.k*-q.t]P or rrEdications
, Similar attacks.
r Q DM, l-lypertenslgn, TB, B, Hepatitis, DVT)
r flp
intake e.g. Chlorpromazine ) intrahepatic cholestasis
. Previous Operations.
.-- -- - historv:
--- --
. Similar dondition in one of the members of GIT diseases with F.H.
o Congenital hypertrophic pvloric stenosis
o Familial polyposis
o Fibrocystic disease of pancreas
Browse's introduction to the svmptoms & signs of surgical disease/ ChIS the abdomen/P39|
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Pt. is alert, conscious,
oriented to time, place, &
Body built ) Marked loss of weight in persons, average built,
malignancies. q u iet facia I express ion,
I Decubitus ) orthopnea ) in massive ascites. normal decubitus,
T Facial expressions. average intelligence, &
T Blood pressure s/he is cooperative.
I Pulse
- Water hammer pulse: in liver cell failure due to Vasodilator material &
- Bradycardia ) obstructive Jaundice.
Temperature ) Fever in.
- Ascending cholangitis.
- Pyelonephritis.
- Viral hepatitis.
Complexion ) (3 colors)
(Jaundice, pallor & cyanosis)
- Jaundice ) hemolytic ) lemon yellow
) hepato-cellular ) orange yellow .,.
) obstructive ) olive Yellow t)
! Chest & heart ) spider naevi, Gynaecomastia
I Extremities:
- Clubbing (What are abdominal causes of clubbing)
. Primary biliary cirrhosis.
lnflammatory bowel disease.
'. Hepatoma.
- Palmar erythema.
- Flapping tremors.
- Scratching marks ) due to itching in obst.
- Edema in LL ) hypoproteinemia in Chronic Liver diseas(ClD)
- Skin rash ) bleeding tendency. /
) Purouric rash.
) Pellagric rash.
. Head & Neck: Clubbing
- Congested neck veins in:
Hyperdynamic circulation in L.C.F.
Massive ascites.
Bilharzial cor-pulmonale.
- Wasting in temporalis ) in CLD.
Enlarged parotid )
endemic parotitis in CLD
Enlarged LN in lymphomas.
Freely you have received; freely give.
'1.Silky hair.
?. Vvasting tempcrali$ ms,
3. Jaundice.
4. Pallor.
5. Cyanosis.
6. Foeter hepaticus.
7. Parotitis.
L Cong. neck viens.
O Qnidar naanri
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Diverication of recti
Hair distribution
Dilated viens
Freely you have received; freely give.
Retracted abdomin
2. Movemen t H*.!h....f 9.9pt.T3.9t9,..1].;
1. Normal: freely mobile
2. Decreased or absent: in
A. Rigidity: due to peritonitis
B. Diaphragmatic paralysis
C. Abdominal distension with Ascites
3. Visib].e intestinal. movements : (Peristal.s is)
- Pyloric obstruction: from left to right in epigastrium
- Small intestinal obstruction (step ladder)
- Colonic obstruction (horse-shoe crossing the midline from Rt. to Lt.)
6 . ivar".t'l:?i":?'"H:'Jl:"'"n'
Ask the patient to rise up without support ) separation of two
recti forming a gap which you can put the tip of finger easily: it is
due to chronic increase of intarabdmoinal pressure
7 . Umbi1icus:
. Position: ) normal ) midway between symphysis pubis &
lnverted (normal),
Everted (chronic f in intra-abdominal pr.) = umbilical hernia.
Deep )
Nodule sister Joseph.
Sister Joseph
Freely you have received; freely give.
P-.'..,...r.te.rIrtp-I....p...rif *.c...?.-s-.:.
- (Epigastric, paraumbilical, inguinal, femoral, incisional)
9. Skin:
. Scar ) (operation, cautery)
. Stria ) (Ascites, pregnancy, obesity, Cushing $)
o marks )
Scratch (obstructive jaundice)
. Pigmentation ) (Cullen sign, Grey Turner sign)
. Petechie, ecchymosis
. Hair distribution: feminine (apex down) > CLD
I 9.,.... P* I.e tefl... p. ;.
Gaput medusa IVC obstruction
Site Around the umbilicus Mainlv at flanks
Presence on
-ve +ve
Crossing the +ve
By milking:
Direction of Away from the umbilicus From below upwards
Thrill +ve -ve
Venous hum Kenawav sion -ve
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
I .Irl
/\ -t-'\
l. l-iver:
1 . Rt 1obe of Liver ) from Rt iliac fossa
;u-; J* J[.,i#.ii;:'.1ll-.J.'cilt ,,,,..' cl:sr 6ur , a-Jt3 .9+.c ur"ii o!*x ,J_*
if enlarqed ) ptosed or Enlarged
Diff Bv ) heavy percussion in mid clavicular line
2 . Lt lobe ) From mid line
i-i.'i6.# ii;, & Rt lobe isn't felt ....liver is shrunken
When liver is enlarqed we have to comment on:
Edge: sharp &well defined
Surface: Smooth, nodular, or granular
Consistency: firm
Cm below costal margin: (....) cm
B- Bimanua! method:
. By putting the left hand under the lower ribs and lifting them forward.
C- Dipping method:
, ln tense Ascites, fingers tips are pressed with a quick stabbing motion into
the abdomen, a tapping sensation is felt by the organ due to displacement
by fluid.
Freely you have received; freely give.
Umbilicol region
Lumbor region
llioc fosm
2.Sptqen: )rx3x5xgx11
Start from Rt. lliac fossa due to presence of Phernico-colic Lig
(from diaphragm to coJon and prevent downward enlargement
of the spleen).
When spleen enlarqed towards lt iliac fossa? )
lf the lig was
torn by pervious operation or malignancy
Then comment onl
Sl2e )
normai 1X3X5 r-Cl+ 'sl,+l
9, 11e-cJ.-a
Spleen has to be 3 times its size to be
- Notch ) The site of fusion of spleenules.
Loss of notch ) malignancy (Hodgkin's)
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
.le -!6l .l . ,.,r^rll , ,..-ll .lc ',1J1
' Ebstai rhaFgin '.:=: !1.,t ;
a-,= j
Hooking method
lf still not palpated: Do percussion on (Traub's area).
lf there is ascites ) dipping method.
What is Traub's area?
It is area of tympanetic note overlying the fundus of the stomach
- Upper border: lower border of Lt. lung (Sth rib in MCL > gth rib in MAL)
- Lower border: Lt. costal margin (Lt. 8th rib in P.S.L > 11th rib in MAL)
- Left border: Anterior margin of spleen (gtn, 1Oth,11th ribs in MAL)
- Riqht border: Left border of left lobe of liver (Sth rib in MCL > Bth in PSL)
Dullness over Traub's area:
- Full stomach or fundal tumor.
- From above: consolidation, pleural effusion.
- From Left: enlarged spleen.
- From right: enlarged left lobe of liver.
- From below: (abdominal condition e.g. Ascites, abscess...).
Freely you have received; freely give.
Lt. lobe of liver
Traub's atea
3. Kidnev:
Renal angle )
sacrospinalis, Last rib.
lf there is kidney swelling )
post ballottement
.ttr J-r-_r g.5e -lll el+l cij:l......,-,-1 ;,p le Li:.r
Rt lobe of liver, Spleen & Kidneys can be felt by bimanual method
Renal angle
between last rib
Erector spinae ms
5. @ll. .Hadden
crrb Lateral border of Rectus abdominismuscle ) (linea semilunaris)
el-.ell e. eLEilt ,j!,1-l Ol ,jt
Ot+ll cfis cp JEjll gl cFrj ri alls gl3,all #h st Thumb
Murphy's sign:
. Ask the patient to take deep breath while exerting pressure on
surface anatomy of gall G.B (junction between Rt. Costal margin
& linea semilunaris) )
sudden catch in breath with a gasp (i.e.
chron ic cholecystitis)
Air &
Shiftting dullness 1
shifting dullness 2
- lntestinal sounds )
intestinal obstruction ) loud, sharp, frequent
paralytic ileus ) dead silent
- lf there is Portal hypertension ) Venous hum on epigastrium f with
respiration )lt is called (Kenawey sign) cs:l-.,! /r
- lf there is (Hepatoma):) (Ma'mon sign arL /.1
- lf there is aneurysm ) Murmur
Brohtse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Chl5 the abdomen/P389
Freely you have received; freely give.
How to make it ?
1- Examination of the abdomen is incomplete without a rectar
examination. For this purpose, the patient rs mosf commonly
positioned in the left lateral decubitus position, although some
prefer the knee-chesf position.
2- Oral consent
Ot+ll uJ" Ul ,-i3t 6t lte . t
ln males:
- The prostate gland is examined through the anterior wall. Normally, it should be
possible to move the rectal wall over the prostate gland. The median sulcus
between the two lobes of the prostate gland is also palpable. ln benign disease
the prostate may be enlarged or fibrotic, whereas in cancer of the prostate the
gland feels craggy with loss of the normal outline and infiltration of the anterior
rectal wall. No other structure should be palpable through the rectal walls.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
ln females:
ovaries and tubes are felt laterally only when enlarged and pathological.
Tumour deposits in the pelvic peritoneum may be felt as a hard shelf anteriorly.
When the digital examination is complete, the glove is inspected for the presence of
blood and a Haemoccult test performed before the glove is discarded
,Oroans palpable by PR:
- ln both male and female: coccyx, sacrum, ischial spine and anorectal ring.
- ln male: prostate.
- ln female: cervix, pireneal body and ovaries.
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Ch17 the rectum &
anal canaU P449
tlNtltJ)tlf [QA.I.,PQLNlrl$QII()IJNI0AI.IUHIIt'tlAIlQll
o Planes of the abdomen:
The abdominal cavity is divided into 9 regions by 2 horizontal planes and 2
vertical planes:
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'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Iiver or spleen)
,JS!l 4p,t*.,i t, dlUA r
1- lntra abdominal
2- Move with respiration
3- Occupying anatomical site (...)
orr,Je 5l9#l_I elta + r:
; SPleeA ' Liver
4. Doesn'aiil-;nsite :-4. Doesnti iitl Inglo 4. Fill angle
' 5. Ballot
5. Doesn't ballot : 5. Doesn't ballot , :
Freely you have received; freely give.
S ial investieations
. Laboratory investigation:
- CBC, Hbo/o, PT, PTT
- Blood sugar.
- LFT ) Enzymes (transaminases, Alkaline phosphatase, yGT)
) serum Aibumin
) Total & direct bilirubin.
- KFT ) serum creatinine, BUN, S.urea.
- Blood electrolytes.
- Serological investigations for bilharzias, hydatid,........
- Stool & urine analysis.
- Tumor markers: e.g. alpha feto-protein.
. Radiological investigations:
- Abdonnino-pelvic U/S.
- Plain X- ray (chest) (abdomen supine & erect).
- Barium (swallow, meal, follow through).
- CT scan, Spiral CT.
- MRI.
- Cholecystography.
- PTC.
. Endoscopic investigation:
- Upper Gl endoscopy.
- Esophageal manometery.
- Lower Gl endoscopy.
- Sigmoidoscopy.
Provisional dia
1. Etiological ).
2. Anatomical) lt is diagnosis of the region (Skin, S.C, muscle, tendon, vessels,
nerve) or organ (spleen, liver, gall bladder) which is affected.
3. Pathological ) Congenital, traumatic, inflamnnatory, neoplastic ...etc.
4. Functional diagnosis ) compensated or not
5. Complications ) haematemesis, anemia,
6. Associated condition ) DVT, T.8., diabetes, chronic bronchitis...etc.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Q. Comment on bilirubinl
. The normal level ranges ftom 0.2 to 0.7 mgo/o.
' lf che bilirubin becomes > 3 tng o/o the jaundice wiII be manife sted. Lf the
bilirubin is ) r mgo/obutless than3 mgo/o, this is calLedsubclinicalorLatent
t There ate two types of bilirubin:
Lndhect bilirubin : unconjugated bilirubin : haembilirubin
Dhect bilirubin : conjugated bilirubin : cholebilirubin
Passage into the urine Doesn'c pass as it is not water P asses because it is
soluble and is carried in the watersol,uble.
blood bound co albumin and
this binding makes the
moleculelarge co be filteredin
the glomeruli.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Freely you have received; freely give.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Q. How can you suspeetmissed stone 8t how can you deal ltth id.
rl can suspect missed stone as fo[[ow:
'. excessive bile secr etion
from T-tu be.
Patient without T-tube: persistence of jaundice.
. There arernany methods to dealwith missed stones:
r. tt(Ltr 6L naoi[lotomv *
hoscopv : Waiting untiI a tract of T-tube is well developed and
the stones are removed through a choledochoscope.
3. Chemica[ Dissolution of the stones by injectingmateials through theT- tube
to dissolve the stone (e.g,.hy&oxy chenodeoxy cholic acid).
4. B urhene Techni q ue: W aiting unti I a tr act of T-tu be i s w ell developed and
the stones anerernovedby a special stone basket introduced through this
5. O p er ativ e interv enti on.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
incLude fine spleen; smoothT rcguLar surf acel Sharp bordq with anotchSt
enlarges towards Rt. [[iac fossa directedby phrenicocolic [igament
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'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Freely you have received; freely give.
Q. Whatismelena!
. [t is passa9e b[ack tarry soft offensive stools due co its content of digested
Q. How can you demonstr ate the presence of esoph ageal vatices ?
. Endoscopy (Esophagoscopy).
. Barium swallowswhichisrare to be donenow.
Q. What is the treatment of this case of Egyptian splen omegalyl
' MedicaL geatrnent: This is given for al| cases: vitamin s, tonics, high CHO
and protein dietl Liver tonics (liver extract/ cal,cium and gLucose).
' Specific teatrnent: For oesophagea| vanices, for ascites, f or sp[enome galy, and
for Liver celL f ailure.
. lt depends on history of hematemesis:
. There is pasthistory of hernaternesis: the patienc shou[d be maintained on
injection sclerotherapy, this is called chronic sclerotherapy. .Lf sclerotherapy
fai[s to preventrcbleedingl the operation wi[[ 6eindicated.
' No history of bleedinq (i.e. silent varices): there is no need for injection
sclerotherapy. EoLlow up is the main treatmer't.
j) Measwes to preventrebleeding.
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'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
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I Appendicitis
r Crohn's ds
I CA caecum or RT colon
I Diverticular ds
I CALI co\on/ rectum
I PlDs
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Ch15 the abdomer{ P405
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
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V Others:
. Diabetic abdomen.
. FMF.
of hematemsis 8t rnelena?
-chronic P U. (spontenous-steroids)
-acute gastric erosion (asprin)
-CA srcmach
-oesphageal varices
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of sargical disease/ Ch15 the abdomen/ P42l
causes of splenomegaly?
-bacteial: typhoid
-vial.: glandular fever
-sphochates syphilis
-protozoa[ bilharziasis
cellslar pr olif er ati on:
-ny eloi d 8t [ympha ti c leukaerni a
-perniciuos aneamia
- spher ocytosi s 8[ hemo [y tic anaemi a
-thrombocytopenic purpr a
Freely you have received; freely give.
z-Elatus 3-Eaeces
4-E at
s-Fluid (ft.r/ ency sted asci ci s )
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Q.causes of ascids?
r- lncrease in the porcal venous pr.: - Prehepatic
- Hepatic
- Posthepatic
z- Causes of hypoproteinemia
3- Causes of chronic periconitis
4- Chylous ascitis
causes of mass in the RT iliac fossa?
F Parietal Swellings:
M skin
: H:Hyi""#l
. Haematomas.
M S.C tissue:
: k'#Ti"roma
' Neurofibrosarcoma.
EI Muscles laver: fibrosarcoma.
EI Incisional and paralvtic hernia.
F Intraahdominal swellings:
.Caecum: colonic carcinoma.
.Ileocaecum: ileo-caecal TB, ileo-caecal actinomycosis.
.Appendix: appendicular mass or abscess.
. Ovarian cyst or fumor.
. Hydrosalpinx or pyosalpinx.
. Tubalpregnancy.
ElUterus: Fibroid.
. Ptosed kidney.
. Ectopic kidney.
Freely you have received; freely give.
r Rt. Iliac a. aneuroysm.
t Rt'
':Tiril;rdenitis: acute and chronic(non-specific and specific e.g TB
- Malignancy: lymphoma and metastatic carcinoma.
escended testis
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ ChL5 the abdomen/ P428
. Abscess
. Sebaceous cyst.
r Haematomas.
. Haemangioma
MS.C tissue:
r Lipoma.
. Neurofibroma.
. Neurofibrosarcoma.
MMuscle laver: fibrosarcoma.
ElHernia: incisional & paralytic.
F Intraahdominal swelling:
. Pelvic carcinoma. r Pelvic colon:
. Diverticulitis. . Bilharzial mass.
r Spastic colon.
. Ovarian cyst or tumor.
. Hydrosalpinx or pyosalpinx.
. Tubal pregnancy.
r Fibroid.
r Ectopic kidney. . Ptosed kidney.
r Lt. iliac a. aneurysm.
r Lt. iliac lymphadenopathy:
1. Lymphadenitis: acute & chronic (non-specific & specific e.g. TB
Malignancy: lymphoma & metastatic carcinoma.
ElMuscular: ileo-psoas abscess.
EI Retroperitoneal sarcoma. or malienant undescended testis
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & slgzs of surgical disease/ Ch15 the abdomen/ P430
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Lf . causes of dyspepsia!
t ="oon"o"1 "tt"!il:
M Gastric
""'"."="nronic gastric ulcer. . chronic gastritis.
Gastric carcinoma
M Duodenal causes:
E Biriarv causls:"H:":odenar
: ;:T"'11o,""r,,*,
GB carcinoma.
E Pancreatic causes:
M' Appendicular dvspepsia (chronic appendicitis)
M Colonic dvspepsia esp CA caecum
Q. conditions which preserltwithrectalbleeding but no pain?
Blood rnixedwith stoo[: carcinomaof the co[on
Blood streaked on stool: carcinoma of therecturn
Blood after def aecacion: haemorrhoi ds
B[ood and mucus: colitis
B[ood a[one: diverticular ds
Melena: peptic ulcer
B[eeding*pain: fissure (or carcinoma of the anal canal)
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of sargical disease/ Chl5 the abdomen/ P455
Freely you have received; freely give.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
of ulcers
Malignant ) SCC, BCC, ulcerative malignant melanoma
lnflammatory >TB,$
Trophic ulcer ) peripheral nerve injury
Venous ulcer ) dt. Varicose veins in !-L
lschaemic ulcer ) dt. Chronic ischemia
Personal H:
Name, Age, Sex, Address, Residence, Occupation, Marital status
& special habits of medical importance, if Q ) menstrual history
e-qmplaintt ( Sore ) L'i.ilt .,rll dL.l+ elt qt c,+!l
HPI: ei"l fi{* cds iJ'. f.l
- Pain:
Site, Character, Radiation, What increase or decrease, Onset,
Course, Duration, Severity, and What associates.
- T.B )
- Venous )
- lschemic )
- Trophic )
- Neoplastic )
painless except late.
- U].cer:
;: d&'ofJiol,*l,
- Acute onset
- Gradual onset
b cou rs
- Regressive: )
inflammatory conditions.
- Fluctuating: )
chronic inflammation with acute
Freely you have received; freely give.
d. sife
e. Size
t. Number
g. Effect on the general condition:
h. Apparent causes:
1- Congenital:
. Hemolytic anemias (rare) (i.e. History of hemolytic
2- Traumatic:
. Bed sores or trauma (1.e. History of trauma)
3- lnflammatory:
. T.B. ulcer (night sweat & fever + loss of weight &
. Ulcer (skin rashes + F.H.A.M)
';. 1;T::;;,'i: lHfl?J i?":',," "'
. History of claudication pain.
6- Venous.' venous ulcer
. History of associated varicose veins.
7- Lymphatic: lymphoma
. History of multiple swellings all over the body
8- Neruous; Neuropathic ulcer
. History of numbness or sensory loss
- Disturbance of function:
1- Discharge.
2- Dangerous area of the face.
3- Discharging srnus
- 9-ths..r....Hxp.HF..+t9..i.
- .ll*.s.P.e.rx...ef....*.+:r..e.s. F*s.*s'*.9I19....9.7
. Similar attacks.
. Common diseases: (DM, Hypertension, TB, B, Hepatitis, DVT).
. Drug allergy & intake.
. Blood transfusion.
. Previous Operations.
. Similar condition in one of the members of the family.
. Consanguinity.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
$, General examination may
reveal the apparent cause as
hemolytic anaemia.
- Oval.
- Geometrical.
4. Number:
- TB > multiple
- Malignant ) single
Freely you have received; freely give.
5. Edge:
- Punched out ) $, venous, TB.
- Undermined ) TB.
- Sloping ) healing.
- lrregular ) traumatic.
- Rolled in ) BCC.
6. Floor:
- Everted ) malignant.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Special investigations
Hbo/o, urine and stool analysis, blood sugar, blood urea.
P*3helg.g*.s.+.I....*.+vs.e. P.*se}*.e*.;,
Biopsy (Excisional).
traumatic, inflammatory, neoplastic ....etc.
Associated condition
T.8., venous, malignant ...etc.
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Chlhistory &
examination of an ulcer/p32
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'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
3. Elastic stockings
4. Dressing wirh saline 8L not antiseptic because of the eczma most ulcers
heal in 3-4weeks (EU5OL:"edembrauniversal'solution of [ife" Canbe
used as a mild antiseptic)
z. Lf f ailed excise the ulcer &- covet it by cross leg skin f [ap
3. Then treatmentof the cause e.g varicose veins
Freely you have received; freely give.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Age incidence of hip disorders
,@ of titrp ot diqrueis
_.: developmental (congenital)dislocation
2-5 tuberculosis arthritis, transient synovitis
5-10 perthes's disease; transient synovitis
rc-20 i slipped upper femoral epiphysis I
* Pain arising from hip : ft Pain referred to hip
"true hip pain" ; r'----
--{ pain"
"false hip
- -l
i- i7{--'i Hip ;oint paiioiil i spin" oisease
:s : Felt mainly in groin,
^-^;^ +-^^+ inner .: r^r*
front or Felt -^r^ill^ ^'l;^^i--^;;:----------j
mainly in gluteal region
.:h:.$ i side of the thigh :
i ,--i 919-!:T:-d-ry-Y9!1s-,-- i
Limping '------------l
r r
' Unilateral t, Bilateral
i-----+------------.1 i
i__ _-_4r_rteleig_gdt_______1___f19a_{_e_leIr!_Ulg_g_q!t
: waddiing gait :
Pt. tends to :-
' use a stick in the ' Pt. leans towards the ln cases of:-
opposite hand affected side to lift the BiI. D.D.H.
. nninimizing the period of Or
sound leg clear of the
wt. bearing on the ground. Bil. Coxa vara
affected lirnb
Fixed flexion defs ity: lumber lordosis
masked by
Fixed abd. defsrmity : 3 apparent le tltening
3 scoliosis (the curve towards heatrthy side)
apparent shortening
scoliosis (the curve toward dis. side)
Analysis of swelling (as any swelling)
See general sheet
Pt. should be stripped except for a pelvic slip (and a bra. lf female)
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
" Start with actiae then complete utith passizte mou.,
Flexion: 1 300
Extension: Nil
(Test uthile the knee is flexed to abolish action of hamstring)
Abd. 300 -350
& abd.In flexion : 70o
Add.: 25o -30o
N.B.; lf rotation. is limited in hip extension €t of normal range in flexion: normal joint but
spasm of ileopsoas ms. dt. Appendicitis or iliac abscess
-B)-9y-s-t-em-ie-examin-a-tr-qn-in--c-aq-ee-e-f -TE--qf-hip--,
_Q)_E_xa_m_i_rla_tio_q-q_f "t_h_e .qp_in_e_f_qr_exftlnsi_c__c_a_tr_s_e_ef__hip_p_e_in
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Ch4 Ms, tendons, bones,
& ioints p127, 128
Freely you have received; freely give.
ReAl Of TfUe length me^SLfementS From ASts to nedial maileotus
To obtain an accurate comparison of true length by surface measurements , the
two limbs must be placed in comparable position relative to the pelvis
i.e :
The angle bgt. Each L.L €t the pelztis is the same
II adducflon
tt t
defarmif y
Sound limb
I adduc*ed
equol angle
if one limb is adducted & can't be brought out to the neutral position, the other
limb must be adducted through a corresponding angle by crossing it over the
1st limb before measurements are taken
similarlv if one hio is in fixed abduction
A) Fixing the tape measure at ASIS B) fafing the reading at the medial
with the flat metal end plac6d malleolus where the tip of index finger
immediately distal to ASIS & pushed is placed immediately distal to the
upagainst it. medial malleolus &
pushed up against it
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
rneet the 1st iine at right angle (this is the important line
- it is rneasuned & compared on the two sldes)
- The 3rei line is unimportant; it joins the ASIS to the tip of greater troch.
* Shoetmaker's line
- A llne is projected on each side of the body from the greater trochanter
Thnough & beyond the ASIS.
- Normally, the two lines rneet at the midline above the umbilicus
- lF one femur is displaced upward (owing to supra troch. shortening) ) the
lines wiNl nreet at or near rnidline but below the umbilicus.
Inci'idu.f rthe:-
il:,1?#:?ff TJ,.'-:"|lf ,**ffi 3S,:ff
' Tibia (line of knee joint to medial rnalleoitls)
On each side
Slq-e-rysfi-t-s--ef -'!qgp-qrc!$'-'-dip-qep-q4-cg-i-ry-l-i11sU-letryth;
-TO measure apparent discrepancy , the two limbs rnust be
piaced parallel to one another & in a line with the trunk
-lVleasurements are rnade frorn xiphisternum to each medial rnallealus "
Freely you have received; freely give.
The transverse axis of the pelvis (as indicated by the inter-spinous line)
can't be sef at a right angle to the affected limb but acute angle with it.
EiXe_d_ab-d-qetiq-ndef-q-f m_i_qf_lobtuseanste
Ei xe-d _f I ex-i q n -d e-f o_ r m ity;
Browse's introduction to the syrnptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Ch4 Msrtendow,
bones.& i oints/P I I 4-1 I 5
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Thomas Test
- lf there is a fixed flexion deformity at the hip the pt compensate for it (when he
lies on the back) by arching the spine & pelvis into exaggerated lordosis, this
allows the affected limb to lie flat on the couch.
- To measure the angle of fixed flexion deformity, it is necessary to correct the
lumbo-pelvic lordosis. This is done by flexing the pelvis (and with it the
lumbar spine) by means of the fully flexed sound limb.
. Tecltnlque :-
- One hand is placed behind the lumber spine to assess the degree of lumber
o lf no / lordosis )
no fixed flexion. (and so, do not proceed.)
o ff / f brdosis )
the sound limb is flexed to the limit of its
range then the limb is pushed further into flexion tillthe
arehing of spine is obliterated.
- During this maneuver, the thigh of the disordered limb (if in fixed flexion) is
automatically raised from the couch as the lumbar lordosis is decreased.
- The angle through which the thigh is raised from the couch is the angle of
fixed flexion deformity"
- The most reliable index of the rotational position of the thigh is the patella
which normally points fonrvard or slight lateral rot.(max":150)
- lf there's fixed lateral or medial rotation, the limb can not be rotated to neutral
- The angle by which it falls short of the neutral when rotated as far as possible
is the angle of fixed rotation deformity
Freely you have received; freely give.
1. I}g-:.-+-9-ll
The normal,range of true hip flexion about (
. Best demonstrated by flexing the hip &knee
together and not by lifting the leg with straight knee.
. Movement of the pelvis is best detected by grasping
the crest of ileum,
. Only in this way it is possible to distinguish between
true hip flexion & the false flexion done by rotation
of the pelvis.
"The normalrang of the abduction at the hip is 30o - 35o "
. The limb to be tested is supported by one and while the other hand
bridges the pelvis from ASIS to ASIS.
. ln this way true abd. At the hip can be differentiated from the false abd. That
is done by tilting of the pelvis.
3.Abduction in flexion
The normal range is about 70o
. This is often the 1st mov. to suffer
restriction in arthritis of the hip.
. The pt. flexes his hip & knees by drawing
the heels towards the buttocks. Then he
allows the knees to fall away from one
another towards the couch.
The normalrunge of adduction is about25u -30u.
. The limb to be examined is crossed over the other limb.
. Care must be taken to differentiate bet.
. True adduction & the false mov. done by tilting of the pelvis
5. Lateral rotation and medial rotation
The nomalrunge of both medial &\aterul rotation is 40o
6. F-T- !g-fr- p-
+- -o- + -- -i
of extension at the
N.B.: Extension of the hip joint beyond the neutral position is preoented
by the strong anterior capsule €t reinforcing Y-shaped ligament
N.B.; Backward tnoo. oI the thigh is due to rotation of the pelais B
extension of the spine €t not bu extension of the hip ioint
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
- Normally, when one leg is raised from the
ground, the pelvis tilts upwards on that side
through the action of the hip abductors of the
standing limb.
- lf the abductors are inefficient, they are unable
to sustain the pelvis against the body weight
and it tilts downwards instead of rising up on
the side of the lifted leg.
Freely you have received; freely give.
* Technique:
Stand behind the pt.
lnstruct him first to stand upon the sound lirnb and to raise the other
from the ground (having thus got the idea of what he is required to do.)
He should now stand on the affected leg & lift the sound leg from the
- By inspection, or by palpation with a hand upon the iliac crest, observe
whether the pelvis raises or falls on the lifted side.
Remember that the limb uDon which the pt. stands is the one under test.
Browse's introdaction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Ch4 Ms,tendoms,
bones,& ioints/P I 3 0-1 3 1
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Freely you have received; freely give.
Brotuse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical diseuse/ Ch4 Ms,tendons,
bones,& .i oints/P 1 3 1-1 3 3
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
The patella is tappedbackwards sharply so that I
it strikes the femur rebounds.
. This test is -ve in the presence of fluid in two circumstances:-
1- When there is insufficient fluid to raise the patella away from
the femur.
2- When there is tense effusion.
' Resemble fluctuation test but squeezing the sac is from side to side.
. Effusion obliterates the hollow present normally on the lateral aspect
of the knee.
A- Stress tests :-
. Stress varus & valgus tests
- Should be performed on the normal
extremity first for later comparison.
- The knee is flexed to 30o
- A gentle stress (valgus or varr-rs) is
applied to the knee with one hand
placed on the (lateral or medial
aspect of thigh respectively) and
the other hand grasping the ankle.
. Anterior drawer test
. Posterior drawer test
"For anterior cruciate lig." "For posterior cruciate lig."
Freely you have received; freely give.
..i. Technique:
- The pt. knee being flexed to 90o
- The foot placed firmly on the couch.
- Sit slightly on the foot to prevent it from sliding.
- With the inter-locked fingers of the two hands form a sling behind
the upper end of the tibia & clasp the sides of the leg between
the thenar eminences.
- Place the tips of the thumbs one upon each femoral condyle.
- Ensure that the pt. has relaxed thigh muscles.
- Alternately pull & push the upper end of the tibia to determine the
amount of A-P. mov. (normally, the A-P mov. ls not more than
112 cm)
C- lachman Test:
, With the knee flexed only
150 - 200.
. One hand supports the
thigh just above the knee
gripping the femoral
condyles while the other
hand grasps the upper end 1
of tibia.
. While the pt. relaxes the /)
muscles, the extent of any
anterior or posterior glide of
tibial condyles upon the
femur is determined by push & pull movements of the tibia.
For posterior cruciate ligament only
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
A loud click, distinct fromthe normal patellar click and usually associated with pain, suggests a
tag tear of the meniscus. Caution : loud clicks can often be produced in normal knees. Most of
them arise from mooements of the patella, and they are not accompanied by pain.
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of sargical disease/ Ch4 Ms,tendons,
bones,& joints/P1 3 3-1 3 4
Freely you have received; freely give.
Iryury Sfieet
I- History
(as general sheet).
I Occupational: lead poisoning of the nerve.
I Habits: alcohol neuritis.
eneral sheet)
ll- Examination
A. Genera! Examination
. Complete neurological examination
- Search for evidences of diabetes, pellagra & lead poisoning.
B- Local Examination
Both sides are qtosed and compared sturting with the normal sidc
1. Deformity: is diagnostic.
2. Scar: (site, type of healing)
3. Wasting of muscles: along the course of muscles supplied by the
examined nerve.
4. Active movements: according to affected muscle.
5. It is lost in cases of nerve, muscles of tendon injury or joint diseases.
6. Trophic changes: shiny, stretched skin, loss of hair, trophic ulcers &
brittle nails with loss of their lusture.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
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Browse's introduction lo the symploms & signs olsurgical disease/ Ch5 conditions peculiar to the hand/p146-147
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
- ln median nerve injury any of the above leads to pointing of index finger.
Movements of thumb:
1. Flexor Pollicis Longus: flexion of terminal phalanx while fixing proximal
phalanges (to avoid action of flexor pollices brevis)
2. Flexor Pollicis Brevis; flexion of extended proximal phalanx.
3. Abductor pollicis brevis:
. Pen touching
- Ask the pt. to touch the pen by the side of extended
thumb (to avoid the action of abductor pollices longus) while the dorsum of the
hand is fixed on a table.
o Wartenberg's oriental prayer's position:
- Ask the pt. to touch the tips of index & thumb of both sides.
- ln median nerve injury the tip of the thumb of the atfected side touching the
base of the pulp of the normal thumb
4. Opponens Pollicis: loss of apposition.
Freely you have received; freely give.
t resistance. ^
first metacarpal bone.
3. Palpation of the radial nerve in the axilla, post, aspect of arm & lat. aspect of elbow.
4. Pas'sive movements.
Tinels test
Special Notes
1. D.D of claw hand:
. Ulnar (partial) claw hand,
. Combined ulnar and medium N. injuries
. Klumpke's paralysis.
, lnjury of medial cord of brachial plexus,
. Volkmann'sischaemia,
. After burn or dupuytren's contracture,
. Advanced rheumatoid arthritis,
. Negiected tenosynovitis of ulnar bursa,
. Neurological causes (syringomyelia...etc).
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
2. UInar paradox: injury of ulnar nerue at elbow ) less marked deformity while injury at
wrist ) more marked claw hand.
3. r nerves:
a) Movements of thumb: adduction (ulnar), extension (radial) & other movements (median).
b)Sensation of rinq finqer: medial aspect (ulnar), lateral aspect (anteriorly )
median & posteriorly ) radial).
c) Characteristic deformity.
d) Froment's test (ulnar).claspinq test (median) & finoers drop (radial).
Q. What ane the f actors affecting prognosis of the injurednervel
1. Neuroaparoxia has the best prognosis.
2. Better prognosis occurs with the purely motor nerves than mixed ones.
3. Nerve supplying a bulky muscle has better prognosis than that supplying a fine
4. Good apposition of the cut ends of the nerve.
5. Asepsis: sepsis interfere with regeneration due to fibrosis, ascending neuritis and
loss of nerve tissue.
Browse's introduction to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease./ ChS conditions peculiar to the hand/ p146-147
Freely you have received; freely give.
l- History
1. Age: mumps in children, or malignancy in old age.
2. Sex: tumors are more common in males.
3. Occupation: Occupational disease in trumpet players & glass blowers.
4. Oral hygiene.
Complaint: as usual
Present historv:
ff.,j^l i:L dis i-* -=i
1. Pain: (analysis as usual). This occurs in sialoadenitis, mumps, autoimmune
sialoadenitis, duct stone or late malignancy.
2. Swellinq: as usual but notice the effect of eating on the pain and size of the
3. Disturbance of function:
. Manifestations of autoimmune sialoadenitis: as dryness of the mouth and
conjunctiva and rheumatoid arthritis.
. Local manifestation in the form of facial palsy (inability to close the eyes,
accumulation of food between the gum & the cheek, drippling of saliva from
the angle of the mouth),
. Manifestation of metastasis: (as usual)
4. Historv of investiqation and treatment.
Past HistorV: as usual + oral sepsis, oral breathing, hypertension ....... etc.
Familv Historvt as usual.
ll- Examination
A. General Examination:
. Aim: detection of LNs enlargement, signs of metastasis or signs of autoimmune
B. Local Examination:
I. Features of the swellings:
, Notice that the swelling elevates the lobule of the ear because the deep fascia
of the parotid is defective upwards
Examine the following:
1. Facia! nerve:
2. Masseter: Ask the pt. to clinch the teeth.
3. Sternomastoid: Ask the pt. to turn his face to the
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
o Age: young or middle age (not common in children)
o Sex: males=females
. EP!:
o pain: dullaching radiating to ear or tongue
o swelling: beneath the jaw
Both worsens after eating
o Site: swelling in the digasteric triangle
o No: solitary (in order to be differentiated from the submandibular LNs)
Can't be rolled over the angle of the mandible
o lnspection of floor of mouth: May reveal redness of the duct orifice
o Bimanual examination: Reveas that swelling is in the floor of the mouth
I-IJenrgn fumors
I,Pteomorphlc adenoma
o Personal history: male old age
o HPI:
Slowly growing painless swelling in the side of the face
Swelling becomes more prominent on contraction of the masseter ms,
but doesn't actually increase on size on eating
Freely you have received; freely give.
Site: - swelling over the mandibular ramus
- welldefined
- lobulated
- freely mobile( not attached to the skin ms or bones)
- variable consistency( firm or cystic but never hard)
- elevating lobule of the ear
- no cervical LN enlargement or facial n. infiltration
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Oral Discussion
Q. Surface anatomy of the parotid gland?
P arotid gland: Connect the followins + points
o Head of mandible
. Middle of masserer musc\e
. 2cm below 8[ behind the angle of mandible
. Center of mastoi dprocess
Parotid duct:
Lt correspond to the rniddle r/3 of horizontal line dr awn from the tragu s of
the ear to a point on the upper lip midway between the ala of the nose 8L
the angle of the mouth.
ffi hiffi::::l::"zi::;:,""!:::::*,"
Q. What ate the complications of parotid gland stones?
o lnfection
. Abscess
. Fistula
Freely you have received; freely give.
Q. Whatts treatment?.
[f stone is in the substance of the g[and: Supefiacial conservative
. lf stone is in the duct: rernoved through the mouth under Loca[ anesthesia
Q. Treatment of comp[icacions?
o Beforc abscess formation: lA( antibiotics, anaelgescis, antipyretics)
o Aftu abscess formation: surgical drainage by Hi[con's tech. ( don'c wait for
fluccuation as fluctuation isvery late)
z-saliverv fistula:
o lf in the duct----1-----+ masseteic: excision with end to end anastomosis
t-----+ Premasseteic: reimplant the duct in the buccinators
o lf in the g[and -]* Consewative:Parasympatholytic drugto decrease
I+Surgical: secretlons
Avulsion of the auricu[otemporal n.
(secretory fiberc to parotid gland if f ai\ed
sup efii ci aL p ar oti dectomy
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
ndibular ramus
aY tange
from mild weakntuss
of the lower
d, mobil'e then
the parotid gland,--
a of the saliverygland
r_rnucoepi dermoid.:
according ro
z-adenoid c.ysttc
_A carcinoma
J /\ctnl
c c eIIc ar cinom
emicroscopic pic.
the [ocal extent
of the tumot/
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
/ Treatment:
. lf operable
According to the site of rhe rumor:
r. Carcinoma in the parotid gland:
-Tota[ radicalparctidectomy* total block dissection of theneck LN
* p os top e r ativ e r adi other apy to deq ease r ecufi ence
z. Carcinoma in the submandiblar gland:
- Comman do op er ati on ( tota I r adi c al s u bmandi bul ar si aladnectomy *
Browse's introductian to the symptoms & signs of surgical disease/ Ch9 the salivery glands p 2j9
Freely you have received; freely give.
Ltp G[ Qafate
!: lliqte-lvl
i (as usual)
F GOmplaint: a mother complaining from disfigurement in her baby.
ll- Examination:
A-General examination :
Polydactty or syndactly.
Congenital A-V fistula.
Congenital lymphodema.
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.
B-Local examination:
1. ExaJmination for cleft lip:
a) Upper or lower lip
b) Lateral or median
c) Unilateral or bilateral
d) Complete or incomplete.
e) Simple or alveolar.
2. Examination for cleft palate:
a) Type: cleft uvula, cleft soft palate
b) lntermaxillary cleft.
c) Bipartitie cleft.
d) Tripartitie cleft.
lll- Diagnosis
For exampte: u case o7 witn bipartitie cteft patare,
complicated by dfficultfeeding and otitis media.
A.Q-e_1r_e-r_ql_eXamina_tj-o_n:-f gtth-e_-c_qngeillA!-an_o_me!'te-9.
1- Sit of E.U.M) ) glanular, penile, perineal.
2- Circumcision:
3- Direction of penis.
4- Local anomalies (undescended testis, I hernia and
'Unfescenfef testis
A.9sn_e_tal--examina-tign:_f q_r-th_e_-c-qngen_i!a.!-an-o-nali-e_s=
B. L_o_q al _e_Xg_m_i n-a tr-o_U
'- and there is deviation or the median raprre ir
unilateral undescended testis
, ln maldescended testis and retractile testis, the scrotum is not
2- restis:
: ]i1J""i"",:f:,.x?:ffi,":liffil:i,, testis
' Testicularsensation.
3- lf the scrotum is well-developed: