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Product Manual

TCS ZigBee Wireless Gateway

Description Contents
The QW1010c allows monitoring and programming of building Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
controls over a TCS ZigBee wireless network. This wireless General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
network replaces the hard-wired RS-485 bus. By eliminating Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
the need for running communication cables between devices, Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
the wireless network provides an economical means to easily Setup &Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
expand existing controller networks.

The QW1010c TCS ZigBee Wireless Gateway manages Mounting
the TCS ZigBee wireless network. It connects a TCS Basys QW1010c -- Mount the device directly to block or drywall.
Controls TCS ZigBee wireless network directly to a USB The built-in mounting feet accept two #10 sheet metal screws
port of a PC or to an RS-485 port of a QD1010. (Only one (not provided).
QW1010c is needed per TCS ZigBee wireless network.)

NOTE: The QW1010c works with the SZWXXX series ther-

mostats which have built-in TCS ZigBee wireless capabili-

2800 LAURA LANE • MIDDLETON, WI 53562 • (800) 288-9383 • FAX (608) 836-9044 • www.tcsbasys.com



QW1010c QD2040
A, B & REF



QW1010c QD1010 QD2040


For detailed instructions on A - B - REF covered wiring, see QD1010 product manual.

2800 LAURA LANE • MIDDLETON, WI 53562 • (800) 288-9383 • FAX (608) 836-9044 • www.tcsbasys.com
Setup & Troubleshooting ZigBee Wireless module. See wireless thermostat instruction
manual for details.
Throughout the setup document the terms coordinator, gateway
and QW1010c will be understood to mean the same thing. A For small networks with five or less thermostats, that is all that
router is a TCS ZigBee wireless thermostat, bridge or repeater. is necessary is to enable wireless thermostats (place the H1
jumper on the left and middle posts). Power up the QW1010c
Location: by plugging the USB cable into a laptop running Insight, into
• A wireless network will not function correctly if it is sepa- a QD2040, or into the 120 VAC to 5 VDC USB power adapter
rated by walls or other structures in which a wireless signal included with the QW1010c. Wait 15 to 20 minutes for the
cannot penetrate such as steel, concrete, or rocks. wireless network to form. The wireless network should now be
• The area containing wireless devices should be static/ usable.
non-changing, for example, do not place wireless devices
behind a steel door that is open during occupied times and For larger networks, or where multiple QW1010c are to be
closed during unoccupied times. used use the following procedure.
• No part of a wireless network should be placed outdoors.
The varying atmospheric conditions cause the wireless 1. Power up the QW1010c by plugging the USB cable into a
signals to distort resulting in an unstable wireless network; laptop or PC running Insight software. Important: Do not
for example, a wireless network formed on a foggy day will connect the QW1010c to the QD2040 at this time.
have trouble communicating on a clear day and vise versa. 2. Using Insight, set the desired network Pan ID and
• The coordinator of the wireless network should be placed Channel on the Coordinator. Then click on Clear Tables
at a central location with respect to the routers. and Software Reset in the Reset tab. This will store the
• Coordinators and routers should be placed in an area with new PanID and Channel. Then click on Reset Network in
little external wireless interference, away from other wire- the Reset tab. This will tell the QW1010c to form a new
less devices. wireless network.
3. Move the wireless thermostat to the installation location
Distance: and power it. Once it is addressed, move the H1 TCS
• A wireless network will not function correctly if the distance ZigBee Wireless Enable jumper to the Enable position
between the coordinator and/or routers exceeds approxi- (middle and left post). The red LED should then be lit and
mately 150 feet line of sight. Walls or other barriers will start blinking, thus indicating that the TCS ZigBee module
severely limit the maximum distance. has power.
• Wireless networks are only able to travel a maximum of 5 4. Connect a QD1010 to the wireless thermostat and to a
hops from the coordinator; routers placed beyond the 5 hop laptop running Insight.
limit will not join the network. 5. Using Insight, set the same PanID and Channel that is
• Routers are only able to have 6 children each. used on the QW1010c. Once these are set, click on Clear
Tables and Software Reset in the Reset tab. This will tell
Special Considerations: the thermostat (router) to join a new network using this
• A wireless network should be oriented in such a way that PanID and Channel.
routers are spread out equidistant in a circular pattern from 6. Repeat steps 3-5 for all the wireless thermostats / routers
the coordinator so as to maximize the communicating area on the network.
available. Routers placed in a straight line may cause net-
work instability. Wait about 3 minutes per wireless thermostat on the network
• Subsystems and energy policies should never be placed on before connecting the QW1010c to a QD2040. The network
a wireless network because a subsystem is dependent on should now be usable. It can be verified with Insight if desired.
uninterrupted continuous communication.
• Only 15 routers should be placed on a single wireless Note: The baud rate for the QW1010c as well as all wireless
network. A router is defined as a wireless thermostat, TCS products is 9600 baud.
bridge, or repeater. Large networks cause the wireless
communication to become unstable. Start Insight by clicking on the icon on the desktop or by going
• If multiple wireless networks are present, each net- to:
work must be given a separate Personal Area Network Start->All Programs-> TCS Basys Controls->Insight
Identification (PAN ID) wireless channel. Wireless channels
should be chosen in a way so as to limit interference from
other area neighboring channels, for example, instead of
using channels 11 and 12 use channels 11 and 25 or 11
and 14.

Wireless Deployment Overview:

All wireless thermostats are shipped with the H1 TCS ZigBee

Enable Jumper, located in the upper left of the base of the
thermostat, in the Off position. Wireless thermostats should be
powered up and given a TCS address prior to enabling the TCS

2800 LAURA LANE • MIDDLETON, WI 53562 • (800) 288-9383 • FAX (608) 836-9044 • www.tcsbasys.com
Insight Startup Window

Select a serial port from the list displayed and select the Open
Port button. Leave the controller address and message speed
box at their default.

Set PAN ID and Channel for Wireless Network

On the Network Mode tab set the PAN ID on each router to that
of your network. In this example, the PAN ID is set to 828. It is
important that each router and the gateway be set to the same
PAN ID otherwise nodes will not be able to join the wireless
network. A different PAN ID should be given to each wireless
Opening ZigBee Module Tab network in a given area.
Select Modules from the menu, then select Zigbee from the Hit the set button once you have set the PAN ID, hit the get
drop down list. A new tab will be added to the tab list named button to verify that it was successfully set.
Zigbee Wireless. Click on the ZigBee wireless tab. It is a good idea to record the IEEE Address of each of your
routers for future reference.

Retrieve Router Information

Set Channel List for Wireless Network
After the router has a unique TCS address, connect the
Get the channel list, and set the channels you want the wireless
QD1010 to each router using the RS-485 via phone jack or
network to be able to use. If only a single wireless network is
terminal blocks located on the bottom board. Select the “Get”
present, the network will automatically pick the best channel
button for the Device Type and Firmware Version, verify that it
among the channels that you have selected. To force the
displays router and the current firmware version as shown.
network to use a specific channel select only one channel

2800 LAURA LANE • MIDDLETON, WI 53562 • (800) 288-9383 • FAX (608) 836-9044 • www.tcsbasys.com
from the list. Hit the set button, then the Get button to verify the 30 seconds) it should look similar to the picture. The blue dots
channel list you have selected. displayed on the network view window represent the wireless
nodes on the network. By hovering the mouse pointer over each
node it is possible to see the TCS as well as Zigbee address.
If a node does not have a valid TCS address or is a repeater, it
will be displayed in a yellow green color. If all the nodes in the
wireless network are accounted for and show up in blue, then
the wireless network is functioning correctly and the Coordinator
can be connected to the QD2040.

Wireless Network View

The Zigbee tree will also be displayed as a list view in the

Zigbee tab. When an address is selected from the network list
that nodes, children can be displayed by pressing the get button
next to the Zigbee children box.

When one of the Zigbee addresses is selected in the poll

network box it will appear in the Zigbee address section of the
page. Once the address is displayed in the Zigbee Address box
that addresses device type, firmware version, LQI, etc. can be
retrieved by hitting the associated get button.

Reset Device

Once the router PAN ID and wireless channel have been set
correctly, select the Reset tab and click on the “Clear Tables and
Software Reset” button. Resetting the Router/Gateway will save
the settings programmed into it.

Each time the network, PAN ID, Channel list, etc have changed
a “Clear Tables and Software Reset” is required to accept the


• Power- lit when device is powered
• Wired Data- blinking indicates receiving traffic on either
RS-485 or USB ports
• Wireless Data- blinking indicates receiving traffic on TCS
ZigBee wireless network.

Set the PAN ID and channel list for each device in the wireless
network. Once all the routers have been programmed and
the network has had enough time to form (approximately 2
min. for each node), connect the QW1010c to the computer
running the Insight software. In the wireless module tab, click
the “Poll Network” button. A network view window will pop up.
After the network view window has loaded fully (approximately

Rev. 0316
2800 LAURA LANE • MIDDLETON, WI 53562 • (800) 288-9383 • FAX (608) 836-9044 • www.tcsbasys.com

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