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Estimation of Physicochemical Properties and Antioxidant Activity of Root Extracts of Physalis minima


Estimation of Physicochemical Properties and

Antioxidant Activity of Root Extract of Physalis minima
Muhammad Imran1, Mussarat Rafiq2, Syeda Eisha Hamid3, Zaman Gul2, Hafiza Nabeela Amaan4,5,
Muhammad Babar Khawar6,*
1University College of Pharmacy, University of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

2Institute of Zoology, University of the Punjab, Q-A- Campus, Lahore, 54590.

3Department of Zoology, University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

4Gulab Devi Chest Hospital, Lahore-Pakistan.

5Institute of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics, Gulab Devi Educational Complex, Lahore-Pakistan.

6Department of Zoology, University of Narowal, Narowal, Pakistan.

Authors’ Contributions Background: Physalis minima is used in a variety of ailments. Although,
1 Conception & Study design, Data Collection
& Processing, Data Analysis and/or there have been a few studies on the leaves and fruits of the Physalis minima,
Interpretation, Drafting of Manuscript. there have been relatively few investigations on the roots.
2 Conception & Study design, Data Collection
& Processing, Drafting of Manuscript. Objectives: The objective of the present study is to investigate the
3 Data Collection & Processing, Data Analysis
and/or Interpretation, Drafting of Manuscript. physicochemical parameters, trace elements, FTIR, and antioxidant activity of
4 Data Analysis and/or Interpretation, Drafting Physalis minima root extracts.
of Manuscript, Critical Review.
5 Conception & Study design, Data Analysis Methodology: Standard procedures were used to conduct these studies on
and/or Interpretation, Drafting of Manuscript,
Critical Review. n-Hexane, chloroform, and methanolic extracts of roots. The antioxidant
6 Conception & Study design, Data Analysis activity was performed by standard procedures as DPPH (2, 2-diphenyl-1-
and/or Interpretation, Drafting of Manuscript,
Critical Review.
picrylhydrazyl), phosphomolybdenum method, FRAP (ferric reducing
antioxidant power assay), and hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity.
The authors are thankful to the Vice-chancellor Results: Phytochemical analysis showed moisture content as 4.93±0.98%,
of the University of Narowal, Narowal-Pakistan total ash 10.09±0.76%, sulfated ash 4.92±0.91%, acid insoluble ash
for providing support for the accomplishment of
this study. 4.3±0.88%, water-soluble extractive value 4.60 ± 0.01%, and alcohol soluble
Article info.
extractive value 17.92 ± 0.01%. FTIR analysis showed the presence of alkyl,
Received: March 9, 2021 amino, and tertiary alcohol groups. Percentage scavenging activity was
Accepted: December 18, 2021 measured by DPPH method and it was found that methanol extract showed
Funding Source: Nil
Conflict of Interest: Nil maximum 93.525±0.276% scavenging activity as compared to chloroform
Cite this article: Imran M, Rafiq M, Hamid SE, 60.248±0.847%, and n-hexane 50.0±0.547%. Phosphomolybdenum assay
Gul Z, Amaan HN, Khawar MB. Estimation of showed maximum potential 86.81± 0.521% in the methanolic extract,
Physicochemical Properties and Antioxidant
Activity of Root Extract of Physalis Minima. 60.07±0.645% in chloroform extract, and 49.33±0.841% in n-hexane extract.
RADS J Pharm Pharm Sci. 2021; 9(3):175- FRAP showed maximum reducing value for methanol extract 86.153±0.203%,
in chloroform 47.180±0.352%, and n-hexane extract 30.26±0.703%. By
*Address of Correspondence Author: hydrogen peroxide assay, methanol extract possesses a maximum
[email protected] percentage of inhibition 91.71±0.992%, chloroform extract 60.64±0.721%,
and for n-hexane was 51.32±1.664%.
Conclusion: Physalis minima root extract can be utilized to treat a variety of
ailments and malignancies.

Keywords: Physalis minima, root extract, anti-oxidant, physicochemical,

secondary metabolites.

ISSN (Print): 2521-8514 ISSN (Online): 2521-8484 RADS J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci. 175
Estimation of Physicochemical Properties and Antioxidant Activity of Root Extracts of Physalis minima


The plant Physalis minima, commonly known as wild Plant material

Cape gooseberry, native gooseberry, and pygmy
The plant was collected from Muridke and Nangre
groundcherry is one of the major genera of the well-
Bhatiyan (Village) and got authenticated by the
known family Solanaceae with 80 to 100 species
Chairman Department of Botany Government College
worldwide. It is an annual herb commonly found on
University, Professor Dr. Zaheer-ud-din Khan. A
the borders of waste and cultivated parts of the land.
voucher specimen (G.C. Herb. Bot. 3387) was
It is native to Baluchistan in Pakistan, India, Tropical
deposited in the herbarium of GCU. The plants were
Africa, Australia, Afghanistan, and Malaysia [1]. It is
washed externally with tap water to remove mud and
an annual upright herbaceous plant that usually
debris after which they were air-dried. The roots and
grows with a size up to 15-45cm long, pubescent,
stem were separated and shade - dried for almost 20
erect, and a delicate herb with globular fruits enclosed
days. The dried plant roots were then homogenized to
in a bladder-like calyx. The fruiting and flowering
form a fine powder.
season of this plant starts in April and continues up till
the end of November [2]. Chemicals and solvents
Gooseberry is well known throughout the world due to The analytical grade solvents and chemicals were
its traditional use as abortifacient, diuretic, vermifuge, used which include conc. H2SO4 (BDH, England),
analgesic, purgative, analgesic, anthelmintic, and Conc. HNO3 (BDH, England), sulphur powder, ferric
febrifuge. Steroidal lactones recognized from the chloride (E. Merck A.G Darmstadt, Germany),
plant have been observed to influence various pyridine, sodium nitroprusside, folic & CiocalTeu’s
pharmacological mechanisms like antipyretic, anti- phenol reagent (Unichem Chemicals), dil. HCl,
malarial, lipase, cytotoxic hypoglycemic, alpha sodium hydroxide, butylated hydroxytoluene (Sigma
glycosidase inhibitors [3]. Other traditional uses of the life Sciences, Germany), quercetin (Sigma life
Physalis minima are appetizing and growth enhancer, Sciences, Germany), gallic acid (Sinochem, China),
anti-gonorrhoeic, and as a curative agent for triton-X, potassium acetate extra pure (Merck,
abdominal troubles and enlargement of spleen [3]. Germany), aluminium nitrate (Merck, Sigma Aldrich
Syrup of the plant is used by the Malaysian public for Germany), methanol (BDH, England) Riedel de Haen,
anticancer management [4]. Further study suggests chloroform (BDH, England & Merck, Germany),
that the plant is reported to have cancer activity [5-8]. hexane (BDH, England) ammonium molybdate
(Merck, Germany), ethyl acetate (BDH, England &
For the treatment of leprosy, Physalis minima are well
Merck, Germany), ascorbic acid, DMSO, bovine
known to the medical world. Physalis minima have
serum, sodium phosphate (Mol wt. 137.99 g/mol), and
many chemicals that can be used as
2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyle (DPPH).
antimycobacterial [9, 10], antileishmanial [11],
antimicrobial [12] and anti-inflammatory activity [13]. Physicochemical studies
Leaf and stem of Physalis minima are reported to A physicochemical examination of powdered plant
contain flavonoid and phenolic compounds which material was carried out in accordance with USP
imparts them high antioxidant properties [14]. criteria (2009). Moisture, total ash, acid insoluble ash,
Phenolic compounds are principally significant for and sulfated ash were all measured. Different
nutritional applications [14]. To the best of our extractions were made in solvents including alcohol,
knowledge, the antioxidant activity of the root extract water, and chloroform.
of Physalis minima has not been investigated
properly. The aim of the present study is to evaluate Estimation of primary metabolites in crude root
the scavenging of radical capacity and other powder
antioxidant properties of this plant. Other properties of The powder material was analyzed to estimate
plant-like determination of secondary metabolites, primary metabolites content including total lipids [16],
total ash contents have also been measured. total proteins [17] and carbohydrates [18].
FTIR spectroscopy
The powder materials got from different batches of
roots of the plants were analyzed using FTIR

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Estimation of Physicochemical Properties and Antioxidant Activity of Root Extracts of Physalis minima

spectrometer to estimate metabolic similarities or specifications of USP 2009. The tests for alkaloids,
differences. For this purpose, Physalis minima root saponins, tannins, glycosides, steroids, flavonoids,
powder from different locations were subjected to terpenoids, and reducing sugars were conducted.
FTIR analysis. The plant root powder was mixed with
Quantitative analysis of extracts
the 100mg potassium bromide and the mixture was
ground to powder. The material was then taken to die The contents of total polyphenols were estimated
and made a pellet (hydraulic press). IR range of FTIR according to a method of Singleion and Slinkard with
spectra was set between 4000-400 cm-1. some modifications [20]. Total flavonoids estimation
was performed by a method of Chang et al. [21] with
Trace elements analysis by atomic absorption some modifications. The method of Heimer was used
spectroscopy to determine the tannin contents. The method of
The 500 mg powdered sample was taken in a glass Lowry et al. [22] was used to estimate protein
beaker with 8ml 65% (V/V) HNO3 to digest the contents in the sample. Total carbohydrates
sample. For complete digestion, the blend was estimation in the sample were performed by a method
heated on a muffle furnace at 900 0C for 25 min. Then of Hussain et al. [23]. The contents of total amides
extract obtained was allowed to cool at room were estimated according to the method of Hussain
temperature. The final volume of 25 ml was achieved et al. [24] with some modification. The method of
with the help of water. Digestion of reference and Husain et al. 2008 was used to find out the total
blank was followed by the same method. A stock glycosaponins [23].
solution of 1000 ppm was diluted to each element to
UV/Visible profiling of extracts
100 ppm to form standard solutions of Ca, K, Zn, Fe,
Na, Mg, Mn, and Cu. According to the strength of the A stock solution of 1 mg/ml of extracts was prepared
test sample, 100ppm solution was used for further in methanol, chloroform, and n-Hexane. Then 100 µl
dilutions of all trace elements to five different of each of the stock solution was diluted with the
strengths. respective solvent up to 1 ml. Finally, all the sample
solutions were scanned using a UV visible
For the analysis and detection/identification, atomic
spectrophotometer at 800-200 nm and results were
absorption spectroscopy was used. The wavelength
analyzed to check the metabolomics.
for the heavy metal and trace element was adjusted
according to the monograph and the lamp was Determination of antioxidant activity
lighted. The appropriate current slit width of Total antioxidant capacity assay by
adjustment. Gas flow was adjusted to proper phosphomolybdenum
conditions after a mixture of combustible gases was
The assay was performed as described by the
ignited. By nebulizing the blank solvent into flame,
technique of Prieto et al. [25]. All readings were taken
zero adjustments were done. After setting the
in triplicate and average values were used for
wavelength and apparatus, the test solution of the
sample which was formed after digestion was
introduced into the flame, and the light absorption at DPPH assay
the characteristics wavelength of the detecting DPPH (2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) is an organic
element was measured. Precision and accuracy of compound made up of stable free radicals. Four
the AASS were assured after the three results [19]. milligrams of each extract in one milliliter of dimethyl
sulfoxide (DMSO) were mixed to form a stock
Organoleptic properties
solution. 3.32 mg of solid DPPH was dissolved in
The extracts were checked organoleptically 100 ml of methanol to form DPPH stock solution and
throughout the research work to check their physical 4 mg of ascorbic acid was dissolved in 1 ml of
stability. dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to form a stock solution of
Qualitative analysis of extracts ascorbic acid. The microplate was used, in which 20
1g of methanol, chloroform, and n-Hexane root µl of the different plant extracts were mixed in 180 µl
extracts was dissolved in 100 ml of methanol, of DPPH reagent, and volume was made up to
chloroform, and n-Hexane respectively for 24 h with 200 µl. Then the mixture was incubated at 37 0C for
occasional shaking. The contents were filtered and about 1 hour. Methanol was used as a negative
used for phytochemical analysis according to the control while ascorbic acid was used as a positive

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Estimation of Physicochemical Properties and Antioxidant Activity of Root Extracts of Physalis minima

control. After incubation of the sample, the reading respectively. The mentioned peaks, however, were
was taken by using a microplate reader at 517 nm. also indicative of the presence of both the groups of
The triplicate samples were used and the final alcoholic as well as an amino group. Besides, the
scavenging percentages were calculated. groups of methyl, alkyl, and alkyne were also present.
The result of FTIR is shown in Figure 1 (FTIR
Ferric reducing assay
analysis of root extract).
The method of Oyaizu [26] was adopted to calculate
ferric reducing power activity of root extracts. Trace elements in Physalis minima powdered
Readings were taken in triplicate and average values material
were used for calculations. Table 3 shows the mineral content found in the plant
material of Physalis minima. The atomic absorption
Hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity
technique was used for the determination of mineral
Method of [27] was used to find out the capacity of contents. The method of flame photometry was also
melatonin to scavenge H2O2. The percentage used. The results are given in Table 3 (Mineral
scavenging of H2O2 by melatonin and standard Contents of the Physalis minima root powder).
compounds was determined.
Percentage yield in different solvents
RESULTS The percentage yield of different solvents is given in
Table 4 (Percentage yield of various extracts of
Physicochemical investigation of crude plant Physalis minima).
Qualitative analysis of extracts
The results yielded are mentioned in Table 1
(Physicochemical properties of root powder of The phytochemical qualitative analysis was carried
Physalis minima). The moisture content was found out for methanol, chloroform, and n-Hexane extracts
through the standard procedure and the result was of Physalis minima. The results mentioned in Table 5
observed to be 4.93%. The Total ash content was (Qualitative assessment of phytochemical
found through the standard procedure and the result constituents of Physalis minima roots extracts)
was observed to be 10.9%. The Acid Insoluble ash showed the presence or absence of various
contents were found through the standard procedure phytochemical constituents in all extracts.
and the result was observed to be 4.3%. The sulfated Quantitative analysis of extracts
ash contents were found through the standard The results are indicating that there is a high
procedure and the result was observed to be 4.92%. percentage of glycosaponins in the methanolic extract
Estimation of primary metabolites of crude root which is 28% as compare to chloroform 23% and n-
powder Hexane 17%. Similarly, in all cases, percentages of
The results of the primary metabolites found in the secondary metabolites are higher in methanolic
powdered form of the crude drug material of the plant extract than chloroform and n-hexane as shown in
Physalis minima are represented in Table 2 (Primary Table 6 (Quantitative assessment of phytochemicals
metabolites in Physalis minima powdered form). constituents of Physalis minima root extracts).

FTIR Scanning UV-Visible metabolomics comparison

Numerous intensity bands of the strong, medium, and Extracts were scanned at 800-200nm for comparison
weak strength were observed on the IR spectrum of UV visible profile. The overlay spectra are shown in
obtained from the FTIR analysis. Possibly due to the the Figure 2 (UV visible spectra of Physalis minima
presence of an alkyl group, a strong peak was extracts). Among the extracts of methanol,
demonstrated having a wavelength of 2928.82 cm-1. chloroform, and n-hexane, Methanol extract showed a
At 1624.45 cm-1, a medium peak was observed slightly different profile as compared to chloroform
produced by the amino group. A second medium and n-hexane. Chloroform and n-hexane showed a
peak was observed at 1392.13 cm-1 which possibly similar profile indicating the pharmacological activities
indicated the tertiary alkyl group presence. A weak of these extracts may be similar.
strength peak indicated the presence of a tertiary
alcohol group and was observed 1120.26 cm-1

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Estimation of Physicochemical Properties and Antioxidant Activity of Root Extracts of Physalis minima

Antioxidant activity Investigation of antioxidant activity by ferric

reducing power assay
Determination of total antioxidant capacity by
phosphomolybdenum We also reported the antioxidant activity of these
fractions by using the ferric reducing power. The total
The antioxidant activity of Physalis minima was
antioxidant activities of these are shown in Table 7.
checked by phosphomolybdenum method and results
The methanol extract showed maximum percentage
are shown in Table 7 (Evaluation of Antioxidant
inhibition of (86.153±0.203) followed by chloroform
activity of Physalis minima extracts and standard
extract (47.180±0.352), and n-hexane extract
using different assays). The Methanol extract showed
maximum antioxidant capacity that is (86.81±0.521%)
followed by chloroform extract (60.07±0.645%), and Investigation of antioxidant activity by hydrogen
n-hexane extract (49.33±0.841). peroxide scavenging activity
Determination of antioxidant activity by DPPH The methanol extract showed maximum percentage
assay inhibition of (91.71±0.992) followed by chloroform
extract (60.64±0.721), n-hexane extract
The methanol extract showed maximum percentage
(51.32±1.664) as shown in Table 7.
inhibition of (93.525±0.276) followed by chloroform
extract (60.248±0.847), n-hexane extract
(50.0±0.547). Table 7 shows results of DPPH assay.

Figure 1. FTIR analysis of root extract.

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Estimation of Physicochemical Properties and Antioxidant Activity of Root Extracts of Physalis minima

Figure 2. UV visible spectra of Physalis minima extracts.

Table 1. Physicochemical properties of root powder of Physalis minima.

Physicochemical Properties Percentage Content ± S.D
Moisture Contents 4.93 ±0.98%
Total Ash Contents 10.9±0.76%
Acid Insoluble Ash 4.3±0.88%
Sulphated Ash 4.92±0.91%
Alcohol extractive value 17.92 ± 0.01%
Water extractive value 4.60 ± 0.01%

Table 2. Primary metabolites in Physalis minima powdered form.

Primary Metabolites Percentage Yield (% w/w) +SD
Total Proteins 8.0 ± 0.3
Total Carbohydrates 72.14 ± 2.08
Total Lipids 3.93 ± 0.2

Table 3. Mineral Contents of the Physalis minima root powder.

Elements mg/L
Magnesium 111
Iron 298.25
Sodium 1800
Zinc 57.5
Manganese 77.0
Copper 15.0
Potassium 23.2
Calcium 80.95

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Estimation of Physicochemical Properties and Antioxidant Activity of Root Extracts of Physalis minima

Table 4. Percentage yield of various extracts of Physalis minima.

S No Extract Name Percentage Yield (% w/w)
1. Chloroform 2. 89
2. Methanol 82.8
3. n-Hexane 5.88

Table 5. Qualitative assessment of phytochemical constituents of Physalis minima roots extracts.

Methanol Chloroform n-Hexane
Alkaloid + + +
Saponins + + +
Tannins + + +
Glycosides + + +
Steroids + + _
Flavonoids + + +
Terpenoids + + +
Reducing Sugars _ _ _

Table 6. Quantitative assessment of phytochemicals constituents of Physalis minima root extracts.

Methanol extract (% Chloroform extract (% n-Hexane extract (%

S No. Parameters
age) age) age)

1 Total glycosaponins 28 23 17
2 Total proteins 51.3 20.4 17.6
3 Total polysaccharides 2.6 1.7 1.4
4 Total amides 29.4 19.3 12.2
5 Total tannins 44.5 26.8 20.8
6 Total flavonoids 1.8 1.5 1.4
7 Total polyphenols 0.7 0.5 0.4

Table 7. Evaluation of Antioxidant activity of Physalis minima extracts and standard using different
Antioxidant Activity
Extracts Ferric reducing Hydrogen peroxide
Phosphomolybdenum DPPH assay
capacity scavenging activity
Methanol extract 86.81±0.521 93.525±0.276 86.153±0.203 91.71±0.992
Chloroform extract 60.07±0.645 60.248±0.847 47.180±0.352 60.64±0.721
n-hexane extract 49.33±0.841 50.0±0.547 30.203±0.703 51.32±1.664

gooseberry. The ash value may also be due to the

occurrence of adulterants. The possible adulterants in
the crude sample might be silica, oxalate, and powder
The moisture content of the crude plant material
of chalk [28]. The acid-insoluble contents of the plant
showed a value of 4.93%. The total ash content was
material indicate the non-physiological content of the
found to have a value of approximately 10.9%. The
total ash contents and are an indication of particles
literature states that total ash contents provide a good
having an insoluble nature such as herbal-mineral
insight into the properties of the drug material. The
material in sand, soil, and silica. The acid-insoluble
ash value is a strong representative of salts of organic
content value of gooseberry crude extract was found
nature that are naturally found in the crude sample of
out to be having a value of 4.30%. The value for the

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Estimation of Physicochemical Properties and Antioxidant Activity of Root Extracts of Physalis minima

sulfated ash of crude drug sample of gooseberry was The plant material has an iron content of 298.25 mg/
found out to be 4.92%. L of the plant material. The iron metal is necessary for
The extractive values of the sample are a measure of the synthesis of red blood cells. It is also an important
the presence of chemical constituents. The values of component of enzymes like cytochromes found in
extraction for the sample of gooseberry was found out cells. Physalis minima contains very limited trace
to be 17.92 ± 0.01% in ethanol, whereas, the elements except for Na is 1800 mg/L. So Physalis
extractive values observed in chloroform water were minima can be used as a tonic in case of Na and
found out to be 4.60 ± 0.01%. The highest extractive potassium deficiency. The overall quantity of Ca
value was found to be observed in ethanol. A superior (80.95%) observed in the sample was high.
yield is given by extractive values and the reasons for The pharmacological behavior of that plant is only
this is the fact that ethanol has a higher evaporation due to the existence of saponins, steroids, terpenoids,
probability than either chloroform water, and a and phytochemical ingredients. Saponins present in
majority of the constituents found in the extract of the plan talso have uses like as emulsifying agent and
gooseberry are soluble in organic solvents and expectorant [30]. Alternatively, their soap-like
therefore yield better results with the performance of characteristics make them valuable surfactants [31].
extractive values. Total protein has a value of 8.0 ± Steroids and terpenoids have shown analgesic
0.3%. The powder material has a total carbohydrate properties [32].
content of 72.14 ± 2.08 % and lastly the material is The linear regression equation was used to determine
composed of the lipid content of 3.93 ± 0.2%. The the total protein contents, polysaccharides, total
estimation of protein, carbohydrates, and lipids amide contents, total tannins, total flavonoid, total
provides nutritional as well as commercial importance polyphenol contents, and phenolic compounds linear
of Physalis minima. Carbohydrates contents were curves were obtained from the standard curve of
more than lipids and protein contents so it's the bovine serum albumin. The methanolic extract was
energy-rich source. having maximum content as compare to chloroform
Physalis minima were analyzed by atomic absorption and n-hexane. These results were similar to the study
spectroscopy and flame photometry for the detection conducted by [33]. The presence of phytochemicals is
of metals and trace elements and minerals. Atomic used for a variety of diseases which is present in
Absorption Spectrophotometer was used for Mn, Fe, many plants. Plants use phytochemicals formation for
Cu, Mg, Zn and flame photometer for Na, K, Ca. defense in and repairing in their natural ecosystem.
Trace elements are the elements that occur only in The anti-diarrheal activity has been reported in
small amounts within a given matrix, whereby the phenols, tannins, and flavonoids [34] and minimized
question of what constitutes a trace amount is a the chances of disorders related to oxidative stress
matter of convention and usage. However, in [35]. Antiseptic behavior is found in tannins and can
biological systems, there is a deeper meaning to the speed up the healing of wounds. It can also use
term since trace elements within living bodies are against parasites as body resistance [36]. Flavonoids
often not coincidental contaminants but fulfill primary are strong water-soluble anti-oxidants and free radical
functions. As the plant was collected from only the scavengers which avoid oxidative cell damage and
selected place that is Muridke, maybe if the plant is have strong anticancer activity.
collected from other places composition may vary The human population is exposed to H2O2 employing
because soil properties, climatological conditions, the environment, nearly about 0.28 mg/kg/day with
environmental conditions, and water properties affect intake frequently from leaf crops. Hydrogen peroxide
the overall trace elements concentration in the plant. may enter into the human body through the breathing
In our experiment Manganese content was 77 mg/L. of vapor or mist and the skin or eye contact. H2O2 is
Manganese is similar to Mg in its biochemical function quickly decayed into oxygen and water, this may
and is involved in activating enzyme-catalyzed construct hydroxyl radicals (-OH) that can start lipid
reactions including reductions, phosphorylations, peroxidation and cause DNA damage in the body. But
hydrolysis, and decarboxylations reactions and this plant showed a significant presence of antioxidant
consequently, affects processes such as amino acid properties as observed from all four methods of
synthesis, respiration, lignin biosynthesis, and the antioxidant measurement. The overall results
intensity of hormones in plants [29]. reflected that the plant has significant antioxidant

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Estimation of Physicochemical Properties and Antioxidant Activity of Root Extracts of Physalis minima

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